Saturday, November 30, 2013

Corazon Indomable :146 - Scandals, Vengeance and Jealousy: It’s a busy day in C.I

 Final Recap is up! 

Alonso is mad and plans revenge on both Tav and MC. He want to paint MC nude..Bwahahahaha. Tav is jealous, Doris is jealous and MC can't catch a break. Out of a job and cannot find a new home. 


Alonso, Son of the Year
Alonso and MC argue about integrity and Alonso’s lack thereof. She is disgusted with his scheme of duping other artists and passing off the work as his. Old SuperMari comes out of hiding to give Alonso the verbal smackdown. Playboy Alonso barely has his feathers ruffled. He tells her to keep her mouth shut, as they both have a lot to lose if she opens her mouth. MC pays him no mind until he tells her that his mother would not like hearing about her affairs and dark past. This sets her off and she gives him so hard of a slap that he is left speechless.

Doris, the Problem Solver
Doris is trying to fix the mess that Octavio got himself in. This is very calm for Doris; I am surprised she is not screaming her head off that she is the Governor’s daughter or something of the likes. She doesn’t believe that anyone will accuse him if he is with her. She wants Tav to do something worthwhile (good luck with that) to get himself out of this mess. I believe she comes up with the idea to return the package in the mail (CCs would have been helpful this episode), which makes a lot more sense than Tav’s moping.

Alonso, Playboy’s Lifestyle spins out of control
Alonso is telling some chic (I forget her name but she did some major hating on MC a few episodes ago) about putting MC in her place. He then deals with the under-aged girl from his past. She wants to see him like yesterday, she wants him to tell her that he doesn’t like her and was only playing with her feelings the whole time (why go through all that when you already know the answer). Alonso tries to blow her off but she tells him to make time or else.  Sorry, Alonso I do not feel sorry for you.

MC, Defender of those she loves, hates, loves….
Before going to work MC comes home to dump her latest load onto Juanita. MC expresses her disgust for Alonso and figures that she may be out of a job soon. Juanita looks exasperated for a brief second. I guess she is wondering where her next paycheck will come from. MC also feels sorry for Mercedes. She doesn’t doubt that Alonso will assassinate her in order to keep all her money. Even worse, she believes that Tav stole her painting. She wonders how she will keep all this drama from blowing into a scandal.

MC finally makes her way to work only to find Clem with the detective. Clem is surprised and seems somewhat proud that someone stole her son’s painting nonetheless. MC comes off as nervous which Clem comments upon. The detective starts questioning who would take her photo, and if she knows anyone attached to her who would do such a thing. She thinks the thief is just a delinquent. She doesn’t want them too look for sentimental or romantic reasons as the motive. The logical detective points out that his conclusions make sense.

Crazy Artist (??) with Purple Cup
He speaks mumbo jumbo that I cannot follow. Something about how he will be famous and everyone will take notice of him.  He doubts for a second Alonso’s true intentions, but does not believe his BF will do that to him. He starts hearing voices  and I thought I heard he will cover the next canvas with Alonso’s blood…that or maybe I am just hearing things myself.

MC Throws in the Towel
MC quits. She does not want the attention/popularity that comes with associating herself with Clem and Alonso. Clem does not understand and begs her to stay, at least until Alonso marries. MC shakes her head and thanks Clem but no thanks. She especially does not want to be around her son anymore. This whole thing was a mistake.

Doris & Tav (take 2)
They argue about the same old thing because nothing else is happening. Doris throws some venom about MC. Tav predictably gets mad and believes her every word. Doris smiles knowing she has Tav wrapped around her finger. Wash, rinse and repeat… FFWD!!

Mother and Son, Blind leading the Blind
Alonso finds out that MC quit. He tries and is successful in poisoning his mothers mind against MC. He believes MC quit because she did not want anyone finding out that her Ex was the one that stole the pic. Better yet, he believes that his mom should turn MC in to the police. When the mom suggests that he should turn them in he backs down, stating that he police will come to the same conclusion anyway. Clem thinks he should think about his marriage now that he is in the limelight. All her friends who never talked to her in the past are all chummy friends (who wants or need fake friends like that). He couldn’t be in a better position, his mom states proudly as Alonso’s head floats towards the clouds.

