Saturday, November 03, 2012

Abismo de pasion #160 11/2/12: Paluka, I AM Your Father! Oh, And Other Mysteries are Solved!

Love Shack!  Baby Love Shack!  Gabino dramatically grabs Paloma and sniffs her long hair.   He reveals to her that although he is only 5 years older than her and ten years older than Vincente, he is also her father.   Welcome to the most dysfunctional family EVER.  I gave you life!  Give daddy a hug!  As expected, Paloma doesn’t take the news as well as he’d hoped.  Paloma’s can’t hide the expression of distain or disgust on her face.  Paloma yells that Gabby is a liar.  You can’t be my father!  You’re a total HOTTY!  Gabby grabs her and has to physically restrain himself from performing his trademark pelvic rub on her leg.  Let me go!  Let me go, she yells!  She won’t feel pity for him like Vincente; she hopes that he rots in jail.  Gabby thinks that she’ll feel guilty for putting her father in jail.  Let me go!  Let me go, she yells!  Vincente picks up something medal and clocks Gabino in the back of the head with it.  Vincente grabs Paloma and yanks her out of the house while Gabino falls to the floor.  Gabino struggles up from the floor and jumps into a pickup truck.  The chase is on!
Hacienda Arango, Dr. Tovar begrudgingly gives Granny Clampett her props for mixing up a heap of potion that healed Elisa.  He says that the danger has passed, but Elisa will have to keep her hand bandaged.  Ramona tells the doctor that she took care of that as well.  Well, now Dr. Tovar feels useless and impotent.  Dolores holds Elisa in her arms and will not allow anyone else near her.  She looks accusingly at Damien (he was supposed to be watching Elisa closely on the honeymoon) and asks what Elisa was doing when she got bit by a snake.  Remembering how Dolores once cracked him in the jaw, Damien hides behind his mother and tells the story of the picnic basket.  Dolores thinks that Gabino and Carmina are behind this. 
Backwoods:  Paloma and Vincente are sprinting down a dirt road when Gabby catches up with them.  Gabby jumps from the truck and fires off a warning shot.  The two siblings stop running and walk towards their father.  Paloma pleads for her life and the life of her unborn child as her father points the pistol in her direction.  Gabby doesn’t care about the baby.  He tells her that she’s just like her mother.  She’s knocked up by a guy who doesn’t love her and if news gets out that he is going to be a grandfather, it may cramp his style with the ladies and he can’t have that.  Now he has even more reason to take out his kids.  Vincente jumps in front of his sister and says that he cares.  OK, now I like Vincente. 
Hacienda Arango, Ramona is being grilled like a cheeseburger.  The Arangos want to know what Ramona knows.  Spill it, says Alfonsina.  Ramona says that she’s afraid to say anything because when she talks, people die.  Ramona says that she spoke with Agosto on the day that he died, but she doesn’t know if he committed suicide or not.  Alfonsina admits that Horacio saw Carmina kill Agosto and helped her cover up the crime.  Dolores thinks Horacio killed Lupe because Lupe knew about Agosto’s murder.  Alfonsina explains that Horacio did not kill Lupe; he was only a witness.  He was hiding in the cemetery when Carmina shanked the priest.    
Backwoods:  Gabby frog marches his kids to the truck.  He says that he’s ashamed to be their father. Suddenly, Braulio jumps out from the shadows, sneaks up behind Gabby and grabs the gun.  Gabby jumps into the truck, but not before Braulio fires off a couple of rounds.  Braulio heard the gunshots and found them with Gabino.  Braulio tells Vincente that his mother is looking for him.  Braulio yells at Vincente.  Happy now, Vincente?  Paloma tells him that “her brother defended her very well”.  Paloma tells Braulio that Gabby is her father.   Who has a father that HOT?  I can never show him to my friends, she says. The siblings hug. 
Hacienda Arango:  Ramona is still explaining to her captive audience everything that she knows.  On the night of the accident, the car was coming back towards town.  Rosendo lost control and the car went airborne off of the road.  Estefania was still alive when she got there.  I had to stop them, were Estefania’s last words.  Alfonsina feels guilty because she has always hated someone that was simply trying to help her.  She wants to know why Ramona always let her believe a lie.  Ramona says that she only had pieces of the story and not a complete picture.  She didn’t know the complete picture until after she spoke with Agosto and Lupe.  Elisa wants to know why Ramona never said anything.  Ramona begs everyone to forgive her; she blamed herself for Agosto and Lupe’s death.  Elisa tells her that it’s not her fault that Carmina killed Agosto and Damien doesn’t blame her for Father Lupe’s death.  Alfonsina swears that Carmina will pay for everything. 
Hacienda Castanon:  Elisa is still wearing her hospital gown and slippers when she and Damien visit Casa de Castanon.  They have come to collect some things, which hopefully include a comb and some make up.  Elisa cries because her crazy aunt killed her father.  Carmina sneaks out of the office.  She’s understandably pissed that Elisa is still alive.  She calls Gabby stupid.  If you have to have to have something evil done correctly, you have to do it yourself!  She cocks her rifle. 
