Tuesday, September 24, 2013

La Tempestad Capitulo 41, Monday Sept 23, 2013 - The Miseries of Mercy

It’s recapper musical chairs night tonight at The Patio. I am recapping tonight’s episode and Gloria has kindly agreed to take Wednesday for me so I can entertain my out-of-town guests all week. Thanks Gloria!

From Friday - The Trial (A big nod to Novela Maven)
Let’s return to The Trial, where Damian knows exactly of what he is accused, though falsely. The Port Captain confirms that Marina urged the PC to request an emergency return for Damian, only to find out said “emergency” was merely a squeeze, a snuggle and vow of eternal togetherness. (The Patio notices the PC is on a first-name basis with Fulgencio and cries of “No Fair!!” ring out.) Fully asks if at any time Dam said he would return with Estercita, Nopis, or at least the PC never heard Dam say it. In other news Robles wakes up, his death was all a ruse. EsterHada angles for a ruby ring for which she will repay her sugar daddy dearly.

Tonight (Scenes mostly in order)
Over in the DF that DamHeli is finally ready for takeoff. Sheesh! ‘Bout time. But don’t breathe a sigh of relief for Mercedes yet...

There is another courtroom recess and the crowd ambles outside. Marina tells Team DamFab that she’s sticking around to support Dam even though the town gives her a hard time. Eusebia thinks Marina is brave and is sure that Dam’s innocence will be proved. Hernan enjoys being negative, “so much proof against Damian Fabre”, and Tia B enjoys getting in Hernan’s face to point out all Fully’s proof is so much hogwash.

The Weird Sisters badmouth Marina, “city girls have no morals or shame”, but Rosario is sidetracked by JazLu crying in Padre T’s arms. When JazLu runs off Rosario follows. She wonders why JazLu lives outside of town.

Jose informs Team DamFab that Mercedes is coming with absolute proof of Dam’s innocence. All she has to do is get there in time with the hard proof. Oso will pick her up in Jose’s truck; he runs off before Marina can loan him her cell phone to call when Mercy lands. (Couldn’t Mercy use her own phone?) Hernan volunteers to sprint a delivery. Instead, he instructs his lackey to do what he must to prevent Mercedes from arriving at the courthouse. What a vile, vengeful villain! (Thanks again NM.)

Back in the courtroom DamHe’sInThatSameShirt enters and sees Hernan give Marina a kiss on the cheek. Does Dam also see that she barely notices the violinist? She is staring at her love, no more of the averted glance for her.

Fully calls Marina to the stand and Valdivia once again SHOUTS the sworn testimony. (Shut Up Valdivia!) Fully accuses her of being a murderess and accomplice of her lover. More disorder in the court. Silencio!!

Both Dam and Herny leap to her defense Dam: “Keep her out of this business.” Herny: “Marina’s reputation is unimpeachable!” Fully looks satisfied at pithing off both these young whippersnappers. Even Bea joins the fray and the judge reminds Senor FFFFFulGENcio Salazar that Marina is not the one on trial.

Fully takes his scolding and regroups, “Miss Reverte, why did you request Dam to return in the middle of his honeymoon? Hmmmm?” Marina retorts she merely wanted to clarify a few things with Dam. She cocks her head and lifts a pretty eyebrow in disdain.

It is Jose’s turn and he asks Marina, as Dams boss, is DamFab a bad person? Nope, she says, but he can really hurt a woman’s feelings. Ouch.

Misery #1 - At last! the super copter lands near the R-Lay-Dee river and Oso is there to pick Mercy up. But the papers aren’t properly contained in a manila envelope, duh, and helpful Alicia manages to drop them. They fly all over the tarmac.  Mercy thinks they have retrieved all the pages, yet we see a few  escapees fly over the beach.

Rosario follows JazLu over the river and through the woods.

Rather pointless short scene where Doc and Nurse check on Magdalena. Her fever is down.

Jose asks Marina to clarify. She says when CapFab worked for her he was a pain, didn’t respond well to orders and was hard to manage, but that doesn’t mean he’s a murderer. Capitan is honest, loyal and responsible and the whole town knows he’s got a great heart. She expounds on his virtues, helps children and the poor, etc. Padre T joins in with specifics on the town’s most awesome citizen. He ignores the judge’s  admonishment and continues his praises, the judge should KNOW the real Damian Fabre. Marina says anyone with a heart as huge and noble as Dam’s couldn’t possibly murder Estrercita or anyone else. Hmmmph! She is only defending him for justice and no other reason. She stares Dam down and for the first, but not the last, time he flinches before her gaze.

