Wednesday, October 30, 2013

La Tempestad Cap #67. 10.29.13. Welcome To Our HellHole, Captain Fabre! - Pester Salazar

Cut scenes in this color

The Old: 

The Pester Blackmail - Either DamFab moves in with Pester and ditches Marina or he'll never ever see his beloved son again. What is a DamFineDad to do? 

The New: 

DamOhSoFine thinks Pester is nuts. The Patio nods their head in agreement. He'll never live with her and he won't let her blackmail him. Ok fine then Pester will be leaving. She leaves leaving behind the documents she gave DamFineDad so he can confirm they are legal. Marina thinks Pester has no limits. How can she be capable of separating her son from his DamFineDad? DamFineDad assures Marina he won't allow Pester to take his son from him. 

Henan has taken a sip of the spiked OJ. You know the OJ with the happy pills Ursula has been slipping him so he can shall we say chill out. He apologizes for pushing her into the pool. But her argument with Zully was getting on his last nerve. She tells him she's jealous of Zully. He likes her jealously because it means she's interested. He asks her about her necklace. She tells him Fully gave it to her in exchange for her agreeing to spy on him. 

DamFine and Marina consult Jose on what can be done to stop Pester. Jose can have the documents annulled but it will take time. Meanwhile nothing can stop Pester from leaving the country with her son. 

Pester tells Delfina she's leaving. Delfina doesn't want her to leave. Pester chews out her mother for never defending her when Fully mistreated her. You were not able to protect Mayuya either. May she rest in peace btw, says Pester. Delfina thinks Pester is being unfair. You know how your father is..says Delfina. Pester accuses her mother of being a terrible mother and well Delfina accuses Pester of being a terrible mother herself. Pester tells Delfina only one person can make her change her mind. Who is that person you ask? Well her DamFineHubby of course. 

Ursula assures Hernan she'd never betray him. If it were her intention to betray him then she would have kept quiet about spying on him. They will come up with what she'll tell Fully. Whatever it is will be to Hernan's convenience. Hernan rewards Ursula's loyalty by giving her a bracelet which she loves. She rewards his gift by sucking face with him a little before pushing him down on the sofa and getting on top of him and sucking his face some more. There goes my dinner. 

Delfina asks Marina to break it off with DamOhSoFine. Marina stands firm at least for now and refuses to do this. She tells Delfina she's preggers. Delfina was not expecting this. Delfina insists on the break up because her grandchild is at risk at the hands of Pester.

Pester admits to DamOhFine that he is her DamWhim. She won't leave him alone. Consuelo eavesdrops. 

Hernan and Ursula continue to suck face until Marcelino interrupts them thank goodness. Hernan snaps at Marcelino. Mercelino tells Hernan there is a Fed there to see him. The Fed is Guerrero and has come to ask Hernan some questions about a certain black wigged freak. 

Ernesto asks DocFriend for some documents he needs to leave the country. He asks DocFriend if he knows anything about Mac's death. All DocFriend knows is Mac's body has been found. Ernesto thinks it was a good idea to have erased all the contacts on Mac's cellphone except for Hernan's number. 

Hernan tells Guerrero he hardly knew the black wigged freak but Guerrero assumed he knew him well since well his number was the only one found on Mac's cellphone. Guerrero drops the bomb and tells Hernan his black wigged pal is dead. Hernan is the only one who can give the Feds the info needed to capture the murderer. 

Ernesto knows Hernan will slither his way out of being a suspect of Mac's death but the whole thing will give him a headache. Nereo butt kisses and agrees with Ernesto. Of course Hernan would love to have your brains, says Nereo. Ernesto tells him to shut it and to go pack. Ernesto needs the documents to leave the country ASAP. 

Delfina insits and insists on Marina breaking up with DamOhSoFine. She goes as far as getting on her knees. Now we know where Pester gets it from. 

Consuelo blabs it all and tells DamFineDad what a terrible mother Pester is. She asks DamFineDad to do what he has to do to prevent Pester from leaving with the baby. 

Delfina continues to grovel and beg: "Don't take the little happiness I have left. You are young and have a whole life ahead of you and all I have is my daughter and grandchild. Please stop seeing DamOhSoFine. Do it for me and not for Pester." ShutUpDelfina. 

Lazaro and JazLu

Ok, let me summarize the scenes with this storyline into three paragraph since it was the same old same old throughout this two episode combo. 

Lazaro continues to ask for forgiveness and JazLu rejects him. He tries to stop her from leaving the house but she leaves anyway. She won't ask for a divorce because she respects Padre T and because she believes in marriage. She goes to live at La Guacamaya. Lazaro goes over there to see her again. Candy lets him in to see JazLu. Again Lazaro asks for forgiveness and again she rejects him. This time however Lazaro kisses JazLu and she gives in but she ends up resisting. She kicks him out. 

Padre T and Fully intervene and attempt to convince JazLu to forgive Lazaro. They have no luck. Fully hopes JazLu never finds out he was behind Lazaro's molestation. Padre T tells JazLu how "Christ forgave those who crucified him." 

