Thursday, August 22, 2013

I Am So Glad I Missed The Wedding

La Tempestad Capitulo 19

Friday, 23 August, 2013

La Tempestad Capitulo 19

Following is a very condensed recap of tonight’s show:

The Wedding

-       Ester, still lovely in her wedding gown with white lace shrug, stands up in the middle of the patio to make an announcement; Her husband, Capitan Damian Fabre, will not be attending the wedding fiesta because of a problem with La Tempestad.  Daddy Don Fulgencio, who is also standing, stares her down but she continues, “Just because he is not here does not mean we cannot have fun!” Estercita orders the band to play some really fun music and grabs her Dad to get him to dance. After some truly remarkable bad dancing in front of the whole town, including a sort of solo gyrating dance with her own wedding veil, the drunken bride staggers over to Jose and grabs him for the next dance.
-       Mayuya rats out Ester to her mom, no she cannot tell a lie, Ester is drunk. Delfina is stricken as well hear Ester shouting to Jose and any one else who will listen that another woman is in love with her man.

-       La Tempestad
-       Things are not going great on the Tempest. No fish are forthcoming and Bagre tells Marina that he warned her this could be how it was. She murmurs that they all need Damian so much. Damian is delayed by the temporary problems on the speedboat. Lolo thinks he is crazy to try to get all the way out to La Tempestad, the boat is too far out and it will be night when they arrive! Damian doesn’t care. He is headed for his boat. No one knows La Tempestad like he does. He wonders, “Why did Marina sail without me?”
-       The Wedding
-       At the wedding Ester snags a reluctant Olinto for a dance. She berates him for breaking up her party by telling Damian he was needed on the boat. Olinto says he was just doing his job and it is important for the whole town. They have an order for many tons of fish and that is why La señorita went out on the boat to direct the operation. “What señorita?” Ester demands. None other than Marina Reverte. She ordered that the boat go out this very day. Ester loses it and screams at Olinto. “She has to go fishing on the day of my wedding? Damian left me on my wedding day with that woman. I swear I will kill her.” Or better yet, she screams toward her father, You kill Damian! Fulgencio tells the musicians to keep on playing, while he grabs the drunk and out of control Estercita and drags her away for a much needed Father/Daughter talk. Ester tells Fully that Olinto gave her that scoop that Damian left on La Tempestad with that woman—Marina Reverte. Fulgencio says it does not make any sense and a hapless Delfina interrupts the chat to ask Ester to cut the cake.
-       The Perils of Jazmin, parte dos
-       Jazmin?Lucia is walking down the street looking very upset when she runs into Mama Rosy. Rosy says she has wanted to talk to her. Lazaro has been very rude to his Mom lately and she wants to know the truth…Are Lucia and Lazaro novios? No. Just friends, replies Jaz/Lu.  Rosy’s ankle hurt and Jaz/Lu offer to give her an arm to help her get home. At home Jaz/Lu dresses rosy’s ankle while Lazaro comes in and is rude to the both of them He suggests his Mom should get ready for the wedding.
-       Prayers For A Multiplication of Fish
-       On The Tempest, the whole crew is on their knees praying before a figure of La Nuestra Señora Del Mar. The Virgin is appropriately decked out for the boat in a green gown and blue cape made out of what appears to be Gore-Tex material. He lace mantilla tastefully holds the blue slicker to her head but it appears that who ever decked her out took eye makeup lessons from Beyonce. Speaking of international stars with huge and devoted followings, I think Nuestra Señora ought to be given a short appellation, something like, ‘R-Laydee-of-the-sea,’ or just ‘R-Laydee’ if you are texting. I am serious. I think it could really catch on, go viral, as they say, and you all will know it started here at Caray, Caray. R-Laydee looks well disposed to grant the requests of the boat’s crew—“Please give us abundant fish!” They sing a special version of Ave Maria.
-       Ester Kills Her Wedding Cake
-       Estercita goes back to the fiesta and attacks the cake with a cake knife and ruins it. She also attempts to decapitate the little bride and groom figures from the top of the cake. Right now she looks certifiable. The Padre, Auntie Becca, Hernan and Delfina all roll their eyes at this behavior. Ester continues to drink and act like an idiot while airing her dirty laundry before (literally) the whole town. Fully asks her if he knows how much he spent on this wedding? She yells again that Damian ran off with that woman.
-       Lazaro Acts Like a Jerk
-       Lazaro acts like a jerk again to Jaz/Lu as they walk to the wedding. She tells him she HAS to be nice to Sr Robles or Nareo will hurt her sister. Laz is jealous.
-       Sometimes You Have To Talk To The Fish
-       On La Tempestad they are having no luck with the fishing, even after their earnest prayers. Bagre tells Marina that he warned her, Damian’s father taught him to talk to the sea. (I guess Bagre must also mean that the sea carries on the conversation and tells Damin just where to find fish. Just sayin’). Bagre is just the first mate, Damian is the capitan. Marina admits she was wrong to order the boat out to sea without Capitan Damian.
-       Back At TNs Longest Wedding
-       Believe it or not, Ester’s diatribes continue. Fully orders to stop drinking and she tells him she will do as she wishes. She is sick of her parents telling her what to do. Now that she is Mrs. Fabre, even thought her husband has run off with another woman, she will do as she pleases. She continues this way, blaming Damian and ‘the whore’.  Finally, she does a turn aboutand grabs Mayuya and they start to dance. The music starts up. What a total mess. I don’t get why somebody doesn’t drag her butt out of there and just say she has nervous exhaustion or something.
-       The commandante and his boys are taking photos of Jaz?Lu when he asks her for a dance. The two dance while Lazaro is jealous. Robles tells Jaz that he wants to be more than a friend to her, for realz…we are left to guess whether he means he wants to be a father to her or a lover or what. Still creeps me out.
-       The Villains Drink A Toast
-       Fulgencio and Hernan toast with Fully’s best tequila while they plot how to kill Damian. With all the Federales around, Hernan agrees to wait until Ester and Damian are back from their honeymoon before he kills Damian. Fully tells Hernan  that Damian is with Marina on the ship.
-       Hernan dances with a totally drunk Ester and offers her another gift—He will take Ester out to La Tempestad and her husband on his yacht. What a guy.
-       Damian comes into his cabin wearing WET WHITE PANTS and nothing else. Really, I am not that much of a fan of beefcake, but this is one seriously good looking man we have here. Fortunately there is no dialog to distract me as I state at him and he stares at Marina who is sleeping in his bed. She looks up sleepy eyed and wearing what appears to be his shirt and he gives her THAT smile. Be still my heart. Then they have words about why he is there half naked and wet, why he is married and why she betrayed him by leaving him on the dock. She did not want to ruin his marriage and his honeymoon. He professes his love for Marina once again. She is the only woman he loves , the only woman he is willing to fight the world for. Wow! He knows she loves him too. She says please and asks him to stop kissing her. Just now Lolo knocks on the door and it is besos-interruptus again.
-       Hernan Does Ester A Favor
-       Ester has now left the party and is packing to join Damian on the fishing boat. courtesy of Hernan. Soon she joins  Hernan and they have an inane conversation on their way to find La Tempestad and her husband, Ester likes the yacht (who wouldn’t) and complements Hernan on his taste. He tells he he has an interest in seeing Ester reunited with her husband. It’s something personal—Marina Reverte. Marina and he had know each other for years. Everything was OK until Damian stepped in. Ester objects and they have a tedious argument about whether Damian is chasing Marina or the other way around. Hernan insists that Damian is a cad, with a woman in every port. But delusional Estercita tells Hernan that now that they are married, Damian will change. She will have her honeymoon on board La Tempestad and live happily ever after. Yeah, right. They agree that Hernan will take Marina away.
-       Some Really Random Scenes With Mercedes and local Sex Workers
-       Back in Mexico City, Mercedes in in her dressing room talking to herself in the mirror. It is time for her to get her two daughters back. She has to find Magdalena, and then tell Marina the truth. Now there is another confusing scene where a bewigged and besparkled Mercedes is out on a corner with some ladies of the night. It seems they are already arguing over territory and they really don’t want ol’ Mercedes horning in. She insists she is just waiting for a friend when one of the sex workers draws a knife…
-       Boring Bea’s
-       At Bea’s house, Tia Becky makes a play for Jose. She is drinking heavily. She tells him to call her Rebeca, none of this Miss Rebeca stuff for her. Then she grabs her sister for a dance while she sings her own version of ‘La Bamba’.
-       The Fishing Boat Meets the Yacht
-       On La Tempestad, Marina tries in her lame way to be of help while Bagre says nice things about her. Damian gives her some gloves so she doesn’tear up her hands on the ropes. The sailor/fisherman pull in a great big load of fish. The Capitan (or perhaps R-Laydee) has saved the day. Damian will never disappoint Marina!
-       Just then, Hernan’s yacht reaches La Tempestad. At first the sailors think that theya re being approached again by pirates and Marina goes below, but then Hernan announces himself. He congratulates Damian on his marriage and shouts across the water that he has brought the Capitan something special—his wife Estercita!
-       Capitan Damian shouts across to Ester that he is working, this is no place for a honeymoon. She replies that if his lady-boss can be there, well, so can she. Hernan demands that Damian send them the ladder so that Ester can board. Hernan taunts Damian that he is not a gentleman let alone a man but says that all he wants is Marina. She will not want to spoil his honeymoon.
-       Marina, in the cabin below, is worried that they have encountered pirates. Lolo comes in to tell Marina that the other boat is not pirates, it is Hernan bringing Ester to join Damian. Damian now comes into the cabin while Marina is packing. She is leaving to return with Hernan. Damian asks her to stay but she reminds him that she still has her dignity and she will not do it. Damian now says as soon as he gets back to land he will divorce Estercita! He asks her to wait for him. They kiss.
-       Hernan and Ester continue their tussle about who is the real bad guy, Marina or Damian. Hernan confesses to Estercita that he loves Marina.
-       Here my recording cuts off.
-       Please excuse the poor editing. If I missed anything please feel free to add it in the comments.
Elna June



