Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #115 Tue 9/18/12 "Every Man Is A Damn Fool For At Least Five Minutes Every Day; Wisdom Consists In Not Exceeding The Limit" (Elbert Hubbard)

Well, looks like Rodrigo is once again exceeding his five minutes of “damn foolishness”.  He spends a considerable amount of time in this episode skulking behind doors, sniffing around Luciana and Pato's deep friendship and generally torturing himself with unfounded jealousy. As dear as Pato is, we all know Luciana is now and forever in love with Rodrigo, regardless of their hasty divorce. But Rodrigo's punishment and penance is not to realize this, and to continue suffering the Calvary of married life with Gala.

Besides Rodrigo's futile self-torture, what else went on tonight? The writers are relentless in driving home the message is Life is about Love and Family, but Family is not defined by blood relationships or names, nor does it bear any resemblance to the hypocritical, sterile and controlled image of Family that Roselena is doggedly presenting. Brother Lorenzo (who will be the baby's godfather) proclaims it clearly when he accepts that Luciana will have to change her name from Jacinto Flores to Linares Talancon in order to inherit Claudio's worldly good as he wishes her to do.

Names don't matter,” notes Lorenzo, “love, family, what's in our hearts—that's what matters.

So now let's look at what is in our characters' hearts tonight. Some of it is sweet, some of it is confused and bitter; some of what's there is so heinous that it's chilling.


CONNIE'S HEART: She excited and joyous at the thought that Oscar wants to deepen their relationship by living together. She's not quite ready to make the decision yet, but she's hopeful. She wants the relationship to last...and even end in marriage. She foolishly confides these fragile hopes to Roselena who immediately tramples them underfoot. While Mati warbles “Que lindo!” (immediately quashed by Roselena) the latter pours scorn on her sister. How can you even think of it, with the differences in your ages!? He just wants to live with you to have you at his disposition any time of day. He'll certainly never marry you! Instead of gushing over romantic dreams like a 15-year-old, you ought to be helping me bring your son Aldo into line. He refuses to tell me the name of Max's lover. That “inutil” won't talk!”
Connie: That's it! My son and I are leaving this house. I've put up with your wounding, hurtful putdowns because you're my sister but I won't let you bully my children.
Roselena: If you're waiting for me to beg you to stay, forget it. Do what you want.
Connie: I will!

OSCAR'S HEART: Rather pure and naive. He rejects Aldo's complaints about the repercussions of Max' affair by affirming that “I know your uncle very well and he is incapable of betraying his wife.” How sweet. Clearly Connie has landed herself a doll baby but he's going to have to grow up a bit more in order to see the dark side of his boss. He may learn very quickly now that Linares has advised him to consult Geronimo about Pedro Campos' relationship with Max.

MATILDE'S HEART: This abject peacemaker still believes in love. She's delighted when she hears of Connie's plans, but also scurries in to try and convince Connie to stay with Roselena, in spite of the latter's harsh put-downs.
Matilde – Don't take any decision while you're so hurt, understand mi niña Roselena (drink!), she's sick.
Connie – Yes, she's sick but I'm not going to let her hurt me. I'm going to wrap things up here and then go back to my beach house (mi casa de la playa).
(Matilde does have the courage and insight to warn Roselena that if she continues with her ugly treatment of everything, her arrogance will be her only companion and she'll be left....ultimately....alone.)

Even later, Roselena, haughtily orders Matilde to leave her alone with her sister.
Matilde – Yes, mi niña (another drink! And make it a double) Wwe don't get to see the rest of this scene. We're left with the two women staring at each other. Connie, angrily. Roselena, haughtily. What else!?

LORENZO'S HEART He's clearly a goner for Jana, and almost a goner literally, as Boris deliberately clips him and his taco bike with his car. As if that weren't enough, he also socks the poor guy in the jaw after exiting the car. Jana, who was making googly eyes at Lorenzo a moment before, jumps out, blows off Boris, comforts our smitten barrio swain, while Fabio still tries to warn Lorenzo that he's aiming too high for his own good. Is Fabio right or is Lorenzo? Time will tell.

PATO'S HEART: Full of hope, openness, sensitivity, forgiveness, wisdom, generosity and plans for the welfare of others. He's excited about going back to San Francisco el Alto with Luciana to promote plans to give employment to the women of that pueblo, as well as to help the poor of the region in general. We also learn that he has spent some time with Linares in the corporate restaurant and thinks that he seems like a good man. He values him also, simply because he is the father of Luciana. In addition, he's very kind. We see him listen to Rodrigo's repetitive whining tonight about having to live with a woman he loathes, without once saying “I told you so” or “You brought this on yourself.”

LUCIANA'S HEART: Full of love for her unborn child, her father, her adoptive family , her barrio friends and the Torreslanda children. Still “in love” with Rodrigo, (we see that when he brushes past her with a financial report, and she's dizzy with attraction) but wise enough to keep her distance and also to mistrust Roselena's hypocritical overtures. Strong enough to tell Rodrigo to keep his distance and not cause any more trouble between her and his wife. And slaps him down firmly for his silly jealousy over Pato, reminding him that Pato and Jana were the only ones to always treat her with RESPECT and TRUST . Also strong enough to stand up to the attempted bullying of Gala. In spite of her heartbreak, she is forging ahead with plans to help the women of her pueblo build their own businesses and support themselves. Of all the major characters, she is the one who seems to be making the greatest emotional strides. She is surrounded by the love of her barrio friends, who are happily planning a baby shower for her, but right after that scene we see Gala and Julie planning to do away with Luciana's “bastard baby”. Let's hope the forces of love and affection win out over the forces of hate and evil.