Lazaro chews out ShutUpRosy for being a selfish bitch. What makes me selfish? asks ShutUpRosy. You don't let me grow up and want to keep me at your skirt. It is just like Fully has been telling me, says Lazaro. ShutUpRosy insults Fully. Fully may be all those things you say but at least he worries about me and tries to help me unlike you, says Lazaro. ShutUpRosy is left worried about losing Lazaro. A little too late for that....

End of Laz and JazLu storyline from last night. 

Hernan is stunned. Stunned I tell you over Mac's death. Everyone knew Mac was his right hand man. Could this be some sort of warning? He suspects Fully is behind all of this. He asks Ursula to find out if Fully is indeed behind it all. Ursula will do as asked. Little do both of them know they are being eavesdropped on by a certain skank named Zully. 

Hernan asks Ursula to leave him alone because he needs to think. She asks him what will happen with Zully. He tells her not to worry he's not interested in Zully. Ursula leaves and Zully hides so as not to be seen. 

Marina goes to see Pester to convince her stay in town. Marina wasted her saliva because Pester refused to remain in R-Laydee if DamOhSoFine and Marina are together. Only if Marina breaks it off with DamOhFine will Pester see reason. Pester kicks Marina out and tells Marina she'll be the only one to blame if her son grows up without his DamFineDad. 

Magda overhears Mercedes pouring her heart out to La Virgencita. Mercedes tells La Virgencita how much Magda's rejection hurts her. How much she suffers because Magda does not believe in her love. And so on. Magda touches Mercedes on the shoulder but when Mercedes turns around Magda flees. 

Marina tells Bea she's about to lose DamOhSoFine. Because she loves DamOhSoFine she knows that he'd suffer being away from his son. Besides everyone insists the baby would be at risk if Pester leaves with him. Bea sheds a tear and thinks to herself how much it hurts her to see Marina suffering. Marina tells Bea she has to make a decision. She can't be selfish like Pester. 

Valentin admits to Magda he's attracted to her. But he couldn't do anything because well he is her padrino after all. Magda is speechless. Right now Magda has a lot of things on her mind. Valentin understands. He didn't come to talk about love he just wanted her to know how he felt. Umm isn't talking about how you feel talking about love? Anyway, he tells her he can't be her padrino anymore and has found a replacement. Will they see each other again? Yep they will. Not for a while though but in the future they will see each other to talk about their feelings. He gently and very sweetly kisses her on the cheek. 

Fully thoughtbubbles about having to investigate if Ernesto left a will. He won't let Pester lose Ernesto's fortune. He thinks Hernan has to find out his grandson is Ernesto's son. Which would mean Fully is the only one who should be the Big Boss. 

DamWorried asks Jose to keep him up to date on what needs to be done to stop Pester from taking his son away. Marina enters. She stares at DamOhSoFine from behind and thinks about how he is her only love. DamOhSoFine notes her presence. Marina tells him it hurts her to say this to him but for their wellbeing and for his son's wellbeing it is best they break up. 

Hernan won't be answering his cellphone for motives he'll tell Pester later. Pester updates him on what has been going on with The Pester Blackmail. Hernan isn't as thrilled as Pester would have expected because he has other things on his mind. He has to find out if Fully is behind all of what has happened. 

DamYouAreSoRight thinks breaking up is the WORST DECISION EVER. And he's DamRight. She loves him so much she's willing to sacrifice herself so he doesn't suffer not being close to his son. And you prefer to see me suffer by not being with you? he asks. No, but I couldn't watch you suffering not knowing where your son is, she responds. He tells her that he'll fight for his son and she tells him she doesn't want his son to suffer by being away from his mother. She tells him their love is not meant to be. If they insist on being together then someone will end up hurt. He tells her they can find a solution. She insists on breaking up and he is getting a little DamPissed and asks her why she insists on deceiving herself. 

Hernan continues to suspect Fully is behind the strange call he received and Mac's death. Marcelino informs Hernan that Fully has come to pay him a visit. Fully wants an update on The Pester Blackmail. Hernan tells him it will all turn out good. 

DamOhSoFine tells Marina breaking up will make them and their child suffer. Is that what she wants? Of course not she says. He says DamSweetThings to her. She still insists on the breakup. He tells her his father taught him to fight and not give up. His Madrina taught him everything has a solution. Letting her go would be betraying their love and honor. He wants to keep on fighting until the end. She insists it is best they don't see each other for now. She kisses him and leaves. 

Fully wants Hernan to enlist the help of the men in the organization so they can help with his campaign to be president. Hernan will do this. But if Fully fails them then he knows what his fate will be. Fully assures him he won't fail them. He's no traitor like Hernan was to Ernesto. 

Magda returns home only to be psychoanalyzed by our resident unethical therapist Abril. Magda tells Abril about her confusion - she doesn't know if Mercedes loves her or not. Abril tells her this means Magda is not clear on what she feels. There is inside of Magda a fight of feelings that won't let Magda value her mother like she should. Magda admits that on the one hand she hates Mercedes for having denied her what she gave Marina. 

On the other hand...says Magda. On the other hand you love her because she is your mother, says Abril. Magda felt bad at seeing Mercedes suffer. Magda doesn't know what to do. She thinks it is best Valentin is keeping his distance. They'll talk about Valentin later. Abril tells Magda she has to forgive her mother so she'll stop tormenting herself because deep down inside Magda feels guilty for not forgiving her mother. Abril knows it will be a hard step for Magda to take but it will be the first of many steps Magda will take to find peace in her soul. 

