Monday, May 20, 2013

Corazon Indomable, Capitulo 6 – Monday, 05/20/2013: After a Night of Passion and Wedded Bliss, a Morning-After Full of Unpleasantries

Recap by LatinaInMD

It looks like the writers selected this episode to fully test our “Eeewww-Meter.”  We begin as Grandpa Ramiro leads Maricruz away from the shack, with Solita and La India close behind them, but no Moctavio in sight.

Eeewww #1 - Maricruz is still wearing the excessively torn and grimy potato-sack dress she wore at her wedding, thrown over the nightie she used on her wedding night, and very likely over the same underwear.  (Guess gramps couldn’t borrow that Quinceañera dress Maricruz requested, and her bell-sleeved dress must have been too clean and white, too frilly and not torn enough, to pass muster as a wedding dress.)  Maricruz asks gramps if he doesn’t love her anymore and wants her to go away never to return.  He says no, but reminds her that she is now a married woman and her husband is “the boss” and may get angry if he comes home and doesn’t find her. Maricruz grudgingly agrees to return; hardly the attitude of a blissful newlywed.

Back at the hacienda, Lucia tells Ofelia she is pleased that Maricruz took off like a wild child, as this will make it easier for her to “entangle her” in her intended schemes, so that Octavio will have no choice but to dump her.

Riding their horses side-by-side at a gentle trot, Octavio and Miguel seem more like buddies than feuding brothers.  Octavio shares with Miguel that he knows not what awaits him, but what he can “sincerely” tell him is that each day he feels more attracted to Maricruz, to her sweetness and great love for him.  He says he thinks she is the “ideal woman” to be the mother of his children.  Miguel says what Octavio feels for Maricruz is pity.  Octavio says maybe so, but he can help her improve herself and teach her good manners, and there’s a chance he will stay with her on the ranch and work so both of their families can prosper.  (Did one night of passion transform El Chulito?!)

After her long walk, Maricruz arrives at the ranch with her dress looking whiter and cleaner than when she left the shack.  Lucia greets her by the orange groves and begins to weave her web of intrigue, saying it is odd for Octavio to have left the house so early, especially the day after his wedding night.  She adds that he is very difficult, does not like being tied to anything or anyone, and tires easily of everything. 

At the mansion of Maricruz’s long-lost daddy Alejandro Mendoza, we are briefly introduced to Raiza, a bleached blonde who is clearly after Alejandro’s millions and who happens to be the sister of Carola Canseco, Alejandro’s business partner.  In a later brief scene, we see them talking about his long-lost daughter.

Lucia reassures Maricruz that she doesn’t think Octavio will tire of her “soon” - a veiled suggestion that he will “eventually”.  She advises her to wait until he returns.  Then she adds she has no idea when he will return, as he is likely “escaping” from something, such as a “grave mistake”.  Maricruz is quite confused, and she takes off again in search of her Chulito.

Miguel and Octavio arrive by the orange groves and are greeted by Lucia.  Lucia scolds Octavio for “abandoning” his wife the day after his wedding.  She lies to him and tells him Maricruz went crazy when she woke up and did not find him, went screaming for him around the house, and now took off in search of him.  Octavio explains he didn’t sleep well because he “is not used to sharing his bed all night long with someone.” (Yeah, we figured as much, Chulito!!)  Now he goes in search of Maricruz.

Raiza and Alejandro continue their chat, Raiza advising him to stop waiting for his daughter because she will never arrive.  He assures her that the doors to his home will always be open for his daughter, and reminds her it’s his fault that his wife abandoned him and took his daughter away.  Raiza insists that he forget about them both.

Octavio finds Maricruz sitting by a tree crying her eyes out.  He calls out to her and she runs into his arms.  [Cut to a throw-away scene between Santa and La India, then back to our two lovebirds.]  Octavio tells Maricruz he only left her so she could get up whenever she wanted, while he went to inspect the fields – since he must work now.  Maricruz tells him she wants to be with him at all times, that she too can work in the fields; she has always worked like a mule to take food home, she’s not afraid of hard work; she can cut firewood, anything he wants her to do to help.  He says no, from now on she has to try to refine herself.  He wants her to emulate Lucia and be a lady of her house.  He says he wants her to make herself very pretty for him, to be the prettiest girl in Tamaulipas, heck, in Mexico and the whole world.  She says she’ll never learn to refine herself, and she only wants to be pretty for him.  He promises he will try to make her very happy.  Cue the romantic music and passionate kiss.

