Monday, September 09, 2013

Corazon Indomable #85, 9/9/13: Lupita’s Mommy and Daddy Continue to Pimp Themselves; Let’s Hope She Doesn’t Follow in the Family Business

The Old: Tav tries to break up with Doris; she refuses to be broken up with. Mari treats us to a Venganza Monologue (thanks Adriana) about how Rancho Narvaez will be “MIO!”

The New: The next day (new outfit indicates this), Maria Alejandra is enjoying a quiet moment, doing work in her office and surprisingly NOT giving us a Venganza Monologue, when all of a sudden La Hija del Gobernador bursts in, packing heat. Doris, dressed very fashionably and tastefully for murder, in a grey and black chiffon dress, points her handgun at Mari, steadying it with her left hand, and says, “You are NOT going to marry my father, and you certainly aren’t going to end up with my boyfriend!”

All of this makes Ester, La Loca, look very sane as she continues to dig for water with a garden trowel in Realengo. Her blind neighbor girl, Lina, passes by and Ester lures her over with some bread. Lina especially likes sweet bread and mentions that her dad brings her bread, sometimes. Ester can’t contain her enchantment with the little girl and kisses her hand, which both surprises and pleases Lina. She asks if Ester isn’t evil (as is being said about her). Ester explains that she’s just a bit undone/frayed (deshilachada/o) at the moment, which happens sometimes when something bad or sad has happened in someone’s life. She offers to tell Lina a fairytale. We see the beginnings of a beautiful friendship.

Back to the real Locas, on the Island…Mari tells Doris to pull the trigger, “Do it!” Doris wonders if Mari doesn’t think she’s capable of doing it. Mari does, but she’s not scared of her.
D: Your life is at risk if you keep provoking me.
M: What do you mean by that? That if I don’t provoke you, you’re not capable of firing? Poor deluded girl (ilusa).  I’m going to marry your father when I damn well feel like it! And your boyfriend, even if I stop being his wife, I have him so much in my hands that if I asked him to, he wouldn’t marry you!

Mari lunges for Doris reaching for the gun, they struggle over it, Doris’s arm is wrapped around Mari’s neck, but Mari manages to bite Doris’s hand, making her drop the gun. Mari grabs the gun and points it at Doris.
D: You damn ferocious beast (fiera)!
M: Call me Savage! That’s what everyone calls me! Go ahead! Now, get the hell out of here!
Doris refuses to leave, so Mari calls security to have her dragged out.

Ed is visiting Tav in his hospital room, who is telling him of his feeble attempt to break up with Doris. Her “self-love” won’t allow her to accept that he broke up with her, and she’s giving HIM time to think about it.  Tav thinks it would have been best for him to stay lost (in total agreement Tav), ‘cause all he’s had since he got back is problems, problems, problems. In addition to his screwed up love life, the doctors have said his nephew needs to remain hospitalized for another month, and that’s money that they don’t have.  Lucia is desperate, meanwhile he’s stuck in this hospital bed.

Tony sighting! He grabs hold of Doris while Raiza and Mari look on. Doris swears she’s not done with Mari. “I swear it will be on another occasion! Don’t you forget Mendoza! Give me back my gun!” Mari refuses and has Tony drag her off. Raiza is very worried about all this, but Mari tries to brush it off saying Doris wouldn’t really kill her. Raiza is not sure of that. “She’s an enemy. And enemies are always dangerous. You have to take measures.” Mari says she’ll take the only measure that will infuriate Doris. (Yeah. That sounds like a good idea. NOT!)

Doris is still fuming when she gets home to find Mariana waiting. She is especially mad that they didn’t give her back her gun. The second time, she won’t fail! “I am the Governor’s daughter, and no one can beat me!” Mariana tries to talk some sense into her by warning her about the scandal, and that for sure Mari will tell her father what she did.  

Mariana is right on all accounts. Mari and Raiza have just that moment arrived at the Gov’s office.

In the D.F. hospital, Tav is thanking Simona for all her help with his nephew and Lucia. He blames himself for all the bad things that have happened. (Don’t get too excited folks. He’ll forget again in a few minutes.) Simona tells him it was just Destiny. He’s asked himself over and over, and he just doesn’t understand why Lucia had Mari’s grandpa murdered. (Because she is EVIL!) He waxes poetic about how sometimes people act like marionettes, obeying unknown puppet master orders (or like characters at the mercy of monkey writers). “How will it all end for us—for Lucia, Miguel, Ester, me? Where? What is our final destiny?” (Only the Monkey Writers know Tav.)

Mari gets right to the point, and tells her fiancé, whom she’s finally calling by his first name, that his daughter just tried to kill her. Cara de “I shipped the wrong kid off to military school!” del Gov.