CLAUDIO'S HEART: Also full of love...for his dear departed wife, his new-found daughter, his grandchild to come and all of the loving people in Luciana's life-- her adoptive family, and her barrio friends. He's prepared to try and find work for Ofelia in the firm as well as support Luciana's efforts to employ the women of her pueblo. He's no pushover. He stands up to Maximino and the rest of the crew, but his love is of people, not power. He and Pato are the closest in character, and they both love Luciana deeply. He also loves the truth, and gently nudges Oscar in the right direction when he suggests the latter check with Jeronimo or human resources to find out if Pedro Campos, the alleged culprit in the fraud case, was a staunch friend (un incondicional) of Max.

PAZ' HEART: As generous as Claudio's, if not more so. She willingly shares her Luciana with her new-found father Linares, allows Luciana to change her family name (apellido) without guilt or self-recrimination, and is as excited at helping the women of the pueblo become self-supporting as is Luciana, Claudio, Pato and Magda. When Paz and Magda “plot” it is to help others. When Gala and Julie plot, it is to do harm.


RODRIGO'S HEART: He is still circling the drain. Making some emotional progress. But stuck in other ways. He remains suspicious of Claudio, unable to see his goodness or understand his innocence in the fraud case. In addition, he's becoming jealous of Pato and his loving friendship with Luciana. He warns his mother off of confronting Luciana in the office, but falls for her line about visiting the neurologist to get well and regain the love and trust of her children. And in spite of repeated clues to Gala's pefidy and evil, he continues to fall into her clever traps, only asserting himelf in futile temper tantrums when fully frustrated. Our hunky galan has a long way to go before winning back his true love. On the other hand, he's beginning to see the importance of honesty and forthrightness. He confronts his father about his mistress, affirming that he knows that it's Jeronimo's daughter, Vicky. “I know I have no right to judge you, but I can't permit you to hurt Janita. You're her hero; if she learns of this it will destroy her life.” Max looks thoughtful but says nothing.

VIOLETA'S HEART; Hers is currently steeped in bitterness, thanks to lemon-faced Marcial. Determined to never love again (because “love between a man and a woman doesn't exist”in her wounded opinion) but rather to take advantage of a rich old dude. She's planning to wed the infamous don Aquiles, not realizing that he is actually her bio-dad. Worse yet, she puts off telling Luciana who her intended sugar-daddy is, vowing to wait until she actually has that engagement ring on her finger.

DON AQUILES' HEART: A rather self-satisfied contentment with his own fine self and some straightforward lust for the curvaceous and charming Violeta. But he's willing to make an honest woman of her, consulting with the priest about all the necessities of a religious wedding. And while horrified at the number of bureaucratic hurdles necessary-- birth certificate, baptismal certificate, confirmation certificate and a month of publishing the banns (amonestaciones), he admits it's all worth it to have that luscious filly (potranca) at his side. Heck, he'd become an altar boy if need be. As for the priest's doubts about the Don's relationship with God, he assures him that he has a stupendous relationship with God....in his heart. But he's just too busy with--well, business--to make it to church much. Furthermore, don Aquiles is resplendent in a fancy white outfit and has the temerity to suggest the poor priest update his cassock as the one he's wearing “es muy feo” (very ugly)

BORIS' HEART: Clearly full of corrosive and self-defeating jealousy, haplessly trying to hold onto Jana's heart, which alas, he's never really possessed. He's already shown signs of a serious character defect by not only causing Lorenzo to have an accident, but compounding it by slugging the poor guy and trying to strong-arm Jana. But he's young yet, and we can only hope he matures a bit before the story's end.

JANA'S HEART: She's fallen for Lorenzo, but doesn't seem to quite realize it yet. But she's becoming quite sure she's not in love with Boris. Her expressive affection for her family, especially Pato, is a balm and a blessing. Not a trace of snobbism in her character, in spite of her mother's upbringing.

ALDO'S HEART: A little bit of lust for the lovely Vicky and a whole lot of larceny. He's not only intent on setting Vic up with a place of business and a car (on Maximino's dime) but also anxious to weasel into the profits of the Inferno. He continues to be gleefully disrespectful of Oscar, calling him “Oscarin” (It's OSCAR to you, is the snappy reply) while complaining of Roselena's pressuring him to reveal the name of Maximino's mistress. When he talked to Max later, he admitted, “If my aunt's eys had been pistols, she would have killed me!” He's hot on the trail of the money, having discovered that Lastra isn't declaring all of the loot that comes in. He's sure Max is laundering money, but not sure yet quite how to use this knowledge to his advantage.

VICKY'S HEART: A mixture of youthful lust and larceny, like that of her pal Aldo. She thinks she's successfully working over Max, post coitus, for funding her own business , but he only writes her a measly check for not even as much as her monthly salary. “This will remind you that you're in MY hands and I have everything under control he snickers. And when she exits to excitedly call Aldo to tell him the plan is working, Max is actually burning up the list of possible rentals she gave him. He's knows she's being coached by Aldo and he's not falling into the trap....yet.

MAXIMINO'S HEART: A strange mixture of wisdom and affection regarding his children; lust and power-mongering in business and in the relationship with his mistress; rage and frustration with his wife Roselena, hatred and envy of Claudio, both in the past and in the present. Max seems to be the most complex and ambivalent of all the characters in this drama. After a confrontation with both Rodrigo and Roselena, he's vowing to do something about his relationship with Vicky, but we don't know what.

MAGDA'S HEART: Hers is full of energy and enthusiasm. She's excited about the idea that Linares is going to help them fund a workshop for the women of Het Het to create and sell their handicrafts and generously offers her home as the place to house the workshop, ready, as she says, to “poner mi granito de arena” (give my little grain of sand...do my bit). On the other hand, her pride and stubborness in refusing to tell Violeta of her paternal origins, is going to lead to trouble.