MC, The Debbie Downer 
Juanita tries to cheer MC up. She believes that MC will be able to buck up more if she rests a little bit. MC believes that even though her body is rested her mind will not be. Juanita flexes her philosophical muscles throughout this conversation.  After the storm, calmness arrives. However, MC believes that with her, its been one storm after the other. To drive the point home we get a sepia sequence of flashbacks of all the suffering we had to endure with this show hardships MC endured.  

The appearance of the infamous painting
Alonso and friend receive a package, which turns out to be his missing painting. Along with the destroyed art there is a typed out note. The sender wishes ill on Alonso’s future career and does not repent what he did. This infuriates Alonso. He decides to hope on the vengeance train. This time he will repaint MC nude! Lets see what Tav will say about that.

Lies, Lies and more Lies
Cecilia the grouch believes Clem made the right decision in firing MC (Lie 1). She thinks MC was way too proud and definitely has a loose past.  Clem wanted to avoid a scandal in her house, especially if her Ex husband had something to do with the stolen painting. Clem assures Cecelia that her son is a gentleman (Lie 2) and respectful person (Lie 3).

Tav talks to Simona about his son. He promises to visit soon. A visit from the persistent detective interrupts the call. He believes that Tav is one of the few people who would have a special interest in this photo. The only other person is MC herself. Tav laughs until he notices a piece of painting by the bed. The smart detective also notices this as well, which causes Tav to fess up.

Revenge can drive a person crazy
Alonso, if anything, is a man of action. He quickly gets to work on painting a naked MC. He is so obsessed or determined that he will lock himself inside until the job is done (if only her were this passionate about all his work).  A detective pays him a visit and tells him that they found the culprit…none other than his BFF Tav.  He needs to visit the station to ID Tav.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Alonso wants to make sure that MC would not be to blame in this mess. He has another surprise waiting for her.      

At the station, Tav and Alonso have a showdown with the detective as their audience. Alonso does not want to accuse Tav, instead he just asks Tav to pay what the photo is worth. Tav believes the photo is worth very little and they continue to banter back and forth. Since Alonso does not want to accuse Tav, he is a free man. Before Tav makes his escape, Tav gets invited to the exhibit once again. This time Alonso is sure that he will know the true value of his work.

Job searching and Apartment hunting
No luck with apartment hunting and the only jobs available are those seeking servants. MC believes she may have to go back down that route (and to think before she was a multimillion are, that owned many businesses).                        

Darn, we got caught!!
Doris finds out from Tav that their plan, although well thought out, was not good enough. They left fragments of the photo in the hotel room and that is how they got caught. Doris finds the whole thing funny until he mentions that the detective had his suspicions already because only a jealous person would have motive. Girl face it…. he is just Not. That, Into. You!

The Debut + Upcoming Drama!!
Motivation and Revenge can get you far because Alonso has already debut a naked version of the first picture. The piece of art has generated lots of attention, Even his slightly crazed artistic friend thinks it is the best work Alonso has ever done.
Word spreads quickly and his mother finds out Alonso’s antics through the papers. She is dismayed at the scandal this would cause (Rich TN families and their fear of scandals. Seems like a 9-5 job trying to find all the different ways to avoid them).  We end this part of the episode with MC asking Juanita to by today’s papers. Maybe they will have better luck searching for jobs. As Juanita leaves, MC ponders how cruel she is being to Juanita if she asks her to stay; she currently has no home, no job…nada L

Advances:  Fallout from the scandalous portrait + drama all around!! Solita sighting also promised. 


Hi Cece - yes it's just 146. The first hour was a repeat.

I think they did this on purpose because with an even 15 left, that's three weeks of episodes.

Good work, Cece.

I am thoroughly frustrated with the insanity that this series has become. With only 15 episodes left I can;t see how -- short of a supernatural event -- Maricruz and Octavio could end up together.

Thanks, Cece! 3 weeks sounds good to me. Personally, I cannot decide who has been worse to Maricruz: JA, Miguel or Alfonso. At least the Emir was pretty straightforward except with the attempted kidnapping. Lol. I liked the black and white review of her trials and tribulations Maricruz had in her own head. I am ready for much more drama now especially with the nude painting and then a happy ending.

Thanks CeCe. This TN is so hard to follow because it doesn't make any sense. Leave your common sense at the door when you turn this on.

