Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Corazon Indomable, #86, 9/10/13 Miguel can read a newspaper, Simona visits the isla just in time for her makeover and Doris likes to fake it

Hello, Patio People, it’s been a while since my last recap, so I feel a little rusty. But, here goes...

Pretty in pink Maricruz is in her office, wondering about whether Octavio knows that Doris tried to kill her or not. Oh well, here is a nice little project for MC to take care of. She picks up the phone and dials her adorable tormento, who is still in the hospital.
Octavio is happy to hear her, but he hides his feelings quickly, using his usual mask of mockery and condescension (this is a word, right?). They Señor/ Señora each other while MC tells him that something muy grave happened, and no, it definitely has nothing to do with their daughter (like she’d ever share such an information with him) – it’s about his muchachita enamorada (Doris, in case anyone wondered), who tried to assassinate her.

Tav: Are you joking, Señora?
MC: No, Señor, your muchachita histerica almost killed me because she hates me. And she hates me because I’m marrying her dad.
Tav: If you’re marrying her dad, she has all the rights! (This is not a joke, he actually said that!)
MC doesn’t even blink, though (I bet she stopped listening to his usual nonsense a long time ago), instead she reminds him that Doris has to give up one of the men she loves, the dad or the boyfriend. Tav seems to be fed up with this childish game (feel free to join us anytime you want, Señor Narvaez), but simply advises him to talk to his girlfriend about it.

Doris talks with Mariana about Tav already knowing about the wedding from Miguel; also, she didn’t manage to solve anything while in Mexico, Tav wants to have a pact with MC, allowing her to be with one of Doris’ men, the Gov. Mariana thinks this could be a good deal, but Doris won’t agree to any pact, she will stop the wedding no matter what – and she needs Mariana as an accomplice.

Back with Tav and MC and a piece of witty dialog (not really):
Tav: I can’t influence Doris. Remember she is the GOVERNOR’S DAUGHTER. You could end up in jail.
MC: So what? I’ve already been there once and I was innocent. If I’m locked up again, at least it will be for something that offers me satisfaction (is she thinking about the wedding night, too?). Go ahead and call Doris, tell her you won’t marry her.
Tav: But I will. As soon as our divorce is final.
MC: Well, I’ll marry the Gov, too.
Tav: Of course you will. You even advertised it in the newspaper.
MC: Oh, you know about that? Did your muchachita adorada tell you?
Tav: No, Miguel did…

They wrap it up soon after that, with MC saying that she will marry the Gov and while Tav pretends not to care about that, MC seems worried that Doris will want to kill her. Tav doesn’t care about that, either, so MC points out that if Doris succeeds in her plan, his daughter, Lupita, will be left without a mother. Not without a mother, Tav assures her, he will take care of finding a good mama for his daughter.
SNAP! Estupido! MC screams and hangs up the phone, to Tav’s enjoyment – he hit her where it hurts, but he definitely has to do something about Doris, and for that he has to be on the isla.

Doris has finished telling Mariana her plan to stop the wedding. She’s sure everything will work out just fine and she won’t cross the line/ exaggerate (pasarse la mano).

Lina’s father is scolded by Clorinda (??) because he’s not taking proper care of his daughter and he won’t allow Esther to do it, either… FF

Tav is trying to move his leg when the doctor comes in. The patient wants to leave, but the doctor doesn’t think he’s well enough for that, yet. No matter, Tav has important issues to attend to on Isla Dorada (a crazy wife, a demented girlfriend, you know, the usual). Well, if it’s an urgent matter, they could allow him to leave, if he takes responsibility for whatever might happen. So tomorrow Tav might be out of the hospital.

