Thursday, October 11, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #132 Thu 10/11/12 The Plot Thickens and The Moms and Dads are Delayed


Ok, y'all before y'all start reading this recap, I want y'all to take some deep cleansing breaths, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhallle, exhallle, feeling better? If this doesn't work for you than tell yourself this in only a TN, only a TN. Now on to the recap, you will be yelling at the TV but those cleansing breaths should have helped you. If not do them again. Now on to the recap.

Barrio Clinic:

Luci has just received that text from her Mushashon. Luci smiles like an angel as a lone tear goes down her cheek and she has a little smile on her face.

Torreslanda Home:

Rosa la loca is at home and on the phone to Gagme. She wants to know why Gagme hasn't been picking up the phone and by the way where is she anyways. Gagme tells Rosa la Loca she is at her office, she has a job, doncha know. The Champagne Queen is listening in on the phone convo as she is sitting in Gagme's office. Rosa la Loca wants Gagme to go home to her Apartment of No Love Lost and wait for further news. Gagme wants to know what la loca is planning. Rosa tells her ,she is going to vist Luci at the clinic, and keep up this farce of looking for forgiveness until this is over and of course the la loca is smiling that disdainful royal grin again.

Toronto, Canada

Oh, what have we here? It is a nice scene of tension easing for this capitulo. Anyone had to take more cleansing breaths yet? Anyhoo, Conny and Oscar are having lunch in beautiful Toronto and Conny would like to ask Oscar something. Conny is kinda hemming and hawing and Oscar says he loves when Conny is mysterious. So Conny gets to it and asks Oscar if he misses his ex novia. Conny would really like to know if he has any feelings for said ex novia and that this ex novia may have been better for Oscar than Conny, after all the ex novia was much younger than Conny and Oscar and he could have had children with her. Oscar says that may have been well and good but the road of life took him elsewhere. Oscar tells Conny that being a lawyer is his life's work and he loves it. Conny wants to know if his grand passion in life is his job. Oscar says yes it is. Oscar tells Conny that with his ex it was always a competition, she may have been a lawyer too, he tells Conny all they had in common was work and that's it. Conny asks him again if he misses his ex. Oscar tells her no again. Oscar tells Conny he remembers a better woman in his life, and takes her hand and kisses it, sigh. Conny thanks him and says mi amor, and he asks if he passed the test, lol. Conny tells him he passed with honors. Oscar says ti amo and kisses abound, don't you just love this couple? Conny gets a text from Melissa with the pic of Roddy, jr and Oscar sees it too. Oscar texts Rod and Oscar and Conny are oohing and aaahing over little Roddy.

Barrio Clinic:

Lorenzo is telling Luci that Melissa and Hanna have taken lots of pics of Roddy with their cell phones. Luci is happy, and wishes that Paz and Magda were more into technology cause then they could have sent them pics of bebe Roddy too. But Paz and Magda aren't good with new technology, remember the touch tone phone they just got, enuff said. Lorenzo says he's got a pic of bebe Roddy too on his phone. The Doctors come into the room. Dr. Nice has just found out what happened to Luci. Dr. Nice tells Luci he is so sorry for the emergency birth, what she went thru and has been so worried about her. Dr. Nice tells her that bebe Roddy is perfectly fine, and Luci thanks Dios for that. Dr. Nice wants to examine Luci and asks Estalita and Lor to exit the room, but Estalita asks if she can stay cause she is sort of like her Mama here in the D.F. Dr. Nice allows Estalita to stay and Lor exits the room. Doctor Nice starts the exam.

Torreslanda Home:

You can hear a thunderstorm starting with rumbling in the background and lightening in the window, as Rosa la loca is looking at the cross in her hand, you know the one she just purchased. I'm with Urban, how come that lightening doesn't just come thru that window and strike la loca. Dios must have other plans for her. Mati, comes into the room, bring la loca the soothing tea, hey, maybe it's sleepytime tea, jus' sayin', and Rosa is putting that cross back in the little green bag. Mati asks Rosa if she has gotten a pic of bebe Roddy on her phone. Of course, she replies and she says Melissa has sent it all over to everybody and you can tell by the sneer on her face, la loca is so not happy about that. Mati now, I know we rag on her, but bless her heart, says it's good to have all these pics of bebe Roddy for security reasons. Who knew Mati was so wise, but then again, she knows la loca's track record of stealin' bebes. Rosa informs Mati that Mati will be accompanying her to the clinic to visit Luci, as lightening flashes in the background. I want that lightening to hit la loca, jus' sayin'. Mati is like Que???

Barrio Clinic:

Ok, y'all before you read this part, please take another deeeeep cleansing breath, inhale, exhale.

Dr. Nice is consulting with Dr. Cannales (my spelling please forgive if wrong) the Barrio Dr. about Luci' condition, when Luci, in a very faint voice, calls out to the doctor and tells him she isn't feeling well. She is as white as her sheet. Dr. Nice comes over to check on her and Luci has fainted, again. Dr. Nice pushes the call button to summon the nurses and he tells them Luci needs glucose, its evidently her pressure again. Estalita is kinda in the way, hovering by the bed, very concerned. Remember those deep cleansing breaths.

Torreslanda Bidness, Max's Office:

Seems ole Max has summoned Don Jernonimo to his office. Well Don J is a little concerned, cause last time he was summoned to Max's office it wasn't good. Anyhoo, Don J wants to know why he has been summoned. Max tells him nothing special just wanted to know how you been doin', what's new, how are ya, everything ok with you, you get the pic, in other words what Max really called Don J in there for was information. Don J is very confused and wary. Max tries to put Don J at ease by telling him out of all the employees at Torreslanda, Don J is very special to him. Don J thanks him. Now Max gets to the point about why he called Don J to his office, he is wanting info on Vicky of course. Max asks Don J how his daughter is, what's her name again? Don J tells him Vicky of course. Max says oh Vicky, right. Then Max goes on bout how Vicky was seeing Aldo and that they broke up. Is she seeing someone else? Now I have to say here, Don J's radar should be up by now, jus' sayin'. Don J says she is way too busy to go out, lots of work, she works for Nicole ya know. Max asks if she is happy there? Don J says well yeah, lots of work and she takes care of me too. Don J goes on to tell Max she used to go out with her friends and Aldo, but not anymore. Max seems very pleased at this news and thanks Don J and he is glad Don J and Vicky are doing well and he shakes Don J's hand. Note to Don J: If you only knew!!!!!