So we have an idiotic investigation over a no name artist's stolen painting. If MC turns Al in for stealing the other painter's painting how does that implicate MC? I hope the crazy sick painter kills Al. It would put me out of my misery.

And why is getting ones portrait painted so scandalous? Why is being alone in an artist's studio suggest that they are having an affair? Maybe if the painting was of a nude MC I could get the connection, but this is estupido.

It can be scandalous if anyone has an interest in making it so.

Has anyone ever seen the original series of The Forsyte Saga? In a few of the later episodes one of the characters gets a modeling job for a working class woman with an unemployed husband. She ends up posing nude for an artist on the rise. The painting doesn't show anything more than a quarter-view of her butt; the husband is still suspicious when he sees the painting in the gallery.

By this time the wife had posed for other artists and was making more money than the husband had before (because posing nude paid 50% better in Edwardian London than posing clothed).

Keep in mind that an artist with any talent at figure drawing/painting can look at a clothed person and determine what the nude body looks like, so whoever will paint Maricruz nude without her cooperation is likely to get it right. That will send Octavio off the rails.

Yes, the gulf between MC and Tav just keeps getting wider and wider..... These two have learned no lessons and just keep repeating the same mistakes over and over.

Poor MC - two guys get mad at each other, but somehow she's the one who bears the brunt of any "revenge".

Anytime MC is mad at him (for whatever reason), Tav decides his best option is to get engaged to another woman. Not only that - but every time he gets engaged to another woman he says goodbye to his daughter as if he will never see her again.

Cathyx - apparently any "respectable" woman would not pose an artist with such a terrible womanizer reputation no matter how innocent the pose. She is "sullied" by any such connection and even visiting his studio. Very old-fashioned thinking, but that is what much of this TN - and certainly most of Tav's outrageous protests - are based on.

Of course, MC knew this and posed anyway out of spite because she was mad at Tav. That was her "revenge" after seeing him with a drunken Doris.

All hell will break loose now that a picture of MC nude is hanging in the gallery. No matter that it was out of the artist's imagination and that he is the villain causing trouble for MC - she must have posed for it - that's as good a photographic evidence!

And poor MC out a job again. Can Tav taking Lupita again because "MC has low morals and out of economic desperation might prostitute herself" be far behind? Ugh!

It's just disgusting.

They did create a great villain out of Fonzie though. Of all the people torturing and driving MC and Tav apart throughout the TN, he is the best.

Of course you know they are setting up a sweet anvil for Fonzie with that underage jilted and bitter young woman bent on revenge even though she "loves him".

thanks, Cece. One word...Basta,

I would like to see ALL the guys smitten by Maricruz's electric dimples gather together one last time. I think that she would have been better off with the two older mittened guys ,The LOve Gov or Alvaro.

Mittened?.....that was supposed to be smittened...sigh

Thanks CeCe, good job. Do I sense a bit of exasperation?

UA, I can't let this statement pass without comment:

"Keep in mind that an artist with any talent at figure drawing/painting can look at a clothed person and determine what the nude body looks like, so whoever will paint Maricruz nude without her cooperation is likely to get it right."

Perhaps an anatomically correct nude body with approximate correct proportions, but there are aspects of each individual body that must be seen to be accurately captured... that includes both males and females.

Now Octavio has a pretty good idea of what Maricruz looks like nude (OK, OK, I realize that he couldn't even distinguish between Maricruz and Maria Alejandra) and Alfonso is only guessing so when he sees the painting Octavio should be able to spot that Alfy faked it.

If they'd give us a clear look at this painting, anyone who's seen the movie Divina Confusión could see how close Alfonso has come to getting it right.

Now Maricruz could easily prove Alfonso's fraud but to do so, she'll have to display the proof of his deception which of course defeat her original intent to preserve her privacy.

This could get interesting after all.


Thanks, CeCe. Take it easy traveling.
I think the silly shuffle on the "dual episodes" may be to tie the "exciting and scandalous MariCruz desnuda" episode into the opening of "Por Siempre Mi Amor". Make sure everyone's watching and suck them into the new TN.


When the policeman came to Tav's room, he told him he was with the "secret service". Then when the policeman was talking to his supervisor he referred to themselves as "secret police". Wow!

