Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Amores Verdaderos #76 Tue 2/26/13 Excuse me, there's a decomposing cake under your bed
. . . and it's a BIG cake!
Okay, I'm going to regurgitate a brief from-memory recap and then flesh it out later when my video capture finishes encoding. MORE SCREENCAPS COMING LATER.
But to start us out, here's a screencap of the aforementioned cake:
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A crime against a perfectly delicious-looking cake. |
Refried: Guzmancito professes his love for Nikki to Vicki, who is agreeable to the notion, but tells him to make sure that he's serious, because Nikki is in a vulnerable state of mind and doesn't need to be jerked around. Kendra-ho overhears this exchange and vows to stick it to the Little Gorilla.
The new: It doesn't take long for Kendra-ho to have ammunition. She is friendly to a gullible Polita who tells Kendra-Ho that Guzmancito's dad is a gambling man and Guzmancito is always bailing him out. Aha!
Salsa-Dude brings Guillo back to Bea, who is elated. Gilda/Hilda takes the kid off for a tour of the agency, while Bea is in tears, thankful to Salsa-Dude. She asks him how he did it. He said he had a "conversation" with Leo the Low. I think that "conversation" was 9mm or maybe a 45? I'm just saying. She is so grateful to him—how can she ever thank him? Methinks that Salsa-Dude had a few thoughts in his head about how she could do that, some of them including scenes which would certainly be edited out by Univision, but instead he says that her smile is thanks enough.
Anibal reinforces to Bea that the lawyer he recommended to Bea is good, and tells Bea that she is an important part of the business and it's to his benefit to help her out (or something like that). He's going to need the good karma points for helping Bea, to compensate for all the other crap he's been doing.
Nikki is all elated and singing too long in the shower, now that everything is lovey-dovey. However that is short-lived, because Kendra-ho wastes no time telling Nikki a tale about Guzmancito supposedly being a player who had a bet with Salsa-Dude that he could get Nikki to fall in love with him. Oh, and didn't Nikki know that Guzmancito has a gambling dad? Kendra-ho says with fake-innocent eyes that it just pains her to tell Nikki this horrible truth! At first Nikki is all "no puede ser!" but eventually she buys it.
Adriana is all thrilled because she's gonna have her baby exhumed tomorrow. And then she'll finally expose the TRUTH and her dad's part in it! Mwahaha!
Anibal is all impactado when he finds out that Nikki is ill. Nelson the Furry Fornicator spins it in the worst possible way, saying that Vicki is just 'believing' Nikki without having her see a doctor first. Anibal is in full freakout mode that NOBODY TOLD ME ABOUT MY PRINCESA!!!!! He almost strong-arms Vicki as if he think she's a villain.
There's a scene between Adriana and Anibal where Adriana comments that Anibal is all concern over Nikki, while he has done something dastardly to his other grandchild, her daughter. Anibal is all offended and keeps spewing the party line about how she's making it all up.
(I may have gotten part of this wrong. My attention strayed.) Adriana is going to have a "daughter exhumation party" the next day with Vicki. (Well, more like some of them are going to go out to the town when it's done.) Big Angel is coming with them. He asks if it's okay to bring along his daughter, since she's kind of been homesick and down and would like to see her friends in Santa Rita. Adriana is of course delighted by this thought. Vicki says it's okay. Adriana wants to make sure it's okay with Big Angel's wife. Big Angel assures her it'll be fine—as long as Lili is with him, all is good!
Guzmancito is finally updated on all the douchebaggery that Leo the Low has been doing. He is freaking out and telling Bea that she should have told him sooner. She said she didn't want to "worry" him. She tells him pretty much everything that Leo has done. He's outraged. He calls Leo to tell him so. A bunch of male posturing going on over the phone. Leo vows to some lowlife customer at the bar where he works that he WILL get Bea and his son back, because she's his wife! He's evil and scary.
