Thursday, July 11, 2013

CI #43 -7/10/13: The Situation Has Gotten Out Of Control and Is No Longer a Laughing Matter

Recap By Eli

 The situation has gotten out of control and is no longer a laughing matter
"Sh*t just got real" is an expression being used by kids all over America, on Twitter I read something that translated that phrase to "The situation has gotten out of control and is no longer a laughing matter". Folks, on tonight's episode "sh*it just got real", both in the casino and at the Narvaez farm. I've combined events to make it easier for me to get through everything without having to jump all over the place.
We join MC 3.0 in Carola's office, they argue and MC 3.0 does not go easy on Carola and calls her a thief, she tells her that she is a woman of the casino and that she can't yet tell Alejandro that she is his daughter because of his health, but that she has other means of getting what she wants. Carola questions what those other means might be and MC 3.0 tells her that her backup plan is Karim. Carola looks like her lunch might be coming back up.
Also in the casino Mohammed is up to something with two women, I really don't know what's going on but it looks like they are planning something, if any one can help clear up what's going on that would be a massive help! While Mohammed is away Karim is at home wondering why he is not answering his calls, he needs Mohammed now!

Ed and Octavio make their way to the casino, Octavio comments that tonight he is going to hook up with the most good looking woman at the casino and Ed takes this chance to point him in the direction of MC 3.0, Octavio who might have found a little pride at the bottom of his sock drawer refuses to go over and talk to MC 3.0 but Ed says that he wants to say hello to his new friend, he leaves Octavio waiting by the stairs and makes his way to MC . She is afraid that he has told people about the whole "I almost had a baby in a plane thing" and he reassures her that her that her secret is safe with him, she thanks him and says that she will always be grateful to him for keeping her secret.
While these two are talking Karim and his entourage arrive, they come down the stairs and literally bump Octavio out of the way, they don't even apologize! MC 3.0 then loudly exclaims that she has to go tend to the most important guest of the night and goes off to play cards with Karim, at a nearby table Octavio sits and also starts a game of cards. Later that evening a woman approaches him and makes her move, Octavio, in an attempt to make MC 3.0 jealous starts to flirt with the blond.
 MC is staring daggers at them and we all know that the blond is lucky that MC 3.0 is no longer a "salvage", otherwise girl would be in a world of hurt. MC 3.0 can only stay away from Octavio for so long and ditches Karim with the excuse of having to tend to her work duties, she then goes to Octavio's table and tries for some conversation but he is not having it, he gets up with the blond and they leave, MC is left alone at the table like a fool. Some time later MC 3.0 walks to the top deck of the boat and finds her husband kissing his new playmate, my sisters’ observation for the night "that awkward moment when you stare at your baby daddy kissing and flirting with another woman and he has no idea who you are". Yeah, that's a little bit awkward.
Carola and Raiza plot, well Carola plots, Raiza just listens. Carola is worried about MC 3.0 using Karim to get at her and she is setting things up to make t seem like the casino is in trouble, by doing this Alejandro will have no other option but to sell it to her.
In Mexico Alejandro is being seen by his doctor who makes it very clear that he is not in good shape, he needs to rest and take all his medications or ELSE. The good doctor and Tobias then exit Alejandro's room and talk about how serious the situation is, if Tobias can't keep Alejandro from traveling, the doctor predicts that he will die! 
The next day we see that Tobias has failed to talk Alejandro out of taking his (final?) trip to Isla Dorada, he tries to tell Alejandro to have faith and trust in MC, trust her like he would his daughter. Alejandro points out that she is not his daughter and that he is going to Isla Dorada, he has left all his affairs in order and if anything should happen to him his daughter should have no problem claiming what’s rightfully hers. Viwerville, Don Ale is in bad shape, he can hardly get down the stairs and later at the airport we see him really struggle, the man needs a wheelchair!
At the Narvaez ranch things are not going well for Miguel and Lucia, since finding out that his wife is a killer Miguel has let himself go (hey, who wants to look pretty for the crazy woman that kills old men?). She questions why he acting the way he is (seriously? You can’t think of why your husband might not want to be near you?), everything she did she did for her family, and at any rate this is not her fault! It was Octavio who brought MC into their house, turned their lives upside down and then left, all she was doing was trying to secure her happiness! And then friends, this woman goes into a new level of crazy and suggests that maybe Miguel wanted special favors from Maricruz, that would explain why he was willing to build her a house and look after her and her baby. Miguel looks disgusted and walks away from her, but not before telling her that their marriage is in trouble.
The next day Lucia again approaches Miguel, this time to ask him to re-hire the bastard also known as Eusebio, Miguel balks, he does not want Eusebio on the ranch, but Lucia pleads her case, it’s best that he come back, other wise he might talk and say things that could ruin the families reputation. Miguel tells her that the family name is already soiled by her actions and that what she did will bring bad juju to them. Oh no, every one knows that bad juju is the worst kind of juju! In the end Lucia wins and rehires Eusebio, but not without a show down, she tells him that he is to stay away from her husband because Miguel wants nothing to do with him and she warns that she is a dangerous enemy, if he steps out of line she will kill him, he tells her he is dangerous as well and boy do I hope these two jerks kill each other.
Back in Isla Dorada Alejandro is picked up at the airport by Carola, they talk about him wanting to sell the casino and she offers to buy it from him, she tells him that she will pay him a fair price, maybe even a bit more but he says all he wants is fair market value and nothing more, Carola then asks him how his daughter is doing (she is trying to kill him you guys!) and once in the car she starts to talk poorly about MC 3.0, she even suggests that she might be a hussy!
Alejandro asks to be taken to his hotel and Carola drops him off, then she goes to her office and plots with Raiza, she has a scheme in place to make it look like the casino is in bad shape, she will make it so that no one wants to buy it and Alejandro will have to sell to her, when Raiza asks if she thinks MC 3.0 is really Alejandro’s long lost daughter Carola says that only time will tell.
Teobaldo, bless his little heart goes to visit MC 3.0 and they gossip about Aracely, she left him to go after ED and MC sees nothing but suffering in her future (have you seen Ed without his shirt on? the suffering might be well worth it), Teo then tells her that Alejandro is in Isla Dorada and we get the same old “I can’t tell him I’m his daughter” speech but she does call him and they make plans to meet in the hotel lobby right away.
When MC gets to the hotel she find Alejandro in Octavios company, he helped Alejandro when he almost lost his balance and fell and was looking after him before she arrived. Octavio says his goodbyes and looks from afar as MC hugs Alejandro and rests her head on his shoulder. “What kind of woman are you?” thinks Octavio, and is he really thinking that she has something going on with a guy who can hardly walk?! Maybe she just likes the elderly Octavio, ever think about that?!
Alejandro asks MC why she is pretending to be his daughter and she says that’s the only way she could get Carola and Co to respect her and give her the access she casino, she knows Carola is up to no good! Ale tells her that he is there to sell the casino, she tells him not to do it and to think of his daughter. Alejandro’s mind is made up and he tells her he is going back to his room to rest, she informs him that she wants him to go home with her and he says that that would not be proper but she clues him in to the fact that her baby has been born and she wants him to meet her. That’s enough to get him to go with her, because no one can stay away from babies.
Once in her house she asks him why he does not see her as a daughter, he tells her that he could not deal with her being his daughter, especially because he knows the awful things she’s had to deal with. MC sheds a tear and goes to get the baby, she asks if he wants to hold her (is that even safe?) and he says he has never carried a baby, she hands him the child and Alejandro gives her a kiss and gives her his blessing. Do we know what the kids name is? I have a buck on Alejandra.
Join us tomorrow when more stuff happens. My DVR always cuts off the advances so I have no clue what we are in for tomorrow but I’m sure it will be good stuff!