BRIGIDA'S HEART: Empty. She's churlish and resentful of the work she has to do in the mansion and is constantly looking for ways to supplement her income by aiding and abetting the nefarious schemes of Julie and Gala. She can be counted on to always use the term “infiere” (v. inferir) and Roselena snaps at her tonight that if she cleaned as well as she “inferred” (talking about Connie's distress) the house would be sparkling like a mirror.

JULIE'S HEART: Scheming,evil, power and money-hungry. She counsels Gala tonight to quit fighting with Rodrigo and instead fake being more docile. If she can't sleep with him, at least wheedle him into making him think she needs him. But also, never again let him accompany Luciana to the doctor like she's “la gran señora”.

ROSELENA'S HEART: Full of resentment, arrogance and malice. Cold with servants, children and spouse. Ready to use her supposed mental illness to regain the trust and affection of her children. Set on controlling everyone's actions in order to present the best possible facade of a happy, united, proper family to the world. She tries to maintain their surfaces as dust-free as her furniture, but the facade and her own self-control are crumbling with each passing day. Her cruelty to her best ally, her sister, is just one indication of how sterile and empty her own heart has become. She's currently twisting the knife with Max, reminding him that Jana will be devastated when she finds out Max “lacked respect for his household and for her mother” by this betrayal with a mistress. Max vows to put an end to this situation one way or another. ( Hmmm....ideas anyone?)

GALA'S HEART: A caldron of hate and vengeance. She loathes her husband while still insisting on getting loving treatment and abject devotion from him. She loathes and fears Luciana, both for her hold on Rodrigo's heart but also for the child that she is carrying. In her own words, she “ hates that bastard baby” and fears that if it's a boy, and born first, it will carry the Torreslanda name and gain the main inheritance. And worse yet, if she has a girl, and the girl later marries, the Torreslanda name will go in second place. So if Luciana's baby is a boy, Gala plans to get rid of it.

I hate to end the recap on such a chilling note, but Gala's plans to “desaparacer” the baby of Luciana and Rodrigo's baby (if it's a boy) is the core of this drama between Good and Evil, Love and Hate. While hoping that the writers wouldn't inflict such a cruel fate on an innocent baby, we know that it's always possible. And the anxiety and worry we experience (in spite of telling ourselves that it's JUST a story) is what will keep us tuning in night after night. Let's all keep our fingers crossed that the wee babe will be okay, in spite of the wicked plans afoot to harm it.


The evil trio of Roselena, Julie and Gala ramp up their schemes and threats to Luciana. Oy vey!


1.inferir = to infer, deduce (Brigida's favorite word, a clue to her literary pretensions)
2.potranca = a luscious female, a slang form of “potra”(filly)
3.desaparacer = intransitive verb: disappear
transitive verb: to get rid of (this is what Gala is planning to do to Luci's baby if it's a boy)
4.amonestaciones – banns. Supposedly abolished by the Roman Catholic Church in 1983, these are still being published for a month in San Francisco el Alto, and this is probably when Magda will learn of the marriage plans and put the kibosh on it.
5. un chivato = stoolpigeon, informer, tattle-tale (what Aldo swears he won't be)
6.la susodicha = the aformentioned (woman)
7.ese billetudo = that moneybags (Violeta, talking about Don Aquiles)
8.un monaguillo = altar boy, acolyte (Aquiles, joking that he's willing to become an altar boy even, if it will get him that luscious babe for a wife)
  1. los ácaros = mites (part of Brigida's rant to herself after Roselena castigated her for not cleaning better
  2. una sotana = cassock
  3. poner mi granito de arena = do my little bit to help,( Magda's decision to let her home be the workshop for the women of the pueblo)
  4. un incondicional = a staunch friend (Pedro Campos with Max)

Dicho of the Day:
Antes de que te cases, mira lo que haces. Lit. Before you get married, look what you do.
Fig. Look before you leap.
Regardless of the meaning, this is what Rodrigo should have done. Now he's paying the price. And it applies to Violeta and don Aquiles' plans as well.


Amazing Judy! I love the quote in the title and am amazed by your hearts theme. Bien hecho amiga.

Your description of Rod was spot on. I slapped my forhead and could not believe he was going down the jealousy path again. Seriously dude?! As I've said before, he should hope that Luci finds someone as wonderful as Pato to share her life with, if that's what she wants. He keeps whining about Gala, but he has not made one move to divorce her. At least when Luci got fed up with Rod she took action. Hasty, yes. But so much better than sitting around and whining about a situation you have the power to change.

I hope Connie moves out, but not to her beach house, which is in another town. Move in with Oscar, Connie! I likes how she and Rosa were wearing similar dresses with the same colors- black on white, and white on black. They both have such great style.

I also liked Luci's patterned sweater/bolero jacket.

Very glad that Luci didn't fall for Rosa's act for a minute.

What could Max be planning to solve the Vicky problem? Yikes! This cat, and mouse, and canary game that he, Aldo and Vicky are playing is funny. Poor Vicky is the one who will end up losing the most, I think.

I wanted to finally leave a comment to thank you (and all the other Refugio recappers) for these awesome English summaries! I've always wanted to watch telenovelas, but not knowing Spanish held me back. With the help of this site (and my Spanish speaking friend who is way farther than me, but loves it as much as I do) I finally can! I'm understanding more and more of what's going on:)

Now, in terms of tonight's episode...I think Max gave Vicky a bad check, or something. Those crazy eyes dancing while burning the nail salon listings were not the eyes of a besotted lover! And add me to the "Rod is an idiot" brigade". I certainly don't feel sorry for him!

I swear, I will cry buckets if Gala manages to take Luci's baby from her. I'm too into this show, lol.

Thanks Vivi.

And glad you mentioned Luci's patterned bolero jacket. Thought it was very elegant and she looked smashing.

