Monday, November 26, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #161 Mon 11/26/12 Don Aquiles Makes Amends; Mateo Estrada’s Day Off

Claudio walks in on the tail end of a conversation between Luci and Melissa about Melissa declaring her love, just as Melissa asks out loud, “What if I take a risk? I won’t lose anything.” CL, not realizing they are talking about Melissa admitting she has the hots for HIM, encourages her to take a risk. Melissa clams up, and Luci makes herself scarce to go make them tea.  CL sits down and tells Melissa it’s not a bad thing to tell someone that she loves them.  In his day women wouldn’t, but these days, women can do things with more freedom.
M: I don’t just care about him, I’m in love with him.
C: Well, what a lucky YOUNG MAN. You’re a lovely YOUNG LADY.
M: I’m not that young any more, Licenciado. I’m a woman.
C: Yes of course. A very beautiful woman.
Melissa smiles from ear to ear, but doesn’t say anything.  Luci returns with the tea, and CL takes his leave to go off to be tortured by the dentist, who he has to pay for this torture. He laughs at his old man joke and leaves the two young women to their talk. Melissa moons after him. “Look at him Luci. How could I not be in love with him?” Luci looks as thrilled to think about this as any other person would to hear a friend gushing romantically about their parent.

In Het Het, Don Aquiles comes knocking at Paz and Magda’s door, and politely asks if he can come in (yes, you heard right).  He slowly makes his way through the door, then asks if he can come further in. Paz gives him permission, but Magda looks less than thrilled. Aquiles says he’s come to speak to her. She is her usual surly self to him, but Aquiles remains a gentleman. He calls her Señora Magda and invites her to take a walk with him. She refuses. “Would you prefer that we speak here in front of Paz about our intimacies?” “You and I DON’T have intimacies!” “And what about Violeta?” (He’s got her there.) He tells her he’ll give her time to think about it and will be back early tomorrow morning to take her on that walk. Magda looks as stubborn and unconvinced as ever.

In D.F., the result of Aquiles and Magda’s “intimacy” is greeting her new beau with a big kiss. He invites Violeta out to dinner because they have much to speak about. Showing that he’s a keeper, Leandro asks after the health of her father. Violeta says he should have known Aquiles before his illness—strong, overbearing (prepotente), and haughty (soberbio). She thinks that’s why she’s the way she is. Leandro says that’s why he likes her. They share a chuckle, te quieros, and kisses.

In Casa TL, Rosa is bitching at Max for getting Pato a car. “Look at the hour and he’s still not back yet!” Max tells her to get used to it.
R: What are you trying to do…finish killing him?
M: Stop saying silliness. I have more important things to think about.
Max admits that Oscar discovered the fraud and now the boys know. Rosa is upset that he didn’t tell her that the cat was out of the bag. (Note, her first concern is not how their kids took it and how they are doing.) Max wants to know when he would have the chance to speak with her about anything…certainly not during one of her crazy religious fits—the only thing that exists for her. Now Rosa plays the victim. The kids obviously love him more than they do her, since they forgive him. “But me…they crucify me.”  She walks out of the home office mumbling this phrase repeatedly.

Pato and Hannah arrive home to the immediate scolding and screeching of Rosa. She tells grown man Pato that he doesn’t have the right to arrive home so late. Pato explains that he was out with Hannah and Lorenzo for café chino. Hannah adds that they know about her hot coffee throwing trick. Does Rosa deny it or say she’s sorry? Nope. She calls Lorenzo a tattle-tale (chismoso). Hannah explains how they found out. Rosa’s excuse is that it was a long time ago, before she approved of letting him ask for Hannah’s hand, so their indignation about this is out of place. She stalks off and up the stairs. Hannah is starting to realize that there is no use trying to reason with a crazy person. “Esta mal.” (translation: She’s not right in the head.)

Estupidas Gala and Julie meet with Mirko and his financial advisor René. Both of these guys are oozing slime, but equally slimy Gala and Julie can’t see it. Mirko says he owes his great fortune to his advisor (asesor) René. Slimy smiles all around.

Back at Luci’s place, Luci is encouraging Melissa to take the job in NY. She knows she’ll do well, as her father has told her how intelligent and talented Melissa is. Melissa points to this as an example of him admiring her, as she admires him. Melissa tells Luci that although she’s going abroad, her missing child case with the department of human rights that Melissa has kept going will remain open. Luci thanks her and says she hasn’t lost her faith. Although now her son is five and doesn’t have a face, his memory is more distant, and she doesn’t know what he looks like. But she is sure God is putting the right people on her path that will lead her to him. She then speaks of Mateo. “Mateo fills my heart with hope. When I’m with him, I feel like I’m with my son.”