Tav continues to whine about his family. He’s not confident in Miguel’s ability to stay on the wagon long-term, nor in the sustainability of a long-distance marriage between his brother and his wife. Miguel will look for the warmth of another woman. “I know I’m the one who has to help them, and the only way to do that is by marrying Doris. Lucia has to go live with my brother.”  He feels the ranch is already lost to them, and no, he won’t let Simona help them, since she’s already done so much. Simona wants to do more though, and she has plenty of money. She would just ask one thing in return—that he not marry Doris. Tav asks, “So that I can marry you?”  Simona gets flustered.

Raiza confirms to the Gov that Doris indeed just tried to kill Mari. Mari hands him the gun, and tells him that his daughter needs psychiatric help. The Gov agrees, is apologetic, and thanks her for not calling the cops. Mari says she wouldn’t think of it, since she already considers herself part of the FAMILY. (Raiza’s face during this exchange is priceless.) The Gov is surprised Mari still wants to join his family. (Let’s count the many times he gives Mari an opportunity to back out of this absurd engagement this episode.)
M: The truth is that I wasn’t intimidated because I’m not scared of her. You know what we’re going to do now? We’re going to get MARRIED sooner than we had planned. SOONER, my dear Bartolomé.
Gov: We have to think very hard about all that’s just happened.
M: Well, don’t think about it too much. We either get married now, or we don’t get married at all.
The Gov asks again if she’s sure. Mari says she wants to get married next week. She’s decided!

Back in the D.F. hospital, Tav also seems willing to offer himself up as a sacrifice in order to achieve a goal—financial security for his family. He tells Simona that he knows she’s always cared for him, as more than a friend. Simona admits it, but she also knows that his heart will always belong to Maricruz. She runs out of the room crying.

Back in the countryside, we are introduced to yet another character. This one is a lusty young lass, who has her eye on JA. She strikes a provocative pose, twirls her hair (all she’s missing is the gum), and tries to make small talk about his wife, La Loca. JA says she’s not crazy. He points out what we’ve all known, that it’s perfectly normal for someone who just lost their baby to visit their grave and speak to them. She wonders if JA isn’t scared of La Loca, while she cops a few feels of his chest and arms. Why continue to waste his time with La Loca, when there are sane and HOT women (like herself) around? JA stops her roaming hands, but seems to be giving her words some thought.
Girl: When are we going to talk?
JA: We’re talking now.
Girl: I’m always hanging out here, waiting to see you. You’re very handsome.
JA: But I’m married.
Girl: What about it? I’m not the jealous type.
JA: See you around, muchacha.
Girl: My name is COLUMBA!
JA: Yeah. Whatever.

The Gov enters Doris’s room, places the gun on the bed, and asks what the hell she was thinking. Doris barely looks up from doing her nails. “Yeah! So! And what?”

His daughter’s flippant attitude enrages the Gov and he yanks her up off the bed, demanding to know why she did it. Insert usual Doris rant. The Gov threatens to put her in a mental hospital. She doesn’t care. She’ll escape, and make another attempt on Mari’s life. “She just wants to marry you to bother me, and she won’t give Tav a divorce for the same reason.”  Doris insists that she’s not crazy, but she will be if he marries Mari.
Gov: I’ve never paid too much attention to your spoiled whims, but now we’re speaking about MY HAPPINESS!
D: Your happiness is based on that lowly woman (basura de mujer)?
G: Enough already, Doris!
D: In that SLUT who has slept with every man that she could use?
SWAP!!! The Gov gives Doris an award-worthy slap right across her bratty face. She falls to the window seat, and gives him a death glare.

In Realengo, Ester gives herself a pep talk and cleans her porch. She’s bored out of her mind, and wonders how the other women of Realengo deal with the boredom. Columba slithers up and asks after her dead baby, health, and if she likes living there. Basically she wants to know if Ester is going to keep living there, but runs off when Ester gets suspicious. Ester returns to her thoughts about how to do something that fulfills her, makes JA proud of her, and earns the trust of her neighbors. She then wonders if that girl came looking for JA.

Back on the Isla, Doris has not been slowed one bit by the slap heard round the world. But the Gov seems ashamed of what he did and exhausted. She continues to rant about how she will make his and Mari’s life hell. She looks crazier than ever, if that’s possible.  I worry seeing that loaded gun sitting between them on the bed. She finally orders him out of her room, and I breathe a sigh of relief when he grabs the gun before leaving.

The Gov goes straight to Mari’s office to tell her about his conversation with no-regrets Doris. He admits that he lost his cool and hit her. Mari scolds him for it, and thanks him for defending her. He once again asks if she’s sure about marrying him in a week, but this time she finds it a bit difficult to fake her enthusiasm. He asks if she has doubts about becoming his wife. “To the contrary. Now, more than ever, I want to become your wife.”  The Love Gov says he will announce it in the press tomorrow.

