Monday, September 10, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #110 Mon 9/10/12 Vio’s Looking for a Sugar Daddy; Vicky’s Trying to Lose a Sugar Daddy, but Gains a Dangerous Enemy in Rosa; Luci and Rod Refuse to Board the Forgiveness Train

Luciana has once again had the unfortunate timing of encountering Roselena while trying to seek out Padre Honesto. She should realize by now that 90% of the good Padre’s time is spent (unwillingly) listening to Rosa’s crazy rants.  The Padre, eager to use that 10% of Rosa-free time, immediately leaves them alone when Rosa says she and Luci have a pending conversation. He really couldn’t get out of there fast enough!

Rosa offers Luci a chair, but Luci wisely chooses to remain standing and clutching her bag. (Good thinking Luci. Easier to fight and take flight that way.) Rosa’s back in Stepford Wife mode, and starts weaving her tale about her only sin being protecting her family and keeping them united. She knows that for Luci, she must seem the worst woman in the world, but she swears before God, Christ, and the Padre’s large cross, in a Church no less, that she’s repentant! (Where is that bolt of lightning when it’s needed?) Luci’s not falling for it for a second. She holds her head high, looks at Rosa and then the cross and says: “Well, then let Him (God) forgive you, because I can’t.”  Woohooo!!!!!

DimRod is still being conned by Gala, who is still pretending to be feverish and in pain as he brings her water to drink. He’ll stay a while to keep her company, but when he returns to work he wants her to call him at any time, for anything she might need. (Score for Gala, who just a few hours earlier was being told to quit bugging him at work and thrown out of his office.) Rod then carefully tucks her in. Gala’s starting to realize that playing the helpless damsel is WAY more effective than playing the harpy shrew. Who knew?!!  She calls Fernanda to report she has just hit the jackpot in her plans to control Rod and keep him from dumping her bitchy self.

Back in Padre’s office, Rosa has the nerve to try to guilt Luci into forgiving her! She tells Luci not to pretend she’s someone she’s not. Rosa knows Lici has a generous heart, since she’s the one who asked CL not to have her thrown in jail.
L: I’m not generous. I don’t want your children to suffer. There has already been enough suffering with mine and my father’s, don’t you think?
R: That is generosity, Luciana. And for that I have to be grateful to you. That’s all I wanted to say.
Rosa, in long-suffering pious mode, approaches Padre’s cross, touches it, and then makes the sign of the cross. For some reason, the cross does not go up in flames at her touch. She leaves and Luci takes a deep breath and sheds a few tears of frustration, and possibly relief at having this first confrontation with Rosa done with.

At the Taco Corner, Aldo is visiting Lorenzo and Fabian and commenting on their large clientele of pretty maids. Lorenzo has been investigating possible locales for their taqueria. Considering the large sum of money (billetote) it would cost, Lor isn’t so sure about Aldo investing, or them moving so quickly to set up a shop. In fact, Lorenzo thinks they’re perfectly fine staying where they are for now—the perks being the cute clientele who have even invited him out that weekend. Fabian reminds the other two that he was invited by the maids too!

At Salon Nicole, Vicky texts back and forth with her Osito—he wants to meet her in half an hour. Nicole nixes that plan because they have an important client coming in an hour. Vicky says no worries. She is NOT jumping this time when her Osito calls. If he doesn’t want her to pressure him; then she doesn’t want him to pressure her. She looks calm and decided as she says this.

Luci and CL are having a father-daughter chat as he drives. She has indeed started to feel guilty about not accepting Rosa’s lame apology. CL puts a stop to those thoughts. It’s natural that Luci wouldn’t be able to forgive her—perhaps with time. It’s too soon, and the damage Rosa did to Luci was great. (CL has been listening in on Viewerville’s conversations on forgiveness.)  Luci wants to go stay at Vio’s place, but CL reminds her she has a hotel room waiting. Luci then wants to have Vio stay in the hotel with her, but Vio’s night job might make that difficult. She doesn’t like that Vio, Serena, and Ofelia are working in Inferno.  CL tells her to give him a few days to see where they can employ them in the business. Yay!

Pato is napping when Hannah pops into his room. She reports that Luci passed her exam with flying colors. Yay! Neither of them doubted it, since Luci is so smart and clever (lista). Pato smiles as he tells Hannah how Luci was dying of nerves at the office and so insecure of herself. Hannah knows this situation has been painful for everyone, but she’s actually really happy about having Luci back and with them. Hannah wants to be the one to tell Luci about her exam results, in the company of Melissa. She tells Pato the reason why Melissa had been avoiding them and the house like the plague. Pato says he would have done the same thing. Melissa (like he) has very clear values. Hannah calls Melissa, who is studying hard for her thesis exam next week. In fact, she plans on visiting CL at the TL offices tomorrow to confer with him before the exam. Hannah teases her about this. After they hang up, Hannah spills the beans to Pato about Melissa being in love with CL. Ruh-roh!

CL and Luci arrive at Estelita’s. Marianita wants a full update on Ariche. Luci says he’s doing well, but isn’t as good in school as Marianita. Marianita wants to know if he remembers her, and Luci tells her he always asks about her. Vio arrives and Luci invites her to stay with her in the hotel. Vio jumps at the chance for a slumber party in a fancy hotel and says she’ll blow off work that night. Yay!

