Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Corazon Indomable, Episode #156, Monday, December 16, 2013 “Free At Last, Free At Last, Thank God Almighty, Maricruz Is Free At Last!!!......AND SO AM I!!!!!”

Recap by LatinaInMD                       

Thank you, Lord.  I’m done.  My personal “sentence” is complete.  To all of Viewerville, thank you for the opportunity to recap C.I.  When I began this journey, I enjoyed watching this novela and thus enjoyed recapping it too.  But I must sadly agree with my fellow recappers and the rest of Viewerville that the third and fourth parts of C.I. have been truly painful to watch, so I am overjoyed that this process is over for me.

Note:  Some scenes are combined.

Maricruz and Octavio continue their tearful goodbyes as Lupita enjoys an apparent Benadryl-induced psychedelic trip with the overhead studio lights.  She’s so out of it that Octavio has to raise her arm for her so she can give a limp-hand wave goodbye to her crying mama.

Alfie’s dad informs his grieving wife that Natasha and her entourage of starving artists are back and wish to speak with her.  She refuses to see them.  She is not about to attend to her son’s “enemies”.  Dad has no choice but to go face the music, er, headband-wearing Natasha and her gang, who insist that they will fight to get back their friend’s painting.  Alfie’s dad promises to give them back the money he received for the “masterpiece”, but he begs them not to sully his son’s name by revealing that he stole it from his friend.

ShutUpDoris is back in town.  Oh joy.  She tells Octavio she still has problems with her daddy because of her plans to marry Octavio, but she couldn’t care less.  Octavio expresses concern that once back on the island her daddy will make life impossible for them.  Then, true to his nature, he goes from having just sworn undying love to Maricruz to yet again saying he must “take” his daughter with him, but “legally” he says - as opposed to just kidnapping her for a third time, I guess.  (Of course, seconds later he does an about-face and says there’s a chance Maricruz will be set free, in which case she is entitled to her kid.)….Octavio suggests to S.U.D. that she return to the island and wait there for him while he resolves what will happen with Lupita.  She refuses to leave on the “eve” of their wedding.

Meanwhile, back in Maricruz’s favorite “boutique hotel” (aka prison), she is surprised when a guard informs her she is wanted in the warden’s office for an “interrogation”.

More Maria humor, which I personally found disgusting.  She comes upon a man sitting on a bench chatting on his cell while holding on to a cup of orange juice at a distance, conveniently far enough for him not to notice when she takes a couple of long gulps out of it.  Gross, gross, gross.

The guard orders Maricruz to pack up her stuff before heading to the warden’s office.  Maricruz is visibly nervous.  It’s starting to dawn on her that, horror of horrors, she is about to be “evicted” from her rent-free prison studio apartment.  She is SO nervous that the guard actually tells her there’s nothing for her to be nervous about.  Ridiculous.  Then, without packing, she is led to the warden’s office, where a couple of cops demand to know why she lied and declared herself guilty of a crime she didn’t commit…..Maricruz STILL insists that she did the deed.  In a moment of high drama – NOT!!! – the warden tells her to stop lying and asks if she would recognize her own voice if she heard it…..She says of course, and he proceeds to play the recording of her “confessing” her innocence.  (I suppose ANY prisoner can now “confess” his innocence and that should be enough to set him or her free.  Brilliant.)

Now it turns out that Alfie’s most recent former flame (what’s her name????) is a friend of both Alvaro and his teenage daughter Elsita, aka Alfie’s other former flame.  What a tiny world Mexico City is - well, except whenever Maricruz and Octavio desperately need to find each other.  (Cue all the filler scenes with this bunch.  No point in describing them, because I don’t care what they do, and I’m sure most patio peeps don’t either.  Come to think of it, though, I don’t care about any characters anymore, so maybe I should just stop right here and enjoy my newfound freedom from “viewing C.I.” hell.)   Well, ok, I’ll continue – so, Alvaro eventually arrives home and immediately has to put a stop to “what’s her name” and her lame attempt to seduce him.