Torreslanda Bidness, Corridor and Conference Room:

Pato is leaving his office when Aldo comes barreling around the corner and Pato almost runs him down. Aldo was the one that caused this almost accident not Pato. Aldo is all excited and shows Pato the pic of bebe Roddy he got on his phone, that bebe is so cute and Pato says of course bebe Roddy is cute and wonderful. Pato wants to know if anyone is in the conference room. They are expecting a skype call from Rod and Claudio in Shangai and Aldo says all he knows of China is chop suey, won tons, etc, lol, but Pato says that's all well and good but this China deal will benefit Torreslanda. Now Pato calls for Ofelia to come with him and they go to the conference room. Gabe, Marcos, and Norma are already there. Pato says hello to Rod and Claudio there in Shangai, China and they say hi back. Pato asks how the deal is going there in China and Claudio tells him it is going very well. Pato congrats the both of them. Rod asks after Luci and bebe Roddy, he wants to know how they are. Pato tells them the bebe and Luci are doing good and congrats them both on bebe Roddy. Rod and Claudio tell Pato they received a pic of the bebe on their cells from Melissa and Hanna. Rod and Claudio want to come home as soon as possible to be with Luci, but finally Max comes into the meeting, sits down and has heard the tail end of the convo. Max wants them to stay there until all the bidness in done in Shangai. Claudio informs Max , Rod and he are partners in the bidness and are coming back and Claudio terminates the skype call, way to go Claudio. Max is sneeringly pithed and Pato gives Max a QTF look.

Barrio Clinic:

Dr. Nice and Dr. Cannales are by Luci's bed as is Estalita and Luci is coming around now, and she wants to know what happened? Dr. Nice tells her its her pressure, and that she needs complete rest and no stress. Luci says it must be the conditions she had the bebe in and her Moms not being there. Dr. Nice advices her to be calm, not to worry and thanks Dr. Cannales, the barrio doc, for being such a good attending physican. Dr. Nice was thinking about transferring Luci to another hospital, don't we wish, with better security, jus' sayin', but Dr. Cannales has been treating her as Dr. Nice would have and he is going to keep Luci here and does Dr. Cannales agree? Dr. Cannales tells Dr. Nice you are her Doctor so what ever you say is fine. Dr. Nice tells Luci she must have complete rest for at least 24 hours, no stress, be calm and she should ultimately be ok. She absolutely cannot have a rise in blood pressure. Luci is very sleepy right now and goes to sleep. Remember the deep cleansing breaths, inhale, exhale.

Het Het:

Paz, Magda and Ariche are all ready to go to the D.F. already and the Captain from the Torreslanda plane comes to Paz and tells her he is at her service. Paz is very happy to see him. The Captain tells them that conditions are not opitmal for flying right now because of the storm and Pato would like for them to get there in one piece. Paz wants to go already, she has waited long enough, but Magda, as the voice of reason, tells her to wait, that the Captain is just looking out for their safety. Paz says of all the bad luck. Magda also reminds her that she can always call Estalita or Lorenzo to find out how Luci and the bebe are doing and besides the bebe Roddy is fine and Luci's good and to wait until the weather clears. Magda then invites the Captain to stay for coffee, he does and thanks them.

Owning Us a Car Wash, Car Wash, Yeah

Vio and Serena have come to see a man about a car wash. He has this closed car wash for rent and the girlz want to do some bidness with him. The guy would prefer men to run the place, but Vio and Serena tell this guy women are better at the job and are always on time. Vio gives him a deposit up front and the guy is very happy and gives her the keys to the place. Vio is so happy to finally have a bidness. As they are leaving said car wash, on their way to see Luci, they run into a friend Serena hasn't seen in some time, her name is Velia. Velia tells them she worked in a bidness, but isn't working now. Serena tells her about the bidness they just bought and Velia would like to put her plot in with theirs, would they consider making her a partner? At first Vio is kind of hesitant and then is like oh what the hell, and Vio welcomes her as a partner and they shake on it. Vio is taking Serena's word that Velia is a good egg. Velia gives Vio her phone number.

Rod and Gagme's Apartment of No Love Lost:

Gagme is sitting on the couch and the Champagne Queen asks her why the long face? Gagme has looked like this all day. Gagme is hating waiting on Rosa la loca for news, and Gagme expounds that once the "problem" is out of the way they will have a great life!!! Ok, y'all deep cleansing breaths, inhale, exhale, ok, who is throwing things at the TV right now? I know I did, I've got me a supply of NERF footballs that I throw at the TV, just keep taking those deeeep cleanssing breaths. The Champagne Queen wants Gagme to calm down and goes to get her a glass of water. Well Gagme is still on that couch and is grinning so much, her whole grill is shown' again. So Gagme decides the heck with the plan, she is the decider, doncha know and is taking matters into her own hands. So Gagme takes her purse and goes and the Champagne Queen comes back with the water, but Gagme is long gone. The Champagne Queen is looking for her and finally gives up. Deep cleansing breaths y'all.