It’s the next morning, and Doris’s breakfast is ruined by the wedding headlines. The dishware suffers for it. She makes a beeline for her father’s office. They have the same argument they had the day before. He tells her to accept that he’s marrying Mari, and that she will come live in this house. Even if Doris can’t respect her as a mother, or a stepmother, she sure as heck will respect her as his wife.

The news spreads like wildfire. Miguel reads the paper. He is sure Mari doesn’t love the Gov, and can only be marrying him to meet her goals of vengeance against Los Narvaez. He calls Tav with the news. Tav shakes his head, rolls his eyes, and sighs. (My feelings exactly.)

Mari reads the news in her office, and is not pleased. Raiza doesn’t get it. (Nor do I.) Mari was the one who pushed this. Mari knows, but admits she’s not sure about marrying this man. She just did it to make Doris and Tav suffer. It was craziness on her part. Raiza points out that it won’t be easy to back out now, and it’s pretty dangerous to jerk around a powerful man like the Gov. Mari feels she has no other choice but to go through with it. He could easily shut down the casino or expel her from the Island. “Maria Alejandra! What a mess you got yourself into!”, scolds Raiza. Mari accepts that she’s the one who chose this destiny, and she’s going to have to follow it. She’ll marry the Gov, although she’ll never love him.

In Miguelito’s room, the director has given the toddler who plays Miggy his daily dose of Benadryl, and he’s out like a light as Simona and Lucia talk over him. Lucia is worried about paying the hospital bills, but Simona says Tav will take care of it. Lucia is feeling rather maudlin today.  If she can’t be with her man and her child together, she’d rather die. Simona reproaches her for speaking this way, especially after having her prayers for her son’s health granted. Lucia agrees, but she just wants to be with Miguel and her son. She is sure she’s going to lose Miguel.

Tav tells Miguel that he thinks Mari is just bluffing, and that she will pull out of marrying the Gov last minute. Miguel doesn’t think it will be that easy. It’s the all powerful GOVERNOR we’re talking about here. She will have the power she needs to really destroy Los Narvaez.

Doris is once again ranting to Mariana. Now she includes Mari’s bastarda (who isn’t) in her plans for destruction. Mariana looks worried. Doris regrets that she didn’t shoot Mari when she had the chance. She’d rather be in jail than watch her father marry that slut. Mariana tries to reason with Doris, that no one has the right to take another person’s life. “I don’t care! I can get out of jail eventually; but you can never leave the grave.”

Tav tries to convince Miguel, and himself, that Mari loves him too much to marry another. Miguel reminds him of all the reasons Mari has to hate him. Tav agrees. Miguel then calls Lucia to spread the wedding gossip. She can’t believe Mari would marry such an old man!

Tav works himself up into a state thinking of Mari’s upcoming nuptials. He demands to see the doctor so that he can be released to return to the Island. The nurse reminds him that his bionic leg has not yet healed. He needs intensive therapy, or he might have permanent serious problems with it. Tav doesn’t care.

Miguel and Lucia have the same conversation about this being part of Mari’s revenge plan. Miguel wants Lucia to return to the ranch with their son after he’s well. Lucia feels now more than ever, she needs to stand by her man, and return to the island. Lucia refuses to live in fear. If Mari wants to play this revenge game, then Lucia says “BRING IT ON!” She’s better at playing the game! Miguel reminds her that Mari has plenty of reasons to want revenge (cough*, you murdered her grandpa, cough*). Lucia’s not one to dwell on the past, and pesky murders, and demands that Miguel not bring it up again. He apologizes, and says she’s right. (Man, he’s whipped!) 

Back to the only sane woman we’ll see tonight, Ester, La Loca. Lina is in Ester’s shack. Ester has bathed her and washed her hair (getting rid of the fleas), and is sewing a few dresses for her. She also educates Lina about hygiene, admitting that she has neglected her own of late, but she won’t do it anymore. They both say how happy they are to spend time with each other. Ester says Lina is pretty and calls her my love.  The sweet scene is interrupted when they hear Lina’s dad angrily shouting for her.

Doris continues her rampage, all the way to D.F. She barges into Tav’s hospital room and throws a copy of the newspaper at him.

Mari admits to herself that Raiza is right. If she dumps the Gov now, he’ll for sure make her pay for the humiliation. Even Karim wouldn’t be able to help her, since the Gov is all powerful. (Psst! Hey Mari. How about you dump the Gov, sell your part of the casino, return to your MANSION in D.F., spend some time with your family, see about ALL your other businesses, and concentrate on getting the ranch, which is NOT on the island?) She decides not to think about her fast approaching nuptials, and instead think about how to buy the Narvaez Ranch, without anyone knowing it’s her or raising suspicions.

Lina’s Ogre Dad bangs on Ester’s door, insults Ester, and demands that his daughter leave. He tells her that she can’t come back, and continues with the insults to Ester when JA arrives. He demands that JA prevent his woman from teaching his daughter evil things. If he finds his daughter there again, he’s going to beat both his daughter and JA’s woman. JA grabs the ogre by the shirt collar and tells him to back off.