Aldo is practically licking his fingers and sopping up the last bits of the delicious dinner Vicky has made for him and her dad. Don Jero thanks Aldo for listening to him and no longer taking his daughter out to places and keeping her out late at night. Aldo and Vicky share a secret smile, since they both know the main one who has kept Vicky out at all hours is el Jefe Maximino.  Jero has noticed that Vicky has seemed more tranquil lately. Aldo agrees with old fashioned Jero that a girl like Vicky should only go from her home to work, and straight from work to home. Jero excuses himself to his room, and Vicky and Aldo immediately begin conspiratorial whispers about Osito. Vicky boasts about not heeding Max’s text to meet him. Aldo can’t believe that she just didn’t show up and is proud of her. Her phone immediately registers an angry text. “I want an explanation of why you left me waiting!” Vicky boldly picks up the phone, calls Max back, and tells him she was oh so busy—too busy to come meet him. Max doesn’t care, and doesn’t give a darn that she might have lost her job had she left.
V: You might not care because you have a pool (alberca) FULL of money. But I do have to work to support myself. And anyway, YOU’VE been very busy with lots of work. It’s better that you stay at work, tranquilly, without worries. Adios, ciao, sayonara!  (LOL, a nod to the actress’s half Japanese heritage.)
Aldo is surprised and impressed by Vicky’s audacity…or maybe it’s stupidity? She says she’s tired of Max treating her badly.

Vio is blown away by Luci’s swanky hotel suite. She marvels at how one’s life can change overnight.  She tells Luci not to be stupid and to enjoy the opportunities that life is giving her.  Amen!
V: You don’t know what I would give to change my life. I’m so tired of El Inferno. I no longer believe in love, Luciana. I’ve decided that I’m going to give an opportunity to the first old rich man who approaches me. (Ruh-roh!!!)
L: No Vio! Don’t say that! Love is beautiful. Even if at times it only lasts a short while.
V: Yeah. But it’s horrible to suffer. I’ve realized that I wasn’t born to love anyone.

In the office, Rod is having a private conversation with Gabriel and Marcos, and contradicting his dad’s orders to the execs to NOT work with the Linares. Rod tells them to stick with the plan to be an obstacle to CL, but to help Luci in anything she needs. “She’s expecting my child, and I want all of us to take care of her.”  Marco’s phone rings and it’s Fernanda helping her amiga Gala in her trap-Rod-by-pretending-to-be-ailing plan. She lays it on thick about being with Gala to take care of her. We see Gala and Valentina in the background—Gala in on the couch wrapped in a blanket. Farnanda thinks they should all have dinner together at Rod and Gala’s place. Rod shares his worries with the guys about all the arguments with Gala being bad for her and the baby’s health. “I not only have to put up with her (aguantarla), I have to care for her (cuidarla).” Meanwhile, Valentina has put her truth cap back on and is scolding Gala for playing with her health in order to hang on to Rod. Gala’s just happy that the baby is good for something.

CL and Barerra pack up CL’s office belongings to take to his new office at TL HQ. CL is leaving his current offices in Barrera’s care, as reward for his loyalty. Barrera gives him a grateful hug. Melissa arrives to invite CL for dinner. Barrera smiles knowingly, but CL is still clueless and accepts the invitation.

Out in a nice restaurant, Oscar finally has time to resume wooing Connie. He calls her a sweet drug that he can’t live without. They get to smooching, but then get a major mood killer when Melissa’s voice calls out, Mama! CL greets them both, and Connie invites the two to dine with them. Awkward!!

At the Penthouse of Pain (in the Ass), Gala is wandering about being supported by her two ladies in waiting, and commenting, loud enough for Rod to hear, about not being able to take it easy and watch her health, since she is such an important executive. Fernanda pulls Rod into the discussion and steers him into saying that Gala’s health is the most important thing, and the health of the baby. Gala fakes a motherly smile and says, of course the health of her baby is the most important for her. Valentina’s b.s. meter has reached its limit, and she willingly ejects herself this time. She tells Gabriel that she wants to go, NOW! Fernanda decides she and Marcos should leave too. Rod sits back silently with his drink, probably counting the minutes till he can retreat to his bed on the couch, and not have to look at Gala any more.

In Het Het, Don Aquiles and Procopio make the final arrangements for Copio to manage Aquiles’ biz while he’s away. Copio wishes him luck in D.F and that he brings back his novia. Aquiles has lascivious thoughts about his mamacita diablita.

Back at the D.F restaurant, the most awkward couples’ dinner continues. Ever gracious, Connie makes a toast to her daughter’s academic success.  Oscar has taken on the role of suspicious papa tonight, and says he supposes that Melissa has a really good thesis (implying, given the large amount of time CL has given it). CL is clueless about the insinuation, as usual, and waxes poetic about how passionate he was about Melissa’s thesis topic as soon as she first told him about it. Oscar says Melissa has always been passionate…about human rights. CL continues the praise of Melissa and says he was grateful/flattered that she asked him to be her thesis advisor. They separated their personal family issues from their collaboration, and worked quite well (agusto) together. Connie subtly puts her hand on Oscar’s hand to calm him. She says that Rosa is a bit more tranquil now, but still resistant to the idea of CL and Luci being TL business partners. Melissa is sure that Luci will be a business mogul in no time and shares with everyone that Luci passed her exams with great scores (calaficaciones). CL thanks Melissa and Hannah for treating Luci with such care and kindness.  He remembers when he first met Hannah at the talk Melissa gave. He thought to himself that she is around the age his daughter would have been. Melissa smiles and twinkles at CL; Oscar looks suspicious; and Connie looks worried. CL is clueless.