Hacienda Arango:  Alfonsina gets a call from the bounty hunter stating that he’s found Horacio.  Alfonsina tells Don Lucio the news.  Don Lucio wants to go turn Horacio into the police.  Alfonsina tells the bounty hunter that Lucio is on his way there.  Lucio tells Dolores that Horacio is in the cemetery. 
Hacienda Castanon:  At Damien’s insistence, Elisa has freshened up and looks great for someone who has just recently returned from “death’s door”.  Damien takes the luggage out to the truck.  Elisa returns to the office for some papers.  Because she’s looking at her bandaged hand, Elisa doesn’t hear the eerie music alerting her that her psycho aunt is there.  Carmina tells Elisa that she had been waiting for Dolores, but Elisa showed up…better!  Elisa should be dead, she says. 
Cemetary:  The bounty hunter tells Horacio that Lucio is coming to get him.  His itinerary for the evening includes a visit to Alfonsina, and afterwards, he will go to jail.  Horacio has managed to free himself from the ropes.  Horacio surprises the bounty hunter and knocks him out.  Horacio takes the gun and runs, but he is spotted by Lucio.  Lucio screams at Horacio.  Turn yourself in and pay for what you did!  Horacio doesn’t want to hurt Lucio!  Lucio says that Horacio will escape over his dead body.  Horacio says that he will not spend the rest of his life in jail.  He will kill Lucio if he has to.  Lucio calls Horacio a coward for not telling him that he killed Blanca under the orders of Gabby.  Horacio tells him that he didn’t mean to kill Blanca; Lucio was supposed to die.  Lucio begs Horacio to kill him too.  He’s been dead ever since Blana died.  Horacio puts the gun up to Lucio’s chest.  Dolores comes into the cemetery and begs Horacio not to kill Lucio.  She’ll offers to willingly go with Horacio.  Lucio begs Dolores not to do it. 
Casa Castanon:  Elisa and Carmina are in the office.  Carmina says that Elisa is one lucky ducky!  She should have died from that snake bite.  Elisa tells Carmina that she knows everything.  Carmina was Rosendo’s lover and that Carmina should have died in the accident.  Elisa eludes to the conversation that she had with Ramona, thus signing Ramona’s death certificate.  Elisa tells Carmina that she will pay for the death of her parents.  Elisa leaves the room.  Carmina grabs the rifle, cocks it and tells Elisa not to take another step.  Elisa cries at the door.  Carmina explains that she killed Agosto because he was beating her like they were heavyweights fighting for the belt.  He didn’t care that she’d done it for love.  He was treating her like trash and wanted to expose her as a tramp.  Carmina tells Elisa that she’s standing in the spot where her daddy died.  Elisa asks if Carmina is going to kill her too.  Carmina rubs the barrel of the gun against Elisa’s head.  She tells Elisa that Elisa will live a life alone knowing that her soul mate is dead.  Carmina then knocks Elisa out with the butt of the rifle.  Carmina goes outside, sees Damien standing next to the car.  She calls Damien’s name and fires.  Elisa calls wakes up long enough to hear the shot and call Damien’s name.  Please don’t let her have harmed his face or his chest or his abs or his hair or his legs.  He’s so adorable. 
Back at the Casa Castanon:  False alarm, it was just a warning shot.  Damien’s body is still in one devine looking piece.  Carmina says that she missed on purpose, but the next shot will be a good one if he doesn’t comply.  Damien won’t leave until he sees that Elisa is alive.  Carmina allows him to look at Elisa, but tells him that she will kill him with the same gun that she used to kill Agosto.   Carmina follows him back into the foyer.  Damien sees Elisa lying on the floor and checks to make sure that she’s breathing.  Actually, he was trying to shake her awake so that she would help him, but how convenient, Elisa remains “passed out” with all the commotion above her head.  Carmina cocks the gun and tells Damien that his time is up.  She leads him back to the truck.  He drives away while Carmina sits in the backseat. 
Blanca’s House of Sewing Something:  Dolores is sitting in a pile of trash.  She wants to know how Horacio can hide in the place where he killed Blanca.  Lucio was very nice to him.  She tells him that he still has the chance to do the right thing.  She knows that he’s a good man.  She saw it in his eyes the first time that he carried her milk…at the market…perves.  He says that she’s the best thing that has ever happened to him.  Horacio doesn’t want to lose her.  She wants to know if Horacio expects her to escape with him and live on the run.  He’s speaks slowing to Dolores so that she will understand him.  Horacio gets down on all four, whines like a puppy dog and makes her pet him.  She wants him to turn himself in.  Horacio gets all pissed off and gets off the floor.  That’s not gonna happen, sister. 
Casa de Castanon:  Hmmmm Now that the coast is clear, and the crazy woman with the rifle is gone, Elisa opens her eyes again.  She runs to the porch screaming for Damien.
Hacienda Arango Office:  Don Lucio is pissed that Horacio escaped again.  Dammit he took Dolores with him, but notifying the police is not necessary.   He could sure use some Tostachos right now!  Suddenly, the phone rings!  Elisa calls (not the police, not the FBI, not the CIA, not Batman or Sherlock Holmes) but Alfonsina to inform her that Carmina kidnapped Damien with a shotgun.  She believes that Carmina may have shot him, but she doesn’t know if he’s hurt or dead.  Alfonsina collapses, so Lucio picks up the phone.  Elisa explains that Damien has been kidnapped and she heard a gunshot.  Lucio wants to call mall security (again, there are no real police in La Ermita), but Alfonsina won’t have it.  She runs out of the house.  Lucio tells Tonia to bring him a double helping of some Tostachos.  They seem to reduce his anxiety during kidnappings. 
