Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #106 Tue 9/4/12 To Err Is Human, To Forgive Is Sometimes Just Estupido!

Ugh. I never thought I'd say this—I'm the Forgiveness Queen after all—but I just wanted to smack the snot out of the good Padre Honesto last night for his premature entreaty for everybody to forgive “poor widdle Roselena.” In spite of her theatrical “confession”, the woman has no repentance or regret for what she did. Regret for being found out, yes. Regret for what she actually did, no. Roselena is still cloaked in a thick shroud of comforting self-righteousness, believing that she did it all for the Great Love she has for her children. What a crock! And Padre Honesto and that milksop Matilde are totally buying into it. Maximino isn't fooled, and Rodrigo doesn't seem to be either. But everybody else is tiptoeing around it, not wanting to upset poor little Rosie for her self-interested long-standing wickedness. Let's forget all about what she did, and just worry about her tender little feelings and fragile little mental state ! Puke-worthy, if you'll forgive me saying so.

Now that I have that rant out of the way, let's all just calm down and look at what happened last night.

As we begin the new material tonight, Roselena is artfully confessing and self-chastising, while simultaneously excusing herself. I am“la más vil de las mujeres”, she sighs, but quickly notes that she was very young. Not that this justifies my cruelty, she adds, penitently lowering her eyes. Then right back to more self-justification. I had two darling children, a lovely home, a fine financial position in society, a husband I adored, until Aurora appeared. In fact, we were the best of friends until she went after my husband.

Max jumps in and proclaims that he was never unfaithful with Aurora Linares. (And I believe him, not because he's a good guy but because everything indicates that Aurora was a lovely, upright woman who loved her own husband Claudio.)

Roselena continues as if he had never spoken. Everybody knows that Claudio was in jail for defrauding my husband (he's been cleared of that charge Rosie! And even then, you KNEW he was innocent) so when Aurora went into premature labor, I took her to the hospital. Her “salud fue en picada” (her health took a sudden turn for the worse) and a C-section was required. As her state worsened and she felt her life slipping from her hands, she begged me to take her baby and care for her like she was my own daughter. But I was blinded by jealousy. She stole my husband's love from me! That baby was the product of SIN, ADULTERY. So I gave our gardeners money....a lot of money! To take the child away. That baby was the daughter of Aurora and Maximino!

Pato -What a cowardly thing to do!

Roselena -No, it wasn't cowardice. Nor cruelty. It was LOVE. I did it for the love of my children, in spite of what their father did to me.

Now you know everything, she snivels, and starts to leave the room. But Max grabs her, turns her around by force and says no you don't! There's more.

Max -You have a sick mind Roselena! I never betrayed you with Aurora! And what about what you did to Aurora's tomb? No halfway truths now. Tell them the whole story!

Roselena – She resists at first but finally declares, almost with pride, certainly with passion, that Claudio was going to find out the truth when he arranged for Aurora's body to be transferred to the family plot. I had to protect myself! Roselena shouts. So I paid money...a lot of money...to profane an infant's tomb and have its remains put in with Aurora's body.

The camera pans around to the assembled. Jana is weeping. Max looks sour. Rod , kneeling at Pato's feet, is horrified. Pato lowers his head, looking wounded and pensive.

Max – Now the truth is told. There are no more secrets to hide.

Padre Honesto – Rod, Jana, Pato....Come with me to the library. You two also (looking at Max and Roselena). I want to talk to the whole family.

The bedraggled group exits. Matilde is looking upset about her poor little niña. (Gong!) Brigida looks interested and entertained.(Double gong!) Melissa is leaning into Aldo, stunned. Oscar and Connie are clutching each other. Gala has a “whatevah” look on her face as she quietly nibbles some crackers.

In the library, Padre Honesto is talking the party line. Don't judge your mother. Rodrigo, don't take it out on your mom. Jana notes (and rightly so) that what Dear Mom did was horrible. Roselena, looking stricken and noble, asserts that she did it for Love Of You All. Max, doing more placating, affirms that she did it out of her “desmedido amor” (excessive love). Padre Honesto adds that she has suffered for years from deep deep regret and repentance. And that right now they're feeling stunned and overwhelmed, but that eventually each one, in the right time, will be able to forgive. Pato shakes his head and mutters “tanto dolor” (so much pain, suffering). Roselena creeps out.  Leaving everybody else looking wasted, washed out and exhausted.

Meanwhile, our sanctimonious little mama flops down on her bed, hugging a pillow and looking as if she's planning her next nefarious move. Certainly not repentant. Not one whit.

Back in the library, the folks are still putting a spin on events. Max wants the children to not doubt him for a moment. He was never unfaithful with Aurora. And their mother has suffered for what she's done, reminds Padre Honesto. And she loves them profoundly, never doubt that. (Anybody else need a barf bag?) Said children are still shaking their heads, wondering what happened to the mother they thought they grew up with. Max exits, saying that he's going to see her. And enters the bedroom, clapping his hands for her bravura performance. Wow, he chuckles sardonically, your act was so effective you almost convinced me! Roselena is calm, almost insouciant. It wasn't an act, she replies. Confronting my children was the worst in life that I've experienced.. I was so shaken I could hardly stand up. But that's off my shoulders. I'll never be afraid again.

Well, don't think that you'll get forgiveness from your children so easily, snarls Max. They're going to judge severely someone who gives away a newborn. Rosie looks slightly worried. For a brief moment. But not that much. The woman's conscience has a teflon coating, that's for sure.