Mati’s at it again. She’s feeding Pato dinner and trying to convince him (and herself) that now that Rosa has this great weight off her shoulders, she’ll start acting like a normal human being. Pato says he’s not judging her, but he wants to know why Mati kept this huge secret for his mama. Mati sighs heavily and says she loves Rosa like the daughter she never had.
M: She was always a little girl, an adolescent, who was well mannered (educada), pleasant (amable), simple/unaffected (sencilla), nice (simpática), and above all, loving (amorosa). She became my adoration. My day was made happy by just seeing her.  I shared her joys, her sadness.
Pato: She confided in you?
M: Yes. I was her confidant. I knew absolutely everything that was happening in her life. I knew her so well that she didn’t even have to tell me. I could guess (devinar) her thoughts; I knew what was happening to her. I still remember when she met your father—she came back to the house happy, with a huge smile on her face.
P: How I wish that my mama was the loving woman that you knew.
M: Mi niño, your mother’s problem is that she wants to be perfect—for you all. For this reason, she avoids appearing fragile/weak in front of you all. Because she wants to be your strength. But she’s a good woman. The affection between us is very special. I will always, come what may and no matter what she does, be at her side.
Both Pato and Mati are crying, but I’m NOT convinced. In fact, I am disgusted! Next scene please!

Down the hall in her bedroom, the supposedly pleasant, nice, loving, good woman that Mati described is on the phone with her co-suegra Julie, plotting the downfall of the truly pleasant, nice, loving, good Luciana. She has of course given thought to Luci’s baby being a boy and the first TL heir, since her life revolves around (girar) her kids, unlike Julie, whose life revolves around shopping, champagne and Italian men!  Julie says she can count on her…for whatever is needed.

In the Penthouse of Pent-up Frustration,  Rod is getting ready for bed, by removing his pillow and blanket from the bedroom to take to the living room (why he just doesn’t leave them out in the living room is a mystery), as Gala continues her new kinder, gentler approach. She says she feels bad about their argument in the office; she catches herself before she says domestica; she wonders why Luci needs to be in the office. She thinks Luci is trying to trap him, and reminds Rod that she’s his wife (how could he forget). This and his indifference exasperates/infuriates her (desesperar). Rod reminds her once again about the terms of their marriage of convenience, and that each promised to let the other live their life. He also doesn’t want to argue, for the sake of the baby, and to avoid their relationship getting any worse than it already is. He heads to the living room.  Surprisingly, Gala doesn’t throw anything, call him estupido, or says that she hates him. But we know she was thinking it.

Aldo and Vicky, the most wholesome unwholesome couple ever, continue their chaste date by playing cards at the dining table. Her phone rings again. Max’s anger and impatience is growing. First she won’t leave him in peace, and now she won’t answer his calls! He asks her what the heck is up, via text. She needs to talk to him. She WILL listen to him! Vicky and Aldo have a good chuckle over his text. Aldo says he respects her for finally making this decision to end things with Osito, but he wonders if she’s no longer afraid. Nope, not anymore. She’s going to let Max suffer a little! They continue to play cards.

In the hotel, Luci thinks back to her confrontation with Gala in the office, and wonders how Mushashon could be with a person like that.  He’s just repeating the pattern he grew up with Luci…

In their cold marital bedroom, Max and Rosa wrap up their bedtime rituals. Max goes into the dressing/bath room, while Rosa climbs into bed. Her pill-induced rest is disturbed by the buzz of Max’s cell phone receiving a text. She calls to Max, but he tells her to leave his cell phone and not touch it. This, of course, has the opposite effect and Rosa picks up the darn thing when it continues to sound. She is wide-eyed impactada when she reads the message. “We’ll talk tomorrow Ositio. Kisses.”  She throws the phone on the bed, and considers confronting Max, but thinks better of it and instead puts the phone back in place and crawls into bed with a murderous look on her face. Uh oh!

The next morning, Max is back in the bathroom, and the murderous look is still in Rosa’s eyes. She removes the phone from Max’s jacket pocket and reads the latest text. “Osito my love…I want to see you to talk. I love you…Look for me…V.”  This is the last straw for Rosa. When Max comes out ready to start his busy day at work, Rosa shoves the phone in his face and calls him OSITO!!! His lover is anxious to see him and wants him to come look for her!
R: How long have you been unfaithful to me, asshole?!!  How long?!!!
M: Don’t ask me what you don’t want to hear, Roselena.
R: Hypocrite! Jerk/asshole! (best meaning of maldito in this context) How long have you been sharing your life with a slut (golfa)? How long?!
M: It’s very easy to guess (adivinar) Roselena. Just since YOU decided to stop sharing your life with me.
Rosa has no immediate response to this zinger.

Downstairs, Connie and Aldo are having a rather peaceful breakfast. Aldo is concerned about how all that’s been happening has affected the family. He’s realized what a piece of work (gruesa/o, which literally means gross/grisly) his Tia Rosa is, and Tio Max is harder to deal with (bien cañón) than ever.  Aldo says he wouldn’t be surprised if his uncle had a chippie (pollita) on the side, to help alleviate the stress of living with Rosa. Connie gets mad and tells him to be careful with what he says. She will not have him slandering her sis and brother-in-law in such a way. His silly comments have shown her that the education and manners she tried to teach him have not stuck. “You don’t even have the moral authority to judge anyone! Is that clear?! Shut up, sit up, and don’t eat with your hands, for God’s sake!” Aldo apologizes, obeys, and continues to eat his pancakes covered with two gallons of dulce de leche.