After some prodding from the cops and the warden, Maricruz finally “admits” that she is innocent.  Perfect, says the warden, now these men are going to determine your fate.  (Yes, the cops, not a judge or jury, because they don’t count for “s—it” in Mexico, especially not in a Lartilleux masterpiece.)  She hangs her head, as if any fate could be worse than a lifetime in prison.  (If they really want to hurt her, they should force her to watch C.I. on an endless loop for the rest of her life.)  This is beyond ridiculous – after commercial, we have the warden handing Maricruz a written declaration of her innocence and insisting that she sign it because, he says, “you can no longer retract your confession”.  Maricruz sighs and reluctantly signs her confession.    One of the cops then informs her that their investigations practically confirm that she is innocent:  “Therefore, you are hereby declared innocent of that charge.”  (Lord, help me.  As a lawyer, this crap is especially hard for me to swallow.  Now I understand how Carlos must feel when he hears all the medical nonsense.) 

More Maria antics - she is now at a bus-stop, enjoying a yummy churro.  Next thing you know, innocent bystander Maria is embroiled in a cell-phone stealing brouhaha, so while Maricruz is on the verge of being set-free, Maria is on the verge of taking her place.  All this drama is just too much for my heart to take.  Roll eyes.

Alfie’s dad informs his wife that he gave the money paid for the painting back to Natasha and her gang.  He assures her they will never speak ill of their son.  Now she does an about-face and says that’s all fine with her, as she caresses a framed photo of her son, wearing what appears to be his one and only pair of skinny jeans. 

I just don’t care, but you may be interested to know that what’s-her-name informs Alvaro that she “must” continue to visit his daughter, even if he doesn’t like her, because she “loves” his daughter so much.  Alvaro reproaches her for encouraging his daughter to have a relationship with Alfie while she herself was involved with him.  (Ok, Alvaro, then why the heck don’t you just grab her by the arm, hair, whatever, and just throw her out of your home already?  Just a thought.)  Ah, but no, Romero has a “big” surprise for us.  What’s-her-name reminds Alvaro that “many secrets” unite them, like we care at this point about these people’s back-story.  Next.

Maricruz is taken to “check out” of her rent-free prison accommodations.  A friendly prison guard hands Maricruz her release papers and informs her that they include her former husband’s address, which her daughter’s nanny was nice enough to provide to them.  (Good going, Juanita, hopefully that will put an end to the “running around trying to find Maricruz” game that Octavio has had to play since his salvajita first left Rancho Narvaez.  Or will it?  Gotta wonder.)  Maricruz tells the guard that she can’t wait to see her little girl but prefers not to run into “him”.  Don’t worry, whatever has to happen will happen, says the guard.  (Oh, no, here we go again.)

The tuba is back.  Lord help us all.  Maricruz’s lawyer just called Alvaro and informed him that Maricruz is about to be set free.  Alvaro tells him he is immediately heading to the prison to wait until Maricruz comes out.

Maricruz, ever so thoughtful, asks how Carola and her buddy are doing.  The guard informs her they will continue in the “punishment cell” for another week, so they’ll learn to respect their other prison mates….Anyway, she is led outside on a rainy day (with her loose, wavy and wild hair getting wet) and is happy to see Alvaro there waiting for her.  She just knew his would be the first face she would see, she tells him.  She thanks him for being such a good friend.  He still hopes he is more than that.

Maria is in a jail cell, but she doesn’t seem to be suffering much.  She is just busy recounting her hi-jinks to her cellmates.  Another long, useless scene later and Maria regains her freedom.  Oh, joy. 

Alvaro wonders where Maricruz is headed next.  She first wants to see her daughter, who is now with Octavio.  Alvaro wants to know if she plans to return with Octavio.  No, she assures him, that is long over…..Well, it’s “confession day” in Mexico City.  Now Alvaro “confesses” to Maricruz that his daughter Elsa is ill.  (I guess he previously told Maricruz, without telling the rest of us, that he has a daughter, because Maricruz is not the least bit surprised about that.)  So, he offers Maricruz a job as Elsita’s caretaker.  (Alvaro, are you nuts? She can’t even take care of her own child.)  His government job pays so well that he not only lives in an elegant, spacious home, but it also comes with a little guest house, which he thinks is perfect for her, her daughter AND the nanny.  Well, thank goodness Maricruz recognizes that she is too emotionally imbalanced herself to act as the caretaker of an emotionally imbalanced teenager, and she tells Alvaro she could probably cause her more harm than good.  As the tuba returns, Alvaro tells her he doesn’t want to pressure her, but reminds her he loves her and that he will watch over her if she will allow him to help her. 