Over at Mateo’s place, Don Chelo and Rod are having a heart to heart. Rod has finished explaining how it is that he and Luci are no longer married, although he continues to love her as no other. Chelo says it’s easy to see that. Their eyes shine when they are with each other. “We were the victims of the hate of many people, including people close to me.” Rod tells the whole sad story about the divorce and the hellish marriage to Gala. He’s grateful to have his daughter and the hope of finding his son. “You and Señora Luciana lost your son, and I one night found thrown in the trash my Mateo.”  Cara de qué, qué, what?! of Rodrigo. “Mateo is not my son.”  Rod asks why he didn’t tell him this before, and asks why he never turned Mateo over to the authorities. Chelo explains his fears of being falsely accused by the authorities, due to his status as an alcoholic, down and out street performer. God put him and Mateo on the same path.

Melissa is trying to bolster Luci’s hope about finding her son. They won’t give up the search, she promises before taking her leave.

Back at Chelo’s, Rod is asking about the technicalities of Mateo’s status, like him not having a birth certificate or any identification documents (when he should be asking the details of the time and location Chelo found him).  Chelo says Mateo is his son in his heart, and he doesn’t need a piece of paper for that. But the law does require it, and for this reason he wants to ask Rod’s help to get Mateo a birth certificate so that he can go to school and become a successful man.  “Although I want him to have a better life, I can’t give it to him.” Rod says the obvious-- that it will be difficult for Mateo to become successful or go to school, if he continues without legal papers and working on the streets. Chelo wants to know what he can do. Rod says the only solution is to allow him to adopt Mateo. Ruh roh!!!  Mateo arrives before Chelo can really react to this shocking suggestion.

René the slimy financial advisor lays it on thick for Gala. He doesn’t mix business with pleasure/friendships. So any advice Mirko gives her should just be seen as advice from a friend. He, René, is the real advisor here. Mirko continues the ruse that any decisions made will be Gala’s, not his (absolving him of any responsibility when her investments tank due to his advice). Gala and Julie agree. Julie’s investing her money too. René is happy to get his hands on their assets. Julie suggests a champagne celebration for their new life of luxury. Suckers!

Chelo and Rod continue their conversation in whispers while Mateo plays in the corner. Chelo can’t wrap his head around giving up his son. He suggests they continue talking about it tomorrow. Rod tells him his only intention is to give Mateo opportunities, not to take him from Chelo. They’ll do whatever Chelo wants. What’s important is Mateo’s well-being. Mateo runs up to show him the letter Alexia taught him to write—‘M’ for Mateo. “It’s also the letter for mama, but I don’t have a mama.” He also wants to learn how to write papa, along with mama, even though his mama is in heaven. The two men give each other a sad knowing look.

Rod’s next stop is Luci’s, and he proves to us that his brain was working after all.  He first tells her that he just asked Chelo to let him adopt Mateo, then he sits her down to tell her the rest. “Don Chelo just confessed to me that Mateo is not his son.” He tells her about Chelo finding Mateo five years ago, abandoned in the trash, and asks Luci if she knows what this could mean. She does indeed! She flashes back to that fateful night when she stumbled in the rain carrying her baby. Luci tries to rush out the door to get Chelo to tell her exactly where he found Mateo. Rod stops her, and says tomorrow they’ll ask Chelo, when Rod will ask again if he can adopt Mateo. Luci wonders out loud if Mateo could be their son.

In the Boxcar Barrio, Doña Chuy once again brings up the possibility of Mateo being Luci and Rod’s missing child. Chelo has taken a trip down the River Denial, and refuses to accept the possibility. “Mateo is my son. MY son! Didn’t you tell me that God had put him on my path? If God hadn’t wanted him to be my son, then He would have left him somewhere else.” Chelo asks if he won’t at least consider Rod’s offer to adopt Mateo, in order to give Mateo a name (Torreslanda vs Estrada) and a better life. Actually, Chuy informs him, Mateo’s last name is Expósito (foundling/abandoned at birth), the last name given to abandoned children by the government. Chuy urges him to think about Rod’s offer; he can even put his own conditions on the adoption, like being able to see Mateo every day, and taking him to school and picking him up every day. Chelo thinks about it.

