Friday, December 13, 2013

Lo Que La Vida Me Robo: Supplement: 12/13/13: A Trip Down Memory Lane

Ahoy Amguis! This evening they showed a nice synopsis of what has happened with our TN so far. I have an earworm for Y'all. It's Monse's song for Ale, You Don't Own Me.

We start this synopsis with Don Benny (Benjamin) dying and begging the Padre, Anselmo that is, to go get the notary. He knows he hasn't much time left and would like to make a will.

JL (Jose Luis) and Monse (Montserrat) are having some time on the beach, their usual meeting place, bout talking to her Papa the Admiral. JL of course hasn't the avocadoes to speak with him. He's betting he'll be rejected! Here comes Sebas (Sebastian) and sees the whole thing. She explains she loves JL, Sebas is angry and tells her to just keep the ring. She'll probably have to sell it due to her family's moola problems.

Lauro, the Admiral, and his wife Gracie (Graciela), the Mama we love to hate, are arguing about Monse of course. Lauro doesn't want to see Monse sold for pasta, ya know money. Violetta, Sebas' Mama, calls Gracie to tell her the wedding is OFF! Gracie stalks to Monse's room and slaps the crap out of her, and tells her Sebas went back to England.

Padre talks to Ale (Alejandro) about being the new boss of the Hacienda cause Don Benny made a will and in that will named Ale as the sole heir to his estate. For those of you that don't know Ale is the illegitmate son of Don Benny.

JL has come a knocking on the Mendoza's (Family name of Monse, Gracie, Dimmy) door, having found the avocadoes to finally speak to the Admiral and Monse has him wait for a tic. Monse goes in to her Papa Admiral's office and announces that Cabo (Petty Officer) Jose Luis Alvarez has come to speak with him, he is one of Capitan Robeledo's guys, sure okay and she goes back to let him in. Too bad, it's Ale knockin' on the door now and one long, lingering look.

Bruno, the money lender, ripper offer of Don Benny's hacienda, all around bad guy is in his office when Dimmy (Dimitrios) comes to see him with the forged deed (supposedly signed by the Admiral, his Papa) of the family hacienda and a promissory note. Bruno is suspicious and wants to know if the signature is real. Course it's real, from Dimmy the Dimwit. Bruno tells him it better be real or else!

Meantime, in the waiting car is Gracie and Juvie (Juventino) the fruit and women abuser, and they are having a chat, about how he is blackmailing her so that he'll never tell about hastening Don Benny to the grave with probably pills, it was implied, not spoken of. Gracie has to cave and gives him a bracelet that is worth some money, and she tells him to sell it, don't bother looking for her cause that's all he gets y punto. Imbecile!

Ale goes to see Bruno about that embezzlement from the factory that Ale now owns as part of that will. Ale knows he robbed Don Benny for years. Bruno denies, denies, denies! Ale is having none of it, either give the money back to Ale or it's the hoosegow for Bruno. Bruno makes a deal and gives Ale the forged deed and the promissory note that Dimwit gave him.

Violetta, Gracie and Lottie (Carlotta) are having some coffee talk and Lottie remarks the coffee is weak, gotta love Lottie! Gracie is trying to fix the Sebas "debacle" but nothin' doin'. There is talk in town of Monse being, let's shall we say, "loose" and Violetta knows that Gracie and her family need the pasta! Gracie denies, denies, denies!

Dimmy digs out that killing pistol from his bottom drawer, and with his naked eye, he remembers in his struggle to get that gun away from Bruno, he killed him. I also noticed he touched the door with his fingers, hmmmmmm........., he takes the gun and goes.

JL finds Bruno's body, and Bruno's housekeeper catches him and thinks he killed Bruno.

Gracie goes to see Ale about that deed and the promissory note. She'd like them back, if you please! She can't pay at the moment, the economy, er, she has no money to pay him with. So Gracie tries to pay him another way, ya know, put the moves on him. Gracie thinks she's in there, but nah, he likes her daughter, Monse.