Marina cries over the breakup. Rebeca comforts her. This goes on for two scenes. 

DamGoodWorker and Claudio talk about business. He thanks him for working despite all he is going through. Claudio will ask his attorney to get in contact with Jose so they can hurry things up with the annulment document. He tells DamFine to go back to R-Laydee and solve his problems. DamFine will do this. He will keep on fighting until the end. 

Hernan thinks back to his conversation with Fully where Fully accused him of having betrayed Ernesto. He still thinks Fully is behind all that has happened. 

Guerrero tells Robles about The Hernan Interrogation. Guerrero tells Robles how the whole thing made Hernan nervous. Robles like this. Those nerves will make Hernan make a mistake and when it happens they'll capture the bastard.

Hernan continues to think Fully is behind Mac's death and who made the strange call. 

Ursula tells Fully she spent the day with Hernan by the pool. She tells Fully about the visit of an old girlfriend of Hernan's. 

I have to ask here - Does Zully want do die? Maybe not. But she's asking for it... 

Zully snoops around Hernan's pad looking for something. First in his bedroom then later in the living room. Both times Marcelino catches her. The first time she snoops she does so with Hernan in the house but the second time she snoops she does so when Hernan is not home because he went to eat with Ursula.

Ursula tells Fully about the strange call Hernan received. Ursula doesn't know who called. Fully wonders who could have called Hernan. Maybe it was Mac. 

Let the adventures of Mr. PegLeg and his uneducated sidekick Nereo begin... 

Ernesto and Nereo are all spiffed up. Ernesto is looking rather older than he actually is due to makeup and Nereo well he's ditched his old rags. Ernesto and Nereo are ready to leave the country. They have the documents they need. They will say Ernesto is off to get a prothesis due to losing a leg in a car accident. Aye aye patron, says Nereo. Don't call me patron. At least pretend to have some education, says Ernesto. Well then educate me because where am I am supposed to get that education from, says Nereo. 

Thus begins the adventures of these two...

Abril proves she's unethical by blabbing to Mercedes what she talked to Magda about. Mercedes is thrilled Magda is about to forgive her. Abril tells her not to get her hopes up because sometimes it is hard for people to forgive but Magda did open up a door she had kept closed. What can I do to make Magda forgive me? asks Mercedes. Show her you trust her by telling her where she can find her sister, responds Abril. If Mercedes shows Magda she's willing to change things then Magda can forgive her. 

Hernan slithers his way over to Marina's to tell her he knows about The Pester Blackmail. He tells her he is there for her. Hernan says once again you are suffering because of DamOhSoFine. Marina rolls her eyes and doesn't want to start things again. Hernan interrupts and says he has a good relationship with Ursula. They understand each other and have the same tastes. Yeah like hot candle wax sex for example. Marina is happy because she wouldn't want Hernan to confuse things. Hernan tells Marina that with Ursula's help he is almost forgetting her. He tells her he's there as a friend. Marina the idiot believe him while he thoughtbubbles that he'll woo her now that DamOhSoFine is out of the way. 

Mercedes visits Magda. 

Robles talks to DamFineCop. Robles tells DamFineCop how both Hernan and Fully are nervous. They each think the other is betraying the other. Robles tells DamFineCop about Mac's death and about The Hernan Interrogation. So Fully believes Hernan is betraying him with Mac and Hernan believes Fully has set a trap, says DamFineCop. Robles tells DamFineCop how Hernan's number was the only number in Mac's cellphone. What can we expect from those two now? asks DamFineCop. A confrontation, of course, it won't be a direct one, responds Robles. DamFineCop will keep him informed on what happens with the two bastards in town. 

Fully and Pester talk about the strange calls. Fully suspects DamDistortedVoice is making the strange calls. Pester thinks Fully is paranoid. Fully changes the subject. Fully enlists Pester's help with his campaign. Pester will help. Of course Fully has to help her too. Pester wants Fully to convince DamOhSoFine she's leaving town today. 

Mercedes is determined to show Magda she trusts and loves her. If she has kept things hidden it is because she is afraid of losing her and Marina. 

Rebeca gives Bea a pedicure. Marina tells Rebeca and Bea how Hernan's intention is to support her as a friend. He made it clear all is well with his relationship with Ursula. This calms Bea down a bit because Marina will be safer. Bea hopes Hernan stays out of Marina's life for good. Rebeca does not trust Hernan. Marina the idiot continues to defend Hernan. She doesn't see why he'd lie. He's not like that. Bea thinks to herself that Marina should not trust Hernan. 

Mercedes tells Magda that Marina does not know she's her bio mom. She hasn't told her because it isn't so easy. Marina knows she hasn't lived with her bio mom. And when she asked Marina if she wanted to know who her bio mom is Marina said no. Mercedes tells Magda how much it hurt her to hear Marina say that. She feels the same way when Magda rejects her. 

Rebeca and Marina notice Bea is getting uncomfortable. Marina says if only we could communicate with her we would know what is wrong with her. Bea thinks she has to find a way to communicate with Marina to warn her about Hernan. 

