Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #125 Tue 10/2/12 The Only People Who Like Change Are Wet Babies (author unknown)

Tonight's episode was all about change. Connie is leaving her sister's home. Rod and Gala will soon be heading for Canada. Luciana is moving into a big (grandota) apartment in Mexico City. Jana has ended her relationship with Boris and Vicky is trying to do the same with Max.

For some, changes didn't come easily. And a few stayed rigidly stuck in their delusions (think Roselena). And all of our characters are struggling with decisions. In some cases, they're forging ahead-- leaving behind the past (sometimes with regret) but holding fragile hope for the future.

Here is how things developed tonight for our characters.

There's only one corner of the Universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self. (Aldous Huxley)

LORENZO – He's determined to expand his taquero business, not by being nailed down to one location as Aldo suggested; but rather increasing the number of bicycles and locales to 5. As he explained “It's better to seek out customers instead of them having to come to us.” He may not have finished prepa but he seems to have good business instincts. As for his infatuation with Jana, that hasn't changed at all. He's still ga-ga about her, in spite of Paz and Fabio's warnings the dangers of the Torreslandas and not aiming too high.

Some people change when they see the light, others when they feel the heat.” ( Caroline Schroeder)

CONNIE – After putting up with put-downs and general insanity for months, she's finally had it (“hasta que llega”) and she's leaving the mansion and saying good-bye her twisted sister. Connie's gentle attempts to straighten out Roselena are not only meeting with resistance but aggression. The latter accuses her of being an enemy and an executioner (verdugo) rather than an ally (aliada) and an accomplice (complice). She also predicts that if Connie runs back to her beach house, she will lose her real-estate business here in Mexico City.
-“Don't worry, I can handle my own problems is the tart reply.
-Oh, has Oscar convinced you to be his live in lover? I predict that won't last long. You'll come back for sure.

Connie stands her ground, goes up to packs her bags and gently disengages herself from the Torreslanda quagmire, in spite of Jana's protests, Aldo's fears, Matilde's whimperings and Roselena's haughty dismissal. For now, she's moving in with her daughter Melissa, and we see their affectionate reunion later, complete with a huge welcoming floral bouquet on the chest of the small, cluttered bedroom.

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but nobody thinks of changing himself. (Tolstoy)

GALA – This obnoxious lady (did I say lady?) is not changing. Not much anyway. She still expects the world to revolve around her and her needs. And indeed it looks like that tonight, as her two friends flutter around her, fanning her sweaty brow, holding a wastebasket in case she needs to puke up her libations from the night before, and occasionally offering sage advice like “If you feel bad from all those drinks, think about how your poor little baby feels!” Upon Julie's arrival there are more uplifting observations:
- If you lose the baby (because of binge drinking) you lose Rodrigo! And if you lose Rodrigo, you lose the Torreslanda fortune!
  • Trust me, I'm never drinking again! (well, now that's a change I'd like to see, for the child's sake anyway)
The hapless secretary comes in, makes an announcement about the crib being delivered, and Gala, with her usual sense of entitlement, phones Rod to leave work and be home to receive it. With her raging hangover, it's doubtful that she's going to get any work done today. But maybe she needs to stay in the office to rag on her staff, who undoubtedly do all the magazine writing and editing anyway.

It's only the view from where you sit that makes you feel defeat,
Life is full of many aisles, so why don't you change your seat? (unknown)

PATO and RODRIGO - Pato is not changing much, but we don't want him to. He remains the smartest and most centered of our characters. Maybe, because of his paralysis, he's locked in as an observer of the insanities and mistakes of his family. But whatever the reason, his voice is always a wise, if unwelcome, one. Tonight, he's once again trying to set his brother straight.
P - You've got to keep your promise to Luciana. Leave her free to love again. Believe me, it won't take her long to find a man who wants her to stay by his side forever.
R -Do you think I don't know how special she is? Do you think I won't care when another man enfolds her with his love? For that reason, I'm going away. I'm going to ask Dad to send me to Canada and if I can manage to live there, I'll stay.
P – And Gala?
R – She's going to stick with me like glue.
P – Well, I'm going to watch over Luciana every single day.