Guzmancito lays out a plan for Bea: Move back with Big Angel's family, the apartment building has security and will keep Leo away. Have a school bus pick up Guillo and take him home. Tell the school that Leo's not allowed to pick up the kid, and so forth and so on. Finally, some sanity reigns!
Bea figures out that something is up with Guzmancito. He confesses that he's in love with Nikki and smiles a relaxed smile. We know this won't last. Enjoy it while you can, Little Gorilla! Bea is happy for him. He announces that he'll have to quit his job soon and find another, because a guy just can't get paid to be a bodyguard for his novia! Then he talks about how they'll get an apartment and maybe Bea and Guillo can live with Guzmancito and Nikki! Ah, happy family!
Big Angel is hurt and disappointed when he's informed that he's not going to accompany Vicki et all to the baby exhumation party the next day; Nelson wants another bodyguard to go. (I think.) He gives Vicki a crestfallen hurt look, something akin to a boy who found out he can't go out to play.
Nikki is all crestfallen about the news that Guzmancito played her and was using her for money. She goes to the kitchen and removes a HUGE cake from the fridge. Does she slice off several pieces in which to gorge and purge? Oh no. Por supuesto que no! No, she carries the WHOLE THING up to her room and starts digging into it while seated on the floor. She eventually resorts to grabbing parts of it with her bare hands, all the while crying about what Guzmancito has supposedly done to her and saying she won't let it get to her . . .
There's a knock on the door and it's grandpa Anibal. She has to quickly remove the evidence, namely the cake, by hastily shoving it partially under her bed. It's such a big cake that we can see it peeking out from under the bed as Nikki is talking with grandpa.
Big Angel is back in Santa Rita and visits his old family friend the lady who is the psychic. He's worried about Lily. She looks at her snail shells (I know they're seashells, right?) and declares that there's nothing to worry about, Lily is perfectly fine! They also talk about about Lily's sensitivities and Big Angel supposes that she got those from his mom. The way he tells it, his mom told him before she died that she would "pass along" her "gift" to someone close to him, as a way of her keeping close to him. Big Angel of course assumes that this "gift" was passed through the blood, but Viewerville is assuming that the mom passed it along to Lily because Lily is living as his daughter and loves him.
Big Angel confesses that he's worried that things are going badly with his wife and he's worried that they'll break up . . .
I can't remember which scene was last (will recheck) but END OF EPISODE!
AVANCES: Christina is dressed slutty like Kendra. Big Angel is unhappy. MUST SEE TV!!!
Labels: Amores
So Dr. Kendra administered a little old-fashioned shock treatment to Nikki, huh? She is SO going to be disciplined when the medical ethics board learns of her methods.
A small clarification: The Big Guy gets to go to the Exhumation Party (woo hoo!) but Salsero is the one going along to Nikki's appointment with the doctor.
Thanks so much for a hilarious and fast-paced recap -- and posted before my bedtime!
I agree with NovelaMaven about "Dr. Kendho" I can't wait for the ethics committee to get her skanky butt, lol.
Poor Guzmi, he doesn't see the huge anvil that is hanging over his head. I feel so sorry for him. And with Roy making an appearance soon, I really feel for him, just a guess cause they have mentioned him a couple of times now.
Nikki and Ms Vikki's birthday cake. Too sad. That was a marvelous looking cake with the fondant and the chocolate butter cream in the middle. Yum. As much as she ate, I'm surprised she didn't get sick. That was so not a light and airy cake. That was a dense cake. Too bad it is under the bed now and won't Polita be pithed. She loved that cake, lol. I feel so bad for Nikki though. Kendho just loves hurting the Balvanera women doesn't she. Now it look like in the avances that "Dr. Kendho's" next project is "Christine". And the Angel looked none too pleased. Kendho will do everything she can to throw the Angel and Ms Vikki together.
I hate the horrid one, the one who shall remain nameless. I agree with what Elvira said about him yesterday. No matter what poor Betty does she will always be tied to him because of Guillo. Maybe the horrid one will have an "accident" so to speak. Just a guess not a spoiler.