Tav tries to calm Doris down by making light of the wedding news. Doris says she won’t leave her father in the hands of that evil woman. Tav corrects her. Mari may be impetuous and wild/savage, but never evil. Tav says he won’t lose his cool and be manipulated by Mari. Doris is playing right into Mari’s hands. Tav assures Doris that what Mari wants is to get revenge on him, because she hates him, not because she wants him. Doris demands that he go to the police and accuse Mari of bigamy!

JA tells the Ogre that his wife is a lady, and shouldn’t be treated this way. Then he runs the guy off. Ester thinks JA has returned to his former nice self, and tries to hug him, but nope. He yells that this is yet another reason why Ester doesn’t belong there, and should return to her people. Ester explains that she just wants to help Lina, who is more neglected than one of the local animals. JA wonders since when has she cared about the poor and downtrodden. Ester admits that it never mattered to her before she saw it up close by living in Realengo. Destiny brought her here so that she could learn what poverty was really like. “Well, now you’ve seen it, so GO!”  Ester refuses to leave, and doesn’t understand why he’s changed his mind and wants to break her heart twice—once because of their baby’s death; and the second would be him leaving her. JA yells at her that any other babies she has would also die (implying she is weak).  Ester insist she will stay, and bear him another healthy child. “No! I don’t want to have another child with you. Get out! Leave!” He runs outside and says/admits to himself that he never loved her.  Columba slithers by him and catches his eye. Ester cries inside the shack.

Tav refuses to accuse Mari of bigamy. He’d rather go with the easy solution of giving Mari exactly what she wants—he and Doris will break up, and then Mari will break off her engagement with the Gov. Doris would rather denounce Mari to the police and have her locked up!

Back on the Island, Mari has thought up a way to get her hands on the ranch. She doesn’t tell the audience. Then she wonders if Tav knows his girlfriend tried to kill her and decides to call him with the news.  He first worries that something bad happened to Lupita.
M: Believe me, if it had to do with the baby I wouldn’t call you.
T: Why?! Who else has more right to know about the well-being of my child?
Mari puts an end to that argument before it really gets going, and comes right out and tells him that his girlfriend tried to kill her! Cara impactada de Tav.

Avances: Miguel tells Tav they have a buyer for the ranch. Mari looks smug as Tony tells her Miguel took the bait. Doris says she would rather die than have that woman replace her mother. She is found unconscious on her bed by Mariana and others.


Note that in the CI universe, the definition of Destiny = Dumb Choices.

That was fast and very comprehensive! I laughed out loud when you mentioned the Gov taking the pistol from Doris's bed -- it was almost like he was forgetting it and then thought better of it. On the other hand, if Doris waving a gun around is the only thing that brings out Tony well....

What, Octavio offers to marry Simona, telling her that he'll give it to her in exchange for money, KtheH???? So happy she ran out of the room. Octavio and MariaAle really think a lot of themselves! Vivi, yes, we must be concerned for Lupita, the child of two narcissists. Luckily she has Juanita affirming her self-esteem for the time being.

A great recap, Vivi! Despite the drama, I'm not sure much actually changed.
My favorite funny moment was Doris fussing at MA to give her back the gun. Yeah, that would be a logical thing to do!
Not that logic rules anything here. And if your life is a mess, just blame it on Destiny.
At least Ester is more engaged with reality, even if part of reality is an ogre dad.

So fast Vivi, you must be a fast typist. Great job for a crazy episode. I didn't see Doris threatening with a gun coming. I hope she does something that lands her in jail. How can MA get a divorce so quickly? One week?

So MA's big plan is to have an anonymous offer made to buy the ranch? And it took her this long to come up with it?

The only thing that was a positive in this episode was a Tony sighting.

The only sane person in this whole show right now is the one being called la loca.

Great recap, Vivi, and up lightning fast. Hilarious as well and here are three of my favorite lines:

"What is our final destiny?” (Only the Monkey Writers know Tav.)"

"...the director has given the toddler who plays Miggy his daily dose of Benadryl, and he’s out like a light..."

"Lucia’s not one to dwell on the past, and pesky murders..."

And of course your advice to Maricruz is spot on.

I'm loving the tender relationship that is developing between Ester and Lina.

I think I'm despising José Antonio more than anyone else right now... this is of course subject to change at any given moment.

Doris has become far and away the most entertaining character. Those of you who insist on ff-ing through her scenes may be missing out on the best part of this TN.

Well, time for the Texans' game. Looks like a long night awaits.


Daniela- I was also worried that the Gov would forget the gun, but I was more worried that Doris would use the gun on him! That look after he slapped her had so much hate in it. ITA about the rampant narcissism.

La Paloma- It was hilarious how Doris kept demanding the gun back. As if anyone would think that’s a good idea.

