Friday, September 13, 2013

C I, Cap. 88, 9/12/13 – Vengeance Is Mine! Says MariCruz. And Mine! Says Doris.

          It’s a casserole episode here:  some chunks of meaty action layered with lots of rehash and other filler, just in case you forgot or never knew what happened waaay back. Short scenes may be combined.

Warmed Over from Yesterday
          Simona, with her upgraded image,  reminds Octavio she always loved him, wanted to marry him. He knows they’ve been BFF, but she’s all gorgeous now. (No explanation on how the mole was removed so quickly.) She knows he loves MariCruz and doesn’t love Doris, but she can offer a third option. She’ll settle for being his wife and living at his side. 

Tav Starts the Next Round of Angry Spouses
          Raiza and MariAle see Tav enter the casino with a new lady on his arm. Simona is amazed at how sophisticated and elegant MA appears. (Simona’s in a lavender and lace gown, MA in dark blue with silver trim and long sleeves.  It has near total coverage in the front and a completely bare back except for a few silver strips.) MA should remember her, but is doubtful until Tav says Simona’s full name. 

          Cautious courtesy follows between the two ladies, while Tav and MA start some verbal sparring, based on her past and his taste in women.  She claims she’s still somewhat bruta (coarse), but she’s going to marry the Gov and become a society lady. MA tells Simona this is her best chance to marry Octavio. He praises Doris’ fine qualities, and MA says that’s good, they’ll all get along living in the same house. MA breaks off the useless arguing and sweeps Simona into the casino for a tour.

Miguel Is Ready to Sell His Birthright—Almost
          The real estate broker calls Miguel to let him know all is ready; the papers are there, the money is in hand, just show up at 2 pm tomorrow and bring your bro with you.  Mig calls Lucia in the hospital with the news. He hates to give up his heritage, but she’s pleased. This will give them money for the medical expenses and other bills.

          MA calls the broker to say she decided against witnessing the land transfer. He can make up whatever excuse he needs. Mig stumbles drunkenly into the hotel lobby, hits the desk and falls down. A close up shows him lying on the floor, weeping. Jackie knocks at Tav’s door, waking him up. His bro needs him!  

          Tav listens to Miguel’s anguished ramblings of shame, loss and a dream of their father’s disapproval.  Mig felt safe owning a ranch, since their father said nothing was better than owning the land you step on and the air you breathe. Who will own their ranch now? It all started with MariCruz, that demon!

Demonic Ramblings and Reminiscence (update if you missed early chapters)
          The demon of Mig’s mind is seated in her villa, feeding her daughter. MA tells Lupita she’ll be the owner of a ranch, a nice place to go for the summer.  She tells Juanita about the ranch, growing up running barefoot like a savage (flashbacks here). She includes stories of Solita, how they came to Mexico City and met Don Alejandro. Her best memories are the times with Abuelo Ramiro.

          Juanita can’t understand why MA can’t forgive and reunite with her husband. Maybe she should see a doctor for some mental issues (if only!). MA agrees that she’s sick, sick with rancor, but she can’t be cured until she makes all the Narvaez suffer as she did. (We did have to hear that again, didn’t we?)

The Big Moment of Vengeance Comes and Goes
          The next day, the brothers are seated in the brokers office, ready to sign away their land. Octavio signs, then it’s Miguel’s turn. It’s difficult for him to pick up the pen and sign, but he hears Lucia’s voice telling him to sell and he finally signs all the papers.  The broker hands Mig the check, explains the new owner was too busy to come, and shakes their hands as they leave. 
MA is thinking of their surprise when they learn she is the owner. Miguel calls Lucia to confirm they have the money to start a new life. The broker brings the documents to MariAle’s office and tells her she is now the owner of the Rancho Narvaez. No thunder, lightning or fireworks mark the event, so we may be waiting to witness more Narvaez’ misery.

          In a follow up scene, MA is snuggling Lupita and showing her the ranch documents. She explains how Solita, her boy cousin, and Tobias will come stay with them at the ranch. Lupi is smiling and seems mildly interested in the news, but isn’t buying into the vow of vengeance.

Oblivio Needs a New Life with a New Wife
          Tav drops by Ed’s hotel room for a chat before Ed leaves the island. They discuss marriage and how wild life will be if Tav and MA are living in the same house. 