MC is reading a handwritten piece of paper, it’s an advertisement of someone who is searching to buy lands that have the same characteristics as the Narvaez Ranch – that someone is obviously her and she hopes that Miguel will fall into this trap (and while she says his name, she has the most pertinent roll of eyes, that is a great reminder of Miguel’s lack of wit and business sense – all the better for our revenge thirsty heroine).
MC flashes back to one of the times Lucia threw her out of the ranch while she was still poor and this is the perfect cue for one of her venganza monologues (because we can never have enough of those) – only when she becomes the owner of the ranch will she be able to consider her revenge completed – her, Maricruz Olivares, la basura, la salvaje, owner of the Narvaez Ranch (ok, so if she buys the place, will the revenge really be over? Pinkie promise?)

Ed gives Tav some very good advice: if he had those kind of problems, he’d stay in the hospital for a year. Tav is grouchy smurf today, though, he doesn’t appreciate Ed’s words, he wants all the problems to be over once and for all. So does that mean he’ll marry Doris?
Tav doesn’t exactly answer this question, because there is something he doesn’t understand (what now!?): he offered MC to get back together, be close to her and their daughter, and she refused (but just minutes ago on the phone she told him about the choice Doris has to make between the two men she loves, so isn’t this supposed to mean that MC is kind of willing to take Tav back if Doris chooses her dad? Am I over thinking this? Am I killing it with logic?).
Over and over again MC has showed her hate towards him, humiliated him, so now he wants to go to the isla and confront her once and for all, finish this horrific episode. (You and me, both, Chulito!)

MC calls for Tony, gives him the advertisement to check, make sure it makes sense and then asks him to have it advertised in all the newspapers on the island for an entire week. She put his phone number as a contact detail and she wants him to take care of all the people calling. She is the buyer, but that has to remain a secret, what he has to do for now is make up a fake name and she will think about all the future steps in order not to make a mistake. And tomorrow has to be the first day the advertisement appears.

Lina is asking her father to allow her to go to Esther’s, showing him how clean she is now. He still won’t do it, though…again Clorinda with the same scolding from before, now she suggests that maybe he should leave Lina with Esther for good.

Venganza  Monologues, part 457  - Miguel reads the newspapers, because he read the news about my wedding; therefore, he will find the advertisement, too. Ojala that happens, because I need him to fall for it and sell me the ranch, so I can finish my revenge (and MC is very serious while saying this, no dimple sightings, just a rigid, determined face)

Tav is getting out of the hospital, Ed is carrying his bag. Simona comes for a visit, gets reacquainted with Ed. Tav is very grateful for Simona’s help, he invites her to join them to the island the next day.

Miguel is reading the job listings – someone needs a driver 24 hours a day (how abusive, that’s a slave’s work, Miguel thinks). He keeps reading, he has no skills, maybe he should stay just as he is right now – this has been the brief comic relief of the episode and Rene S. played it very well, just suggesting Miguel’s high expertise in incompetence.
And here comes MC’s advertisement (so it’s the next day already), which obviously gets his interest – he decides to call the number, because he thinks that selling the ranch would solve all their problems. And the mortgage can be resolved after (after what, after the sale?). He dials the number, but quickly hangs up the phone.

Tav visits his nephew and tells Lucia that it would be better to return to the ranch as soon as Little Mig gets better. Lucia doesn’t want to do it, but Tav reminds her there is no other choice, Miguel has a lot of debts on the island, she can’t live there with him.

In her office, MC asks Tony if anyone called about the advertisement. Not yet, Tony lets her know and MC thinks it’s probably better this way, because they need to hire a broker first. She explains Tony that she’s only interested in the Narvaez ranch and if someone else calls, they should be stalled. And the broker shouldn’t know about her identity either, not before the sale is finalized. No worries, Tony is ready to give a false name. MC is happy he got it all perfectly (beauty and brains, this Tony).