Het Het:

The Capitan is on the phone at Paz's house and he gets off the phone and tells Paz and Magda it still is no go with the flight, conditions have not improved. Paz is really pithed. Note to Paz, come on now take deep cleansing breaths with us. He again tells Paz that when conditions improve she will be the first to know. Magda thanks him and tells him to get some rest, he is going to the hotel, and he thanks her. After the Captain goes, Magda tries her best to get Paz to calm down and that it really is too dangerous to fly right now. Nice little Ariche, tells them by tomorrow the sky will have cleared and they can go already and then they can see Luci and little bebe Roddy. Paz is still very upset, but Magda tells her again to be calm, and they will go tomorrow.

Barrio Clinic, Outside the Nursery

Ok, now y'all deep cleansing breaths and please this time say: Serenity now as you take very deep cleansing breaths.

Ok, now Gagme is sneakin' around the nursery at the clinic. She looks in the window and sees Luci's bebe and says oh, there is that damn bebe. A nurse comes by with a clipboard and eyes Gagme and says hello, while Gagme fake smiles at her and touches the glass of the nursery window and Gagme says hi back to the nurse and Gagme says she is lookin at Luci's bebe and sees the name Torreslanda-Linares. The nurse remarks this bebe is VERY popular, Ruh Roh. Gagme lies to the nurse and tells her Luci's bebe is her nephew, Que Que What??? And the nurse says oh, you are Luci's sister, as if. Gagme says no not blood sisters, but sisters under the skin, as if. The nurse informs Gagme that she can't visit with the bebe and the nurse also tells Gagme (This nurse has diaherria of the lips, thanks Olive) and tells her Luci is not doing well, or else the bebe would be with her in her room! Gagme begs the nurse to see the bebe and the nurse tells her again she can't. Well the nurse gives in, a pox on the nurse, and tells Gagme only for a minute. Gagme kisses the nurse's cheek, quelle horror! and puts the bebe in Gagme's arms and tells Gagme isn't he precious and Gagme agrees and the nurse tells Gagme not to go anywhere. There is another bebe in the nursery, who starts crying, so the nurse goes to the crying bebe and leaves little bebe Roddy in Gagme's arms, where is the anvil for this woman???? Gagme stays in the hallway.

Barrio Clinic:

Vio is with Luci as is Estalita, and Luci thanks them for coming to visit her. It looks as if Luci's color is back, she has eaten something, and she tells Vio and Estalita about what the doctor said about complete rest and she will get better. Vio is happy Luci is doing better. Luci tells them she never thought this would happen, this turn for the worse, but both Vio and Estelita assure her the most important thing is for Luci to recover her health for the bebe. Luci really wants her Mama, and Vio explains to her about the bad weather and how they can't leave Het Het right now. There is a knock on the door and Vio says enter, and it is wait for it, Vampira Rosa and little Mati and they come into the room. Now normally, vampires suck blood, as y'all know but this particular Vampira sucks all the joy and happiness out of room and out of everyone as she enters it. The only way to avoid this is throwing her out of the room, but of course that doesn't happen. Memba, y'all deep cleansing breaths. So the Vampira is sucking all the joy and happiness out of the room and everyone in it as Mati goes over to the bed and greets Luci. Vio and Estalita are feeling the effects of being sucked dry of all their joy and happiness as they give the Vampira the stink eye. The Vampira is grinning that fakey smile again. Mati is glad Luci is doing better and greets Vio too who gives her a hug and a kiss, and the Vampira is so NOT happy bout that. So the Vampira goes over to Luci's bed, with the most fakey smile I've ever seen, and starts to suck out Luci's joy and happiness, and asks Luci, how ya been, anything I can get you, do for you, need anything, Yeah, note to Vampira- Can I stick a stake in your heart, so you shrivel into dust, jus' sayin', and Luci says fine thanks, don't need anything. Now the Vampira is really stretching that fake smile of hers and I swear I see her face cracking. Vampira wants to know how that grandson of hers is. Luci informs the Vampira that the doctors have told her she needs lots of rest and Vampira thinks that's good, and by the way she brought Luci a present. It's the cross and she lays it on Luci's chest as if Luci were a corpse, I swear, right in the middle of her chest. Luci has the grace to thank the Vampira for the gift and says she'll hang it in the bebe's room, NOOOOOO! The Vampira informs Luci that Padre Honesto has blessed this cross and it will keep her from all harm, as if. Vampira can't wait to see little Roddy so she can suck his vital essence out of him too, er, to give him kisses, that is if Luci has no objections, Object Luci, Object, you know her history of 'napping bebes. Ok, I know this is only a TN, only a TN, deep cleansing breaths. Luci of course says she doesn't have any objections and after all Vampira is the bebe's grandmama and now more of Vampira's widening sickening grin of glee!!!!! Vio and Estalita still giving Vampira the stink eye, as their essence of joy and happiness begins to wane.

Back to the Barrio Clinic Nursery:

Ok, y'all some more deep cleansing breaths before you read this next part, and please keep the yelling down, I can hear y'all just screaming from here, Decie Girl, please girl, you'll lose you're voice, DaisynJay, Vivi, JudyB, Anita and SuperMarta, just tell yourselves Serenity Now and get some Nerf balls to throw at the TV, jus' sayin'.

Gagme is still in the hospital hallway with little Roddy and is WALKING AWAY WITH THE BEBE, while that clueless nurse is attending to the other crying bebe, Note to the Clinic, there should be more than one bebe nurse and where the hell are the SECURITY CAMERAS, jus' sayin, anyhoo, wait what have we here???? It's a sanitation engineer that has come around the corner and eyes Gagme, as she is mopping the floor. Yeah for the sanitation engineer, so Gagme goes back to the front of the nursery. Thank Dios for that, cause now the nurse, inside the nursery has finished ministering to the crying bebe and now Gagme has to give the bebe back!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!! There is a Guardian Angel. Gagme says the bebe is sooo pretty, liar, liar pants on fire, and now she asks how Luci is doin'. The nurse says she has some problems but is expected to get better. Gagme says that's good, she's been so worried 'bout Luci, liar, liar pants on fire. Gagme says so many problems but the nurse assures Gagme that Luci will get better with lots of rest and no stress, stop with the diaherra of the lips woman. As soon as the nurse turns her face, Gagme gives poor little Roddy the stink eye and I notice the Sanitation Engineer giving Gagme a look.