At this point Jana arrives and it's a cute scene as she tells big brothers about her breakup, and they smile knowingly, being fully aware that she's sweet on Lorenzo and totally uninterested in Boris.

We want the facts to fit the preconceptions. When they don't, it's easier to ignore the facts than to change the preconceptions. (Jessamyn West)

ROSELENA - Roselena is our poster girl for rigid, sclerotic concepts. Having failed to badger Connie into staying and submitting to her vengeance/control plans for Luciana; she focuses on Jana and her incipient romance with Lorenzo. Surveying her near empty table (only the insatiable Aldo seems to be interested in dining) she huffs about Max and Pato speaking to the servidumbre about their planned absence rather than her. And Jana will be here, whether she wants to or not! A screeching phone call to the office where Jana is happily ensconced with her two big brothers and the announcement that Genaro will be right there to pick her up is all it takes to bring the hapless Jana to heel. After all, one of Roselena's immutable rules is that her family MUST be there for breakfast and dinner (desayuno et cena) --the large meal in the middle of the day). The fact that people are constantly breaking this rule is driving her wild. When her threats to make Jana reunite with Boris (because he's from the right family, with the right name and the right standing in society) fail to work, she ups the ante, saying What will your father say when he finds out you're involved with that “infeliz taquero (wretched taco vendor)?”
J- I'm not “involved” and I will speak to Dad about it because he's understanding and good!
R- Sit down. Be quiet. You'll stay here even if you're not hungry. Don't serve Jana, Brigida. She's not eating.

When it becomes more difficult to suffer than change—then you will change. (unknown)

MAXIMINO and VICKY – Our ambivalent paterfamilias is changing all right. He seems to be getting more overtly violent with each episode. It all starts with a sinister phone call to Vicky at the salon, telling her to get out to the car RIGHT NOW. Vicky, visibly nervous, tells Nicole to call her father if she's not back after a reasonable amount of time. And crosses herself before getting into Max's car. At the love nest, the tension escalates. Max threatens to fire her dad if Vicky breaks up with him. Vicky snaps back that her dad has always been loyal to Max and so has she. Aldo is just a friend.
V - You treat me like trash, all the while acting like the perfect dad and husband.
Boom! Max seizes her, kisses her roughly and drags her to bed.
Later, looking the worse for wear, she listens wearily as Max gloats that he's the only one “who can make you happy”. (The poor lass is actually not looking happy at all) You'll never leave me, he smugly concludes.
V – You think you're doing me a favor, that you're a big deal rich guy slumming with a little manicurist, so I should always be grateful.
M – What you should always be grateful for is-- I give you my TIME—time I take away from my family.
V – You're taking my YOUTH which is a lot more valuable than your time. Let's end this right now.
M – Grabbing her arm roughly, You don't leave me until I say so!
V - Know what? I'm not Aldo's girlfriend but I would love to be. Unfortunately, I'm just your mistress. But your nephew is tender and kind.
M – Ese infeliz! (that jerk)
V – He'd give his life for you. He's loyal. That's why I like him so much.
M – If you like him so much, stay away from him or he might come to a tragic end.
V – I'll get away from both of you. I'm not going anywhere in my life. You're dragging me down. Like when you tied me up in the cabin and left me—I'm not putting up with that ever again.
M – If you walk out that door you'll never see me again.
V – And that's just what I want! Bangs the door and leaves.

Is Vicky changing? Or does she fit the French saying The more things change, the more they stay the same.? We shall see.

The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth , the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed. (I. Krisnamurti)

LUCIANA - Luciana's world has changed dramatically since the start of this telenovela. First when she fell in love with Rodrigo. And now when she's expecting her baby, resigned to living at least part of the time in Mexico City, and glorying in her dreams of life with her little one. Whether she's shopping for a baby bed (while our Material Girl Violeta urges her to get a lot more than just that!) or planning the arrangement of her new apartment, Luciana is especially focused on her love for her child. When she's on the phone to Paz:
L – I'm not going to let go of this baby for one minute. I'll take care of it and love it; this baby is my reason for living. (Anybody else feeling a big anvil looming?)