FF just had to tell Anyballs didn't he. Anything to "earn" points with Anyballs. I can't wait for the day that Anyballs finds out who FF was boinking in the office and gets rid of them both. That will be a not to miss epi.
Poor Polita had to carry/walk up the stairs twice with those clothes.
I wonder if the Angel got some of his Mama's ESP, cause he seems to see the writing on the wall about Cris. Yeah, I know she is constantly accusing him of cheating, but to think they are doomed is interesting. He was always the cheerleader of their marriage. I like Opelina. She is a really good friend to the Angel and really helped Adri too.
I can't wait for tomorrow to see what happens with Angel and Cris and Guzmi and Nikki.
Elvira: Also wanted to mention I loved the title of this recap : )
"A crime against a perfectly delicious-looking cake", "He's going to need the good karma points for helping Bea, to compensate for all the other crap he's been doing" and "keeps spewing the party line" were a few of my favorites.
My heart went out to Nikki last night. Finally happy but merely momentarily. Kendra rained torrential lie after lie on Nikki, reducing her to a heartbroken hot mess. Only the cruelest, blackest heart could continue seeing how much Nikki was suffering. And I really didn't want to watch her gorging on the cake. But, I felt I owed it to Nikki to share her pain. I hope there is a horrid ending awaiting Kendra.
On a lighter note, how did she negotiate the staircase of death in those heels?? Have to give Marjorie props for that...
Best scene: Adriana pushing Anibal (and doing quite a good job - he really appeared to lose his footing for a minute). I don't know how she stood by hearing him carrying on about Nikki where he doesn't know or care where his other granddaughter is.
So glad Bea confided in Francisco and that he had a credible plan.
NovelaMaven, thank you for sharing the James Joyce passage. I am in awe of your knowledge and your insight (along with your fantastic humor).
Madeline: "I wonder if the Angel got some of his Mama's ESP, cause he seems to see the writing on the wall about Cris". Well said. I was very surprised that with everything they have gone through, Cris' working for Kendra really seems to have been the last straw for him. And by tonight's preview, Chris' "Ho by Kendra" dress does not receive rave reviews from the Angel. What not to wear.
Thank you Elvira! You made my day.
Ok. I'm trying to accept this "love" between Nicky and Guzman, but who immediately swallows such a horrible tale about the man they love as the gospel truth without any proof or speaking with him first? She is going to accept that the man who has saved her life and been so loving and tender with her is nothing more than a con artist? I know she has low self esteem but really?
One correction, Oriana isn't in Santa Rita, and she's not even from there. She lives in DF and is JA's childhood friend from Veracruz where he grew up.
Marta: ITA with you about Nikki and Kendho. They do have a bond since that kidnapping, but what bothers me is that Guzmi took a bullet for Nikki and she won't beleive anything he says. I think a bullet trumps Kendho, jus' sayin'.
As a physician I'm so relieved that Oriana's snails have declared that Tatiana is healthy...now we can all rest easy.
Looking forward to the baby exhumation party. I am genuinely curious as to what they may find. I wonder if JA's and Crissy's deceased infant is entombed and perhaps has some form of identification buried along with it?
Salsero was so cute (as a guy am I allowed to say that?) with his "Aw shucks, 'tweren't nuthin 'mam..." response to Betty's gratitude over his rescue of Guillo.
Madelaine – lol, you focused on that cake as closely as I did. It looked so yummy when Miss Vickie blew out the candle the other day. But with Nikki, it reminded me of rubber.
It’s a crying shame Nikki won’t talk to Vickie about what Kendra-ho told her. Vickie knows exactly how vulnerable Nikki is now and could help her.
Salsero was stupendous getting back Guillo, but he’s still got some paying to do for bringing Kendra-ho into everyone’s lives.
