Thursday, October 18, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #135 Wed 10/17/12 There is no Joy in Mudville

Prelude – The torrential downpour ended, the scene is left muddy.  There is a baby missing; there is a baby found.  There are parents, family and friends distraught knowing a newborn baby has disappeared; there is an unknown man equally distraught at what he found—a newborn baby now in his possession.

Ayer –  In case you missed it, Univision wants to make sure you are completely saturated with what happened in yesterday’s episode before starting tonight’s.

Pato is crying out in anguish from his bed to Matilde that he feels impotent, tied to this bed and wheelchair.  He confesses that he loves Luci with all his might and soul.

Claudio and Rodrigo come back to the Cruz Roja waiting area, where Luci was brought, with coffee for Paz and Magda.  Claudio urges Paz to eat.  She needs her strength.  Luci needs her to be strong.

Claudio gets a call from Norma on what Barrera has been doing.  Regrettably, he’s been all over the neighborhood where Luci was, but no one saw anything.

Max arrives.  He asks how Luciana is.  She’s weak, but stable.  Max wants to know if Rod is going to be the one to tell Luci.  Yes, of course he has to be the one.  He started to but that’s when she collapsed and her blood pressure went haywire.

They’ll join forces, with Claudio.  Max tells Rod he loves him and won’t abandon him.

Rodrigo swears he won’t rest until he finds their child.

A red convertible is whizzing down a busy street.  It’s Gala at the wheel, tossing overboard the disguise she wore to the Julia, SE meeting, one piece at a time.

Paz wants to see her daughter.  Rod explains that she’s sedated and when Claudio comes out, she can go in to see her.  Paz doesn’t know what she will say to her.  Rod tells her to have faith.  Paz says I have to or I’ll go crazy.  Rod swears he will not rest until their son is back in her arms.

Claudio is at Luci’s bedside.  She is still sedated and unconscious.  He’s anguished because he failed her.  He begs her to recover and promises to find her son.  We’ll find him.

A camera pans past old box cars, then billboards and posters of Cosi Fan Tutte, La Bohème and Phantom of the Opera, featuring a dapper gentleman, seen in costume and in photographs.   A baby cries.  A shabby hung-over man with dirty white fingerless gloves wakes with a start.  He stumbles over to the source of the crying.  It’s a baby in a cardboard box.  He looks as though he’s never seen this creature.  He picks up the baby and thinks to himself—What am I doing with this?

Hoy –
Casota Grande de Dios
Roselena is back with the Padre Honesto.  He’s deeply concerned for Luciana and the bitterness she’s going through.  The death of a child is heavy enough but this type of loss is worse.  RE is putting on a first class show for him with her own version of anguish and suffering—for the lost baby and yes, for the mother who will live in torment the rest of her life.  She assures the padre that Max and Claudio are doing everything he can.  They will be investigating into what happened in the first few minutes before Luciana left the clinic.  She asks Padre for prayers and masses to be said every Sunday for Luciana and my grandchild.  What pain to endure not to know where the child is or if he’s dead.  Padre Honesto assures her he will take charge.

The Red Cross Clinic
Paz is now in Luci’s room watching over her.  A very no-nonsense nurse comes in to read the monitor.  Paz wants to know what all the numbers mean.  The nurse tells her they are a read-out of her pressure.  She’s stable, doing well.  It’s my daughter.  Nothing is more important in life than one’s children, at least it is for her she tells Paz, not knowing she’s just shoved the knife in her wound a little deeper.  Luci comes to.  Paz tries to talk to her, but Luci just repeats over and over, “Donde está mi hijo.” [Get used to it, Viewerville will be hearing this phrase a lot.]  Luci drifts into unconsciousness again.  Paz and Rod exchange places and when Luci comes to again, Rod is with her.  Luci tells him she had a nightmare that she heard him say that their son wasn’t with them.  Luci begs Rod for an answer, “Donde está mi hijo.”   Rod tells her she left the clinic she had the baby, then she fainted in a nearby park.  Yes, she knows that.  She had to leave.  Rod tells her that when the ambulance picked her up, there was no baby. “I want my son, I need my son,” she keeps repeating.  She cries inconsolably in Rod’s arms.  Rod tries to calm Luci down.  I’m going to find him, I swear it.  Luci cannot be consoled.  She rips off her cuff and tries to get out of bed while Rodrigo holds her back.

El Parque
Ariche and Mariana are trying to play ball, not very enthusiastically.  Serena is sitting on the wall with Fabian, crying softly.  Ariche comes over.  He *knows* something is wrong with Luciana and the baby, but everyone treats them like dunces and no one will tell.  Serena says that’s not it, they are just too young to understand.  Mariana chimes in, yes, so why are we here in the park and not with Granny.