And I agree with you, Vicky is probably the one who will lose the most in this tri-partite game with Max and Aldo. Poor baby....she's endured a lot of abuse and still has nothing to show for it.

Judy, what a great analysis of the characters "Hearts". You were right on target with all of them.

I too liked Luci's ensemble tonight - she was very elegant.

I hate where this story is going with Luci's baby. Gagme and the coven are just plain evil. I hate to think how she will treat the little girl that I just know she will have. But it will be another way to keep Rod under her control. As all dads, he will be smitten with his daughter.

Rosemary Primera


"He is still circling the drain."

These are the kind of one-liners that, to me, are just pure brilliant concentrate.

Wonderful Judy! Thanks so much for a view into the hearts of our diverse characters.

Poor Rod, tripped up on his unreasonable jealousy again. I love how Luciana let him have it when he tried to imply she was wrong in her closeness to Pato. That Pato and Jana were the only ones who had treated her with TRUST and REPECT. Way to go Luciana - that really cut to the quick!

Poor Jana, how can she let such a boor manhandle her! I hope she dumps Boris immediately! If her father or brothers saw how Boris pushed her around or tried to physically restrain her, Boris would be taught a lesson pronto! Outrageous! I'm afraid for Jana if she lets Boris get away with such behavior.

Great stuff, Judy.

The difference between the due dates of the two babies is small enough for Gala to attempt to give birth prematurely. Never a smart move. Whatever she tries to do about that will not come to anything good.

It's also not good for Luci to not want to know the gender of her child for all the potential plot developments that can come from that.

I don't think Gala would be above arranging for Luci to be kidnapped when she's in her eighth month and held somewhere until the baby is born. She will be told that the baby was born dead and released only if she is convinced. Gala will then make the baby disappear, as Roselena once did with Luci.

So Rod slips back into Dumbass mode and trainee Boris also moves closer to becoming full blown. At least Rod hasn't tried to physically hurt anyone.

As much as we like Lorenzo as does Jana a relationship between them is a non starter until he finishes his education. Luci needs to sit him down and lay it on the line. Fab is trying but Lor has some of those same stubborn traits that his sister has.

Loved Luci's sleek look and her standing up to Rosa. The woman is having trouble believing the girl isn't some dumb peasant that she can intimidate. I also applaud her for giving Rod what for and reminding him why they are in the position they are. Bravo Luci!

Vi remains a major disappointment and there was no reason for her to keep mum about that pig. I'm pretty sure she knows that Luci and everyone else will be horrified with the truth. She is heading down the same stupid path Vicki took and for the same reason.

I'm sick of Julie and Gagme referring to Luci's baby as a bastard. Luci was married to Rod when the baby was conceived - ergo not a bastard. On the other hand Gala's was a one night revenge stand, poor thing with her for a mother and a father that won't ever really be able to love it.

Points to Conny for standing up to Rosa but please let her move out of the house. Rosa is such a soul and ego destroying witch who rains on everyone's parade. She needs to be left alone. I actually remember one novela where the rotten manipulative mother of the galan did up alone, out on the street selling lottery tickets with no access to her kids or grandkids. Here's hoping Rosa suffers the same fate.

Don't like that preview of Gagme calling Luci and saying if anything happens to her or her baby it will be her fault. She made the same threat to Rod. Is there a long staircase near by. Oh no wait she has to find out if Luci is having the coveted boy making her poor spawn useless in her scheme of things.

Judy, ... So much more than a recap. It cuts to the most important cross section of each and every character, and is so insightful that I I'm much clearer about each one of our novella personages. And I must use 'circling the drain' five times before the end of the week, it's so good.

There was an important moment in Betty La Fea, right after she's been thrown out of the Board meeting and the company, when Armando asks Betty why she turned him in to the Board. Betty answers, " the better question is
why you did what you did to me when you knew that I was INCONDiCIONAL for you." I have never heard the
word used in such a context again until tonight, and finally I understand what was really meant there.

Don Aquiles has long surpassed his 5 minutes. He is the definition of an old fool vis-a-vis Vio. I'll love it if Magda finds out through the banns (would never have even guessed that word). That's clever!

Max and Jana ... hmmm. Is it believable that he needs to uphold his image in her eyes or is it a simplistic plot device? I can't decide because to me it's almost believable. If it turns put to be the motivating factor for Max to clean up that relationship (either with Vicky or Rosalena, but probably with Vicky) then it says something important enough about his love for his children to make him worth redeeming by the end. Especially since love of family is a primary theme, as you point put, Judy. Max is the most complex character, I agree.

The scales are falling from Oscar's eyes, even by Aldo raising a hint of suspicion in him, as well as through the intelligences of CL.


Sorry for my typos. I post from a mobile device and I do believe that my thumbs resemble those of Don Aquiles ... but I'll try to do better. G'nite.

Judy, wonderful, marvelous recap. Loved your hearts them too. With you all about Luci standing up to Rosa. Loved how she didn't let ole Rose intimidate her. Liked Luci's outfit too.

Rod is reverting in a way, but moving forward too. He has the jealousy bug, really bad, still, but I like how they brushed up against each other and then Luci laughed a bit after he left and she shook her head. If only Rod would divorce Gala. He can't stand her and there is no love lost between the two, but regardless of that, I think Rod will love the baby Gala is having. He won't blame the baby for being conceived, not like he is blaming Gala for trapping him.

I too am worried about Luci's bebe. I hope Luci is far away when she gives birth. I am really not liking these bruja's plans. And I agree with Decie Girl too. Luci's bebe is certainly NOT a bastard. It was conceived while Luci and Rod the Bod were married. Gala just can't get over herself. She is like Rosa this way. If you are married to Gala she owns you lock, stock and barrel. It's all about possession and no love. No wonder her first husband divorced her.