Cathyx- I can’t wrap my head around how Mari and the Gov think a married Mari is going to marry the Gov in a week, so I didn’t even try. I kind of want to see Doris get the authorities after Mari for bigamy. Maybe then we’ll finally have some closure/clarity on the Tav-Mari divorce situation.

Carlos- Glad you liked the recap. I also love the relationship developing between Ester and Lina. I worry for the actress playing Doris. It must take so much out of her when all of her scenes consist of these tantrums, the next crazier than the last. Hope the Texans’ game was good!


Wow - this episode really went off the rails!

Now - back to reading Vivi's recap.

So sad about JA's turn toward jerkhood. I really thought he and Ester could be good together, and Ester is one of my favorite characters now.

For anyone who watched Marimar, were JA and Ester in the original? Don't want to know spoilers, just if they are new characters in this one. Is that considered a spoiler?

Thank you for the very entertaining recap, Vivi. Feel free to use the Venganza Monologues whenever you want, it's not like MC will ever move on from talking to herself, anyway.

I loved your insight about "the real locas" - I was thinking along the same lines when watching.

Seeing Tav use big words like DESTINY and ponder on his fate is just what a guy would do at any given moment. (no, it's not!)

Whenever I heard MC called the Gov Bartolome, I gagged, could you imagine a bedroom scene between these two? (blech!) Barty and Mari sitting in a tree...

That "lusty young lass" (LOL, more like horny old hag) that is after JA now is just what we needed - God knows JA doesn't have enough love interests in the tn...

So Simona is making her move and Tav seems to ponder the idea of marrying her instead of Doris the Demented (btw, how much more loca can she get? paging the monkeys in charge).
Therefor, my question is: how long will it be between the moment Tav decides to marry Simona and the time she starts showing some crazy genes?

I do like MC having someone to confide in, though. Raiza has been the voice of reason for a long time, now, how about they give her a story, too?

Great recap, Vivi. I especially liked "characters at the the mercy of monkey writers." I found it interesting that Octavio not Simona brought up the subject of marriage as a condition for her helping him out. I don't think that that would have been her condition since she clearly knows how he feels about Maricruz. And how will Maricruz avoid marriage with the governor? Marriages of convenience, marriages of revenge . . . "the slap heard round the world" was funny, too. You just knew that that was coming. At this point Doris is giving Lucia a run for her money in the crazy department. I would hate to see what could happen if they ever teamed up together.



I hope it's not a spoiler to answer, that new characters are: Solita, Juanita and Andres. All the others were in Marimar. Romero change something in their personalities, but anyway I can say that he copypast the story.

Adriana- I also like seeing Mari confide in Raiza. It's way more interesting to see Mari having conversations with people, not just giving a monologue or barking orders. Not like she'll actually listen to any good advice, but at least she can get some advice.

Jarifa- No need to worry. These writers would never have any of these characters, good or bad, do something smart like teaming up to reach a common goal. They are each the star of their own crazy show. They don't want to share the limelight.

Alegria- I watched bits, here and there, of Marimar when they showed it not too long ago. The JA and Ester characters are not ringing any bells for me. I must have missed their scenes.

@Vivi - the JA and Esther characters were in Marimar, but with different names. But their acting was so pathetic that they were forgettable, so I don't blame you for not remembering them. In fact, if nothing else, the acting on C.I. is WAY better than on Marimar.

Oh, btw, Alegria is right that Romero copy pasted most of Marimar, but not all of it. Most of the few good lines of dialogue in C.I. (especially MC/MA's lines) are new, but Romero can't take credit for them. Ana Brenda improvised a lot of the best lines, according to an interview I read.

Vivi in DC, there are much more scenes with them here. I can say, that much more scenes with everybody. But by now nothing important were added

Wonderful Vivi. I only caught a few minutes here and there ( and it was always someone yelling!). Sorry, priorities for me last night--watching Nadal win.

What a tangled web these folks weave, and Doris seems headed to a nicely decorated padded cell by the end of this show. Gees, what a spoiled nut job.

Love how everyone is making out the governor as some all-powerful, all-knowing figure who could wreak his havoc on all and sundry no matter where they are. Yeah, sure. Have they looked at this guy? he can't even dye his hair well...


Alegria and Latina- Glad I didn't miss anything important in Marimar. :)

Daisynjay- I also have to laugh about the perception of the Gov, versus the reality. He can't even control his bratty daughter!

daisynjay, what's that building you're standing in front of in your avatar? It looks like a mosque.

Daisynjay- I've been meaning to ask the same question since you changed your avatar. This pic is from your latest travel, I assume.

Aahhhh nnoooooo! They turned Simona into one of them! Run, Simona, RUN.

So did people in Mexico like this show for the same reasons we do (its ridiculousness and the monkey) or did they really LIKE like it?


Kelly- I have been meaning to give this some thought, but then forget to. (I must be getting what Tav has.)