Eeewww #2We see Solita being true to her name, alone by the multi-purpose watering hole washing some clothes.  As she finishes her work and starts to walk away, we hear a horse neigh and gallop ever closer to her, the sweet background music suddenly changing to an ominous tone.  Solita, of course, is completely unaware until Eusebio’s horse draws up to her side.  With signs and gestures he offers to help her with her heavy load, convinces her to get on his horse behind him and grab on to his waist, and they ride away.  

Back at the ranch, the entire Narvaez clan is sitting at the dining table ready for their meal to be served.  They begin with a bright-red beet soup, which Ofelia purposely leaves in front of Maricruz so she can serve herself.  As Maricruz awkwardly attempts to serve herself, Lucia blurts out that she is doing it wrong.  Everyone at the table stares disapprovingly at Maricruz.

Eeewww #3 - Cut back to Solita and Eusebio on his horse.  Dispensing with the typical thought bubble, Eusebio thinks out loud about how one day he will make Solita his, planning to take his time about it so she will not get scared and escape him.

Eeewww #4 - At the hacienda, Santa offers to serve Maricruz’s soup.  As Santa ladles the bright-red soup into Maricruz’s soup plate, Maricruz blurts out “gross!!!  This looks like blood!” and pours it right back into the pot.  Referring to her as “señora,” Santa tells Maricruz that the soup is delicious.  Maricruz asks why she is being so formal with her, and Santa answers that it’s because she is now “La Señora” of that house.  The camera cuts to Lucia giving her an icy stare, and Santa quickly corrects herself, saying Maricruz is now the SECOND señora of the house.  When told it is cold beet soup, Maricruz asks Santa to at least warm it up for her, then quickly changes her mind and hands her the whole pot, saying she doesn’t want any.  Octavio tells her it’s not correct to reject food at the table.  Maricruz says she doesn’t like it and just looking at it makes her want to puke, and she asks bluntly what she will do if she pukes on the table.  Octavio asks her to please not talk that way, telling her what she said perhaps can be thought but should not be said out loud.  Lucia orders Santa to toss out all the soup and bring another one.

Eeewww #5 – Eusebio stops his horse and gets down, saying out loud that he has to leave Solita there to avoid her gramps seeing them and starting a commotion.  He grabs Solita by the waist to help her down from his horse.  As he ogles her, Solita bends down with her back towards him to pick up her laundry bucket, then turns and smiles at him.  The “local gossip with impeccable timing” arrives just in time to witness as Eusebio gently pats Solita on the head, while she innocently continues to smile back at him.

Eeewww #6 – The Narvaez clan is ready for their second course.  As Ofelia serves her a juicy steak, Maricruz happily declares:  “Ah, see, I do like meat very much, and since I don’t eat it often, I am digging into this one.” She proceeds to dig in with her fingers.  Octavio asks what she is doing, as everyone else stares and smirks.

Eeewww #7 – As the “local gossip with impeccable timing” continues to watch from a distance, Eusebio is now caressing Solita’s smiling face, whispering right at her:  “Oh, Solita, Solita my soul, you are so tender, so sweet, so beautiful.  You don’t know the banquet I’m going to give myself with you.”  He waves goodbye, gets on his horse and rides off, as Solita stands there still happily waving right back at him.  The gossip says to herself:  “This smells bad to me….Very bad.”  You think??!!

Eeewww #8 – Maricruz continues to eat her steak with her bare hands, happily licking the grease off her fingers.  Octavio points out the silverware and shows her how he cuts his steak.  She tells him the few times she has eaten meat, it has always been with her hands.  He says now she must learn, but Lucia tells him he has to be understanding towards her.  Then Santa offers to cut Maricruz’s steak for her.  Octavio says he’ll do it himself, and after doing it he tells Maricruz to eat.  She is clearly upset and won’t eat, so exasperated he tells her to go ahead and eat with her hands if that is what she wants.  She starts crying, says she doesn’t want to eat it, and runs up to her room.  As Octavio goes after her, Miguel says:  “He well deserves it for being a fool,” and Lucia adds:  “The fun has begun, my love, it has begun.”