Barrio Clinic:

The Vampira is done with sucking the joy and happiness out of everyone so she and her nana Mati are going and she tells Luci she is glad she is ok, to get lots of rest and to get better soon. With her fakey smile she says she is sooo happy to have a grandson and she'll be back to visit. Luci thanks her for the crucifix and Vampira tells her she's welcome, it was nothing and to hang that cross in her home, when she gets out of the hospital and to enjoy, unless that bothers Luci. Luci tells her of course not. Well Vampira is finally ready to leave , Mati tells Luci she got that pic of the bebe on her cell phone and that the bebe is precious and Rod is happy. Vio says of course it's Rod's first child after all and Rod should be over the moon. Vampira sneers of course, and Luci thanks Vampira and Mati for coming and they finally, finally go. After they go, Vio and Estalita and Luci are getting their mojo back, happiness and joy is coming back and Vio remarks that the Vampira is a Viper, Estalita tells Vio not to talk that way, but Vio says you know it's true. Vio makes fun of the crucifix the Vampira gave her and wonders if it will protect Luci from the Vampira. Luci is trying hard not to laugh, cause true story, I had an emergency C-section too and you need a pillow against the incision when you laugh but Luci laughs anyways.

Barrio Clinic, In Front of the Nursery:

Gagme thanks the nurse for letting her visit with the bebe. The nurse now asks Gagme when she's due and Gagme says about three months and she tells the nurse the bebes will be cousins, liar, liar pants on fire, and Gagme lies once again and tells the nurse she is having a, wait for it, boy of course. She thanks the nurse again and the nurse goes. Gagme is wiping her hands on her blouse, I guess to wipe off the poor bebe's scent, essence, etc and the Sanitation Engineer is keeping an eye on Gagme and Gagme finally notices her. The Sanitation Engineer and Gagme keep exchanging looks.

Shangai, China:

Claudio and Rod are finally at the airport and the Captain from the plane comes out to greet them and tells them it's almost time to go. The Stewardesses come out and get their bags and Rod and Claudio are very happy to finally be on their way.

Barrio Clinic:

Vio is giving Luci a little drink from a glass with a straw and Rod has texted Luci to let her know that he is on his way back with Claudio and can't wait to see his bebe. Luci smiles.

Barrio Clinic, Outside the Nursery:

Deep cleansing breaths for this part, y'all

Gagme is still hangin' around in the corridor and I think she is waiting for her main chance to get that bebe, but the Sanitation Engineer is still in the corridor, mopping the floor and looking like she knows what Gagme might be up to. Now I think we get an inkling of exactly what Gagme is up to. She engages that Sanitation Engineer in a convo. She wants to know how long the SE has worked here, she says years, she works hard for little money. So the SE tells Gagme it must be nice for a bebe to have a rich Mama. Gagme tells her luck is what you make of it. The SE gives Gagme a questioning look.

Torreslanda Home, Pato's Bedroom:

Pato is sleeping and Hanna and Jorge have come to give Pato his therapy. Our poor handsome prince is all tuckered out from all the time he has spent at the hospital. Jorge asks Pato if he is too tired to do his therapy, but Pato says give him a minute. He spent all night with Luci and spent time with little Roddy too. Pato has now gotten up and Jorge is giving him two tennis sized balls for him to work out his hands.

Het Het:

Human Nature has an infinite capacity to surprise. Agatha Chrisitie

The Capitan has come to get Paz and Magda and Ariche and they are finally going to the D.F., cause conditions have improved, but it looks a little foggy to me. He tells the ladies they should be in the D.F. by the afternoon. Our little Mighty Mouse, Ariche is wearing the Captain's hat, lol. Don A sees them and asks if they are going to the D.F. , he really thought they had left already. Paz says they had to wait due to the weather, but thanks be to Dios, Luci is ok. Paz tells Don A thanks for asking. She introduces Don A to the Capitan. Don A wants Paz to give a message from him to Luci to please get better and this comes from his heart. Magda is very surprised. Don A tells the Captain to take very good care of these ladies, he includes Magda here, and of little Ariche. The Captain promises he will take care of the three of them, they are in good hands and they go.

Gagme's Car, Somewhere in the D.F.

Gagme calls Rosa and Rosa had been looking at a text about bebe Roddy's last name which will be Torreslanda-Linares. Gagme asks la loca if she is busy and Champagne Queen is there in the car too. Rosa says they will meet this afternoon for a finalization of the plan. Ok, now y'all deep cleansing breaths, inhale, exhale.

Barrio Clinic:

Luci is drinking w/ Vio's help out of a straw and Ofelia and Serena come in to see Luci. Luci is so happy to see them and Ofelia tells Luci, Pato gave her time off to see Luci. Luci says Pato has always been like that. Luci is looking so much better and she says she has got to be strong for little Roddy and Vio pulls Serena off to the side to discuss their new bidness and Vio says she's gotta go now, but will be back. Luci says no worries her Mama Paz and Mama Magda will be here this afternoon. Vio laughs, glad her Mama is coming and Lorenzo and Fabian now come in, now it's like a party in Luci's room! They are loud and affectionate lots of hugs and kisses all around. Luci is worried that Lorenzo will lose some bidness at the taco stand but Lorenzo and Fabian assure her that they can take a day off. Everyone is talking over everyone else and the nurse comes in and tries to get everyone's attention, but Vio is the one that finally gets their attention. The nurse tells them they are a little loud, too many visitors at once. Vio tells her, she and Serena are going. Ofelia, Lorenzo and Fabian are going too, and I notice that Ofelia has left her purse and jacket on the sofa. Before Fabian goes he gives that nurse a nice kiss on the cheek and thanks her for taking such good care of Luci. Estalita has seen the nurse to the door and tells Luci, well we are alone again. Luci wants Estalita to go home, she has been there all day and she wants her to get some rest. Luci then notices that Ofelia has left her jacket and purse and Estalita will bring them to her. Estalita wants to be sure that it's ok if she leaves and Luci tells her to go cause her Mama Paz and Mama Magda will be there this afternoon and Luci asks the nurse to please take her tray and she does.

