Thursday, September 19, 2013

Careful who you kiss!

Hi patio peeps,I'm going to give you a short recap because (A) not much happened in tonight's episode and (B) I'm feeling a little bit under the weather, so here we go!

Parts 1 & 2 are up

He kissed her, god help us all:

In the good old pueblo Octavio, his half a brain cell and Simona are chilling out, it turns out that our dear Octavio has been feeling a little depressed (waaah waaah look at how our hearts bleed for you, NOT!), Simona says that's understandable given all that he has been through, he agrees, even the sale of the ranch has given him the blues, but maybe some day he and Simona can afford to buy it back.

Simona jumps all over that and asks him if he would like to have the ranch back, she would buy it for him if he wanted her to. Eh, someone needs to tell her to calm the heck down, the only time you can buy love is when you go to the pound and buy a cat or a dog. Octavio, who just a few seconds ago suggested buying the ranch now tells her that no, he would not like that-we need to put him on some medication, his lack of short term memory worries me.

Octavio then tells Simona not to love him so much, he's not worthy. Simona, when someone tells you what they are believe them, now that you look better you could go on and find a man with two brain cells! Simona dismisses Octavio's silly words and they kiss. Me thinks this is a big mistake.

In Isla Dorada Teo and Maria Alejandra are discussing the sale of the casino, Maria tells Teo that she wants to leave the island, there's nothing there left for her and he tells her that he will get Karim to buy her half of the casino. He also hits the nail on the head when he suggests that the reason she wants to leave is because Octavio is no longer there- she can't deny that this is the case. Maria Alejandra wants to leave the island and is desperate, Teo again tells her he will solve this problem for her.

We return back to the pueblo where our dear Octavio is riding a horse and thinking (hahahaha, I guess we were all wrong, he does think, work little brain cell, work and earn your keep!). While the patio peeps are happy to see that Octavio does in fact think they are disappointed when they realize that while he was kissing Simona he was thinking about Maria Alejandra, the little savage that has his heart. Still, he is going to marry Simona because she's nice and loyal(and has deep pockets...ok, he did not say this but come on, her money does factor in) and he will marry her and make her happy. Show of hands viewerville, who here thinks it's a bad idea to marry someone when you are still sprung on someone else?  I hereby predict that this will not end well. On the bright side at least we got to see a pretty horse.

Love can consign us to hell or to paradise, but it always takes us somewhere-Paulo Coehlo

In Simonas case that somewhere will be Bat Sh*t Crazy Town. Simona is taking to Lucia about how she will never, ever, ever let another woman take Octavio away from her, the kiss he gave her was amazing and now he belongs to her! She is so happy she won''t be able to sleep.  She also tells Lucia she will try to buy the ranch back from the new owner, even if she has to pay double or triple the asking price. OMG, this after only a so/so kiss, what are we going to have to put up with if they have sex? Will she handcuff herself to him? You guys, I'm scared.

Isla Dorada

Shutup Doris is being her usual bratty self, she tells Mariana (is that her name?) that Maria Alejandra's days are numbered she is going to have to leave the island and then my eyes glazed over and I tuned her out, I guess there's only so much Bernie-that's what I call my one brain cell can take. I'm going to take a wild guess here and say that we didn't miss much. Next!

El Pueblo

Octavio is still on the horse and he's still thinking about how nice it would be if Simona bought the ranch, sure, he can't allow her to buy it for him but if she were to buy it for herself he could go over and visit it. He finally arrives back at Simonas ranch where she and Lucia are still having their chat fest. Lucia tells Simona that she can't take Ofelia with her and would she be able to give her some work, after all Ofelia has many qualities says Lucia. Ummm, excuse me but when did being and evil b*tch become a good quality? Sure thing says Simona, she could use the extra help because once she and Octavio get married and have babies there will be lots to be done! Ahhhg! You two just kissed for the first time, how do we go from that to getting married and having babies? Are these people part of Duggar family?