Witch Mountain:  Paloma wants to know if it’s true that Gabby is her father.  Ramona confirms it.  Paolma has a bitch fit.  She will never forgive Ramona for not telling her that Gabby is her father.    
Hacienda Arango:  Elisa finds Gall and begs him to help her find Damien.  Good luck with that!  She explains how Carmina hit her in the back of the head.  Gall says that he will help her find Damien because Damien is her soul mate as well as his brother.  I think Gall is switching back to Gael again.  He has a relaxed look on his face now that he’s discovered that he’s loaded. 
Love Shack!  Baby Love Shack!  Pop Quiz Time!  Question:  You and your accomplice brag about several murders within earshot of two witnesses.  You then attempt to kidnap those witnesses and frog march them in the dark at gunpoint so that you can kill them.  The witnesses can identify you because you are their father and they know where you live.  What would you do?  If you chose that sexy Gabby should return to the Love Shack!  Baby Love Shack! And take a shirtless nap while he waits for Cynderella to join him?  You chose correctly.
Alfonsina walks in screaming Carmina’s name.  Where is Carmina?  I don’t know.  You’re her accomplice.  Alfonsina  starts yelling at him about lying to her.  He’s always known that Carmina was Rosie’s lover.  Gabby says that he simply lied by omission.  He never confirmed or denied it.  He let Alfonsina draw her own conclusion.  Alfonsina calls him trash and threatens him with the police.  Gabby decides that he will violate Alfonsina.  Unbelievably, Alfonsina pretends to resist Gabby’s always effective mating ritual of aggressively rubbing himself against women.  She tells him that he’s disgusting.  Yeah.  Right.  He’s practically naked and his happy trail is showing!  Wow, my fingers are tingling!  Can I touch it?  If I was Alfonsina, I too would have pretended to resist at first, but in the end, he would have “forced himself” on me for law enforcement purposes only (if I were being interrogated), of course. 
Hacienda de Arango:   Vincente pleads with Braulio to forgive him.  He didn’t know that Gabby was partly responsible for the vertical rise in La Ermita’s mortality rate.  Braulio tells Vincente that he will only believe him if he tells the police everything he knows about Gabino.  Vincente tells Braulio that he hopes that he marries Dolores and has lots of blood sons, that love him, with her.  Braulio tells him that he’s been all over that situation, but in the meantime, he already has a blood son and his name is Vincente.  Braulio hugs Vincente and I get all misty.  I can’t stand it.  Seeing the hug, Tonia gets all misty too and apologizes to Braulio for hiding Horacio.  She informs Braulio that Horacio kidnapped Dolores and she is at the Blanca’s House of Sewing  Stuff.    
Love Shack!  Baby Love Shack! :  Gabby is furiously humping and groping Alfonsina.  She flips the script and tells him that she will not resist him.  She’s always been attracted to him.  This seems to gross him out.  It’s not fun unless she’s squirming.  He wants to know what she’s talking about.  She reminds him of how he came to work from Rosendo.  According to Gabby, when he was a teenager, his mother died of tuberculosis and recommended that he reach out to Rosendo.  Alfonsina tells Gabby, that Rosendo had more than one illegitimate son.  She reveals that on the day Rosendo died, Lupe saw her burning a birth certificate.  The birth certificate revealed that Gabby was the son of Rosendo Arango.  Gabby can’t do the deed, he’s in shock.  He dismounts, but Alfonsina is coming on strong.  Whereas before the revelation, the thought of raping her was turning him on, her touch now makes him flinch.   Gabby basks in the glory of his new found status.  He envisions them backing up the money truck to his front door and does not notice that Alfonsina is now standing behind him.  He asks her if it’s true that she really burned the birth certificate.  Alfonsina tells him that he will never know, cracks him in the back of the head with a beer bottle and runs away. 
Mandatory Side Note Discussion (Strange Family Tree if Alfonsina is not lying)
·         Gall is married to his niece.
·         Gall will be both the father and the great uncle of his son.
·         Paloma will be both the mother and the cousin of her unborn baby. 
·         Gabino is both the father-in-law and the brother of Gall.
·         If Gall and Paloma have additional children, those kids will be both siblings and cousins. 
·         Gabino is both the father and the brother-in-law of Paloma.
·         Gabino will be both the grandfather and uncle of his unborn grandchildren.
·         Gross!
Blanca’s House of Sewing Stuff:  Braulio and Vincente come to rescue Dolores, but she is not there.  Maldito seas, Horacio!  Maldito seas! 
Ministerio Publico Merida:  OMG!  Horacio turns himself in to real live police officers.  No, they are not mall security.  They have real live badges and guns and everything!    As the police take him into custody, he turns to his wife and says, for love.  Dolores asks the officers if the cuffs are on tight.  The police confirm.  Then Whew! Says Dolores!  Whew!
Thank you for reading my recaps!  It was awesome watching Abismo de Pasion with you all! 