Briefly, we see Octavio trying to figure out how to console Maricruz as she wails like a child on her bed.  (If I may say, for the sake of Ana Brenda newbies, this is NOT how she normally cries in novelas, so blame it on her character and the director for how childish and annoying she sounds in this scene.)

Back at the table, Miguel says he also has lost his appetite and leaves.  Lucia gleefully orders Ofelia to go upstairs and listen through the bedroom door to find out what is happening between Octavio and Maricruz.

Octavio is begging Maricruz to stop crying.  He promises her that she is going to change, but even if she doesn’t change and makes him angry often, he will always love her just the same.  Magic words!!!  The crying suddenly stops.  Maricruz turns around and embraces him, while he gently kisses her head and rubs her back.

Ofelia reports back to Lucia, who is now sitting in her rocking chair by the orange groves.  Ofelia tells her that Octavio was trying to make Maricruz believe what she did was of no importance, to calm her down.  She adds that he succeeded, because soon both were quiet and Lucia “already knows what they must have ended up doing.”  This brings up the issue of “cleaning room,” and Lucia reminds Ofelia that in front of Octavio she must be considerate towards Maricruz, but behind his back she should humiliate her and put her in her place whenever she can.  Ofelia promises to do it with pleasure, and says she deserves it for setting her sights so high.  Lucia promises they will lower Maricruz’s sights right back to the mud she came from.

Later, Octavio comes downstairs and asks Ofelia where Lucia is.  She tells him she is out on the terrace and very upset due to his wife’s attitude at the table.  Octavio reminds her to quit meddling.  He heads out to look for Lucia and tells her he needs her help.  [Cut to another throw away scene between Santa, Maria and Ofelia.]  Lucia tells Octavio that she is unconditionally at his disposal, and he tells her that he wants her to help him with Maricruz.  Lucia asks him if he loves Maricruz, and he responds that he doesn’t know if it is love, desire, passion, or just wanting to protect her.  He admits he is a difficult person.  He adds that he would have preferred to leave, but that Miguel pressured him so much with his attitude about the ranch……Lucia cuts him off and tells him she is sure that Maricruz can change, but wonders what Maricruz’s own motives are.  Octavio says one thing he is sure of is that Maricruz truly loves him, unlike all other women he has had in his life.  Lucia compares Maricruz to an unpolished gem and promises to help polish her up, though she reminds him it won’t happen in two days.  They shake hands on it.  [Dumb move, Chulito, throwing the lamb in with the wolf!!!] 

Maricruz visits grandpa Ramiro and Solita.  She mentions that their shack now seems rather small to her.  Gramps says it’s because she is now used to the big house.  She tells him she feels bad there and she is only happy when Octavio is around.  She says Lucia gave her a pair of shoes, but though they are not as tight as her own shoes, she still can’t handle them.  Gramps suggests that she ask her husband to buy her a nice pair that will fit.  She says she thinks he doesn’t have money.  (Smart girl!!! She’s ignorant, not stupid!!!)  She tells Ramiro that she heard Lucia say that she and her husband give them everything because Octavio has nothing, and they are always long-faced with them.  Gramps advises her to learn all she can, but she says she doesn’t see why people make so much fuss about so many things, like how to eat, how to walk and how to speak.

Eeewww #9 - At the local bar, Eusebio tells Pancho (the ranch hand from Episode 1) how his blood boils just thinking about Solita.  “She is the most tender girl I have ever met.”  Pancho reminds him that she is “very tender” in age for him, and besides he has a relationship with Ofelia.  Eusebio says he will not stay calm until he’s had the pleasure of “feasting” on Solita.  Pancho doubts he will succeed, but Eusebio assures him he is already starting to win her over.  Pancho warns him it may bring him problems with Ofelia.  Eusebio says Ofelia doesn’t have to find out.  She is no spring chicken, but she also has her thing, though she can’t compare to “his” Solita’s “fresh meat”.

