Thursday, October 24, 2013

CI, # 118, Thur., Oct. 24, 2013. Octavio Is Easily Moved, while Padre Julian Stands His Ground

Previously, more or less
Padre Julian visits Tav and Simona. She wants to talk baptism for the baby, while Padre and Tav are concerned for the po’ folks and their needs. When a riled Tav exits the room, Simona tells the Padre she has to keep Tav on a tight leash. (So—her casa is his casa, but only to a limited extent?)
MC and Santa discuss the priest, who reconciled her to God and appreciates her efforts
to help the poor.

Neighborhood Chit Chat, Slander and Stuff
            Santa gives MC marriage advice—don’t do it unless you have love. You must have love for marriage to work. MC agrees that marital duties are only pleasant if love is involved.  (So how does Tav stack up here? He’s MC’ only experience.) Later, MC plays with Lupita on the bed, blowing lips and making funny noises (maybe their best interaction so far). Her mind is elsewhere, pondering a possible marriage.

            Migreedy and Simona gossip in the parlor, with Mig gleefully saying MC has a boyfriend and her time here is almost up. Simona’s equally gleeful at hearing the news. Later, Simona asks Migreedy to tell her the truth about her illness. He still insists it’s nerves, all nerves, and nothing but nerves.

            Clorinda visits Ester, who’s holding her baby, and learns that JA and Ester are moving to Rancho Simona. Clo says that won’t last long, since everyone knows Simona is dying. Ester is muy impactada.  Adding details, Clo says it’s a brain tumor and Simona is getting what she deserves.  She was stingy, indifferent and refused to give alms. (The medical facts on this are skimpy.)

            Oblivio is outside, convincing himself that MC needs to act more reserved and set a good example for her daughter. If she keeps on, he’ll take Lupita away.  Agitated, he punches an innocent hammock.

            Following this same track, Tav starts a conversation with Simona. (He blows like a weathervane, changing direction.) She brought the baby downstairs and Tav holds his son. From the brief glimpse we get, he’s (no name?) a cutie. If it were necessary, could Lupita live with them? Simona doesn’t think MC would give up the adorable Lupi, but she could stay ONLY if MC were no longer around. (After all, Tav is so easily tempted.)

            Simona follows up in an interview with JA. Is he still in love with MC? He says it was a long ago crush. Have they had an affair? No, she always treated him well, but that’s all. Tav enters and thinks she’s telling JA about his new duties. No, this was private. Simona takes a snotty dig at MC, Tav calls JA a disloyal traitor and they almost trade punches. Simona gets between the two men to stop the fight. Tav says the classic line, “This ranch isn’t big enough for both of us!” JA leaves and Tav tells his wife that JA is a low life. Simona responds that he idolizes MC too much.  
The Temptation of Padre Julian
            Padre Julian pays MC a visit, mentioning not everyone feels sympathy for the poor. Maricruz says Solita still won’t eat or care for her child. Perico was seduced away from Solita by the low-down trashy painter lady.  

            Padre, trying to help, goes to visit careless Natrasha and her unbuttoned cleavage. He says she should release Perico from her spell. No can do, unless Padre will trade places and model instead. She has a new masterpiece in mind, featuring a priest facing temptation. He’s doubtful and suggests she do it out of charity. Sorry, she’s neither charitable nor religious.

            Padre Julian reports to MC and says he might pose for Natrasha. It could be a test from God (or the devil, probably). An angry Perico comes to the house, saying Trasha dismissed him. Padre says she would only dump him in the end.  Perico claims Solita is immature and is rude to both MC and the padre. After MC tells Perico to leave, she laments the situation is hopeless.

            The next day, Natrasha is coaching the Padre (clothed in a long cassock) how to look desperate and tempted. He’s not showing emotion like Perico did. She claims she could make the perro parrot tremble like a leaf.  Padre, wondering how he ended up in this mess, says he could have been so many things but chose to be a humble missionary priest. Trasha, with a sly smile and seductive eyes, puts her hand on Padre Julian’s cheek. “Careful,” he tells her and says she needs to kneel down and ask pardon of God. He pushes on her shoulder to prompt this action.

            Later, Natrasha complains to her Nana how much pain is in her shoulder. Nana puts ice on it, but doesn’t see much evidence. (Hmm? Was a supernatural force at work?)  From the evidence we've seen on screen, Natrasha’s skill as a painter is vastly overrated, but that’s just my opinion.