The Boxcar Barrio
The drunk picks up the crying baby.  His neighbor Chuy (?) comes in to hear what all the noise was.  What is wrong with him.  Chuy says he’s probably hungry and needs to be changed.  Don Chelo reaches out to her, here, I’m giving him to you.  No way.  She wants to know where he got this baby, if Don Chelo stole it.  No way.  He’s a drunk not a baby thief.  He found him in the trash near the park where he does his chamba (job/work).  It was raining and he didn’t want to leave the chamaco there.  He would have taken him to the police station then, but he was on his way home (he doesn’t add, staggering drunk—but she probably knows that).  Now he’s scared to take him to the authorities because they will think he stole the baby, just as she did.  She looks at him closely and tells Chelo this is a newborn, not more than two days old.  She’ll go and fix him something to eat and tells Chelo to quiet him down.  He starts to sing (sort of) to LRoddy, from Rigoletto, the Duke’s aria, La Donna è Mobile.

TL House, Patricio’s bedroom
Mati is still with Pato.  She’s trying to persuade him to take medicine.  She thinks it’s essential to his recovery to follow the recommended medicines.  He’s worried about Luciana.  Why can’t Luciana be happy.  What a nightmare, how could something like this happen.  He’s trying to reach Rodrigo on the phone but there is no answer.  Jana has come in and he asks her to call their father.   She has a better idea and calls Lorenzo.  They want to know how Luci is; Pato is inquieto (restless/uneasy).  He tells her that Luciana is stable.  There is a little more conversation on her condition.  Melissa is the next to arrive.  Much of the convo is repeated.  She hasn’t told Oscar and Conny yet because she didn’t want to interrupt their trip.  She *has* gotten in touch with the President of the Commission on Human Rights and they are willing to help in this case.

The Dungeon in the Sky
The Three Killer Bees are seriously contemplating, not so contrite about what they’ve done, as much as gloating about their triumph over La Domestica Esa—with one little weak spot. That would be Julia, SE.  Gala is telling Roselena that she paid off Julia generously with the stern warning that she’d better disappear or there would be consequences.  RE certainly hopes she’d better.  Gala returns to her well worn queja (complaint) about Rod, “Your little son hasn’t bothered to call me or send me a message.”  RE sets her straight, “He’s not going to call you or see you.  Not until they discharge Luciana.  He’s not going to leave her side.”  She goes on to remind her that Rodrigo married her contractually, not for love (Wow! Is this really coming from RE?  Is she finally getting tired of Galaping Mouth’s little teatrito?)  She counsels giving it time.  What will take the place of his lost child will be her child.  She is worth gold.  Muere el rey—Viva la reina (Uuy, COLD, COLD Bitch).  That is what will bring them closer.  Juli pipes up from across the room.  She wouldn’t be so sure about that, Luciana’s tragedy will always keep Rodrigo tied to her.  RE has the better answer, Gala’s child will be the real tie to Rodrigo, so Gala, you’d better take care of that child as if it were the most precious of jewels.

The Red Cross Clinic
Dr. Nice and Rodrigo are with Luci.  She seems calmer now—on the surface.  Dr. Nice has approved her discharge—to another hospital.  Luci doesn’t want to go to another hospital.  What would be the use.  For the first time I’ve heard him call her, Princesa, Rod promises never to leave her side.  Doc reminds her that she has to take care of herself, she’ll need her strength to recover her son.  Luci wants to go back to the clinic where her baby was born.  Neither Doc nor Rod thinks that is a good idea.  Luci starts chanting a new mantra, I want to find my son, I want to find my son—she’s still somewhat delirious.

The Boxcar Barrio
Chuy is still with Don Chelo and the baby.  He seems to be getting ready to leave.  She wants to know what the heck is going on.  Well, he has to work, work in order to eat.  They argue about how and what to do with the baby.  He has to be fed and cared for during the day while he works.  He’s ready to take the baby to the authorities now.  Chuy says he can’t take him now—look how he’s dressed.  LRoddy is asleep, so she’s willing to take care of him today (and she looks mighty content to do it, too), but tomorrow is another matter.

Toronto, Canada  and Claudio’s Office
Conny and Oscar are having an uneventful breakfast.  Then the phone rings.  Max is calling them to say they need to return home, now, and fills them in on the loss of Luciana’s baby.  Meanwhile, Claudio is talking to Lic. Barrera about his investigations.  Barrera is sorry, but he’s read the reports and they are of no use.  Claudio can’t believe NO ONE saw Luci leave.  The descriptions that were given of the woman who said she wanted to steal the baby were completely different [even though they might recognize Carmela’s person].  So, they have nothing.  Claudio tells Barrera to make this investigation his top priority.  Melissa arrives to pass on her sympathies to Claudio in this dark time.  He’s grateful for her concern.  She wants to know how Luciana is.  Claudio tells her, of course, she is sad and depressed.  Nothing will lift her spirits until that baby comes back.  Rodrigo is also sad and overwhelmed.  He’s never left her side.  It’s obvious, that regardless of what happened between them, he loves her deeply.