Hey Y'all,

I posted this recap for Eli, who had some problems posting, enjoy!

From the look of the two women, I believe the older one is some sort of "madam" and the other one is meant to be for Karim. Mohammed seems to think that Karim is obsessed with MA simply because she's spurned him at every turn and that if he just has (sex) her one time his obsession will be cured. He can then "love her and leave her" as he pleases, knowing he got his way. So I think he hired this woman to have sex with his boss and intends to make him (Karim) think that it was MA he was with! I think I heard the woman say, "That girl (MA) is beautiful, but this one (hers) is can be made to look almost like her." That's why Mohammed told Karim that MA finally agreed to be with him but only under certain conditions (lights off, no conversation, etc). Dumb plan, but who knows? Anyway, that's my take on it. I could certainly be wrong.

The women with Mohammad--from what I could tell, Mohammad is trying to work a shady deal with a ringer for MariAle. The woman with the odd eyebrows is the procuress, while the woman is red who resembles MariAle is her stand-in. Mohammad has set up a rendevous for Karim with "MariAle". The room will be dark and she will say nothing. Karim will pay big money to have his desire for MA fulfilled. I assume Mohammad is hoping to get Karim to return home once this deal is done.

Thanks for your recap Eli and thanks for posting Mads.

This situation is unfortunately extremely crazy and then MC is getting jealous over the least intelligent man in this TN, oh boy.

Like many others, I wish the writers would stop with the we-can't-tell-Alejandro nonsense. He survived the plan trip; just have the doctor there are you break the news to him. But at all cost, tell him NOW.

Thanks Anon 4:05 pm and La Paloma for letting us know about Mohammed's ridiculous plan. I don't think Mohammed knows how crazy Karim is and my hope is that Karim will kidnap the fake MA. And then be really mad.

Oh, Eli, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your "s*** just got real"!! I was both smiling at the antics, and ready to throttle people last night.