Really, Gab is such a man that he fathered his first child at 5. Now that's macho! Just had to say that right away. Now I'll go read the rest.

Ramona is being grilled like a cheeseburger. I love it. You are so funny.

This too:

"Please don’t let her have harmed his face or his chest or his abs or his hair or his legs. He’s so adorable." You didn't mention little Damian.

Ok, I finished and you are going out with a bang. What an odd scene with Alf and Gab with him coming on to her and then her doing it back. Yuck! Is Paloma married to her uncle?

Cynderella- Just marvelous!

Cathyx- Yes, Paloma is married to her UNCLE Gael. Gross! I had suspected this secret about Gab, but then I thought, no way would the writers let an uncle and niece have a baby together and marry. I was wrong. *blegh*

Loved seeing Alfie turn the tables on Gabino, and how she took control and power back in that situation. I luaghed every time Gabino got whached in the head, know how much worse his headache was getting. :)

Sorry for the typos. Still skeeved out about the Pal-Gael pairing.

Yes, Vivi, I don't think the monkeys thought this through enough. Maybe monkeys mate with their ancestors, but humans don't usually.

Querida Cynderella,

Thank you for all the terrific recaps. Your swan song cracked me up & made me hungry for Tostachos.

The reference to the Arango/Mendoza family tree was heeeeelarious yet cringe-inducing. Thank you, writers for making my flesh crawl!

The skull of Uncle/Gramps Gabino was like a magnet last night. I was kind of wishing he'd adopt a catchphrase to use with every smack.

¡Adios, Abismo!

Cynderella - thank you for the recap. WHAT an episode! Your Rosendo Arango family tree just makes my head spin. Ewwww, gross me out that Gael is married to his, what, niece? Valganos Dios! If Alfie made all that up, she sure thinks fast on her feet... er... back.

I loved seeing Gabs jump lightning fast into his truck when Brau shot at him. LOL

So Chente is redeemed. Big whoop.

Instead of Paloma getting mad at Ramona for never telling her Gabino is her father, she should be thanking her for sparing her the years of nightmare.

Cynders - Thank you for being the force behind our wonderful Caray weekends. This recap is no exception. Fantastically hilarious! I crack up with your lustful Gabino comments.

All you recappers have been a Dream Team for those of us just watching, reading and commenting. Thank you so much from the bottom of the cenote.

Great work, Cynderella. This series is making it up in some ways with this penultimate episode.

Love how Alfonsina manipulated Gabino. Honestly, only Roberto Ballesteros is more repulsive than this actor. I'll be glad to see this character meet his Karmageddon.

So who is more mentally ill, Carmina or Roselena from Refugio?

Great recap Cyn thanks!

Finally Ramona cleared a few things with everyone as well as Alfie revealing what she knew.

I didn't mentioned in commenting on Thursday's recap, but when Gab has Paloma and Chente trapped in the house and when he has Paloma in a head lock before he reveals the big secret, when he lets her go she lets out a little scream. I thought that scream was kinda funny.

Dam and Elisa don't even get an hour together after she recovers then Carmina has to come and ruin everything and this time she's going after Damian. I'm hoping Gael will redeem himself as a good brother and rescue Damian. Oh and Chente got his redemption too! Whoop dee do......

Urban- Well Rosa hasn't killed any people (just attempted to kill her grandchild), so I'm going to have to give this one to Carmina.

So. Dam. Funny!!! I love the hardboiled tone of this. Miss Cynder you are a comic genious.

I refuse to believe that Gab is Rosendo's spawn. I hope Alfie was just bullsh**ing him to get him off her back, er chest. Otherwise...EWWWWWW!!!!

But if that wasn't Gab's BC then what was Alfie burning?? So many questions still left to answer.

There is only one Cynderella. Good grief, who else could come up with a line like "Ramona is being grilled like a cheeseburger." My sides hurt. I have been laughing way too much for a woman my age. I think I may have fractured a rib.

My second favorite quip was when you brought up your classic refrain "carrying the milk" and then cussed us for being pervs. Yes, we are! thanks to you, wicked woman.