Anyway, for the moment, Lucian is “muy contenta”. The apartment is so large, she'll have a room for the baby. But at first he will stay with her in his little bassinet ( “moisés”) and a room for guests, as well as her own bedroom. Also an office and a TV room. Her living quarters are changing but she remains the same good-hearted, loving young woman she has always been.


The little toady Boris shows up at the mansion to formally acknowledge to Roselena that he and Jana are kaputzky. She cleans her hand with sanitizer after he shakes it, but otherwise is polite, acknowledging the tragedy of Jana's interest in “el taquero ese”.

Ivan, sprung from jail, is phoning Lastra to complain about the hardships of his detention. Lovesick Lastra is camped out in the park in the rain, hoping for a visit from Ofelia. He reassures Ivan that he'll get a lot of money in a week—more than he ever earned at Inferno. But he also needs to disappear for five months, as does Lastra—until things settle down a little (“Tenemos que dejar que se tranquilize las aguas.”)

Procopio and the down-market Teofilo (bring back our hunk please!) argue about who's on night duty. P – I did the last two nights! It's your turn!
T – I'm not doing nights....period! Once the sun goes down, I'm outta here.

Paz and Magda are back in San Francisco el Alto embroidering sheets for Luciana's baby bed and working on baby clothes as well. Ariche, for his part, is making a “pelota” ( ball) for the little fella.

Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced.

Rod is going to Canada, convinced, for now, that he has lost Luciana and needs to stay out of her way.
It's the old “geographical cure” that the 12-Step programs tell us doesn't work. And it's doubtful that Gala will be any more pleasant in a new location, but at least we might get to see some new locales.

So that's where our beloved...and hated characters are for the moment. The boldest move is Connie leaving the mansion. But as she tells our whiny Matilde—you know if Roselena ever really needs me, I'll be back in a flash. Let's hope, on the contrary, that Connie gradually makes the move from Melissa's apartment into Oscar's loving arms and home. And that Vicky finally breaks free from Max.
And I for one, hope that Rodrigo finally breaks free from Gala and that Lucian once again accepts his love and his presence in her life. And of course all of us hope there's someone very very special for our incredible edible Pato.


  1. ese infeliz = that wretch
  2. taquero = taco vendor
  3. tipejo = guy (pejorative)
  4. posada = hospitality (Connie, thanking Roselena for her time in her home)

Dicho of the Day

Arbol que crece torcido, nunca su rama endereza. (Lit. You can't straighten out a tree that has grown twisted. Fig. Once a crook, thief, skank... always a crook, etc.) Could apply to Max, Roselena and Gala. Might also point to don Aquiles. But since these telenovelas specialize in redemption, one of those at least might mend their ways.


Hi all. Had computer and cable problems tonight and had to write this without closed captions of any kind. So if there are errors, feel free to help me out.

Judy- Only read the title, and already I'm laughing. Back to the recap.

Just finished reading Judy. Another fantastic recap with a theme carried throughout. The theme of change was perfect for this episode. I also loved the quotes.

I was so happy that Connie finally made the move. Wish Aldo would move out with her.

I felt so bad for Hannah this episode. Looks like Rosa is going to focus all her energy on ruining/running her life, like she did with Rod. Let's hope Hannah's stronger than Rod is, but she's too obedient for her own good. Pato is the most rebellious of the TL kids.

Loved Luci's apt. Bright and airy. Just what Rod should have picked out for them to live in. Luci mentioned to her mom that CL was going to first get her a house, but then decided on an apartment so that she'd have less upkeep, but also so that she'd have more security. So I'm assuming people can't just waltz into her apt. building, which may be important later if there's a baby-napping attempt.

Judy-wonderful recap as always. I don't think you missed a thing. I too liked your change theme. I too am glad Conny left. It's about time she showed Rosa la loca how independent she is.

Poor Aldo. He's stuck there, as well as poor Hanna. I agree with Vivi, poor Hanna is stuck getting all the abuse from Rosa la loca. I hated the way she told Hanna to shut up and sit down, how rude. Both Aldo and Hanna crying when Conny left.

Poor Vicky. I hope this time she really stays away from Max. He just doesn't get it. You can't own someone like he thinks he owns Vicky, time indeed, Ha!

