Wednesday, September 04, 2013

CI #81, Es O Es: Octavio Flies Into the Wild Blue Wander

Capítulo 81

  (Sorry for the bare bones treatment this week, but it couldn’t be helped.-ed.)

While Maria Alejandra considers her next moves for venganza against los Narvaez, poor, grieving Jose Antonio buries his baby boy.  Sooty Clorinda switches her curandera’s hat for the funeral director’s and priest’s to conduct the burial ceremony herself.  (Viewerville stops to dab its eye with a Kleenex in solidarity out of respect for Esther and Jose Antonio.)

Octavio and Lucia eventually arrive in Mexico City and he gets her situated in a hotel room nearby his boarding house… or it could be in his boarding house…..They left that little detail out—or it skipped by me. Octavio and Lucia then discuss Miguel’s needing to find another job and staying away from booze and cards.  She also asks Tav to make sure that MariAle doesn’t end up taking their rancho away from them.  (Like he’s got a choice in the matter!)

Simone and Santa are worried about Esther and wonder whether the baby and she survived.  JA stops in at the house to tell the two that he just finished burying his baby and wants Esther to stay with Simone and to see a doctor.  He’s worried about her delicate state of health.  They agree that Esther isn’t cut out to live the rough life of a poor peone.  He’s afraid that she’ll die or that any children they have in the future will also die.  He loves her too much and couldn’t live with the fear or the guilt, nor face this kind of pain again, he tells the others. “--She needs to return to live with her own kind.”  

On his way to the airport, Tav chats by cell with Migui and reminds him to stay far away from booze, broads and placing bets.  He promises to stay far away from any and all temptations cuz he’s really learned his lesson, doncha know. (Yeah, and I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.)

Simone drives over to Realongo to try talking Esther into coming back with her.  Esther refuses to leave the place and says she’s learned to live like the peones there live which is what JA wanted her to do.  Besides, her baby’s buried there and she wants to be near his little grave always.  Simone tells her she needs to have a doctor look at her and says she will cover all of the expense.  It does no good.  Simone cannot make her budge. 

Tav makes a quick stop first at MariAle’s lawyer’s office to suggest that since his wife married under a dual identity, their marriage is invalid.  The lawyer tells him that she isn’t to blame that her mother gave her a different birth certificate with a new name.  There's no fraud on her part because she didn't know if her daddy was alive or dead nor that she was going to inherit anything, so if she has a witness to state Maria Alejandra is/was Maricruz Olivarez, because they knew her both before and after, the marriage stands. (I'm just as confoozed as before.  Sorry!) If he wants to he can provide DNA evidence somehow for paternity and a custody battle.  (Tough tootsies, Tav!  --Twould seem she's gotten hold of those family jewels of yours after all.) 

JA finally returns to the hut and finds Esther hasn’t gone with Simone like he wanted.  He tries forcing her and she says if he leaves her she’ll just going around crying and shrieking like some crazy woman.  He can’t seem to talk sense into her any more than Simone could.  (Well, she is half crazy…er… with grief, true.  Why try reasoning with a sick crazy person?  I say why not just wait till she’s asleep, put ether over her nose, and then drop her into Simone’s back seat like a sack of potatoes?  Nothin’ to it!)

MariAle receives an invitation to another party from the Exmir that she wishes she could ignore.

The weather takes a turn for the very worst on Isla Dorada later that day.  MariAle gets antsy over the baby and returns home, leaving the gambling boat in Raiza’s care.  Once home, MA listens to the weather report and begins to worry about Octavio having to fly to the island in the storm.

Tav talks Jackie (?) the Stewardess into taking the flight back to Isla Dorada with him.  She tries talking him out of piloting that flight cuz the weather’s so bad, but Tav thinks she’s worried about nothing.  He tells her he’s the best pilot in all of Mexico and can fly her through anything without a hitch--a broader than broad, flashing neon-sign of a hint that a plane crash is imminent.  She decides to fly with him despite it all.  (Bad decision.)