And in my occasional innocence, I didn't even think of the family tree implications of Gabino's alleged birth. Although I'm banking on this being a big fat lie by Alfonsina. She is darned smart, in some ways.


OMG, Cynderella, I'm so glad you got this episode -- only you could do it justice.

Favorite lines (I'm not limiting myself to five anymore, coz it's free-for-all time):

- Welcome to the most dysfunctional family EVER.

- Remembering how Dolores once cracked him in the jaw, Damien hides behind his mother and tells the story of the picnic basket.

- If you have to have to have something evil done correctly, you have to do it yourself! [Carmina] cocks her rifle.

- Lucio tells Tonia to bring him a double helping of some Tostachos. They seem to reduce his anxiety during kidnappings.

- I think Gall is switching back to Gael again. He has a relaxed look on his face now that he’s discovered that he’s loaded.

- [Alfonsina] tells him that he’s disgusting. Yeah. Right. He’s practically naked and his happy trail is showing!

- [Gabino] envisions them backing up the money truck to his front door and does not notice that Alfonsina is now standing behind him.

What an episode! What a recap! I'm in awe!


I'm officially re-opening the Horacio Table as of right now. Detangling combs and tequila sunrises for everyone!

Cynderella, every week you make me laugh so much. I don't know if I'm going to miss this show, but I'm certainly going to miss everyone's recaps.

So IF Rosendo were really Gabino's father, how old would he have been when Gab was born? Did he know Paloma was his supposed granddaughter? I think this must be a lie. Maybe what Alfie was burning was evidence that Dam WASN'T Rosendo's bio-son. Could be total coincidence that Dam and Gael have the same blood type...or maybe Rosendo had a brother or something who was Dam's father. Or maybe it was Alfie's own birth certificate, showing that she was really Rosendo's sister who was adopted by Loopy's family, and that explains why Dam is

I think my locksmith business needs a La Ermita branch. Why did it not occur to Elisa to change the locks?! I'll get the Ruiz y de Teresa ad agency working on a new campaign especially for this dim town. I bet they'd hire Enrique to star in it, and maybe Flor could play the pretty damsel in distress.

That entire scene at Elisa's house when Dam dropped her off to change and Carmina was there had me shaking my head. Right after Elisa had a conversation with everyone about Carmina killing all those people, she comes home and Carmina is there. Here is what happened:

Elisa tells Carmina that she knows everything. Carmina was Rosendo’s lover and that Carmina should have died in the accident. Elisa eludes to the conversation that she had with Ramona, thus signing Ramona’s death certificate. Elisa tells Carmina that she will pay for the death of her parents. Elisa leaves the room. ELISA LEAVES THE ROOM.In fact, Elisa grabs her purse and turns to leave, like she's having a conversation with a normal person. HOW STUPID CAN SHE BE? Why would anyone do this? Why would anyone trust Carmina not to try to kill them after everything that's known about her?

Julia, perhaps you could hire beautiful Florencia as a spokesperson for your lock company. She seemed satisfied with the locks you installed on her bedroom door at La Arango.

Blue - I will join you st the Horacio table. His pitiful yelps of internal pain were just heartbreaking. I loved when he turned around there at the end and said "For Love".

I must say as much as I've been enjoying this TN wrapup, I was hoping Begonia would pop back in from Guadalajara. I didn't think the last time we saw her would be the last time we saw her.

cathyx - ITA re: Elisa leaving the room and Carmina. I had the same reaction when Alfie was telling Gabs that he will go to jail. WHY tell him? Just call the police and have him arrested first. Alfie & Elisa are both wearing their telenovela beanie hats too tight.

Thanks to all the superb recappers for heroic efforts this past week. The recaps and the hilarious discussions made several hours worth of mirthful reading this evening. I will miss the end too since I don't get back to New Mex until Tuesday. I look forward to reading the grand finale with three of our talented writers sharing the glory. The Patio scenes made me feel right at home. I have been indulging in a few margaritas and sampling the mole (negro is my absolute favorite) offerings of Oaxaca. Thank you thank you.

Gee, I sure hope Alfonsina was pulling his leg so to speak. Really she could have waited until the afterglow smoke to tell him the truth but then maybe she didn't want to be raped since it wasn't her idea. Everyone has clung to the Gabino sexiness theme and he has been nicer to younger kids. I wonder if Cadmium Yellow Carmina will force his hand and either kill him or make him kill her in order to save his new found escuincles.

Thanks so much Cynderella for yet another wacky wonderful recap so befitting our seriously wacky show!

Thanks to all the Abismo recappers who have really pulled out all the stops for this one - especially after it went hurtling off the rails! You have delivered such brilliance - again and again!

Somehow I doubt Alfie was telling the truth about Gab/Rosendo. She did tell Gab to "think whatever he wants". Now Gael obviously wants his share and as I've said before Dam probably won't mind sharing, but I don't think Dam nor Gael would share with Gabino. Gab's not good enough to be an Arango. If he's really an Arango the how old were Ros and Gab's mother when he was born? Teenagers?