The children though are already rallying 'round. We have to help mom. It's our duty, our obligation as her children. We need to talk to Dad and come to a decision as a family. Rod makes it clear though that he'll never come to the house again.
Rodrigo – I understand now though why she's been so fanatic about going to church.
Jana – We have to forgive her.
Pato – Before we forgive her, what she needs to do is forgive herself. (Don't worry Pato, she thinks what she did was just fine.)
Jana – Poor mama!
Rod – Poor Luciana, mi Luciana!
Pato – Her poor dad! Claudio Linares.

Well, “poor mama” is now playing out her It's-All-About-Me in the chapel. Arms flung out like a suffering Christ before the portrait of an actual suffering Christ, she prays for illumination of her children so they'll understand that she did it all for them. I loved them soooo much. May they have the strength and serenity to understand I was only doing my duty. I did it for them! I did it for them! All for them, she mutters over and over like an incantation

Speaking of hypocrites, Gala, ready to play the long-suffering, devoted wife, is waiting for Rod. While the others all left to eat elsewhere, she stayed, waiting for HER husband as is her duty. He's not buying it. Undeterred, she smoothly continues that it must be horrible to find out your sainted, devoted mother is not the woman you thought she was. I forbid you to talk badly about her, he snaps. It's none of your business...or Julie's. But it IS, she replies. I'm your wife and Julie is your mother-in-law.

As if this weren't gag-worthy enough, Matilde comes mewling in, begging Rodrigo to go to the chapel and at least say good-bye to his mother, “because more than ever, she NEEDS you.” Rod declines. Let her pray—a lot! And may God forgive her, because I can't.” Gala sails out also, telling Mati to tell Roselena good-bye for her and “hope she's feels better soon”. And wickedly grinning. ( Have no fear, Gala. I'm sure Roselena feels just fine. She's already sailed over one hurdle successfully and is planning her next move. Bet you anything!)

So that's it for Roselena's travails and clever, scripted performance tonight. What else was happening?

Not quite as much drama in Het Het. Luciana is still refusing to go with Claudio to the big bad city. She doesn't want to see Rodrigo or the Torreslanda family. She wants to forget all about Rod, and cleave to her simple little life of making ceramics and living in her old home. But her papa keeps asking for her help. They need to be a strong united family when the time comes for the judge's sentence to be carried out and for Claudio to get half the finances of the company. And Luciana, as his universal heir, needs to be there with him. They walk around for a bit while he continues to try and convince her to support him. And when she returns to the house, Paz and Magda also join in, saying that they believe it's what she needs to do. Claudio even goes out and buys her some citified clothing in case she changes her mind. No decision from Luciana yet, but times a-wasting. The other topic of discussion is Luciana's endlessly recycled guilt for causing pain to Jana, Pato and Rod by revealing their mother's perfidy. Paz points out that sooner or later the truth comes to light and each one must deal with the consequences of their actions. Magda joins in with her typical energy. That woman did the deed, she needs to pay the price. But Luciana is unable to let go of her regret at causing Roselena's children to suffer. (Dare I say it, even the adorable Luciana is getting on my nerves.  I'd say it's "that time of the month" but  I'm waaaay past that business.)

How about the barrio folks? Well, Lorenzo finds out that Violeta and Estellita knew about Luciana's parentage before he did. But no matter. He understands that family is family because of love, not blood. And everybody applauds his insight. Later, they're having a high old time walking around the street market in Xochimilco, admiring all the colorful clothing and crafts (artesanías), and buying huge baskets for the booming “tacos de canasta” business. But alas, our Violeta remains infatuated with Lemonface, creepy Marcial, in spite of Polo's entreaties to consider his courtship of her. What does he have to offer you? he notes. He's remaining with his kids, AND his wife, after all. (Let's give a wee gong to Violeta so she'll wake up and give this adorable young man a chance. And forget Marcial for good!)

And of course, there's always the required light-hearted moment. At the funeral home, where else? Teofilo wants to leave early so he doesn't run into the fantasma. After all, that ghost is so scary, he might get frightened to death. Good! snaps Procopio. We're in desperate need of a “muerto” here. Business has been terrible lately!

While that's going on, Claudio is back in Mexico City, meeting with Norma (sporting some intriguing cleavage) to see how the plans for installing a telephone in Paz and Luciana's house is going. Norma says it should be done by now, she ordered it some time ago. (evidently phone installation service in Mexico is as slow-moving as it is here). And Barrera arrives to ask if Claudio wants him to come along when he meets with Max tomorrow. No indeed. Claudio wants to deal with Max just the two of them. Dumdedumdum!

And the funeral home also figures into our final scene of the night. Pato calls to talk to Luciana, but since folks in HetHet go to bed early, he has to wait and call her the next day at noon. When he does, he tells her how sad and how ashamed he is to know how much his mother harmed her. He hopes that she can forgive him.   She assures him that there is nothing to forive--that she could never be anything but close to him. But she's also worried about Jana. Pato admits that the latter is deeply affected and upset by what she's learned. Luciana tenderly tells him how sorry she is that he is suffering and assures him that whenever he needs her, she will be there for him. Really? whispers Pato, very moved. Yes, Luciana assures him. I would never want anything bad to happen to you.

Pato replies “Just remember, I would give my life for you.”

Luciana looks concerned. The camera lingers on her worried face.

And I'm worried too!

Go ahead, razz me and tell me I'm another Paz, but that sounds like a huge anvil. We know some innocent soul is always sacrificed in these stories. Will Pato, in fact, die defending Luciana? Aaaarrrgh! Sure hope not. (Judy to Self: It's just a story! It's just a story! It's just a story!)

And there we end for tonight.

But wait! There's more.