Magda tells Mercedes she should tell Marina the truth. Mercedes says she has to wait and do it at the right time. She does not want to lose Marina. She does not want to lose any of her daughters. Magda says Marina has a right to know the truth. Mercedes knows. Mercedes asks Magda for time. Magda will give her time but not much time. She tells Mercedes to show her she wants to have both of her daughters by her side. 

Jose tells Rebeca the annulment document is in process. Rebeca tells him its too late. Marina and DamOhSoFine broke up. Jose thinks there is something strange in the house that does not let love happen. Are you saying it because of us? asks Rebeca. Yeah but especially because of you, responds Jose. Jose says he has a date. Rebeca asks if it is with his little waitress friend. He tells her she has a name you know. It's Angelica and her name says it all. She is capable of loving me. Rebeca is jealous.

Candy wonders what Lolo is doing. Lolo is thinking about marriage with Candy. 

No puede ser! Mercedes has no funds in the bank to pay the mortgage of her nightclub. She is about to lose her nightclub. 

Consuelo tells DamOhSoFine that Pester is leaving right now. DamGoodRunner runs on over to stop Pester. He makes it there in time. Pester is in the car and is about to leave. DamOhSoFine ends up giving in to Pester's blackmail. He will live with Pester. 

DamPissed runs into Fully who pisses him off. Things get a little violent once Fully insults DamOhSoFine's dad and DamGoodFighter punches Fully out. Next time Fully talks crap about his dad things will be worse for Fully. DamGoodFighter leaves. Fully says to himself if only you knew I killed Michel. 

DamOhSoFine lets Marina know what she already knows - he has accepted to live with Pester. It is the best for his son at the moment. She thinks what he did was right. She tells him she'll always love him and kisses him. She goes back inside her house. 

Ursula loves seeing Hernan calm. Hernan says sometimes thoughts get all up in my head and then Marina crosses my path and I think I'm going mad. Then I calm down and realize I'm not afraid of anything or anyone. Ursula knows Hernan is planning on wooing Marina now that he has the chance. Ursula won't let this happen. 

Rebeca convinces Marina to go for a walk. 

Pointless Scenes 

Delfina and Doc Suspenders talk about some bone marrow transplant. Looks like an ad to me. 

Claudio is at the coffee place from before. The one where they serve the milk in that special way. He sings and meets up with some old pals. 

End of pointless scenes 

Marina and Rebeca talk about an old boyfriend of Rebeca's. They are having a good talk until Marina spots DamYouOnlyHaveOneSuitcase moving into Pester's with ONLY ONE SUITCASE. He must not have a big wardrobe or he's not planning on staying long. Pester spots Marina and gloats. Marina is hurt. 

DamOhSoFine tells Pester she must be happy. She'd be happy if he loved her but it is enough for her that she was able to separate him from Marina. She attempts to touch him and DamCan'tTouchThis tells her not to touch him. He tells her they never had anything and they never will have anything. He's only living under the same roof with her because of his son. He tells her he'll never love her because she has a poisoned soul. All he feels for her is hatred. 

Marina cries and again Rebeca comforts her. 

Pester tells DamDisgusted she won. He's disgusted at her way of thinking. He tells her she would rather live with someone who does not love her rather than looking for her happiness elsewhere. He tells her she's like her dad. She tells him to shut it because he does not know about her life. He knows enough to feel sorry for her. He tells her he's sure her life was a living hell being raised with Fully as a father. She tells him she'll make him bitter. Welcome to our hellhole, Captain Fabre! she says. 

Marina thinks about DamOhSoFine. DamOhSoFine thinks about Marina. 

AVANCES: Pester wants to seduce DamOhSoFine; DamOhSoFine visits Marina and they get a little cozy on her bed; Magda demands Mercedes tell Marina the truth or else Mercedes won't ever see Magda again. 



Can't wait for your always marvelous recap and will comment further when you are done : )

Hi Mauricio

Cheering you on in anticipation of your always fine recap.

A key question for this epi...could Marina get any stupider--trusting Hernan and giving up damian so one of his kids is not seperated from his father?

Call me confused!


Mauricio, I will thank you in advance for what I know will be a DamSpectacular recap of two edited episodes.
Yes, EJ- I agree you are not confused- Marina is starting to work on my nerves with her willingness to let Hernan slither his way into her life however possible. I don't understand why she is so blinded by him and so willing to toss that DamHunk aside for stupidity,


Looking forward to your recap Mauricio.

elna june and Tablet jefa, in total (sad) agreement about Marina's inexplicable, seemingly staunch unbreakable bond with Hernan. The kindness/pity she felt for him as a young woman is still evident - however wrong and misguided.

Also, shame on Deflina for her histronics last night, begging Marina to give Dam up, especially after Marina revealed she is pregnant.

Many of our characters have an appaling lack of backbone. They better stiffen their spines and quickly as the end is far too near.


Wow, sounds like this is a supremely annoying episode! Sorry to hear Marina is back in stupid mode. Maybe it's the hormones.

Soldier on Mauricio...we know you'll whip up something wonderful.

ITA regarding Marina and Delfina. Some mother-child combo is going to come out the loser in this. Why the he'll do Delfina and Marina believe it should be Marina and her kid? All that does is adds one more person to the misery line- Damian.

That's HELL. Not sure why Tablet doesn't like that word.

In the meanwhile, feast your eyes

Macario, counting on your impeccable recap and screen caps, of course.