Isla Dorada

Shutup Doris is at it again, she goes to the casino to tell Maria Alejandra that she will soon have to leave the island or be dragged out by the police, she has given them orders and they will do as she says because they listen more to her  they do her father. How the hell is that possible viewers everywhere ask.  The same argument is had between these two, "you're a whore, you can't be around decent people" says Shutup Doris "Don't call me that" says Maria Alejandra and eventually nothing is resolved and Doris leaves before Maria Alejandra gets the chance to call security. This is getting old writers, use some fresh material!

El Pueblo:

Ester and Lucia are visiting with each other, Lucia has brought Ester some clothes and furniture that she will no longer be using, Ester tells her she will miss her (really?) when she's gone and Lucia tells her that she will have Octavio and Simona close by to take care of her. Ester seems happy to hear this. I know this is shallow and that I've complained about it before but my god is Ester frumpy or what? Give the woman some good jeans, a little make up and some boots, frumpy looks good on no one. Oh and a hair brush. Later we see Ester and Lina in Esters  hut, she has Lina touch and feel the furniture and tells her that her cousin gave her several gifts, as the conversation goes on Lina tells Ester that she would like for her to be her mother, her dad is not very nice and she feels he does not love her, Ester on the other hand is kind to her and treats her well. Ester agrees to be her mom and just like that little Lina snagged herself a new mommy, easy as pie (mmmm pie)

In another part of the pueblo the surveyors are doing their thing and it seems they have found gold. Awesome! Well, its not so awesome for the people that live in the swamp lands and who will have to leave their homes. Hey, you win some, you lose some.

Isla Dorada

Teo talks to Karim and tells him he should buy out Maria Alejandra, and Karim says nope, not gonna happen, she cost me my throne and now I need her near me. Teo tells him that Maria loves another man and that all the men that have loved her will never get her including himself. Yes, he confesses I loved her too, but that's not what's important now, buy her half of the casino and within months you will get your initial investment back, and if you work hard for it you can regain your royal position. He also tells Karim that Maria Alejandra will never be happy. Karim agrees to buy the casino.

At home Maria Alejandra and Juanita are discussing the move back to the pueblo, Juanita is not sure she will be able to adjust to life on the ranch but Maria Alejandra says she can't wait to get back. She can already picture herself getting up in the mornings and going on horse back rides, the first thing she plans to do is buy herself a beautiful horse and beautiful riding clothes. Lupita will grow up breathing fresh air and eating healthy food from the fields, she will be grow up to be healthy and strong like her mom, Juanita asks if Lupitas dad will be there and Maria Alejandra says that yes, he will be there because he sold himself to the rich Simona. Then there's more talk about revenge, its old stuff we have already heard.

Later when she's alone with baby Lupita Maria Alejandra talks to her about the move back to the pueblo, she will take the baby to the ranch she bought for her, and will take her to see the place where she lives with her great-grandfather, in those lands she will build a home for the elderly, a church and she will help the poor folks in the area by building a school and houses for them. See you guys, she does think of others!

El Pueblo

Simona and Octavio are having some tea and she asks if there's any news on his divorce, he tells her nope no news and says he has to talk to his attorney and will have to travel to Mexico, Simona then asks why he has to go to Mexico City and Octavio replies "Because that's where the law firm is", Simona then points out that he could pick up the phone and just call the attorney, by the look on his face we can tell he never even thought about this, good lord this guy is dumb. Simona tells him that she never wants to be apart from him and that she does not want him near Maricruz. Octavio tells her there's nothing to worry about, he and Maricruz could never get back together and be happy, he thinks she might hate him. Simona tells him that she wishes Maricruz all the happiness in the world, as long as she's happy far away from them. Octavio tells her he is sure Maricruz will never return to the pueblo. Ha, man are you in for a surprise.

 I think he should be worried about Simona, if my boyfriend of a day and a half told me he never wanted to be away from me I'd run far far away from him and change my name to Princess Juju.

Yo, Jose Antonio, why you gotta be so mean?