Rod is starting to aggravate me. So he is running away from all his problems to Canada, so Luci's bebe will never know it's father cause he promised to stay away from Luci. He is very close to being dead to me again. How cowardly. The least he could have told Luci was I'll stay out of your life, but I'd like to know our child. He didn't do that, and it bothers me.

Gagme needs to go to counseling. Not only for her alcohol problem, not only did she get drunk this time, but has constantly had alcohol before this incidence. Gagme really needs her head examined and good for Val for being the voice of reason again.

Love Luci's new place and agree with what Vivi said, it would have been better if Rod and Luci had found this place. His place, way dark and no natural light. I think Vio will change too, little by little. She still has the money thing going thru her head, but I think with time that will change. At least she has stopped looking for a sugar daddy.

Boris is an asshat. I guess he thought Rosa would help him out. That didn't work. I really thought she'd do it too.

Judy thanks for your recap and the quotes as well as the vocab and dichos.

Yes poor Hannah. As Vivi noted she is too obedient right now and I don't know what (aside from "love") will make her rebel.

Add me to the list of those hoping Connie stays gone from the TL house of Hades.

And I do really hope Vicky is legit this time. She gave Max some zingers (him stealing her youth and wanting her to think she's "lucky" to have him) that show she realizes the wretched situation she is in. My concern is that with Max's increasing violence, I do NOT put murder beyond him.

Hi Vivi, Mads and Karen. And thanks for all those kind words. Just glad I was able to post this before our internet access went down again. Every time it rains we have problems.

Not surprised that Jana is so obedient. She's young, hasn't graduated from prepa yet and is completely dependent financially on her parents. So she really has no choice but to hunker down.

Sounds like we're all on the same page with the rest of the characters. Glad Connie has moved out. Worried for Vicky and Aldo, given Max's increasing violence. Even with Luciana's "more secure" apartment, I fear Roselena and Gala's ill intent towards her child. My blood ran cold when Roselena exited the office,(in last night's episode) wiped her mouth off and muttered "Que asco!" There was so much hatred in those words,I believe her capable of anything. There's a shadow looming over this whole story right now. Sure hope we can count on an eventual happy ending!

This was wonderful Judy. The theme of change was beautifully woven through the recap,and I loved the quotes headers for each person.

I agree that Janna had the roughest go of it tonight, and more than likely will be dealing with Rosa's need to control someone. Thankfully, but sorrow for him, Pato will still be under the roof for now to be there for her. Her almost panic at losing her Tia was heart-breaking. Face it, that;s the only loving female family member that girl has. But hurray for Connie!!! Step 1--she's actually out the door ( lord, I thought those blasted tears of Mati's would make her change her mind.)

Did love the little brotherly love action in the office with Janna. Oh, if those three could ditch the parental units, how much better off they'd be. I like despite everything, even Rod and Pato's differences, they all three stay close.

But man, could feel those anvils moving in. Secure apartment or not, just the mere mention that CL felt that was a concern and Luce was all about never letting go of the baby, raised the hairs on my neck. TN law, you hint at the catastrophe before it happens. i HATE baby snatches, or baby near death events, or anything to do with harming a baby.

And for that reason, GT needs to be slapped silly. And add her money-grubbing mumsy with her. I guess those girls stay "friends" with her since they are gainfully employed at the magazine--knowing GT, if they really disagreed with her, she'd fire them. But I can't picture this broad wanting to go to Canada even if it does mean having Rod to herself. Wonder where in Canada? Did they ever say? Serve her right to be in upper Saskatchewan.


Hi Daisynjay. And thanks. You and I are in the same boat, baby-wise. I loathe any story that implies harm to a baby or separates a baby from its mother. I simply can't bear those stories. I'll take a gazillion breakups of loving couples before that.

And while I didn't spend much time on it in the recap, like you, my favorite scene was the brothers chuckling over Jana's love life and grinning widely to let her know they knew ALL ABOUT her being sweet on Lorenzo. Both actors just seemed very real in that scene. Sweet.