The Dungeon in the Sky
The Two remaining Killer Bees are still going over the events.  Gala tries to reach Rod again.  She’s sick and tired (harta) of her calls going to voice mail.  Juli explains the obvious, again, that as long as Luciana is in the hospital, there’s nothing that is going to separate him from her side.  Gagreflex says that every second that goes by without hearing from Rodrigo, the more pleased she is that she threw that baby in the trash (Uuy COLD, COLD, ICY Bitch).  Rod and that Domestica Esa will be forever marked by pain and bitterness (amargura).  And every night, when they close their eyes and try to sleep, they will see the image of their lost escuincle.  Juli is in full agreement, what could be worse than having to live not knowing whether their child is dead or alive.  Gala warned Rod many times [to leave Luci behind, I think], but now let him suffer the consequences.

The Red Cross Clinic
Dr. Nice is walking Luci out.  He’s decided he can discharge her to go to her apartment, since she has promised to take precautions and follow orders.  He’s going to stop by and see her in the evening (I guess he really likes these two as a couple).  Rod has the car waiting.  Rod thanks the doctor for everything.  Doc says to call him if they need anything.  Once in the car, Luci tells Rod she wants to go by the clinic first.  She wants to talk to the nurse and that Sanitation Engineer.  Rod tries to tell her that would be unwise, all concerned have already been questioned and nothing has been learned.  No, she wants to retrace all her steps to see if she’ll remember anything.  She can’t remember anything.  How could I have lost my baby.  Rod acquiesces and promises to always be with her.

La Vecindad
All the Barrio folks are squeezed into Estelita’s apartment.  Paz is gazing almost in a trance at the photo of LRoddy on Lorenzo’s cell phone.  Violeta wants to know why do the poor have to suffer the most.  She gets the standard answer that God gives them the strength to meet adversities.  Estelita feels terrible, she’s taking the blame for the disappearance.  Paz doesn’t want her to feel that way, not after all you did for our children.  Then Paz asks Lorenzo if he can take this picture and get a larger print copy made so she can put it in a frame and be able to pray for him to the Virgencita.

The Neighborhood Clinic
Luci is out of the car and up the steps, finding some strength she didn’t know she had.  She sees Carmela.  Carmela, where is the trash lady?  She’s not here.  Why did you tell me someone wanted to take my baby.  Carmela herself is confused.  She knows what she was talking about--the pregnant lady, but Julia described a different woman as being the one interested in your baby.  Rod says, it’s muy raro.  Carmela thinks she needs to talk to Julia.  They go back to the car and Rod and Luci drive to the bus shelter.  Luci gets out and dissolves into tears.  Rod holds her tightly.  Mi hijo, Mi hijo.

The Boxcar Village
Chuy is watching LRoddy sleep.  She’s washing dishes.  In the park, Don Chelo is heard, then seen singing the last words of Figaro’s famous aria, Largo al Factotum, from The Barber of Seville.  His voice is not in very good shape, given the years of alcohol abuse, but he garners in some tips.  A bearded buddy comes up to him and wants to know if he’s going to join him in a few tragos (drinks).  No, DC answers, he has something else to do.

Don Chelo is on his way home with one can of formula and bottles—all he could afford and no diapers (pañales).  He does succumb to a street vendor selling toys and buys a rattle.  Chelo and Chuy make the formula.  He shows her the rattle and decides he will make diapers out of cut up pieces of cloth.  Chuy shows him how to feed the baby.

La Vecindad
They are all sitting around the table, despondent.  Someone knocks at the door.  It’s Rodrigo.  Luciana is in the car and she wants Paz, Magda and Ariche to come with them to stay in the apartment with her.  Ariche is so sad.  Rod tries to cheer him up.  While Paz is getting her things, Rod sees the pictures and hugs them to his chest as if they were the real baby.

TL Mansion- Library
RE is taking a call from Gala who is harping, once again, on her favorite queja, The Absence of Rodrigo.  She tells RE to hop to it and tell her son to come to the apartment.  Any excuse is good.  Tell him I’m sick, not feeling well, whattevva.  He’s not answering her calls, maybe he’ll answer hers.  He needs to be TOLD that his place is by ME, Me, me!  Let La Domestica Esa’s father take care of her, Rod needs to be taking care of me, Me, ME (Dammit)!  RE who is no one to be reckoned with, tells her there are no guarantees.  She’ll call, but meanwhile, what you have to do is get the H*** into bed and do a first class act of being sick.  Ay, Gala, she thinks to herself after she hangs up, I have more important things to do than be a nana to Rodrigo.