The next morning in Het Het, Magda has agreed to that walk with Aquiles, although she’s using the time to scold him about not using his cane. What does he want to tell her? She’s got things to do.
A: For the first time, you and I are going to talk like two civilized people. Like adults. With respect. Would you please do me the favor of sitting? (They sit at a nearby bench—Magda with her usual proud, upturned nose.) Why didn’t you tell me that Violeta was my daughter? Why did you keep quiet all that time?  Did you really intend to never tell me?
M: When I had decided to tell you, I found you with another woman in your house.
A: Fine then. Why didn’t you tell me later?
M: Ay Aquiles! You are a cynic! Why did you need to know?! So that you could subject me to your idiocies? Just look what you said to me in front of my daughter Violeta—that you had never had anything to do with me! But of course, what else could I expect from a deadbeat (vago) like you?
A: What does being a deadbeat have to do with what I’m talking about with my daughter?
M: Because you would have surely thought that I was making it up that Violeta was your daughter in order to get money from you!
Aquiles nods his head in acceptance. “I understand this is what you think of me Magdalena.”  Magda tells him to stop beating around the bush and to tell her what he wants already.

It’s early morning in D.F. and Chelo has gotten Mateo up and out of the Boxcar Barrio before anyone else is up. Luci is taking an early morning call from Pato who is downstairs with a surprise. It’s him driving a car! He’s there to pick her up for a drive. Luci is impressed by how independent he increasingly becomes. Their first stop is to go visit Mateo.

Magda and Aquiles continue their early morning discussion.
A: Truly Magdalena. It’s very difficult for me to tell you what I’m about to say.
M: Spill it!
A: I want to tell you that it weighs heavily on me that I didn’t know my daughter earlier. I would have very much liked to share my life (convivir) with her.
M: I don’t believe you.
A: Although you don’t believe me Magdalena, and you accuse me of abandonment, I ask you, how can I abandon something that wasn’t mine? (He has a point and all Magda can do is remain quiet.)
A: Now that I know Violeta, our daughter, yes OUR daughter, I understand many things. I understand what love is. Because you know what Violeta told me? When one truly loves, from the heart, there is nothing to forgive. Each of us has made mistakes. I’ve made mine, and you’ve made yours.

Aquiles then tells her he’s going to show his daughter how to run all his businesses. Magda gets on the offensive again and thinks he just wants Violeta as another employee. What Aquiles says he wants is to walk the streets with his daughter, showing her off (presumir) and to have people say, “Look, there goes Don Aquiles Trueba with his daughter. Look how lovely, how beautiful she is.”
M: Are you done? Can I go now?
A: Just one more thing Magdalena. For my daughter, for a daughter like Violeta, I swear I would have married you. Now the time has passed, but I will always acknowledge that you have always been a great/wonderful woman. A wonderful mother. And a very lovely/beautiful woman. And as the saying goes, “la que tuvo, retuvo.”  (You haven’t lost your touch/you’ve still got it.) That’s all I wanted to say. I didn’t want another day to go by without you knowing.
He takes Magda’s reluctant hand and kisses it, and begins to cry. “Thank you Magdalena.” He leaves, and Magda holds her head high while trying unsuccessfully to hold back her own tears (as does your recapper). The Gossip Girls look on.

Luci and Pato look for Chelo and Mateo with no luck. Chuy says she will try to find them. At that moment, we see Chelo and Mateo in a wooded park in another part of the city. Chelo informs Mateo that they will not be working that day. Well, if they have the day off, Mateo wants to go see his friends Rod and Alexia. He likes Rod a LOT! Chelo sighs and changes the subject to sandwiches.

Luci calls Rod and tells him about Chelo and Mateo being gone. Rod isn’t too worried about it; he’s sure they must be working in one of their usual places. Luci is impatient (understandably). She wants to talk to Chelo NOW to find out where he found Mateo.  Rod tells her to calm down. Look how many times they’ve been through this—the last time with Pablito. Chuy comes back to say Chelo and Mateo left really early and likely went to visit some friends that live in another part of the city. When they do that, they usually don’t come back till very late. Sometimes they even stay there two days at a time. Pato gives Chuy his card and asks her to contact him as well when Chelo returns. We later see Chelo and Mateo singing and skipping through a neighborhood on the way to visit friends.