Poor DamBestDaddy, he has no break.

“Even if it's not your fault, it's your responsibility.”
― Terry Pratchett

Thanks Variopinta.

Always enjoy any WL photos and these were no exception. Loved his smile (horrendous hair aside) of the pic from Pasion.



Marina has no brain as a lover, business manager, mother and daughter.
As a lover, anytime she has problem with Dam, she runs into Dam's worst enemy. Does Herny only one man left in the world ?
As manager, she chooses Herny as her partner, and gives him her shares.
As mother, she willing to sacrifice the happiness and the security of her own child to someone's else.
As daughter, she does not have a tiny feeling toward her true Mom, even most of the town already suspect it.

And His Royal Hotness, where is your brain ?
Do you know what is DNA test ?
Your noble heart can not just claims any cute baby, with bad mother, as yours. And you name that baby as the heir of your beautiful heritage. Watch out for the genes .




I don't watch this much, but Marina seems to be one of those self-absorbed heroines attracted by suffering and self-sacrifice. She's alway ready to give up and then suffer. She never seems to ask herself what would be fair to Damian, or what he really wants. She sacrifices him too, when she sacrifices herself, not to mention their child.

Since Marina (and others) always seems to be crying in self pity whenever I turn on this TN, I pretty much turn it back off.

Quite a few TNs use these self-induced long-suffering protagonistas - basta!

Onward towards el fin, Mauricio to head the charge. Can't wait.

And here I was the only one who thought Marina is a dunce. Her logic is impeccably flawed. She doesn't want Pester's child to grow up without a father at his side, but apparently that doesn't apply to Marina's child.

Audrey--you got it in a single paragraph! Kudos to you for not watching it much. But you're missing out on a lot of hunky, shirtless, wet pants guy and some other eye-candy that keeps us content.

Vivien--For your thoughtful analysis, you deserve a few more DamIsms.

In Which DamFab is released from prison and re-enters R-Laydee society

His DamHotnessisBack [in R-Laydee]
DamHole [he left in her heart]
DamManlyMuscular [arms]
DamChange [the way she sees him]
DamSplendid [Mauricio’s recap]
DamPerfect [claims he’s only human, but DamNearly Perfect]
DamOverdressed [and not Shirless]
DamGrownup [after recalling Daddy Michel’s warning about Fulgencio]
DamShe’sMineForeva [ will never be Herny's]


Audrey, for me you nailed it. The suffering, noble female supposedly giving up what she loves for a higher cause...which I'd love to know what this breakup will accomplish except leave her own child at a disadvantage. I totally agree that it's suffering she's into, more than happiness with His Royal Hotness. Estoy d'acuerdo. Basta!

I agree with all who said Marina just gets more stupid as this TN progresses. How she did not see that her mother becoming extremely agitated and staring with petrified eyes at SlimBall Hernan could have something to do with him is beyond me.

The DNA test thing is truly dumb on Damian's part, and Delfina was completely out of line in going to Marina with her selfish request. The fact that Marina succumbs really blows my mind.

Por favor, can we sometime soon have a TN featuring women with brains and courage? I have to say Estercita, however selfish and manipulative, is appearing less stupid than most, and Magdalena seems to be more in touch than I would have expected given her background.

As for Jas, after everything he did for her, can she not give him another chance?

Sorry for the rant, but I was literally yelling at the TV last

Recap is up everyone! Enjoy!

We had another two episode combo last night.

Uni's editing is terrible. They cut out the important parts with Hernan and Ernesto. Damn them!

If they had to cut something out they could have cut one of those Lazaro and JazLu scenes. They both had him asking for forgiveness and she rejecting him. I could have also done without those receptive scenes of Hernan thinking Fully is behind all that has happened. And I could have done without Marina crying and Rebeca comforting her.

What could Zully be looking for? Who is she really? Wouldn't it be something if she were an undercover cop? Now that would be a nice twist. Zully better be careful though because she's dead meat if Hernan catches her shopping around.

Meant to say repetitive not receptive.


DamFabulous recap! I like the way you organized this recap and all the splendid detail.

Since we are getting close to the end of this TN we are now on STUCKONSTUPID mode. This is the part of every TN were the couple in love is separated by lies, blackmail and/preggers/children. I blame both Marina and DamFine for being stupid here. They are both giving up the person they really love. I can see why DamBrainBlock (for now) is doing it. He wants to protect that little boy any way he can. That's why he isn't getting the ADN test. He could care less about that, he just loves Bebe Michel. Marina on the other hand, is depriving her bebe of his DamFineDaddy and suffering too. I wish she hadn't told Bea and just told Becks.

Speaking of Bea, I wish, wish, she could speak. Becks and Marina finally noticed they were upsetting her talking about Herny. I bet she can open and close her eyes in answer to questions. I hope they figure that out. Bea was crying so much when Herny's name kept being mentioned.

I can understand why Delfina did what she did, but still. She is just going on Mama mode here, she doesn't want to lose her Pester yet again and the baby now to boot. But that being said, I wish she had found a way to take Bebe Michel and call Pester's bluff. But then again the whole blackmail scheme involves bebe Michel. I hated the groveling that Delfina did. Poor Marina and she gave in too, but Marina had made the decision.