In the swamp lands Jose Antonio- who I can't stand is being a jerk to Ester. I can't for the life of me figure out why she stays with this jerk. He is not that handsome, and by the look of his shirt he has not yet mastered the art of using deodorant. They argue about the things Lucia gave her and he says it's crazy to have that kind of fancy furniture in the hut, people will be jealous. Fine says Ester, I'll give it all away, nah says Jose Antonio, just keep it and I'll pretend it came from someone other than Lucia. Ester, do yourself a favor and dump this guy, there's no reason to stay with a jerk like him, you know what they say, there's plenty of fish in the sea.

Isla Dorada

Teo goes to visit Maria Alejandra and gives her the good news that Karim is going to buy her half of the casino, he also confesses his love for her. She tells him that he is her only friend in the world and that he has been nothing but a gentleman but that there is no hope for them. Teo agrees and just like that this story line is wrapped up.

Later that day at the casino Raiza tries once again to be the voice of reason, she tells Maria Alejandra to move on with her life and Maria says that that's not going to happen, she wont be satisfied until she gets her revenge. Raiza asks her what will happen when Octavio marries Simona and Maria says that's never going to happen, she won't allow it. She tells Raiza she has her daughter to keep her grounded and Raia tells her to think about Lupitas well being before doing something stupid.

El Pueblo

Simona visits with Santa and tells her she wants to buy back the ranch for Octavio, she would give up the blood in her veins to get it back for him (can you say cray cray?), she is going to write to Miguel in the morning to get details on who the new owner is. Santa tells her not to worry about it so much, Octavio will get over the sale of the ranch, after all he never was interested in the lands. Simona won't give up though, she says that octavio never paid attention to the lands because he knew Miguel was taking care of them, but now they belong to someone else and this is making him sad. Santa tells Simona not to give too much of her affection to Octavio- you know how men are, they trade one woman for another at a moments notice. Simona says that's not the case here, no one will take Octavio away from her. They then start talking about the wedding, Santa wants to know when that will take place and Simona says that as soon as Octavio divorce comes through they will marry and Octavio will be hers, all hers! 

Fast forward to Simona and Octavio, the same conversation about buying the ranch takes place, she wants to buy it for him to make him happy.

Ester and a preist talk about her becomong a teacher for the chldren of the swamp lands, it wont be easy to teach them but she is going to give it a go.

Isla Dorada

Maricruz says her goodbyes to Raiza, she tells her that Teobaldo will be taking care of the casino, Raiza is confused and Maricruz explains that Teo and Angel are one and the same, she thinks that Raiza and Teobaldo can shake hands and be friends, Raiza doubts it but she will give it a try, she has plans to leave the casino soonn any way, she has managed to boost her savings with Marias help. The two embrace and say good bye. 

Back at the rancho Octavio tells Simona that he will work hard to thank her for all she has done for him, she says she's just happy to be with him and to know that he will marry her and be the father of her future children, they go on for a kiss ans Octavio has flashes of Maricruz running through his mind. I said it before and I will say it again, this will not end well.

Join us tomorrow when Maricruz reruns to the ranch!


Eli, sorry you aren't feeling well, however the recap so far is stellar and hilarious.

Poor Simona, was she really so bad before her makeover? Everyone who has seen her since she was touched up a bit comments that now she is beautiful (granted... getting rid of that mole is a plus) but every single one has also said that now she's interesting... even Santa.

So one must be beautiful to be interesting? I'm in trouble.


Eli- The recap is hilarious so far! You do great work, even when not feeling well.

Perhaps there is something toxic in Tav's chapstick? As soon as a woman kisses him, she loses her mind. Mari, Doris, Simona. I think that's why Raiza is sane. She never kissed him, although she had a crush on him in the beginning.

Excellent first part. I liked the scenes with Raiza and MA. Simona and Tav kissing makes my stomach turn a bit so I have to do a quick channel change. I don't like seeing Tav as a boy toy but that is what he has become.