At Casa TL, Rosa meets with Bore-us to finalize their plans to derail Hannah’s wedding with Lorenzo—Bore-us has to kidnap her on her wedding day. He readily agrees to do as she asks. Rosa says that while he kidnaps Hannah, she will take care of making Lorenzo disappear. (Yikes!) Luckily for Hannah and Lorenzo, Mati has learned some eavesdropping skills from Brigida and hears the whole thing. She comes in to deliver the tea, pretends she hasn’t heard, then leaves. Rosa continues to casually speak about Hannah’s kidnapping with Bore-us as if she’s just deciding what to have for lunch that day.

Claudio calls Rod. Luci has told him their suspicions about Mateo. Rod is pretty calm about all of this. He wants to be cautious this time, and wants to speak to Chelo about doing a DNA test on Mateo. Brigida listens in behind Rod. She then asks if Mateo is the little friend Alexia had over the other day. She infers that Rod believes he could be his and Luci’s son.  Rod says they don’t know, but there is something very special about this little boy. Rod explains that they know that Mateo was abandoned and that he’s around the same age as their son. Rod says it would be the greatest blessing if he is their son. Brigida has a hopeful look on her face, but it’s hard to tell if that hope is for Rod and Luci, or for the additional pesos she’ll get from Gala for this bit of info, and for any additional blackmail pesos she can get for the info about the baby bracelet.

Don Aquiles and Procopio walk through town and Aquiles makes his funeral wishes known. He doesn’t want any weepers/wailers. He wants a big band playing, and lots of alcohol and chicharrón. Copio laughs at Aquiles’ sense of humor—the only thing he says he likes about him. Aquiles gives him a friendly smack down for that effrontery.

Luci meets with Pato and Marcos in her office to go over reports on the foundation and ceramics workshop. Marcos thinks they can increase profits by automating some of the production. Luci refuses. The pieces must be handmade. Each woman puts her heart and soul into each piece and that’s what makes them unique. Pato suggests they find another way to improve/increase production. He thinks that they can perhaps partner with shelters for abused women, and teach them how to make pieces as well. Luci likes the idea. Marcos leaves and Rod arrives. They report that they never found Chelo. Rod thinks they have to wait till tomorrow, but Luci is impatient to speak to Chelo and find out where he found Mateo. Rod begs for calm—he doesn’t want them to build up false hope again. He explains that the DNA results will be key, and he nearly calls Luci Princesa, before stopping himself. Luci and Pato already know that the term of endearment was on his lips, but move past the awkward moment. Luci still wants to try one more time that day to see if they can find Chelo. Rod agrees. They’ll go to lunch first, and then over to Chelo’s. Pato excuses himself from their outing. He has to head home because Mati called him, and was very worried about something.

That "something" Mati is worried about is in the CL home library with her sister Connie, staring crazy eyed at an open music box. Connie informs Rosa that Oscar quit after discovering that Max is a fraud. Rosa says she would have done the same. (Ha!) What a shame that Oscar had to discover that Max wasn’t the person he thought all these years. Connie thought that Rosa would be on Max’s side. “Right. Just like he’s been on mine all these years?” She rants about Max betraying her, and the only thing she can hold against Oscar is that he didn’t tell her about it first. (Your recapper’s theory: Rosa wanted to be told first, not so that she could be informed about something she already knew, but so that she could be there to rub Max’s unmasking in his face and that of their kids. She wanted the pleasure of being in on Max’s downfall. Instead, she only gets to hear it secondhand from Max, after the fact.) Connie asks a stupid question—“What’s happening to you?” Rosa says she’s just accepting God’s plans, and gives another vacant stare as she winds up the music box once again.

Pato rushes into the house and finds Mati waiting. She says she has to speak to him about a delicate matter and will tell him in his room when she brings up his meal. In the library, Rosa puts away the music box and goes back into prison matron mode. She sarcastically asks if Oscar is still oh so in love with Connie. Connie modestly says she doesn’t know about that, but they are very happy. Rosa has no reply for this. Pato enters, so Rosa now has a new target for all her hate and rage. She brings up Oscar’s resignation after discovering what a despicable criminal (abyecto) Pato’s father is. When Pato objects to her tone, Rosa points out to Connie that when Max does something wrong, the kids defend him, unlike with her. She grabs up her toys…errr, music box, and leaves the room. Pato and Connie look frustrated and worried.