I hope everything is ok, no worries, please take your time. Sending you good thoughts and prayers.

Oh no, take care of your family first EJ. I hope all will be well.

Well Estercita didn't let us down. I loved the way she annihilated the little groom cake-topper, and everyone's concerned and amused looks as she did so.

Jose and Rebecca...


Thanks, Mads and Sylvia:

I so appreciate your kind thoughts.

My 35 year old son has been VERY sick and he was diagnosed with a rare form of Staph infection this evening. He is resting comfortably now and we will know more tomorrow, I hope.

I couldn't sleep anyway so it was good to recap.

Elna June


Loved your recap, EJ; so funny as always; loved, "Fortunately there is no dialog to distract me as I stare at him" . I am also creeped out by the Comidante pathetically trying to seduce Yas, and we are left to wonder if this is part of a sting or he really has a thing for her I hope the former.
Loved Capn's recap yesterday, didn't get a chance to comment.
Did anyone get the rest of this episode? My tape cut out too at that same point, how strange.

I find "Pestercita" very funny, myself. One recapper mentioned she is fun to watch, I agree.

Elna June, prayers that your son recuperates quickly. You have had quite a night -- God bless. I hope you are able to get some much needed rest. Please let us know how he is doing. Hugs...

Thank you for doing this recap under the circumstances. It was truly amazing. "Solo gyrating dance with her own wedding veil", "Prayers For A Multiplication of Fish" and "think Nuestra Señora ought to be given a short appellation, something like, ‘R-Laydee-of-the-sea,’ or just ‘R-Laydee’ if you are texting" were outstanding! So, so happy you are back!

The wedding was truly shock and awe and I say that in the most appalled manner. Ester doing her best Norman Bates imitation attacking the cake topper made me smile in spite of the craziness. Letting the madness continue perplexed me. Usually if there is a scene such as Ester put on, isn't the normal reaction for people to walk away and try to pretend it's not happening? Everyone in the town was clearly loitering, openly watching and listening intently to everything going on. Further, why didn't Fully and Delfina mother try to spirit her away right from the start?

Aunt Becky is confident, playful and spunky. I admired the way she wasted no time in going after what she wanted - Jose.

Damian as the sea whisperer...

I think Dam and Marina's kiss in the cabin was one of the best I have ever seen (sorry Eduardo)...He is positively oozing sexuality and is mesmerizing. He is divine here...And EJ, those pants. I thought there may have been some transparancy going on in a few spots -oh my. Sigh.

Perhaps the Commandante might want to consider going after someone his own age such as Bea. Well not Bea specifically- but someone.