Previews: Claudio enters the Torreslanda office with Luciana announcing that he is giving his half of the business to her. Back home, Roselena is aghast at the news, warning Gala that now Luciana will be able to see Rod every day. Gala snarls that her mother-in-law better do everything in her power to bring down Linares and  “la domestica esa”! (have a drink on me)

  1. embelequero = con artist, embellisher (Procopio accusing Teofilo of making up the fantasma story)
  2. encerrada en sus santos aposentos = withdrawn into her blessed chamber( highfalutin' way of saying Luciana has probably already retired for the night)
  3. se me fue pasando el tiempo = time got away from me (Estellita explaining why she'd never taken Ofelia to the lovely street market in Xochimilco.
  4. intachable = irreproachable (Gala's snide remark about Roselena)
  5. abnegada = self-sacrificing, selfless (another Gala snide remark about you-know-who)
  6. urracas = magpies (Don Aquiles, dismissing the hyterical newsmongering about the fantasma by the Metiche gals in the pueblo, early scene in the episode)
  7. panteón = mausoleum, cemetery
  8. la vida se le estaba yendo de las manos = life was slipping away from her (Roselena in her carefully crafted tale of her last meeting with the dying Aurora)
  9. ah, no me digas! = yeah, right! (Rodrigo dismissing Gala's posturing as the devoted compassionate wife

Dicho of the Day:

Arbol que crece torcido, nunca su rama endereza. = Lit. You can't straighten out a tree that has grown twisted. Fig. Once a thief always a thief. Or, in Roselena's case, once a villainess, always a villainess.
Don't believe for a minute that she's repented.

Nadie sabe el bien que tiene hasta que lo ve perdido. = No one appreciates a good thing until he finds himself without it. (Missing Luciana much, Rodrigo?)


What an episode! My stomach is still churning. Watching Roselena pull off that confession and still managing to have her children and the good Padre worried about her just makes me ill. The actress playing her is doing a fabulous job but I need me some Pepto-Bismol!


Thank you for the terrific recap. Also, put me in the Amen Corner regarding Rosa and her evil deeds. I cannot believe everyone is so deaf and dumb. Can they not assimilate what that horrible mother told them? If not, there is no hope for any of them starting with Mati.

The only fun tonight was Gagme munching away while the confession was going on. It was like eating popcorn at a horror movie.

I even forgive Max for Vicky, sort of! Who would want to be with that wack job.

Maybe all of the TL children need to live in Het Het for awhile and learn what it means to be loving and caring people.

Rosemary Primera


Fabulous job Judy. ITA on your feelings about forgiving Rosa. What has the Padre been smoking?! He should know better than every one else that Rosa is NOT repentant. Rod saw her true evil face, and at least he's saying he can't forgive her, although he still wants to help her. I hope thety do have that conversation with dad and make the decision as a family to commit Rosa to the manicomio. Of course, they likely won't. Suckers!

Looking forward to Luci in D.F. by CL's side. But our fears are being realized and Julie, Gala, and Rosa are uniting to bring Luci down. This will not end well.

Speaking of...this is not the first time Pato has promised to give his life for Luci and I think it's a real possibility because I never see him getting over this "impossible" love for Luci. Fingers crossed that the writers have a happier end planned for him.

Oh, great title!

Have to say that that bitch has nine lives. She makes a dramatic self serving confession of unspeakable evil and the moronic Padre and slave Mati along with half the kids think forgiveness is the answer. Yes it is but in time not instantly. People need to process and reassess their lives and the picture of who this woman was. Sainted mother I think not.

The scene in the chapel made me wish for that gigantic carved cross Bernarda had with hope that it would suddenly leap off the wall and smack Rosa a good one.

I'm with the suddenly not so Dumbass in saying i'm out of this place and i aint coming back. Pato and Jana are stuck and you can only feel sorry for them.I'd be walking on eggshells or spending as much time out as i could.

Some first class acting all around during the big reveal scene.. My acting teachers always taught us that acting is reacting. A lot of people take that as meaning only between the speakers but in truth it involves everyone in the scene. All the cast were trained on and reacting to what was going on not staring off in to space waiting for their own lines. A really good job by all in what is a novela full of fine performances.

Great work, Judy. My favorite: The woman's conscience has a teflon coating, that's for sure.

Roselena does not deserve anyone's forgiveness. Even Max's, because her rejection of him predates all her evil deeds.

Manicomio. Now!

Judy- wow what a great recap. Loved all the vocabulary and dicho. I'm with you and Rosemary Primera about Rosa. That woman is so unrepentant and is a major whack job. How much you wanna bet she will try to pull something else? It seems to be her m.o. Wow, the kids were quick to forgive her too. But not Rod and I am really glad about that. She hurt him so badly, I don't know how she can live with herself.

Rod the Bod, really liking him now I have to say. Standing up to his loca mama and also Gagme. He he is right, it's none of her bidness or the Champagne Queen's either. I hated that Gagme is eating popcorn, and Rosemary, was right there, like watching a horror movie and the smirk on the Champagne Queen's face. Can't stand them. I am with you there Judy, I have to keep telling myself it is only a story, lol.

I like the family life of Paz and Magda. Such gentle souls. I would love to have Magda go up against that la loca. That would so be worth it. She would give her what for.

I think Max really enjoyed the confession. I think he was worried though, she would spill the frijoles about the fraud he committed, but that didn't happen.

I can see why Pato and Hanna want to forgive la loca, but again I can't see why they would. They really haven't been the target of her nastiness, not like Rod was.

I really wonder what Rod is gonna do now. He has been as hurt as Luci and now that he knows the truth I wonder what his next move will be. I am really glad he won't come to the house. It will take him a very long time to forgive la loca mama, I think.