Chelo and Mateo’s adventures on their day off next take them to a church. Mateo prays for everyone he knows and for his mother in heaven. He asks the Virgin to tell his mama that he loves her lots. Meanwhile, Rod and Luci have lunch and she says it’s awfully strange that just after admitting to Rod that Mateo isn’t his son, Chelo pulls this disappearing act. (She’s right.) Rod brings up that Mateo was born a few months before their son, but Luci says he was awfully small for his age when she saw him as a baby. Pato calls Rod. He urgently needs to speak with him and Luci in Rod’s apartment tonight. We assume Mati has told him about Rosa and Bore-us’ plan.

Night has fallen in Het Het, and Don Aquiles takes a quiet moment in his office to write a letter to Violeta.

“Violeta- You don’t know how much I regret not having known that you are my daughter. What pride to see how my seed (semilla) has germinated and turned into a lovely woman—hard working, brave, beautiful. A worthy daughter of Don Aquiles Trueba. The biggest gift in my old age has been enjoying your company, my daughter. From here on out, I will make sure that you lack for nothing. Thank you, my daughter.”

He signs, folds, and puts the letter in an envelope before kissing it. He places the envelope on his desk—on the front it says “For my daughter Violeta.” He then sits back in his big office chair with a sad look of content resignation. 

Avances: The same mishmash of final week scenes that we will get from now on. Luci shaking Rosa and slapping the crap out of Gala. Yay! Hannah telling Rosa that she is dead to her. Yay! Rosa with stigmata. WTF? Rosa interrupting the wedding of Hannah and Lorenzo. Boo! Luci and Mateo being reunited. Yay!


Good work, Vivi.

I used to be ambivalent about music boxes; now I truly hate them. Nails on a blackboard and interfering with hearing the dialogue.

It looks like Mirko and his bud will be relieving Gala and Julie of their money and luxury. Their reaction will be amusing. A fool and her money and all that...

Does anyone else have a sense of foreboding about Don Aquiles?

Urban- I'm already laughing about Gala and Julie. Idiots!

Yes, the scenes with Don Aquiles have a feel of finality about them. He really has nothing left to do on this earth.

You know, I kind of had to agree with Don Aquiles. No matter what she thought his reaction would be, and no matter what crap happened between the two of them (the other woman and his jerkiness), Magda should have told Aquiles decades ago about Violeta. If he reacted badly, then that would have been his problem. But she can't add child abandonment to his list of crimes, when he never knew he had a child to abandon.

We'll never know if/how Aquiles would have been different had Magda revealed the truth about Vio to him when she was a baby or little girl. He might have gone on being a rat bastard who ignored his child till she was grown. He might have gone on being a rat bastard, who also adored and spoiled his child. He might have changed his view of the world as he is doing now and become a better person. We'll never know, and nor will Aquiles, Magda and Vio.


Another vote for Don A buying the farm. Looks like we are going to have tearful scenes from now to the end. Got me twice tonight alone.

Am loving the idea of fools and their money soon being parted. There is justice but they need more. Am so waiting for Luci to slap the crap out of Gala.

It is interesting to think how Don A might have turned out if Magda told him the truth. She did go to him but he was such a rat bastard flaunting another woman or women in her face I probably would have done the same thing myself.

Loved the not so meek Mati turning into big ears Frigida and listening in. And speaking of the devil I wonder what she will do with the information Rod gave her. Call Gagme and spill the beans about this time there being another claim to the TL throne or seeing the handwriting on the wall and spilling about the bracelet.

Great work as usual Vivi. I do sense our dear lovable Don A is nearing the pearly gates. Magda needs to ease up some. She did make the decision to keep Violeta a secret. That is something I don't understand about TNs. What does it archive? Violeta almost married her own father. Poor Luci, I hope her pain ends soon. I get the impression CL is very aware of how Melisa feels about him. He gently discourages her but not completely. He tells her to make her feelings known then talks about a younger man. Is he hoping she'll change her mind? Doesn't he watch TNs? love in eternal. The writers need sensitivity training. Can't stand kidnappings and rapes anymore.
Thanks Vivi for the speedy recap.


Vivi, great recap, thanks so much for all the time and effort you put into these Monday night jewels,

I along with the rest of you think that that Don A is not long for this world. It wouldn't surprise me if he dies in his big ole chair.

Tonight was a real tear jerker. I am going to miss this one when it is over.