Upstairs, Rosa has recovered enough to continue berating Max. She tells him not to use her as a pretext for his sinful actions. He points out that it’s been YEARS since she let him touch her, and she instead prefers to play a saint, or mystic, or whatever. “It’s easy for you to remain untouched, but not for me! I wasn’t born to be celibate.” He grabs his phone and heads for the door, but Rosa starts screeching about what he’s going to say their kids when she tells them he has a lover, and grabs him and pounds his chest.
M: I don’t know. The best way to find out is to tell them. Talk to them Roselena. Tell them I had to go looking for the arms of another woman, because my admirable wife has refused to be my mate since Hannah was born.
Max coolly leaves the room, and Rosa starts cursing him and flinging their framed picture and other innocent bureau top objects around. “Who do you think you are to treat me like this?!! Who do you think you are to disrespect me?!! I HATE YOU!”

At the high school, Hannah excitedly tells Boris and Lula about Luci being back and wanting to go to the vecinidad to bring her the test results. Lula (aka, Gala in training), doesn’t get why Hannah is so eager to hang with Luci, and points out that she was a ‘chacha. Hannah points out that she was also her sister-in-law, and she’s proud of that fact. Even though now Luci is as rich as the TLs, she is sure she’s still the same simple/unassuming girl. Boris wants to know what Hannah is talking about; how is it that Luci is rich? Hannahs shuts his questions down. She does tell them that Luci is CL’s daughter and heir.

At the hotel, Luci is ready for work, but Vio is still in her jammies having breakfast in bed. She says she was born to be treated like a queen! (Are we starting to see some Don Aquiles genes showing?) Luci tells her CL’s plan to find her, Serena and Ofelia jobs at the company. Vio says thanks, but no thanks. She wasn’t born to be cooped up in an office all day. Plus, all she knows how to do is sing and serve tables. She wants her freedom. Luci doesn’t understand, since just yesterday she was telling her she doesn’t want to work at Inferno anymore. Vio explains her plan—she’s going to find an old, rich sugar daddy to take care of her! Luci looks like she can’t believe her ears. Neither can we Luci!

In Het Het, Aquiles rolls out with his suitcase after telling Copio he’s going to hell (El Inferno), and then on to heaven (la gloria)! Copio is left scratching his head over that one.

In Casa TL, Rosa sits alone at her big dining table, stirring her tea, with only Frigida for company. Frigida doesn’t know where Mati is, since she comes and goes like she’s the patrona. Rosa’s got that scary dead-eyed look. I am sure she’ll find a way to blame Aurora, Luci and CL for Max’s affair.

In the Penthouse of Perdition, Rod is about to make his escape to work, when there’s a knock on the door. It’s Nana Matilde! She left the house without his mother knowing, and they both know how she’ll get if she goes looking for Mati and can’t find her. Rod doesn’t think Mati should be afraid of his mother, as she shouldn’t have the nerve to scold anybody else about their actions. Mati has come to ask Rod to not hold a grudge/rancor against his mother. (Excuse me for a second while I go punch a pillow, since Mati is not a real person and not available for me to take my frustration out on.) It will only hurt Rod, she says. Rod says he can’t promise that. What his mother did is unspeakable.
M: I know that it was terrible what my niña Rosa did, but I can also tell you that from that day on she never found peace for her soul.
R: No Nana. Nothing excuses what she did. I know I’m no one to judge her, but I can’t see her with the same eyes (as I once did). Never again. For me, that mother who was good and selfless (abnegada) doesn’t exist anymore. Sorry Nana, but I can’t forgive her. I don’t ever want to return to the house.
Woohooo!!! Stick to your guns Rod!

Avances:  Max tells Rod Luci’s the only thing keeping his mama from being thrown in jail, and it’s all destiny. Someone has sent Luci a huge arrangement of flowers. Julie comes up with an idea…we know that can’t be good! 


Can I just say how happy I was to see both Luci and Rod refuse to forgive Rosa (yay!), and how much I wanted to slap Mati for trying to force forgiveness and understanding of Rosa down Pato and Rod's throats. Good grief woman!

Violeta is going off the rails. I am afraid that Magda is going to really face major consequences for having kept the secret of Vio's dad all these years. There are some major anvils hovering there.

Vicky also has some giant anvils hanging over her head now, and they are called Max and Rosa.


What a wonderful recap with the all the great details.

I am in awe of of God. The restraint he showed while Rosa was doing her evil with Luci! I am afraid I would have struck her dead on the spot.

Vio really takes after her bio dad. She is in for a lot of pain in the coming episodes. Magda is going to be the one to suffer, poor thing.

Good for Luci and Rod, Rosa doesn't desserve their forgiveness and I think Mati belong on that list. She has been Rosa's willing accomplice all her life.

Hanna is always a delight. No wonder her mother doesn't like her after what Max said. I wonder how many amantes he has had over the years.

I don't look forward to Rosa and Julie taking care of the Luci problem.

Rosemary Primera


LOL Rosemary! Where is that Old Testament God when you need him? There should have been some smiting going on in that scene.

Mati is the peacemaker, but how do you make peace with a monster? It could be an honorable role if Rosa weren't so despicable.
I am glad Luci and Rod haven't succumbed to her asking for forgiveness. She needs to earn it by demonstrating she is truly sorry (which she isn't...she just got caught in her lies).
What is in it for Mati to make peace among the maligned, suffering family? Por Dios, Dios mio!!!!

SFChicaBonita- Peacemaker/Enabler? Are they the same? I say Mati's both. But would she go out of her way to try to make peace if it were someone other than her adored Rosa at fault? Somehow, I don't see that happening.