And here is Miguel, calling to find out about the ranch. He gives some information about the land, wants to know how much the buyer is willing to pay. Tony, aka Rogelio Something, is more than willing to pay as much as it takes if the ranch has everything that he needs; he insists on knowing where the land is situated and what the name of the caller is, but Miguel hangs up without answering. Tony is surprised the guy hung up, MC suspects it could be their very own Miguel Narvaez.
In the meantime, like a caged lion (sorry, not lion, this is Miguel), like a caged pussy cat, Miguel thinks to himself that he can’t sell the ranch because of the mortgage, so why bother? Of course, he could lie, but that would only bring him more problems.

Lucia asks Simona to go see Miguel, tell him that she doesn’t want to go to the ranch, she wants to stay with him, no matter how hard things might get. And Tav can say whatever, he has his life with that rich girl, he’ll soon marry her.

Simona (making the sad face): Would Tav ever marry me for the money?
Lucia: Why would he, he already has a rich fiancée and even if he doesn’t love her, that’s nothing, because Tav loves nobody,
Simona (almost weeping): He probably loved MC.
Lucia: No, not even her, he only loves himself.
(Is there anyone who can argue with Lucia over this? I can’t!)
Lucia: Why in the world would you think about that?
Simona: Heh, just a bad idea. A very bad idea.
Lucia (to herself): Yeah, right!
(And those crazy, love inflicted, Tav adoring neurons, start to rummage through Simona’s previously sane brain).

So it’s the next day now and Tav and Simona are at the airport, waiting to board the plane. She’s wearing an ugly scarf, which is covering all her head (like the kind sick cancer patients wear – what is that?). She’s afraid to travel by plane (it must be because Tav is the pilot). He tries to cheer her up, she’s just so excited with all the traveling she’s done in the last week. He loves her very much, so he’ll take care of her – and he gives her a friendly kiss that surely makes Simona feel all fuzzy inside.

Tav: How will we ever repay you for all the help you’ve given us?
Simona: I did it all for Lucia.
Tav: Only for her (que paso, Tav, begging for compliments?). Lucia can’t be helped, and neither can Miguel. I feel pity for both of them, but Lucia can’t go live on the island. Her home is the ranch, if she’s away from all the problems Miguel can concentrate on paying off his debts.
Simona: What if the ranch is sold?
Tav: That’s not possible. Rancho embargado, hipotecado, etc etc…, we could never find a buyer to give us all the money we’d ask.

Simona will talk to Miguel, anyway, Lucia asked her to.
Tav promises to show her all the pretty thinks the island has, maybe she could even stay in the same hotel. He tries to cheer her up some more, reminding her she’s not an old lady, which Simona can’t agree with – her personality, her shyness, her lack of self confidence – will you stop this mad seduction, Simona, he’ll jump on you right there, in the waiting area of the airport. He listens to her, but thinks her time has finally come to enjoy herself. Simona thinks it’s too late for her… nobody likes a whiner, Simona, knock it off!
Tony talks to a broker, now he is allowed to tell him la Señora Mendoza is the interested buyer, but nobody else should find out. The plan is that the broker will buy the land using his name and then sell it to la Señora, and only after the papers are signed, her identity can be revealed.
Miguel calls Tony again, more determined this time. Tony recognizes his voice, Miguel gives more information about the ranch and mentions the mortgage. That won’t be a problem, fake Rogelio assures, they can solve this when they talk about the legal documents. Oh, what a joy, Miguel is ecstatic and takes note of the broker’s contact details, so he can call him as soon as possible – there are plenty others interested in selling so Miguel needs to hurry (heh).

MC, dressed in all black and looking like the young, gorgeous version of the evil step mother (which, very appropriately, she’s about to become once she marries the Gov), receives Tony, who has good news – Miguel Narvaez called again.
MC (jumping from her chair): Are you sure?
Tony: Absolutely! And he fell into our trap.
MC: Goody!

Miguel meets the broker and finds out the buyer is a Mexican who is currently not in the country, so Miguel can’t see him. Miguel has to talk to his brother about selling, but he promises to come back with an answer the very same day.