Another meet, another come meet my Papa with Monse and JL. She knows her Mama wouldn't accept him, but her Daddy will! She wants him to come talk to Papa.

Maria on the horse, going toward Aguazul, to stalk, er meet up with Ale when the horse throws her and she lays in the middle of the dirt road, too bad, so sad.

Gracie, Lauro, Lottie, Monse and Ale are having coffee when it's mentioned that JL killed Bruno, Monse drops the coffee cup in her hands, swears he isn't like that and gets some back up from Lottie. Monse wants some air, Ale wants to go with, Gracie approves and off they go.

Maria is praying to the Virgincita to have Ale return to the hacienda, she lurrrrrvvvvvves him so much! Gag me! The Virgincita wasn't listening to her supplication cause the Virgincita had other plans, jus' sayin'.

JL and Monse have another meet on the beach. He tells her what happened with Bruno, that he is innocent. Monse hands him that suitcase full of pasta she got from selling her piece of land. They decide to run away and elope.

Gracie and Ale have a meet of their own. She is needing money or something cause Lauro just had an infarto and needs good care. Gracie thinks of him as a son. Ale doesn't think so, thinks Monse won't eva accept him cause she was on the point of marrying Sebas and look what happened.

Monse is crying she gets no support. Gracie is talking to her about JL. Gracie says she "understands" Monse's plight, but things being the way they are, economically that is, Monse is the only salvation of the family.

The search of JL's room is on, they find the money Monse gave JL and the gun used to kill Bruno.

JL is arrested for Bruno's murder.

It's Nadia and Pedro (the Mayor of Agazul) partay where Nadia was playing the "Moonlight Sonata" like it was a dirge, and Gracie and Lottie are gossiping about Pedro and his politics. Ale walks in, sees Monse, who walks up to him and wants a chat, while Gracie is glad she's done it Lottie not so much. Anyway, off they go holding hands.

LT Avendella puts Refugio in charge of JL cause he "caught" him trying to escape. The LT tells him JL will soon be transferred to Mexico City for trial.

Ale gives the deed back to Lauro. Lauro is flabbergasted! Lauro thinks Ale is a great guy and like a son to him.

Gracie is talking to Monse and she advises Monse to hook, er, work on getting Ale. Monse says she knows, yadda, yadda, salvation of the family.

Monse is in her wedding dress, looking all depressed when her Tia Lottie comes in and tells Monse she looks beautiful and that she thinks Monse and Ale will be very happy together. It's time to go to the church.

It's the wedding day and Monse is being walked up the aisle by her Papa the Admiral. He is leaning on his cane and she is less than enthused.

Maria greets Ale when he and Monse get to the hacienda, but Maria only has eyes for Ale, never noticing Monse looking at her. Ale introduces Maria to Monsie his wife!

JL has come to the Mendoza home, yelling and screaming for Monse, seems he found his avocadoes on the way, in a grove. Gracie tells him, Largate, Mi Casa y punto!

Monse won't eat, she isn't hungry and she's going to bed. Well, Ale has news for her! They are now married and she is gonna live up to her end of the bargain, just as he did. Monse tells him she feels nothing for him, except Ti Odio and then tells him to Sueltame! Does that work, nah, not so much, and then we proceed to the scene we all debated! Commerical! Now why couldn't they have the Mala Suerte one, no it's a Michael Kors perfume commercial with the song "Girls on Film" by Duran, Duran, love that band and here is the earworm:

Girls On Film

Monse is working on her escape with Maria, the wicked housekeeper, who thinks now she'll get the Master of the House all to herself. She tells Monse she'll have to ride a horse to a shack, down by the river (I'm thinking SNL) sorry, anyhoo, there will be a guy with a truck there to take her to Aguazul. Monse has no money to pay him with but she's got jewels. Maria trusts this guy, can we all collectively knock her over the head with a cast iron skillet?

Esme tells JL that Ale's hacienda is only three hours from Aguazul.