Torreslanda Bidness:

Aldo has come into Tio Max's office. Max rudely tells him to close the door. Max tells Aldo to listen very carefully cause he ain't repeating himself. Max says he knows Aldo wants to get into the Taco Bidness but reminds Aldo he still works for him. Evidently Max wants Lastra to disappear cause the cops are still lookin' for him and Max has a solution and he has a briefcase for Aldo to deliver. Max can't do this cause he's too well known, and Max opens that briefcase and it's loaded with cash! Aldo wants to know why his Tio didn't just transfer the money into an account and Max tells him thats all he's gonna say to Aldo about it and will Aldo do it or not? Aldo says he'll do it and Max points a finger at him and gives poor Aldo the stink eye.


Gagme says this is the moment we have been waiting for.

Luci in a hospital gown, clutching the bebe, in her coat, out in the pouring rain, and she faints at a bus stop, and you'll have to watch tomorrow in order to find out what happens next.

Remember y'all deep cleansing breaths, inhale ,exhale.


This one was another nail biter, but thank goodness nothing bad happened tonight. I had to put the breathing exercise in here, cause I know my stress level was up as well as y'alls. As is my habit, I tried to lighten this one up a bit, from all the sturm and drang. I hope you enjoy the recap!

When you recap, Madelaine, I can remember that it's a novela 'cause you talk to those characters ... give them some good ol'advise ... whomp them upside the head. It's always funny and for tonight's ep., such a welcome style. But everybody stayed put so the tightrope walk continues.

Hubby was watching the VP debate when I usually watch Refugio so I had to search for it online. Mixed my numbers up and saw some of tomorrow's cap. while I was saying ... huh? ... and figuring out my mistake. So then I was even more traumatized and I had to read your recap BEFORE watching Refugio for real. Fortified by your light comic take on the thing, and ready with my cleansing breaths, it was tense but not so bad. The writers are playing with us. Little Nell is tied to the railroad tracks but the train hasn't reached her yet. Thanks for the early posting and the ever-funny pov.

So, will Dudley Do-Right spring up out of the wheelchair in time to save little Nell?

I hate the idea of that sanitation engineer being bought with Gala's money to do her dirty work. As for Roselena, everyone at once....

Manicomio now!

Mads- Thanks so much for so expertly leading our support group session this evening. I also needed a good dose of multiple romantic kisses that Amor Bravio provided. Now I can go to sleep not filled with anxiety about all the anvils lining up over Luci and her baby.

I just can't believe that everyone won't automatically suspect Rosa and/or Gala if the baby is taken. Ay yay yay!

Anyway, happier things. Loved seeing all the vecinidad gang in Luci's room. I know it was against all rules, but it made her happy. Also enjoyed seeing her laugh when Vio made her snide comments about Rosa, even though it made her hurt.

CL and Rod closed the deal already and that's what they said on the call before Max came in and got all huffy that they were leaving before taking care of biz. In turn, that's the reason why CL hung up on pompous Max. Jerk!

Aldo could get in real trouble if he's caught handing off all that cash to Lastra.

It was a relief to get away from the ominous events that the previews indicate. Like to see Luci laughing again but those previews make it look like she does something incredibly stupid and it would be on a Friday so we can sweat it out over the weekend.

Hated the idea that Gala may have found someone to aid in her dirty dealings. Couldn't believe that only the nurse saw her and handed the baby over to her. I must admit I was surprised that she didn't hustle off with the baby or "accidentally" drop it.

I'm still trying to figure out what kind of business Vi and Serena are planning.

Thought it was weird how Max was checking up on Vicki via her papa. I'm beginning to wonder if he actually has real feelings for her. Makes me laugh to think of him dumping Rosa la Loca and ending up with Vicki, his kids and the grand baby he seems so thrilled to have. Got to admit that would really drive Rosa over the edge. All those low class types hooking up with her not so high class familia.

Did love Claudio saying he knew how to deal with business and when to leave and then cutting off the connection.

I hope that one day Aldo gets some revenge on his tio. Max treats him like the dirt under his feet. He gives Aldo an ugly, scornful look every time he sees him and Aldo is so earnest in his service to Max. I'm pretty sick of it.

Pato was sad and down about his condition when the PT arrived. Poor Pato.

The Three Bodacious Babes CarWash (kudos for yesterday's word-of-the-day for Vio). Oh Lordy, there's so much I could say about those ladies and carwashing but nevermind.

Gagme is a malicious wench but that was a very pretty maternity top she was wearing. Sanitation Engineer ... lol! She was horrible.

That was a cute little moment when Paz, Magda, El Capitan and Ariche in the hat were walking to the plane in the mist. At this point, Luci needs Paz more than she needs anyone. It's a device but it's also ironic that Paz had to stay to finish work just like the men. Clever too.


Mads--Thank you for your mantra of DCB (Deep Cleansing Breaths). I added OHM (Oy Hoy Moy), Hail Mary, Forgive those who tresspass against us, not so quiet contemplation, light a candle, be the rock in the stream--we had a close call tonight. It's only delaying the inevitable until tomorrow, shudder.

I'm with you, Vivi--those Cam/Dan abrazos, kisses and declarations of love will replace the vision of the Killer Bees putting their stingers into an innocent bebe, temporarily.

As always, amiga, you ROCK. Gracias for a fantastic recap. You had me on the edge of my ergonomic chair and it nearly tipped over.