La those writers are sloppy, LOL!

And either choice of law enforcement branch is ridiculous - in case that wasn't clear from my above post.

Does anyone else think that Lupita looks different in this episode? Has Maricruz done a makeover on her as well? The hair seems lighter, maybe shorter and less tangled. Her face and eyebrows seem different to me also.


What a cliffhanger this ends on. I can't wait until Monday.-This was my comment for Mentir Para Vivir. Too bad I can never say that about this show. :(


Wow..all this drama and police involvement over a portrait of a girl by a not very talented, unknown artist...really ?? You'd think that a priceless Renoir or Picasso.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Thanks for patiently waiting. For some reason I was able to tolerate this episode. Perhaps it's because I found out i only have to watch 1 hour....or maybe I still have that retail therapy high from Black Friday ;).
me...exasperation?? Never...I did think Lupita looked a little different. I blamed it on the change of hairstyle. Or maybe its lighting...who knows.
Anyone is better than anyone. Ok well maybe not Alonso...and Miguel was useless (RIP). I also didnt get the big deal about the painting...secret police?? Hmmm

"they are setting up a sweet anvil for Fonzie with that underage jilted and bitter young woman bent on revenge even though she "loves him"." Ojala!!

"Too bad I can never say that about this show."
For a minute there you had me fooled. I almost rechecked to see if I watched the right advances. All jokes will be interesting to see the fallout. These characters (except for Juanita) are all emotional driven with no logic.

"Alfonso is only guessing so when he sees the painting Octavio should be able to spot that Alfy faked it."
This is Tav we are talking about here. I do not put anything past him anymore.

I just finished reading your nifty recap. What a great job. The exasperation I was referring to earlier was with our characters... certainly not the task.

From what I could see of amplified portrait, I didn't spot any breathtaking talent, but then I was underwhelmed by Aníbal's painting.

"This is Tav we are talking about here."

Yes, I realize that, I was speaking more or less generically.

So, we're looking at daycare for Lupita? Hmmm...

Solita will be back? I didn't see that. I'm thrilled. Let me guess... she's probably become a voice coach by now.

By the way, I spotted Tobías hanging out at the new show LQLVMR... he's joined the Coast Guard and has become a bit of a jerk.


Thanks CeCe. Just wondering: has there ever been a novella where the main "lovers" spent so little time lovin' on each other? Has there ever been one with this high a frustration factor? For me, it rivals LFMB, post-Aldo.


Great work, Cece! I haven't seen the last two episodes, but I can picture it all.

I can't generate enough interest to watch the episodes, but now I'm curious to see what Lupita looks like and the Solita preview. I'd also like to see the paintings. I may just watch in ff mode.

I'm sure that Alfonso won't be so stupid as to try to put in details he couldn't know. If there is a birthmark missing that only Octavio has ever seen that would be the giveaway.

However, Octavio is no rocket scientist either. And both he and Maricruz have become so stupid I can't care about them anymore.

I do not blame you. I was shocked to see Solita in the previews. Perhaps since MC has no place to go she will crash with Solita and her mom.

Ditto! I dont care about their relationship any longer. I think I will roll my eyes when they get back together because at this point I do not see how the writers will write a believable solution.
Fortunately, I have watched novelas that have generally been very good. The only novela I know (and I have not watched many either) where the couple spent most of the time apart was CCEA. For whatever reason, I enjoyed that way more than this one.

I know I've said this before, but I've never been so frustrated by a TN as I am by CI. Based on the cast and general plot, I had high expectations. The gap between expectations and delivered reality gets wider with each episode.

I consider the fact that this TN will end in three weeks as my personal Christmas gift. And I will celebrate the end. (As I weep for lost hopes.) I recently bought a small sock monkey, and it will celebrate with me. So, whatever happens, there will be an end to the misery and there will be a monkey.

Great idea! Remember the monkey! He provided some of the best moments.


Cece -
One of the reasons you may have enjoyed CCEA more than CI may have been William Levy - que no?

The way this show is playing, it's as if it were the early 1900's. Then the behaviors would make sense. But since it's a hundred years later than that, the behaviors,conversations, and thoughts are just ridiculous.