The Rest of the Scandal and So Forth
            MC and Alvaro are riding in the countryside (the banda music is inexplicably missing). MC is explaining the history of Ranco Narvaez and its horticulture and animal husbandry. Mig, who is sneaky as well as lazy and greedy, is hiding in the bushes watching them. He’s eager to show his brother this “proof” of MC’ affair.

            Mig urges Tav to come see the evidence of MC’ so-called affair with Alvaro, so the bros mount and ride out. They see the couple dismounting under the trees and walking out to the field. Migreedy wants Tav to know that Alvaro is actually staying in her house now. Alvaro does grab MC by the waist briefly when she stumbles, but that’s about the extent of the “proof.” We aren’t surprised that Tav is convinced by such flimsy evidence, though.

            Solita is still grieving and still sitting at the table, with MC and Santa trying to persuade her to eat. MC tries the “airplane” feeding method often used with babies. In fact, they’re treating Solita like a child. Later, MC is embracing Solita as they sit on the couch. Padre Julian comes in to inquire about Solita. Perico hasn’t returned and the Padre asks God’s mercy on her.
            Hermino, of the Rancho Simona staff, comes to Miguel complaining that JA is no good. Migreedy tells him not to worry, he knows it will all work out.

            Simona is in bed resting, but speaks when Tav opens the door. He explains it’s time to bring his daughter to live there and asks her permission. She says his daughter and son can be raised as siblings, but only after MC is gone from the area. This doesn’t satisfy Tav, who decides he will take his daughter, even if he has to abandon the dying Simona and leave the ranch with Lupita. 

            (People, is this not crazy? He just gave up fleeing with MC so he could support Simona in her illness. Now he’s going to leave Simona so he can protect his daughter from an upright musical engineer step-father? What? She might learn to play the tuba and see her mother kiss another man? I don’t know whether to puke or go blind!)

Previews—MC listens to Alvaro’s proposal and responds, I think.  Whatever.


OMG! I've read it, but I still can't believe it. Natrasha is trying to tempt the 100 year old Padre?! The Padre is posing for Natrasha?! Tav thinks Mari is having an "affair" when he's married to someone else?! Tav is going to take his daughter and leave, leaving his son behind?! WTF?! I am so glad I didn't watch. But I am very happy I read your recap. Well done!

La Paloma,

Thanks so much for this fab recap! The temptation of the Padre, Que, Que, What????? He also called her a witch that casts spells. Some spells, more like her girlz do all the talking ; )

$imona did mention the bebe's name this evening as bebe Octavlito. So he must be a Jr. I don't want Lupita to live there, cause I'm sure the way $imona is, she would take all her frustations out on poor Lupita. Besides, Tav swore he gave up his parental rights. He is truly a one celled idiot.

That guy that complained about JA being no good? He was in it with JA and the selling of the cattle.

GreedyMig is a huge A$$ he really, really needs to go already! I can't wait for his huge piecarted anvil.

Yeah, Tav and the evidence? Looked like two friends going for a walk. I could see if they had been caught in a clinch! Tav did this to himself, 'nuff said.

I especially liked your heading of "Nieghborhood Chit Chat, Slander and Stuff..... I am still laughing, thank you so much!

La Paloma, thanks for your great recap of what was the worst episode yet (in my opinion). The padre now joins Santa in the land of characters you thought were trustworthy but who turned out to be just as nuts as the others. The whole Natasha and the padre plot was silly and disgusting.
What might await us tonight? The moonkey should probably run screaming so he doesn't do something bizarre and end up with Santa and the padre.


Now taking into consideration I was recovering from food poisoning, this episode literally made me want to....well you know. And reading your wonderful recap La Paloma, and may I say I agree with your contempt of this mess, I got that same nauseous feeling again this morning.

WTH is with this character of Natrasha anyway?? We lost the likes of Tobias, Doris, Teo, etc. to bring her sorry a** into this story just so could work her way through all the men in the area? Yeah, that was real fascinating...none of them are worth their salt anyway. She can have them. And now we had to sit and watch her seduce an elder priest? This is worth screen time? I have no words....