Doris is happy Tav is back on the island, now everybody is present for her plan. Mariana is very clear on what she has to do, just make sure you don’t arrive too soon, Doris reminds her, and then rushes home, happy as a peach.

Simona visits Miguel, tells him about Lucia’s plea. He explains that his situation is not easy, he can’t return to the ranch because of Ewsebio, and Lucia can’t stay with him, either.

Doris arrives home, screams at the servant. Then she starts to ramble about her unhappiness over her dad’s marriage – she’d rather die, kill herself before she gets to witness that woman take her mother’s place.
This is just an act, of course, Demented Doris is willing to fake a suicide in order to stop that wedding. She goes to flush some pills down the toilet…

Tav is in his room, just about to put on his belt (Damn this editing, they should have started this scene one minute before he was all dressed J ). Miguel comes by to tell him about Lucia’s request. Tav agrees with Lucia, but what can he do about it, he needs solutions, not more problems. Miguel might have something, a buyer for their ranch. Cara de medio impacto – medio oblivio de Tav.

Back with fake suicidal Doris, she spreads some pills on her bed and on the carpet, throws a glass of water to the floor. The servant knocks on the door, but she doesn’t answer.

Sonia comes to visit Simona, she doesn’t want to go out, she prefers to wait for Tav. Sonia is going to a beauty salon, wouldn’t Simona want to join her?
Simona: What would I do in a beauty salon (LOOOOL)
Sonia: Sorry if I offend you, but there is plenty you can do. The hair, the makeup… You might not become a Miss Universe, but you’ll be very pretty.
Simona: No, I’m ugly. (ugh)
Sonia: Come on, let me take care of you
(makeover montage in 3, 2, 1…)

No, we’re back with Tav and Miguel. The interested buyer seems willing to give good money for the ranch, so they should go for it. Tav thinks this is all too good to be true (IT IS!), but Miguel sees no other solution, although he never wanted to sell before. Tav agrees to sell, if that means Miguel is getting his peace of mind back.

MC is telling Raiza that she’s very happy with the way she and Tony are managing the Casino, so she’ll talk to Karim about letting them both in charge. She might not be able to come to the Casino anymore, and not because of the future wedding. Raiza knows MC is not in love, MC doesn’t deny that it would only be a marriage of convenience. Raiza wishes she had at least an opportunity like that, for her love doesn’t exist. MC disagrees with that, but unfortunately love can turn into a restrictive chain. MC won’t stay at the Casino anymore because once she buys the ranch and becomes la unica dueña she’ll be busy – with what – with culminar la venganza, obviously (I thought buying the ranch was the culmination, I must have a slow memory).

Mariana comes to “visit” Doris, the servant tells her that Doris scared her with the things she said about her dad and how she’ll kill herself. Mariana rushes over to Doris’ room, she is peacefully reading a magazine, while Mariana starts to desperately knock on the door.  The servant rushes over with the key, while Doris takes her place in bed, theatrically spreading herself all over…

At the beauty salon, Sonia gives recommendations to the staff about what they should do with Simona. Maybe later on they could even go buy some clothes.

The door finally opened, Doris is found on the bed, eyes closed, with pills all over the floor.

Preview: Simona has her makeover. I don’t like it!
MC proposes querido Bartolome (gag) to marry in secret.
Tav is informed that MC has no more claims against him, she only wants the divorce.
Doris (alive and kicking) is telling her dad she will marry Tav very soon and then she’ll find a wife for papa, too.
Tav catches MC in an embrace and begs her to give their relationship one more try. Flash back to their happy days, with pretty song in the background.


Adriana thanks so much for this recap. You are not rusty at all; your humor is completely in tact. Since your intelligence is light years away from the writers of this TN, any type of logical should not be attempted.

I know Tav is not bright but when he rationalized Doris's murder attempt b/c MA is marrying the Gov I was disgusted.

I'm hoping that Clorinda convinces Lina's horrible to leave her with Ester. But Ester needs to leave JA like yesterday. The words that poor actor is forced to say are actually worse than Tav's.