Luci’s Apartment - Living Room
The family enters the apartment and Luci sits down.  Magda goes off to make tea.  Rodrigo gets a call from Patricio.  He wants to talk to Luci.  Patricio?  Luciana? How are you?  Perdí mi bebé (I lost my baby), Perdí mi bebé.  Patricio cries as he hears her.

TL Mansion - In the Iglesia de Roselena
This scene is unbelievable.  Roselena is on her knees (accompanied by an angel’s choir).  She prays, arms outstretched, she is the supplicant who, each time she invoked His Name, He responded.  The Glory of God is Great.  If I walk amidst danger, You will save ME.  This is overlaid with flashbacks of everything Roselena did, from taking infant Luci from her dying mother’s arms, giving her to Paz, desecrating the graves and snatching baby Rodrigo from Luci’s arms.  This goes on ad infinitum and I’m tired.  Seeing is believing and that is enough.

Luci’s Apartment – The Nursery
On the other hand, this scene is totally believable.  And what a contrast to what we just saw.  Luci, alone, goes into LRoddy’s room.  She slowly approaches his crib, as it sits in the middle of the room where it was in her dream, months ago.  Where are you, Where are you?  She slips down to her knees in supplication, Forgive me, Forgive me, Forgive me.

Chelo is wondering why someone would throw a baby into the trash.
Gala is goading Rodrigo—Luci’s baby is probably dead.  Rodrigo practically assaults her and says NEVER.
Gala is saying to someone, something about selling her soul to the devil, but my recording stops before I know for what.  Guess we have to tune in tomorrow.


Anita-thanks for this marvelous recap. Oh, those brujas. I really, really hope they are going to get what is coming to them. Did Gagme think that Rod would desert his Luci? She must have been dreaming about that one, cause really little Roddy has tied them together forever. They really didn't think about that.

We'll have to see if Rod's and Claudio's brains start working, cause Carmela told the cops about the correct description of Gagme, but I guess SE Julie's description is what they are going with.

Poor Luci. She will devastated for a long time. She is like her Mama Paz, in wanting to get out of that bed and look for lil Roddy. She has a great support system. Everyone loves her. I hope they find the bebe soon, but I think it will take awhile.

Don Chelo turns out to be not a bad sort. He is an interesting character. So is Chuy. They are taking excellent care of lil Roddy. I just wish they would take him to the police station. I think Don Chelo is very much afraid that the police will think he stole him.

Poor Pato, he is greiving with Luci too. The poor guy wants to get out of that bed to help her too. He made a great point, about why can't Luci be happy. It truly isn't Luci's fault, it is the brujas that have done this to her.

I feel bad for Estelita. I just knew she would blame herself. I am glad Paz reassured her it wasn't her fault. It is just a shame that Estelita happened to be alone with Luci. I wish Vio had been there too, but then none of this would have happened and we wouldn't have this TN.

Who else thinks maybe Fabian and Serena will have something going on. He sure was consoling her and they looked so comfortable together.

Also what Gagme refuses to see is that Rod and Luci do deeply love each other. I so agree with you, Anita. What was she expecting, that Rod would just leave Luci and come be with Gagme. She has another thing coming. But I guess with their hearts of stone, they just don't know what love truly is.

Oh, that Rosa la Loca, I am glad she said what she did to Gagme, especially about Rod being with Luci and how Rod only married Gagme by contract. But that scene in the home chapel. If she thinks God is protecting her, she has another thing coming, it's called, wait for it, eternal Hell and Satan will be meeting her in the fiery pit, jus' sayin'.

Thanks for the great recap Anita!
I agree with you both...
I could not believe how Rosa la Loca goes to pray giving thanks and continues to believe that no matter what she does, she will be forgiven and it is the RIGHT thing. SIGH!!...
I agree that the search will be long rather than short and we will grow tired of the 'donde esta mi hijo! i need mi hijo!!' sonsonete.

Thank you Anita. What a sad and maddening episode. We had to go thru this predictable display of both grief and evil, but didn't have to enjoy it. Acting was very strong last night.

I too have to say that having to deal with another of RE's penitent scenes was so frustrating and sickening. I so want a bolt of lightening to get her right between the eyes.

AS for GT, what's to say. All one can hope for is something happens to her so that poor little girl of hers isn't raised by that sorry excuse for a human being, or her equally worthless mother.

I'm wondering what kind of fast forward we will get. I certainly don't want the writers to get all Silas Marner on us and it's years before the child is found ( or copy the original from what I hear), but we still need to get in GT's birth and maybe a further advancement of Pato's recovery. More and more I have such a dark feeling he will be the hero here, but I perish the thought of what that could ensue. I keep thinking of what he said to Luce about his life for that child, something to that affect. Ok, I'm getting all depressed and need to head to work.