Rosa, what can we say, will never get better, I am thinking. Same as Gala she owns everyone. No love, no trust, no heart. Cold and evil. I still think her biggest fear is being totally alone and I am really hoping, by the end of th is TN she ends up this way. No love from anyone and noone willing to stay with her.

I liked Vivi saying yesterday, she wanted to know what Mati was smokin'. I think she is still smokin' it lol. Conny doesn't have to take this abuse from Rosa, and I love the way she continues to stand up to her. I really love Conny's character. Full of love for her kids and Rosa's too. I think Rod should have gone to his Tia Conny for advice. She would have set him straight in a New York minute.

Vicky and Aldo, so Max knows they have cooked up this little scheme. I am still worried about Vicky. I really hope Max doesn't do something to her.

Boris needs to go. That's it. No other recourse for him. To delibrately sideswipe Lorenzo, that's too much. He needs to go.

Love how Pato and Luci interact about helping those women in Het Het and Magda giving her house for the meeting. Lovely people. Love how close Magda and Paz are. Now if only Magda would tell Vio about her Papa. The more Magda waits the worse it is going to be.

Loved your heart theme centered recap!

One of my favorites,j "But Rodrigo's punishment and penance is not to realize this, and to continue suffering the Calvary of married life with Gala."

"When Paz and Magda 'plot' it is to help others. When Gala and Julie plot, it is to do harm." So true!

Jeronimo knows about Campos??

I especially like that you put the literal as well as the figurative definitions for the vocabulary-


Thanks for all your kind comments and interesting observations, everyone. Our computer went down shortly after I posted the recap and I'm just getting it started up again now, but--as always--love waking up to your thoughts and thanks.

@VIVI....I'm sure the similarity of Connie and Rosa's dresses is no accident. We've seen how carefully outfits are chosen to symbolize a character's personality and outlook. Tonight, they were similar but different colors--showing that while together as sisters they have a completely different response to life and love.

ANONYMOUS 9:50 Glad you are enjoying learning Spanish through telenovelas. That's basically how I did it (along with some "teach yourself Spanish" books). This is a fun place to trade ideas and help each other learn even more. And I think we're all the same, we hate endangered baby plots! But if we happens, we can all cry together.

ROSEMARY PRIMERA--You're right, Gala will have another anvil over Rod's head if she has a little girl. But at least I hope his affection can make up for her total lack of tenderness.

SARA--Can't claim credit for "circling the drain". It's what a doctor told the aging mother of one of my students when she was reluctant to get more medical help. That rough phrase motivated her and how! She lived for five more years as a result of that warning.

AUDREY--I imagine the romance with Boris is drawing to a close. Everything he does at the moment just drives her closer to the charming (but somewhat clueless) Lorenzo.

I agree with DECIE GIRL that our charming lad needs to finish his education before a love match with Jana actually seems reasonable. But time will tell.

Yikes! URBAN ANTHROPOLOGIST--you're scaring me with your possible scenarios. I agree though with whoever said you should be writing telenovelas yourself. You've got the potential plot points down pat.

CAROL--Thanks for those warm words and for bringing in the example of "incondicional" from Betty la Fea. I only saw a few episodes and had to look up "incondicional" myself to be sure I had the right translation. As for Max, I'm not sure how seriously he takes the threat of hurting Jana. But I can tell you that when a husband is unfaithful, the children often feel as if he were unfaithful to them as well. Infidelity is a hurt that goes very deep and very wide in a family....and takes a very long time to heal.

The needle was threaded (the title), each stitch meticulously applied (summary), embroidery carefully added (vocabulary and dicho) resulting in a beautifully crafted masterpiece. Amazing Judy.

"hypocritical sterile and controlled image", "smitten barrio swain" and "calderon of hate and vengeance" were among my favorites.

As Audrey noted, Luci stood up to Rod about Pato with assertiveness and persuasiveness. Even Rod had to back down in the face of obvious reason.

Vivi, I also hope Connie moves out. It's a nice testament to Connie that Rosa has not totally decimated any sense of self esteem Connie might have had. Leave the viper's nest and feather your own.

Gala is becoming somewhat of a charicature. "Domestica" is all she can utter and venom is all she can spew. I absolutely refuse to believe Luci's baby is in any danger. I have to believe the forces of good (Pato, Hana, Paz, Magda, Claudio et al) will never let anything happen to Luci or her child. That would be unbearable.

Judy, thank you for bringing sun to a dreary day here. You constantly inspire...



MADS--Yes, the appropriate punishment for Rosa would be to end up alone. But if she were a real person, instead of a telenovela character, I would wish that such a punishment would lead to recognition of her faults and evil and the making of serious amends...to her family and to the community as a whole. I'd like to see her doing humble work cleaning and serving in a shelter for abused women or single mothers, and praying for others, rather than herself, the rest of her life.

EMARIE - Jeronimo was with the firm during the time that Pedro Campos worked there and also has access to the human resources file for that time, so he could confirm that Pedro and Max worked together, not Pedro and Claudio.

The contrast between Magda/Paz and Gala/Julie was emphasized by putting one scene right after the other.

The contrast between the love of the barrio folks for Luci's baby, and the hatred of Gala and Julie for same was emphasized as well by making them consecutive scenes. I really enjoy how the writers use contrasts to pound home the message!

Sometimes I just put the figurative definition in, but that's not always helpful. Thanks for noticing.

DIANA--"Leave the viper's nest and feather your own". What great advice you're giving Connie! I love it. And I think that's just what she plans to do.

Reading your analysis, I felt myself wishing I really could embroider and create a masterpiece. Or bring together disparate elements into a beautiful quilt. Thanks for that warm praise.

Had to head into work extra early for a meeting, only to find they decided to move it to tomorrow. So coffee and Caray it is!!