I know everyone has talked about this hotel room they are living in is odd, but this episode really drove that point home since they were in it a lot. There are people outside of it sitting, eating, conversing, walking past on their phones while MC and Juanita are in the room talking and living all with the curtains open. No one outside is even bothering to look in at them, which I couldn't help myself from doing if I were there. And there's a bed right in the living room where Lupita sleeps, again with the curtains open and MC and Juanita talking.
Do they have rooms like this in Mexico? Is this a common setup?

cathyx, original story was written in 70's, so it's explains a lot. Romero copypasted the story that was ok in 70's, but not 40 years later. I was shocked, when i saw Doris with newspaper. And with the news about robbery. Really? Few hours after robbery and already all newspapers had this news? It was perfect moment to use tablet, but no... And no cameras in the gallery. Really?
And no sweet romance between leads. What a shame. I was told that it's Natalie style. So no more Natalie novelas for me.

Alegria, I'm old enough to have lived during th 70's and nothing that is happening in this novela would have been scandalous in the least. Except maybe that weird apartment.

La Paloma,
I will be celebrating right along with you...sock monkey...hahaha. As sad as it is to have lost the monkey...even it knew that it was staring in a train wreck and left before it got worse. Lol.
Of course you are right. I really like Levy. I think his best will be Sortilegio. I didnt watch TDA...minus LT, I try to avoid Mieja novelas.
I thought it was so weird having the ppl outside right out there room. It looks like a studio apartment where everything is in one room but its still strange.
I think that is one of the problems with this TN. It seemed like it was Copy & Paste. They really should have tried to modernize this and cut it down to less than 100 episodes. For Example, I recently saw Amor Real and thus far I am really liking there modernization of it (thus far). The themes are familiar but updated.
Natalie is supposedly remaking another Mari___ novela. I too will be running in another direction. I really hope there are no protaganistas in that that I like.

Thank you CeCe for a GREAT recap of a GREAT novela.

Things are moving right along. Tav went into out of control mode over Mari's painting, he still loves her. Doris might have him now but that won't be for long.

So Alfie might get done in by his past girlfriend. Wouldn't that be interesting?

Picky, picky, picky---Is it the local police, the state police, the federal police or the secret police??? IT DOESN'T MATTER!!!
There was an art exhibit and a painting was stolen. The police are investigating---THAT'S IT!!!
Good grief, it's no wonder you guys don't like CI, you're too busy trying to pick it apart.

The hotel room again. It's obvious that there is one way glass. You can see out but no one can see in.

Solita? Funny thing, I have been thinking for a couple of episodes now that Solita would be back and when she comes back, she will both be able to hear and speak. I didn't see her in the advances but some of you did so maybe Monday will be double interesting

Will Tav figure out that the painting is a fake? My guess is that he will not. One Cell probably will let his emotions take over the one brain cell that he has. MY WIFE!!! THE MOTHER OF MY DAUGHTER DID THAT??? NOW IT's WAR!!!
Monday will be VERY GOOD, so Cathyx---I will say it for you.
the gringo

Gringo, you are right. I care too much. I'm going to take your attitude and when something doesn't make sense to me, I'm going to say, who cares!
In fact, I'm going to find an explanation for everything that seems odd to me, like you did with the apartment where there are windows where people seem to be able to watch inside the apartment. 1 way glass, I love it.

Well, if we're going to approach it with that attitude... then I say none of these characters are actually human (hence the nonsensical responses to events), and the story is actually not taking place on Earth, but on some bizarro planet that is like a funhouse version of Earth. :)

Vivi, I say if that makes it work for you, then go for it, lol. I might just do that too.

On planet Bizzaro, MC will find another job where she doesn't have to actually work, or she'll make up with Octavio. And Solita will come back hearing and talking like she could have if she could hear her whole life. And even teach speech therapy, like Carlos suggested.


Your enthusiasm for this show never ceases to amaze me. Life would be so much easier if I had that much enthusiasm for things that are not to my liking.
Vivi and Cathyx,
Your stories already sound way more intriguing than what we are working with.

Cathyx---I didn't come up with the one way glass idea, it was someone else on the blog, I don't remember who but it has to be. No hotel would rent out a room where people eating right on the other side of the window could look in on you.