Aldo nearly sh** in his pants when he saw all that money. But then the wheels started to turn. I can almost guarantee he's going to find another use for it and, like Uncle Max, will figure out how to cook the books.

Do tell why in a supposedly busy local clinic, there weren't other happy parents, families and friends cooing over new babies through the nursery window????????? I agree with you, Mads, why was there only ONE nurse on duty?????? (HaHa I'm beginning to sound like AMOR [nah, really, we LOVE you AMOR]). Whenever they opened the door to Luci's room, you could see all the traffic--nurses, patients, visitors outside. Give me a BREAK.

And Roselena, what a cheapskate. She didn't even wrap the present OR let Luci take it out of the bag. Really, now....ENJOY??? the crucifix? How do you do that!!!

RE's expression was of someone possessed--UA, I agree...Manicomio now!

The cutest thing tonight was Ariche wearing the captain's hat. If I keep repeating that, maybe I'll forget about the Menace of the Killer Bees.

The best thing tonight was Uncle Patricio, tired as he was, ready for his therapy. This guy's determination is admirable.

Madeleine, you're a good storyteller. I love the breathing excercises, they help a lot.But wait, why no flowers for the mommy? Rod and Claudio could easily order the secretaries to deliver much wanted bouquets of flowers to bring joy and lighten up the room especially when the "Vampira"showed up.

Thanks Madeleine for the Great recap.

Nail-Biting on the edge of your seat kind of night tonight!


I'm breathing, I'm breathing. Boy, these writers know how to yank our chain, don't they. Great recap Mads, I could almost feel the tension and edge of your seat feeling coming thru.

Hate plot devices, and the lack of nurses and other people around that nursery about made my beanie implode. Nurseries are never "unmanned" and if there is not a nurse right in the room, they are located in a small office or area usually nearby. But I GT is going to buy someone off? And those previews--what would possess Luce to do be out in the rain like that? I may have to watch tonight's episode on Hulu+ so I can turn off when I get too angry. I need the TV for football this weekend.

Max is maybe setting Aldo up? I just find it hard to believe he trusts Aldo with the pay-off. Do love the way CL cut Max off and Pato got to see that. After all these months, he needs to put the CL hatred to rest, or is he pithed that Rod and CL seem to be hitting it off and being successful?

Speaking of Pato, I just want to reach thru my TV and give that young man a HUGE hug. He really is going thru so much himself, and yet more and more is carrying the burden of his crazy family. Now he feels as if little Rod is his responsibility too ( kinda wish he was). I need to take those deep breaths again, hoping it all comes out right in the end for him.

TGIF all!!!


I haven't been able to read the recaps but hope to catch up - thank you everyone!

Madelaine, I loved how you conveyed all the joy, tension and heinousness of last night's events. Sugar, spice and poison. You handled this masterfully. Sensational.

Mercifully, we had Luci's legions of supporters to enjoy and rejoice along with them. Pato has such an infinite capacity for love. If only he could meet his soul mate. If only Gala were not evil incarnate. But then, we would have no story.

Carol, excellent point about Paz and Magda having to stay to finish their work (just as the men did). I hate though that everyone who could come to Luci's aid is delayed.

I can deal with most TN plot devices, but have great difficulty with newborns. And the baby. Oh my. What a beautiful child. Luci in the rain with the baby? Oh no. Dare we watch?



I meant to say I can't handle anything bad happening to babies, illness, but abduction in particular.


"Oh, what have we here? It is a nice scene of tension easing for this capitulo. Anyone had to take more cleansing breaths yet?"

"Ok, y'all before you read this part, please take another deeeeep cleansing breath, inhale, exhale." managed to make this recap light and humorous in spite of the horrid anvils hovering and the truly terrifying previews. Bless you for being such a good facilitator of our Refugio Support Group.

And you even managed to find an Agatha Christie quote for the amazing change in don A's behavior. Does the Grinch actually have a heart...and is just now discovering it? Well, wonderful.

As a card-carrying Wuss, I could not watch last night, and suspect I won't watch tonight either. I am insane on the subject of babies, and even the fictional possibility of one being separated from his loving mother pushes all my buttons and then some.

But your recap was great, amiga mia. Thanks for taking one for the team. And the refrain of "deep cleansing breaths" was a hoot.

Good Morning y'all and thanks for all the great comments.

Carol- thank you. I try to put some humor into these recaps especially since this one had so many anvils for our poor little Luci. I too hope that Aldo puts one over on Tio Max, and Tio Max so deserves it. Rosa is rubbing off on Max big time.

Urban-loved the Dudley Do-Right quip you put in there, so perfect for our adorable Pato. I too hate the idea that Gagme will use a poor woman to do her dirty work. And I said Manicomio now with you. When we get closer to the end of this TN would you please put up a list of what could happen to the bad ones here like you did for LQPNA? You are so very good at those :).

Vivi- I watched Por Ella right afterwards and the comedy of that one settled me right down :). I hope everyone suspects Gagme and la loca if that bebe is taken away too. They would be the first ones the cops would look at, but this being a TN, they will think someone else did it. And thanks for what I missed with Claudio and Rod.

Decie Girl-sometimes I wonder too if Max has feelings for Vicky. He keeps pursuing her all the time, if she was just his little chippy why all the angst about what she is up to? I think that Vio and Serena are opening a car wash, but we'll have to see. I can't see what else they could use that building for.