I wonder if Zully is an undercover cop or working for Perv on the sly? It could go either way. Something to ponder.......

So sick of Herny, I won't bore you with my rant!

Can't wait for tonight to see what transpires now.

Oh, and by the way I finally saw the promo for "Robo" and they finally showed the time and date. It is replacing LT at 9:00pm on the 18th of November.

Mauricio - that was one DamDetailed recap. I skimmed through it, cuz I'm at work, but will definitely read it tonight. ITA Uni should have cut out a few Jaz/Laz scenes. ugh.


Oh, Mauricio:

Our comments crossed about Zully, I so agree with you about the undercover cop. Why else would she be rooting for stuff and with Herny in the house as well. Scary.

Oh, about Perv and Nereo, I kind of laughed there. It is like the blind leading the blind so to speak. They are like the two stooges in other words.

And isn't funny that Herny and Fully think they are the ones making those phone calls. I guess they never stopped to think that maybe, just maybe Perv could be alive. I can't wait until they find out and that they have been working at cross purposes!

"Marina cries over the breakup. Rebeca comforts her. This goes on for two scenes."

Ah, convey so much in so few words.

Yessss, how infuriating, how boring and for two whole scenes! while they continue to hatchet out every juicy José/Rebecca get-together.

That along with (there goes my dinner) and (yeah, like hot candle wax sex) were gems. This story, right now, is NOT.

But DamFine is still hawt, so we'll soldier on. Thanks Mauricio, for including everything, including, as you put it , the pointless scenes.

Thank you, Mauricio, for your fabulous recap! Love your DamYouAreSoRight....and so much else.

Off to work so can't go on, but thanks again!

Mauricio, thank you for the DamFANTASTIC recap! Oy vey I totally agree that they cut out some key scenes and left in too many stupid, repetitive ones. You, however, absolutely rock!

Hahaha, vita, you called Mauricio MACARIO!

I think now we have arrived at the part of the telenovela where everybody does the same stupid things over and over as they run around in circles. To its credit, La T waited longer than most for this to happen. However it is still annoying as hell. (Or is that he'll?)

Not sure why, but I laughed hardest at "Now we know where Pester gets it from." Yes, very true.

Oops, I recapped a couple of weeks ago that Mercedes had sold her nightclub. I guess she had just mortgaged it. But she's losing it anyway so it's all the same.

Mauricio, great idea about Zully being a cop or a fed. But if she is then she's no Robles. I fear you might be correct when you say she is dead meat.

Madelaine, missed your comment while I was blabbing. Yep, STUCKONSTUPID is exactly what I meant.

Mauricio: Excellent recap. Appreciate your giving us the lost footage in great detail.

A few of my favorites were: "Marina wasted her saliva", "
Magda returns home only to be psychoanalyzed by our resident unethical therapist Abril" and "DamCan'tTouchThis".

Think I'm most upset that there was nary a Claudio sighting last night (glad ot hear he is doing w3well and having fun).

Now that Marina and Becky realize something is upsetting Bea, perhaps they can arrange some sort of code such as getting her to blink when something upsetting is said or if someone upsetting appears. It must be so frustrating for her not to comfort Marina and to shout to the world how vile Hernan is.

Interesting theories about Zully. I thought she might be working for Ernesto but like the fact she may be a policewoman even better.

Do we know why Ernesto is leaving the country? Thought finding his son was paramount.

Mags was truly moved by Mercedes' tears and was so tempted to reach out. Wish she had! I am really hoping for a happy ending for her with the dreamy Valentin.

Frustrated with Marina who as others have noted, needs to take her child into consideration when making these life altering decisions. Well said Audrey!

Hope Usu sits on Hernan so we don't have to endure more of his lurking around and attaching himself to Marina. Let alone being his vile self to poor Bea.

Another excellent list Anita. Gracias.

Thanks again Mauricio. Double duty once again.


Oops, Mauricio, not Macario. I am sorry.

I am off to a difficult work case and will post my thoughts later.

Thanks again MAUIRICIO for all your work and DamGreat fun.

Mauricio--Have only got halfway through a DamFineRecap. Will do the rest after a luncheon engagement.

It is so interesting watching Entre el Amor y el Odio, that Maria Sorte was in the same predicament with her son (Fabian Robles) as now Marina is with her. He was paralyzed and couldn't talk but recently they discovered that he can communicate by blinking his eyes yes or no. Both productions were Mejia-driven, so I fully (not to be confused with DamFully) expect him to pull it out of his files and voila, Bea will be able to communicate, if not to speak.

'Scuse, I meant Damn Fully.

So Aunt Becky reminisces about her old boyfriend, Franco, the baker and his brothers and the special conchas --

Fuego en la sangre, anyone?

heh heh

NM, good call! I totally missed that FELS reference. Silly telenovela but those Hermanos Reyes did have nice buns.


Thanks for this excellent recap and again special thanks for the extra effort it took to provide us with the missing pieces. I know that I'd be lost without them.


"I bet she can open and close her eyes in answer to questions. I hope they figure that out."

Certainly. Ways to communicate is one of the primary priorities folks consider in such situations. Heck, if you recall, it took (the not so brilliant) Lucrazy almost no time at all to come up with such a plan to communicate with a similarly afflicted donG in El Talismán.