Frankly, Tav sort of had me chuckling with his antics with the governor's daughter, who seemed to know she was being used and went along with it. Could MC have been anymore obvious?? Oh yeah, you don't care about the guy. You basically were advertising it for anyone to see you were jealous and interested. He knows he's got you now. Smooth moves...

And watching Lucia just trying every trick in the book to sweet talk Miguel and it was going nowehere. That was sweet!

Now, I'm sorry for this, because we are suppose to be rooting for MC, but right now, watching the pain and agony that Don Ale is going thru just to travel and settle this mess at the casino...I can't help but feel if she hadn't just taken off, calmed down, taken this a little slower, etc. that man wouldn't be one step closer to making his dinner date with St. Peter. Something about all of that just bothered the daylights out of me last night. I know the baby moments were sweet--but dang, she should have had those at home and shared with her sister too. Ok, rant over. Just me, but if Don Ale kicks the bucket on this trip, can't help but feel she's partly to blame for speeding his demise.


Daisynjay, I so agree with you about MC: her bold actions and continuing hesitation to tell don Ale the truth might just be hastening his demise.



Thanks for this excellent recap of a difficult and at times confusing episode. My favorite line was your statement of the obvious:

"...the man needs a wheelchair!"...

Too bad he doesn't have Aníbal Balvenera (AV) as an enemy or he might be the proud owner of a state of the art wheelchair and instead of stumbling around with a cane he'd be tooling around the air terminal in a spiffy Rascal™.

Anon, I think that you have deciphered Mohamad's plan pretty much perfectly. It'd work best if he could get Karim likkered up but I don't think that's very likely. The whole thing seems rather harebrained but the bar for credibility in this TN has so far not been set extremely high.

Glad that Lucia has chosen a less bizarre shade of lipstick.

Maricruz missed a perfect opportunity to reveal her true identity last night. It would have fit right in with with the introduction of the infant. As a physician, I'm just not seeing the risk in exposing the truth, especially in light of all the other stuff going on.


Thank you Eli and Madelaine---Eli, you really made me laugh when you said that it was a good thing for the blonde lady that Maricruz is now 3.0 and not the savage 1.0 that we once knew. I still laughing
3 gold stars for that one.

I chuckled when Karim's group bumped Oblivio and almost knocked him down and then kept walking like nothing had happened. I'm still thinking about it. QUE???

Eli---ITA, let them kill each other.

I just don't think that Don Ale will die without knowing who his daughter is. He probably will die soon but not before he sees the box that Maricruz has and realizes
that Mari is indeed his daughter.

My question is if Don Ale sells the
casino maybe to Karim with Mari's help, how is she going to get control of it? I can't see the Consicko's getting it. This is turning into a big mystery.
the gringo

Carlos---A state of the art wheelchir from Anibal--Hilarious
the gringo


Gringo, I loved how they just pushed him, and the WTF look on his face was priceless! Carlos is right, Don Ale needs that wheelchair!

Good stuff a kick out of your observation that Octavio may have "found his pride at the bottom of his sock drawer". Very possible!

Right now this telenovela is irritating me so much I can only watch for a few minutes. Count me in with Daisynjay that Maricruz is not very likable at the moment.

But I'll never turn off the recaps..great team here.

Eli, that was a hilarious recap from beginning to end. I loved it!!!!!!'

Thanks for the fun recap, Eli. I so enjoyed seeing Octavio being pushed aside on the stairs. The whole Karim entourage is ridiculous. An entire crew of non-speaking actors just taking up space. I thought the stretch limo was to accommodate them, but they were riding in the second vehicle. Craaazy.

You guys are far too kind, thank you for the nice words.

Eli,thanks. I love your sense of humor. Thanks for the smiles and giggles your recap generated.

Thank you Susanlynn!

Eli- I was not at a computer all day. This was such a well organized recap. It made much more sense than the episode. I also LOVED your intro about sh*t getting real. Yep. The teens I spent the day with today would definitely say that. :)

Thank you Eli, it was marvelous!
I just had time to read it, and still giggling.

Fav line: "she clues him in to the fact that her baby has been born and she wants him to meet her. That’s enough to get him to go with her, because no one can stay away from babies."
She truly had to clue him in, WOW.
MC you need to tell him the truth or it'll be too late!!

I think all had been said what I wanted to say about the happenings.
ITA with all that MC is way out of control, and Mohammed has this idiotic plan, what when will be found out by Karim just will makes him VERY, VERY angry.

WTF, Don Ale has to risk his life to get to the island to work things out for the Casino, while MC, his supposedly loving daughter, can't leave this place long enought to take her daughter to meet her very sick grandpa???

And sick as he is, he still has to explain to someone he's barely known for a few months that he can do whatever he wants with his Casino? Has MC ever thought for one second that maybe, just maybe, Don Ale is a little more business savy than she is?

Ugh...I just can't...MC is unlikeble, Tav is ... well Tav... What is there to enjoy about this tn, except the amazing recaps?


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