I think Rosa la Loca's biggest fear is being alone. Sure Max will probably never leave her, but I think if Jana were of age, and Pato could get around better, they would leave. I think this is Rosa's biggest fear, being with out her kids. She acts like she owns them.

I liked the picnic with the people from the hood. They always have such a great time, and I really like how Lorenzo is handling things. He is such a great guy.

The writers have revealed so many of the secrets that it's now time for some new secrets.

Everyone now knows:
-CL is innocent and was framed.
-Luci is a Linares/not the child of Paz and Galdino.
-Rosa gave baby Luci away, and it was because of her jealousy of Aurora.
-Rosa desecrated two tombs to deceive CL.
-Luci was the bar waitress.
-Rosa, Julie and Gala planned the whole waitress reveal/lies to break Rod and Luci up.
-Luci is pregnant with Rod's baby.

Yet to be revealed to all:
-Max is the one who framed CL. (CL and his law team know.)
-Max owns Inferno. (Aldo and Lastra know.)
-Marcial is investigating Inferno undercover. (Vio knows.)
-Max is having an affair with Vicky. (Aldo, Pato and Rod know. And of course Vicky and Nicole.)
-Is Vio's father Don Aquiles? If not, who?

Most of the secrets revealed so far have Rosa at the center. Now it seems it's Max's turn. Plus we need some new secrets to keep this tn going.

Judy, I feel such a sense of relief from your recap b/c I was quite vex at this "easy" forgiveness the Padre and others were demanding. No, don't let the poor kids process the fact that their mother is Satan's handmaiden, just make them say they forgive her NOW. Come on people has no one ever heard that forgiveness is a process. Can't the victims of her great "love" have some time to be angry, confused or just left alone. In short, I'm adding another amen to your rant amiga and saintly Luci could try anyone's nerves ;)

I know she's horrible but Gala's face throughout the confrontation were hilarious. At one point she looked like she was eating popcorn at a sporting event or horror movie as RP said.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, though I know this is a story I'll be overwhelmed if Pato does not live to the end :(


Both Gala and Juli looked like they were enjoying the Rosa show.

But what was this nonsense about having to forgive Rosa? Pato, being the best of all, was the only one to get ot right and ask Luci for her perdon. She and Claudio were most affwcted by Rosa. Everyone should be demanding that Rosa ask for their forgiveness.

Rosa doesn't need their pardon or Jesus's help or anything else except a sjrink, a room in the manicomio, and some better drugs.


Love your recaps, JudyB! What an episode!
Thank you also for the needed vocabulary.

Yes, you and everyone who is complaining are correct, Rosa should apologize to Lucy first and seek her forgiveness, first. The padre in this case doesn’t know Crayola from Crapola. If you sin against someone you must apologize to the person you have harmed and make restitution. She still hates Luciana and still wants to hurt her and now she wants forgiveness from God? It’s ridiculous. You notice she’s not apologizing to Rod for messing up his marriage to Luciana, either.

ITA, I think there is an anvil hanging here somewhere, Judy. But I took Luci’s worried expression as possibly she was realizing Pato loved her more than just a friend.

And Claudio needs his lawyer and a legal team to go with him, not just Luci. Max is a mobster, you’d think Claudio would know that by now.

I took “ah, no me digas!” as “Oh, you don’t say!”


Kelly, that's right on the money.

A year ago I wrote an essay on forgiveness and why it can't be mandated. It's a choice, but there are times when it is completely inappropriate. In this particular case, Roselena would just take it as license to continue her selfish, illegal, dangerous, and malicious actions.

Just as a priest will not grant absolution to a person who does not repent, another person should not grant forgiveness to one who refuses repentance and work at meaningful change.

Always the best from our Judy. Though this epsiode was mainly just reaction to the fallout, it was still edge of your seat, and you retold it brilliantly. Love the vocab this recap--some of those sayings are wonderful.

" I just wanted to smack the snot out of the good Padre Honesto last night". Oh for the love of all that is holy....thank you thank you. I should have felt guilty for wanting to slap a priest silly, but that plea from him was gag-worthy. I get where he would be all about forgiveness, but for cripes sake, those children should have been his first concern, not making it all immediately about Rosa. Is he related to Mati maybe???

Love Rosa's claim it was all for my children. A hug is for your children, being interested in what they do is for your children, cold manipulation is not nor outright hatred when they have the nerve to disagree with you. Again, it is really all about her---she must have been one spoiled child growing up.

Speaking of whom--I apologize to my cat who was calmly sleeping on my lap when I screamed out " Shut up woman!" My thanks to Rod who just wouldn't do it.

So As I thought, Rosa lives to destroy another day. And Gagme, who is doing her best to rival Rosa for crazy evil, will just push her to do something off the charts again. And yep, Judy, I think our beloved Pato is being set up to be the sacrifical lamb in this TN. And it breaks my heart. What's worse, I have a gnawing feeling it will be at the hands, or because of this pseudo parent who everyone thinks should have just been forgiven and never made to pay for her CRIMES. Hope we are wrong.....

Good morning everyone. Last night was wild, wasn't it. Sounds like not one of us reacted calmly---clearly not a ho-hum "filler" episode.

Rosemary Primera - I like your suggestion that the TL children live in HetHet for a while to learn about true family love. They all need to be foster children of Paz, don't they. Ironically, Roselena give away Luciana to Paz and Galdino was a blessing. But convincing poor Claudio that his child had died was clearly not!

Vivi--I'm always grateful for...and astounded by...your fabulous memory. So Pato has promised before to give his life for Luci. Dear me, I'm getting a "mala espina" about this.