There was one more thing I wanted to say but the memory of that kiss wiped the thought out of my mind.

Elna June, thank you again for this enchanting recap.


Thank you, EJ, for going above and beyond the call of duty to provide us with this recap.

I am so sorry to hear about your son . Please know that I am sending my thoughts, prayers, and good vibrations to you and yours for his speedy recovery.

Dear Judyb...Now you have gone and done it. Hub and I left for a little quick vaca down the shore before our full time babysitting duties start up again when our daughter starts the new school year. After babysitting in the morning, trying to have a leaky roof fixed for daughter, and driving through several downpours, we arrived here yesterday afternoon ready to read, walk, and Chillax. However, somehow your limerick challenge must have been silently swirling and percolating through my mind. As I lay down last night to finally sleep, I came up with my offering.

There was a young girl named Marina,
I wonder if you've ever seen 'er
She's in love with FabDam
Who's as sweet as a lamb
Crazed Hernan plays his fiddle to please her.'s the best my muddled, tired brain could come up with. Please forgive me, Alfred Lord Tennyson, T.S..Eliot, and e.e. Cummings. ( My Ipad will not allow me to put e.e.'s last name in small cap...but it had no problems with the e.e. We fought about it several times....I lost that battle.)
Well, off to breakfast and the beach.

EJ- My goodness, amiga. I can't believe you were able to write a recap, and such a funny one, with all that going on with your son. All the best to him and to you. I'll be thinking of you both today and sending good thoughts and prayers.

As for the episode, I continued to be amused by Estercita's meltdown, especially the mutilation of the cake topper. She actually didn't harm the cake itself. She is going to be legendary in this tiny town. They'll be talking about her for decades.

Also enjoyed Tia Becky making a flirty play for Jose and making Bra dance. And of course, I loved the kiss in the tight, wet white pants!

Tablet preferred to write Bra instead of Bea. Silly tablet.

Susanlynn: Loved the limerick. Thanks for the smile.


Thank you for the recap and hope your son will get better soon.

I loved the pissing contest between the Big Bad and a deranged bunny arguing which of their obsessions was the worst. They should look in the mirror, end of question.

WL!!! In tight wet white pants!!! Yes, I have been good and Christmas came early. Let me rewind one more time. And one more. And more. Heeeelp meeee (weak voice).

And then there was the KISS. WL is kissing with his entire gorgeous body but Ximena is still robotic and has only a few distinct parts engaged.

Elna June - Wishing your son a speedy recovery. You are both in my prayers and I'm sending positive energy your way.

Amazing recap. Really hilarious. Love the subtitles as well. So many poignant phrases I could mention, but as I'm running off soon, I'll just refer to your analogy of R-Laydee and

Agree that no matter how despicable, Hernan is one hot number:)

EJ, you know I am thinking of you and sending you all the best.

Really, I am not that much of a fan of beefcake, but this is one seriously good looking man we have here. Fortunately there is no dialog to distract me

And there you have it.

The story is chugging along quite nicely, no? And once more you have given it a lovely Elna Junesque spin. How lucky for us! And helpful hints for titular texting? My heart be still!

Diana, I loved your Ester doing her best Norman Bates imitation to describe the muñecacide. Clearly, that girl ain't right.

I continue to sympathize with the lovelorn Comandante Robles who is taken with the tragic, but no less annoying for that, JazLu. [How long must the poor man pay for the sins of Don Gagorio?]

BTW, not only did Mayuya rat out Pestercita about her drinking, she actually SUPPLIED HER! She was the one who slipped the Pest a bottle of tequila for swigging.

Oh and great start on the Limerick Contest, Mads and Susanlynn!

Had to laugh at Estercita yelling at Mayuya to stop the mayuyeses in front of everyone.

I know Estercita is a major brat, and I wouldn't mind at all if she sank to the bottom of the ocean, and too Hernan with her. But I do feel some sympathy for her because I see her yearning to be set free from her abusive father and smothering mother, and she thinks Dam and marriage is her only way out from them.

Just where did Dam plan for them to live post honeymoon?

EJ, thanks for taking time to do a fabulous recap. My prayers are being sent your way.

Estercita is the entertainment for that town. She's no kid, but her parents are part of the problem. They didn't love her enough to say no occasionally. She's repeating her mother's footsteps - although it seems in a much more aggressive way.

Woweee, Damn Dam! He's not just another pretty face. He knows how to move and seduce in the most subtle ways. I've not been a fan before, but his kissing has done it this time. He is very dangerous. I'm going to take my morning shower now.
Marea Primavera

Oh my EJ...there is no greater heartache than having a child who is seriously ill or seriously suffering emotionally. And motherhood never ends. They might be 60 and we're 90 and still, they are our babies. And we wring our hands and pray for help.

Hoping and praying that this crisis has a happy ending--and quickly!

You rose to the occasion in spite of your cares. Describing la Virgen in Gore-Tex tarted up with eye-makeup à la Beyoncé made me laugh so hard my stomach hurt. Can't wait to see the episode.

Okay, the real reason I can't wait is to see Sweet William in tight, wet white pants. And seriously, you're not a fan of beefcake? Well, glad he could temporarily knock you off course. I am, alas, a great fan of masculine landscape.

Which brings me to the burly Commandante. It is totally ick-worthy that he's after Jazmine but totally understandable as well. The older we get, the better THEY look. And for males, the "unthinkable" is still thinkable. They actually strut a bit more if they bag something young enough to be an offspring, whereas we females at least know we shouldn't, we shouldn't! a big kick out of your limerick. And yours, nautical Mads. As I said yesterday, there's great creativity on this line. And humor. And caring.

Healing thoughts to you and your son, EJ.

Ha..."Mercedes and local sex workers" gave me a giggle.

I also got a big kick out of Ester's attempt at a multiplication dance, and as soon as the camera zoomed in on the wedding cake topper, I knew that tiny doll Dam was going to feel Ester's wrath...not to mention Ester's vicious attack on that defenseless wedding cake. Geez. What a big disappointment to all those wedding guests who were expecting a nice, peaceful slice of wedding cake.