MA heard the weather reports on the news and calls the airline repeatedly to find out if Tav’s plane took off and if he’s landed at Isla Dorada yet.  She has to admit to the guy on the other end of the line that she’s the pilot’s wife.  "--He’s circling the island waiting to land."  So far so good.

Doris is worrying about Tav’s being able to make it to the island also.  She calls the airline but then gives the airline agent grief about not caring enough or some such.  The man asks her if she’s related to the pilot of the plane or what.  She tells him she’s his fiancée.  The airline agent wonders how that could be since there’s been another woman calling repeatedly who claims she is his wife.  Doris’s eyes get saucer size and she threatens the guy before duly slamming down the phone in his ear.  The Guv tries to help out and tries getting updates from the airline to placate the ever implacable Doris.

MA calls the Guv and hopes he can perhaps find something out.  Doris goes wild and starts screaming at Papi--while he’s still on the phone with her--for even thinking of giving that slutty casino woman the time of day!!

Migui hears the report and freaks over the plane seeming to have gone missing.  He immediately believes Tav has crashed somewhere and is now dead.  He will no doubt take solace in a chat with Mr. J. Cuervo  de Reposado shortly.

MA is also beginning to freak and it’s all the nanny can do to keep her from leaving the apartment and driving out in the near hurricane conditions.

Meanwhile, Tav tells his captain that they’re running out of fuel and aren’t going to be cleared for landing because of the storm.  He’s got to find another island that he can make an emergency landing on instead.  He finds one near I.D. and makes a hard landing.  There are injured passengers.  Instead of waiting with his passengers for a rescue plane, he tells Jackie that he’s going off to find a town or a farmhouse or some such and possibly somebody that can radio for help for them.  (Bad idea #2.)  He and his remaining two, now poorly functioning brain cells, limp off towards gawdknowswhere with a badly injured leg, no water, no food, and not even a compass.  (Good luck with that, Bubba!)


Thanks for quickie recap! It was awesome.

I still don't understand why the lawyer said that Oct can't divorce Maricruz.


P.S. Carlos...I don't know nuthin about birthin' no babies! I tried to comment, but for some reason Caray Caray kept rejecting my comments that day.

I know that some people are happy about that.


The lawyer didn't say he couldn't divorce her. Octavio said since she's going by two names their marriage wasn't valid but the lawyer told him he married MariCruz Olivares and it wasn't her fault her mother gave her that name so there was no fraud. Oct then said but now she's going by Maria Alejandra Mendoza so NOW she's committing fraud. The atty said no,she just has to prove she's one and the same, and besides, she didn't know her father was alive or who he was at the time. Oct said how can she prove that and the atty said with witnesses.

Octavio was just looking for an easy way out of his marriage, but no dice. Sorry, Charlie!

Good work, Jardinera.

I'm coming to think that Octavio is so bloody stupid he deserves to end up with Doris. After not protecting Maricruz from Lucia he deserves to be shrewishly henpecked for the rest of his life.

What happened to the plane's communication system during the landing that he also trod off with an injury? This makes no sense.

@Jardinera - thanks for the quick recap. I wish I could write as concisely as you. Very well done.

@UA - Octavio told Jackie the radio got damaged during the rough landing. Still, he should have never separated from the rest. Big dummy.

Appreciate the recap Jardinera. Seems most of the episode was all about the doomed flight, so I didn't miss a whole lot. Had a late conference call I had to be on and kept wondering what was going on.

Poor Ester. Not in a good place, figuratively and literally. But at least Stupido realizes he loves her and blew it.



Thanks Jardinera. You are right on target about our brain cell deprived pilot. Not smart to wander off like that. Oh well.

One of the issues Tav brought up with the lawyer is that if he divorces MC, but Lupita's legal mother is MA, then he has no paternal rights to Lupita. The lawyer acknowledged this could be the case, and promised he'd look into it, and Tav said he'd have his own lawyer look into it. The legal gymnastics continue.