          Next, Tav and Doris are seated at a bar table, where Tav shares the news of the ranch sale. Doris wonders why Tav is hanging out with ugly Simona. Tav defends his friend and then brings up the problem of MariAle as Doris’ stepmother. (If any details are wrong or missed here, please add comments.) He wants to spare her the problems that come with a relationship with him. Doesn’t he love her anymore? He’s not sure that he’s capable of loving and thinks he brings bad luck. He thinks they should break up.

          Doris is incredulous, but realizes Tav means it. She throws one of her patented tantrums and says he’ll hear from her very soon. Out on the sidewalk, she indulges in a moment of primal scream therapy. She rushes into the Gov’s office, saying it’s his fault Tav ended their engagement. It’s all because of the casino woman and she begs her father not to marry MA and to destroy Tav!

          Her father is sure that Tav just doesn’t want to give up the bachelor life, but he’ll pay dearly for hurting Doris. The Gov will banish him!  (Finally—we get to see this threat in action.)

          Tav tells Miguel he broke up with Doris for good. His brother wonders what he’ll do? He has his job (the pilot one, not the head of the air force or navy), although he’d like to transfer to another route. Mig offers part of the ranch sale proceeds to the Tav, who says no, Miguel should go pay off the IOUs.

But That’s Not What He Gets
          Octavio flops back on his bed, enjoying his freedom from Doris and thinking he was born to be a single guy. He gets to enjoy this for maybe three seconds, then he’s startled by loud knocks on the door and shouts of “police”. The doofus head of law enforcement is here to arrest him! For what? He’s done nothing wrong! He’s accused of smuggling and he can either leave the island or go to jail! (So that’s how it works? No parchment scroll saying Act of Banishment, just some trumped up charge?!)  The police chief and his team of goons holler at Tav and rough him up. They say he has 24 hours (to leave?), throw him to the floor and make their exit.

          While our hero is recovering his wits (yes, it’s a struggle, even with only 2 brain cells), MariAle thought bubbles another Venganza Monologue. Now that she’s in control of the Narvaez Lands, she’ll build a chapel and school where Ramiro’s shack stood.  She’ll do good things to help the community.  Lucia is making a phone call, telling Ofelia they’ve sold the ranch and they won’t be living there.  (Is this part of Awfelia’s  anvil? Becoming suddenly unemployed?)

          A disheveled and angry Tav calls the Gov’s office for help with his dire straits. We see the first evidence of office staff, a prissy male secretary who relays the Gov’s message that he’s not there. And, if he were there, he wouldn’t want to hear from Tav!  Unbelieving, our hero next calls Doris, who will surely help him! She was just telling Mariana she’s done with Tav, so Mariana won’t put her on the phone. Doris doesn’t want to know anything about him, so he shouldn’t bother her anymore.

          He’s doomed! This is worse than being lost in the uninhabited island! He calls MA, telling her he cut all ties to Doris and will have to leave Golden Isle!  We see MA visiting the Gov for him in the preview.


La Paloma, your recap was great. Loved the part of Octavio "recovering his wits ( yes, its a struggle even with
only 2 brain cells). Very funny.

I wasjust happy to see the mooonkey even though it was just in Maricruz's mind as she was reminiscing. He looked so happy being swung around by Solita. How idyllic!

Great scene when Octavio broke up with goofy Doris. So nice to see her not get her own way in the worse way. I was disappointed yesterday that the gov didn't take advantage of his nutty daughter's "suicide attempt" to hospitalize for a while " for her own good". Looks like Octavio better find another route to fly.


Thanks La Paloma. Great recap.

Thank the heavens Tav finally broke it off with #ShutupDoris, but boy he had to pay. I guess all those ramblings of everyone talking about the Governator being oh so powerful might have had some substance. Sure didn't hesitate to send his goon, police, to give Tav a suggestion that maybe he may want to find employment somewhere else.

I too loved the oh so brief Moctavio sighting. He will be one creature really happy to be back at the ranch. Summer home?? Okey dokey.

I haven't seen the original, so no spoiler here, but I'm guessing that Tav just may take Simona up on her offer? MC will be so happy--hey, they would neighbors. What fun.


Thanks La Paloma, very concise. How come Octavio has broken up with Doris several times and she wouldn't have it or believe it, and this time she does? What makes this time believable?

Why didn't they have MA have the big dramatic reveal that she owns the ranch? This show makes no sense.

thanks, La Paloma. I have not read the recap yet, but I did watch the episode . I had to comment that if I hadn't known that Simona had a big makeover, I never would have recognized her. She looked like a completely different person..very different clothes.different hair color and style, lots of makeup especially eye makeup, and NO MOLE. However, Oblivio recognized her immediately ?????? really????? The same guy who did not recognize his own wife???? really?????