Vivi, your recap was so funny and so true! I also was gagging during that conversation with Pato and Mati. She kept giving all these reasons about how much she loved Rosa, and I am thinking "So?" ..None of it was reason to let Rosa go on and on breaking the law and hurting people.
And I also expected lightning to strike when Rosa was hissing her ? apology? It was the scariest apology I ever heard.



Well, it was God's house.

I think when Mati goes begging forgiveness for Rosa she is really asking forgiveness for herself. She knows she has been enabling Rosa all of her life and look how she has turned out. I bet before this is over, Rosa will turn on Mati as well.


Emarie- Yes, that was the worst non-apology I've ever heard!

RP- Great theory about Mati really asking forgiveness for herself. In many ways, she sees Rosa as an extention of herself, so that makes sense.

Vivi thanks for your recap. ITA that it was an exciting turn that neither Luci nor Rod were forgiving Rosa so quickly.

Oh I loved your comment about Mati not being real. I don't think I've ever be pulling for a "good" person to be set down (or taken out) the way I want her to be. She keeps enabling this monster.

I am sorry to see Vio acting out like this. She wants to leave the Inferno and when given the opportunity to work for the best people she knows she turns it down?!! WHY?!!

Vivi in DC - I totally agree Mati is both the peacemaker and enabler. I think the reasons for her being an enabler are complex.
RP I think you may be right about Mati being Rosa's grand protecter. Rosa would turn on her in a NY minute.
Vivi in DC Great recap as always. Many thanks.

Vivi wonderful, wonderful recap. Agree with you all about Mati. I think she just wants to keep peace in the family at any cost. It won't work though, cause we all know Rosa la loca will never change. Mati treats Rosa like she is her own child and I really think this is why she always forgives her so quickly. She can't see how horrible all the things were that Rosa has done.

Oh, Vio, what happened to her. She is so going down the wrong path. I was hoping she would buck up and see how great Polo is for her, but now, I am afraid what is going to happen to her.

Gagme is really pushing it. Rod will see through her little game sooner or later. At least he didn't cave and sleep with her. I think the only reason he is treating her better is for the health of the baby. She will try to get him to change I think, but I don't think Rod will cave, at least I hope he doesn't.

Poor Luci being in a room with Rosa, shuddering as I write this. What was wrong with Padre Honesto? He should NOT have left Luci alone with the wack job, especially since he knows all la loca did to her and Claudio!!!! I am glad Luci said what she did. Yay! She should never feel guilty either for telling Rosa she can't forgive her.Glad Luci passed her exams, I just knew she would.

I thought Conny was getting a clue about Melissa maybe having some feelings for Claudio. She kept staring at Melissa staring at Claudio, lol.

Yay, finally Vicky stands up for herself. I think Aldo and Vicky make a great pair. They are so funny together. I really hope that lasts. I just hope if she does meet Max tomorrow it isn't another drugging and handcuffing.

Rosa is finally getting what she deserves from Max. I am glad she found out Max is having an affair. Max is no saint either, I hope he gets what's coming to him too, but now what she thought was happening with Aurora, didn't happen, but now she knows Max is really having an affair. I hope she never finds out it is Vicky. Now I am really worried about Vicky, not from Max, but from la loca.

Love Valentina, I really hope she and Gabe just start hanging out with Luci. Gabe likes Luci anyways and I think if Valentina spent anytime with her, she would too.


I wanted to brain the padre for leaving Luci alone with that madwoman. No way should she have been able to handle a religious object without it getting red hot in her hands (like in TdA when Bernarda handled the crucifix that Victoria had given Juan Pablo).

At least Luci didn't forgive her.

Gala's game can't last long. She's going to slip up sometime soon. And how can Rod not know that his mancave is gone?

I was afraid Vi would take the path she is on and just hope to got that she doesn't think her rich sugar daddy is the loathsome Don A but then again she knows who he is. I was really disappointed in her r turning down Luci and doing this 180.

Hats off to Luci facing off Gagme and then La Loca. And i'm glad Claudio bucked her up and told her not to feel guilty for not granting instant forgiveness but to give it time.

Hilarious watching yet another uncomfortable meal involving any member of the TL family. Oscar was so clearly not happy with Claudio's presence and he picked up on Melissa's vibe just like everyone but Claudio has. Sooner or later he is going to find out and then he will let her down carefully.

I know that Val isn't as rotten as Fernanda and Gagme but I'm not sure i like her. She is weak and put up with being insulted and ordered around. I do however agree that she would probably like Luci but i don't see it happening.

So the Dumbass gives orders to obey Luci but not Claudio. I guess he is going to continue to hold a grudge until he somehow discovers the truth about Max.Not a very cool way to treat someone you hope with end up your father in law.

Oh so much enjoyed Max and Rosa's confrontation. What did she expect after the way she treats him and has apparently for almost 20 years. I'm not crazy about men and their piece on the side but if anyone deserves it is Max. However things do not bode well for the not too bright Vici and her co-conspirator.

Mati what more can be said for this doormat. Talk about a world class enabler! Her constant defense of the indefensible Rosa is getting old. Just as Rosa is obsessed with the Max/Aurora non affair, Mati is obsessed with trying to convince herself and everyone else that Rosa is a loving, kind, caring woman. Nothing she sees or hears ever changes her mind. I fear for her if and when the day comes when she has to confront the monster her nina is.


You are unique in your ability to catch every nuance of a capitulo. To say you are thorough is an understatement. What a wonderful recap you gave us today—gracias, amiga.