Great recap, Anita. Loved your description of Gala's, "Me, me, me!"

When Luci talked to Carmela; she told her that the janitor lady had seen another, older woman interested in the baby with copper colored hair. This was total fabrication from the janitor lady, of course, but this should have still triggered something in Rod; first an elegant pregnant woman and then an older copper haired woman-he's still so dense.

And if CL is having Barrera investigate and he heard the same story about the elegant pregnant woman why isn't anyone going to question Gala, AT ALL???

Rod says they are doing everything possible. ?
I don't see any flyers going up in the park with the baby's picture, I don't see it plastered on the news, I don't see the police canvassing the area. Nada. This is so TN land....

Also, I thought Chelo's drinking buddy noticed Chelo had some money, does that mean that Chelo sold the medal?

When Rosa was praying, she actually said, "when I summon you" to God, something like, "you always help me". It sounded more like a prayer to the devil than to God. Very, very weird.

Loved the title Anita. Your recap was absolutely sensational from start to finish. You perfectly conveyed all of the angst and agony of this hard to watch episode and your comments were spot on: "(Wow! Is this really coming from RE? Is she finally getting tired of Galaping Mouth’s little teatrito?)". If only...

I love the actor playing Chelo (as Vivi pointted out yesterday, he has been in a few of my favorites, particularly LVO). He, Chuy and the beautiful baby were the only bright spots.

You can almost feel Rod's desperation, confusion and agony. Gabe Soto is really bringing it. (I see you also appreciate the strong acting here daisy).

Madelaine, yes, Fabian and Serena. Adorable.

Emarie, I share your frustration that a path hasn't been beaten to Gala's door to question her, but I fear Rosa's false tears and declarations they were together have thrown things out of whack. At least temporarily. I do think the medallion is safe. Even in his most drunken stupor, Don Chelo acted kindly by taking the baby. I think the medal will be an important identifier in getting the child found.

Great comments. Anita, thanks again. This was excellent.


Great work, Anita.

I'm with Daisyjay; where is that bolt of lightning? I guess it's still being forged because we have too many episodes left.

What Gala said in the avances was "Be careful, Rodrigo; I am capable of selling my soul to the Devil for the domestica and her child to die."

Ay yi yi, UA--I'm glad I didn't know that until I had my eyes open today. I can't decide who is worse, RE and her sanctimonious self-protecting moral iniquity or GT and her outright malevolence. Until Roddy was trashed, GT had been all talk (well, except for publishing the photos of Luci at the antro to help RE & Juli). Now that she has the taste of "blood" on her hands, the next step gets easier--so they say.

It was a tough episode. There was little to lighten it. Chelo and Chuy are tragic figures; the poorest of the poor. The Vecindad Barrio folks don't know how good they have it. How these two Boxcar Barrio folk think they can deal with a newborn is beyond me. Even I was a timid first-time mother with no experience with siblings or other babies. (He turned out great, I must say).

Maybe they will decide to turn him in. Somehow, I think that turning him in might be worse if LRoddy gets placed in a foster home or orphanage (do they still have them in Mexico). It would make it more difficult to find him.

The only heartening thought we can come away with is that Chuy & Chelo seem to be tender-hearted. I don't think they are the type to sell him on the black market (see Montecristo--the Mexican version) no matter how desperate they might be. Gaa, I've got to get out of this blue funk and go rake leaves or something.

eMarie--Don Chelo probably didn't have time to sell the medal. We don't know if he will. Odd that after Chuy determining he was a newborn and feeding and changing him, they didn't say anything. Of course, we weren't privy to either one of them seeing it. So we don't know if LRoddy was still wearing it. We're left to wonder. MHO is that the writers are toying with us and not with Ch&Ch.

Could it be that Gala kept it as a trophy (That would be in character) and Rod will find it? This is such a classic identifier that one would expect someone like Gala to realize it.

For anyone eager to hear "Largo al Factotum", click here for Simon Keenlyside's performance at the Tsumani Gala in London.

Awesome recap!

Why is it that all of the Luci's family including her father seem to be snake bit or in a coma or something. Why are they not out searching the area for Roddi? Would not a large reward shake the bushes? Just Luci and Rod searching. Yep, it's a TN alright.

It seemed to me that Rosa loca was summoning God. WTF!

Gala did not take the medal, she didn't know about it and it couldn't be seen. Also Chelo didn't sell it because we saw it on the baby in the previews. It obviously will play a critical part in the identification of the baby.

Daisy in the prior version the baby wasn't found until 5 years later so I'm guess we are going to go that way not like some novelas were 20 years or more go by.

I see that God once again passed on the chance to strike the sanctimonious, lying, baby stealing beyotch dead while she prayed in her chapel. What is he waiting for????