Monse is in the shack waiting for that supposedly trust worthy guy, who slimes his way in, shhhing her and with his knife is trying to slime on her worse than he does on the fruit, it's Juvie the perv. Ale comes in and saves our poor, helpless Monse from certain defilement by that pervy piece of sh*t! Juvie tries to tell Ale all he was doin' was bringing her back. Yeah, that's why she was trying to yell her head off.

Ale confronts both Juvie and Maria about Monse's near escape. He thinks they had something to do with it. Of course, they deny, deny, deny! And Maria looks just a tad bit nervous, hmmmmmmmmm.....caught by your own petard there, Maria? Juvie is sweating blood, but Ale dismisses them both out of his sight.


Ale tries to make amends with Monse.

JL comes to Ale's hacienda as the new capataz! Tune in Este Lunes when Ms Urban will tell you all about it with her fan-tastic recap! MUST SEE TV.


Good Evening Y'all:

I know that this was a synopsis but for those commenters that are just joining us, or anyone that is wanting to catch up, I will be putting up the highlights of this epi on Saturday. In the meantime please comment away.

I also want to thank those that have seen "Amor Real" and "Bodas de Odio" for not giving away any spoilers. You can discuss what has happened so far as in differences, similarities. I want to thank Y'all for that.

thanks, Mads. We saw Leslie Gore in concert a few years ago. She was great.

Eduardo Yanez is on the telethon. He looks good in a teeshirt and jeans. What a great smile.

Waiting for more snow to arrive Sat. morning.

Too bad Univision isn' t more proactive and better organized so that the viewers would know what is "on and when " (since ratings are so important?) Univision seems to be even more unpredictable as of late. Anyway, I could have enjoyed the summary Robo episode last night but just finished catching up on the Robo episodes early this a.m. and am liking it a lot. Thanks for posting your highlights, Madelaine. We can always count on you.


Madelaine - Great song. Perfect anthem for Montse.


Thanks Mads. I actually look forward to watching the "Trip Down Memory Lane" when it airs early tomorrow morning. Thanks for the ear worm, it's a perfect choice for Montse. You are on your game as usual.

Good Afternoon Y'all. I have put the whole summary up and added some needed snark. This synopsis was pretty good. We will have a Capitulo 19 on Monday. Please enjoy the summary ; )

Mads--I'm wading through epi#13 just now, but had to stop and comment on the wedding fashions.

I couldn't believe EJ didn't have a red carpet review of the fashions in her recap. It wasn't until I got down to your comment on Gracie and her gown! Touche. That's exactly what I thought at the time I saw it--whaaa, white? She must be trying to make herself believe she's the one marrying Ale. Very inappropriate. She should have been in a rose satin and lace, since she likes pink and rose so much.

I was also not bowled over by how Ale looked. It couldn't have been that it was deliberate to make him look ill-fitted by a wedding suit. Maybe it was like DamFab (sigh) at his weddings. Things don't fit right if you have big chest and arms and small waist. The wardrobe dept. costureras must have been gone for the night when they realized it, I guess.


I'm still back on Epi#13 where the discussion was still lively on the casting of Luis Roberto Guzman in this role of JL (aka the 19th C. Adolfo Solis). Maybe he's not supposed to be like Adolfo and we are not supposed to be sympathetic to JL.

We all lauded his performance in Alborada as the demented Conde and we haven't seen him in any other recent telenovelas.

But, and here it comes, Luis Roberto Guzman and Jorge Salinas did a great movie together, La Otra Familia, where they play (of all things you wouldn't think they could) a very believable same-sex couple who end up taking care of a young neglected boy, child of friends' friend, and then wanting to keep him. It is excellent (and the boy is not annoying at all).

I am taking a break from running up and down the stairs wrapping presents, getting out the Christmas dishes, doing laundry, cleaning. I am watching the snow fall. They are predicting 3 to 6 inches. I am glad that I do jot have to go anywhere today.

I appreciate your recap of the synopsis.
It was good to look back at some of those past scenes. I am wondering how this show will be similar and different to Amor Real as the story moves forward. I am enjoying this novela even though the plot made more sense when the story was set in the past when men held all the power and women were told what to do and where and when to do it. They went from their parents' houses and control to their husbands' . If they never married, they had to live with relatives like Tia. Those were different times in which women had so few options and little control over their own today's world, this storyline is harder to accept, but I plan to put on my winter beanie and suspend my disbelief because I like the actors.