Yes, that pair of fools will be soon part from their money.

I need to go back and watch the Gossip Girls again, I swear one was hold a book about sexuality, I just didn't get the whole title.

Why in the world didn't Max have La Loca locked up long ago?

Rosemary Primera


Vivi, wonderful recap. I cried too, like a bebe, during the whole Don A and Magdelena talk. I wish they had done this years ago, and I too think he is on his way to the pearly gates. I am just glad that Vio now knows who her Daddy is and that they did spend a wee amount of time together.

I too agree about Mirko fleecing, Yay!!!, Gagme and CQ. Can't wait for that to be revealed and how Gagme and the CQ taking it. Also can't wait for Luci to slap the crap out of Gagme.

I think Don Chelo is scared and that is why he took off. He really is afraid he would never see Mateo again if he "lets" Rod adopt him. I was so hoping Luci would be able to meet with Don Chelo, but it didn't happen. Can't wait for that either, when Rod and Luci finally find out that Mateo is their son.

I am really hoping Frigid keeps her mouth shut. But knowing her, she likes that money in her purse. We will have to wait and see.

Rosa is wayyyy beyond the bend now. She needs that manicomio, before she hurts someone else. I still don't think the Bore-us and la loca plan will succeed, now that Mati knows about it, jus' sayin'.

Thank you for as usual, doing justice to this story with your lovely recap.

My favorite, "Both of these guys are oozing slime," very apt description.

Loved your description of the conversation with CL, Melissa and Luci. That was an old man joke he told.

IThe adoption Rod is talking about is a formality. I actually thought that made sense for once.

If Brigida is going to get any more money out of Gala she better do it fast, because soon Gala will be fleeced by that lothario. I think there is an anvil over Brigida. She knows a lot, clearly she is going to try to get more money out of this.

Madelaine: I would love to think Mati will just tell Pato about the kidnapping plot. But it is just as easy to imagine she will just tell Pato only that Rosa is really crazy and privately dismiss the kidnapping idea as only the latest craziness. Hope I’m wrong.


A bit of a calm before the storm episode last night. I'm guessing the real roller coaster starts tonight? Thanks for the great recap Vivi. And special thanks for the Don A-Magda conversation. Missed that one ( cat almost toppled the tree - long story).

I almost thought Don A was a goner in that last scene, but it is nice he's being given this chance to reunite with Vio and make amends with Magda first. He even had me tearing up.

And Connie is just now asking RE what's wrong with her? And I've never wanted to grab and smash anything so badly as that music box! But such symbolism--you'd have to be not thinking right to be able to sit there and listen to that over and over and over.....

I usually don't like the Gala/Julie moments, but that was fun watching them being fleeced. Will be even more fun when they realize the money has decided to escape to a nice beach somewhere. Hahaha!

Hate this is almost ending... Emarie said, you really did justice to this very moving episode. I loved the scene between don Aquiles and Magda and was very grateful that you translated all of it. That dialogue was important. And I too was tearing up. She resisted 'till the end though, struggling not to give him her hand. I'm always struck by the downturn of her if all those years of grievance collecting has pulled her mouth down permanently.

Loved your "slimy smiles all around" and "takes a trip down the river Denial". Great phrases. And a great recap. Thanks. Things are moving quickly now...and I too will be very sad when this is over. Generally, by the end of a telenovela, I'm thorougly sick of it, but not with this one.

Vivi, the title was perfection as was your mesmerizing recap. You always hit the high notes with your conversation translations and embedded vocabulary as greatly appreciated added treats.

"Showing that he's a keeper","Pato and Hannah arrive home to the immediate scolding and screeching of Rosa" and "oozing slime" were a few of my favorites.

Gala and Julie. The players not realizing they are being played? Priceless.

Don Aquiles and Magda had me in tears. We'll never know what might have been had Magda told Don about her pregnancy. But as stubborn and obstinate as he is (sound like anyone else?), he was simply not ready to accept Vio until he was ready. And the time was right. When Magda broke down in heaving sobs after their talk, I cried along with her...

UA, I thought when Don leaned back at his last scene, he was passing away. No spoiler. Because he left the note and made peace with Magda, as Vivi noted "He really has nothing left to do on this earth".

Will Claudio suddenly realize he's in love with Melissa if she makes the admission? I suspect not and hope he encourages her to go to NY where she will (hopefully) find happiness.

