Friday, November 15, 2013

CI capítulo 133 – 11-14-13 – Some People Are Packing Up and Leaving Town

            Scenes are grouped under topic and may be described out of order. I always thought Solita was undeservedly ignored, so I felt compelled to write an account from her point of view. It’s at the end of the recap and not part of the action, so feel free to ignore it.   
Previously, more or less
            Tav thinks about Maricruz and decides it’s alright if she marries for love, but not from need.
            Padre Julian and Nilda talk. Solita lived a life of disability, but it was due to Nilda’s ignorance and her errors.
            Alvaro hears Perrico say he’ll be best man at the wedding, but really came to warn the birdbrain that drastic action is needed to keep Solita with him. He needs to grab her and run away.
            Herminio meets Octavio outdoors, carrying baby Octavito. Simona gave the baby to a couple living in a shack. Tav cuddles the baby and takes him home.

Life in the Mad House
            Ofelia is ecstatic to see Tav returning with his son and heir. He instructs Ofe on the new safety standards: the baby will sleep in her room and she is to watch him carefully.

            Defense against crazy Simona becomes a moot point when Ofelia finds her on the floor of her room, completely unresponsive. She runs screaming for Migreedy, afraid Simona is dead. Tav is gone, but the situation won’t wait. Migreedy will call an ambulance to get her to the hospital.  Tav arrives home as the ambulance crew is loading Simona. He gets the story of her collapse from Miguel and says he’s going to the hospital. 

            The doctor says Simona is in deep shock and is a difficult case.

Knight Errant Tav Rides to the Rescue
            Tav leaves his newly recoverd son to visit MC. She’s not feeling like Miss Congeniality and asks “Que haces aqui?” In fact, she threatens to kill him and he says she can go ahead, but he came to help. He warns her that Vargas has orders—she’ll have to leave. Fine—she’s going to leave on the arm of a man who loves her. Tav can give her money to solve her problems. Money! MC doesn’t want any stinking money, especially from Simona.  Largate! Vete! Get out!  A defeated Tav leaves the shrieking MC behind, gets in his car and drives off.

Solita’s Future Hangs in the Balance
            Alvaro emphasizes that Nilda wants to take Solita away. Perico seems calm and says he’ll go too. Then Alvaro says Nilda wants the fruit of Perrico’s loins aborted. No way! Besides, they had a civil ceremony, so he’s not just a hanger-on, he’s a husband.

            Padre Julian tells Nilda to reconsider and realize children grow up to lead their own lives. Nilda, with her bad attitude and bad geisha wig, is determined (especially after all those cruel years with Abelardo) to have her way. She’s seen all of life and will fight for her daughter. Besides, she can pay Perrico in exchange for his love. Padre asks for God to guide and light her way (let’s hope so). Nilda looks defiant and dogged as she listens to her growling theme song.

            Alvaro tells the padre no need for a wedding—the civil version is a done deal. Perrico tells Solita her mother wants to take her away. She looks doubtful. 

            Nilda goes to Solita’s room to confront the bird brained lover. She cruelly tells him he’s too little (status, not stature) for her daughter. She’s going to give the girl everything, making her learned and pretty. She’ll give Perrico money. Ha! He’s a man and he don’t need no stinking money!  Nilda says there’s no room for him—he’s an outsider. Too late, he replies. We’re already married. Nilda is sure the wedding is a lie. Perrico claims Solita is his life. Solita shakes her head no, refusing her mother’s offer as the lovers cling together.

            Juanita reports the noisy argument to Maricruz, who goes upstairs to investigate. Her ruling is that Solita doesn’t have to leave if she doesn’t want to. Nilda can’t force her. MC wants her sister to understand and make a decision. Perrico explains Nilda’s wish to make the baby go away. Then Perrico drops the bomb—they’re already married. MC rolls her eyes a little, but is willing to accept the situation. An unhappy Nilda goes to regroup.

            Nilda returns, saying she thought things over. She will take Perrico and her grandson along with Solita. She thanks MC for making her understand the True Love between Solita and Perrico. A farewell scene shows the Solita/Nilda entourage bidding tearful farewells to MC and her family. MC says they’ll soon be leaving as well. 

Just So We Know, Natasha is leaving to return to the big city.

Miracles Do Happen
            Simona is doing much better. Her madness is more or less gone and her tumor may be operable. Soon, she is at home, holding the baby she now recognizes. Ofe, citing a favorable dream, encourages Simona to do the brain surgery thing. Simona is sane again and won’t let despair win.