While this TN continues to amaze (in ways that are not positive) the recappers and commenters keep me coming back! Thank you all for keeping me laughing!

Lovely, Adriana. Yes, condescension is a word, and Tav is full of it. It has negative connotations - well in the modern use anyway - of someone seeing others as inferior and thus dealing with them at all is a big favor.

Wacky, and wackier!

I guess Tav is used to enamoradas with guns. Doesn't seem strange to him.

Adriana, you're not rusty, this was a bright and shining recap, loaded with laughs.

My favorite line--"will you stop this mad seduction, Simona, he’ll jump on you right there, in the waiting area of the airport." At least Simona's self-effacing manner is a refreshing contrast to Doris insisting that she's the top dog (top female dog) everywhere.

I also enjoyed Doris' fake suicide attempt and the way she set it up. She can be clever, even if she's really annoying.


I'm sure, that at first they made makeover of Simona and then realized, that they needed one more scene with her in old image. So they used that ugly scarf.
Monkeys all around and even in production, I'm scared.
P.S. Thanks a lot fo recaps. It's such a great beginning of my day.

Alegria, I think you're right about Simona's makeover and her using that scarf. They really needed us to see that beatiful bonding (eye roll) with our galan.
We only got a glimpse of her in the previews, maybe I'll change my mind after I watch her longer, but so far, I'm not impressed.

Thanks Adriana for such a great recap. I'm with Karen, even though my head sometimes wants to implode from the listening to these folks, I just love the recaps and just keep tuning in to see how much more crazy this can get. And it never disappoints!

Wonder if MC knew what a money pit the ranch is whether she would bother trying to buy it so badly, but it's just all about sticking it to the family. Who knows, tucked up her stellar management skills she learned in her short schooling, she may have learned how to run a ranch too.

Meanwhile,"MC, dressed in all black and looking like the young, gorgeous version of the evil step mother" ( but rocking the look), Lucia who is donning another new dress, Doris is looking ravishing for her suicide attempt and Simona is getting a makeover. Get bored with the plot, get tips on hair, makeup and wardrobe daily.

And my guess is Ester is about to become a mother after all. Maybe this will get her to move? She needs to give up on JA.


Adriana, thank you for yor excellent recap!

Another episode with plenty of action.

What does Ester not understand when JA tells her to get out? That story line has run its course.

The rest of it was very entertaining. Maricruz could be at the ranch before we know it. Will the mooonkey and Solita return, too? Or are they on permanent "house arrest" in DF?


Good morning Adriana. Loved your descriptions and your quips:

"Tav is grouchy Smurf today"

"(you and me both, chulito)"

"no dimple sightings"

"Miguel's high expertise in incompetence"

"pacing like a caged pussycat"

Yes, Miguel is looking and acting more and more like a lost, doofus wimp. Must say the actor is playing him to perfection with his scraggly hair, lack of a good shave and hesitant mumbling. Yecccch.

Octavio looks better but no great shakes in the galan department either.

I thought Doris' suicide attempt was pretty lame. You actually have to ingest SOME pills....enough to require hospitalization, but not enough to die, to really convince anybody. But she was a hoot to watch as she gaily set it up.

As for Simona's makeover, I wish they'd take her to a dermatologist and have that mole removed. It's very distracting. And not in a good way.

But are we setting her up as an eventual enamorada for the equally older, not hawt Governor? Time will tell.

Excellent recap Adriana. Your writing skills are as sharp as ever.

That recap made my day...funny stuff.

Doris is going to become the prettiest one in the manicomio if she keeps this stuff going. That maid should have slapped her silly.

Octo messing with Simona like that was not good. But then he does have a paucity of brains. Guess he will want to take his bebe up into the wild blue yonder to get all the girls when he finally rids himself of the "wild girl."

Thanks, Adriana, for a fun recap to start my day.