Carlos, I like to think that now that Simona has some confidence she feels free to express herself and thus, now she is interesting. She did seem to hide behind her ugliness and not confident enough to ever speak out. She is going through some sort of love induced personality change. She is headed for a cliff but knowing these writers it won't come until the very end.

What a trooper Eli! This was wonderful. Now make sure you take of yourself and feel better!

All I could say for last night was Oh My. Simona is getting that glazed, crazy look now which never bodes well. Poor thing, that was the lamest kiss ever and it brings this out in her. Scary indeed.

Ester is decking out the shack in Spanish modern with satin bedspreads. How wonderfully practical. Those should look just dandy the next time the roof leaks.

And lordy, we got to see Lucia's ankles. Almost caused me to have the vapours. So help me, that woman winds up living at Simona's permanently, I'll lose it. Wife, get thee to your hubby, dumbass as he is.

I should be more interested in the whole gold plot, but right now, not so much. Now if the head guy turns out to be someone interesting, than maybe it'll be worth getting into. Someone comes out rich in all this ( my guess may be JA -see what happens with his "I'm poor and I'm proud" atitude.

I may be departing the patio for extra snacks tonight, anything to get away. If they start the screaming when everyone meets up and MC goes off on her tirades of hatred and name-calling and there are children present, I can't watch.


Excellent recap of a so so something is going to happen later but not today episode.

Noticed a couple of days ago the Simona has dimples too. Are we going to have a dimple off between Simona and Maricruz?

Think if Maricruz's face flutters before Octo's eyes when he goes to kiss Simona then maybe he should kiss Maricruz to see if Simona's face shows up. Then if she does the nuptials can commence straight away.

Eweee's twin may be in a heap of trouble when Solita comes a ranch'n.

Don't know how it plays out but my guess is that all of the casino buddies are going to show at rancho it ain't yours no more. Maybe even Doris following her daddy huckleberry hound.

Eli, thank you so much for the fun recap in spite of not feeling well. Hope you feel better soon. I especially laughed with the Duggars and Princess Juju remarks.

So Teo finally confessed what we all knew all along that he also is in love with Maricruz.

Poor Santa no matter how she tried she could not talk any sense into Simona. Too bad because it seems that Santa has seen and heard it all before. If she heard nothing Simona still should be running as fast as she can from Octavio after that looooong hesitation that Octavio is taking/took to kiss her. Maybe she can grab Ester and take her with her. Octavio looked almost sick/disgusted thinking back on Maricruz and feeling forced to kiss Simona. Yikes!!!

On to the return!



Golawah, I think it would be awesome if Karim came to visit! Especially if he had some how regained his country back and showed up with a bunch of men following in their white gowns. Good show for the locals!

Full recap is now up, for some odd reason I can't edit the post from my work computer.

As always, thank you all for your kind words!

Tks Eli

I know I don't pay much attention to this so I have missed a lot


Wasn't that abuelo as the priest?
When did MC know guy in bad wig was Teo?
How come Oct & Simona don't know MC is the new owner? Even with 1/2 brain cell you would think that would sink in. Miq didn't tell his own bro? Lucía knows & says nada?

JA was a nice guy in the beginning, I guess marriage doesn't agree with him.
Ester was a bitch in the beginning & now is a good person.
Feds should investigate the writers, they are on the hard stuff.

You were really lucky not to see that last kiss. In the avance after 91 episode it was shown to the viewers from Mexico. It was awful. And there were lots of posts on the official site an facebook, that no one wants to see that kiss. May be that is why it was cut from the episode. But Daniel and Isadora looked really awful as a pair. Zero chemistry. And she lookes oooolder.

thanks, Eli, for giving us this recap despite not feeling well. I fell asleep at the very beginning.

Variopinta---Lucia told Mig not to tell Oblivio who bought the rancho, but even if she hadn't , knowing Oblivio, he probably would have forgotten that little fact by the next episode.

Okay, let's list all the hombres who are in love with Mari. : 1) Oblivio. 2) Karim. 3) Luv Gov 4) Teo 5) JackAss. DidI miss anyone ?