Ester really knows how to use a wedding veil to display her angry. I don't think I've ever seen a grown person have a temper tantrum quite like Ester's. YIKES

All these shirtless WL scenes are bringing back some good memories from Sortilegio...very distracting memories. LOL! Anyway, last night's shirtlessness and wet pants, reminded me of this scene:


Wow, what a superb recap. I am sending you good thoughts and prayers for the quick recovery of your son.

I like your nickname for Our Lady of the Sea, R-Laydee. Next time I recap if I encounter her I am "borrowing" the nickname. The Beyoncé reference was hysterical.


Tsk, Tsk amiga about Eduardo. For shame! But then again, I am a traitor too, cause that was one hot lookin' man in his wet pants and that kiss, wooooweeee ; )DamFab is just too, er, DamFab!

I too am really liking Jose and Rebe. She is so much fun and I think they'd be great together.

I am still not getting the creep vibe with the Commandante. He wanted those pics of her, I think, to see if maybe she had been trafficked so to speak. She is rather young, and I am getting the Papa vibe from him, the protector thing. I agree with NovelaMaven, I think Don Pigorio is stuck on him too.

Ester is like a train wreck you want to look away but you just can't. You are mesmerized and you just have to watch. She is a hoot though with her temper tantrums and I like how the Commandante stood up when she was screaming at her horrid Papa to kill DamFab. If that explosion happens the Commandante will know just who to look at. She was rather forceful with that cake topper wasn't she, lol. She took all her frustrations out on it. I wish that that yacht carrying Hernan and Ester had stalled out in the sea. If wishes were horses.

I also like the fact that the Commandante is taking pics of the main players here. Especially Hernan. I hope he eventually gets one of Nero.

Poor DamFab and Marina. Do we think that Ester will let DamFab divorce her? This should be interesting. I wonder how this boat trip back with Hernan is gonna go? I hope she reams him up one side and down the other. We just know that Ester is gonna do that with DamFab. And Ester calling Marina a ho? Ester, have you looked in the mirror lately? Jus' sayin'.

I got a kick out of that whole 007 camera pen scene.

I often see commercials for those camera-pens but can't remember if they are on Telemundo or Univision. Ni modo. I have it on the best authority that the Storm Cellar™ has them in stock and anyone who is anyone on the Patio is sporting one in his or her breast pocket.

[No shoes, no shirt, no camera-pen. Sorry, DamFab.]

BTW, Robles told his guy he wanted photos of Jaz "for personal reasons." He is completely oblivious to her involvement in the prostitution ring. (Or that's how I interpret things. Could be all wet, of course.)

EJ my thoughts and prayers are with you and your son's fast recovery. I'm glad you were able to distract yourself and hope you are able to rest soon.

Wow Pester continues with the crazy. Dam has to know she won't let go until death so we are all in for a long haul.

Diana - there is no reason to feel guilt regarding telenovios. Why limit yourself to one when many have so many wonderful qualities ;)

Loved Tia Becky and Jose and thanks for the limerick Susanlynn.

Oh EJ - sending healing vibes for your son!

Glad the recap was a welcome distraction.

TNs do some ridiculous things to manipulate a plot.

But promising to get an immediate divorce just hours after having said I do in the church - that one may take the (Ester stabbing) cake!


The pen camera commercials have been on Uni. They haven't shown one in a while, lol.

I too heard the Commandante tell the guy he wanted Jaz/Lu's pics for himself. I really don't think it is for creepy reasons. I really do think he wants to help her in some way. He has had integrity so far and Mercedes' radar is pretty good as far as creep factors go. I want to see how the Commandante became involved in cracking down on human traffickers. I hope they show some back story for him.


I agree with you about Ester, and I too have sympathy for her. The poor thing has never been able to do anything for herself. Her Daddy Fully constantly puts her down, her Mama gets the same treatment. Fully has damaged both of them. Fully truly is a blow hard bully. I hope at some point Delfina lets him have it, but being the bully that he is, I don't think Delfina will have the courage to do that.

EJ, I hope that your son regains full health and quickly.
Thank you for the recap to a hot episode.
Susanlynn- thanks for the limerick.
I don't feel sorry for Pestercita, as Tia Becky said, she is getting what she deserves.
Thank God for last night's episode, between the wet pants, the shirtless chest, the kiss, I need a fan. ;-)

Elna June my heart goes out to your son and you. I realize what a difficult and serious situation this is. You are in my prayers.

This recap is stellar. It's so good to have our Elna June back in the fold and how very like you to jump right back into recapping immediately.

As for the Comandante, I can almost forgive him for taking an unseemly somewhat icky interest in Jazmin... it's something that silly old men do, but his total disregard for Lazaro is really disturbing to me. He acts a though Lazaro isn't even present when he zeros in on Jasmin. I find that incredibly insulting and disrespectful.

I suppose that Damián and Lolo had some idea of where to find la Tempestad, but how the heck did Hernán and Estercita find it so quickly?

So Marina will be leaving with Hernán and Estercita will be staying with Damián? Will Hernán try to steal a kiss? Will Estercita throw another tantrum? This should be fun.

Looks like Damián will soon find out that getting married is a lot easier matter than getting a divorce.


Tablet Jefa- I agree that Estercita is bringing on much of her own humilation and suffering. But this is the thing I love about her-- aside from Tia Becky, Estecita is THE most honest person in this story. Yes, even more so than our protagonists. She does not hide her feelings-- good or bad. She lays her heart out there for EVERYONE to see. She does not waste time worrying about what people will think of her-- her parents do enough of that.

She wants Dam, she will do anything to hang on to him, and she won't hide that from anyone, even if it means making a spectacle of herself. She did not get him to sleep with her via trickery. He was sober (she was not) and he went with his hormones, not his common sense. The only preson she is lying to is herself. She is trying desperately to believe that Dam loves her, because she wants out of Fully's house and from under his heavy fist/thumb.

Should she suck it up, strike out on her own, and try to make her way by working and living a life of dignity? Sure. But she's not a strong person like that, and she's looking for the easy way out- a hot husband.

Plus, this episode I noticed that aside from Mayuya (who is a snake in the grass), and Marina (who she's jealous of), Estercita is actually polite to people (until they tick her off). She greeted Laz's mom kindly and respectfully. Delfina must have done something right, along with being a bad example/role model of a weak woman.

Madelaine: As Karen points out, why should we limit ouselves?? :)I mean, EY is still the ultimate, but I am amazed at the way I am transfixed by William.

Being a half dressed pirate with glistening arms and abs help, but he is smoldering.