Thanks for taking one for the team, Madelaine... tonight's recap will be another YIKES moment...
LOVED 'Barrio Clinic', 'Sanitation Engineer' and all the reminders for deep breathing... will have to use some of those tonight for sure...

on to read comments.

wow, i just watched a little bit of barrio las riendas del amor on telefutila and it is Gabriel Soto on a super similar situation with his character, in love with one woman, having to marry another because she is pregnant with his child (or so he thinks, not sure it is really his or if she is really preggers, haven't watched it before). sigh! Gabriel seems to be stuck in these weak characters...


yeah CL definitely had a great 'in your face, you JERK!!' moment with Max with Rod, Pato, Oscar and all looking on...
Max walks in while Rod is saying they were headed to airport to get home asap, Max says 'not so fast, i want a full report of what happened'. and CL cuts him off saying 'I am an associate of the corportation as well and i don't need to be told when to close a deal and when to go or stay...'. NUFF SAID! then Claudio proceeds to just turn the videocall off... LOVED IT!!!

lol i meant 'bajo las riendas...', not 'barrio las riendas...


Anita- I'm with you about that crucifix. I don't know why she gave that to Luci, except for maybe thinking this will be her act of pre-forgiveness for example she probably won't be actively involved with this. I think she is pushing all of Gagme's buttons to force Gagme to do something rather than Rosa having to physically do it herself like the last time. Just a theory, not a spoiler.

vida2- thank you. I wonder too why no flowers? And you are right, they could have just called the order in and paid with a credit card, but in lieu of flowers all her wonderful extended family is there, cheering her up.

DaisynJay- You are so right about Pato. This wonderful guy takes on the burden of his crazy family, but ya know I think he is as full of love as our wonderful Luci and he spreads that around like Luci does. I too want something good for our Pato. I too wonder about Aldo maybe being set up by Max, either that or Aldo may take that money, we'll have to see.

Diana- so with you about little bebe Roddy. I really hate when they come up with these plot devices like illness, kidnapping, abusing children. I just hope this bebe stays safe.

Amor- It was nail biting wasn't it? I was so upset that Gagme might have been able to walk off with little Roddy, thank goodness for that sanitation engineer who happened to come around that corner, but I'm afraid it is only delaying the inevitable, unfortunately.

JudyB- I really think that Don A is on the road to redemption. I have never seen him be this kind since this TN started. He has always been a rude, whats-in-it-for me type of person, but now, maybe he is realizing there is more to life than material things and how he can get over on everyone. Maybe he is realizing that he is all alone in the world, with noone, but now in fact he has a daughter and maybe now, finally he will change for the good.

SuperMarta- thanks and remember to do those deeep cleannnsing breaths tonight when you recap. I too think you will have the YIKES recap. Just say Serenity Now and keep doing those breaths :). And thanks for the Claudio remarks. I just love Claudio.

I'm a huge fan of Agatha Christie and try to use quotes of hers or Hercule Poirot, my favorite fictional character every chance I can. Agatha Christie had an unusual insight into the human pysche I think. I think that is why her books are so great. The reason I'm expounding on this is cause what Rosa la loca is doing now, reminds me of a bad character in Agatha Christie's last book, "Final Curtain". I'm not going to give away the plot of the book, for those of you who haven't read it, but in the book the bad character uses the weaknesses of his victims and uses that to do them in, while actively watching on the sidelines. This part reminds me so much of la loca. I wonder if these writers read this book.

Mads- Rosa is VERY good at recognizing people's weakness and exploiting that. Remember all of her arguments with people like Paz, CL and Max where she knew just which weak spots to hit to either make them react a certain way, or to throw the attention off of her sins.

She still hasn't figured out Luci entirely. The cross is a gift because she still thinks she can get in with Luci, who is not going to trust her for anything. I loved the scene after the cross though when Vio, in her very direct way, says that they'll need the blessed cross from Rosa to protect the baby FROM Rosa. Even Estelita laughed. But now that Rosa has touched it, it might need to be be doused in holy water again. Maybe covered in holy hand gel.

Don't think Max loves Vicki. he just doesn't like to lose. I worry for Aldo about that money and whether Tio Max is setting Aldo up for something. Wouldn't put it past him.

Get that baby a Lo-Jack right now! At least Gala remembered that she ha a job and went to the office. Even if she did spend the whole time plotting.


Vivi- you are so right about la Loca. She has used everyone's weaknesses to do them in or she thinks she is doing them in. I hope the anvil of doom hits her very hard.

Kelly- I agree about the Lo-jack for that bebe. He needs lots of protection from that triumverate of evil. You had me lol with the holy hand gel. That cross sure does need it after being handled by the devil's minion.

Kelly- Her tricks don't work in the long term with people who are strong willed, like Luci, Max and Paz. During her argument with Paz, she tried to turn the guilt back on Paz for keeping the secret all these years. Paz doubted her self for a few minutes, but then went right on and told both Luci and CL the truth, despite her own fears. This shocked Rosa because she would not have done the same. She tried to play minds games with CL, but it didn't work. And she's tried to do the same with Luci, who also followed her correct instincts pretty quickly too. Pato also is good about not letting her play her games with him-- although he does love her and therefore wants her to become a better person. He has hope for her. We know he shouldn't.

Her tricks have worked with, however, with Max and Rod. They are both weaked willed. But Rod has gotten stronger. It was interesting what he said to CL about his affection for his mother dying a little bit more each time he hears about what she did to CL and Luci.

Vivi--You meant Luci, CL and Paz being strong willed, no? We get it. Good insight. There is irony in that Mati is weak willed, but doesn't let her pull the wool over her eyes. Frigida is the opposite--strong willed, but she has no clue as to how evil Rosa is.

Kelly--Holy Hand Gel. That was a LOL moment. It wouldn't surprise me if she has her bottle blessed by the padre. If Tal*Mart were still open, we would have to carry a line of HHG, organic, scented or unscented.

Actually I think Gala maybe using the janitor is a brilliant move on her part. Sure everyone is going to point fingers at her & Rosa. That janitor sounded like a disgruntled employee so who better & easiest to pay off?

In the advances for tonite Luci appears to be in dire straits. I wonder if during this storm she had some sort of premonition that freaked her out? And wonder who finds her?? hhhmmmm....