Decie Girl - Good insight about the acting skills of the whole cast. Yes, they were playing their parts well and showing a constellation of reactions...not just waiting for their next lines as you noted.

So you're a writer and have had training in acting...no wonder you love these telenovelas.

Urban Anthropologist - Glad you like the teflon quip. I've always been fascinated at how admonishment and justified criticism just roll off Roselena like water off a duck's back. She is clearly closed up in her only little Roselena world and input from the outside never ever gets through.

Madelaine - I loved the picnic with the barrio folks as well. But sometimes I laugh at all these rollicking, happy-go-lucky scenes because, let's face it, poor folks get snotty and irritated with each other also. I understand why the writers are showing us these stark contrasts; it's part of the message that it's love, not wealth and social position that brings happiness. So I'll grant the script that liberty, all the while knowing that it's not always like that.

Karen--the instant forgiveness routine IS disturbing. In our denomination, we call it "Cheap Grace". It simply can't be for real. We humans don't work that way. One can make the Decision to forgive, as a way to release pain and find peace. But to actually FEEL forgiveness takes a long time of processing.

And, according to scripture, God forgives us as we forgive others...and Roselena has clearly not forgiven Aurora for her alleged (not actual) affair, nor Luciana. She meant harm to Aurora and she still means harm to her. daughter.

Kelly - I'm in absolute agreement with you. Roselena should make amends with Luciana. But we know that she won't. She might fake it if she has to. But she will never feel true repentance. Not in her current mind state.

Emarie - Making amends is an important part of reconciliation (which can follow forgiveness). But clearly Roselena's only goal at present is to convince everybody that her actions were motivated by love of family and therefore justifiable. But like you, I think she needs to make amends...Big Ones...and to completely turn her life arond.

Daisynjay - Oh your poor cat! I think she has suffered through many a rough night during telenovela time. She must be getting used to it by now though, no?

Loved your analysis of what is love of family and what is not. Connie gave a nice definition of it in Vivi's episode also. But like all wise advice, Roselena simply ignored it. She refuses to hear anything from Max, Connie or even Padre Honesto. With the latter, she fakes listening, but her own agenda is simply to hide for as long as she can, and justify herself if she is once discovered. She is as separated from other people's hearts and minds as she is separated from God.

Judy, all throughout last night's grinding, depressing, churning events, I kept thinking, how is Judy going to capture this? And the answer was brillantly. As soon as I saw your title, I knew you felt as I (and it appears those who've already commented) do. "Puke-worthy" indeed.

You captured the feel of this perfectly and your insight was on point and greatly appreciated. Forgiveness can only occur when true repentance is felt and expressed. Rosa's greatest crime might have been her confession. Self serving and vitrolic in her defense of her indefensible acts.

"sanctimonious little mama" and “poor mama is now playing out her It's-All-About-Me in the chapel. Arms flung out like a suffering Christ before the portrait of an actual suffering Christ..." were a few of my favorite lines.

Your vocabulary and dichos were exceptional.

Enjoyed all the comments, particulary Karen's "forgiveness is a process" and Anon's "It was like eating popcorn at a horror movie".

ITA with everyone who stated I can't bear the thought of anything happening to Pato. Please! Hasn't he (and we) been through enough?!

Judy, thank you for the marvelous recap.



JudyB, a work of art and snark all the way from the title down to the vocabulary...
btw, i have one to add...
the group at XOchimilco were talking about going to a place to eat 'tacos de pescuezo de pollo' (chicken neck tacos... don't ask, i am feeling sick just thinking about it).

Rosemary, ITA with
The only fun tonight was Gagme munching away while the confession was going on. It was like eating popcorn at a horror movie.
She was definitely having fun at the 'play' that was before her eyes.

JudyB, I almost spit my coffee when you mentioned 'that time of the month'...

I think Rod is really resentful of RosaE, not just for what she had done but how it affected 'my Luciana'... and above all because RosaE told him, with pride in her face, that she would gladly do it again if she had another baby of Aurora's in her arms... YIKES!! tough to forgive and try to save your image of your mother when you see her taking a baby from her best friend only to give it away and lie to her husband...
And she sort of contradicted herself. She said live was beautiful until Aurora appeared, i think it was more like after CLaudio went to jail (Max now had all the money) until she 'found out' (NOT~!!) that Aurora's baby was Max's... or so she thought.

Why is Max acting like he is so holy and clean in front of RosaE and his children? i think he is even worse than her. Force her to tell all but hide your own dirty skeletons... NASTY!!
He was very careful to claim he had not been unfaithful to RosaE WITH AURORA LINARES but he did not generalize 'ever' or 'at all'.

Good morning Diana and Marta--Ah, I see we all reacted passionately to the episode last night. It was intense!

Diana- I like your insight that Roselena's worst crime may have been her self-serving confession. Corrupting a sacramental act that way in order to justify oneself is indeed heinous. As is everything else that Roselena does. I was imagining your reactions last night as well! We're always on the same wave length amiga.

Marta - so "pescuezo de pollo" turns your stomach!? Well, down South where I once lived, we do use every bit of the chicken, including the meat that can be taken off the neck. I'm sure with seasoning and salsa, it's delicious. But sometimes it's better not to know exactly what we're eating!

And yes, Max was doing his holier than thou last night but at least one person, Aldo, knew that if he wasn't adulterous with Aurora, he certainly is with Miss Vicky. And we sure knew, didn't we!

I'm not sure who's worse--Roselena or Max. Sending a man to prison for 20 years for a crime he didn't commit is despicable. And I still shudder at the way he handcuffed Vicky to the bed at the cabin and left her to think that she would die alone there. Do the writers consider either one of these two redeemable? No idea.