Seconds later, Juanita is monkeying around with Lupita in Octavio’s new abode when she suddenly hears a knock on the door.  She runs to open the door and is surprised to see Maricruz, who not only managed to teleport to Octavio’s new abode, but also had time in between to get her hair all dried up, darkened, straightened and done up in a bun.  Juanita is excited, but Lupita looks like she couldn’t care less that her “mommy” just showed up.  Whatever.  Maricruz runs to her, sits her on her lap, embraces her, and flashes a big smile and her magic dimples…..Juanita is excited to see her.  (Maybe she’s hoping to finally get paid.)

Meanwhile, Doris just found out that “la salvaje” is free.  She is fuming because she is sure that in no time Maricruz and Octavio will reunite.  She quickly figures out a way to take Octavio far away before that can happen.

Natasha, what’s her name, and what’s his name brainstorming.  Whatever.  Next.

Front page news again.  Alfie’s mom reads the huge headline announcing WHAT JUST HAPPENED MINUTES AGO – “la dama desnuda” is free because the painter who fell from a plane was the murderer.  Alfie’s dad comes in and points out that the person most hurt by everything that happened is Maricruz.  His wife begs to differ.  “Our son was the most hurt.”  (Good point, the scumbag did lose his life.)  Her husband still thinks Maricruz got the worst of it and it’s time for his wife to acknowledge that Maricruz bears no fault for what happened.

ShutUpDoris calmly awaits Octavio’s arrival at the airport.  As soon as she sees him walking towards her, she starts feigning stomach pains and says she feels horrible.  She informs him she saw a doctor who told her she has to have gall-bladder surgery right away, so she has to fly home – because, you know, flying is the sensible thing to do when there’s a chance that your guts will explode.  But she wants him to fly with her to Isla Dorada because she doesn’t want to die alone on a plane.  (She wants to take him to hell with her.  Literally or figuratively, sounds good to me.)….. Octavio assures Doris that he will accompany her, but first he has to report-in for the flight he just completed.  Off he goes.  Doris thinks she’s won again, but the sneaky bastard goes to a public phone (still no cell phones, peeps) and calls the governor’s office and leaves him an “urgent” message that his daughter is seriously ill at the airport awaiting a flight to the island.  He suggests that they take her to a hospital as soon as she arrives there.

Back at Octavio’s little apartment, Maricruz opens the front door and is surprised to see Alfie’s mom standing there.  She tells her she is there to ask for her forgiveness.  Alfie’s mom tells Maricruz she feels so bad because of how much she has suffered.  Don’t even mention it, says Maricruz, this is par for the course for me.  Alfie’s mom wants to help her now, but Maricruz says no one can help her anymore – because, after all, she will do all she can to screw things up anyway.  (Well, ok, I added the bold part, but I’m sure Maricruz was thinking the same thing.)   “But I am indebted to you,” says Alfie’s mom, “and I will do the impossible to repair the damage my son caused you.”

Octavio goes back to Doris and tells her not to worry because he already informed the governor of what’s going on with her health.  He reminds her he can’t step onto Isla Dorada, so he will accompany her but will not even get off the plane with her.  He will come right back to Mexico City on the same plane.

Previews:  Sorry, I already saw the final episodes, and I still can’t believe what Univision is now showing as its “gran final” teaser.  I’m not saying a thing.  Speechless and shaking my head.  Best of luck with that recap, Vivi.



Thanks so much for this marvelous last recap of CI. You did it justice.

I am glad MC is out of prison. She looked almost relieved in a way. I really liked the reunion she had with Lupita and Juanita.

Maybe Tav is regaining some brain cells. At least he called the Gubernador's office and informed them of SUD's "illness" ; ) He is finally thinking for himself. SUD does try though, doesn't she?

I wonder how Clementina knew where MC was gonna be after she got out of prison? I gave up trying to figure out how they find each other a long time ago in this TN.

I too can't figure out why they added Alvaro's daughter. I know when they were at Rancho Abuelo, Alvaro did mention he had a child, but I always thought it was a child not a teen. Does Elsa even know that Alfie is dead?

Thanks again LatinaInMD for all your recaps for this TN.

No, Elsa does not yet know that Alfonso is dead. They've been keeping that dreadful news from her. Just one more stupidity.

Thanks, LatinaInMD for an excellent recap. Happy to see MC strolling the sidewalk in those killer platform heels.