With only 4 episodes to go (can't believe it), let's hope Mateo is reunited with his parents before Friday night so Luci's suffering will end.

Brigida - can't fathom what goes on in that feverish, devilish brain. Will money or desire to reunite Rod with his child (and punish Gala) triumph?

Pato's growing unhappiness and obvious pain are making me uneasy. Very uneasy.



Well, I for one, refuse to believe what I am seeing. R the writers having fun with us by putting out there a possible scam and fleece of Gagme?

Rod is still dead to me.

Glad you appreciated the details of the conversation between Magda and Aquiles. I would never have guessed when this tn started out that Aquiles would be the source of so many touching scenes at the end.

I did always think that his wanting Luci for his bride was partly about his deep sense of lonliness. He also wanted the prettiest girl in the pueblo on his arm so that he could show off-- he could show the town that Don Aquiles always has and gets the best. But, I think he would have been just as happy to have the prettiest daughter in town to show off too. I think he would have done just that had Vio been in his life earlier. But she would have NEVER been able to get a husband, I bet. Aquiles would have scared them all away.

I think he was also attracted to Luci's goodness and capacity to love. He wanted that for himself. He wanted something pure and good and loving in his life. He was yearning for this in his old age. But he went about trying to get it the wrong way, by trying to force Luci to be his wife with dirty tricks. What he should have done was make peace and ammends with the people he had hurt, including Magda. They might have had a chance to reconcile had he taken these steps sooner. But, what's done is done. Violeta has let go of her resentments. Aquiles has let go of his pride. I'm not sure if Magda has/can let go of her pride and resentment. For her sake, I hope so.

Thanks for the awesome recap.
I am getting so frustrated with Brigida. When will she reveal the bracelet? How could keeping it a secret for five years not weigh on her conscience?
I would like to see Don A live for a few more years, for Vio's sake. Yes, he was awful in the beginning, but I think he has made amends to the best of his ability.
As for poor Pato- I want him to meet a sweet young woman and be happy.
I have been waiting for the finale for weeks now, but I will be so sad when this TN is over. Does anyone know if or when it will be available on DVD? And/or where I can buy it?

LQNPA is now on DVD, so this may take a couple of months. Amazon carries them.

Frigida should certainly be relieved to be rid of Gala and the Champagne Queen; an outsider would say she deserved combat pay for putting up with them. Maybe getting off scot free would be that pay.

I can't help laughing about Gagme and the CQ being fleeced by Slime Boy. Let's face it we all know that smart women always choose as their financial adviser some slick dude they picked up in a bar. LOL

Another vote for smashing that annoying music box. It was hard to hear what La Loca was saying even if I knew it was craziness. One thing about her she never lets go of the bitchiness. Still making sneering comments to Conny about Oscar still loving her.

I think Frigida has overplayed her hand. It is too late now for her to make a financial killing, not only because the dinero may be on way to a bank in the Caymans but because LRod/Mateo is on the point of being discovered. I was hoping that Luci and Pato would meet him together and that somehow the medal would be revealed. At that point neither one of them would have been worried about the DNA testing.

Wonder how long it will be afte Luci slaps the crap out of Gala that the bimbo will spew about it all being Rosa's idea. I casn't see either Julie or Gala taking the fall alone on that one.

Great recap Vivi---I always love wakeing up Monday morning to your recap. Yes your "slimy smiles" line was perfect, you could see it in their eyes. LOL Normally It's a sad thing when people loose their money, but in this case---I can't wait. Ms. smarty is about to become Ms. stupido. YEAH!!!!!!!!! What is she going to tell her friends at the office?

Yes Urban, I also think that Don Aquiles is on his way out. I'm guessing that a heart attack may come during one of his bombastic tirades. I'm glad that he made peace with Violetta and finaly with Magdna.

The music box was too loud, good grief.

Watching the brief advances, it looks like La Loca is going to give us our money's worth. OMG!

No I don't want this one to end either. This TN has reached out and grabbed several of us. If it held on to me a while longer, that would be just fine. I'm getting sad just thinking about Friday night.
the gringo

Oh is Gagme & CCQ Julie in for a surprise when they go to start spending that moolah and get told there is none. You'd think a grifter like Julie would've caught the knowing looks snake smile between Mirko & his "financier". Guess all that champagne has gone to her head.