I love that Luci is not going to jump too quickly on the forgiveness bandwagon. Good work, L!

Thanks again Vivi for your vivid presentation of this episode.

Elna June


Had some fun with this one, didn't you Vivi? Not much in action, but the little confrontations with these characters are always interesting. Last night, some were downright weird.

I have come to the conclusion that Rosa must be making some major donations to the good Padre's church, because he acts more and more like someone who is also under her "spell". Knowing what he knows, he just walks out of the office and leaves Luci there alone? Doesn't even ask her if she's ok with that? No, Rosa speaks, I obey. Stupido. But our girl held her own.

So Vi is going to ignore a possible sweet love that is right there in front of her and go for sugar daddy, all because of the Lemon Sucker? This is not good...but a total set up for when her real sugar daddy comes to town. (Boy that will be uncomfortable to watch.)

Tired of Gagme. Period. I zone out when she's on screen. Same old same old.

The look on Melissa's face when mom invited her and CL to join them was hysterical. All he is doing is being kind, and she's like a puppy dog looking at a dangling bone. That girl is in for a major fall ( I hope--do not like those two together.)

Now for the major aggravation of the evening---Mati. Seriously, why do I now have more tolerance for Lurch than I do her?? Yeah, she will always be at Rosa's side no matter what she does. Well, in the justice system they call that aiding and abetting, so be prepared as your little sweetheart goes further off the her rocker and will probably do something even more awful. Could not stomach those scenes last night. (But a Nod to Rod for not caving.)

As for her Looniness, had to love the way Max was so unfazed by her screeching and discovery. Don't like the guy, but she shows no affection to anyone, yet expects this love and loyalty in return. A supreme egoist for sure. Wonder if Max will want to go public with Vic--what will she do? And what will Rosa do if he does?

There is also no way that Vicki is the first. Max could not have put up with La Loca's coldness for more than a year or two. I can't fault him for that. Of course, had he divorced her we wouldn't have a story.

Violetta is an idiot.

Luci held her own against La Loca this time, but there will be many more rounds to come.

That scene with Rosa in the dining room all by her lonesome. This is Rosa la loca's biggest fear I think, being alone. All the kids are gone, Max is gone, her enabler/psuedo mama is gone and she is left with Frigid the Rigid and herself, slowly stirring that tea. Her chickens have indeed come home to roost. Noone wants to talk to her, and this is killing her.

Karen- ITA about wanting to take out a “good” person. Mati has worn on my nerves for a long time, but she nearly reached the limit with me this episode.

Mads- I think EVERYONE at this point can see what Melissa feels for CL, except him. He’s such a sweet man, but so clueless about this one thing. I don’t think he’ll ever have eyes for anyone but his beloved Aurora.

Urban- I was ticked off at Padre too. What was he thinking?

Decie Girl and Daisynjay- I am also very disappointed in Vio. But it seems that this character was meant to be a tragic figure from the start. Her look in the opening credits always reminded me of a pretty bird caught in a gilded cage. I hope she eventually has a happy ending, but the immediate future looks bleak. She’s got some hard lessons to learn, and so does Magda about keeping secrets. I’m not sure if it’s a complete 180 that she’s taking though. Magda has said many times that Vio was not content with a small town life and took herself to the city at a young age because of this. She wants the life of glamour of the big city, although that’s not what she found. I also don’t think she believes that she deserves a pure and true love like Polo’s and that’s why she gravitates towards bad choices like shady Marcial, and now the sugar daddy plan. This may come from deep feelings of abandonment by her unknown father. There’s much more story to mine there.

Yes, that dinner with foursome was hilarious. There was more being said with looks than with words, and Oscar did not let down he guard for one minute. I wonder if he thinks CL might be planning some payback at the TLs through wooing Melissa. Little does he know how clueless CL is about this young woman’s feelings for him.

EJ and Daisynjay- You know my love for these revelatory conversations and the subtleties the actors/characters bring to the scenes. It’s my weakness. Thanks for indulging me.

Daisynjay- Interesting idea about Max going public with Vicky. I don’t think he’d ever do it. He’s just as much about keeping the family unit together (even if it’s a complete sham) as Rosa is.

I agree with you all that Max is no saint, but damn! Almost 18 years with no sex, hugs, kisses or caresses from your spouse would drive most people bonkers. And he clearly still desires her, as he’s tried to put the moves on her in bed a few times. She’s lucky he doesn’t try the same caveman behavior on her that he does with Vicky, otherwise we’d have a story of spousal rape. Perhaps that’s why he does treat Vicky that way? She’s a stand-in for what he’d like to do to Rosa when she defies him.


Hello friends, back from vacation and feeling good. Thanks Vivi, as usual you don't disappoint. Whatever Mati's motives are, it doesn't justify hurting Rod with her silence. RE maybe her nina but she raised the TL kids. Her love should be for them. Knowing RE, she'll repay her loyalty with a nice juicy betrayal. The damage done to CL, Luci, the TL kids and to some extent Max is immeasurable. He will not get the father of the year award but no sex for 19yrs.... For a man that is torture.We now understand why he abuses Vicky, though there's no justification for it. I love the new Vicky. She had us worried there a bit. In a way it great RE discovered the text, that is the one thing that will shake her up. God is good,some justice at last.
Vivi, CL is truly clueless. Here you have a lovely young woman, hanging onto your every word and your don't wonder? Is he maybe not sure because of her age? Hmmmm



Welcome back Olive! I hope you had a great vacation. ITA agreement about the harm Mati has done with her silence to the TL kids, for whom she should also be loyal. But NO ONE comes above Roselena for her. Not even God it seems, because she has gone against her morals and beliefs many times to keep Rosa's secrets.