Ms. Mads...thanks for doing this in your inimitable style. There's only one!

We're in the midst of a what-else-can-go-wrong mess. There's a serious leak in the gutter, it's running down the inside of the new windows (not yet stained and varnished) and then pooling and puddling on the bricks of the back library (NOT that there's a front library, but y'know)

So I'm taking a break from home disasters to stroll down Memory Lane with my wisecrackin' buddy.

Somehow the marital rights scene seemed even more brutal the second time around. Not comfortable there. But loved, loved, loved the re-visit to the slimy fella who ended up getting killed. Even his eyes were slimy! What a great actor!

I definitely think the direction of the actors is slanted to make us NOT root for Jose Luis. The
sweat, the shriek-ey voice....not nearly as appealing as Alejandro's lovely eyes and smile.

I even wonder if the ill-fitting suit Alejandro wore at the wedding was to make him look more vulnerable. He's not a guy who knows to get a custom-fitted suit. He's not used to a suit, period. So there he is, all excited, happy and somewhat dorky-looking, not realizing the Odio Anvil is about to fall on him.

Thanks what exotic coffee concoction are you drinking on this snowy day? Our snow is wet and slushy...and of course ruining our new French doors. Is it time for an apartment?

This comment has been removed by the author.

Dear Mads,
Thanks so much for the Memory Lane recap and the always wonderful ear-worm. I loved your take on the events so far and your details were great--love that you got in what Tia said about the weak coffee!

Anita and Judy B--Was thinking more about both your comments re Alejandro's suit at the wedding. I agree with you and many others that he looked disheveled and wondered about the wardrobe department on the telenovela. But in retrospect it did did add an element of vulnerability to him (as Judy B points out) and was also sad considering the anvil that awaited him.

I am so enjoying watching this telenovela with you all. Reading the recaps and the comments is the best part of the experience!


JudyB, I completely agree about the suit Alejandro wore at his wedding. He should have been wearing a pearl grey morning coat and ascot due to his change of social status. Those -- of course -- need to be custom-made.

However, he probably doesn't care about such finery. Considering that he didn't change for lunch, he's less likely to see formalwear as something important. At this stage, anyway.

Judyb..,,,it sounds as if you have been doing some major remodeling. I am sorry that the snowstorm is playing havoc with your renovations. Hub had the new riding lawnmower in his side of the garage which meant his car was out in the elements. The new shed was finally delivered yesterday, so this afternoon he was able to get the mower into the shed and the car into the garage. (A tree fell on our old shed during a past storm.). Home ownership is not cheap and not for the faint of heart. This year everything seemed to go..our refrig,the shed, the lawnmower, the coffeemaker.). However, just the thought of packing up to move into an apartment makes me tired. my I laws did it, but. parents stayed in their farmhouse.

it is still snowing here. Basta. I agree with Camus..."snow is the leprosy of nature.,"

I had the same feeling about Ale's ill fitting suit. it seemed too small for him. I wonder if, indeed, it was supposed to make him appear unaware of how a suit should fit and vulnerable.

Ah, I see we all have a soft spot for our very flawed galan in his ill-fitting suit. It reminds me of a poor young man who came around to our house selling encyclopedias years ago. He had a worn brown suit jacket, blue pants and shoes that had seen better days. We just HAD to buy those ol' encyclopedias. Thinking about it now even makes me wince.

And yes, Susanlynn...we've been putting in new windows but one set was poorly caulked and that, combined with an ice dam in the gutter is spelling D.I.S.A.S.T.E.R.

But I think the only way we're leaving this house is feet-first, so we'll have to figure out something! Besides, it would mean dealing with our wretched excess. Bob still has letters people wrote to him in college, so that gives you some idea of the accumulation of STUFF.