I totally agree that the anvils are piling up on Pato... but we all recognize he had it right... the first person to 'appologize' to should be Luciana... and he, the most innocent (along with Jana) of all appologized first, it says MUCH about his character... Oh i wish Luciana had fallen for Pato instead of Rod... they would be SO RIGHT for each other...

And RosaE, i am beginning to think that besides a MAJOR CASE of denyal and self-idolizing, she also has a MAJOR CASE of MENOPAUSAL SYNDROME... she was sweating bullets at that 'confession'...

I hope Rod does the right thing, and fulfills his promise to Luci that he will be there for her from here on out... and he becomes her defender at TL if Luci ends up staying there as the previews say. She needs someone to shield her... I bet Gala and RosaE will make frequent appearances at the offices only to bug her. so he better step forward to shield her and protect their baby.

Does anyone have a feeling we will see the baby steal/switch when we have a time jump? (e.g. like in Entre el Amor y el Odio(healthy baby for sick baby), or like in Esmeralda (boy for girl)). I hope not, but that is typical Telerisa stuff.

JudyB, i have no problem with chicken neck meat, i used to get the chicken neck, take the skin off and eat the meat when my mom would make homemade chicken soup. what i have trouble picturing is the killing of the chicken and the raw neck meat someone has to pick out by hand to get enough meat for tacos... yes i totally agree that chicken meat, regardless of where it is (i like gizzards too) is great.

btw, don't ask what 'morcillas' (sometimes referred to as blood sausage) is...

The thing also is that Roselena still maintains her delusion that Max is Luci's father and that there was an affair in the first place.

Aurora did nothing to gain the admiration of Max; she merely existed. She loved her husband in the way that Max wished Roselena loved him. With trust and confidence and without possessiveness. There is nothing for Roselena to forgive with her because there was no wrongdoing on Aurora's part.

There is something else that Roselena doesn't know: El corazón no se manda. You cannot make someone love you because you have no control over other people's feelings. She does her best to manipulate the feelings of others with guilt trips and lies. She caused Rodrigo to reject Luci and enter a fit of anger that caused him to make the worst decision of his life. She deserves all the wrath he can dish out over this.

If we look at this from a civil and legal perspective, Max is the bigger criminal but only because he did something that man's law can punish. However, if we look at this from a moral perspective, Roselena is worse. She has worked at warping her children all their lives and while she failed up until episode 1, what she is doing now could lead them all to self-destruction. Max stole 20 years of an adult's life while Roselena stole the birthright of an infant.


What could seriously blow her mind to smithereens is if Luci would actually thank her for giving her loving parents like Paz and Galindo. Surely she was far better off than being raised by Rosa la Loca.

I won't Marta. Actually, if we ever visited slaughterhouses or saw the way animals are abused during factory farming, we would never eat the flesh of any animal ever!

Oh and Emarie--yes, "oh you don't say" is a good translation for "ay, no me digas". I simply gave the sarcastic version of Rod's reply.

Very sensitive analysis, Urban. Thanks for pointing out the crimes that are punishable by man's law, and the moral crimes which are to be judged by God's law. Indeed there is a difference. And yes, Roselena still clings to her delusion that Max was unfaithful with Aurora. It's part of the structure of her self-justification so she can't let it go.

Alas, in marriage we often feel we are entitled to everything we want, including the devotion of our spouse. Life doesn't work that way.

Oooh Marta..Roselena..Menopausal syndrome!? No idea. But I'm shuddering at your suggestion of a baby switch. I ABSOLUTELY LOATHE these stories of switching babies. Please writers, no no no!

Sorry, but I do not think that Rosa the Horror Show needs to go to a manicomio, she needs to go directly to a prison for the criminally insane. A private manicomio would be too good for her. She could continue to live in comfort and enjoy the good life while not repenting.

There was a huge anvil alert for me last night. When Rosa said that she was not sorry and would do it again. Since Luci's baby is Aurora's grandchild, I could see her justifying taking that newborn and giving it away just as she did with Luci. Please dear writers, please don't go there!

We know that Connie and Rosa are sisters, so why doesn't Mati feel the same for Connie as she does for Rosa?


Are there prisons for the criminally insane in Mexico? In truth, my only knowledge of the Mexican penal system is from telenovelas...so clearly not reliable. But I understand your wish to punish rather than coddle Rosalena, RP. I think even the most merciful among us are feeling that way right now.

My fears for Luciana's baby are the same as yours.

And your question about Mati's feelings towards Connie and Rosa is an interesting one. I would say she doesn't feel the same need to coddle and protect Connie because Connie is a perfectly capable grownup, happy with life and who she is. Roselena is suffering, albeit from her own delusions and cruel acts, and that appeals to Mati's co-dependant, rescuer side. (and this is the pot calling the kettle black because I certainly have a rip-roaring co-dependant side myself) but I devoutly hope I wouldn't enable someone like Roselena.

Judy--yes, I have created a new medical issue for cats called "Telenova Syndrome". Nervous expectation as soon as the Spanish theme music plays. Whenever they ramp up the music during big moments, even if she's sleeping, she starts to twitch, poor love. I should have noted that I yelled out during Mati's plea to Rod.

Marta---I have to admit to being someone who loves chicken necks. Have since I was a little girl. My mother knew she had to put that in the roasting pan along with the chicken for me. The meat is actually quite tender and succulent if made right. Same on turkey necks, though not as tender. not sure how they make a taco out of that--the bones are too firm and sharp even on a small bird and you couldn't eat them ( like squab). My guess is they are steaming or roasting and then pulling the meat off.