This recap was exceptional Judy. Denoting each of the characters separately with such wonderful insights was truly inspired. I bow to you my friend.

I was not surprised, though disappointed, that Dumbass was back in force last night. I did rather enjoy Luce's little smile after she dismissed him from the office. She is on to him, knows how to deal with his outbursts, and that look of embarrassment now when he's put in his place by her is rather priceless.

I think his jealousy with Pato is because he knows how his brother truly feels, and being tied to Gagme he worries Luce could move on, and frankly, she should be able to. (Hate when the galan can be married, fooling around, whatever with someone else, and the heroine is supposed to just park herself and wait until he becomes available again.) So happy that Pato is going to work with the Het Het group, and that he and CL seem to have a mutual respect for each other. That's MY hero!!

I think the writer's are giving us the "history repeats itself" storyline, and I'm not thrilled. Watching Gagme with her car-grill teeth oozing venom about a poor baby is just disgusting. But it does harken thoughts of what Rosa must have been like and feeling about Aurora's child. I'm bracing myself for a plot line I know I won't like-anything to do with harming a baby or child just is not enjoyable in any way, shape or form to me.

Boris needs to go NOW!!! But I worry as he has gotten more possessive, and frankly out of control, what will he do if Janna refuses to have anything to do with him ( and she better make that decision immediately.) The way he grabbed her last night--nope, he's pond scum and she doesn't need that. I would say I wish Lorenzo would beat the crap out of him, but the poor guy would be the one to land in jail for it.

I really don't like having Don A on my TV screen so much. Make this plot line go away. And so help me, Connie changes her mind again to stay in that house of horrors, I'll screech. Do like that Oscar is putting the pieces of the puzzle together little by little. Won't be good for Max when he realizes how he's been duped.

Max is really on the edge there. His heart may not be closed yet, but it sure is twisted. His main fault is that he does NOTHING to protect his children from Rosa's selfish and cold-hearted designs and manipulations, even when he knows they will end up being unhappy. In at least one case Rosa was able to manipulate him by his hatred of Linares - he was willing to sacrifice Rodrigo's lifetime happiness so Linares wouldn't "win". Rod marrying Luci and raising his their child together means Linares somehow won?

And where does this insane hatred of Linares come from anyway? He was taken on as Linares junior partner, and then set him up as an embezzler (of his own money?) so that he could steal their successful company? And for this he hates him? Envy and greed I suppose, but so much for his supposedly chaste admiration of Aurora that he would do such a thing to her beloved husband. The same excessive greed that has him setting up a money laundering operation for some kind of other shady (get rich quick) business on the side that I assume Rosa knows nothing about.

Judy, LOVED the whole thing, starting with the title and the character descriptions through their hearts...
ITA that the similar dresses with opposite color scheme was a great touch with Rosa and Connie, sort of like a piece of paper with the carbon copy behind it, with opposite patterns...

more comments...
Lorenzo: almost a goner literally, as Boris deliberately clips him and his taco bike with his car.
This is definitely the sweet innocent love couple in the show… I guess they will grow/mature together… but Boris needs to just go away… what else does this guy need to see the writing on the wall?

Pato: listens to Rodrigo's repetitive whining tonight about having to live with a woman he loathes, without once saying “I told you so” or “You brought this on yourself.”
I could not have said it better myself. Rodrigo might be a few years older in age, but Pato is decades more mature, gentle, sweet, generous, caring and emotionally stable than his old bro.

Luci: LOVED the end of the Rodrigo/Luciana scene where they shared a smile despite the fact that they were arguing the whole time and then she can’t help it but smile and blush when he left after brushing by her so close with the report. ‘Still in love’ indeed.

When Paz and Magda “plot” it is to help others. When Gala and Julie plot, it is to do harm. So true.

Our hunky galan, "He is still circling the drain." (perfection of a 1-liner!) …has a long way to go but he's beginning to see the importance of honesty and forthrightness.
Yeah, I saw it the same way, but he has to trust his own brother and Claudio and stop listening to people who have done nothing but destroy his life (and his vision of his future, as he told Pato a couple eps ago)

regarding the fear for the baby, i totally agree, the good guys, including Rod who swore to Luci to look after her and the baby back at Het Het will be able to do something. But i fear that Gala/Julie will try to either commit murder or make history repeat itself.

And about Max, Aldo and Vicky, i have a feeling Max would actually start a business for Vicky, only to turn it into another faccade for money laundering or some other illegal business that will keep Vicky tight on the leash for him. And Aldo will probably make matters worse rather than better.

DAISYNJAY--Loved it that you are giving all this thought to the character's motivations and self-doubt...it's amazing what this telenovela can bring forth from us.

Wonderful rant about the heroine's plight by the way..."and the heroine is just supposed to park herself and wait until he becomes available again." So true. And often in real life as well.

My other favorite was "Gagme with her car-grill teeth". The camera focus on those teeth and those bloody red lips was especially dramatic last night. I don't remember her having such an intimidating set of choppers in previous telenovelas, but the actress does always play evil with awesome energy.

AUDREY--Max's heart is very very flawed indeed. But I think his hatred of Claudio is understandable. They say we always hate those we have harmed. And the more we harm them, the more we hate them. Something about our narcissistic ability to justify ill-treatment...by convincing ourselves the hapless victim really deserves it. Also explains why abusers and torturers often feel no real guilt about what they inflict on others.

As for his insane greed, we have often seen evidence that the only thing Rosa values about him now is his wealth and power. When that is threatened, she's furious. So perhaps this is his way of trying to hang on to her (though God knows why he wants to!)

could someone who can see Elna June's recap let her know maybe it has an issue loading the fonts in windows? I can only see the title and it won't show the comments box.


sorry that was for her Abismo recap.