Good Morning Y'all I'm up late after a day of shopping and schlepping and enjoying my green tea, decaf, natch and looked at your comments.


Awwww I missed my telenovio! Shame on me! Oooohhhh, I bet he looked good in those jeans. Also wanted to say to you, I am glad things worked out for your daughter and her girls. Really hope he gives up and will continue to send you good thoughts and prayers.


Hey, I'm glad you are joining us here. It is a great TN, much better than I thought too. I am really liking AB in this role. I had stopped watching Abismo because of all the crying. I am liking her character's strong stance here.

NeiceinMD: Thanks so much.

Cap'n Sylvia:

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. It was nice to follow it along.


Yes, about Gracie's dress for the wedding, she was tacky twice there, first the color of the dress, and that shawl/tablecloth thingy! It was insulting to Monse to say the least. Gracie has illusions of every guy wanting her. Don't get me started on her hair.


I get what you are saying about the plot here, but I am really enjoying it cause I never saw Amor Real or Bodas de Odio. Since Y'all have been talking about Amor Real so much, I am going to get it and watch it after this TN ends. Also Pasion too. I really love period pieces. Maybe the Producer and the writers of this TN thought it would work in the Modern Age. We'll have to see as we go down the road. They may surprise us ; )


So sorry to hear about your disaster with the windows. I hope there is a solution, especially since it's so darn cold up there! I know all about those ice dams. We had one in our gutter too, but it was easy to reach and clean out. I agree with you too about JL, I don't think he's meant to get sympathy from us. He is just too chicken livered for me and has no lightening, I like to call it, with Monse. There is no spark or pizazz there. It doesn't help that he sweats and looks dirty all the time. We saw a sweaty Ale the other epi and he at least looks good when he sweats. Oh, and about the exotic drink I drank doing this recap, it's called Chocolate Delight. I don't measure this one, but will give the ingredients.

Chocolate Delight

1 heaping tablespoon or two of Hershey's Cocoa

1/2 cup of strong brewed coffee, hot

1 pinch of McCormick Cocoa Chile Blend

Half and Half, to taste


Sugar, to taste

Light Whipped Cream

Pour coffee into mug, add the Hershey's Cocoa and stir until well blended. Add pinch of Cocoa Chile and stir, add Half and Half, and sugar. Top with light whipped cream and sprinkle with cinnamon.

This is a great recipe for a very cold, snowy day. This Cocoa Chile blend is very spicy. You can add more if you like.


Julia R:

I just love Lottie and hang on to her words. She is a really great character. I am glad you are recapping with us : )

Urban and JudyB:

I too agree about Ale's wedding suit, it seemed rumpled and didn't fit him very well. Ale is really a dress down sort of guy. And agree with Judy's assessment.

About the wardrobe department at Televisia. Since I got UTLNO, it's Uni's TYNovela Channel with my Latino package, they showed their costume room. They actually have seamstresses that hand make things. They showed them making the wedding gown of Maria, Danna Garcia's character on Que Bonito Amor. They wanted it to fit into the Mariachi theme and a lot of it was hand stitched to exactly fit her. They showed them adding all the glitter that was on that dress too. It was a gorgeous dress and worth a lot of money.

Yum...will have to investigate that cocoa chile blend. Don't think I've seen any such thing in our groceries. But we have a marvelous Penzey's close by. I might check out something similar there. You lead a very exotic life, drink-wise Mads!

Bridal gowns are a big deal in Televisa's novelas. There was a novela in 1999 in which Aracely Arambula had four dresses (the fourth one was just one she was trying on in a store) and I wondered whether that was a record. It's closer to the norm because there are often interrupted weddings and first weddings that don't work out for whatever reason.

I love when there are multiple weddings because we get to compare the dresses. Urban- As you point out, we usually get at least two to compare sine there is usually at least one derailed wedding that the heroine is in, either to the galan or another man.

In Sortilegio MJ had four. A simple country bride dress when she married the villain. A beautifully tailored dress for her civil wedding to the galan. A traditional native dress for their shaman marriage ceremony, and the traditional wedding gown for the big church wedding. But get this, Jackie Bracamontes used her real life sister's old wedding dress. It was not a Televisa creation. It was quite beautiful too.