Alicia tells Mercy she hopes they got The Important Pages. We get another view of The Important Pages as they tumble merrily across the sand.  (Um, Alicia, about that annual bonus...)

Misery #2 - Oso speeds toward R-Lay-Dee but is stopped by a herd of goats. Don’t hurt the goats Oso!! Remember Gabino Mendoza from Abismo? He would’ve run those little goats right down.

The Castle
Ernesto’s got armed guards stationed on his roof. It’s a party! Ernesto welcomes his guests and proudly introduces Hada to the men and their arm candies. She confidently welcomes the guests. Ernie tells Macario that Hada is ready to be introduced to his business, with her intelligence and beauty she’ll go far in the mafia.

Misery #3 - A pickup truck bashes into Oso’s truck and tries to run them off the road. Oso can’t lose him.


A Little Fable
Fully calls Raul Suarez, the sailboat owner, to the stand. We see a veritable cornucopia of shocked faces accompanied by the sounds of, er, electrical shocks I guess Fully asks a very nervous Señor Suarez if he saw anything unusual the night before Dam and Ester left on their honeymoon voyage. Suarez says he was working late, suddenly he heard a noise and became suspicious. He saw a man in the shadows with something in his hands boarding the sailboat, and that man was El Capitan Damian Fabre. “Es una mentira!” bellows DamIncredulous, “Who paid this man to lie?” The judge orders Jose to control his client or he’s outta there. Fully lifts an eyebrow in triumph.

A Common Confusion
Suddenly the trucks are in the sand spinning donuts? What happened to the road? Oh there it is! The trucks are back on the road and the chase is still on.

Fully asks Suarez if he keeps any exploding thingies around the boatyard. Nope, only some gasoline in well-sealed containers. Fully says then the only thing that could have caused the explosion was the bomb that Capitan Fabre place on the boat? Fully bellows, “Capitan KNEW the bomb was going to explode! That’s why he launched himself overboard just in time!!”  The judge yells Silencio for the umpteenth time and won’t hear Jose’s objection. Fully says with Suarez’s testimony it is clear that Dam and only Dam is the murderer of Estercita. More disorder in the court.

Back at the well-guarded Mafia Ball the other mafia wives complement Hada on her jewelry, but Hada’s looking a little pale. She faints into Ernesto’s arms.  

Jose asks Suarez how long he’s lived in the pueblo. Surely he knows about the empacadora, yes? Well then he knows about the fire at the empacadora where DamFab saved the life of Marina Reverte. And he also knows that this was the same night he swore he saw Dam at the sailboat. Would Suarez care to explain how DamFab could be at two different places at the same time?  Nicely done Jose! Suarez stares at Fully and Fully glares back at him. Suarez had better think of something pronto.

But Suarez says, errrr, he saw El Cap early in the morning, say around 4:00 a.m. Yeah that's right, 4:00 a.m. (Much groaning in the courtroom and the patio.) Jose has no more questions and the judge calls for a recess. Jose tells Marina he hasn’t heard from Mercedes yet.

Misery #4 - Magdalena wakes, hacks a few times, rouses herself and wonders where in the heck she is.  She needs booze!! She hears a nurse outside and whacks her on the head when she enters. The nurse is about Magdalena’s size so her clothes should fit.

Ernesto can’t get Hada to wake up. Macario has never seen Ernesto so upset, not for anyone! The doctor arrives. Hey, is that a ruby ring I see on EsterHada’s finger?

Misery #5 - Marina calls Mercedes but Mercy drops her cellular somewhere in the truck. They are still attempting to evade the other truck.

Marina visits Dam again. Bad news, Mercedes hasn’t shown up yet with proof of his innocence. She tells him she’s going to eject him from her heart and soul. From this day forward he is nothing more than a mere employee to her. She wishes him luck because he’s innocent, but he’s never again to have words with her unless it is to receive her orders.  DamSad thought bubbles it’s for the best, but Marina will never stop being the love of his life.