Christmas time's a-comin' along with the end of CI! May they all live in some degree of happiness.

Thank you, LatinainMD! I enjoyed your very good final recap.

Seems like Francisco, Clementina's husband, is one of the few logical and "normal" characters in this novela. At least Maricruz has a friend in Clementina.

I am glad that Maricruz is out of prison and that Octavio has learned how to deal with Doris. Now he needs to get rid of her for good.



Thanks LaPaloma and congrats on your release from Reclusorio CI. I loved your final message to Vivi. I wonder if she is going to regret volunteering to do the Por Fin.

MC looked great last night. AB is one of those actresses that looks great in evening wear and jeans. I dare say she looks better in jeans.

Congratulations La Paloma!

Cece has volunteered to recap the first half of the Sunday finale. So she will be sharing the pain/joy with me.

Once again I was overcome by the ridiculousness of the prison authorities pressuring MC to admit she's NOT a murderer, while she was sweating bullets trying to keep herself in jail. I laughed all through that interrogation.

Considering how hard she worked to keep herself in prison for likely the rest of her life, her joy at being reunited with her child rang hollow to me. No wonder Lupita chose to continue to play with her smart phone.

Will Tav finally get tough with Doris and stay firm? I'll believe it when I see it.

I'm more distressed now MC is out and still wants to stay clear of Octavio. I want to know the real reason. Is it she doesn't love him anymore, never loved him, loves someone else, wants to continue to punish him, etc. She did seem distressed when she knew she would be released. Alvaro is not the chivalrous gent we may think. It was sweet when Octavio called Doris's bluff.

About Lupita. That scene was filmed at 4AM and one of the last scenes at all. Everybody loked TIRED.

About Alvaro. This story Romero copypasted from his old novela "Como tú ninguna" with Spanic. It looks like spin-off. It's very strange that they used new plot in the final episodes. May be Goyri wanted his big role. His name is third in entrada, so I don't think he was interested in episodes. And who cares about viewers.

Love the title LOL LOL!

Yay for you. LatinaInMD. Thanks for all your hard work on this TN!

Poor Maricruz! She found such paz (peace) in prison! And now to be checked back out in that cold cruel world

First stop - straight to seem her daughter ASAP. Wait - she stopped by a beauty parlor first, LOL!

Great final recap! Thanks LatinaInMD! I particularly enjoyed your lawyer asides.

Oh the Maria stuff was just horrible, horrible!!

Yep, AB rocks them jeans!

LatinaMD, may you get something special in your stocking this year for your efforts through this TN. My wish to all the recappers here. You have been the most amazing, loyal group!!

"Natasha, what’s her name, and what’s his name brainstorming. Whatever. Next." Yes, that brought my office neighbor over asking "what's so funny?"

Amazing how there is not one adult in this TN I actually care about anymore. This has to garner some sort of special award. As for the kiddies, my heart goes out to them. What screwed-up lives they will lead in future years.

And yes, Latina, don't have to be a lawyer to want to hit your head against the wall at the utter ridiculousness of that "release" scene at the prison. I've said it before, I'll say it again, this TN HAS TO be taking place in some alternate dimension. Hopefully the worm hole to this universe will close permanently soon.



Sorry Latina! I meant congratulations to you, not La Paloma. :)

Vivi and Sara, I was only the team member who posted LatinaInMD's recap to the blog. She's the author of the entertaining commentary. (Still awaiting the end of my "sentence.")

So sorry!!! I hadn't had my coffee! Many thanks to LatinaInMD. I have enjoyed your recaps even when the show went to crap.

Thank you so much for all of your amazing and wonderful recaps!

I really don't understand why MC wanted to stay in prison with the truth out!!! Then to act so happy and relieved to see her daughter when she could have gotten herself out awhile ago when she found out Tav didn't murder Alfie. So ridiculous I wanted to slap her, hard, a couple of times.

I fast forwarded through almost all of the other scenes except Tav and Doris. I was shocked that Tav was working a 2nd brain cell to see through Doris' act.

I'm disappointed the finale is on Sunday because I'll be away and may have to wait until after the New Year to see it. Oh well.

Great work!

Is there any chance that Maricruz wanted to be in prison to have a roof over her head, 3 squares a day, and nobody to bother her? I think that some slackers in society see it that way.

Nothing about her made any sense once she left Isla Dorada.