Carlos, you hit the nail on the head that in his slightly offputing crush on Jaz, the Commandante seems oblivious to Laz. You are right - it is insulting...


EJ, uh oh a staph infection is very serious business. Which of course you already know, duh. I'm sending healing thoughts your son's way and praying for a speedy recovery. As for your recap, you must have very good concentration because this one is funny as heck. You were spot-on with your observations. As usual. I'm so glad you are on this recapping team. Yay!!

Question: What happened between the time DamFab was broken down in the middle of the sea and the moment he ended up WET, in his cabin, without any of the crew (except Marina) aware he had arrived? Did he swim, towing the lancha with a rope in his teeth?
Answer: I guess I don't really care. Oh right, they rowed. And may R-Laydee bless the one who decided to put DamFab in those WET WHITE PANTS. Yowza!!!

Hey, did y'all see Mercedes' big collection of wigs? I think the Univision wig stock is in her room in the DF.

I'm loving Lolo, king of the one liners. When Marina asked him if they were being attacked by pirates he responded, "No, much worse." Hahahaha!!

Susanlynn, kudos to you amiga for the sublime limerick. Buen hecho!!

Vivi, I don't want Estercita to leave us too quickly. I am as enthralled with her as the entire town. Except for WET WHITE PANTS her shenanigans were the highlight of the episode.

Well, to be fair, Jazmine told the Commandante that Lazaro "was just a friend". And when she dashed off saying he was "a novio" the poor guy seemed shocked and quite crestfallen.

MADS, you're sweet to keep thinking our big burly guy has only a protective interest in Jazmine, but there have been a lot of signals otherwise.

Either that, or me, NovelaMaven, Carlos and Diana all have dirty minds! (not that I consider that an insult, actually. 'Tis the way of life and keeps the world going.)

To prove I watch this show to learn Spanish...Fulgencio told Delfina that the wedding reception was going to end up todo terminó como el Rosario de Amozoc, a golpes y farolazos (it all ended like the Amozoc Rosary, with blows and drinks.

This from Wikipedia about Puebla: "The saying is derived from a legend from the community of Amozoc de Mota in the state. A silversmith apprentice by the name of Alberto was in love with a beautiful girl named Catalina, nicknamed La Culata. However, another apprentice from another shop named Enrique, was also in love with her. Alberto was accepted by la Culata and this made Enrique jealous. Festivities for the beginning of the year were supposed to be organized by the different silver workshops together but the rivalry caused a split in which ecclesiastical authorities needed to intervene. On the first day of the event, at Mass, Enrique saw Alberto and Catherine kiss briefly, which enraged him. During the rosary, while the choir sang “Mater Inmaculata,” Enrique heard “mata a la Culata” (kill La Culata), took a knife from his clothing and attacked the couple, killing Catarina. Alberto took a machete from his belt and killed Enrique. A fight ensued which left many dead and wounded. It is said that one can still hear the cries of Catalina as she died."

You see, I DO care about more than WET WHITE PANTS. So there!

EJ - I am deeply sorry to hear about your son. I will keep you and your family in my prayers, and hope for your son's speedy recovery.

Wonderful, sidesplitting recap! Your "The Fishing Boat Meets the Yacht" conjured up the matter of size. Does it indeed matter??? Thank you, thank you!!!


If you have pre- marriage consummation & not post- marriage consummation, could the marriage annulled?

What more can i add, that all of you haven't raved enough about our galan?? He is a demigod! My numero uno super-telenovio! SIGH


What a chilling legend. Now if they had made a TN of that, we would have been watching that too ; ) or maybe they already have?


You and Karen are so right. I do have another secret crush on a couple more male TN actors but one isn't currently on at the moment. : ) ; )


If Alma and Rogue got one with their premarital goings on over on PEAM, I'm sure DamFab and Pester can get one, but then again the Padre is different on this one, so who knows.


I don't think y'all have dirty minds at all. I bet mine is just as bad as yours ; ). I just give the benefit of the doubt until he starts creeping me out and then if he does, I will join the rest of you ; )

Thanks for the recap, EJ. "R-Lady" is such a cute name! I'm praying for your son and wish him a fast recovery.

Pestercita's cake homicide took the, ahem, cake for her craziest tantrum yet. However, @Vivi, I do agree with you about feeling sorry for her. Her talk with Delfina was very telling; I think she married Dam Fab as much to get away from Foolgencio as for "love" of Dam Fab.

Hernan and Pestercita are quite the pair, one second as scheming drinking buddies, and the next arguing over Dam Fab and Marina. Shame on Hernan for pitting Damián in such an awkward position. I'm already looking forward to Scrawny Herny's Karmageddon!

I was NOT expecting Damián to promise divorce. Wow! I still wonder why he didn't just back out of the marriage in the first place. He told Marina it was to save Estercita from "chismes"......and then walks out of his own wedding reception?!

Agree with everyone about SuperCoolTiaBecky. Characters who drop the "usted" form are so awesome.

NovelaMaven, "no shoes, no shirt, no camera pen"....ha!

Psssst, Sylvia --
Can I copy your homework?

Mater Inmaculata --> Mata a la Culata

Hmm. Doesn't have the charm of Gladly the cross-eyed Bear, does it? Must be a Mexican thing.

And speaking of famously and/or willfully misunderstood phrases --

Ever since the recapping schedule for this one was announced, I have been thinking:
Sic transit gloria mundi
(Gloria got sick on the bus on Monday.)

I'm sorry but someone had to say it. :)

Man, Estercita sure can throw a fit! "Kill him daddy, kill him!", I'm not sure you should tell your father to kill your new husband in front of the whole town, that's just a bad idea!

Hernan looked so pretty last night.

Novela Maven, you are really cracking me up this morning. No wonder they make us sit in the back row, you keep making those jokes and I can't control my snickering. Thank goodness with this bunch we're in good company.

EJ...what a jewel you are to have shared this wonderful recap with us all the while tending to the business of serious care-giving. I said a prayer for you and your son and send all good wishes your way.