So the high jinx continue, and all of a sudden, Simone has taken center stage. I am anxious to see the results of the makeover. Llose the scarf is my first suggestion. Then, buy a pair of capri pants and a cute top so that you stand out from the rest of the females in this show who seem to wear cocktail dresses or maxis all day all night all the time. ..except for the nurses, maids, and nannies....and Solita, whom we never see anymore...and the pobre...Ester,Clorox..

Well, off to work. it is going up to 90 today after weeks of much lower temps. Have a good day , everyone, as you thank your lucky stars that you do not actually know any of these people.

Excellent recap! I can't wait to see Simona's makeover. I didn't see the previews.

I think it would be funny if Doris is rushed to an ER and they pump her stomach only to find nothing in it and her ruse is exposed. How childish though is her plan?

I can't tell if Tav is truly trying to be a good friend to Simona, since she is that family's only one, or if he is subconsciously keeping all of his options open. But he knows how she feels so he shouldn't play but eh,, that's men.

I think MA's idea about wedding in secret is smart. But where is Karim? And why hasn't he come claiming his prize yet?

Thanks Adriana, this is such a treat. You really captured the excitement and romance of this episode. Very funny and very well-crafted.

I hope those of you who try to avoid Doris encounters took the time to enjoy her as she set up that little suicide tableau. She did it with such care, glee, and pride in her results. Every detail was attended to just so. Let's hope they take her seriously in the ER (she is the governor's daughter after all)... IVs, nasogastric tube with stomach lavage, instillation of a laxative, and lots of activated charcoal... that'll show 'em.

Her suicidal outfit was very fetching as well and her hair and makeup were perfect.

After yesterday's discussion, I'm sooo looking forward to the upcoming nuptials and honeymoon.



Thanks Adriana, what a crazy show today. And so many senseless plots right now. How is MA going to get married? Everyone knows she is married to Octavio, even Bartolome and Doris.

If Miguel has bet the ranch at the casino and owes as much as it's worth, why doesn't MA just take over the ownership? Why bother with the selling and buying it anonymously?

Another suicide? We had MC attempt it earlier. Come on Mejia, can't you get more creative than that? Don't answer, I already know the answer.

So they can make over Simona to look completely different, but they couldn't come up with a way to do this to MC when she became MA?


I'm of the mind with all these "I'll marry blah blah blah" tirades going on the last couple days, we may actually get some twists on who winds up marrying who? They have to be spiffying up Simona for someone, what about Karim and the once-on-our-screen-daily Teo is still mooning and wanting lurvvv out there. I'm game for some marital surprises. Might spice things up.

daisynjay: Wouldn't it be funny if the Guv fell for Simona? I agree, some marital mashups would be fun.

As Vivi said yesterday, so many characters under utilized. I thought the Guv's son was cute. He could have fallen for Solita and thereby giving her some more screen time. Plus, it would have complicated things bet the Guv and MA even more. Angel/Teo could find love with the newly reformed Raiza. Again, more age appropriate. I see too many opportunities! I need to stop now ;)

Very funny recap Adriana. You haven't missed a beat!

I feel like the Island/casino storyline is about to wrap up. Mari's buying the ranch and handing over the management of the casino to Raiza and Tony. The Doris/Gov storyline looks like it's about to go off the rails. And Simona is getting a makeover, making her once again a rival for Tav-- now she'll have money AND looks. How will Tav be able to resist? Karim and Teo are still dangling threads on the Island though, but it looks like we're moving the action back to Tamaulipas.

The Gov should definitely look elsewhere for his new wife. Raiza and Simona would both be good options.

I wonder what Carola is up to these days?

@cathyx - re your comment "If Miguel has bet the ranch at the casino and owes as much as it's worth, why doesn't MA just take over the ownership? Why bother with the selling and buying it anonymously?"....