If Zully is an undercover agent, she is certainly dedicated.



We who are about to recap salute you! (As does everyone else.) This is spectacular. Amid all the riches, what I loved most was this deadpan observation:

"Now we know where Pester gets it from."

I'm going to brace myself for all the nerfazos but…
…I understand why people are giving in to Pester's blackmail. She is so indifferent to baby Michel, that no normal person can allow her to take the child away. Marina's baby will have a mother; Pester's baby never will. That's why it makes sense for the good guys to yield, at least for now.

If Delfina had confined her argument to the need to protect little Michel from Pester, I would have sympathized with her. But as soon as she started talking about her own happiness, she lost me.

One point in Pester's favor: She remembered the existence of Mayuya (even if only to throw it in Delfina's face.)

Zully as undercover agent? Wow. That didn't occur to me. I was stuck on thinking of her as a female Hernán. She is a sneaky one though...


Good Catch! I wasn't paying attention.


I will never forget Juan kneading and making that dough, sigh!


Oh, yes how could I forget that? I did recap that I am almost sure, lol. Yeah, and Lucrazy figuring that out so quickly, what a beanie tightener ; )


But you have to know the right questions to ask, like "Is Herny a bipolar murderous son of a gun?"

And knowing the right question means you know the answer already.

Ok, back to work.

Ahh, the Reyes brothers. Many hot buns all the way around. Thanks for the memory NovelaMaven, Sylvia and Madelaine. I acquired a lingering respect and admiration for bakers from FELS, especially the very fine Baker Boys.


Cubano -- DamFineDad does not want a DNA test done because his heart has already chosen Baby Michel as his son. Baby Michel would still be his son even if he has a DNA test done and it comes out he's not the bio dad.

There will be trouble when Ernesto comes back wanting his son back. Ernesto does seem to love his son but he'd be such a bad example for him. Baby Michel is better off with DamFineDad.

Diana -- Ernesto wanted to find a new place to hide out because Blas was captured so close to where he is hiding out. He doesn't want to risk being found out. I suppose he will be getting a real prothesis while he is away. I'm looking forward to him making his comeback.

NM -- I didn't catch the FELS reference either. Thanks for mentioning it.


3 hotties playing brothers in a new tn........


Thanks Mauricio. Makes perfect sense for Ernesto to leave for just the reason you stated but I'm just a little thrown off guard he would leave without knowing exactly where his son is and that he's OK.

I hope Ernesto returns back quickly - Hernan needs to be put in his place. Or in the ground...both work for me.


Mauricio thanks for the great recap and doing double duty. I never ceased to be appalled by what Uni keeps dropping. These are imp plot points, ugh!

The only plus with these psycho edits is that this painful part of the TN will be shorter.

Karen: Very true - at least the painful scenes will be brief. You found the silver lining in all this amiga.


The recaps are so wonderful, especially since the recappers have to go through the hodge podge of condensed episodes to come up with something understandable.
One thing occurred to me! For so long we have been saying "Shut Up Bea" and now that we want her to, she can't SPEAK! AAArgggh!

I know, Sandydoc. I think Vita mentioned that a few days ago in the Department of Be Careful What You Wish For.

Okay, was it just my imagination or did they love the lines of our "resident unethical therapist Abril" so much that we got to hear them twice?

[And then they cut out all the fun in the Guacamaya. Go figure.)

If only Mercy was truthful with Mags. She could have said, "Your sister is pregnant, her adoptive mother is dying, and she is dealing with the father of her unborn child who is still married to the other woman with "his"baby son. I am worried it would be too much to make her accept the fact that I am her bio mom."

I am sure straightforward but practical Mags would agree.

Mauricio- Excellent as always. I don't understand why the editors left in so much of the Delfina and Jaz-Lu begging scenes in and cut the important scenes with the Feds confronting Hernan.

Mauricio, thanks so much for the awesome re-cap and for adding the cut scenes. Damn you UniScissors!

I agree with everyone that the story is at the stupid part, where everything is up in the air, and we are left wondering when the bad guys will get caught.

The part that irritated me the most from last night's episode was when Delfina was asking Marina to stop seeing DamFine. What? Que? She had no right to do that. I kind of liked Delfina, until last night.

NM, thanks for the Reyes brothers reference. I totally missed that one. Yanez is one of my favorites.

Again, to repeat, stop cutting out the Tia Becky/Jose scenes. Also, I would not even know that something was going on between Lolo and Candy if it weren't for the re-cappers. Damn you UniScissors!

Too much confusion and frustration going on right now. But thank you Mauricio for providing us with a delightful, entertaining and informative re-cap.

Back to work...

Thanks, Mauricio. The last half didn't disappoint.

Musing here: Now that we see how Uni cuts scenes arbitrarily, we can pretty much guess how Televisa does it for the DVDs. I wonder how the actors in secondary roles feel if they know their storylines are going to be left out in favor of the main couples. If I were Becky, Jose and Robles, for a start, I'd be DamnPithed (not to be confused with DamPithed).


hi there. I am late to the party...long day at work.

Thank you, Mauricio for sewing back together these dissected multiepisodes. Your efforts are appreciated.

I loved the fabulous baker boys in FELS. It was cute that Becky referenced them. Remember all those late balcony visits ?