Count me in on those echo enjoy chicken neck meat. Delicious and tender. But I also don't know how they pick enough meat off to make tacos. Too many little bones between the meat.

Great discussion today! Now back to work.

Great recap thanks. I love this novela,the music is wonderful, the art-work in the Torreslanda home is a joy to see. I appreciate the scripts, wardrobe and acting (loved, loved, loved Julie & Gala's expressions during the "confession"), the subtle messages and themes, even the side stories are interesting (unlike other novelas), but most of all the discussions here are so, so remarkable and educational. Thanks to all.


One other thing stuck me last night. Rosa twice referred to paying people "a lota money" to help her cover her criminal behavior. I also remember her pulling out the old check book to pay off Julie and Gagme. So money is behind a lot of her evil doings. She and Max accused Claudio of fraud to get his money to help their evil deeds. They sure are two peas in a pod when it comes to money.

I need to get some things done today so I need to quit obsessing about this TN. I keep telling myself it is not real.


Ah, Judy, dear Judy. I hadn't even gotten through your first paragraph when I was wanting to hold your hand and cool your fevered brow with a dainty hankie moistened with witch hazel. That and a big ole slug of Pepto!

What an episode. Makes one grateful for the commercial breaks. (and the mute button)

If Luci wants to do good with her newfound wealth, she could set up a foundation to educate young people. Name it the Aurora Linares Schools of Technology, Music, Auto Repair, etc. Plaster Aurora's face on billboards, flyers, mailers, chocolate bar wrappers.... Let Rosa just try to get away from Aurora!
Perhaps I'm also suffering from Telenovela Syndrome. Thanks for that one, Daisy.

And thanks for the stellar recap, Judy.

Diana you so eloquently explained how Rosa's confession was bogus and why many of us feel she needs to be punished and truly repent. She has no remorse for what she has done and if the Padre didn't see that he's blind.

Emilia-loved your idea for billboards, chocolate wrappers, etc to plaster Aurora Linares all over so la loca can't forget her. Perfect idea, lol.

Yola - good to hear from you. And all of us here are glad you're enjoying the discussions we hold. That's really what we're trying to create here, a friendly, safe place where we can explore our own ideas over relationships, ethics, morality etc. These stories really touch on a lot of crucial themes.

Emilia..hah! witch hazel...you're bringing back my childhood and adolescence now when witch hazel was a common treatment. Don't miss those days at all.

Like Mads, I love the idea of Aurora being all over billboards, chocolate wrappers etc. Guaranteed to drive Roselena even crazier than she already is.

Rosa apologize to Luci definitely the correct thing to do however if she does we will know either hell has frozen over or the Mayan End of Days prophecy is real.

Rosa apologizes to no one - ever. Even with her heart rending - NOT confession she never once apologized. Instead she justified, it was because of the phantom affair, (note she had no problem throwing Max under the bus for that one), for the undying eternal, overwhelming love of her children but sorry - nope. I'd do it again. Bitch.

I'm really looking forward to Luci taking an office in the TL company and predictably the blonde witches going ballistic. However there really isn't much they can do about it. Her father is owner of half the business and Luci has plenty of defenders in the company. Gagme and Rosa can rant and rave at Max and Rod until doomsday and it won't work. I'm pretty sure that the witches will try and make her life hell by resorting to the type of snotty jr. high tricks that girls do and men never get but i don't see it getting violent.

I too fear the baby switch/lost baby/give away baby cliche because somehow I don't see Gagme's pregnancy going to tern. She's swilling down wine, throwing hysterical tantrums and raging like a maniac which can't be good for her health.

Anvils are definitely hovering, Decie Girl, and bringing Luciana into the office and into Mexico City, does put her more easily in the range of Gala and Roselena's malfeasance. Part of me is just wishing that she'd stay in San Francisco el Alto but then we wouldn't have the intense drama that this telenovelas require. Buckle your seat belts everybody. I have a feeling life is going to get turbulent again.

I too loathe the baby switch idea, but the fact of these two babies, fathered by the major galan and arguing which would be the main heir, is too integral a part of the story line. Something is bound to happen we won't like. And I agree with you Decie, I think the problem will really come from Gagme not going full term. Could not believe her standing there drinking the wine last night. Not that anyone was noticing her, but what a clueless witch. Guess she really doesn't care about the health of her child, she just needs one for the inheritance and to keep Rod hooked.

Now that the gang knows the truth about what Rosa did to Claudio, Max will be hard=pressed to make too much of an issue refusing Claudio his place in the company, and certainly Luci's.
Rock meet hard place. He has to tread carefully no matter what he does since Rosa knows what he did with the embezzlement, and she can blow the lid off his sainted image with the kids like he did to her.And I'm betting she will be the one to do it at some point.

Decie Girl- I actually would not put violence past Julie, Gala and Rosa. They tried the mean girl routine already, which lead to the break-up/divorce. In fact, Gala's malice towards Luci escalated over time, starting first with bitchy comments and humiliations done in private, to physically attacking her to take away the b-day gifts from Rod, to engineering the public and private humiliations of the magazine article and accusations by Lastra. Moving up to trying to end Luci's pregnancy (if not maybe her life) does not seem out of the realm of possibility to me.

Thank you JudyB---I needed your recap today big time.

Vivi---Thanks again for the Mexican pottery info a little while back and thanks for the revealed and yet to be revealed--it's very helpful.

Emarie---Yes Claudio should have his legal team with him when he confronts Max. He will need all the help he can get.

Anyone want to have dinner at the Torreslanda residence? Caray,Caray people are invited but you will have to enter either through the side or back door.
the gringo

Affected and Shrink. Shouldn't type on a phone.