Variopinta- The actor who played gramps is not the same actor playing the priest, although both are famous older actors. Gramps is tubby and has difficulty walking. This actor is very trim an spry. We last saw him as the priest in Amor Bravio who was murdered.

And there was never a scene shown of when Mari found out Angel is Teo. I assume it's on the cutting room floor.

Or the writers forgot the Teo/Andres connection

Just cked to see who played abuelo & Padre
Ignacio López Tarso - abuelo
Jose Carlos Ruiz - Padre

This thing has so many more characters that we haven't seen, it will NEVER end. Some really good actors coming. They won't help.

ELI---You said that you weren't feeling good but that's hard to believe because your recap is so good, in fact it's a winner.

Yes Eli, Tav does suffer from short term memory loss. Dr. Carlos
may have something that will help.

Work little brain cell work. On the bright side, we get to see a pretty hourse. Good one Eli.

Go to and look for a man with two cells. LOL

OMG, this only after a so/so kiss.
Will they be handcuffed together after sex? ROTFL Eli, you can't be sick, you're just too good to be sick.

My only disagreement is---This is getting old, writers use some fresh material. Remember in Amores Verdaderos Nikki and Guzman would kiss then fight, kiss then fight, over and over 100 times. That's just the way it is, novelas aren't perfect.

Carlos--Plain Jane Simona certainly
wasn't interesting before her makeover, she was always in the shadows, laid back, never out front
She lacked pride and self esteem, but now---now, she's a different person ready to take on the world.
She is interesting now. She has a man probably for the first time in her life and she will fight like a lioness to keep him. Look out Mari,
Lucifer is not your only enemy. You
had trouble/fights on the island, but your fights have only just begun. Peaceful times for you and Lupita back at the ranch, not on your life. before this is all over your hair may be as gray as Santa's

What is to become of Ester and Jack Ass? Will they loose their shack? This could get interesting.
Whatever happens, I bet that Ester will save the pueblo. My money is on Ester, not Jack Ass.

I CAN'T WAIT--I CAN'T WAIT, Just like the famous gunfight at the OK
Corral, tonight will be what will become the equally famous, Showdown
at Rancho Narvaez. If my tv or recorder goes out tonight, I will let out a scream that will be heard
all the way to the end of the block
Every night is a must but tonight is a special must when Maricruz takes physical control of Rancho Narvaez. Did I say, I can't wait?
the gringo


Gringo, your enthusiasm never dims! I too am looking forward to esta noche!

I kind of hope MA calls Tav out in front of everyone,

"First you marry me to get back at your brother, then you planned to marry Doris for her position and now Simona for her money! Why should I ever believe or care what you think? Maybe try being a real man first and not a gigolo" Or something to that affect!

"...guess we were all wrong, he does think, work little brain cell, work and earn your keep!)"

What a great line Eli. And there were lots more. For a gal under the weather, you wrote an awesome recap. And then to get up and make it to work the next day!'re a trooper.

Wish Octavio had half your gumption.

He is just a limp dick of a galan, in spite of the awesome hair and his tender way with infants. Hopefully the writers will pull a switch at some point and make him an attractive manly man again.

I was out last night and missed this. Not sure if I can face watching it. Sounds pretty gruesome.

(But it's in Spanish, it's in Spanish. If I don't watch, then I'll have to work on Spanish verb tenses instead.) Okay! on to watch the tape!

Feel better soon Eli. And thanks.

ohhhh...When Mari gets back to the rancho, I would like to see one of the great scenes from Gone with the Wind reenacted with Scarlet Mari in a big, old hoopskirted dress and a big old hat with all her admirers surrounding her vying for the chance to bring her barbecue.

I'm with Gringo, CAN'T WAIT for tonight. I hope you are feeling better Eli.

Thank you Eli, it was great despite your feeling under the weather.