I don't think Padre Honesto bought Rosa's act. He looked at her twice with a suspicious look especially when she talked about the baby being dead and the mother suffering for life. He may be on to her while none of the others have yet really crossed paths with her. The TL family table got a dose of her fake act but everyone is too worried to take a hard look at her.

LRod seems to have fallen into good hands. They may be poor and maybe dirty but they don't seem abusive. I do think Don C is afraid he will be accused of stealing the baby. Let's fact it it is pretty hard to thik of a newborn being let in the trash in the middle of a rain storm.

I too wonder why the Barrio Gang and the powerful Linares/TL haven't blanketed the city with pictures, gone on TV, done something other than their own little investigations. When my cousin was abducted we had the whole city of San Francisco filled with fliers by the end of the first week. Surely the company has a PR department which could help. Oh right i forgot it is Telenovelaland where common sense goes out the window the instant tragedy comes in.Still with only 30 episodes to go they've got to get cracking and not let all the answers wait until the last few days (one of my major TN peeves).

emarie, what seems to be a lack of getting the word out struck me also last night.When Paz wanted the blow up of the picture I was thinking, and then put it on every corner, go hand it out with the tacos you're she just wants to pray to it and noone else thought to use the pics.

Also, a family as wealthy and high profile as the Torreslanda's should have the media at their beck and call to be able to use the news, etc. as well. CL has the money too--USE IT!!

But you're right, we think too logically. This is TN'land.

Anita, great recap. This was a very emotional episode and the acting was superb.

Please tell me that it will not take years to find the baby. If it does, they will need to replace Ariche with an older actor and that would not be a good thing. I really like the little guy.

RE's sanctimonious prayer marathons have alway bothered me but last night I finally figured out why. She is never inside a church it is always her private chapel or padre's office. This is really strange. I know she thinks everyone is beneath her but there must be more to it than that. I really think in her sick mind she equates herself with Christ on the cross. Little does she know, we could probably arrange it for her.

Rosemary Primera


Decie--You gave us shocking information. No wonder this has hit home with you. I hope the outcome was positive for your cousin.

We haven't seen the medal since Pato put it on the baby (I don't think). I don't know about real hospitals, but the tn hospital probably didn't take it off while they were changing or re-swaddling him.

Gala took the plastic hospital ID off LRod, but she apparently didn't see the medal either--or she would have taken it. Yes, killers often take trophies (at least in crime novels they do) from their victims.

UA--You didn't provide the link. Here it is--Simon Keenlyside's Largo

I like Peter Mattei's version in the Met's 2007 production a lot.

P.S. How does one do a live link in the comments section? I'd gladly go live!!

Thanks Anita. The detailed recap made the episode crystal clear for me and I really appreciate it. Also, your comment about Gala now being emboldened after having "tasted blood," ... very perceptive. Now that physically rid herself of the bebe, she's a totally committed evil woman who has one intention only and she says it in the previews.

I agree with everything you all said (except maybe that I still find Chelo and Chuy to be like vaudeville comics in their tramp garb and wigs but I forgive them if they take good care of Roddy!)

Little stuff: Padre got a concerned expression when Rosie said 'alive or dead.' He was wondering ... 'why is she going THERE.'

Novelaland ... releasing Luci from the hospital already. She's had too many medical emergencies and is too fragile to be sent home yet. Then Rod leaves her in the car to pick up Paz et al, which scared me for a minute. Sometimes cell phones exist for these folks and sometimes they just don't.

A witch is a witch no matter who she prays to (with apologies to wiccans): There was that period in novelas about 10 years ago ... y'all remember ... when the main evil character would use black arts in dramatic rituals to get her way. These writers have Rosa in deluded Catholic mode but that scene brought to mind those other creepy satanic rituals. Rosa's heart is black so the object of supplication doesn't much matter. It's a weird black ritual and she's a scary, crazy bruja.

Back when life was innocent: remember when Julie was going to seduce Claudio? Guess the writers couldn't figure how to take that anywhere and it wound up as just a strangely edited scene, then nothing. Looking back, Julie was only an annoyance then, compared to where we are with her now.

Anita, I did; it's that this site isn't putting it in blue anymore. You have to mouse over the words "click here" and you will see underscores.

Thus, now mouse over Peter Mattei's name to see that video.

In preview this one is blue and now I feel like an idiot.

Thanks Anita, I am still depressed about the turn of events. If it wasn't for the excellent recaps, TNs would be dead to me. Poor Pato, talking to Luci will be good enough for both of them. They have that psychic thing going on. Won't it be just funny if Roddy's savior turns out to be Gala's awol father? Hiding from his ex and demon seed.
Thanks again Anita for an excellent recap.