This comment has been removed by the author.

here is what it shows after the first four characters in the recap list:
/* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:"MS 明朝"; panose-1:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; mso-font-charset:128; mso-generic-font-family:roman; mso-font-format:other; mso-font-pitch:fixed; mso-font-signature:1 134676480 16 0 131072 0;} @font-face {font-family:"MS 明朝"; panose-1:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; mso-font-charset:128; mso-generic-font-family:roman; mso-font-format:other;


Good morning SUPERMARTA...interesting thought about Max possibly using Vicky's business for more money laundering. You ARE a strategic thinker m'dear. That wouldn't have occurred to me but it does make sense.

And have to admit, I'm a sucker for sexual chemistry and when Rod brushed so close to Luci, and she reacted (and he smiled, delighted!) I totally enjoyed it. Yeah, he's still a stupid jealous dolt, but goshdarnit, those two are in love and that's always fun to see. Perhaps because that "in love" feeling is so transient and fragile in real life, it's all the more entrancing when it's portrayed like that.

MARTA--Not sure what the problem is with Elna June's recap...sounds like your computer has it in "html" instead of "compose" mode. That's the only thing I can think of since I can see her recap just fine. She is on the west coast so I don't think emailing her at this hour would help.

MARTA--Vivi is having the same trouble with the Abismo recap as you are. She had to go to the posting page (which you can do also) in order to access it. Others are not having a problem so I don't know the answer.

Hey Judy, I can't see EJ's recap either. This happened last week with the Por Ella recap. All I see is the title of EJ's recap and then if you go in the side bar it's all goobledgook.

Wow...the internet has always been a mystery to me, but now I'm more baffled than ever! I will write to Melinama and see if she can fix it.

I see now, the gobbedly-gook is when you go to the sidebar and click on Abismo. If you just go to CarayCaray main page though, there is no problem getting the recap and comments section. At least for me.

MADS, VIVI,MARTA....Melinama has fixed the problem. I'm going to send an email to you all and to Elna June with her explanation of why it went wrong.

i got in, Judy. thanks!

Oh so many comments today. I will make mine short.

JudyB---Loved your hearts scenarios. That was brilliant, a clever new idea for a SUPER recap.

Loved the line--When Paz and Magda plot, it's to help others. When Gala and Julie plot, it is to do harm. -- great insight

Daisynjay---Gagme with her car-grill teeth was a great line also.
the gringo

While the Rod brush up was sexy and a sign of love it is also one more of his more stalkerish traits. He gives Luci no personal space. When talking to her he crowds her. OK I know that is a trait most people outside of American's share, getting up close and personal but in this instance it annoyed me. Luci has repeatedly told him to leave her alone, he is a married man and he continues to ignore her. That shows me not a sign of his love for her but his lack of respect for her wishes to say nothing of putting her in danger from the witch trio he brought into her life.

Max may be laundering money but for who? As a legitimate business man he has no need to, there are all kinds of legal ways to hide money. We also know that Lastra and Ivan are skimming money from Max which if he has shady partners could be dangerous for them (not that i care). Aldo now has two pieces of valuable information that he could use to get in Max's good graces but he chooses to continue to play the big shot with Vicki and the Barrio Boys. Aldo may be in for a very rude awakening and Conny will not be pleased.

Was thinking of Vi and Don A, one of the creepiest novela story lines ever and can't help thinking it would serve him right if she took him for every dime and never gave up the goods. He is a thief, a bully and treats women horribly. Turn around is fair play. I can never get passed his treatment of Luci and Paz, his contempt for everyone in the pueblo and poor Dona Lucha who will be devastated when she hears the "good News".

Yes it looks like Oscar is sensing he doesn't know a much as he thinks about Max. One more person who is going to be disillusioned. I can't help wondering if and when the kids will learn that their father is not the upright businessman they think.

The boys know about the infidelity and they kind of rolled with it. Jana may idolize her father but i have a feeling she too might give him a pass because she also recognizes how cold and unfeeling her mother is.

Whew--Judy, Judy, Judy (you must be tired of hearing that, but it fits)--what a powerful essay and you were able to recap the action at the same time.

And I have to follow your best seller with my quickly remaindered opus.....tonight.

The comments have all been so insightful. I, too like "circling the drain," very appropriate in this case, and daisynjay for memorializing Gala's "car-grill teeth oozing venom about a poor baby..." ooh, too good to pass up.

Speaking of Gala, I spoke too soon, thinking she would not actually physically harm Luci's baby until I saw that monologue last night. She's capable of anything.

I think the writers want us to anticipate a repeat of the Aurora-Baby Luci story. Too bad. There are so many other ways to make the threats come to fruition, or even backfire on Gala. Mind you, this telenovela has been body-count free, I hope it doesn't start with infants.

Anon @ 9:50--Max's check to Vicky. I don't think it was bad. He'd be dirty enough to do that, but he'd be burning his own bridge to Vicky if he tried it. She did complain that it was only what she made in a month, or less, but she would start buying stuff with it (clearly believing he was going to provide the cash for her new nail salon). ITA that it wouldn't be beyond him to consider using it as another money laundering enterprise.

Great, Marta. Melinama responds very quickly when she's informed of a problem.

GRINGO....thanks, my friend, the writers love contrasts like that and so do we! And Daisynjay's description of Gala is perfect....I swear her teeth have grown since the last time I saw her in a tn.

DECIE GIRL...Interesting interpretation of Rodrigo's brush by....just goes to show that the same action can be perceived as enchanting or disrespectful, depending on the viewpoint.

Have no idea where the Violeta/don Aquiles rumble is going, but the fallout should be quite dramatic.

ANITA...what a nice compliment. Thank you. And I agree with your reply to Anon. that the check Max gave Vicky was probably for real, if very skimpy.

Now, shall we all start calling Gala Car-Grill? Makes a change from Gagme. I'm sure she could pull nails with those monster teeth.