Rosario follows JazLu to Nereo’s horrible hovel. “Yuck, it’s ugly,” she says. Rosario eavesdrops and hears Nereo say that he is her boss, not her employer Candy. No more waiting tables for her, it’s time to start earning him some real money. Rosario hisses through her teeth that she’ll not let that slut hang around with her baby boy anymore! (Now why couldn’t Nereo find Rosario hanging around and rough her up a little?)

Laz is with Robles and says he was really worried and he’s glad everything worked out. Robles tells Laz he’s got to leave town for a while so watch out for Nereo and take care of Lucia. Laz pointedly avers he would do anything for JazLu because he LOVES her; it’s amar baby, and nothing less.

Oso pulls a swift maneuver and manages to lose the bad white truck. They’ll be at the courthouse soon.

Hernan visits DamInnocent to gloat about Dam going to jail and to say that without Dam in the mix Marina will be "completamente MÍO". DamSecure sniffs and says he, DamFab, is the one who will always be in her heart and thoughts. She might look at Hernan, but she’ll be seeing DamHawt.

Mercedes arrives as the crowd loiters on the stairs of the courthouse. The judge says no fair presenting new evidence but Mercy pleads that she came all the way from Mexico to deliver this report with her own hands. It’s to free an innocent man! Judge says OK as long as the evidence irrefutably proves Dam’s innocence.

The Metamorphosis
Ernesto’s doc says he’s got good news for Ernie. Hada is pregnant!  “A son,” whispers Ernie, a joyful tear in his eye.

Misery #6 - The judge asks is this some kind of joke? There’s nothing new here! Mercy, probably wishing she’d checked the pages BEFORE they got into the truck, says there are Important Pages missing. No Puede Ser!  Sorry says the judge, the current evidence stands.

Ernesto escorts Hada back into the party and announces they are expecting a child. He and Hada are going to be married! She looks very surprised and happy. Macario looks very surprised and not happy.

The Judgment
The judge asks the jury if they have arrived at a verdict. Capitan Fabre is found...CULPABLE. CULPABLE. CULPABLE. CULPABLE. (That would be guiltyx4.) Muchas caras impactadas in the courtroom.

Will Damian find himself...In The Penal Colony? (Anything as long as he gets to change his shirt.)  Stay tuned.



Marvelous recap! Loved all the detail and loved your subtitles of Misery, it sure was.

When those papers of Mercy's went flying, I couldn't help it, so "hear" is the earworm. "The Answer My Friend is Blowin' In The Wind"! I feel so bad for DamInnocent! What a sham of a trial.

Herny just thinks he's got everything all sewn up including Marina es MIO! Oh, I can't stand the es Mio! Not again. Oh and that kiss he gave her on the cheek, she should have swatted him like a fly.

I am so liking Tia Becky! She stands up to Herny, YAY, and not like Bea, sucking up to him.

Where were the nurses and orderlies when Maggie's alarms were going off? She will be on the run again, ugh! Poor Mercy can't win for losing.

Cap'n, I too was wondering why Nereo didn't come outside and give Rosy what for! I hate what he is doing to poor JazLu. Maybe something will happen to prevent that. Rosy needs to SHUT UP!

I am glad the Commandante lives to fight another day. Glad Laz told him he is in love with Jaz. The Commandante looked a tad, how shall I say this, crestfallen? I guess we will have to see.

Oh, and the Hada pregnancy, Ruh Roh, exactly how long has she been with Pervy Ernie? Is this really his child? It's been a while since Ester did the bop with DamDrunk. Hmmmm....thoughts to ponder.

Capn, damfab recap. Just the right amount of snark for the occasion, I loved, "We get another view of The Important Pages as they tumble merrily across the sand. (Um, Alicia, about that annual bonus...)" Really, no manila clasp envelopes in Mexico City or the DF?
and "Ernesto’s got armed guards stationed on his roof. It’s a party!"

Madelaine: I was pondering those same thoughts about "Hada". Wonder what is going to happen when she wakes up from this Stepford Wife dream and realize she's married to the devil and carrying his evil spawn...Well, it could come as a nasty shock, I say.


Good morning Sylvia, Madelaine and Emarie.