Yeah, I have a feeling that the "security" of the building, will lull them into a false sense of security and they'll let their guard down. What building in a tn, no matter what the security, has someone not been able to trick or bribe their way into? I'm afraid a baby-napping is in the works. As you guys said, too much anvil baiting about the baby. Plus, writers like to have parallels, and since baby was taken away as a baby, tn law says her baby will be too.

Missed a word-- "since baby Luci was taken away, tn law says her baby will be too."

Great stuff, Judy.

I feel the threats to Luci and her baby. Something is going to happen before much longer. If not Gala then Roselena.

Manicomio, NOW!

I for one think the apartment is safe but nowhere else is. I also picked up on Luci looking at that medal. Any novela I've ever seen where a baby has a little medal or something distinct given to it plays a part later on.

I had the feeling in this episode that in the next day or so we are going to have a leap forward in time. Rod and his Ball and Chain hieing off to Canada, Luci and familia painting and decorating the apartment, Jana living on bread and water and being lectured on a daily basis. Boris sulking and Lula gloating.

With 40 episodes to go we got to get them bebe's born, stolen, lost what have you and we can have Pato make some more progress in his therapy.

Big pointws to conny for getting out and I noticd she never even kissed La Loca adios. Poor Aldo not wanting to get caught in the cross fire and just keeping his mouth shut except to eat another hideous meal at Hell House.

Max is getting his buttons pushed and becoming more dangerous. I thought it was hilarious to watch Lastra huddled in the park in the rain while Ivan blubbers on the phone. Oh how the mighty and nasty have sunk.

UA...Manicomio Now! Sounds like a good poster. I'm in favor of shipping all the witches off immediately and going straight to "happily ever after" but alas it doesn't work that way.

"Jana living on bread and water.." funny, DECIE GIRL. Yes, our poor lass will certainly be on short rations now that she's the only one Roselena has even a hope of controlling.

Let's hope the Virgen de Guadalupe medallion helps Luciana's baby in the future. Little tike will definitely need outside help of a divine nature, now that he's in the sights of the Axis of Evil.

Like Vivi, I laughed from the second I read the title and found myself smiling at every delightful word.

Judy, you soldiered through all your computer and cable problems to gift us with an amazing recap. No closed captions? Even more exceptional. As much as I loved the vocabulary and dicho, your quotes were absolutely sensational and totally relevant to last night's episode. I'm in awe...

"twisted sister", "Torreslanda quagmire", "two friends flutter" were among my many favorites. Most astute and true observation: "Pato is not changing much but we don't want him to". Excellent!

As happy as I was that Connie left, why didn't she take Jana with her? Did I miss something? I wouldn't dream of leaving Jana, who is too young and vulnerable to be there alone. She lacks any protection (save Pato) from the viper Rosa.

My favorite scene was Rod, Jana and Pato discussing Lorenzo. The love and affection they feel for each other was obvious with every smile. We need more of these sibling scenes. ITA daisy, they should ditch the parents and live happily ever after.

I keep thinking Max has hit rock bottom but he continues to be more disgusting with each passing episode. Be very afraid Vicky and Aldo. In spite of everything that has transpired, I fear Max has the heart of a killer and one of you may pay the ultimate price. Sigh...

Thank you Judy! What a great way to start the day.


Thanks Diana. I like starting the day with you as well, amiga. But I don't think there was any way that Connie could take Jana with her. Short of dreadful physical abuse, which would have to be proved in court anyway,no one can remove a minor child from a parent's home.

We know that Roselena is a viper, but she would certainly not appear that way to the outside world or to the authorities. And that bedroom at Melissa's is pretty small!

I'll be interested though to see Maximino's reaction when Jana comes to him for sympathy. Will he back up his wife, or take Jana's side? They haven't shown us the tender side of Max in a long time, so he may be starting down the totally evil path as the story progresses. I haven't seen any likeable reactions from him in a long time.

You're probably on to something there Decie Girl. We have to get to the babies making their appearance fairly soon. So I guess, it would make sense to get GT and Rod out of town for awhile. be interesting to see what they'll do plot-wise to bring them back to town.

Might also give the writers an out to have show Pato progressing much farther forward in his recovery. Now that I will enjoy seeing.