I have to say that some of the wedding scenes between Estrecita and her papa Don Fulgencia are truly the sorts of things I wish would be played over and over again and slow motion even. At least given as much airtime as those redundant cave scenes with El Capitan and Miss Universe. That was was of my all time favorite weddings!!! The best! Cesar Evora is such an awful, awful father of the bride. Maybe the worst ever? And Estrecita....definitely should get a best-acting nomination of some sort. I've never seen anyone throw better fits than she does! I have to say, her performance, in my humble opinion, far outshines the Miss Universe leading lady and, to me, they're both equally beautiful physically. So, Go Estrecita, Go!


SNORT!!! oh, was that me? désolée.

Revised shorthand list for LT recappers:
manly muscular arms
chiseled chest
sexy cave dream
wet white pants

Hernan and pEstercita looked really attractive apart and together, last night on that yacht scene.... they should be for each other.



OT: MQB, the Mexican version of Dancing with the Stars, starts on 15 Sept (Sunday) at 8:00pm Eastern. They have quite a crew this year and I am definitely going to watch ; )

Thank you so much for all the kind wishes for healing for my son. He is still resting comfortably and I—and he—deeply appreciate your prayers and good ju-ju for his healing.

What a wonderful group of humans are gathered here on Caray!

As to the epi, I loved all of your comments. There was a tragi-comic air to Ester's rants. I just don't see this show having a happy ending for her.

Wm Levy was really on his game last night when he told Marina that he loved only her. Even without the WET WHITE PANTS he would have caught my attention.

As to Marina, the character, I want her to bring us a little life, a little sass, flash, dash, splash—even some brash behavior would be welcome. I know this is her first acting job and all, but her affect is so flat and she is so RIGID. I know she is sad but she walks around looking clinically depressed all the time. How 'bout flashing Wm Levy a longing ironic smile as he declares his undying love for you, Mar-mar-marina? Let's give the good Capitan something to respond to!

Several of you have alluded to this, but will someone/anyone please posit how marrying Ester and then dumping her at her own wedding reception, along with her outrageous antics has in any way healed her broken reputation. Is it anywhere true, that given her situation, her reputation is better than it would have been?

I am just dreading (speculating, no spoilers here, ever!)the probable pregnancy. I do not know where a child falls into the mix, but I am sure it would complicate Damian's plans for a quickie divorce. I think Variopinta has posed the $64,000 question—Does a pre-consumation of marriage count? Any Catholic theologians out there with an opinion or the official position of the Church?

Thanks again, for all of your support. I will try to keep up with comments today, when I am able.

Gracias a todos,


Oh and Sylvia and NM:

I heard Fulgencio's comment but couldn't make hide nor hair of the reference. Thanks for your great research.

sic transit gloria mundi...Novela my girl you are on fire. No offence meant to dear Gloria, of course.


Recappers, I sure am enjoying your write-ups! What hilarity! I haven't been commenting for a bit, but have been enjoying all the patio peeps!

What a fun surprise this TN has been - predictably illogical(honorable, o Damian smooches his real love after his former rogue self has married Esthercita, hmmm according to Mr Mena), over-the -top temper tantrums (go LC!) and screen chemistry from our Comely Captain.

I did miss some story set up info. Does viewerville know how or why Bea got Marina? And who was Bea's husband and what relationship does he have to the rest of the characters? Maybe we aren't supposed to know that yet, just checking to see what I missed.

BTW, I never heard anyone called an "eel" as an insult.... LOL

"I know this is her first acting job and all, but her affect is so flat and she is so RIGID. I know she is sad but she walks around looking clinically depressed all the time."

EJ, I wonder if she has been directed to hold back so that the contrast with her twin, Magdalena, will be all the more striking.

I'm reminded of Megan on Mad Men who played twins in a daytime soap. Her cynical husband and wife producers, after each tried and failed to seduce the nubile Mrs. Draper, gave her this pithy advice on differentiating the characters:
Let the wig do the work.

Come to think of it, I wonder if señor Mejía has a sampler hanging in his studio office. (How would you say that? "Que la peluca lo haga el trabajo"???)


Bea's late husband was Ariel Reverte. Marina (and her still missing twin, Magdalena) are the biological children of Ariel and Mercedes.

We still don't know how Bea got Marina.

Ariel was best friends with DamFab's late father, Captain Michel Fabré. He was also the original owner of the empacadora.

And finally, his name lets the writers have a little fun with Shakespeare and the character of Ariel in The Tempest.

Mena- Welcome to the fun. This tn has surprisingly been a lot of fun so far. Hopefully, it can keep it up.

They have been weaving bits and pieces of the history of the older adults into the story as we go along.
-Bea was married to Ariel, Marina’s father. We do not yet know how she came to agree to raise Marina.
-Ariel fell for Mercedes, while he was engaged to Bea. Mercedes got pregnant with twins- Marina and Magdalena. Magdalena was stolen and sold by Mercedes’ ex-pimp, Ernesto. We don’t know why Mercedes gave Marina to Ariel; and we don’t know why Ariel gave Mercedes the fish plant.
- Mercedes was in love with Michel Fabre, Dam’s dad. He never saw her as more than a friend. She left town because he could never be hers. Now she wants Marina and Dam to become a couple.
- Ariel and Michel were BFFs. Ariel gave Michel La Tempestad.
-Fulgencio was in love with Mercedes. He hated Michel for “stealing” her love, and for telling “lies” about him.


Basically, Mercedes got around!

Please forgive me if I break rules or overstep somethings I am not aware of. I have burning questions regarding acting.

1. Does WL kiss with his tongue? Is this something appropriate for telenovelas?

2. Does the actress do French kissing as well?

3. And finally, if they do exchange bodily fluids for hours of shooting, how is it possible not to feel anything for your costar?

Again, sorry, it's my first month of watching telenovelas. I am a virgin.

vita, you don't talk like a virgin, heh. I don't like to analyze those kissing logistics too much, kinda ruins the fantasy for me. I will say it appears as if WL is throwing himself into this role and acting very, ahem, realistic in his romantic scenes. If one is to believe gossip (which we don't really do here), the leads do sometimes fall for each other just like in moviemaking, TV, etc. Most actors describe their romantic/lovemaking scenes as very difficult because they are surrounded by crew, i.e. it is the least romantic situation one could possibly imagine.

shallowgal, I thought the same thing about Hernan and Estercita. But then I realized they would probably kill each other.

Dona Felipa, ITA. Best. Wedding. Ever.