One more note of appreciation to the recappers who were able to create many silk purses from this pig-eared production. I mostly stopped watching but couldn't resist reading many of the recaps. Gracias! I have watched these last few episodes.

La Paloma

Cynderella thanks so much for this recap and entertaining us for this crazy TN. I hope you bless us with your talents in the future.

I vacillate about Pal from time to time - she's annoying and pitiful or just misunderstood. However when she started yelling at Ramona about her rights to know her father, I had to FF lest I reach through my screen and take her out. In the words of CME's Roberta, estupida!

I'm choosing to believe Alfie lied to Gabby b/c the ramifications are too out of control to handle.

Well, at least the monkeys didn't forget about the burned will/birth cert/piece of paper thingy. Although they still could, I guess.

Yes, R la O, that "POR AMOR" of Horacio's was a real Telenovela Moment. I admit I squealed.

I couldn't catch this episode until yesterday and all I can say is my head is still hurting. I now know the real reason behind Gab's headaches.

But you certainly made it hysterical and way more exciting than it deserved, Cynderella. Your weekend recaps have been part of my routine for weeks now. What will I do without my chuckles and giggles over weekend coffee? I think withdrawal is setting in....

All I can say is, what is wrong with these people? No, DON'T call security or police? Hold a secret that could have saved lives, and no, you don't have to wait until you have all the facts. Oh well....beating a dead horse complaining about the plot lines on this TN.

As for the reveal of Gabs being Rosendo's son, I remember someone here tossed that out once before, long before we had the official pairings going on. With any other TN I would say that would have to be a ruse, but who knows with this one. I guess the monkeys don't realize we can figure this stuff out. But like the royalty of old with all their in-breeding, can explain the nuttiness and stupid personalities in this town.

So now Chente sees the error of his ways. Yeah, Doris, I'm with you. Big Whoop. Still don't care for the little snot.

And Pal is still annoying. Poor Gael, you are so in for a fun-filled married life. NOT

Can't say I'm shedding any tears with this one ending. Hanging on to Refugio and giving this 9:00 a break for awhile since the next TN doesn't float my boat much except for Rulli. But if I'm blubbering on the patio, it's because I'll be thinking of missing this fun bunch!

It was hilarious the way Gabino kept getting smacked upside the head. That would hurt anyone, but for someone with a bullet in their head, it must have been excruciating.

Karen - Thanks for the "estupida" memory, especially the one at the top of the stairs. So funny!

Sorry for this comment during YOUR recap Cynders, but even tho a 50 year headache would serve justice to Gab, I am hoping they kill him off for Paloma and Gael's baby's sake. He needs to die and become a distant memory so the baby has less chance of pulling a Chente.

I think Chente only repented because he overheard Gabino & Carmina reference "getting rid of him" several times.

If Chente was hiding and Gabino/Carmina confessed all their crimes but Gabino said "Chente's all right with me, he's my HIJO" Chente would have been fine with Gabino's crimes, just like Tonia was fine with Horacio killing Lupe as long as he skipped town with Dolores but OMG! he killed Blanca so I can't deal with Horacio?

Ok, Tonia & Chente, sit down.

Chente realized Gabino would kill him like he killed everybody else and not think two twits about him.

Paloma is stupid for screaming at Ramona and running away from the house, knowing that Gabino & Carmina are still on the loose. Maybe she's an Arango after all.


Cynderella I am soooooo going to miss your Saturday recaps! You surely didn't disappoint with this last one, family tree and all. You are like the voice of sanity in the midst of all the CRAZIES!!!

A special thanks to all the recappers, I so agree with everyone who said they have made this TN a treasure, for good or for bad. It's like the perfect storm of recappers and bloggers. I can't imagine getting this lucky again! :)

Aren't Gabby and Pal novios in real life? I saw a clip of something where they were all flirty and someone asked her and she confirmed they were boyfriend/girlfriend. Which makes him being her father even MORE of a stretch for this viewer. And I realize Gabino looks EXACTLY THE SAME now as when he was an adult and Dam, Elisa, Pal and Gael were 10 year olds, but now we're supposed to think, what, he was young enough to be Rosies kid but old enough to be Pal's dad? QTH?! Was Rosendo 80? I'm so confused. Good thing it's ending. But I'm sad to miss all my online amigas! And Amigo (Carlos!).

At least I get to see a few of you on the Amor Bravio recaps. And maybe I'll watch the first few episodes of Amores Verdaderos. Although I remember your comment Cynderella about it making Amor de Pasion look like Shakespeare. I'm very afraid!



I have SO enjoyed reading everyone's comments today. Sorry I haven't been able to comment more but wifi has been very spotty for me this weekend. How annoying!

TF, love your comment about Alf telling Gab to "think whatever he wants" because isn't that kind of what he had just told her? That he never actually lied to her, just let her think what she wanted? That Alfie is s crafty one

ITA with all of you who found Gab's constsnt noggin knocking amusing. Not to mention he played it to the hilt.