I once showed a well educated lady a very important article or maybe it was a chapter in a book.
I don't remember it was sometime back. But I do remember that the questions began to fly. Who wrote this, why did they write it, when did they write this, where was it written, and on, and on, and on. The message was so plain to understand but this lady with her university degree couldn't see the forest through the trees. I said, forget about all of those questions and just concentrate on what is being said---she never got it. The well educated lady, a manager, was so busy trying to pick it apart and analyze it that even though trees were all around her, she continued to search for the forest.
Cathyx---Vivi That's all that I was trying to say. I don't try to pick apart every little thing---why did he do/say that? Why did she do/say that? It's a interesting, exciting story. I don't try to analyze every little bit and piece of it, I just go with the flow and right now the flow is rough for both Tav and Mari but I know that it will smooth out soon and until that happens, I CAN'T WAIT.
the gringo


CeCe, thanks for a great recap. I haven't quite caught up yet but I'm close! Thank goodness for the phony double episodes late this week! I'm so OCD I have trouble using the FF button like several of you….and I thought this week would leave me behind.

CeCe, I loved the following observations:

"Before going to work MC comes home to dump her latest load onto Juanita." LOL!

"Mother and Son, Blind leading the Blind" Oh yea, tell it like it is.

"Juanita flexes her philosophical muscles throughout this conversation." Now if "someone" would only listen.

Gringo, It was Carlos who concluded that there must be one way glass in the doors.

OK, the last 6 comments made me laugh and laugh. Gringo, you are a treasure…..


Thanks Cece, good job as always.
Gringo, I am still waiting for the silver lining of this tn.
I'm a sucker for love stories how ever dismal the ending could be. But I love MC's character and her one-man love of her life no matter how indomable she could be. I prefer her than the character Maite Peroni)( is it also Mari?) in CCEA who was as unforgiving and stubborn as can be. Also that of Val(Lucero)of STUD who went crazy as to be an arsonist burning their love house. There, I am defending MC and her pure and generous heart. Bless her.
And last of all, Can't also wait for the show's happy ending.
Yes of course I am frustrated the way CI was written(like too Victorian) but I think for me, CDL and QBA were far more worst TNs than this and to have CDL actors be award winners were for me amazing.
So there, Gringo, I too can't wait for the next chapter or episode. I only watch it for MC and Lupita and also Juanita.

Cece: Fun read! Thanks for your diligent effort to get it up despite the holiday activities! I can totally relate. Je-je. ITA that this thing is more like watching "Groundhog Day", telenovela style.


"No hotel would rent out a room where people eating right on the other side of the window could look in on you." With all due respect, ask a traveling sales rep about those rooms looking out onto public fare-ways. They do, in fact, exist in any number of motels and hotels, and the window is two-way--very much so. It's depressing, amigo, but it's the life. The names and locations have been [omitted] to protect the innocent..... =/; ? (


ViviDC: Bizarro has that Kurt Vonnegut feel to it, doesn't it?

Thank you for the stellar recap, Cece.

So, 15 episodes left, 3 weeks to go, that means 1 episode a day, right?
The recappers pulling double duty with this mess are worthy of all my appreciation.

How can Tav and MC get their happy ending when now they seem so far apart? Well, the less logic it makes, the more I know it WILL happen.


Vida2 said " But I love MC's character and her one-man love of her life. . . I am defending MC and her pure and generous heart."

I agree Vida2, and also with what you pointed out about STUD and CCEA. CCEA had some very stupid and crazy stuff in it. I couldn't watch the whole thing, either the first time or on the repeat. I also got very frustrated with the lovers on STUD.

Our sweethearts now have such a pattern of bad behavior toward each other, I fear for their future happiness after a reunion.

I saw a piece on 60 Minutes last night about's upcoming
technology. It was on this mornings news also. It seems that in the future, if you want your package pronto, Amazon will be able to deliver it to you by a little drone helicopter. When my wife saw it, the questions started
What if the box is bigger? What if the drone crashes? What if the drone takes the package to the wrong doorstep? On and on. Just like the stolen painting in CI---
Who, how, what, where, when? Which police dept.? Etc. It's the future, it's going to happen. The painting, Tav stole the painting.
How, when, where, doesn't matter.
He did it. The big question now is
what will happen when he sees or finds out about the nude painting?
OMG!!! I can't wait.