Speaking of Luci being released early I also noticed that she was so weak and frail that Rod and Doc Nice had to help her into the car yet when they got to the park she leaped out of the car and even ran a few steps before becoming weak again. I have to say that i also laughed when Rod somehow managed to pack to two ladies, plus Ariche and Luci into what is basically a small sports car. i couldn't figure out he he crammed them all in.

I also noticed that Rosa seems to be getting fed up with her co conspirators. Gagme was going on about Rod not being with her (same old tedious song) and Rosa snapped that their marriage was a contract not for love. I think she likes to rub that one in because way back to day one she didn't much care for Gagme and only went along with her getting with Rod to keep him away from Luci.

I'm glad the Julie/Claudio story never took off or at least not yet. I suspect that was just one of those red herrings writers like to use. We all thought he was too smart for her obvious wiles anyway.

I also like that Rod is supportive of Luci in this version. Previously the character blamed her for losing his son and punished her terribly for the final third of the story.

The one big plus I can see if we get a time leap forward is that Pato will have time to make more progress perhaps even get up and walk.

Anita, I saw that production live. Peter Mattei is capable of better articulation than this. And Juan Diego Florez was hot!

Back to our story: I also don't recall seeing Roselena step into a church. She should be very afraid to; the walls should come crashing down on her... and that is the least I wish on her.

It seems a little early for her to be turning on Gala and Julie, but who wouldn't get fed up with such drama queens? I agree that Rosa regarded Gala as the lesser of two evils, but I can't see their relationship getting any better.

Totally agree on Luci being released too early. She should be in the hospital with a guard at the door.

Had to work late last nite so luckily I DVR'd last nite's episode. Was too tired to watch..LOL

I too can't believe they let Luci out of the hospital so soon. But I guess in TN land your medical problems go "poof!" & away.

If they're advancing forward a bit in this TN, I think we'll see that a reward was offered but there has been no solid leads. If Max used the media to get the reward notice out, well yeah Chelo & Chuy wouldn't have seen it because they don't have TV. But the necklace will come into play once Little Rod is found. The 3 brujas never knew about it. Only Luci, Pato & Vio know about the necklace.

Also, I think we'll see that Rod is unfortunately still living in hell with Gagme just because of his little girl. But he's still hanging out with Luci as well. I'd be surprised if the writers went in the direction of the previous version. But then again...

So Gagme will sell her soul to the devil. Um...I think she already has.

Is it me or does the Little Rod situation is going along the same lines as in "Pasion" when Camilla's baby was taken by her daddy and it was eventually found. I just see some of the same parallels here.


Ay yi yi...I felt for you Anita. Recapping this terribly painful episode and having to stay up so late to finish it. Exhausting and depressing....for you. For wonderful for us to have such sympathetic and detailed writing.

I decided the only way to get through this episode was to hear it but not watch it, so I was maddly coring mounds of little apples from our backyard tree to make applesauce while listening on headphones. Somehow, just hearing the episode is less painful than actually seeing the anguish on people's faces. What a tough time.

If they keep this child away from Luci for five years (like Decie Girl says happened in the previous story) I will weep. It's so important, that early bonding time with a newborn. I HATE THESE BABY KIDNAPPING STORIES!!!!!

We will have an extended support group meeting this weekend. Pack up your sleeping bags and some snacks and head over to my house...Therapy Marathon!

The question of the day for me is who will be the person that asks the burning question Do you think Rosa could have been involved with this?" I'm thinking Oscar. He is less emotionally involved with the baby than everyone else. He also has a cooler head. I also wonder if Val and Fernanda might wonder about Gala.

Judy I hate these story lines as well. I don't think male writers realize the importance of those first few years of bonding. I also think it is brutally cruel not to let a loving mother like Luci would be, see her child's first smile, it's first steps, its first words. Just one more reason to loathe, despise, abhor and hate Rosa and Gag,e (can you tell my favorite part of speech is the adjective). And to deliberately deprive a child of the love of its grandfathers, grandmother aunt and uncles just goes so far beyond the pale it makes me sick.

JudyB, dont worry, i am not complaining if they make it that long before baby /little Rod is found. i have something much worse to compare it to... Luz Maria... there they got married, had the baby and a few hours afterwards his ex-wife called for him to escort her to the train station, next thing we know his ex-wife's maid found him at the clinic with amnesia, so she managed to get the baby and grandmother out of the house too and then took them all away from the girl and made them all believe that she (Luz M) never existed, that the baby was his ex-wife's... and yes, it was not until the baby girl, Marita, was at least 5 when Luz M saw her AND her husband, again after thinking they were both dead for years.

anyway... in other words, i have seen worse.

What a dreadful storyline Marta! I would have bailed on that one, for sure! You're tougher than I am...way tougher!