Octavio didn't recognize her immediately. Jackie brought her to his apartment, she stepped in front of him and he didn't recognize her at first. It wasn't until she spoke that he then recognized her voice and then put his 2 brain cells together and realized it was her.

Thanks for this fine recap.

Please kiss off the mayor/gov and inhabit the Nav ranch where we can get some real action cause where Maricruz goes Octo will follow. We will then have "she loves me, she loves me not" see saw for a while and then maybe Doris will want to come down and stay with Octo (whom of course will be allowed to stay in the Nav house), then we can have Doris completely lose her mind and bunk with what's here name and together they will find water. Nah, Octo will probably marry Simona and nobody will ever have a minute's peace with constant bickering between Octo and Maricruz.

Tks La Paloma, tough duty

Octavio recovers his wits, that's "nit wit"

I'll be so glad when this thing is over. The writers have totally forgotten Solita, Tobias, the mono, India Maria. They probably all threw up (their hands?) & walked out.

Thanks much la Paloma!

I loved, loved the scenes where Tav broke up with Doris. Wow, he was actually talking sense there for a while. It just burns Doris up that Tav would even consider his daughter in his plans. At that table conversation, Doris showed a millions reasons why Tav shouldn't be with her regardless of the other complications.

Cathyx, something upset Mari and she decided not to attend the sale, but reveal her ownership at another time when it would be "more humiliating". Mari also believes they will quickly go through whatever money is left over and be back begging for help.

That was so funny that dumb Tav thought Mari had sent those goons after him to kick him off the island! Only after calling the Gov and Doris does he realize that Doris must have had something to do with it. Dude, you're dense!

thanks, La Paloma.

Well, the CrazyTrain seems to finally be chugging its way to Rancho The-Oranges-Still-Aren't.-Picked. (Mari, please put that as Número UNO on your to-do list.) All aboard who are going aboard. CHUGGACHUGGAChuggacHagga.

It least Oblivio had a moment of clarity and truth when he declared to Doris that he was bad luck. Stupid people are always bad luck..not only to themselves but to those around them. Run CrazyDoris while you have this opportunity.

I was uncomfortable with the scene of Mari feeding Lupita's. Let that bebe up for some air. do not just keep pushing the bottle into her mouth. Oof

Simona offers Dumbass a third alternative to Crazy Mari and Crazier..maybe...(it's a toss up) ...Doris. Marry the new, improved, mole less Simona ...Voila...Happy wife...happy wife as the Americans like to say.

I must say that for a moment I felt sorry for the weak, pathetic Miguel. My sister and I inherited my father's farm. He loved the farm , and it will be hard for us to sell it even though he has been gone for many years now. It is difficult to sell a family farm. ..lots of emotions and memories are involved. Miguel's father's words sounded a lot like my dad's.

Whoops,....that's "happy wife...happy life" ..sorry...hurrying in between laundry and dishes.

Thanks Paloma, I love your recaps. A casserole indeed. Well done.

"Her best memories are the times with Abuelo Ramiro."

Really, Maricruz? While I'm sure you miss grandpa, the old home place, and the simple life... would you ever want to go back?

Vengeance (and luxury) suits you.


Thanks for the recap! I was wondering how MC would react to Simona. Simona never harmed MC but she didn't speak up for her either. I'm really anticipating the MC, Esther meeting. They have kind of switched places now. And Esther treated MC pretty badly so I'm wondering if her personality transplant will save her. She would be the perfect person to run the school MA wants to build.

Now we know why we never see any of Doris' ex-boyfriends and why asking Daddy to throw MA off the island wasn't beyond the pale. They must do this to everyone they don't like. I think tonight may be the moment when MA and the Guv sever ties too. Only Karim will be left.

So just from a logistical standpoint, did MA buy the furniture at the ranch too? Lucia didn't seem to worried about packing up all of the maxi dresses or getting her other things...


Yesterday, someone mentioned what a pretty nose the new Simona has, I agree She is lovely and Tav could do a lot worse (and has done with SUD) )

Abuelo Ramiro. did MC say she was leaving that little piece of land he lived on toe Mig and Lucia to settle on? Now she is going to build a school and chapel there? Did I not hear that right.