I think I figured out who's been writing this show. It has to be an 8 year old girl. If you think of it that way, then it all makes complete sense. The immature and inconsistent plot lines, the lack of nakedness and sex scenes, the short term memory losses of many characters, and the falling in love after one kiss. Just how an 8 year old's mind works. 8 year olds don't have the maturity to keep things consistent and relevant. They forget that they told you things and they forget that they didn't tell you things.


Eight year olds, monkey writers, I DON'T CARE---Tonight is the Showdown at Rancho Narvaez. Esta noche hurry, please hurry.

Varipinto---You made made me laugh
with---The feds should investigate
the writers, they are on the hard stuff.

Carivivlie---Maybe after Maricruz tells Lucifer off maybe she will give it to Oblivio also. She might be able to get his brain cell functioning. Ha Ha Well, we'll see tonight.

I'm gonna stick with Vivi's thesis that there's something poisonous, perhaps mercury, in Tav's chapstick. It makes him stupid because of direct contact, and drives all the mujeres he kisses crazy on secondary contact.

Great recap, btw, Eli.

Pobre Oct
Is that what early onset Alzheimers is like?

Eli, this was a super recap, filled with laughs. Hope you feel better, 'cuz I felt so much better after reading it.

It's obvious that Simona's never been kissed before, she had such a powerful reaction to Tav's kiss. She sounded like a young teenager when she told Lucia all about it.

Yes, all the men fall in love with MariAle. It's her dimples on top of her fatal beauty. All she has to do is smile and they go weak at the knees. No telling how many more she'll knock over like bowling pins.

Eli, I just finished reading part 2 and it's every bit as funny and informative as part 1. Thanks so much for taking the time to do this for us. I'm so proud to be on your recapping team. Let's hope that things go better for everyone back at the ranch. I'm even hoping to catch a glimpse of Monktavio tonight and maybe Solita's little boy will get a name before it's time to enroll him in school.



Thanks for part 2, Eli!

When Simona kept going on and on about how passionate the tepid kiss Tav gave her was, I realized that this must have been the first time she's ever been kissed. Poor thing.

I'm glad that in the recent episodes Mari has started to open up to Raiza and Juanita, and started talking about helping others. It makes me like her more.

Ana Patricia Rojo was totally wasted in this TN. There were flashes of how good she is as an evil person at the beginning, but it all went away too soon and her part seems to have been wrapped up quickly and boringly.

Anon 7:51- She is not the only great talent totally wasted in this tn. Oh well. It must have been a bit like a paid vacation for her, Manuel Landeta (Teo), Rocio Banquels (Carola), etc.

Totally agree, Vivi. They are all good at being bad. Oh, well ... maybe next time.
Anon 7:51

Eli thanks so much for this recap in spite of not feeling well. Your work was hilarious Your commentary about poor Simona were spot on yet so sad.

I, too, totally thought I had missed some huge Teo reveal scene with MC. Thanks for clearing that up, Vivi!

I'm SO bummed about JA 2.0. I loved him at the beginning, and even up until he got married, and now he's insufferable!! I'm a sucker for cute ranch-hands, so I hope there's a "come-to-Jesus" in his future.

I love Ester's turn-around, how she is with Lina and how she's so much more interested in helping the other people in the village. New Ester + Old JA would have been a great pareja...

Ever since Simona got all dolled up, it seems her "goodness" may be in jeopardy with her claims to hang on to Octavio by any means necessary... I hope she doesn't go all Dorian Gray, although that's where she seems to be heading.

Eli, thank you for your funny recap.
I think that Vivi"s lightbulb moment for the Isla Dorada's characters might come true. Just look at how Shut up Doris Dog is planning to not pay The Sheriff at all.
I feel sad that Raiza is saying goodbye to MA and maybe to us. I hope she keeps in touch with MA to give her advice.
I thought that Priest looked familiar. Yeah, Vivi, he's the priest from Amor Bravio!.
I noticed that Oblivio slightly squirmed with that kiss with Simona. Yech!!!

How will Eminent domain apply with the Es Mio Ranch? Is there ED in Mexico? I wonder where the poor people would go since they are squatters over at those lands.

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