Lucia invites the Church Lady over for coffee or tea.  She brings her up to date on Maricruz’s life at the hacienda.  Church Lady asks what Maricruz does during the day, and Lucia says she spends most days in her family’s shack.  Church Lady asks if Octavio allows it, and Lucia gleefully states that Octavio is beginning to get tired of Maricruz.  Then she mentions she will be throwing a party for some friends to give them the news of her impending motherhood.  She also plans it as an occasion to further ridicule Maricruz.  She says she intends to help her, but only to make her look worse.  Church Lady says if Lucia refuses to help Maricruz, then maybe she will do it.  [Church Lady apparently forgot she needs some help too in the makeover department!!!!]

Back in the big city, Don Alejandro Mendoza sits at his computer with a worried look on his face.  He tells his faithful servant Tobias that they are threatening to close his casino on Isla Dorada because an idiot committed suicide after losing money at roulette.  Tobias tells him not to worry so much, that the Canseco sisters (especially Carola) know how to handle these things.  Don Alejandro fears they will have to pay to keep the casino open.  He wonders what the point is of fighting, but acknowledges fighting is one way of living.

Maricruz is fluffing up the pillows on her bed.  She is clearly ill at ease.  Lucia walks in and asks how she is doing.  Maricruz says she is bored with nothing to do.  Lucia tells her she won’t be bored anymore, as she came in precisely to tell her that she will be throwing a party so Maricruz can have some fun.  She tells Maricruz that she will be the guest of honor.  Maricruz wonders what she would do at a party, where she would likely embarrass them all, but Lucia promises to help her with anything she needs, to teach her to be a lady.  She embraces Maricruz, who is now oddly starry-eyed, and asks her to see her as a sister, one who will teach her and protect her.  She tells her she will love her very much and kisses her forehead to drive the point across.  Maricruz says she doesn’t have “rags” like Lucia does to dress properly for a party.  Lucia tells her she can solve that problem and takes her to her room to show her some dresses she can ”fix up” for her.

Alejandro Mendoza meets with his lawyer, who informs him that the new draft of his Last Will and Testament is ready for his signature.  In a later brief scene, Alejandro tells his faithful servant Tobias that he has named his daughter sole heiress to his fortune.

Back at the ranch, Lucia shows Maricruz a horrendous “Big Bird”-yellow dress and says she “just knows” it will look wonderful on Maricruz.  Lucia says they can add some ribbons to it that will make it look just gorgeous.  She also warns Maricruz that there will be girls at the party who have always been in love with Octavio.  She promises to point them out to her if they try to dance with her husband, and Maricruz promises to knockout anyone who tries.  Then Maricruz asks why Lucia would want to invite those women to her party in the first place.  (Good question, Maricruz!!!)  Lucia stokes the fires of jealousy by telling Maricruz that Octavio asked her to invite them, adding that Maricruz just doesn’t understand what men are like, especially Octavio, who likes all women.  (Looks like we are in for a catfight!!!!)



Thanks for such a quick and snappy recap LatinainMD!

The writers really did go overboard with the EWWW.

I loved your "El Chulito" nomiker and "Big Bird" sums up that dress perfectly.

I'm afraid I would have reacted the same way to the cold betabel soup...and no, I didn't grow up in a jacal.

I couldn't help but Laugh for about thirty minutes when I saw Lucía cutting oranges in her cocktail dress!! So that's why their business is not working! They need to hire real fruit pickers, she alone can not do the job even when she looks like Morticia Addams!!

Did anyone notice Univision censored the scene where Eusebio was chatting with Pancho? They bleeped the part where he said he was going to "feast on" ("darme un banquete") with Solita? I'm watching the Mexico broadcast and re-watched Cap. #6 online (uncensored) this weekend to write my recap. I can't say I'm surprised that Univision censored it for the 7 pm timeslot. I'm more surprised that Televisa allowed that language, considering C.I. airs at 4pm in Mexico.

One other thing - It's hard to catch the little details on a small computer screen. But tonight I re-watched episode #6 on my big screen tv and I noticed in the annoying/childish crying scene on her bed that Maricruz has the most perfectly manicured fingernails.

and the whitest teeth, for someone who has been living under a rock for 20 years, right?