For all Ana Brenda fans, she is going to be on La Flaca y El Gordo this afternoon. If I understood it correctly

Thank you La Paloma---WOW!!! A lot going on last night and you did it well. I liked---Out on the sidewalk
she indulges in a moment of primal
scream therapy. [That was good La Paloma but I don't think that it helped her.] --- Also, He has his job (the pilot one, not the head of
tha air force or navy.) --- No parchment scroll saying Act of Banishment, is that what you get when you are banished, a parchment scroll?

I was surprised that Mari got the ranch so easily because nothing ever comes easy in a novela. I don't know what is coming next but I know how evil Lucifer is. She will be enraged when she learns that Maricruz is now the owner of what used to be Rancho Narvaez. Will she pay someone to burn it down thus leaving Maricruse with nothing but ashes and scorched earth? She is mean enough to do that and it would be sweet revenge for her as she still hates Maricruz

Under Mexican law, how long does Lucia y Miguel have to get their personal belongins out?

Cathyx---Mari will make the "big reveal" but she will do it on her terms---not ours.

Variopinta---NO! the writers haven't forgotten Solita,Tobias, the mono and India Maria.

Hey!! if you guys are so good, why don't you write a novela?---I will
watch it.

Vivi---You're right, I got the time slots mixed up yesterday. QBis the late one but I still didn't watch La Tempestad. I probably should have but I usually watch the 9:00 news. I'm watching
the gringo

Well, el rancho is mio. I'm surprised, I didn't think that Mari would get that easily


Yes, Mari said she was going to build a school and chapel on her abuelo's plot, even though yesterday she said she was going to "gift" it to the Narvaez to build themselves a home (hovel).

Susanlynn - yes, the baby feeding! Why does MC (or is it ABC) think that one can only hold a baby by jiggling her nonstop? She was even jiggling her up and down as she was feeding her! The poor baby was protesting, too, making those sounds like, "Stop, Woman! Let me take a drink! Every time the milk comes to my mouth you move it down! Idiota!"

La Paloma- Sorry to be so late to commenting. Busy morning and day. Thanks for the fun recap. I also enjoyed the title.

Finally, we get to see the all powerful Gov flex his gov muscles. Even better that his brute force was directed at Tav. Not sure why it seems that Mari feels the need to intervene tonight. Since she (and we) want to move away from the island, having Tav banned from the island is ideal. No more reason for her to be there.

My family never owned a farm, but I can definitely understand Miguel's pain at losing land that his family has worked for generations. It's funny how Mari's revenge has so far affected him more than Lucia or Tav, who are her main objectives. And from what he said last night, it sounds like he's getting mighty bitter about it. I think he might be starting to hate Mari as much as Lucia does.

Of course, everything just rolls right off Teflon Tav and Steely Lucia.

I also noticed the way ABC was jiggling that poor baby, when all she was trying to do was eat. She was NOT happy about it.

Maybe Mari sees her intervention for Octavio as her way out of her commitment to the Gov. She's going in hoping he'll say no, in which case she'll say, well, "If you can't do this one thing for me, we're done!" That way she won't have to worry about breaking her word to him and suffering some kind of retaliation. This will guarantee/expedite both her and Octavio's exit from Isla Dorada and on to the next "etapa" in the novela.

You write so well la Paloma and manage to convey a lot in very few words.

I loved "cautious courtesy" as a way of describing that walking-on-eggshells conversation between Maricruz and Simona.

And I was sorry Maricruz was not looking more fetching. With her severe hairdo and the high front of the dress, she appeared matronly. Now from the back! another matter entirely.

Ditto everybody on the discomfort watching the actress jiggle the poor baby endlessly. The little one protested, but her protests went completely unacknowledged.

Not happy with either Ana Brenda or the actual mother of the infant who's allowing this. Hope someone gives her better coaching on how to handle a baby before this is over.

Interesting development that Maricruz expects Miguel to blow all the money and once more be at her mercy before she reveals she is the new owner of the hacienda. The way he's reacting and drinking, I think she's dead right.
Lucia and Miguel will once again be at her mercy. So will Octavio marry Simona in order to bail out bro' and his wife?

Thanks for a great recap, la Paloma.

I thought that the dress that Maricruz has been wearing in the last couple of episodes is something of a futuristic look. Maybe like a captainess of a star ship or perhaps a waitress in an upscale space bar.