There are definitely stories/tns that are so ridiculous that you can’t look away, like a train wreck. It’s also a lot of fun to make fun of it. But it’s usually just a few diehards that stick with something like that (like El Talisman).

This tn definitely has “train wreck” elements, but that doesn’t explain the HUGE fan base and high ratings. The original/older versions of this were no better. This story has never been a strong one. But they also had HUGE fan bases and ratings. So, what’s the secret sauce for the Marimar/CI story? The three “Cs”-- Casting, Costuming, and a Cinderella story.

Casting- A super pretty and popular actress playing the heroine. In Marimar they had Thalia. In CI they have the added bonus of an actress who can actually act.

Costuming- Both versions dressed the heroine up in fabulous, stylish clothes and dresses in scene after scene, after her initial poverty and poor dresses.

Cinderella- It’s the classic story. Poor heroine turns into a princess. Rags to riches. An underdog story.

The writing doesn’t have to be good, and nor does the acting (as seen in Marimar). If these elements are in place, people will be drawn in and LOVE it.

For me, this isn’t enough. I couldn’t watch all of Marimar, or Cuidado con el Angel, because of the weaknesses in the story. I can only watch parts, take a long break, and maybe come back to see if anything has progressed (usually, not). But since I’m recapping this one, I feel I have to watch the whole thing.


Great recap Vivi!!

I was really hoping to see Doris being led away in a straight jacket but the Guv is so weak he does absolutely nothing. She is still roaming the streets.

Someone mentioned giving Raiza a story and I must admit, seeing her in the Guv's office with MA made me think they would make a good couple. She is nearer his age and both of these lonely people could do well together.

Has MA's divorce gone through to Tav? Otherwise how is she marrying the Guv in a week? Of course she now regrets getting what she asked for, their engagement to be publicized.

Poor Simona! If she did something with her hair and makeup, and stopped dressing like my grandma, she wouldn't look too bad. She just needs one visit to a Sephora counter!

Vivi -- I always look forward to your recaps with great expectations and you never disappoint. THANK YOU Great reap this time. The only comment, I hope the OD puts Doris out of commission for a long, long time.

Carvivlie- I have never seen so many actors wasted in a tn before. I’ve have seen the actress playing Raiza do amazing work in other tns. She an old pro. Pairing her with the Gov would be an excellent idea. She would make the perfect governor’s wife. With all the extra episodes they added to this version, I’m not sure why they wasted time with all Venganza Monologues (yeah, we get it), when they could have used the other great actors they have and developed richer stories for them.

Not sure how Mari thinks she can marry the Gov in a week when she’s still married to Tav. I guess she’s adopted Doris’s way of thinking—what happens in Isla Dorada, stays in Isla Dorada.

emeraldrose- You’re very welcome. It will be quite nice to see Doris being quiet for a change, and it looks like an OD will achieve that. Or maybe she just got into Miguelito’s Benadryl?


I think MA intends to marry under the MariAle name. The lawyer said it's not her fault that her parents didn't communicate with each other, which only makes sort of sense. And we also must give Octavio and Lucia the opportunity to accuse her of bigamy.


Daniela- But wasn't the lawyer telling Tav that MC and MA were one and the same, so Tav can't claim they were never married just because MC doesn't exist anymore?

So if MA is MC, and MC is MA (according to her lawyer), then MA/MC is a married woman, period. The first time, she didn't know anything funny was going on with her identity. This time she does, so she is purposely/willingly committing a crime/fraud/bigamy. I say, arrest her if she goes through with the wedding!


I posted what I thought were two good posts/comments Monday afternoon but I keep forgetting the time zone difference, my guess is that no one saw the late posts, so I will repeat one of my posts and a little bit of the first one.

Monday 9/9/13 Now let's see---for such a TERRIBLE novela, we have so far---CI with over 100 comments. Let's just say 100+ because there will be more. [there would have been more if I had posted earlier]

QBA---30 weekend comments.

PEAM---33 weekend comments.

LT---67 weekend comments. Just a little over half of CI's and that's without shirts, you know, all that macho skin. QUE???

Corazon Indomable ROCKS!!! and the numbers prove it. YEAH!!!

I will add as of now, Tuesday morning 9/10/13 we have

QBA---3 comments

PEAM---9 comments

LT---with out shirts---17 comments

CI---26 comments. Lousy writting, holes in the story and men with shirts, and yet CI still kicks A--

Mari and the governor---YUCK!! Are
you guys crazy?

Carlos---You finally got it right, put Simona with the governor.

Boy! you guys are after sex---Ester did it and look what happened to her. You guys are a riot.

Thw Venganza Monolgues? That made me laugh too.
the gringo


Gringo- I saw your late comment. I love that you are CI's (and ABC's) #1 fan. Your comment counts for LT is off though. CI also tends to get our recaps up faster than the others, so the comments start more quickly. Plus, bad tns do tend to get more comments because the commenters have so much to criticize. :) But you are right that CI has a big audience. That doesn't mean it's good. See my comment above.