            Tav and Simona are planning the surgery. She is determined to go forward. JA is telling Ester about the surgery plans. She’ll go to visit Simona and wish her well.  Migreedy can’t quite get with the “happy for Simona” plan. He’s celebrating how well the ranch is doing under his lead and how rich he can become. He could remarry and raise both boys there. All he needs is for Simona to die.

Poor, Poor, Pitiful MariCruz
            MC is playing with Lupita in the child’s room. Vargas arrives and MC descends the stairs to see him. He’s here on an unpleasant mission and MC wonders why the rush? The machines will soon be here to start digging and she needs to find another place to live. MC muses that she will have to accept her fate.

            MC still continues to suffer. Santa has family nearby and is leaving. She may return to MC in the future and tells our heroine to have faith. MC sighs her days there are numbered. Alvaro has noticed that little detail—the days are going by, what are her plans? She thinks she’ll get a job and support her daughter. So, you’re not including me? No, she replies. Her strength is coming back little by little. 

            Then, we go into a sequence of musings and flashbacks as MC details her life and TavLove. “Poor MariCruz Olivares, who can never be happy.” Tav came into her life and dazzled her. Alvaro thinks he treated her badly. Well, he took advantage of her, but he married her and was kind. Lucia was mean and evil. MC will never love another, although her resentment and savagery came between them. She’ll never marry again; Tav is in her soul forever. Their daughter is a bond between them that will never break. Without Tav, she feels empty inside. (Alvaro must need persuasion to convince him he’s wasting his time.)

            MC is sorry, but it’s best they say goodbye. Alvaro exhausted all his resources with her and he hopes one day she finds the peace she deserves. (She wore him down and defeated him as thoroughly as any gun-toting hero ever did.) MC thanks him for everything and Alvaro leaves. (No banda music, since this is a sad farewell.)

Loose Ends
            JA is sure Migreedy will treat him just like another hand if Simona dies. So much for being the big cheese straw boss. 

            Simona tells Tav she wants to see MariCruz before she leaves for surgery. She wants to cover everything, including some confidential stuff with MC.  Tav visits MC, who says he must have heard she’s leaving. Actually, he’s here to say Simona wants her to visit. They need to talk!

Previews   MC and Simona converse. Tav and MC meet and talk.

Solita says:
            It was easy when I was little. MariCruz was my sister and Abuelo Ramiro took care of us. The hut was small, with few furnishings, but I didn’t know any better. We had food and MariCruz and I ran and played everywhere. Swimming in the river was the most fun.
            When Abuelo was old and not as strong, MariCruz had to take over finding our food. She was smart and brave, with a joyful heart. I thought things would always be the way they were, but that handsome Joven Octavio made her love him. That was hard for me—I didn’t know anything about that kind of love.
            When MariCruz married Joven Octavio and moved to the hacienda, times were hard. Eusebio trapped me in the woods and attacked me. I don’t know how to tell what he did to me. He crushed me, laying on me, and broke me inside. Things were worse when Sra. Lucia was cruel to MariCruz. I was there that day she made MariCruz pull the necklace out of the mud. When MariCruz was locked in jail, it was like a bad dream. Then Abuelo was killed when the shack burned. I was scared and had nowhere to go. I thought my life was over, until MariCruz found me.
            I didn’t understand very much about going to the city. I had to trust MariCruz. It was confusing, but Sra. Serafina was kind to me. Then we went to live with Don Alejandro and Tobias and Justa. I learned to be happy there. Tobias was like another Abuelo, but one suited to the riches in that beautiful house.
            Tobias taught MariCruz to be a lady, but he helped me, too. I learned table manners and I never went hungry. I found out I was expecting a baby and was surprised at how I loved him after he was born. MariCruz was gone to an island where she worked in Don Alejandro’s casino. I stayed behind and missed MariCruz, but my friends helped me. They even got me some lessons in sign language. One day, I’ll learn more, so I can speak to others better.
            When MariCruz moved me back to the rancho, we lived in the big house. It was good to be with MariCruz and Santa, but bad things happened too. There was the man who looked like Eusebio and the time JoseAntonio kissed me. I was afraid he would hurt me too. The best part was meeting Perrico. He was sweet and kind, not rough and cruel. With him, I understood how MariCruz felt about Joven Octavio.
            Perrico left for a while. That was when I stopped eating. There was no other way to tell everyone how important Perrico was to me. Not having him made me too sad to live. I was so happy when he came back. He would feed me—I started eating for him. Then he would hug me and kiss me. Sometimes we kissed over and over. He would touch me and I liked how it made me feel. When he lay on top of me, it didn’t hurt and I felt dizzy and soft all over.
            Perrico and MariCruz say I’m having another baby. We want to stay together, so we went to town and got married. We were going to have Padre Julian marry us too. Then, this strange woman came to the house. MariCruz and the Padre came to my room with the woman. They said she was my mother, but I don’t really understand. What happened back then? Why did I stay with Abuelo Ramiro all those years? What will happen now?
            I wanted to be a married woman, with a pretty dress and a grown-up hair style. I know one thing—if they take Perrico away, I won’t have a reason to live. 