Thank you for this wonderful recap. Liked your EWWWW theme too.

Ugh, I hate the mean girls, Lucia and Ofelia. I liked that scene in the kitchen with Santa giving Ofelia hell. Someone needs to.

I don't like what Lucia is doing to Mari at all. That scene at the table was so sad. Mari could use some table lessons but Santa would have been more than happy to teach her. I wouldn't have touched that soup either. Octavio had no patience at the table with her.

I can't decide whose side the Church Lady is on, Lucia's or Mari's. I wish she would get to know Mari a bit. She'd see she is very sweet.

I won't comment on EWWW-sebio, but I hope he is stopped from being near Solita.

I don't like how Lucia is setting up this party to "introduce" Mari to friends of theirs when in reality it is really to announce Lucia's own pregnancy. From the advances it once again goes horribly wrong for Mari.

Thank you for the great recap, Latina!
I really hope Solita won't be Luzma 2.0, that is where I think this is headed. Ewsebio is all kinds of creepy and disgusting.

And what can I say about Octavio...he is just as clueless as every other galan at the beginning of a tn - for the story to continue, I don't expect him to smarten up anytime soon.


Thanks for the recap LatinaMD. I was so caught up in the tornado coverage I forgot the episode until the very end. Think I'll pass catching up with all the EWWWW factors involved, especially with Solita. That really doesn't thrill me to watch at all. Just know that has disaster written all over it with the Big EWWWW himself.



LatinaInMD-Maricruz has perfect toes, too...considering she goes about barefoot all the time.

Pablo-Your comment about Lucia's orange cutting dress has me laughing.

I am liking Cesor Evora in this one more and more. Especially because it gives me hope that as he ages, he won't always be cast as the villain.

LatinaMD- The eewww theme was perfect for this episode. The Eusebio Solita storyline makes my skin crawl and I dread what's to come. It bet that gossip lady's take on the situation will be that Sol is exchanging her goodies for favors, and not that Eewww is being a sexual predator. Blech!

I had a good giggle too when I saw Lucia pruning the orange tree in one of her fancy dresses. LOL!

The yellow short bubble dress, and the hair in the previews that Mari will be sporting just looks very 80s. And the 80s are coming back in fashion. Mari is just being a trendsetter. :)


Sara- Cesar has been good in most of his recent tns. En Nombre de Amor, Llena de Amor, Triunfo del Amor. He was bad but redeemed in Guapos, and in his small role in Abismo he was a cheating husband but basically a good person. I don't think he's being pigeonholed at all.

Thanks Vivi. I've really only seen him in TdA and Guapos (the DVD version.) I may have to ask you about Guapos because the DVD is unclear about his redemption.

There is something about him in this one that I really like. He seems very much the kind grandfather.

I hate beets and just the thought of COLD beet soup is getting my gag reflex going, much less looking at a huge bowl of the blood-like concoction in front of me. I would have had the same reaction as Mari. Even if I didn't say it out loud, I would be thinking it and would have turned it down. No offense to you beet lovers. I have just never been able to stomach it.

Thanks Latina, I thought it was full of ewws too. I'm very worried about Solita. She is ripe for the pickins' with Ewwsebio, I can't see this ending well. And poor MC. I really hate it when the bad people have the upper hand and the good people always trust them and believe them, no matter how often they've proven their badness. Octavio should know better than to trust her, he must realize what she's doing.

Whenever I had cold soup, I always thought it would taste so much better warmed up.

Why doesn't Octavio gently explain to MC why certain situations require certain behaviors and then gently teach them to her? She would definitely be receptive to him if he would do that. He must be aware of what situations will arise that she will be exposed to that might cause embarrassment for her when she doesn't know the social protocol for how to behave and act or what to expect.

Even gazpacho, Cathyx? I love gazpacho.

Just looked at my comment from last night: moniker, not nomiker. Seriously, it was too late for me to think (and yes, 7:30 is too late for me to think.)

Sara C.

Thanks LatinaInMD. You did a great job with this.

Grampa needs to be jailed for years of child neglect. Being poor and hungry is one thing... allowing those girls to grow up without a minimum of social skills (not to mention graces) is quite another.