Jardinera, what you called "bare bones" was a fantastic recap! Thanks!

For the umpteenth time: Esther needs to get a brain. It was good that Simone tried to tell her as much. JA is only for himself.

I loved Doris hearing from the airline that Octavio's wife already had called to ask about his flight. Sweet!


Thanks much, Jardinera - for you, maybe, this was bare bones! LOL! [I think she just means served without a healthy dose of Jardinera snark]

Very nice how the lawyer kept setting Tav straight!

Tav kept trying to insinuate that Mariceuz was doing something illegal with her two identities.

So Tav is married to Maricruz Olivares because that's who MA knew herself to be at the time through no fault of her own, and that's who he is divorcing. That she later became Maria Alejandra had no bearing on those earlier facts.

Interesting bit about the names versus paternity of the baby (which was born at a date that matched their time of marriage (and cohabitation, I assume), indicating Tav's assumed paternity being Maricruz's legal husband at the time) - but the lawyer did mention DNA being a way to clarify paternity regardless of any name issue.

Interesting point too, that one can easily prove they are the same person via witnesses from MA's past. This has no bearing on the divorce, I suppose, but might on any custody fight?

Glad the writers threw us a bone by letting the lawyer explain it all us, LOL!

Anon. 4:14AM/ViviDC: Thanks for the added clarifications around the scene with the attorney. I couldn't take the time to get into detail and had accidentally erased the videotape! Will correct what I can when I can.

Thanks, amigo/as for your patience and for stopping in to comment! L8r G8rs.
=/; ? ))

Good morning wonderful to have a good dose of your clever humor to start my day.

"off into the wild blue WANDER"

Fantastic, lady! and....

"(Tough tootsies, Tav!...Twould seem she's gotten hold of those family jewels of yours after all.)

Just you way you write.

Frankly, I'm all for concise recaps. If folks need more clarification, they can ask. I thought this was just deligtful...funny as hell and covered everything that needed to be said. Thanks, amiga!

Tks so much Jar

¡Dios Mio!
Octavio is the last person I would want as my pilot, especially on a crash landing. Sully Sullenberger he is not!!!!!
They will send someone to look for the plane, so right, he is so stupid for leaving the plane. Wouldn't they have flares? Surely they teach them some common sense in pilot school, guess Oct missed that class.

Thanks, Jardinera. This is very funny and very well done.

I'm still reeling over the death of Ester's baby. Needless to to say, mistakes were made.

Speaking of mistakes, why did Octavio even consider flying to Isla Dorada with a storm of that size there?

However, I admire the utilities on the island. Did you notice that even at the height of the storm no one lost power? Here, if the wind picks up or a few drops of rain fall, we count on the power going out.


Thank you Jardinera, short and to the point. A concise recap, everything is there.

I agree that Oblivio's brain cell/cells don't work very well. However, he had to leave the plane
with an injured leg, wander around
who knows where until he collapses,
later to be found and hospitalized.
This way, Maricruz and Doris can fight over who will stay by his bedside during his recovery.

I'm concerned about Ester's fate.
Will she become stronger or sink down into hopless despair? Will Ester and JA find a way to a better, les harsh life? Silver & Gold? If they found some, wouldn't the government take it?
The gringo

Thanks Jardinera, awesome recap! Why in the name of anything that's good,is Octavio sooooo dumb. All his actions are thoughtless. Did he not say Maricruz was the love of his life? why is he now trying to accuse her of fraud. He must have failed piloting school a few times. I am pretty sure the the pilot handbook warns against acting like the lone ranger. Is MC sure she loves this idiot? I am sorry about Estele's baby. He deserved better.


I agree, Olive. Octavio should be only superficially seeking a divorce, and subconsciously sabotaging all efforts because he really wants to win MA back. But the way this story is going, she is going to be nursing him. He needs to be on his knees and begging for her forgiveness.
Same for JA. He sacrificed his baby and Ester's health to make a point! He needs to do everything to take care of her now, not getting someone else to do it.