And that little two-footed kick Gabino did when he was jumping back into his truck with Brau shooting at him was pretty funny, too.

No way is Gabino an Arango. The Botox Queen was manipulating him. I think he deserves to suffer with this worse-than-migraine until he offs himself to end the pain.

Cynderella, you surely made my weekend recap readings week in and week out... you rocked! actually the whole team rocked... esp once the writers had a too-heavy-on-banana-tree-family steady diet...

anyway, from this your final Abys recap... here are my favs, most listed already by Blue Lass...

He is only 5 years older than her, …he is her father…

Welcome to the most dysfunctional family EVER.

Remembering how Dolores once cracked him in the jaw, Damian hides behind his mother and thells the story of the picnic basket.

If the news gets out that he is going to be a grandfather, it may cramp his style with the ladies… Vicente jumps in front of his sister… OK, now I like Vicente.

Gabby frog marches his kids to the truck.

[Gabino] dismounts (Alfonsina).

Elisa eludes to her conversation with Ramona, thus signing Ramona’s death certificate.

Carmina says she killed agosto because he was beating her like they were heavyweights fighting for the belt…

Please don’t let her have harmed his face or his chest or his abs or his hair or his legs. He’s so adorable…. False alarm, it was just a warning shot. Damien’s body is still in one devine looking piece.

Blanca’s House of Sewing Something:

Lucio tells Tonia to bring him a double helping of some Tostachos. They seem to reduce his anxiety during kidnappings.

[Gael] has a relaxed look on his face now that he’s discovered that he’s loaded.

Dolores asks the officers if the cuffs are on tight. The police confirm. Then Whew! Says Dolores! Whew!

But my favorite by far HAS to be your list…
(Strange Family Tree if Alfonsina is not lying)

Cathyx… INDEED an odd and totally from out in left field bleachers scene.

Doris… If Alfie made all that up, she sure thinks fast on her feet... er... back. ROFLOL!! Indeed!


Blue, yeah that jump/jolt climbing on the truck by Gabino when Braulio was shooting at him was funny, i could only think of the migrain of the noise of the bullet bouncing off the truck door and his scary deer in headlights face.

Cynderella, this was absolutely sensational. Warm and witty and so well written. Loved your style and amazing quotes. thank you for all of your time and effort - it is greatly appreciated.


Big day in La Ermita! See you all on The Patio!

Can't wait!

double anxiety... elections AND abismo ending...

hey, everyone out there, if you haven't done so, VOTE tomorrow! it is really an important election... and now more than ever every vote counts...

anyway, i already voted so i am comfortably sitting at the Patio already with my avocado nachos and berry margaritas... i am ready!

Oh Marta - I have already voted too and while it felt good maybe what an outcast like me living in Utah needs is to join you early at the patio. I think avocado nachos and berry margaritas could help settle my nervous-election stomach. Please order a pitcher and I'll be right there!

I already voted too. What a great feeling to be able to put all that election junk mail directly into the recycling bin. (Bwahahaha! The true benefit to voting early.)

I'll bring the tostachos and meet you folks on the patio.

"Give daddy a hug!"

You never fail to crack me up Cynderella. What a great way to wind up your Friday treats for us.

I thought that Alfonsina remained cool and relatively calm with Gabino. I'm kinda hoping that he is Rosendo's son making Cynderella's familial calculations worth the trouble.

I'm really looking forward to the Gran Final and tomorrow's recap.



come on down ladies! the patio opened early for the special event. plenty of chips, guac and margaritas for everyone!

Gotta stay sober yet Marta. I didn't vote early, so have to be in top form tomorrow. (Too paranoid to vote early by mail, I want to crank that handle myself).

OMG JudyB, aren't you afraid of hanging chads?!?! (Hee.)


Sylvia - We have a friend named Chad who loves to be called that.

I already voted, too, so I'll be joining everyone on the patio.

I feel a little left out that I have never, ever in my life gotten to vote in a booth with a machine with a lever. We only have voting by mail now where I live, and before that, my polling places just had fill-in-the-bubble forms and we sat at tables with number 2 pencils to do them, like we were still in school taking standardized exams.

We fill out paper ballots and manually put them through a slot in the top of a big wooden box with a padlock on it. Maine is adorable.

I am sure the topic of whether or not Gab is really an Arango will be cleared up tonight however, here's my theory about it. So we know Gab's mother died from TB. Rosendo decided to keep Gab has his worker in his hacienda then as Gab got older he became Rosendo's right hand man. Assuming Rosendo is not Gab's father and the identity of Gab's father will not be known then it seems likely that Rosendo may had the intention to adopt Gabino before or after Damian was born so then Gab would be Dam and Gael's adopted brother. But if for some reason or another Ros could not adopt Gab: paperwork never went through or he died before he could get the paperwork done and maybe Alfie didn't want to adopt him on her own so the papers that she burned were the adoption papers not the birth certificate.