"The Miseries of Mercy" theme was perfection. Sylvia, this sparkling, sunny recap has made my day. In addition to what has already been noted, "no more of the averted glance for her","she cocks her head and lifts a pretty eyebrow in distain" and "arm candies" were among my favorites. Wonderful job!

Madelaine, my telenovela sense of how much time has passed from one event to the other is askew. I also wondered if there was any chance the baby might be Dam's? If she is pregnant by Ernesto, it happened quite quickly.

The papers blowing away in the breeze wasn't the worst plot contrivance, but exasperating nevertheless.

Can Hernan become any more unctuous? Think Tia Becky needs to give him a good slapdown.

Now Jaz will have the righteous, hypocrite Rosy against her as well. Things are not looking good for Laz/Jaz or Dam and Marina. Think Becky and Jose need to start fanning the flames, the romance quotient here is almost non-existent.

Let's hope Dam doesn't languish in jail for too long.

Thanks again Sylvia!


You little smartypants! Managing to work in Kafka's Greatest Hits -- I considered it but you DID it!

Your title, of course, is perfect. The Misery that Mercy is unaware of -- Violent, Runaway Mags -- is especially troubling. The girl really whacked that poor nurse. Can this Soul be Saved?

Now that Dam is culpable x 4, does that mean the story is over? His hotness goes to The Penal Colony, Hernán locks Marina in The Castle in Miami, and The Metamorphosis of Esthercita is complete when she becomes La Reina del Centro. What else is there to say?

"Fully calls Marina to the stand and Valdivia once again SHOUTS the sworn testimony. (Shut Up Valdivia!)"

Oh, too much. (I'm so embarrassed that I let Valdivia's shtick pass me by. Glad you are here to pick up the ball.)

"(Um, Alicia, about that annual bonus...)"
Ay ay ay! If only they could see what we see from the Patio.

Gracias, Capitán, for this oh so clever recap. You manage to deliver your lines with such a straight face that the rest of us can't help cracking up.

PS: The Storm Cellar™ now stocks authentic imitation ruby rings.


Cap'n,thank you for a damfabulous recap.
Madelaine- ITA about Tia Becky who unlike her sister can smell a rat.
Magdalena is a strong patient, able to knock out a nurse and change clothes after being sedated- wow!!
I noticed how clean the jail cell was that DamFab was in during the recess. Hmmm!
This whole trial is such a scam!
Who is Hada/Esther's baby's daddy??
I'm hoping that it's not DamFab.


Sylvia- I am so glad I didn't watch this dismal episode! But I wouldn't have missed your recap for the world. You managed to make all these depressing developments, funny. Dios mio! Will the writers throw us a bone with some happy developments (and I don't mean Hada's pregnancy)?


"my telenovela sense of how much time has passed from one event to the other is askew."

Diana, I'm having the same problem. Days? Weeks? Months? I have no idea. Let's see...if we can find out the date of the Coronation...

I wanna know what's going to happen when Hada wakes up and realizes that Hernan can identify her and still left her there. I also wanna see Fully's reaction when he finds out that his daughter was sold and Hernan knew all about it.

As always, you are awesome Cap'n


Ahoy, Cap'n...Thanks for e great breakfast read. I was surfing from Lt to The Voice to DWTS.

I think that the bun in the oven that Ernie seems to be so proud about is actually DamPotent's work. HadaEster's hair pulled back so tightly that I fear she might suddenly start spinning like a top if that topknot becomes undone. Maybe that would bring her memory roaring back.

Gracias Cap'n
Here we go, cliche #5, pregnant faint.

"the evidence against Damscrewed stands" what EVIDENCE?

An explosion while you are in the water!!!!, not so good. Ask the fish.

Mejia!!!! leave Monica Miguel alone!!

What happened to Eusebia's powers, "Damf'd will be found innocent", not until some time in la cárcel & hopefully a wig trim.
I didn't hear a thing about Damsuffering when he came on the beach & in the hospital. José, what happened?oh yeah, Mejia.


Poor Madrina! I bet she saw this coming, she shed that single tear in the courtroom at the guilty verdict. This must have been one of the obstacles she was telling Marina about before.