CL doesn't seem to see himself as a sexual creature anymore. That seems to have died with Aurora. And so he cannot fathom that someone else would see him as an object of desire. Add Melissa's age and beauty, and it becomes even more unfathomable to him.

Don't forget folks that Claudio has spent the last 20 years in prison (kind of like the same amount that Max has had with La Loca). He is clueless about women in this day and he and he is a one woman kinda guy. Melissa is doomed in this relationship but perhaps we'll see a guy for her as we move on.

We tend to focus on Max and his treatment of Vicki as if he always treated her cruelly but that did not happen until he felt she had betrayed him with Aldo. He was never going to leave Rosa but he wasn't into abuse.

It's too bad that Vi thinks she can find a sugar daddy in a dive instead of taking the job Luci is willing to give her and start moving in more well to do circles after all that is kind of how Vicki hooked up with Max. Vi just ins't thinking things thru. She is actually one of the few characters who has been written almost exactly as she was in the previous version. Jana and of people Julie are also running parallel at this point.

I find the comparison to the previous version fascinating, some things are the same, others are similar and some are completely different.

Decie Girl- Yep, Max didn't start being cruel to Vicky until he thought she had betrayed him. Sounds a lot like Rosa in that way, no? He also hates to be defied and to have his authority questioned, so she is really pushing his buttons now. It was all so much fun when she was all his and only his, and obeyed his every whim. Remember when he took her to Miami and took her on a shopping spree. He's really just punishing her now by being so tight fisted. Had she asked for the salon pre-Aldo, I think he would have given it to her.

I'm always dazzled by your recaps, Vivi. You don't miss a thing. Loved the title "...Luci and Rod refuse the board the forgiveness train." And my other favorite line was the description of Vicki and Aldo as "the most wholesome unwholesome couple ever". Great!

Did not know about the Vicki actress' Japanese heritage, but that explains her exotic good lucks. (Dang, you know everything, girl!)

Nearly screamed last night when Mati, in the midst of all her enabling-peace-at-any-price crap said "But she's a GOOD WOMAN." How in the hayride (thanks Marta) could you ever say that about Roselena knowing what's she's done. Absolutely wanted to hurl.

Also, surprised that Connie, normally so socially adept, made the lamentable faux pas of inviting Claudio and Melissa to their table. That didn't suit anybody. Melissa wanted to be alone with her mentor (and secret crush) and Oscar certainly wanted to be alone with Connie. Gal, we're deducting points from your Emotional Intelligence score right now.

And speaking of deductions, NO REFUGIO TONIGHT. You've got a soccer game and an hour and a half of Por Ella Soy Eva tonight.

Great recap, Vivi!!
I too was not buying into Padre's reasoning OR Mati's trying to convince Pato that his mother is GOOD...

Interesting revelations last night with Rosa and Max where he barked at her that he had had a lover(s?) since Jana was born... seems Jana was not a planned baby or Rosa only wanted to have boys for some reason... so since then she did not let Max touch her and that is (at least that is what he says) when their marriage started the roll down the hill...

I also don't buy into CL not even questioning Melissa's behavior... and yes that must have been an awkward dinner (Connie/Oscar with Melissa and CL, esp with Melissa drooling for CL without even disguising it... yikes!)

my tv schedule doesn't have Refugio tonight either... or Abismo for that matter... both are not back until Wed nite.

I really want Norma and Pato to meet and start interacting. the more i think about it the more i like them as a couple..

and ITA, what was that last night with Lula and her Rosa-ish attitude toward Luci's past as a 'chacha'?? Did you all see Jana's face when she said that? (like WHOA!! don't go there!)
Lula and Boris belong together. nuff said!

JudyB, i am flattered you guys loved that 'what in the hayride' phrase... lol.


now that i think about it more... it begins to make sense... Rod and Pato were born WELL before Luci was born... from Rosa's (or was it Paz's) memories, Rod was about 12 and Pato was at least 7 or 8 when Luci was born....
then Rosa gives away Luci and starts struggling with her conscience ever since... then apparently Rosa gets pregnant again with Jana... i wonder if Jana reminded Rosa of Luci and that is why she does not seem to care for Jana as much as for the boys, and also seems to not trust Jana, as if Jana reminded her of Luci...
Also, i am getting a bit confused with the ages and tests around here. My understanding is Luci was testing for the equivalent of the high school... and Jana and Boris and Lula are currently in college. is that what everyone understands it?

Melissa is a few years older than Jana so it would make sense that she is finishing up her law degree.

Is Aldo supposed to be older than Melissa? how come he is not in school at all? i guess he is probably younger than Melissa, but did not pursue a career that takes long in school, he just wanted to work and has become a computer hacker.


Judy- Thanks amiga. Had I been drinking anything at the time, I would have spit it out all over my keyboard when Mati said Rosa is a good woman. Ha! In what universe?! What the hayride, indeed!

As for Connie, perhaps she wanted to keep an eye on Melissa after she sensed her daughter was trying to have a romantic dinner with CL?

Marta- It's not suprising to me that Rosa stopped having relations with Max after Hannah. Hannah, after all, was concieved soon after Rosa started to believe Max and Aurora were lovers and after she had given baby Luci away. Perhaps having her own infant daughter soon after her greatest sin, and what she believed to be Max's great sin, contributed to her frigidity towards Max after the birth of their baby girl. It seems like Pato and Rod had a loving mother in their early childhood, but Hannah never had that. Poor girl.