DC Vivi and NM - Muchisimas Gracias for bring me up to speed ... Yessirree Mercedes got around. Seems as though some skeletons need to come out of some closets still. Since Bea is pretty nice to Mercedes, I guess she doesn't suspect 1.) the premarriage liaison between her husband and Mercedes and 2.) that Marina really is Mercedes' daughter. Poor CE, unrequited luvvv again... just like AB with his Cami obsession and marriage to second prize.

excuse the typos ..... my comments always lead to typos, it is a rule.

Thank you Sylvia; no gossip just curiosity. I used to watch Korean dramas - if the mail lead takes his girl's hand by end of series, it's major progress. Here in telenovelas is a sensual world of full body contact, wow. Fans herself.

Vita- All our galans seem to have different kissing styles. WL tends to lead with the tongue, which not many of them do. I've never seen any of his leading ladies complain in interviews. They all seem very comfortable with him, so they must be ok with it.

As for the feelings...well, in interviews the only actress I have seen admit to enjoying every second of kissing and groping her galans is Silvia Navarro (but she does not become romantically involved with them); while I have seen a mix with male lead actors-- some who say it's just work and nothing is felt, and others admit with an impish grin that one would have to be dead not to have a physical response in some of these situations with these very actractive women. But they all comment that with multiple takes, and multiple people all around while filming a scene, it's not exactly romantic or sets a mood-- it very much feels like work.

No the "mail' lead, main lead, darn it. Where is an "edit" button?

EJ--Thanks for doing double duty--to your son and to us. We certainly appreciate your talent. I'm keeping your son in my thoughts until we hear more on his recovery. What a fright that must have been.

I must be gone for awhile, so no long monologue. BUT--Did anyone else but me hear Fully exclaim to Val or just the airwaves....when Rosario showed up, he said What The H--- is Rosario doing here? My immediate thought went to Lazaro being Fully's.

With Esthercita's whole emotional history book open and on display, if Fully weren't such a crook (with murderous intentions), he might come to appreciate Laz's gentle, honest demeanor. Delfina certainly would, but before that happens she would feel betrayed, so that won't go too well.

Ah, my heart is still a pitter-pattering. I can't get it to be still. And is he really going for a good-bye kiss in front of the two opposites tonight? I'd love it. It's like telling Ester & Ernie...This is how it's going to be, so there!


"Let the wig do the work."

Good counsel. Another good piece of advice for the courageous Ximena Navarette (I would never have the moxie to jump into a telenovela lead role without any acting experience whatsoever...). Get thee to acting school. Beautiful can only take you so far.

And to all those Ester fans, I, too adore Laura Carmine. If the show runners dyed her hair back to its natural dark color got her a good shrink, some meds and wired her jaw shut she might just be able to give earnest Marina a run for her money. She is a gorgeous woman.


I recently read about a Mexican telenovela written in Spanish and then translated into Mayan with native Mayan speakers as actors. It has the typical telenovela structure but it is quite modest, as is the culture it reflects. Here's one article from the NY Times but you can find lots of others too:

One of the co-writers of "Baktun" is quoted as saying of this 21-episode novela: "We took all the kissing out."

Cap'n. You are so right on about Rosario (I hadn't gotten all the way down the comments). All I heard was Rosario and it had nothing to do with the woman-Rosario that appeared at that moment.

I still hold that mi Llamada de la Sangre is that Laz will turn out to be Fulgies.

Yes, Anita, I heard Fully's comment. I thought he was looking at Jazmin. Oh, heavens, if he knows that Laz is his child then he was really evil to taunt Rosy about the baby's father in front of her brother the priest yesterday!

Wow. That idea thickens teh plot and then some. Fully really wouldn't want his kid with one of the working girls.
More opposition for the young lovers.


Oh, and Susanlynn:

Your limerick was a scream.



Madelaine - I will only be watching for Pedro Moreno.


We still don't know who Damien's madre is either.

As far as I know, no "pre-consummation" does not count.

Elna, hope your son is on the mend real quick. thanks for the recap.

Loved seeing chiseled chest Damian in wet white pants. Yum.

Esther was hilarious last night. Parents should have escorted her out of the reception last night, but made for great entertainment.

Can't wait for tonight.

WET WHITE PANTS. Just wanted to remember it one more time.


This page is gonna catch on fire pretty soon. lol!!


thanks, Madelaine for the heads up on the dance show. I love them. Did someone say that KendrHO from AV is going to be on ?

Some stream--of-consciousness comments .....
Best wedding ever but....nobody got cake !!!! I distinctly remember Marie Antoinette saying "Let them eat cake" and Pester didn't.

Wet pants (white, black, red...) is usually an uh-oh bad thing, but in this case everyone seems really delighted and excited about it, verdad?

regarding Will's kissing style...There was definitely lots of tongue. Miss X did not seem to mind. She's a sport, isn't she ?.... a real team player.

NM...I love Mad Men, and I miss it madly. The wild, swinging '60s.

New rules...a poem with all our fav one liners . OKAY...ready, set, go.

Time for tea. Later, Gators.

I was hit by a storm called WL thanks to Dancing With The Stars. And now I am watching the very first telenovela. My IQ is dropping, dropping, dropping but the visuals are stunning. That's the trade-off.

Thank you for your explanation about the kissing styles.

Back to the series, Ester is my favorite. Close second is her sly frenemy. Marina is still a robot, all work no play.

As for kissing, I wonder how you could not respond to WL's glorious mouth-to-mouth?!!! Why is she so stiff? When DamFab hugged Ester on the docks for a brief second, they had better hugging chemistry than Marina in her kissing/dancing/hugging scenes with the gorgeous WET WHITE PANTS.

Elna June, thank you for letting us have some of your time in the midst of your crisis. I'm praying for you and your family.

And to think I wasn't sure if I would watch this hot mess (hawt, as in WL hawt). What an entertaining wedding! and the aftermath, as well. Great comments here--I think I'll ask for a chair on the patio.

I'm still willing to give Marina (not Ximena) the benefit of the doubt in how she is responding to Damian (not Sweet William).

She's still in her businessperson, very professional personality attire. She knows, or has told herself, there is no future for her and DamFab, although she can't deny her feelings for him. She knows about his reputation. He's newly married. To give in fully to his kisses and his words would be to betray her moral fiber. OTOH, she doesn't hold back from *telling* him how she feels about him.

When they make love the first time, THEN, and only then will I make any judgment on her (Ximena's) stiffness or genuine responsiveness to the scene.