And someone refresh me on the whole dissertation on India Maria we had when this circus began. I don't understand her popularity and I agree with today's author that the whole thing at the bus stop was disgusting.

Hooray Latina...happy to know you're free. I only watched the first 15 minutes but I too was disturbed to see how limp and listless the poor child playing Lupita seemed. And not amused at all by the "comedy" scenes. Carlos likes them, so there must be some redeeming quality, but I don't get it.

Enjoyed "like we care at this moment about their back story" and "the tuba is back. Lord help us all!"

You haven't lost your sense of humor during this dreary time. Thanks for suffering through this with us and doing excellent recaps.

Well done, Latina, well done. How appropriate for a lawyer to recap this episode filled with legal nuances. I found myself chuckling at Maricruz's interrogation. How funny when the guy told Maricruz what she had done was a crime that she could be severely punished for... woooo!

So why should we care a fig for Elsa? She's sick? Did they say what illness she has?

I must admit that I cracked up when Octavio lifted Lupita's arm and waved goodbye with it.

I so hope that they show the scene with Doris and Octavio arriving at Isla Dorada and and ambulance with paramedics rushing aboard to take her for her emergency cholecystectomy.

As for India María, it's almost as though she is in another universe.


Thank you Latina for your most excellent recaps. I too am whelmed by the monotony that has overtaken CI. Impossible to watch, but do keep up with the recaps. When is the last episode showing?? I am going to tune in for that.

Emeraldrose- Sunday is the 2 hr finale.

ITA that ABC looked great in those jeans. She was rocking them with those heels.

If they are working a three year old child (any child) until 4am, then they all need to be arrested-- even the adult actors. There is no excuse for that. Lupita could have just been "napping" when MC arrived at Tav's apartment.

I am still astonished at the casting of that child. She looks nothing like either ABC or DA.

Latina, I felt you pain and frustration all through the recap, but just remember, you're all done forever!
And, I can't wait for the finale if it gets even more ridiculous than this. Bring on the ridiculous!

So Octavio is still giving Doris the impression that he's going to marry her. But obviously something happens between now and when MC does turn around that hasn't already happened and makes her change her mind. I hope it's idiotic and laughable and not just 'oh, I changed my mind'.

Thank you Latina---So you are done with CI. It would have been nice if you hadn't shown your disdain in just about every other paragraph but oh well, you did manage a few good lines along with your disdain.--- [A rent free studio apartment] which translated means "jail cell." was good as well as--She wants to take him to hell with her, which could be either literally or figuratively. yes, I guess it would work either way. I thought the tuba is back was funny but I do take issue with your medical nonsense comment. Really??? I think that you could say that there is "medical nonsense" in most novelas. Come on---it's true.

Lupita is really out of it. I don't know about 4AM filming or anything like that but I must say that if I was disappointed in anyone, it would have to be Lupita
I know that the little actress is quite young but others have been too---Lupita seemed to be "out of it" from day one. I have to give her credit for liking AB's hair though.

Clara C---AB is one of those actresses that looks great in evening wear and jeans. Well yes, a goddess looks good in anything.

I know---I know, everyone hates CI
I have really liked in general the overall storyline. I have also enjoyed the cast of actors and actresses that were put together for this novela. The locations and the rancho's were fabulous. I guess that everyone's
BIG gripe was the writing. I have to agree but even with the poor writing I still have to say that I've enjoyed the long journey with the many twists and turns along the way. When I saw the previews of the ending last night, my heart sank. Are they going to kill Maricruz off? Oh I hope not. There was another novela that I enjoyed, no it didn't get top ratings but I liked it a lot---that is until the ending with the crazy villainess, well being a crazy villainess. I hope that "they" don't ruin the MC/Tav romance by her death. I would not be in the happy camper category if that were to happen.
the gringo


Latina, thank you for the excellent coverage and for making me laugh again at my favorite parts: Lupita's limp-hand wave, Alvaro's tuba theme song, and Octavio's plan for Doris.

India Maria's slapstick humor reminds me of the Three Stooges. Not my favorite, but she must have quite a following. There's a lot of information about the actress and her long career on Wikipedia:



Someone once explained to me why the old tango songs are so popular with many dancers in Argentina. He said it wasn't the music itself, but the sentimiento ... the feeling you got when you heard something that made you remember past times and the people you were with. I think India Maria might evoke the same kind of sentimiento.