ITA Carlos. Grandpa hasn't even taught them the basics, like don't trust creepy older men, especially ones like Eewwsebio, or even chulo ones like Octavio. Not to mention reading, writing, how to be polite in company, and using a fork and knife!

I love this show, but that's the issue I have with it: The idea that poor= savage. Vivi I think you commented on that before when you spoke about your time in the Peace Corps.

They may not have had much growing up, but the idea that the girls are ignorant of cutlery is stupid IMHO.

Thanks, LatinaInMD, for the great recap. I loved your EWWWW's - so apropos. The writers definitely outdid themselves with the unpleasantries last night.

It looks like Lucia will continue to step up her game. MC doesn't have a chance with that witch conspiring against her.

I fear for Solita - not just her safety, but her life. With Ewwwsebio around, Solita is certainly facing tragedy.


Thanks for the great recap Latina. After watching the tornado news, I decided to watch only one TN last night and PEAM won, so really appreciate the recap.

I'm probably going to scan this TN until the transformation. I hate when characters are put in embarrassing situations. And/or a Lumi/Luz situation. Think I can get into it once this part is over.

Sara C: love gazpacho, too. Trader Joe's makes a really good one. Spicy, but good. There was a soup company--Lipton or Campbell's--that sold a small one serving size can of gazpacho. This was decades ago. Not sure if they still do.



Knew there was something else:

I hope CE isn't going to be a cameo and die on us. I'm enjoying the little screen time he's had as a good guy.

Gracias LatinainMD

I have a hard time believing that someone like Maricruz wouldn't hesitate to jump in at the dinner table & not take some clues from the others.

So surprised to see borscht, makes me want some. I do want my soup hot, take this vichyssoise back to the kitchen & bring me back potato soup.

Pablo, I like your description of Lucia, Morticia Adams, although I don't think Morticia was mean, better than my evil queen in Snow White.

Carlos, love your caracol, I'll take mine with lots of butter & garlic along with several of his friends.
Wonder what Maricruz would do with that?

Latina, you didn't mention that Raiza gave Alejandro and long kiss on the lips when they met, and Alejandro's manservant, I don't remember his name, gave an eyebrow raise to that intimate greeting. So is Raiza going to be the evil sister and Carola the good one? Will they both be bad? Will they try to thwart Alejandro's efforts to get to know his daughter?

Nanette- My dad makes a fabulous gazpacho...I'm partial to his lol.

Sara C.

Thank you so much LatinainMD---Loved your EEEWWW's.
I really liked your line "magic words"!!! the crying stops.

So let's talk about the crying. My heart is breaking for Maricruz, I was almost crying with her. She's a good person, just not refined, well not refined at all. She must have been humiliated beyond words. If "they" would just be kind and understanding with her, she would be the best friend and ally "they"
could ever hope to have. And the bruja bitch ofelia--who does she think she is? The servent lady. She's not so high and mighty. She serves everyone then sets the food down for Maricruz to serve herself.
If I were Octavio, I would read her the riot act like she had never
had it read to her before. Octavio should have made sure that she would never pull a stunt like that again. Dumb Galan!!!

Carlos---So you like Lucia's eyes--
not me. I dont like anything about that nose in the air evil bruja, not her eyes, her lips, her hair---
nothing. In fact, she is the worst
kind of evil bruja. You know, smile and talk nice to your face and stab you in the back every chance you get. Now there's an EEEWWW!!!

Another EEEWWW!!! Eusebio or is it
Ewsebio. That creep. I hope that I'm wrong but it looks like a rape
is in store for Solita. If so, I hope that the writers have a very,
very unpleasant ending in store for him. EEEWWW!!! he's disgusting.

Gramps---Take it easy on gramps. No one is perfect. He did the best that he knew how to do. Yes, he could have taught the girls a few more things but he didn't. That however make him a bad guy. He isn't the smartest guy around, he did his best.

One last thing---Maricruz's fingernails, toes and white teeth?
Well, what did you guys expect??!!
She's a goddess.
the gringo


Gringo, Ophelia is like that highschool girl trying to join the popular group but they only use her when they need something but have no intention of letting her join.