Jardinera, thanks for your great quickcap. Interesting episode. I wonder how long these people will be on the island. It looks pretty deserted to me. And will Doris' efforts to have MC/MA arrested pay off while Tav is sleeping on the beach? My first thought as the plane went down was that Doris can now create more trouble for MC/MA while Tav is not around. And what could happen to the baby? Luciafer?


I was shocked at Ester's reaction to JA at the death of their baby... I thought sure she'd blame him and this place he made her move to, and that would be the end of JAE, but it was kind of cool to see (although less than realistic) that she didn't hold it against him and is really proving that her love is genuine by resolving to stay by his side. I know there are varying opinions about this couple, but I like them :) and I think JA may be evolving away from "caveman" status little by little.

Right now I'm less interested in the other plots, especially Doris and the Guv. Let's get off this island soon, please!

I haven't read the whole recap yet but I'm confident that is will be great.

Maybe I'm wishfully thinking, and feeling bad for our Carlos, but I think the baby lives. 1) they did not play enough of the "death music" that the TNs use when someone dies; 2) Clorinda kept jackass and poor Ester away from the body, even when jackass brought the little box; 3) she looked very guilty. I think she is up to something....

thanks, Jardinera, for your quick and snappy recap.

So..we have JackAss (Jose Antonio) , and we have Dumbass (Oblivio)....... great. I agree with the idea of Dumbass deserving a life sentence with DarlingDoris. She's the GOVERNOR'S DAUGHTER. Did you know ?????

How long does it usually take for a divorce to be final in the U.S.? My daughter started proceedings last Nov. and the divorce is still not final. Is this normal ?

Cynderella...Just for the record, I ALWAYS look for and enjoy your comments. question : Your theory that you developed while watching AV is not holding up in this novela. I've never seen Mari C or A in anything but some kind of a dress ...cocktail length, full length, or rags...and yet she has not had any good lovin' for a long time . Time for a nice pair of...Capri pants.

I think a divorce is final X days after a hearing before a judge. 30 days in Texas. So until there is a hearing before a judge, there is no "final" - at least in our state. To get the hearing, the couple will have come to an agreement which is presented to the judge at the hearing. If the divorce is contested (no agreement) - then who knows. Child custody issues likely drag it out in terms of the judge's involvement since the judge has to rule on custody issues. That's my layman's understanding.

Tav has always felt superior to Maricruz. Some of that seems to be a machista thing. He clearly doesn't like MA being a more powerful person than he is. This is a big part of his attitude, and obviously stands in the way of him treating her with any consideration. But then when she was clearly inferior and weak, he treated her with disrespect and like throwaway garbage. So you can't win with smug Tav.

So, will Tav actually do some personal growing so that he can learn to respect MA and accept that she is a powerful woman now? I would hope so before a reconciliation.

Tav hasn't shown much growth yet.

Variopinta - Oblivious was actually IN class when they taught common sense emergency procedures in pilot school and even took notes - it's just that it took place more than five minutes ago and he used his notes to make paper airplanes to play war with Eduardo during their break, so he doesn't remember anything.

LoriLoo, you and my Dad think alike. He believes the curandera stole the baby to sell. This is the only TN I watch with him and we're enjoying it very much. I love reading the recaps and comments.

Loriloo I agree I think the baby is alive and in Cholrinda's clutches.

Susanlynn, I said that dresses are for easy access. I keep wondering why all of those men keep falling in love with her. It's the dresses. Her mouth says "no", but her dresses say "let's go sit on the lawn cuz I am ready to mate" and you can feed me strawberries.


Emeraldrose and Dorothy C.: (and Carlos): I know tonight's capitulo has not been posted but la curandera is looking even mas suspicaz que nunca, no? She wants pobra de Ester outta there!

Cynderella: I think it is the dimples and the fake smile. I LOVE her fake smile and I practice it every day!

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