Vivi in DC, the worse it all this, that they were filming all day long. In the morning they were in the different part of the country, then they moved to capital and worked until the next morning. And I don't know why. They had more then a month before the last episode. Oh, how I live natalie.
About scene in the prison. I think, the director asked girl to be very quite. AB was ill, so I don't think, that they wanted to repeat a lot of times. She could be very charming, remember the scene when she helped with make-up. So I think, that it mostly the fault of director, who forget about little girl.
By the way, someone saw Juanita in prison?
Cut! otra vez!

Most of the way through this TN the characters have been predictable, even those that went bad or those that somewhat redeem themselves, so even when it stretched logic I was ok. MC now seems to have no personality, direction or motivation at all, (maybe they gave her antidepressants in prison for her depression) so there is no guarantee she and Oct will ride off into the sunset (which for me the reason I hang in there) MC is so totally out of character I am clueless (if that is the intent of the writers bravo) She has become such a debbie downer when I saw the previews of the street attack I thought maybe she descended to being a street walker. Or when Tuba showed up she would go live with him. Hell she even has Alfonso mamma wanting to help her now and still don't get anything more than a "what ever"

About MC. This novela is soooooo old fashioned, that I'm sure, that MC thinks, that now she is a "lost woman". That that painting ruined her reputation at all and forever. That is why she don't want to stay with Octavio, may be she is sure, that her reputation wont let them live peacefully. She said something about this when they saw each other in prison for the first time.
Or may be I'm wrong.

MC should just acknowledge that the only times she really comes alive and looks like she feels anything is when she's with Tav and/or Lupita. Why she has been trying so hard to distance herself from them is beyond me. At this point, I don't even care about what a horrible husband/ex Tav has been. They can't seem to function together as a couple, but they seem even less capable of functioning when they are apart. As long as Juanita sticks around to look after Lupita, Miguelito, and any other babies they make, then they'll be fine.

MC never cared what people said before. Rumor she slept with Emir, had the Gov to her house, Alvaro stay at her place, continue to pose for a cad. It is she that told Oct she slept with Alfonso. Maybe this is her final revenge and that is to destroy Oct for good.

And yet another wasted chance by the writers and producer. They should have put Maricruz in a tiny room, have given her her lots of coffee to drink, and have shined a bright light into her eyes, and have mercilessly grilled her:

"OK, Sweetie, We know you didn't do it. Confess! We're not even going to let you go potty until you tell us what we want to hear."

But noooo...


tofie, this in Isla part was written by Ines Rodena. This part in capital was written by other writer. I cant remember, but may be second part at rancho wasn't also written by Ines. I'm sure, that Romero add a lot. What I want to say, that different authors made characters looked like different persons. And I'm sure that second author wasnt very talented, so he created a week story. And Romero with his talent made the story even worse.

LatinaMD: Thank you for steadfastly trudging through the muck of the past few weeks to bring us your excellent recraps of this formerly enjoyable telenovela. Here are a few of my favs:

"the cops, not a judge or jury, because they don’t count for “s—it” in Mexico --" LOL!
"wearing what appears to be his one and only pair of skinny jeans" (and his one and only goofy expression too!)

"why the heck don’t you just grab her by the arm, hair, whatever, and just throw her out of your home already?  Just a thought." ITSA!!!

"The tuba is back.  Lord help us all." Giggles galore as we note the sparkle reappear in the old geezer's eyes……

"thank goodness Maricruz recognizes that she is too emotionally imbalanced herself to act as the caretaker of an emotionally imbalanced teenager…" I was thinking exactly that myself and wondering what part of the blue that bit of common sense flew out from???

There is a whole new TN that could be written around MC, Alvaro and his teen daughter. The daughter would think she was rebuffed because Alfonso was wooing MC. Alvaro the referee

Alegria, thanks for the explanation but I am still very disappointed. I don't mind inconsistencies with a little crazy thrown in and expect that as part of a TN, just didn't expect destroying a character I was rooting for

tofie, MC also was my favourite character. How could they!!! It's not fair!!!!
And I'm puzzled about the ending. They forget about all villains. We still have Doris, but that is all. And she is not a killer or something, so I dont think, that Romero will punish her somehow. So I wonder, what is the final intrigue? Will Octavio find MC or not. And that is all? Or I forget something? I never saw novela with such a dull final. I want some action.

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