I used to love going to the voting booths because they were at the local retirement home. All the residents came down and chatted with those of us who stood in line. I think it was a big deal for them, something out of the ordinary. They would have big platters of cookies and treats and bottles of juice for us. I loved hanging out there. Then they moved the booths somewhere else and it stopped being fun. I was pithed so I decided to rebel by registering to vote by mail.

TF, I hope all the mysteries will be cleared up but I ain't holding my breath. These TNs have a history of lovin' the mystery.

And leaving loose ends dangling for all eternity.

Judy B I hate it when loose ends dangle. There has to be Tostachos® at the party. After watching Abismo all this time, their product placements have finally driven me to crave them.

Since Ramona seems to know everything, perhaps the reason she has been so negative about Paloma and Gael is because she didn't want Paloma hooking up with Uncle Gael.

Gift idea for the new baby: a banjo.


This calls for a card.

To Paloma,
Sorry that the joy you had in finding your soul mate will forever be tarnished by fact that he's your uncle.


Dearest Paloma,
I'm so sorry that your "funny uncle" doesn't have even the slightest sense of humor.

Full house of early voters on the patio! Since I'm bartending, thought it would help to cast the old ballot early. Maybe we could vote on how miserable we see these couples in a few years, and who drives their business into the ground faster. I'm so jaded....

Cathyx, love the card. maybe Doc Tovar, since he's feeling so useless with Ramona around, could start a genetics testing study on who's related to who in this town and the affects on personality and criminal behavior.

May everyone have a curandera in their neighborhood when a western doctor just won't do.

all this crazy kidnapping/revelations stuff is actually making me think the fantastic foursome do have some hope... IIF!!!!
IIF Gael truly stops looking at Elisa as a woman and more like a sister/friend.
IIF Paloma stops nagging Gael and begins to trust him.

IIF Elisa stops her waterworks and begins drinking less water (if needed to cut down the resource) and stops looking at herself as a victim...
IIF Dam begins trusting his own worth and Elisa as his wife...

IIF everyone in town tries to forget the past instead of bringing it up every time they get a sore thumb or a bad day...

There is a HECK of a lot of pain to try to heal from...
Gael lost both his fathers and his mother and sister to murders (if we can consider Rosie/Stefie also a murder)
Alfie lost her husband and brother
Elisa lost her mother, father, little brother (basically all her family)
Dam lost his father and uncle
Paloma lost her mother (Ramona's fate is still in the line tonight)

GEEZ! the more i think about it the more pain these folks need to turn the corner from and the less chance of happy endings all around.


oh yes Elisa lost her godmother and Lucio lost his wife early on

Ramona lost her daughter.
Flo lost her daddy and her uncle.

if Carmina dies, Elisa will also have lost her aunt.
if Gabino dies Chente and Paloma will also have lost their dad.

Other losses were Sabrina's unborn baby, and also Kenia's baby, who would have been a sobrino of Gael and also Flor's cousin.

Both unborn babies would have been Flor's cousins via Paolo. I guess the Landuchis weren't meant to procreate, since Flor can't have children.

Yes, you're right. So Flor has lost every one of her blood relatives, including the ones who didn't even make it to birth. Although, who knows whether there are any other Guido or Paolo spawn out there. Maybe someday Flor can discover a brother or sister or cousin.

Have we ever found out what happened to Remedios's father?

I don't believe we've heard much, if anything, about Mr. Ramona.

Due to Marta luring everyone out to an early happy hour on the patio with berry margaritas and habanero poppers, please do not expect tonight's recap to be posted early, hic. We will post very late tonight or first thing tomorrow morning. Thank you for your patience and enjoy the show.

Mesero, otra jarra de margaritas por favor!

Capn, you go girl. Don't try to get it done too early. Hangovers are a bitch.

EJ and Novela Maven and I thank you. Just another hour or so until we get to fling nerfazos at the TV and monkey writers. Squeeee!

Just winding up here on the East Coast. Happy sailing, ladies!

ok without spoiling it to west coast folks, i will say i was satisfied with the ending... are our fabulous foursome going to be happy ever after? still to be seen, but they have started on the right foot at least...
so i liked this ending better than canaveral, even though canaveral was much more emotional since it ended with the Pablo/Julia (Dam/Elisa) wedding ...
i like this bit more cheerful ending better.
are the about faces still a bit hard to swallow? ... yes, but i am ok with it.

enjoy the show in west coast. i will check back in in the morning, guess had enough margaritas at the patio already... oh! and a couple bags of Tostachos with guac...

and for those LHDM fans... where are Rosario, Fernando Molina and Sigi when you need them?

definitely the one that has the most to blame Carmina for was Elisa... (for both her parents)

and the one that has the most to blame Gabino for is Gael (for his mother and both his fathers)

- where did you get this car?
- I won it at a raffle ...

Recap for the Gran Final was just posted.

- Where is my brother Damian??
- He is sitting where i never could...'
(good one!)

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