Fully did this to just get back at Michel Fabre. Guess he didn't get the message that Michel has been dead and gone for years! I hope Mercy finds some way of getting back at Fully for what he has done.

Good morning everyone. I just assumed that EsterHada's baby is DamPotent's.(Good one Susanlynn.) Ernesto was just too thrilled for it to actually be his, and this caused me to snicker. So I guess time will tell but I'm guessing Macario will be the happy little elf if Ernesto's "heir" turns out to be El Capitan Fabre's.

NM, I was impressed and distressed at the whack that Mags gave that poor nurse. It didn't look like a fake whack to me. Ouch!

I like how Tia Becky is always physically inserting herself between Hernan and Marina. Her body language is strong.

Yes PLEASE a wig trim in la carcel!

This is such a wonderful recap, Sylvia. Hilarious and so well-crafted. Thanks.

Well, my esteem for Mercedes has slipped a few notches. And those were the original copies? Hernán needn't have bothered sending his guy to slow them up. No wonder she lost both her daughters... she can't even keep a few pages of evidence safe.

How is it that Hernán was allowed to visit Damián in his cell? And that kiss in the court room? Yikes!


NovelaMaven: "The Storm Cellar™ now stocks authentic imitation ruby rings".


I've always wanted a ruby! Maybe this will fit the bill! :)


Cap'n Sylvia - Thanks. My favorite "Dam": DamHe’sInThatSameShirt

Well, Eusebia said Dam will be found innocent but she just didn't say *when.* I feel bad for Jose - he did the best he could, pointing out that Dam couldn't be in two places at the same time. Just what was in those Very Important Papers anyway?

Estercita seems happy - with the baubles, Ernesto, expecting a baby, and getting married. Wondering what business she thinks Ernest is in.

yes, my favorite "dam ism" was DamHe'sInThatSameShirt. i suppose he must be smelling pretty ripe by now. However, with those luscious lips and sad , puppy eyes, I guess I could just hold my breath for awhile. it can't be any worse than the perfume from the roll on bottle that my three-year-old grand girl Lily likes to bathe herself in...yech.

This storyline with Estercita/Hada is SO bizarre that I have no idea where the writers are going to take it. I kind of like that.

She's had enough flashes of memory, that it seems that it won't be too long before she remembers her former life. But what will she do when she remembers? Will she look at her life with Ernesto and think this is a pretty sweet deal, I'm going to stick around here?

The news of her non-demise will affect a lot of people-- Dam, Marina, Delfina, Mayuya.

The news of her sale into sex slavery, and that Hernan knew, will create ripples through the entire human slavery gang-- from the boss Ernesto, on down to Hernan and Fully. That will NOT be a pretty revelation.

The baby news, and the mystery of who is the father, could set off a deadly chain of events involving Ernesto and Damian.

We're supposed to think that this triangle between Marina, Dam and Hernan is the real show, but I think it's Estercita/Hada.

Mads, thanks for the daily earworm.

I am parroting what some of you have already pointed out, but I am liking Ximena Navarrete's portrayal of Marina. I like how she went from zero eye contact with Dam to staring him down whenever she can. She's not screechy and over the top like some actresses. She seems to be who she is and I like that. She has also clearly tried to improve her craft which I respect.

Vivi, at the moment I am also more interested in EsterHada's situation. So many possibilities...

cap'n ....I agree that Miss X is doing a pretty good job in her maiden voyage as a novela leading lady, and I think that we can see her improve with each episode. I think that we can thank Monica M.for her growth as an actress. I also love her wardrobe...her clothes and jewelry...sign me up for her pretty, but comfylooking style.

It seems that the forces of good and evil are lining up as storylines from the past and present collide. Mercedes, Marina, DamFab, his ghostdad Michel, and magical Eusebia. Vs. AwFULperson, Ernie, Hernan I am not sure where HadaEster figures in the battle. Will she be reformed and help the good guys ? It can't hurt the good guys having Eusebia's mojo and the pragmatic Jose on their team.

Sylvia: Count me in for liking XN too! I like her quiet fire.

Vivi, your theory that Ester is the heart of this has merit. Ester is the quiet that will become the storm once her identity is revealed. Agree with Niecie that she seems rather pleased to be getting married. However, once it's established she is already married, I'm not convinced she will still have the same Damdesire she had previously, given her present, lavish lifestyle.