Super recap Vivi

I think Miguel will end up with Simona, Lucia is slated for the pie truck.

Why didn't the Gov at least remove the bullets?

Vivi...I got such a kick out of this recap. I love your observations.

Welcome to "Marrying for Dollars." Show of hands if you are interested in marrying that legend in His Own Mind it's just Doris and possibly Simona with their hands raised to be contestants....short line.

I am starting to have a soft spot for Ester now that she is bonding with the little girl. Simona seems to have a brain and a heart. The rest of these characters are BSC.

And DaffyDoris , the GOVENOR'S DAUGHTER, with a hand gun. really ????? She definitely needs to try some new activities.....perhaps, volunteer at the island hospital...take an online course...shelve books at the community library...learn to knit...something to broaden her horizons. Doris, get a life.

Cathy, Vivi, yep, that was taken while I was in India. we had some mornings before work to hit some sites on the non-rainy mornings.

The building my boss insisted I stand in front of ( he said I had to prove I was there) is the Sheesh Gumba in the beautiful Lodhi Gardens in Delhi. There are 3 major structure in the garden, two of them are tombs, all three date back to the 15th and 16th century (this one was 15th). The Sheesh is one of the tombs, but of an unknown family.

At one time, each of the structures was alone with it's own gardens, and finally the city joined them into one huge middle of the craziness place of serenity. It's almost eery how the hectic noise of the city immediately disappears the minute you enter the gardens ( vegetation absorbs the noise) and all you hear are the various birds the garden is famous for, some, I might add, who like to walk right along with you as you stroll.

Vivi great recap as always. Thank you. Some lines that amused me were
--Doris is dressed very fashionably
and tastefully for murder. How could anyone not smile at that line
I ask? Another good one was--Don't
get too excited folks, he'll forget in a few minutes. Vivi, I really broke out laughing when I read---I shipped the wrong kid off to military school. Your death glare comment was great also.

I must comment to all of you that ff when Doris comes on the scene, a big mistake. Ingrad Martz is doing an excellent job. I have to hand it to her, she's playing the crazy to the tee. Yes, she is giving Elizabeth Alvarez a run for the money. Great acting from both actresses.

I must admit that when Ester first
came into the novela, I didn't have much interest in her. Big deal
the cousin comes to visit. Her role has been expanding and is getting very interesting. I like the Lina/Ester scenes. I hope the father doesn't keep Lina away from
Ester, they are so good together.

Vivi---CI gets more comments because people don't like it so they comment more. What? Right, people hate it so much that they can't turn it off and so it becomes
#1 in two countries. The count on LT did go up but it was at 67 when I looked at it. No matter, no shirts still got beat and my guess is that it will continue to get beat. However I must say that I like William Levy and what man could not like Miss Universe, Ximena Navarrete? Did I just say that? Well Ximena Navarrete is Miss
Universe but Ana Brenda is the Goddess of Mexico OK!
Putting everything aside, CI is a good story with a good cast. Monkey
writers? Don't care, the story, great cast and acting draws people in and I'm not leaving.
the gringo


Columba....Just what we need..another forgettable character for the writers to introduce and then forget about. Fine. I hope that Lina's father has an unfortunate accident ...maybe something fatal he caught from consorting with Columba...and Ester adopts Lina.

Miguel and Lucia...a marriage made in hades. Now, those two truly deserve each other. Table for two in hell, please.

Please, please. Please, let Oblivio marry Doris. It would be just what he needs to snap out of his delusions of grandeur. Mariana could come live with them...double trouble for the galan ..who wasn't.

Susanlynn---I got a kick out of your Doris list but somehow, I just can't see Doris knitting. LOL
Table for two in hell please---OMG!

Cathyx---Next time you see your hairdresser, tell her that the gringo says hi.
the gringo

Didn't Simona already hold the mortgage on the ranch? I recall from some of the early episodes that Miguel had already mortgaged the ranch. If so, did she get paid up at some point and I missed it?

Also, didn't Octavio actually propose marriage to Simona in an early episode shortly before he wed Maricruz?

Of all the characters to commit suicide, for me, Doris would seem to be the least likely.

What happened to Maricruz's plan to bring Solita and her son (has he been named?) to the island? Dare I hope that the monkey comes along? Imagine... "...monkey loose in the casino!"

gringo, I agree that the acting here is often superb. I actually think that much of the dialogue very well written. My problem is the utter lack of coherence and the failure to get the most out of the overall plot. I'm betting that even you will admit that that whole plane crash/ rescue effort thing just fizzled.


"I say, arrest her if she goes through with the wedding!"

Yes! Maybe she'll protest that her baby won't be able to get along without her if she goes to jail. Who'll be there to see that she gets fed and gets to sleep? Oh... that's right...


Carlos, LOL!