Gala's/Roberta's grill-teeth were quite evident in CME as well. It fascinates me how she can exaggerate her lip movements so much when she's speaking, yet still speak so fast, not to mention the elongated r-rolling and a jota (j) that makes you want to back up in case she spits.

I think Jessica Koch may be typecast. Gala to me is almost identical to Roberta from CME. She has been doing some spectacular nagging of Rod though. I must admit I enjoy that part. :)

Judy as others have noted this was amazing. Your heart theme was so insightful regarding our crazy characters.

What is fascinating to me about this TN is that I enjoy Luci but find her choice of one true love almost tragic. I think your meditation on love makes me the question the validity of Rod and Luci's beyond the physical. Rarely do we have heroines who cry and remain likable and the writers have done that here.

AUDREY...Were they so evident? Guess you'll have to color me unobservant then. Seems like the camera rolls in so close now I can almost see the actresses' tonsils. And you're right, she enunciates clearly and rattles on at top-speed. Quite a feat.

KAREN, thanks. And many others share your reaction to Rodrigo as a tragic choice for Luci. But how true to life this is! We often love people who are destined to break our hearts and wound us deeply. Yet it is in recovering from those wounds that we grow in compassion and wisdom. So if our destiny in this life is to learn and become better, than a tragic love choice is, perhaps, a gift....a painful gift but a gift nevertheless. A broken bone, when it heals, is stronger at the point of the break. And so it can be with our heart and our spirit.

Judy could you send me Melinama's note about posting?

Perhaps I'm an optimist but I'd like to think that after learning some life lessons about love our destinies would be kinder to us ;)

KAREN...I'd be happy to send it. Write to me a judithbackoff46@gmail.com and I'll include it.

Ah Destiny! I would wish it were kinder but I suspect that Destiny is a tough taskmaster. If you pass one test, it sets you another even tougher. Rather like a hard-ass coach.

Would we truly prefer Luci to be with Pato if he doesn't recover at least halfway? While she has the personality and the temperament to handle this she is still in need of protection of the most basic kind.

Excellent recap. Jessica Coch is great, but I feel a lot differently about Gala than Roberta from CME. There she was much more pathetic and manipulated by her crazy mother and worthy of my sympathy. Here she is much more capable of doing her own evil with or without mommy dearest.

Speaking of, here's a happier end scenario: After Gala is put into prison for whatever horrible thing she's going to try to do and Vio (please god) comes to her senses, poor Juli (literally poor with no one to support her) is forced to marry Don Aquiles for his money and she has to spend the rest of her life in Het Het. It'd serve them both right!

Rodrigo needs to start looking for a bigger place, pronto. Something with two master bedrooms. And two living areas so he can get the heck away from his wife. Sadly, he's going way over his allotted 5 minutes.


Rod seems to be fine repeating the pattern of his parents' marriage-- staying in a cold, loveless marriage for the sake of appearances and to "protect" his child. As much as he whines about Gala, he doesn't seem to have any intention of doing anything about it. Back when he and Luci were caught in their dysfunctional cycle of jealousy, distrust, and anger, he was also perfectly content to keep this pattern going, and was SHOCKED, SHOCKED that Luci would want to put an end to the madness by getting a divorce. It was the last thing that crossed his mind, yet he wasn't really doing anything to FIX the situation. I'm not sure what it will take for him to finally free himself of Gala. It might not be anything she does, but perhaps the "threat" of Luci actually moving on with someone else.

It is interesting to me that they have not provided an instant cure for Pato (good for them for keeping it real). Unless we have one of those FF five or six years when he is up and about and being a threat for Rod I just don't see anyone coming on the scene that would threaten Rob's strangle hold on Luci's love. This novela ends Friday in Mexico (or so i hear) and that means we will only have to Thanksgiving to have our dear Pato get the miracle he need and hopefully a woman of his own.It looks like they are going to have to cram a lot in or keep the pace moving as they have throughout.

UA...Yes, Luci could certainly handle Pato, but you have a good concern about whether or not he could adequately protect her, even if he's pledged his life to do so.

KELLY....I love your scenario of Julie ending up with don Aquiles in the spartan environs of San Francisco el Alto. Hard to decide who would suffer more. And she'd have to change from champagne to tequila!

Vivi...you always amaze me at how well you analyze the characters' actions--or lack thereof. Yes, he does seem oddly paralyzed when it comes to marriage...once he's there he seems to be stuck...not improving it and not leaving it either. The women are taking all the initiative here.

DECIE GIRL...hard to believe that we are ending by Thanksgiving, although this story has really moved along. It's been gratifying to see how they have Pato making really small steps--and with great effort. But a rush to find him a love interest worthy of him? hard to imagine. But maybe...

Judy and Vivi,
It is funny how even though the men sputter and posture according to macho traditions it is the women who seem to run things in this TN, I do love that.
Love Kelly's punishment for Julie (and for Achilles). It's a classic.
She'd have to drink Moscal whatever that is.


How wonderful! A character study of the morality play disguised as a recap. It's a wonderful idea and you presented it masterfully. Even though I harly get to see the show, I feel completely caught up, knowing where each character stands.

In summary,this is a splendid recap presented by a splendid recapper. My hat is off to you, dear JudyB.


EMARIE...for sure in this one the women are the movers and shakers. Possibly this is true all over. I remember my youngest daughter telling me that women initiate far more divorces than do men overall. Interesting.

ELNA JUNE...that is very high praise coming from you. Of course I plan to steal your idea of a series of proverbs sometime as well...I've collected a series on forgiveness and I'm sure that will come up. It was a great way to shape your recap.

By the way, I sent you an email about Melinama's correction of the recap format problem. Don't know if it will change how we pre-write our summaries or not. I tend to get confused on any computer details.

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