As for the rest of this. Lord, Tav wants to take his daughter on what grounds? But then, the Rat Pack have are denizens living in an alternate universe it seems, so I'm sure they will actually play this like he would have a real chance. He had me melting as usual when he held "Jr.", lord the kids love him, but as always, you feel like you want to smack him up the side of the head when he opens his mouth to spew his nonsense.

Thank you Rat Pack for thoroughly ruining the character of Solita. Viewerville has a nice slice of cheese waiting for you in that serving dish on the patio---ignore that metal spring thingee...

I feel like I want to yell to Alvaro---run, run away now and don't look back!!



Yes, La Paloma, this is crazy, and getting crazier. But I can't wait for the priest to strip down for a painting. That will be worth putting up with this show. Thanks for the recap.

Octavio ceded over his parental rights to MC when he left Isla Dorado and married Simona. How does he think he can now take his daughter? How can we put up with this for 2 more months?


I put the following comment on the previous recap page late last night, but I brought it here in case no one saw it, because I want to go on record too:

"I confess I am also counting the recaps I have left to do. I watched the whole thing already and I have no interest whatsoever in rewatching any remaining episodes. But I'm sticking to my commitment to do a recap every two weeks until the bitter end. I will try to follow the bullet point format, though "concise" is not exactly my forte.

This novela should have ended around episode #100 - until then I still found it entertaining despite its flaws. But since then it has been pure torture. As soon as I saw the finale on the Mexico broadcast I proceeded to delete C.I. from my DVR programming. I hope saying that is not considered a spoiler at this point, since more than one person has mentioned already how it only gets worse and worse."

"(People, is this not crazy? He just gave up fleeing with MC so he could support Simona in her illness. Now he’s going to leave Simona so he can protect his daughter from an upright musical engineer step-father? What? She might learn to play the tuba and see her mother kiss another man? I don’t know whether to puke or go blind!)"

Well said la Paloma. Loved all your headings and agree with every one of your rants. This telenovela has veered from stupid to stupider to absolutely insane. Sorry you recappers have to ride the runaway train 'till the end.

Latina, your dedication is awesome and we all thank our great group of recappers for giving us some inspired reviews. All I can say at this point is we can have some fun just being amazed at how this TN just continues to disintegrate before our eyes. Can you imagine the poor performers who showed up every day to have to spout this stuff? I just keep hoping that this summer of "fun" we've had with CI and PEAM is soon replaced with some TN's of some better quality. Robo looks promising ( and I can "enjoy" watching SR...always fun.) At this point, almost anything decent may be a step up.


YIKES. Natrasha putting the moves on padre, and that wrestling match between the padre and Natrasha was just so bizarre. Get Ye behind me , satan....or at least do not get in my way while I am wrestling this crazy witch.

Paloma, had I not seen this episode with my on eyes.... well, what an amazing job this recap is, I especially appreciated,

"I don’t know whether to puke or go blind!"


Well, at least we have a name for one of the boys... Octavito... how original. Why now? I was going to name him Abednigo in tonight's recap.

I had such high hopes for Natasha when she first appeared. I thought her target was Octavio... now it's the Padre? Yikes!


Thanks Paloma for a fab recap! This
TN is getting truly strange. Who writes this stuff and how are they still employed? Natasha is just a waste of space. I expect stupidity from Oblivio but Mig is in the wrong play. He should be playing Eyago in Shakespear's Othelo. Don't get me started on Simona. Oblivio is your husband,good or bad, he is physically in your home. why isn't that enough for her? She knew going into this fiasco that he didn't love her. Someone should have told her you can't force love later. What a bunch of retards!!


If anyone ever watched Mar de Amor, it too started out great, same writers and producer, and then went to Crazy Town. The writing was all over the place and it was extended way beyond it's shelf life. Same here. 'Nuff said.

Geez, how old is Lazyass Migreedy ????...13 ??? MC has a boyfriend..What's it to you, Bozo? I wish that he had been in that hammock that Oblivio punched? The most appropriate anvil for Miglazy would be if he was forced to GET A JOB. By the way, does he even remember that he has a little son ???? LOSER.

As for Jackass, I am trying to conjure up a fitting pie cart for him. .... maybe drowning in the rio while posing in the buff for Natrasha.

Susanlynn, I would almost suggest to have Ester find him and Natrasha going at it, but I think she would just blame herself for his infidelity.