The look on Connie's face pretty much said it all for me: Rosa is bout to be one taco short of a full platter. I'm wondering if now it'll come out that Rosa has been a basketcase for years and her losing control of her family has put her in what looks like loopyland.

I fear we're bout to lose Don A. It looks like he knows he's bout to kick the bucket and is tying up loose ends so that he goes out on his terms.

I can't wait for the Gagme/Luci free-for-all no holds barred brawl. It's been a longtime coming...Yes!!!!



I'd love to see one of those Dynasty syle face slapping hairpulling battles but Luci is too well bred to sink that low. however it looks like she is going to get in a couple of good licks and if anyone has it soming it is Gagme.

Vivi, you put Don A's actions in a very nice light. Just a tad nicer than I would but your point is very well made.

That music box...I had a friend who had a music box that played "Fur Elise". I always thought it was a little creepy. (Forgive me Beethoven!). but the way Rosa had it wound soo tight going so fast...great symbolism by the authors.

LOL Emarie! There are definitely mixed feelings about Don Aquiles. There's no denying that he has been pretty despicable in the past. But I think his punishment was living a life of lonliness and realizing at the end that he had missed out on being a father to Vio all these years, all because of rotten attitude. Had he been a better man, Magda would have clued him in about their child.

I really worry for Magda though. Despite what she says, I still believe Aquiles was the love of her life, after Vio, and that is really sad. Her feelings for him are so tied up with hurt and resentment. Unlike Paz and Claudio who have nothing but happy memories of their one true loves and can live on with just those happy memories. Magda's memories of Aquiles are filled with sadness after their short courtship. That's a shame.

Vivi--Just finished the recap--but not the comments. Perfection, as always. Still don't see the final resolution of so many threads hanging loose out there. I guess we will have to wait for that final episode after all. Good luck ye Friday recapper, YOU will be busy!

More later.

UA--HA! RE music boxes. Long before I had a radio as a child, I had music boxes, beautiful ones and ordinary ones (and one with the ubiquitous ballerina--who suffered dismemberment soon after). The music was enchanting, especially if I didn't know the tune, and, it was fun to listen to it wind down slower and slower until it stopped. Then as the "keyboard" lost teeth, it got funny. One lady whose house we visited had a very complicated music box machine (probably imported from Europe) that played long melodies and different ones if you changed the cylinder. They were wonderful entertainment for a 5-6 year old.

That said, I agree with you re RE's! Hers exhibited distinctive poorer workmanship and music mechanism. I'm surprised at her--you'd think she'd have a fancier one.

I desperately want the Melissa-Claudio relationship resolved. I have the feeling that he is clueless and she will end up going to the UN.

As for Gala and Julie--I said earlier, that I can't believe I'm rooting for a couple of slimeballs to rob her of her last penny. Well, she'll always have her position and salary at the magazine. But still, I don't want her to be able to buy any more highschool cheerleader outfits and Julie will have to stop drinking champagne--or become a barfly and blink her eyes at suckers for a drink.

Anita- I just think Melissa needs to accept reality about CL and move on and to NY where she will meet some hot dude at the UN who's passionate about human rights. Just think of all the whistles she'll get on the streets of NYC if she walks around in those curve hugging pencil skirts she wears. Girlfriend just needs to get out of Mexico and broaden her horizons.

Last night's episode was really all about Don A. Vivi, you had the best insight into his character and Magda's as well. They both contributed equally to the stand-off and Magda did have valid reasons (IMHO) for not telling him.

He continued to abuse her verbally for years. For her it was sort of thumbing her nose at him, like I've got a secret and you don't know it; to being embarassed that he was Violeta's father and not wanting anyone else to know--he was what he was in that pueblo, a swaggering dirt-ball who liked running over little people (i.e. Procopio).

Then, after the Jacinto family disaster, all the more reason for withholding the information. Paz was her friend and welcomed her into her home. It wasn't until Paz was willing to reveal her own secret that Magda felt safe in sharing hers.

Anita- ITA that Magda had plenty of reasons to justify her keeping quiet. But I'm of the mind that unless the father is dangerous to his child (which Aquiles was not), then the mother does not have the right to keep the father and child away from each other. It doesn't matter what the mother's relationship with the father is like. The decision about whether or not to have a relationship with each other should have been left up to Aquiles and Violeta.

Unfortunately, Vivi--telling Don A about Violeta, would have been the same as telling Vio. If I remember correctly, THAT was the secret she was hell bent on keeping.

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