Carlos...Now I will have the image of Mari with pointed ears on the Starship Enterprise with Captain James T. Kirk orbiting around in my brain. . HA

I really can't understand, why here everybody like Simona so much. She is the bad person as Lucia. No wonder, that they are friends this is what she said to Octavio:

Am I the only one, who think that its awful words? She wants to buy a husband and thinks that she worth more then Maricruz? That dirty girl worth much more then Simona now or in the past. And all the Narvaez family. It's annoyed me so much that this people still think of Maricruz as a garbage.

Audrey & Emerald Rose commented on MA's plans for Ramiro's little plot of land.

She may have said she would give Mig & Lucia a plot of land the size of Grandpa's, rather than the actual plot. On the other hand, she may just be flip-flopping back and forth on plans for the land.

I'll just be happy if we can escape Isla Dorada and go someplace else--tired of being confined there!

Alegria- I haven't seen a huge show of support for Simona, other than being happy with her makeover-- but we've all wanted that since episode 1.

As far as her comments, none of these characters are filled with sugar and light. Most of them, including Mari, use most of their lines to insult other people, so one more person saying something insulting really has no effect anymore.


I was happy to see Mari finally telling Juanita about her past. It must be so confusing for Juanita to understand what the heck is going on and my Mari does the things she does. Luckily, the writers have made her happy-go-lucky/go with the flow, so she never really questions anything. She made a great suggestion that Mari should see a shrink.

Having Mari finally confide in Juanita and Raiza changes things up from repeated Venganza Monologues, to actual conversations. And we finally get to see Mari sharing some good memories too. I know that those few weeks/months when she was married to Tav and living with the Narvaez were hell, but she was a happy person before that (despite being poor), and she got pretty damn lucky with what happened after that too. It's nice to finally see her acknowledge that-- she has actually lived a pretty charmed life. She experienced a few weeks of abuse, but she did not grow up abused, and she is not being abused now. In fact, she could start living a pretty happy and full life any moment she chose. Nothing is stopping her, but her rancor.


Vivi in DC, I think, that she has much more support then MA. And I think, that MC can blame Simona also for supporting Lucia. MC was an innocent girl and no one helped her. That is why MA is so evil now. What excuse to be evil have others? And, besides, now MA forget everything to Raiza and they become very close. Because MA saw, that Raiza changed. And what did do Narvaez? Nothing. MA can easily forget what they do to MC if she saw that they are really sorry. But it's not their case. And Simona in their boat so no sympathy to her from me

Alegria- Give it time. The rule of this tn is that as soon as any character gets increased screen time, the writers immediately make them insufferable. I am sure Simona 2.0 will become as hated as JA 2.0 (aka Caveman JA) as she gets more storyline. :)

Alegria---GOOD POINT!! That info on Simona didn't come out in the recap--I didn't know that Simona said that. I am not on the Simona bandwagon and never really was. You
are right in that Simona never stood by Maricruz as did Santa and
India Maria. Do all these rich people have their noses in the air?
At one point it looked like Simona was going to do something about the fire and Don Ramiro's death, but then went silent. I think that she kept quiet to protect Lucifer, her
nose in the air friend. So I'm with you, Somona is not one to be cherished, even with her new look.
I do think that Tav will go after her now which is bad news for Mari.

Talking about Mari---she is now wanting to do good things for the people in her puelbo, a school and a place of worship I think will be just a start. But, even if that's all, it's good. Education for the children and a place for the people to worship. Someone mentioned that Ester would be a good teacher for the children, I agree. It looks like good things are on the horizon if Lucifer doesn't destroy everything.
the gringo

Oh no. More hate in tn? So I'll start to hate novela :(((

I'm looking forward to the day MC calls Lucia, basura.

Real quick, just want to point out that I thought Raiza's dress was very attractive and fit her figure really well. I didn't care at all for MA's dress (when meeting Simona).

Carviivle...I thought the same. For once, Raiza had the better gown. Simona got the makeover , and it appeared that Mari who usually looks so elegant and beautiful in her lovely jeweltone gowns got a "makeolder." I thought that the severe hairstyle and the gown color and style made her look much older than she is.

P.s. Maybe the writers wanted Simona to outshine Mari at their first meeting after Simona's miraculous remodel.

@Susanlynn - Could be, but Isadora Gonzalez on her best day couldn't outshine ABC on her worst day. Not possible.

I'm sorry gang, my recap has been done for quite a while but I can't get the blog page to show up so I can post it. Hopefully this will resolve and I can post it soon.


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