This is not the first time Lula has shown her snobby nature. Remember when she first met Fab and Lor at Boris' party? It took a while for Hannah to forgive her for her behavior.

lol vivi, i think we were both thinking the same thing...

Marta- We were typing at the same time and thinking the same things.

Hannah, Boris and Lula are in the final year of high school (colegio) and are around 17-18 years old. They are just a bit younger than Luci who is barely 19. Lorenzo is about the same age as Hannah/Boris/Lula, but didn't finish high school. Luci had already finished high school and as about to take the final exam when her dad died. That's why she never took it in Het Het. Remember, when our story started she was just 18.

In Paz's memory, Rod looked to be about 7-9 and Pato looked to be about 5-6, if not younger. They were very little boys running arounf the garden.

Melissa and Pato are about the same age. Both done with undergrad in college, but she pursued her higher degree, so she is just warpping that up. They are likely mid-20s. Aldo is younger than Melissa- early 20s, but did not finish university. Remeber he faked his grades early on, which is why Max and Connie said he needs to work instead. Rod is late 20s/early 30s.

thanks for the age reminders. now i know that my guesses were not close at all since like you said Luci is just over 19 and Hannah has to be younger, and Boris and Lula are same age as Hannah.
so i have to fix ages for everyone about 4-5 years under my original assumption, except for Luci. yea now i remember Luci had just taken her test at Het Het when her dad died and she had to flee town to get away from Don Aquiles.

and the boys had to be under 10 for them not to remember Paz/Galdino.

Vivi: the title was excellent. Your recaps are always so well detailed - and this was no exception. I enjoyed every word. You miss absolutely nothing! And you graciously share every little tidbit with us.

Like you, I am very afraid that Vio is extremely vulnerable to consorting with the dubious Don. What a mess that would be. I'm anxiously hoping there is only some harmless flirtation and nothing further. To build a father daughter relationship there can't be anything improper to overcome. Ack.

We are all so fortunate kyou are so generous with your time - gracias.


Diana- You're very welcome! I too hope that Vio's sugar daddy hunt and dealings with Don Aquiles, don't go too far. Yuck!

Marta, let me list out our young people by age group. My best guesses:

17-18: Hannah, Boris, Lula, Lorenzo
?: Fabian
19: Luci
19-23: Aldo, Vicky
23-26: Pato, Melissa, Violeta
?: Ofelia, Serena, Norma
27-33: Rod, Gala, Valentina, Marcos, Gabriel, Fernanda
Ealry 40s: Oscar
?: Frigida
Mid 40s-50s: Connie, Rosa, Julie, Max, Claudio, Magda, Paz, Don Aquiles, Estelita
60s: Matilde


Thanks for that timeline Vivi. Makes sense to me, although for some reason I think of Matilde as being in her 70's...but that doesn't really make sense, given how young her sister Estellita must be.

Yeah Judy. I had the same thoughts about Mati's age and the diffence between her age and Estelita's. I figure late 60s early 70s. Plus, it seems like all the people with money have been better preserved than the poorer folk who are in the same age group with the same age kids.

Ay, Mati, Mati, Mati!What are we to do with you! Why do you go around asking forgiveness for your girl. I bet you knew how she was even when she was a little girl. Spoiled rotten , wanted everything for herself, and a bad seed all along. She will never change.Already she is thinking what vile things she needs to do next. Thank you Vivi as always for a very good job that you do. You always enlighten us about the complexities of the human psyche. I love the analyses of Max and Rosa's relationship.I really love this TN. I used to love the 2 hrs episode and now most people are upset there won't be any tonight.Oh well, tomorrow will soon be here.

Can't help wondering why Aldo hasn't done anything to ingratiate himself with Tio Max by telling him an undercover cop is investigating Infierno. It would be the perfect chance for him but nope he's off chasing Vicki again.

Can't help thinking that at least three parents are going to be very disappointed in their children - Conny with Aldo's involvement with both Vicki and Infierno. And his manners are atrocious, Magda with Vi and the sugar daddy decision and poor Geronimo when he discovers Vicki's affair with Max. In all these cases the parents will be loving and supportive in contrast to Rosa who would have them loked up and on bread and water.

Someone mention Rod and the disappearing man cave but i don't think the work has ben done yet. Gagme wanted all that expensive imported marble and stuff but sooner or later the work will be done.

Someone also commented on Lula the Gagme in training with her behavior at Boris' party when Lor and Fb arrived but she also made some snooty comments to Jana about rod marrying a servant. She really is a little snob. I always laugh when these characters get on their high horse about the rich marrying servants as if they had married someone would two heads. i guess they don't know that back some years ago one of the Rockerfeller's married one of the household maids.

Decie Girl- Connie already knows Aldo is interested in Vicky and has no problem with that. She has a problem with Vicky also having a sugar daddy. She already warned Vicky that this could be dangerous for both herself and Aldo if her sugar daddy finds out. She will have a bigger problem with Max when she finds out he's Vicky's sugar daddy and that he's made her son drive him around to his trysts with Vicky, and gotten her son involved with Inferno. Max is the one who will be in trouble, not Aldo.

I've never understood class snobs, but they exist everywhere. And it is still a really big deal in Latin America, as is the race issue. The stories I could tell about my time in Ecuador!

Vida2- I'm inclined to agree with you that Rosa was always spoiled rotten. It's just that when she was a kid and teenager she could do less harm than she can now.

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