ITA that this tn has great actors...who are being WASTED! After watching Manuel Landeta in Teresa and then Corazon Valiente, and Rocio Banquels in CME, I just cannot get over how the writers and director absolutely failed to give these actors real material.

Gringo- Just because it's a badly written/directed tn doesn't mean people can’t like it. I've said why I think people like it, and it's NOT the writing, or the storyline/story arch, or the directing. Any good stuff coming out of these actors is to their credit alone. The only people on this tn who deserve awards, other than the actors, are the costuming department—specifically the people in charge of dressing ABC and the other ladies.


How funny...Gringo and I picked the very same quotes to highlight:

"dressed very fashionably and tastefully for murder" [yes, a flowered sundress would have been ALL WRONG]

cara de "I shipped the wrong kid off to military school"

Both gems. Plus I loved "no-regrets Doris". Also your translation of "deshilachada". Now there's a word I can use! Definitely feeling a bit deshilachada of late. Thanks Ms. Vivi.

Not on the page that actually shows the avatars, so must find a way to locate this on the main page since they've gotten so exotic. You get it posted so early I often miss it the next day.

Judy- I know Kizzie's health troubles have left you deshilachada of late. I've been sending good thoughts to you and your furry baby.

As for arresting Maricruz if she goes through with the wedding... not before allowing the happy couple (and us) to enjoy what will certainly be a memorable wedding night, complete with Champagne, chocolate-covered strawberries, a bed covered in rose petals, and zillions of candles flickering accompanied by appropriately romantic music.



Carlos- Are you going to buy me a bottle of brain bleach?


Gently filtered lighting and carefully chosen camera angles... you'll be fine... trust me...


Carlos, in early episodes Octavio asked Simona to help with rancho. She said "sorry", but Miguel already mortgaged the rancho to the bank. So in fact she never helped with money. So I can't understand about what unpaid help all Narvaez talking. They should better say thanks to MC, but they never did.

Carlos, if gently filtered lighting = lights off and carefully chosen camera angles = just a black screen, then I'm all for it.
Bring on the Mari&Barty love scenes - they need a ship name, how about Barticruz? :D

And, Carlos, I'd like a bottle of brain bleach, too, and some soothing syrup for my throat for when I start to scream "My eyes, my eyes" when we finally get to see the first manly chest, Bartolome's (his name alone oozes future sexy promises, I don't know how MC resisted him until now).


Adriana Noel, I think that it was the change in the tint of his hair that finally won her over.


And the thought of seeing him in socks only.

Vivi and all, I try to figure out why so many people like this TN in spite of its defects. I agree a Cinderella story is always popular.

Octavio is trying to reunite with MA, but his ability to reason and persuade is weak (unless he's kissing).

The reborn MA looks great, but her intensive education didn't include how to control her emotions and her temper. Too bad Don Ale couldn't live a little longer.

Maybe people just want to see MA gain her vengeance, only to see that it's a hollow victory without her TRUE LOVE. And to see Octavio
realize that he loved MA all along and can't live without his TRUE LOVE.

It's a wild train ride, and the fashions, the luxury, the drama of the other characters are just scenery along the way. And the monkey is the conductor.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Carlos---I think that I could have put together a better rescue than Karim did. That was the worst rescue effort ever. I'm still laughing. But the safari clothes were cool.
the gringo

Oof...So many funny comments since I last checked in ( I've been doing FaceTime with my daughter in Toronto for over an hour...another yikes.)

La Paloma..I have a clear mental image of the monkey as the conductor of this crazy train.

Adriana Noel, Carlos , and Cathyx...You guys are too funny . poor Bart..He just wants him some sweet, young trophy wife. I can't despise a guy whom I will always see as Don Luis's lawyer/business manager/father figure in ALborada . He was such a good guy in that show that I have to love him in any telenovela that he is confess that I do not hate as much as ALMost everyone else on this ride on the Crazyville Express.

I picture him wearing the kind of black socks that have an elastic strap to hold them up. Do you remember those from years ago?

Susanlynn- I actually like the Gov. I just don't want to see his wrinkles caressing Mario's young flesh.

-Vivi (my phone won't let me sign in)

Vivi, I don't want to see the gov caressing Mario either, whoever he is.

Uh-oh..Mario...I do not remember Mario, and I did not realize that the LUV GOV was so inclined !!! VIvi....These technical devices have minds of their own, verdad ?

So..we have all Mario caressing.

Vivi sorry for posting so late but wanted to commend you for making such a crazy episode so much fun!!

Not too many objected when she boinked the elderly Rogelio in LQNPA and let's face it, the Guv has a much better disposition.


LOL! I don't know who Mario is either. Maybe my phone does. :) I'd probably prefer him caressing Mari over the Love Gov though.

Carlos, do you dare to compare Alejandro Tommasi to Jorge Salinas? Trust me, it's not an age thing.

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