Thanks, Judy - a great concise recap and the interspersed "dichos" were great, too. Say, did you ever write for a living? ;-)

July whomping on Gala for her drinking - regardless of venal motives - was the first useful thing I think that parasite has done. Her hitting on Claudio Monday night was revolting. Can't stand her or cut-too-many-times face.

Casa Torresland - someone commented that it doesn't really look like a home. True, it looks like a three bay service facility for tractor trailers.

Rod & Gala to Canada. Cool. Send 'em. I suggest Goose Bay, Labrador. Every vehicle parking spot there has a block heater. Wonderful in January.

Feeling enormous pity for Good Kid Jana. Aldo probably stays for better quality chow than tacos. Roselena, damn right, manicomio now! That one needs to be locked away. Still impressed w/ Laura Flores handling of the role.

Question: shouldn't Luciana be "showing?" A little bit, anyway? I like the idea of a Great Leap Forward in time.


Thanks, Judy - a great concise recap and the interspersed "dichos" were great, too. Say, did you ever write for a living? ;-)

July whomping on Gala for her drinking - regardless of venal motives - was the first useful thing I think that parasite has done. Her hitting on Claudio Monday night was revolting. Can't stand her or cut-too-many-times face.

Casa Torresland - someone commented that it doesn't really look like a home. True, it looks like a three bay service facility for tractor trailers.

Rod & Gala to Canada. Cool. Send 'em. I suggest Goose Bay, Labrador. Every vehicle parking spot there has a block heater. Wonderful in January.

Feeling enormous pity for Good Kid Jana. Aldo probably stays for better quality chow than tacos. Roselena, damn right, manicomio now! That one needs to be locked away. Still impressed w/ Laura Flores handling of the role.

Question: shouldn't Luciana be "showing?" A little bit, anyway? I like the idea of a Great Leap Forward in time.

Oh Lord!..."a three bay service facility for tractor trailers!" I love it, MIKE, as well as your suggestion for Rod and Gala ending up in Goose Bay, Labrador. That ought to shrivel up Rod's avocados even more. And maybe freeze her trap shut.

Not sure how far Luciana's pregnancy is. With first pregnancies, sometimes, with careful clothing choices, you can get through the first four months without "showing". But these gals are wearing tight clothes and belts so dunno.

I think we're all ready for a big leap forward in time. And good to hear from you Mike...it's been a while. How's the prettiest little girl baby in the world doing? You and Emilia headed up for a another visit any time soon?


From the very beginning we've had those great scenes with the siblings. More than any other novela i've seen they actually seem to love and support each other not just share common genes. Always love those scenes and some of the very real teasing and obvious love that goes on. Even Aldo for all his cluelessness has the same kind of bond with Melissa.

Hey, Judy! Miss Aly seems to be doing quite well indeed, thank you very much! She's 2 1/2 months now and too cute by half. We had a nice Face Time chat with her last night (and son & D-I-L ). She actually does seem to recognize us, a little bit anyway. No trip currently planned but we'll get the Jones in a big way in a week or two.

Yes, these have been some of the most real sibling relationships that I have seen in a telenovela. The actors who play siblings (Rod-Pato-Jana/Aldo-Melissa/Luci-Lor) all have a great comfort level with each other and easily fall into what looks like very natural sibling teasing and love.

Judy--You've delivered another masterpiece, through adversity on screen and off. Congratulations on..well, everything.

I said long ago we'd have to have a time jump. According to the ob-gyn, remember, it's too early to determine the sex of Luci's baby, so Luci is under 3-mos in and Gala is 2-mos behind her (which will be another opportunity for rage and envy).

The sibs together are great. When I see RE's treatment of Jana I'm reminded of the photograph RE was looking at longingly many episodes ago where only the two boys were in the photo with her. I wonder if RE has hidden resentment that Jana is a girl. She's younger than Luci and maybe Jana is a constant reminder of the girl baby she gave away. Or, it could be the way RE was treated herself by her mom--but then that doesn't explain why Conny is fairly normal. I say fairly only because we don't know what her marriage and break-up was like.

Warning----My posting tonight will probably be late because I want to watch the debates, followed by AB.

Invitation---Frances can no longer be a substitute. We (I mean I) need someone who might be willing to take a Wednesday in November--Decie Girl and Daisynjay, I'm looking at YOU. If interested, let me know and I can give you the details off line.