Nm..I agree with you that one reason Pester won the Damcontest is that everyone involved realizes that bebe Michel needs a daddy because his mommy is a selfish brat who has no interest in him except to use him as a bargaining chip to get DamDesirable. I can never understand anyone wanting someone who doesn't want him or her. Why would you want someone who has no interest in you ?


Wow, Mauricio:
What a great job!

I am glad you condensed the Laz/Lucia scenes. They have been so repetitive.

Sylvia is right--the chop shop has done us at least one favor. The stupid section of this TN, where the true lovers are separated from one another by the forces of fate and darkness (yawn...)will be somewhat abbreviated by the bad editing. Way to find a silver lining, Cap'n.

LOL! Loved your greeting to Mauricio, "We who about to recap, salute you". Hee hee hee. I am making the Roman right fist across the left chest salute right now. At least I hope that is the right salute. I cannot remember if I saw that gesture in 'Star Trek' or 'Spartacus'?

Either Abril the Unethical repeated herself or she reiterated the same point twice. Is that the same thing? That whole character/storyline makes me want to order more Nerfazos.

And just what is the name of the new snooping woman anyway? Sulli? Sully? Zullie? I can't make out the pronunciation and I am not familiar with the name.

And finally, Mauricio and all:
The question that is really on my mind is: How does Sulli get into that tricky blue bathing suit? Is is top-down or bottom-up? Each method would have its advantages.It seems a bit like getting a toddler into a newborn-sized onesie.




EJ, I vote bottom-up. But I'm fairly sure there were some glue-guns involved.

EJ..our Sylvia is definitely a glass half full person. I am pretty sure that she also notices the pitcher.

Another vote for bottoms up...with a lot of wiggling involved.

Ursullied is accumulating quite a few bangles and beads for her jewelry box. She is evidently a gal who is willing to play for cash and prizes.

OK, bottom up, then, girls. With glue guns. I would also need some extra-long ace bandages to wind around hold in the extra bits. That would cause a mark.

And WHAT is Sully/Harriet the Spy's name? Spelling? Pronunciation?



It is hard to blame a girl like Ursula for being willing to play when the first prize was DamManly. The prizes look pretty good too, if you are into Cartier necklaces that could be worn to the Academy Awards.

Me? Well, I don't have much use for the long chandelier mega-diamond necklaces anymore. Somehow they just don't look the same when I pair them with mu usual attire of pajama tops and jeans. It's a crying shame, that's what it is.


You're talking about putting that rubber band on an actual person? I thought it was for, like, a Barbie doll or something.

Pronunciation of the spy. Hmm. If it were Zully, wouldn't they be saying "Thuly"? Isn't she supposed to be Thpanish? And if it's pronounced /suli/, it would be spelled "Suli" or "Suly" because otherwise it would be pronounced /su yi/. Of course all bets are off because names seem to get a free pass when it comes to thpelling rules.

Who knows? Peek at Wikipedia if you dare -- though they are just making it up half the time.

Great recap Mauricio, Loved your descriptions of the adventures of Ernie and Nareo. Heck, the whole recap was great.
ITA, I think Zully might be an undercover cop.
BTW, my TV version didn't have those Magda telling Mercy to tell Marina the truth scenes.


I keep hearing Su Yi, but my ear isn't very good. That made me wonder if she was Thpanish after all.

Nah, Wiki is off limits for me when it comes to novelas.

If Su Yi stars on a nght that I am recapping I'll just give her a nickname, like 'Blue Bandaids' or 'Mejia is so cheap that I only got one small costume'.


Magdalena: I'm so confused
UT (Unethical Therapist) Abril: That may mean your feelings are not clear
No Duh!

Marina's back to being a moron again. Let's not make Ester's son suffer without a dad. Let's make MY son suffer without a dad. Knowing full well that Damian would NEVER let either one BE without a dad! Damian is not much better. He should've let Ester go.

Delfina and Damian both know Ester very well, so why couldn't they figure out she was just bluffing? Since when is she excited about A JOB? Since when is she willing to take care of the baby BY HERSELF? Please! I would've been, "Fine, take him. Don't forget to take plenty of diapers for the trip."

Nereo made a lot of sense when he told Ernesto to educate him. How does Ern expect him to "act" educated when he doesn't know the first thing about it?

Now Bea knows how we (Viewerville) felt every time she raved about Hernan's "good qualities" and what a "perfect match" he was for Marina and we all yelled "Shut Up Beatrice!" Now she can't talk, but wants to say, "Shut Up, Marina!" because Marina keeps talking about what a nice and generous "friend" Hernan is.

Don't blame Jaz/Lu for not forgiving Lazaro. Cheating is a total deal breaker (for me). She doesn't know he didn't really do anything and he doesn't either, so he's not denying it - he's just asking to be forgiven for doing it and saying "I didn't mean to" which, if we didn't know what happened we would all be, "Yeah, right, what a lame excuse!" BUT - they don't have to repeat those scenes over and over.

I thought the repeated Abril lines were an editing error, because it was the exact same scene, word-for-word and the actresses were in the exact same position.


Trick or Treat?
That's how you know
If Herny had his juice

Vita- That's just brilliant!

vita you are amazing. I laughed so hard at your Trick or Treat masterpiece.

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