LatinaInMd--Are you also close to either of the Beltways? Are you watching AV? We're thinking about a post-production fan get-together and maybe meet other Carayers.

I like your style. At first I thought Vivi had just changed her name, but she's not ubicada in MD. (P.S. That's a compliment to be likened to Vivi's style.)

Don't know how often I'll have a chance to comment, but I'll try to read the recaps. You are a great addition.

This has been such a predictable tn so far. Maybe we need this as a respite from the uber-complicated QBA and overpopulated PEAM (but leave my AV alone, please--it's just right).

Pablo--I hadn't thought of Morticia Addams. Darn, I won't be able to get that earworm out for some time. Picking oranges? We haven't seen Lucia do ANY work yet, so I was surprised to see her doing the cutting and not ordering her campesino to do it.

The yellow dress had a certain late 1980s, early 1990s look to it. I'm sure Lucia picked it out to make Maricruz as ridiculous as possible. In the avances it doesn't look so bad, but the hair, jewelry and make up, yeah, real bad! Can't wait to see the poor thing in action. We just know they are going into the pool.

This is my only criticism of Gramps and then I'll keep quiet. This isn't the Middle Ages, people all over Europe and the Americas have been eating off plates and with utensils (unless specifically designed for the hand, like tortillas, tacos, cheese and fresh fruit). Gramps is old enough to have seen them wherever it was he worked before. As a matter of fact, he could have *whittled* some spoons and forks out of wood for them. (I still have some for cooking.)

As for La Sopa scene, I accept it, but even MC could have just said I don't want any, or just left it in her bowl--or TRIED it, for heavens' sakes.

I know she tried to explain to Octo and Gramps about not being used to using cutlery, but she's not that naive to believe the folks up at the "big" house would be eating with their hands....

So please, writers, don't make us swallow this bit of stupidity that she doesn't know how to use cutlery. MC did the cooking at Gramps--did she do that with her hands as well?

I know I have to wear my beanie and it's hot here--that's why I was trying to get away without having to wear it. Rant Over

Loved the horse, hated the rider. Now Euseveeuwww reminds me of Bluto in Popeye--he just needed a fuller 5 o'clock shadow.

Lucia is really making headway into MC's insecurities. Love the cat eyes, hate the smiler.

Miguel is still playing Mariano Albarran. Loved Mariano, not sure if I like Miguel too much.

Octavio--ay, Octavio, how long can your niceness last? Love your looks, hate your dishonesty with MC--but she wouldn't understand why you are doing what you are doing anyway. Except she did get it right about his not having any money.

Now--let's get Daddy Warbucks and Little Annie together before he pops off the scene.


Hey Vivi--I just read your early morning comment about the yellow dress. My DIL had a red and white one back then and it looked great on her, but when it became passe she pulled the string out of the bubble bottom and rehemmed it. I don't think she'll be putting the string back in.

So true, gringo, about the teeth, fingers and toes. Ana Brenda had to draw the line somewhere. As someone who is an official spokesperson for Pantene hair products, she already sacrificed enough by going around with grimy, unkempt hair in the first few episodes of C.I.

Thanks, LatinaInMD! That was an excellent recap.

Our chulito needs to think, but then that usually doesn't happen. He's too ready to hand MC over to Lucia to train, and too blind to see Lucia's evil intentions. MC would be quick to learn, if she had kindness instead of humiliation.

I feel like many others about Solita. She's an easy victim for Ewwwsebio unless someone steps in to protect her.

Maybe Santita and Maria can help MC stand up to Ofelia's bullying. At least they'll show some respect for MC's new status in the house.

Yeah, total catfight alert! Octavio probably won't be pleased.

La Paloma

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Anita - I was going to respond to your questions by email, but for some reason I can't send you one. If you can, send me an email with more details on the viewing party.



"I hope CE isn't going to be a cameo and die on us."

There was an entire scene devoted to him signing his will leaving everything to his daughter...

bet on it.


There's obviously a secret bleaching effect of that river to keep her dress and nails and teeth so perfectly white. They should bottle it and sell it.