....she can't simply takeover the ranch because the ranch was already mortgaged long before she lent money to Miguel. That's why Tony had to tell Miguel that they would address the mortgage issue when they drew up the purchase/sale agreement. Generally, when real estate is already encumbered and the owner wants to sell it, the purchase/sale agreement provides a mechanism whereby part of the sale price will be allotted to payoff the mortgage - in real life that's done through an escrow account, so that the buyer can put the money in the account and then the escrow company pays it directly to the mortgagor, to avoid having the buyer run off with all the money without paying off the mortgage.

I am confused, is the Sonia who is taking Simona to the beauty salon the same lady who is Arci's friend and was passed over for the matron of honor position? Where did she come from?

Adriana, LOVED the grouchy smurf description of Tav. Got a good laugh with that this morning. I was very disappointed that we didn't get rid of Doris for a few episodes. She is getting real old and needs to take a break.

And I have now become a Tony fan. He is hawt. More Tony less Doris por favor.


"...it looks like we're moving the action back to Tamaulipas."

Fine with me, but what about Doris? We can't just leave her dangling... can we? And what about the Guv?... he dyed his hair. And Karim?...he lost his kingdom.

Let's hope the monkey gets to go home too.


Carlos- Do you really think these writers care about leaving characters hanging? (ahem...Solita, Tobias, Teo, the list goes on and on)

Anon 11:25- Yes. Sonia is the one who was passed over as Madrina by Aracely in favor of moneybags Mari. She is one of the two flight attendants who is friends with Tav and Ed. The other one, who looks very similar, is Jackie. Jackie was in the crash with Tav.

So how will the new (improved?) Maricruz be viewed by the folks back home? How will she view and treat them? Will José Antonio want to take her to live with him in Realengo?
I see potential fun times ahead... can the writers and producers possibly screw this up?


Honestly, I get MC's obsession with the ranch, but as a permanent abode, I would rather have "gone home" to daddy's place. Much nicer house, beautiful lawns by the water. And if she brings Solita back, what about Tobias? Monkey will be as happy as a clam...I see his writing on the wall if she moves back. Clever little dude.

Mentioning Solita, if they are making over Simona, they better do some hair omproving for that poor woman. I see pitgtails, I may wax dangerous. (And heaven help her who she would get hooked with in that place. I have an idea, not a spoiler but my poor beat up brain thinking it, but I will cease and not mention it. )


Carlos- That is a good question. JA is probably picturing MC being his woman and living happily in Raelengo. Wait till he glimpses new MA, who is even more frufru than Ester ever was.

@Carlos: re "I see potential fun times ahead... can the writers and producers possibly screw this up?"


Vivi thanks for the clarification of Sonia. I thought she looked familiar but didn't remember her as a flight attendant

MA could stay at Don Alejandro's palatial estate during the week, then go to the ranch for weekends. This would allow for some fun clashes between Tobias and Awfelia.

Thank you Adriana---You think you are rusty? No, no, no you are not and these lines prove it---Tav has important issues to attend to on Isla Dorada (a crazy wife, a demented girlfriend, you know, the usual.)---Beauty and brains, this Tony.---She's afraid to travel by plane (it must be because Tav is the pilot.)---Like a caged lion (sorry, not lion, this is Miguel.)
Nobody that has lines like these can be called rusty.

Adriana---Octavio, Miguel and Lucia
all three are filled with condesension.

There were high hopes for JA in the beginning but those hopes have sure vanished. What is wrong with this guy?

I hope that Ester and Lina become close. There're so sweet together.
Poor Lina wasn't blessed with a good father and mother. Ester could be a spark in her dreary life

Jarifa---No, it isn't permanent house arrest in the D.F. for Solita
and the monkey, I'm sure that we'll
see them again.

JudyB---The mole has to go. That is one big problem for Simona.

Cathyx---MA can't just take over the ranch because at the mud pit, she said that she would give Miguel 1 year to pay off the debt.