I think Max sending Aldo off with the $$$ is his way of getting the heat thats coming from the Po-Po off of him. He's figuring that Aldo will get tailed and both him & Lastra will get busted. He's probably counting on both of them keeping their traps shut. Lasta..yeah. not so much.

I would love to see Paz & Magda cross paths with Gala. Boy would those two give that little lady a tongue lashing!!

I don't think Max is weak willed at all but he does have two weaknesses, his family and Rosa. She completely blindsided him when he found out about the baby gifting but he is on to her tricks. I do think even he who is a ruthless businessman would be shocked at the depths to which she is sinking. Just as the kids will be shocked when they find out about the shady side of his character (if in fact they ever do) he is going to be stunned with what he will see as Rosa is really capable of. Should be a very interesting.

I don't worry about him doing anything to Aldo. Aldo for all his lazy, cut corners ways is family and I don't think he would do anything to hurt Conny. I can see Aldo being careless and losing the money or skimming a bit off the top. Aldo has consistently demonstrated that he wants to have money, power, be like Max and unlike Max who did work for most of it, Aldo wants it the easy way.

I'm beginning to think Rosa is a psychopath. She has no conscience and most psychopaths are extremely good at detecting weaknesses in others. Paz, Max, Claudio and Luci are stongwilled and she hasn't found a way to get to them. Luci now is vulnerable because of little Roddy and I can see Rosa striking at that vulnerability.

I too liked Rod finally coming to grips with what Rosa really is and admitting that his affection for her isn't what it once was. Pato loves her and his condition makes him vulnerable but he still stands up to her. I loved it the other day when she was pushing to to to the hospital and he told her she was the last person Luci would want to see.


Decie Girl- I see Max's weakness as his envy of CL and his need to have ultimate control and power. Rosa has pushed his CL button many times to get him to do what she wants-- tow the line, support her, keep quite, wield influence over his kids.

Yes Anita. I meant CL! :)


The sign of a weak person is someone who always HAS to let everyone else know that they have power over others. Max is a prime example.

Thanks Madelaine---A ruff one last night but you did a great job. The nurse with diahera of the lips had me laughing out loud.

Good point vida2--Why no flowers? The writers missed on that one. The writers also led us to believe [advances] that Gagme would steal the baby. It looks now like something else is in the works---Luci in the rain with her baby--What!!!

There is always so much love around Luci but none around Gagme. What a contrast. This novela is filled with contrasts--big city, small town--loving dinners, fancy dinners with no love--rich folks, not so rich folks--highly educated, vs. basic education, etc. So many contrasts. I love the common folk who have so much less but actually are far richer in many ways.

Aldo and the money---If he takes that money, he's finished.
the gringo


Anon 2:28- IF Gagme uses this Sanitation Engineer, it would be a brilliant move on her part, BUT I think if said SE gets caught, no matter the money, she will sing like a bird.

Anita- liked your idea for the sale of the Holy Hand Santizer, lol. Maybe we could sell it outside of Torreslanda, like in the hood, close to the front gate of the home, lol.

Decie Girl- I too think that Rosa is mentally ill. I know she is evil too, but I am with you about her maybe being psychotic. She doesn't think clearly at all, for example how bout that forgivness issue she has, about Luci finally forgiving her, when she is egging the other Killer Bees to do something to that poor innocent bebe, that cancels out the forgiveness in my book.

Vivi- amiga great insight into who is weak in this TN. You are always so spot on. I like the way you think.

Gringo, I too love the contrasts in this TN. I what I really love especially is how much love the Het Het people and the Barrio people have than the richy rich Torreslandas, and by them I mean Max and Rosa. The rest of the family is great. I love the nice dinners the people of Het Het have so much love and joy around the table and in Torreslandaville, no happiness, no joy cause the Vampira has sucked all the joy and happiness out of everyone in that family. They are only free when they are away from her.

Mads and Gringo- I like that although there are these contrasts between rich and poor, it's not painted as all rich people/city people are bad/evil, and all poor people/ country people are great/angelic. Don A is a pain in the behind in Het Het. The TL kids and their cousins are all good people. Even Gala's friend Val is a good person. Marcos and Gabe are good. Both Vicky and Vio made some choices that would seem immoral, despite being good people. Connie and Oscar are a great example of a loving/caring couple. The opposite of Max and Rosa-- their scenes have been used quite a few times in contrast to Max and Rosa.

Good points Vivi.
the gringo

Was the case of CA$H that Max gave to Aldo for Aldo to gift LASTRA or was the mney for Aldo's Expense Account for which to use to KILL LASTRA???
I was a bit confused.


The Clinica Santa Isabel SA looks as though she is going to take Gala's offer in ensuring herself an EARLY RETIREMENT Plan! Hmmmmmh!!!!
Oh Lawwd!!!!

I was confused about the upcoming scenes. There was some white flashing around Luciana's head in the hospital bed, then the scene in the rain. Could it be a dream .. Luci dreaming about a kidnapping by the evil ones? If the SE is going to kidnap Roddy then she'd still have to be in the hospital. Guess we'll find out tonight.

AMOR---I don't think Max is trying to kill Lastra. I thought that it was a payoff to get Lastra out of town. Max couldn't risk being seen with the money, so Aldo is the one. If I'm wrong about this, one of the Refugio experts will comment.
the gringo


The money thing is odd. When the cops raided Infierno Max had told his henchmen to get the records and money and hide out. There was a scene in a motel when Lastra opened a suitcase with money. We haven't seen Max and Lastra talking since then so why this new money drop is a mystery. The only thing i think is that they believe things have cooled off enough to reopen? Guess we'll find out tonight.

Anon I hope that it is a bad dream but i don't think so. On the other hand it might be a dream that will force Luci to do something stupid. Oh well five hours till I find out. LOL

Ivan is demanding more money to keep his mouth shut. Lastra promised to call the boss to get more more. This is the money Aldo is delivering, plus some more for Lastra himself too, most likely.

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