On the topic of double episodes, I know it will be more to recap. I'm still willing to do anything to move this trainwreck on down the track. (Sorry, Gringo. You might like to add episodes.)I'm sure we have a few more stars out there who have cameo roles to play.

thanks, La Paloma....Some (Smart) People Are Packing Up and Moving out of Town.

it was so sweet of you to be Solita's voice. Even though she is a fictional character, we all feel sorry for her. For the first time, I have a deaf student and his interpreter in class. I hope that there is a happy ending for poor Solita.

Your Solita letter actually made me cry. I am actually more invested in her eventual happiness than in MC's, even though she's a secondary character. MC often says how alone and unhappy she has been, but I think Solita's lot has been much harder and more lonely. Great recap.

Thanks tenfold La Paloma. Loved your basic recap, but the added perspective from Solita was perfection.

After watching, painfully I might add, last night, all I can say is WOW...just WOW. Speaking of Solita, THIS was her exit from the show? Never was resolved what she went through with the rape, barely knows or understands who this woman is she suddenly has to go live with? WTH? Appalled doesn't come close to my feelings on this.

And I still ask, what was the point of Natasha? Still say she knew someone and they threw part together for her. What a waste.

I could have done without the pity party with MC, but of course somehow she has to let us know for the umpteempth time how, despite the fact she had just told him she would kill him, Tav is in her soul. What a couple...

And Simona is all sweet again, any bets she makes nice with MC, tells her to have Tav when she kicks the bucket, etc. Bleh!

Only thing to really look forward to right now is to see how Miguel gets his in the end. What a disgusting excuse for a human being.


La Paloms, thank you for your recap and giving Solita's point of view. It was unique.

All in all, I really enjoyed last night's episode because the plot is finally moving again. At least we found out that Octavio jr. had beein sheltered in a hut.

Sure, we are saying goodbye to Solita and the ranch life but I hope that more action awaits us wherever Maricruz ends up. Does she still own her father's house in DF? Or was that sold already?

Being sort of a realist, I loved the fact that you could actually hear Maricruz's "boot steps" as she went down and up the wooden stairs. I also liked the narrator filling us in. As for Maricruz, I liked her not leading Alvaro on and taking advantage of him when she knows Octavio is the only man she loves. It is good Solita is gone and taken care of. Maricruz will hsve enough taking care of herself and her daughter.


La Paloma, sorry for the error in spelling your name.
The tablet is tricky!


Jarifa, the house was sold. She has nothing :(((

Thanks, Alegria, that fact will make her adventures just more interesting --I hope!


Daisynjay, Simona is all sweet again??? Did you see avance? She is all evil again.

Thank you for the recap and for Solita's letter, Paloma!

So tav rescues his baby boy and gives it to the nanny, because that's the safest place for him to be - father of the year award goes to... nobody in this show.
I guess Tav should be dead to Tav Jr, too.

Wouldn't it be great if MC still had some of her dad's huge fortune to fall back on right now? Man, she's an idiot... I just can't bring myself to feel sorry for her. Poor Lupita...


Thank you La Paloma -- I just can't get past the casting, set details of this series. Was it my eyes, or were there two Nilda's last night. They seemed to keep changing places. Older Nilda/younger Nilda. keeps me on my toes keeping track of the actresses

Thanks for this great recap, Paloma. And double thanks for your tribute to Solita, whom I think has been mistreated, ill-used, and neglected by the writers from the very beginning.

Was anyone else reminded of the plane crash and the search for Octavio by the way they ended and wrapped up the Solita storyline? That's it? Her mom comes back and claims her, accepts Perico as part of the deal and off they go? Next! Does anyone really believe that Solita understands even half of what is transpiring? Does anyone think that this is an acceptable or satisfying conclusion to this part of the story?

And no tuba to usher Alvaro out?

I've got a great idea for the final 20 plus episodes... Maricruz can move to DF and take up boxing.


emeraldrose- There was only one actress. Maybe she just looked younger when she wasn't in b/witch mode. It might as well have been two different people though, with her complete 180 just minutes after she thought it best to kidnap, force an abortion on, and force a divorce on her daughter. It was such a quick turnaround, you would have thought we were in ultimos capitulos. But, alas, we are not. It was good to get some plot movement last night. I'm ready for MC to be kicked off the ranch already and get it over with. As Carlos would say, NEXT!