Forgot to complement Judy on an excellent recap. Sounds like everyone was thinking or yelling similar things, even if we didn't wake the cat.

So are we going to have a baby switch, a la La Rosa y La Espada (Zorro)? At least now they have dna tests to help out. But this is why Luci is better off in Het Het far away from Gala and Rosa. No way are those two going to venture out to someplace so hick like Het Het. San Francisco something. I'm forgetting the real name of the place.

Or maybe they will go and the phantasma will get them! One can hope.


Yes, Kelly, a change-your-underwear meeting of the fantasma and Gala/Juli/Rosa would be worth the price of admission.

Hello Gringo, hello again Vivi, Daisynjay, Kelly and Emilia. Love all the ideas swirling around in your heads--and relieved--somewhat--to know I'm not the only one fearing for harm to the baby. Guess misery loves company.

No way would I want to have dinner at the Torreslanda mansion, Gringo..regardless of the doors I entered. But every time I see what Paz and Magda are cooking up, I get hungry.

Emilia - A change-yourr-underwear meeting of the fantasmas and Gala/Juli/Rosa !...I'm thinking those three are soooo evil they'd be the ones to terrify the ghost--not vice versa.


Thank you for a perfect recap. Your work continues to inspire me to do my best when contributing to our Caray Caray community.

I usually just pop over here to read my friends' recaps but last night I caught the episode. Wow! Thank you for sharing your wonderful writing skills and for making this a safe place to discuss life's more difficult dilemmas.

On forgiveness, I am interested in reading your essay, Urban Anthropologist. It sounds very interesting.

There are many good reasons to forgive—most of them have to do with the person doing the forgiving. It takes an enormous amount of energy to uphold anger and rage. In a vengeful emotional space a person could think about the 'wrong' done to them 100 times a day. After a time, the angry person becomes defined by their position of hate, and, essentially, once again, they are draining their own life force. And hating doesn't HURT the offender!

Rosalena does not deserve forgiveness, certainly not. Few of us do. Rosa is not sorry and would repeat her actions. If her children choose to forgive her it will be for their own reasons and peace of mind—not because she was in any way justified in her behavior.

ITA with all who think slippery Max is in for a comeuppance.

Thanks again, Judy, for a wonderful recap. This is as good as it gets.



If anyone is up for two weekend discussions this week, I'll post it Friday. It's too long to post in an episode comment and I don't like breaking these up. I have added to it since I wrote it back during TdA and I am still revising it.

It's so important a subject that I think it deserves its own discussion. In the meantime everyone try to think of other novela villains who do not deserve forgiveness.

Thanks JB for a most sad recap of RE's confession. I was holding on to my chair and noone dared to disturb me not even my cat. First of all, Does RE know that Max was behind CL's imprisonment due to "his jealousy of Aurora's love for Cl?" If so, why didn't she accuse him too of this crime as she confessed/accused Aurora and Max of an affair? Knowing that she blames everybody but herself. As for the forgiveness part of the children, this reminds me of young children who are abused by their parents who readily cover for them and always defend them to anybody that would say anything bad about their erring parents. And I noticed that there was nobody mentioning Luciana and what needs to be done to repair the damage done to her and her father. Now about the Connie/RE/Mati relationship, I know this is way too far off, what if Mati is RE's real mom (la domestica!)but that is another whole new TN. To go back to Rosalena, Max's crime is not exposed due to his payment to that guy Campos who did not reveal him as the mastermind, so the court trial was only regarding CL's innocence.But RE's 2 crimes, Giving the baby away and grave desecration, aren't these 2 punishable by law? Couldn't anybody tell the police and have her arrested so she can at least be punished instead of just verbal forgiveness? Wouldn't this be an act of cover-up or being accomplice to a crime? And one last thing, I too am irritated with Luciana's stubborness. I want her to be like a Teresa, and this time fight for her right!!!!


Love everyone's comments.
Rosa knows what Maxdid to CL. and, Max was very very worried that she was going to slip up and confess his sins, too, judging by his fearful expression and he sort of put his hand up like to stop her.

Vida2- Yes, Rosa could go to jail for her crimes, but Luci has prevented CL from pressing charges (to prevent harming the CL kids). No one in the family seems willing to turn Rosa into the police, so she is safe from jail.

See my list above about the secrets yet to be revealed. Yes, all of Rosa's have been revealed. Most of Max's have yet to be revealed. We can't reveal all yet, otherwise there would be no more drama left over for all the episodes we have left.

Another issue with reporting Rosa's crime is that it would involve Paz. Paz is just as guilty legally of baby-trafficking/baby-napping. She could end up in jail too if Rosa is thrown in jail.

Wonderful, thoughtful comments everyone.

EJ - Thanks for coming over and adding the depth of your counseling experience to the forgiveness discussion. "It takes an enormous amount of energy to uphold anger and rage." That is a sentence I'm going to write in a journal my friend. One of the best reasons to practice forgiveness...for the Peace of the Forgiver, not the Forgiven.

UA - I'll be interested to hear what you have to say this weekend also.

Vida2 - I never thought that Matilde might be Roselena's real mom, but anything's possible in these TN's. We sure don't know much about Rose's background, other than the hard-to-believe story of Max that she was a fun-loving girl back then.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this discussion of morality and ethics plus legal and emotional punishment issues...you all have really enriched this line with your thoughtfulness.

If Mati is Roselena's birth mother that would certainly explain why she cuts her this much slack.

Now that would be a revelation to relish. I'd open champagne over that.

Okay UA...bottoms up! But I hope Matilde is not her mother, simply because I hate the dismissive way Roselena talks to her. But--could be, could be....

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