Things look Damglum for him, even if he is released from jail. What is looming may be far, far worse. Hernan might be child's play compared to Ernesto (as you already pointed out Vivi).

Still I have hope. "It can't hurt the good guys having Eusebia's mojo and the pragmatic Jose on their team". Yes. Salvation with the help of dedicated and loyal friends. That's what I am hoping for too Susanlynn!


Capitan Sharkbait:

This was a fine recap , Sylvia. The recap was MUCH better than the capitulo.

Some favorite lines:

'Tia B enjoys getting in Hernan’s face to point out all Fully’s proof is so much hogwash.'

'The Weird Sisters badmouth Marina, “city girls have no morals or shame”

'Fully calls Marina to the stand and Valdivia once again SHOUTS the sworn testimony. (Shut Up Valdivia!)'

I wonder if a shouted oath has the same sincerity and emphasis as ALL CAPS in recaps. (Hee hee).

Plus, some oath takers put their hands up with elbows bent and some looked like they were completing a Fascist salute. Hideous.

Also loved, "DamHe’sInThatSameShirt". That made me LOL, amiga.

Also, 4 AM? Wasn't our hero in Hospital recovering from smoke and burns at 4 AM?

Sylvia, your recap was great. I have to confess that I did not like the epi one bit.My beanie popped off in the courtroom scenes and was gone with the wind along with the missing evidence that would clear Damian.

My only hope is that the guilty verdict will mean that the Prisoner gets a shower and a haircut.

Thanks, Sylvia, for the fine recap of a yukky episode.

Elna June

ITA with all you say regarding Mejia.I am worried that the stupidities have only begun. Let nothing happen to Monica Miguel, por favor!

Mads and Diana:
I cannot ABIDE Rosy. She is the biggest hypocrite in this TN. She is utterly unlikable.



Hi there Cap'n. Like everyone else, enjoyed your hilarious recap. You got me with "over the river and through the woods" followed by (um Alicia, about that annual bonus...)and finished me to off with DamSecure and DamHawt. And then of course Susanlynn had to sneak in with a DamPotent! Good way to end an up and down day. Many thanks. Episode: AWFUL Recap: WONDERFUL 'nuff said.

Maybe it will cheer up some of the grumpier Patio denizens to know that today is National Punctuation Day.

Reflect, if you will, that a comma can save a life:

It's time to eat Grandpa!
It's time to eat, Grandpa!

And I thought Mercedes's trek from Mexico to R-Lay-Dee was HILARIOUS.

(Does that make me a bad person?)

Hilarious novela Maven, "time to eat grandpa". I think I am a comma over-user,,,,,,,.

I wish I could take credit for "Grandpa," but I'm afraid it's not original. Glad you got a chuckle out of it though.

Fabulous recap, Cap'n! Wish I had not seen that episode, but the recap made up for it.

elna june sonoma - I am so disgusted with Rosy. She is more irritating and hypocritical than Bea! She's totally delusional, with her self-righteous behavior.

Marea Primavera

This comment has been removed by the author.

Thank you Cap'n for this wonderful recap!

Loved "(Um, Alicia, about that annual bonus...)"

They should have put those IMPORTANT papers in some manilla envelope. I too wonder what was on those papers that proved DamInnocent's innocence. How convenient for the bad guys that the pages of papers that were left behind were the ones that were needed to prove DamInnocent's innocence.

"The judge asks the jury if they have arrived at a verdict. Capitan Fabre is found...CULPABLE. CULPABLE. CULPABLE. CULPABLE. (That would be guiltyx4.)"

They sure love to repeat words for dramatic effect in novelas, don't they?? Poor DamFab. I hope that he doesn't have to spend that much time in prison.

When EstherHada fainted, I knew that she'd end up pregnant. It was so predictable. I too wonder who could be the father. For the baby's sake, I hope that it is DamFab. I don't think Ernie is father material.

Marea Primavera:

I am stuck on the Nosy Rosy thing.

Love the 'Grandpa' example. I am going to have to hand off my recap to the punctuation police before I hit "post". I am terrified at what the punctuation cops (PC) will find.


"Reflect, if you will, that a comma can save a life." Bwahahahaaaa!!! Dang that's funny.

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