They can't kill off Cesar Evora so soon! Isn't he the one who FINALLY teaches her about such modern things as forks? I'm just happy to see that Raiza and Carola are 2 different actresses. It was hard to tell from the pictures since they look so much alike. I'm guessing they are both evil based on their hairstyles. Straight and severe isn't a good girl look.

But I bet MC looks great in that neon yellow dress, just to annoy Lucia.

Can't wait for the jump. Octavio needs to know what a schmuck he's being, and Ricardo Franco (drool) is just the guy to tell hum.


I also laughed at the sight of Lucía in cocktail dress with gardener's gloves on pruning an orange tree.

And I totally agree about the crying. It sounds so fake and I heard Ana Brenda cry many times in LQNPA. When she showed her face it didn't really look like she had been crying.

I had started to watch QBA and I said the beaning tightening was going to crush my skull. I fear it's the same here.

Oops! That's "beanie tightening."

About the crying: Maybe Mari is a little smarter than we give her credit for, and knows just how to manipulate a man with a bit of fake crying?

Gringo-Tell us how you feel! lol

Loved the "fingers, toes, teeth, goddess" comment.

OMIGOSH Anita--Bluto!! BINGO!! That's exactly what he looks like!

General and repititive musing: I'm still rooting for Simona. I don't seem to remember her counterpart in Marimar. I hope she turns out to be a good character.

Sara C.

Kelly- I love the word schmuck. And it fits Octavio to a T. It's better than douche (my first attempt at categorizing him.)

Sara. C.

Latina...thanks for the marvelously detailed recap (alas, the action last night was so disturbing, that re-reading it was equally disturbing). But I enjoyed your Big Bird fashion statement. With all the gorgeous full-length dresses Evil Stepsister has in her closet, hard to believe she even owns that horrid, garish bridesmaid type dress.

There was a black and white movie made years ago (and I do mean in the 40's) called Johnny Belinda about a deaf-mute who was raped, and I fear that will be sweet Solita's fate as well. Definitely Ewwwwwww. And will there be a tragic and unwanted pregnancy?

In fact, I may have to take a vacation from this for a while. (Is it too early to wish for Ultimas Semanas where everything works out alright?)I'm just utterly miserable watching our poor heroine suffer. And worrying about Solita.

"It's just a tn. Just a tn." (Why can't I get this through my head?)

Carlos: I agree with you, but I'm hoping that obvious anvil won't fall--fool that I am.

Judy B
Pls don't remind me just how old I am, I remember that movie, so had to ck. It was 1949. Stephen McNally was the bad guy, Belinda was Jane Wyman, ex Mrs Ronald Reagan.

Have I complained about captcha lately? 3 tries before I could find sth I could read, what is the point?????????

I missed a lot of yesterday's episode of this and I have to say this is creeping me out. I'm not sure I can stick with this one.

The Paahtay is just in the talking stages right now. We'd have to get an idea of how many are in this area that would be willing to meet somewhere for the debriefing. I can count 5 who watch, 3 of whom recap. There's a Niecie in MD, too, but we have time to catch up with folks.

You can e-mail me at a l m e g (no spaces in the real one) at verizon d o t net. Hope to hear from you soon.


LatinaInMD--Oooops, that's com, not net. Sorry.

Got it, Anita. I'll email you later.

Urban Anthropologist and JudyB - don't bail. Trust me. Yes, the next three weeks will be rough - VERY rough. But this novela will be SO MUCH FUN TO WATCH once Maricruz becomes Maria Alejandra. I know. I'm watching the Mexico broadcast - 55 episodes ahead of Univision. It's had some really GREAT episodes in the past month!!! Of course, you will definitely have to continue putting your beanie on tight due to the silly plot, but it's SO worth it because of the acting and chemistry between Ana Brenda Contreras and Daniel Arenas.

I'll just take a little break, Latina and wait for you to tell me when it starts getting good. I'm sure I'll be sucked back in eventually.

JudyB - It's always darkest before dawn. The worst episodes (in terms of horrible events) are in the fourth week of the novela. The fifth week the transformation begins, and it's complete by end of episode #26. From #27 on, it's awesome!!!

Good to know Latina. I need a "native informant" for this one since I'm such an emotional wuss!

I've enjoyed reading your posts,

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