If it's so devoid of even a weak plot and rumor has it it gets worse, we should be BEGGING UNI to cut, cut, and cut some more so we can end this by Christmas.

What recessive genes are in play with Marcruz/Octavio's daughter with the delightful curly/frizzy hair where both her parents have lovely, but straight hair?

Anon 12:45- I think we are to believe that Mari's hair now is only a result of her beauty education under Don Ale. Before that, she had wild curly/wavy hair.


That's all I have for today. I need bleach for my brain.

La Paloma Thank you for a great recap--a full recap.

Everyone is SOOOOOOO shocked with Natrasha and padre Julian--monkey writers??? Not at all. It's EASY to understand. Natrasha is trash plain and simple. She is not about doing good and could care less about having sex with the padre---
but if she was able to seduce him and cause him to sin, if she could bring the good padre to his knees, she would consider her accomplishment to be nothing less than a gold star achievement. She would revel in it. One would expect
something like this from someone of her character.

One Cell is not surprising either.
Octavio has been back and fourth almost from day one. Daisynjay said that Tav want's to take his daughter away from Mari but on what grounds? There are no grounds
however Tav's emotions run ahead of his brain and we all know that he only has one brain cell. Everyone thinks that this is SOOOOO
stupid {JudyB--Daisynjay--Cathyx,
etc.} At a company that I used to work for, there was a man just like One Cell. This man was a good person but was back and fourth constantly. He would say what he would do, but never did what he said or he would do ridiculous things that would have us all shaking our heads. We knew that he meant well and he didn't have any monkey writers writing a script for him. We all soon learned that's just the way he was. Tav's twin? Maybe.
the gringo


Hello everyone.

I want to thank all the recappers. I love everyone's recaps. I just found this site about two months ago. I only understand half of what is said. I wish I knew about this site when I was watching Un Refugio para el Amor.

Although this show is maddening, I am hooked. Things are so bad that the priest taking down Natrasha last night was a highlight for me. Sad.

Thanks again,

Welcome Caryn!

Welcome Caryn,

Did someone tell you that there'd be a monkey, too? Please feel free to add your thoughts and comments to ours.


La Paloma thanks for enduring this mess and giving us a recap. Oh my goodness, just when you think things have hit a new low, the priest becomes a victim of horrible writing.

Well at least one of the nameless children has a name.

Welcome Caryn, glad you are enjoying the show. Please do comment.

Welcome to the fun times, Caryn!! Looking forward to seeing you join in the discussions.


It sure was fun seeing Padre go all "Old Testament" on Natrasha! I couldn't otherwise come up with a verb to describe when the padre did, but sure glad that was part of his arsenal.

Great recap, thanks Paloma!

Caryn---Glad you are enjoying the show, I sure am. I'm hooked just like you and have been from day one, but We are in the minority.
the gringo


Paloma. great recap.
Welcome Caryn. I too regretted not having Caray Caray during the time of "Teresa" my favorite tn then.
At least in this episode, no one critiqued MC as much.
I really felt that Octavio was consistent in being inconsistent.
How I hated JA and Migreedy slandering and defaming MC that I couldn't sleep at all.
as for Simona, I'm wondering how come since she couldn't be operated on, how come she doesn't have her intermittent attacks or symptoms of her tumor like before. It should be progressing until her impending demise.
As for Natrasha, I mentioned before that she is an amoral person and now we found out that she is also irreligious. Those but not a good painter/artist.
And what's with the wide headband? Is it to signify of her wild boho style?I wonder who her Capataz is since is so idle.The priest should have asked her for donation and mind you not used clothing like Simona's offer.

Natrasha was simply trying to "seduce" the padre to get a reaction from him that she could translate onto the canvas. His (understandably) feeble efforts at posing were giving her nothing, so she thought she could shock him into emoting something. Instead, it backfired on her and she had to kneel to is righteous anger. I thought it was hilarious.

Welcome, Caryn, and feel free to add comments.

Thanks to everyone for sharing insights and comments. At least we know we're not alone in our confusion and disbelief.

It's a good thing the Padre didn't ask Natrasha for used clothes for the poor. She might have stripped down on the spot.

Mr. MollyC had a great observation about our hero Octav tonight. When he saw him punching the hammock, he said, "Feet of jelly." What do you think, folks. Is Octavio aka JellyFeet?

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