Is Tav going to make a play for the new Simona?
the gringo


Well, if the mooonkey has been writing this thing then I have my doubts . . . LOL


Thanks, everyone, for your praises, as always, it was a joy doing the recap.

Gringo, I think the few scenes we've seen between Tav and Simona lately are meant to show us that, yes, they used to be friends. And with Simona's makeover coming, who knows, Tav is already fed up with Doris and her antics, why not change one beautiful, but crazy heiress for one beautiful AND sane already rich woman.
I just hope that Simona keeps her brain intact, because we've seen what is the effect Tav has on these women - they're all different shades of crazy because of him.

Vivi, you make a good point about JA's fascination with MC. Wait till he sees Maria Alejandra Mendoza, Esther is a pauper in comparison.

Oh, yes, we are moving back to the ranch... let's see: MC will have the Narvaez place, that must mean that the rest of them will move with Simona, right?
And the rest of the cast? I think they will fade into the dark, maybe be brought back once in a while... there are so many characters who just exist for the sake of one tiny plot development and then just vanish, only to pop up again when you least expect it.


hi gringo. How goes the search for the perfect mole? No not the one above Simona's lip... that kind that you eat. Years ago I went on a quest to find the perfect chicken-fried steak. I found it on a backstreet in Waco, but later, when we went back for more... gone. Lost in some sort of urban renewal.

Vivi, the more I think about it the scene that I'm anticipating most is José Antonio and Maricruz coming face to face again... talk about culture-shock and shattered dreams. Of course I'd be just as excited about the Guv's and Maria Alejandra's wedding night, but somehow I don't see that actually coming to pass.


The recap was great and written so quickly - I actually read it last night. I too, thought the fake suicide was lame.Maybe now the Guv can have her committed to the manicomio. Did anyone else get a creepy vibe from the conversation on the jacal porch? The bruja was talking about how pretty and clean Lina looked. After she left the drunk father mumbled something about silky, perfumed hair. And not in a fatherly way.
I really like the potential love connections some of the commenters listed (sorry I should have written down your names).

Dorothy- Yep. I got the same creepy (incestuous) vibe. I'm not sure if that's what the writers and the actor intended, but that's how it came across.

Dorothy C.

I heard the same think that you heard Lina's father say ( And not in a fatherly way.) and was hoping that I was just getting the wrong impression... I hope now that we are both needlessly alarmed.


Maybe Karim can't "collect" on his pay from MA because he didn't actually find Octavio (dead or alive). He didn't actually do anything but walk around for a little while and then have a great supper each day.

Come on, Doris ... really? Well, she'll probably fool everybody, including paramedics and doctors because everyone on Isla Dorada has Octavio's disease - oblivio-itis.

Did Octavio tell MC that Doris could get away with murdering her because SHE IS THE GOVERNOR'S DAUGHTER(!) but that MC would wind up in jail if she did anything wrong? Hijole!

Raiza should end up with Tony and they will run the casino together happily ever after.

Teo? Is his story arch over? What a waste! Maybe he can move in with Aracely and Eduardo and become their future kids' nanny.

MC's revenge won't be over until she humiliates, then fires Ofelia and gets Santa and Maria to come back to the hacienda.

Yikes! And now Vivi...


Carlos- It was so creepy. It's as if he was thinking that Ester would turn Lina into the perfect little candidate to be his next mujer, and take her dead mama's place.

I'm sure (fingers crossed) that he was just thinking that it would be nice for Ester to turn his daughter into an educated little lady, and that his daughter would finally have a mother's care. Right? Right?...




Mari thinks that with Tony's and the brokers help, the rancho is mio
I don't think that it will be that easy. You guys underesttimate the writers and pass them off as monkey
writers---I say that nothing ever comes easy in a novela. The writers have some surprises for us I'm sure. Simona is not getting a makeover for nothing. After her new look, she throws in with Octavio and the rancho's financial problems are over. It's just a thought. I can't wait till tonight to see which way this will go.
the gringo

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