Carlos- LOL! I was writing my comment when you posted yours. I was channeling you. :)

If we are channeling Carlos, then can we say NEXT to Corazon Indomable as a whole?

@Daisynjay - what makes you think we are done with Natasha? She is leaving Tamaulipas, but so is just about everyone else.

Romero still have a few surprises in store, though that's not necessarily a good thing.

@La Paloma - your recap was very entertaining, as usual. And Solita's letter was quite moving, as Vivi pointed out.

Alegria - no, I didn't catch the advances. Well, maybe that will add some spice to the drama for a while. Thanks for the heads up.


Thanks Paloma, great job. I would be happy if Solita really understood everything that has been happening, but for me, I have my doubts.

I think Natasha is done too. Her purpose was to make money for the poor people so that they have a way to move on.

I really hope that Solita isn't done. I have high hopes of her hearing and talking.

And Carlos, move to Mexico City and take up boxing? That would be quite fitting actually. Why not regurgitate another horrible TN?


Thanks for a great recap La Paloma
A train wreck for you but not for me although Latina has got me scared about what is to come. I'm really starting to worry. Yes worry. Well things might get bad in a few episodes but right now I'm laughing at your line--Nilda's
bad geisha wig. That was so funny.

Oh boy, $imona just keeps hanging on. Last night after she came back from the hospital, she looked rather calm and well-normal
When will the hate kick in again?

Where's the monkey? He hasn't been seen for a while. Did he run off to find a banana or two?

LatinainMD---You said that you wanted to see Super Mari again--I do too. She looked pretty tough last night telling off One Cell and kicking him out. She sure won that one.

Vivi---NOOOOOOO!!!! The ranch house is way to beautiful to be torn down. After Mari fought so hard for it, what a shame. I don't know if I will be able to get over that and all for gold! I hope that all the mining company finds is fake fool's gold. It would serve them right.

Carlos---You're STILL whining about Solita. Are you going to be whining after Solita gets medical help and ends up being able to hear and talk?

No tuba or Banda music for Alvaro
as he rides off into the sunset? Well we don't get everything.

Some people asked and commented yesterday about Nilda's theme music. Most didn't know the singer or like her voice. Alejandra Guzman is a pop/rock vocalist with a powerful raspy voice. She has won many awards over the years. Recently she appeared in Una Familia Con Suare
and won along with Moderatto [a duet] Best Novela Theme Song. The song was Dia De Suerte.

Maricruz has a meeting with $imona tonight. I can't wait to jump on the train tonight La Paloma. No, the train isn't going to crash---not while I'm on board, I have faith.
the gringo

La Paloma---I forgot to mention that you're Life Through Solita's Eyes was a gold star winner. It was done to perfection.
the gringo

gringo, I suppose you're right. I don't see how this Nilda lady could be any more neglectful of Solita than Maricruz has been. I just wish we could have seen her reaction when she found out that Solita's entourage also includes a spider monkey.


Carlos- I was surprised to see the monkey riding on top of Solita's suitcase when they rolled out with Nilda. I would have liked to see her reaction too. But I guess she figured he was easier to tame and clean up than Perico, and she already accepted him.


Heh! At least Abelardo pooped in just one place.


Now THAT'S how to take "No" for an answer with class and dignity! You go, Man (Alvaro)! Finally, an actual adult who realizes he has come to the end of the road in a relationship.

La Paloma - Loved, loved, LOVED Solita's point of view. That was great. Thank you for that.

I eagerly await to find out what Simona has to say to Maricruz. I can't imagine what she will say. I honestly believe she should apologize to Maricruz. I think I expect/want too much.


The favorable dream that Ofelia reported to Simona didn't sound to me to be very favorable for Ofelia herself. She described the future (at least it seemed to me) from the perspective of her having departed and looking down from above on the future events she was detailing.


This is the avance
So Simona bad as usual.

Daisynjay--at least Solita has Perrico to interpret Nilda's speeches and to protect her.

Carlos, I doubt Solita understands all that is taking place. On the other hand, with Perrico, Shadrach, and the monkey, she may be happy.

Gringo, I'm sad for the house too. I love the architecture and the light inside that house. I might delete the large paintings, however.

Carlos and Vivi--I was so busy writing notes I missed seeing the monkey ride out on top of a suitcase. Had to go back and watch that one. Hilarious! Nilda is going to have her hands full and her bank account busy.

Carlos--it's true that Ofe seemed to be dead in her dream, but I skipped the details in the interest of brevity. It was favorable toward Simona's surgery.

Everyone who commented kindly on Solita's statement--thanks for reading it. I agree that she was cheated of her proper place in this TN.

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