When I saw the preview of Cris in her new dress, I flashed back to Angel posing for Miss Vickie in the red toga.
so I just want to say thank you Aribeth. Because of the time difference, I have to read them late but love each and every one of them.
I smiled at your Hilda/G/W---that was a great shortcut.
Doris---ITA, a divorce won't stop Leo--he's psycho. I think that the trouble is only just beginning.
Florida---I had been thinking about you, I thought that you might be out of town--I was hopping you didn't have the flu. Glad you are back.
Carlos---I'm shocked! You have been a Nikki guy from day one and you admit to watching KendHo exit rooms--QUE?? The people out on the patio will talk. Do you want to be known as "Roving Eyes Carlos?"
Today---Thank you Elvira. You were right, that was a one way Beretta
9mm conversation. You don't argue with Beretta.
Forget about Univision's edited thoughts---"Your smile would be sweet enough." So sweet Salsa Dude.
Adriana---You go girl. She should have slapped Anyballs along with that shove last night.
Some are saying that there is too much fighting and make-up, fighting
and make-up with Nikki and her Guzmancito---well, not for me. I think that the story line between those two is developing nicely but I must admit that after what KendHo/Rat told Nikki last night, tonight will be rocky.
the gringo
You guys are cracking me up today. Totally. Thank you!!
Another gem...
OK. I'm willing to pull out my Emilia-made beanie and tighten it to accept Nicki believing that the man who jumped in front of a bullet for her, is just conning her for kicks and cash. ;-)
Shouldn't they have shared it out to all the staff and all those guards working outside?
I also enjoyed Adri's hard shove of Anibal when he got physical with Vicky. He is way too quick to grab at Vicky. He's grabbed her like that a few times now, like at the hospital. Makes me wonder how he was with them while they were growing up, and how Vicky can still have so much love and respect for him. I guess she made sure to never get on his bad side. he can be kind and loving when he likes you (Bea, Nicky), but watch out if you cross him!
Kendho is just awful. She told Nikki all that crap, then went to the door to see how it was going to play, and when Nikki broke down, she went back for more damage. There is no way one can justify doing that to another human being.
But by the same token, Nikki will turn on Guzmi just like 1000 times before - only this time will be truly bad.
"Cristine" is so pretty and Kendho definitely made her look like trash with flash, as we used to say, back in the day.
What I was hoping to see: Adriana swatting Nelson with her bag as she was heading up the stairs after the run in with Anibal!
I wonder why Nikki took that whole cake. It was almost like revenge in a way, I think. Thoughts?
I was so happy with the way things were going.
Nikki singing in the shower, Guzmancito smiling those pearly whites of his, and then here come Kendho, womp womp.
Things are just starting to go south.
martaivett, I agree with you, Nikki can't help being vulnerable & naive, especially to kendho who is good at manipulating.
"I think a bullet trumps Kendho, jus' sayin'"
I agree Madelaine.
Looking forward to tonight's episode.
Team Nikki/Guzmancito
When she is in that frightful "zone", I don't know what she is feeling - devastation? Self-loathing? I hadn't considered revenge but you may be right. Going further, would it be revenge (hatred) toward herself or others or both? So very sad.
"We like Nikki and Frankie because they are so cute together and they make us smile. Captas?"
Loved your comment on yesterdays recap board, Too funny.
Team Nikki/Guzmancito
"We like Nikki and Frankie because they are so cute together and they make us smile. Captas?"
Loved this comment on yesterday's recap Novelamaven. Hilarious.
Team Nikki/Guzmancito
I am also appalled by Adriana's total disrespect for her father. I guess she no longer consider him her father. Because of her unforgiving heart, she is like a dead wood with no feelings at all and instead hatred took over. How can her life go on. If it turns out Liliana is her daughter, I don't see Christina willing to share Liliana with her.I see no happy future for her. I know that Annibal has done wrong and is still doing her wrong but first she must learn to forgive in order for her to be at peace.
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