Jardinera654---WOW!! I can't believe that there are hotel rooms like that but as you say that it's true, I'll take another room, thank you very much.

Vida2---I love Mari's character also. She's a GOOD PERSON with a kind and generous heart. Yes I know she has made mistakes---she should have done this, she shouldn't have done that, BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! I've had to put up with the "I can't take this any more crowd" for a long time now---
I don't care, let them cry and complain. Like you, I'm in Mari's camp and I CAN'T WAIT for her happiness. I know that it will come and until it does, I won't miss even one minute.
the gringo


I have two questions...How did Octavio get that "Huge" painting out of the exhibit...on the street and into his apartment with no one noticing? Also, what has happened to Miguelito?? Just wondering....

Anonymous, I will answer your questions with my new attitude.

How did Octavio get that painting out without anyone noticing? Who cares. Those details don't matter.
What happened to Miguelito? On planet Bizarro, children can take care of themselves.

Thank you for the recap! I watched the last three nights episodes (Wed thru Fri) yesterday. It seems Alfonso is really good at making enemies as they seem to be circling. Poor MC. From nothing to rich to almost nothing again. She has no one to blame but herself.

Nice to see Tav go off the emotional deep end for once while destroying MC's picture.

Can't wait for the Solita sighting! If she can hear, well that I would believe because she could have had an operation in this amount of time. But if she can speak! Well that will be too much--even for this show.

LOL. Great answers. I didn't even ask those logical questions anymore. My brain has been conditioned to turn off when this show is on.

I too am excited for the Solita sighting. I hope that she can hear or at least can communicate through sign language. I thought she started getting lessons way back when they lived in the mansion


Carvivlie- Really? Is anything too much for this show.

Cathyx- Great responses to the questions. Bizarro planet rules are in play, which means that anything is possible and logic has no place.

Gringo- Really, you can't guess how Tav is going to react? If nothing else, this tn is great at repeating our protagonists' rash acts and bad choices.

The ONLY mystery is whether or not Solita will be able to hear and speak. THAT, I'm looking forward to seeing.

MC and Tav will continue with their rollercoaster relationship silliness, until the last episode, when, yes Gringo, they will realize their love, kiss, have a big wedding, and live happily ever after (apparently). I am not worried in the least about that particular plot point.


Anonymous 12:54---How did Tav steal the painting? He's a good thief. Where is Miguelito? He's in day care. On the planet bizarre? UMMMM I don't think so. My guess is that the day care center is right there close by in the DF.

For those in the fun dept. I have not seen a novela yet that answered all of the questions that people might and do have. Think of it like a puzzle, just put the pieces together and use your imagination. It's easy. You guys didn't know that Tav was a good thief did you? LOL.
the gringo

Vivi---Tav is going to blow his one brain cell tonight. I hope that he will be able to rewire it.
Tonight will really be good.

My money is on that Solita will be both hearing and speaking when we see her next.

Does anyone know if Maricruz could sue over the fake nude painting? Mari wins millions in court and is rich once again. I know that I am wishing for too much. Well, it was a thought at least.
the gringo

Vivi---Tav is going to blow his one brain cell tonight. I hope that he will be able to rewire it.
Tonight will really be good.

My money is on that Solita will be both hearing and speaking when we see her next.

Does anyone know if Maricruz could sue over the fake nude painting? Mari wins millions in court and is rich once again. I know that I am wishing for too much. Well, it was a thought at least.
the gringo

gringo, glad that you showed up. I was beginning to worry about you this weekend. Sounds like you're OK.

"Does anyone know if Maricruz could sue over the fake nude painting?"

Oh, I so hope that she does. Of course to prove her case she'd have to display her goodies in open court. Then he could counter that it doesn't really look like her because he is such a bad artist. Then assuming that she wins will she collect from Alfonso who is currently broke? I suppose that he could sell Liberación for over a million pesos, but then Aníbal might speak up... I see a good three weeks for all this if she sues, so I'm going to guess that she probably won't.


@Gringo: Avoid hotel rooms with an "atrium" or "mezzanine" view if you like your privacy. But I don't think Maricruz's room even came with venetian blinds.

Also, those drones have generated a lot of publicity, haven't they? I don't think the timing is coincidental.

There are definitely curtains in her room. If I were staying in that room, I'd have them closed all the time.

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