Watched The Bridge Wed night. Easy to understand why they said for mature audiences. ¡Dios mio! I'll probably watch it 'til Jon Stewart returns. It's on at 10PM & repeats at 11PM. I was interested in seeing Demián Bichir . Tks for calling it to our attention.

A word defending the actress playing Marina's, she is supposed to be inexperienced at sex; she does the face nuzzling thing with Damian pretty well; yeah, she has a stiff body thing going, but the scenes smolder.
You don't see a lot of melting into the arms by these young Spanish ingenues.
I remember Cuando Me Enamoro the leading girl literally cringed when the lead actor touched her.

Anita - ITA with your assessment of Marina's current demeanor with Damian. I've been wanting to comment about it, but you said it better.


Shallowgal--I can remember so vividly, in Sortilegio, Maria Jose (JB) and Alex (WL) in their first two full blown love scenes. Talk about the protagonista giving in to her feelings for him. YowZaaa!

Vivi, I just got around to watching your link. Oh my! Gotta say WL is certainly honing his craft, lol! If I were an actress on the receiving end of that sort of performance I'm sure I would melt into a buttery puddle.

vita, Korean dramas? That sounds very interesting but definitely not as hot as these telenovelas. They are even censored for the U.S. audiences, darn it! How cool that you got interested in this after watching WL's dancing. He was amazingly good in DWTS and positively exuded sex appeal.

Anita, like EJ I thought Fulgencio was talking about Jaz when he said "what is that woman doing here". And wow, if he turned out to be Laz's daddy that would be quite a plot line.

Carlos, re: finding the boat. At first I thought Hernan would be using AIS to find La T. AIS on his modern yacht would totally make sense. But in order to find La T then she would have to have AIS as well. And earlier didn't Bagre say they don't have radar? So if they can't afford radar I doubt they could afford AIS too. But now I'm overanalyzing.

Anita/Vivi - I still have a few fave (20) episodes of Sortilegio on my dvr. I would go back to them occasionally when I'm having WL withdrawals. I have to watch him on the big screen in super HD. I can't bring myself to delete them.


... oh and back then, Univision did not have CC3, so I would hit the pause button quite frequently, and translate only his dialogue word for word on my laptop. it was tedious work, and took about 2hours for an hour episode. then I found Caray Caray..... hallelujah!!

Just came back from another night of restuarant week-- this time a chocolate themed restuarant. I don't want to see anymore chocolate for a LONG time, although it was delicious!


I'm going to give Ximena/Marina a bit more time to loosen up. But WL really could have chemistry with anybody!

Emarie- Are you sure you're thinking of CME, because Renanta was very enthusiastic about kissing her galan (he's the one who kept backing out of making love to her)-- so much so that she kissed him by force the first time, not even knowing who he was! Here is the first time they made love (on their wedding night) starting at min 5:

He did initiate some angry kisses, which she did hesitate to give in to, but often did (much to Carlos' dismay).

I am very late to the party tonight but wanted to wish you, Elna June the very best outcome for your son. Keep us posted on his progress.

Your recap is marvelous and I hope gave you a moment of calm and peace to concentrate on writing this fine recap.

Love the wet white pants and Susanlynn's limerick. What a patio group we have.

Ay ay ay Vivi, you and your sexy links. What a memory you have. Must be all that chocolate.

That was fun info about Silvia Navarro enjoying the kissing scenes because she sure LOOKS like she enjoys them. She's the spunkiest heroine ever, one of my all time favorites.

Sylvia- Check out this video of one of SN's earlier tns (La Heredera). The whole scene is cute, but start at Min 4-- the most "forward" heroine I have ever seen in a love scene:

Actually, start at Min 3.

Vivi, you're so right. I meant" La fuerza del destino". Lo siento. Sandra Eschevarria looked like she couldn't stand kissing David Zepeda. I just figured some of these girls just don't like making love to a stranger on camera.


Vivi, WOWEEE!!! SN is one hot mama. Some of our more delicate and more reluctant heroines should take lessons. Now THAT is some very watchable TV. Thanks for that.

Emarie- OMG! LFDD was the worst case of stiff heroine I have ever seen! Remember how we joked that DZ had more chemistry with that damn wall than with the heroine (Sandra E.)? LOL!

I need to stare
I have condition

There is more than one way
To dance with the wedding veil
Most of them hurt

Lovers embrace
Kissing under the stars
One of them, just married

There's an editor out there collecting the collected poetry of La Tempestaders. It will be available soon in the Storm Cellar™.

Genuine, hand bound in moroccan leather, tooled leaf design in 22k gold leaf, deckled edges and a fine satin ribbon page marker. Frontispiece is a color still of the Man in the Wet White Pants......Foreplay, er, foreword by NovelaMaven.

Includes index, bibliography and biographies of poets (no ages or marital stati revealed).

As an added bonus, the game of pictionary is included.

Discounted 10% if you buy two. Makes a perfect gift.


eMarie--Do you think it might have been having to kiss David Z that provoked her reaction?

I'm so late to the discussion. Thanks Elna June for the recap!! It was wonderful.

WL would have chemistry with anyone. He is so good when it comes to the romantic scenes. He is just so natural and whenver his character has to profess his love to the leading lady I always find it belivable. I don't know if any of you caught it but he referred to Marina as "mi amor" for the first time last night. It was during the scene when Marina wanted to leave La Tempestad and Damian went into the cabin to talk to her. I loved that whole scene.

Thanks Vivi for posting that Sortilegio link. I loved Sortilegio. They recently repeated both Sortilegio and Cuidado Con El Angel on Univision. Out of all the TN's that I have watched I would have to say that Sortilegio and Cuidado Con El Angel are my favorites because of WL. I just love his acting. I actually have all of Sortilegio on tape and when La Tempestad finishes I'll probably re-watch Sortilegio again after watching Cuidado Con El Angel again since I was not able to finish watching the re-run of it on Univision.

In Ximena's defense, Marina did smile when DamFab showed up in his WET WHITE PANTS. :)

Btw, Daniela Romo and William Levy will be celebrating their birhtday next week. Daniela Romo's birthday is on Tuesday, August 27th and William Levy's birthday is on Friday, August 29th. They are both Virgos. :)

Anita-perhaps. I haven't seen SE in anything else, don't know. Could have been personal, who knows? DL is handsome enough.

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