ANITA...Thanks, it was really a mess last night until we finally got the cable snafu fixed.

I always assumed that since Jana was born after Roselena became disillusioned with her husband (convinced...and still convinced! that he had an affair with Aurora)that perhaps Jana's conception was the result of Max forcing the issue, rather than the happier previous couplings when she still felt her husband was in love with her. So therefore Jana was not the result of romantic desire but rather coercion.

One theory anyway. I had an acquaintance many years ago who had the unfortunate habit of announcing that her last child was the result of her husband raping her. He had insisted on lovemaking one night when she wasn't in the mood, and it became THE STORY for the rest of her and her child's life. Most unfortunate.

JudyB---fantastic recap. Loved your historic quotes and your comments on each each chacter. The cary, cary recappers are the best. I love to read you guys.

Lastra in the rain was a hoot-LOL

The babies medallion was beautiful. of course Luci would go for the Virgen de Guadalupe, she has an angelic heart.

Loved Luci's new apartment. It was beautiful with even nothing in it. I hope that evil doesn't invade there.
the gringo

Sorry--caray, caray!

Judy- What a horrible story. That poor child!

Anita- I think we've figured out that Hannah got the short end of the stick with Rosa because:
1) She's a reminder of the baby girl she gave away about 2 years before.
2) She came after Max's "affair" with Aurora, and all the feelings tied to that as Judy stated.
3) She's not a boy.

I hope Max helps her, and doesn't support Rosa in her determination to ruin the girl's life.

Somehow i don't think Max forced the issue with Rosa resulting in Jana. Max genuinly and deeply loves Rosa even now (although God only knows why) and while he may be agressive with Vicki that could be his frustration over Rosa's icy behavior. My theory is that Rosa doesn't love Jana. Some women are incapable of loving their daughters who they see as a threat and as competition. Rosa exhibits some of that when she snarls about Jana being Max's little princess. She said it to Max and of coure to the hapless Jana.

I was also wondering why Boris went to tell the TL's that it was over with Jana. He told Rosa straight out that it was over and didn't answer her when she asked if it was because of Lor. Is there some convention that says since the boy formally asked to be Jana's novio that if the noviazgo is terminated he should tell the parents. I've never seen it done but we do know that Boris has extremely good manners. I don't think he went asking for Rosa's help because i think he is petrified of setting off one of her rants.

Anita let me think about it. My Spanish is not that great and I've never figured out the closed captions. Let me do my own recap tonight and i'll send it to you and you can see if it might work.


DECIE GIRL...Nobody's Spanish is that great. Well, Vivi and Marta are bi-lingual, but the rest of us are just flying by the seat of our pants and hoping for the best...and "grace" from you readers. I'm delighted you're going to give it a try.

Women who can't love their daughters: Yes, it exists. And it's certainly a plausible theory. She never complains about the boys being Maximino's "princes", that's for sure. So she may see Jana as competition, just like Aurora. Insecure, b!tchy mom that she is.

GRINGO...Thanks for your appreciation of the CarayCaray recappers. Readers and commenters like all of you on the line make it worth it.

I predict that Luciana will turn her new apartment into a warm, colorful, artistic haven. Much like her home in HetHet. And not at all like the dim, dark, über-decorated mausoleum that Rod lives in with Gala.

I agree with everyone else on why Roselena doesn't love her daughter. All those are valid explanations and none of them are mutually exclusive.

If Rod and Gala makes that move, they will be back before the baby is born. Rod will know when Luci's baby is due and show up at the hospital despite his promise.

If Gala goes to Canada with him and if her pregnancy goes to term she will want to have the baby born in Mexico... or make him believe that.

Decie--Ooh, that would be wonderful. I'd like to have a sub for Nov. 7. Don't try to do the whole thing tonight--pick out two characters you like and follow their actions (like Lor & Jana). You can reach me at almeg at verizon dot net.

My Spanish comprehension is a little better than so-so but I live chained to my Spanish-English dictionary and my English thesaurus (just to vary things). The good thing about this tn is that with the exception of our bombastic Don Aquiles, the actors speak very clearly.

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