Decie Girl...maybe this is the male writers' fault. But wasn't the original creator of this story a woman, a Cuban, no? Her name escapes me at the moment. But oh, regardless... how I loathe this scenario! Glad I have a fellow sufferer to commiserate with...

How about El Derecho de Nacer? In the multiple versions of that one the heroine misses out on her son's entire formative years and only gets him back after he graduates from med school... and after spending years in a convent herself.

Or TdA where a murder attempt on both mother and child separates them until the daughter is an adult?

Considering that it's another blood relative of the mother or the child who is guilty in all of these that makes it a particularly evil act.

I want to see Roselena sink into a lake of fire for her evil deeds.

I'm with you Judy. If my son wasn't heading home on a fall break tomorrow I'd be bee-lining it for Columbus. Think of me during the support group meeting. I'll be bugging my son with an extra strong bunch of hugs. (I'll have to say is I was watching my TN and I'm sad, he'll roll his eyes and go with it.)

Glad your son will tolerate hugs, Daisynjay. I can get away with that with my daughters, but my son is more in favor of kindly taps on the shoulder. I'll take it though.

Sending you virtual hugs from Columbus and lots of empathetic "and how does that make you feel?" vibes.

UA--I hadn't realized that we've never seen Rosa actually in a church sanctuary. It's always been in Padre Honesto's office or her private chapel (probably consecrated a long time ago). She's probably afraid to be near or have to rub shoulders with real penitents and faithful congregants.

Ay yay Yay! I have been too busy today to comment. Anita- You did an amazing job with this very sad episode. I found it to be heartbreaking. And all the acting was on point, I thought.

Now, to read the comments.

I wondered why you were MIA, amiga. Then remembered that most of us have ordinary lives to lead outside of telenovelaland.

If Laura Flores doesn't win the coveted "Mas Malquerida" tn emmy this year, I swear I will never watch one of their awards programs again (until the next one).

Anita and Diana-yeah, I think Chelo hasn’t seen the medal.
DaisynJay-I keep having to re-attach my beanie; I have learned to just think of this as another planet, “TelenovelaLand”. In our world; post pictures everywhere and offer a reward; even the Chelo’s of the world would come out of the woodwork; but not here.


I thought the vecinidad gang did say they had cnavassed the whole neighborhood, and so had Barerra, talking to everyone, but no one saw anything-- not surprising on a cold rainy night.

Anita- Yeah, I had so much writing to get done today, mixed with meetings, and I just couldn't sneak away to comment. I did read the recap early this morning before leaving for work though, so I didn't go through complete withdrawal today. :-)

Canvassing the neighborhood isn't the same as posting flyers and offering a reward. Lets face it the writers want us kept in suspense. I hope, hope, hope that this doesn't turn into a Silas Mariner thing like someone was describing earlier. Yuk.

Thanks Anita for an awesome recap. Judy .- it is so unfair of the TN writers to rob Luciana of her maternal bonding with her Bebe. You only have them once in a lifetime. If it's true that it would be 5 years that's nothing in Canada, it went quick. But in real life gone would be the joy of a newborn and the bonding between mom and baby. This is why the three witches are unforgivable. Because this is only a TN (my mantra) I will become a icy cold bitch too. I hope Gala, because of her crime against Luciana and her prenatal abuses, gets a stillborn baby and that too would be a blow to RE. About RE, how can she expect everybody to forgive her after her fake performance of repentance especially to Luciana prior to this criminal and heartless act?And that Julia, SE she will be back for more money for all her smartness.I think.

Please excuse the typo omission above -To correct myself, - the sentence: if it's true that it would be 5 years before they allow the baby to be found, that is nothing in TN time, remember when Rod went to Canada for 6 months, I thought it would be a long stretch but it only went couple of day in TN time.

Thanks guys as of this week I am only following via your recaps -- baby in the trash was a Jumped The Shark moment for me with Refugio, I simply cannot get behind this plot turn where all 3 brujas become baby assassins, it is just too weird! Cannot watch everybody being too dumb to grill the obvious suspects esp. Rosa who has a history of babynapping. This plot is just RIDICULOUS and everybody is being so stupid, including Luci & Estilita and all who took obvious bait, meh, I'm out!!

Gala's baby should be born fine, but Gala should die in childbirth. Then Rodrigo can take the baby to Luciana to raise while they continue to look for their son. HE is the father, so he has the right to raise his daughter with whoever he wants. Neither one of the brujas would be allowed to visit. Rod would have his child, so there would be no way for Julie to profit from her. The baby wouldn't miss out, because Paz will always be with Luciana and Max likes Luciana, so he could see his granddaughter too.

Katie- We're so close to the end. Come on! You can tough it out with us. :) Judy runs a great support group, and we can have so much fun thinking of ways the Three Bs can die...

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