Vivi...if I remember correctly, Jackie was not in that first wedding dress very long, right ?

Susanlynn- We got to see her in it throughout the ceremony, but before she and Bruno (fake Alex) could have their honeymoon, he had to run off to take care of an "emergency" (killing real Alex).

In Amor Bravio, we got to see Camila in three different wedding dresses, for three different grooms. Not sure if that's a record.

All this wedding dress talk makes me wonder if the writers START their storyboard with how many weddings and/or wedding dresses the wedding industry wants them to include. Even if the dresses are handmade in the costume dept., it is lucrative advertising for the industry as a whole. (Only half kidding)

Urban, Vivi, Susanlynn and Anita:

All good ideas and thoughts on the wedding dresses. I remember in PEAM, BS wore three different wedding dresses, for her first wedding, second for the botched wedding and third for the last wedding. Also on LT, Marina also wore two different dresses for her weddings.

OT: a little bit. When I saw that sewing room at the Televisia Studios I immediately thought of the infamous Pear Robe, you just knew I'd go there ; ) I wonder if the producers went to the seamstresses and got them to come up with a unique piece of clothing for one of the characters and that was what they came up with. I forget which TN it first appeared in. The last time I saw it was in Dinero when Ale was wearing it.

Mads- I was told that the Pear Robe first showed up in Yo Amo Juan Querendon (2007). That was before I started watching tns, so I don't know. We last saw it in Ni Contigo, Ni Sin Ti (2012). Interestingly enough, Eduardo Santamarina was the lead in both. Perhaps he was sick of seeing it and destroyed the damn thing after NCNST. :)

The flower robe, which I compared to the Pear Robe, first showed up in Manana es Para Siempre on the protagonist Silvia Navarro. It showed up again, a bit more faded, on Silvia Navarro in Amor Bravio. I wondered if it was hers, or if Televisa just let her have it.

Hello Glorious Patio of Lowered Expectations!

I am not watching TNs, just going through DamFab WWP withdrawal and stalking "The Veil" updates with His Hotness pictures.

And I miss, miss, miss visiting Caray and reading your recaps.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Lost in captain's smile
Crossing land of clipped tales
I was not alone

Settled in to watch Friday's ep last night that I recorded on Sun morning, but it was the new TN. Went to Caray to see what I missed and read that the rest of you got the "our story thus far" ep. Bummer. Would love to have seen it.

Vivi: I'm blanking out on the three weddings in Amor Bravio. There were the weddings to Al and Daniel, but who was the third? She didn't actually marry her first fiance, did she?


Week of December 9, 2013:


Shower scene.
Ale refuses to give Juvie the capitaz job.
Ale, once again, tells Maria that she’s just a friend and sister to him.
JL and Ref are not dead in a fiery car crash.
Maria has a headband (see below).
Monserrat does not want her family taking advantage of Ale.
Amazing scene when Monserrat gets right up in Ale’s face and tells him how JL will come for her.
Ale decides not to tell Mons that JL is dead because it will make a martyr of JL.
In this TN, Padre Anselmo is that voice of reason every TN has.
Ale’s mother returns from the dead!
Mons wants to help Padre A’s community.
Mons vs. Maria Round 1 to Mons—she reminds her she’s just a servant.
Ale tells Mons she can invite Lottie to stay.
Ale and Mons interacting with the community.
Padre A gives Ale some sage advice.
Dim’s face when Josefina is kissing him.
Ale saves Mons from being raped.
Esme tells J-L the truth.

Low Points:

Juvie is creepy scary.
Poor delusional Josefina. ☹
Shower scene was a fantasy.
JL is self-centered and not a little manic.
JL asks Ref if he realizes the danger he’ll put Esme in!? (but the same situ wouldn’t be dangerious for Mons, I take it).
Ref overhears Esme tell Dim that she doesn’t care for Ref but, more importantly, that she’s the one who told Mons that she and JL were involved.
Gracie sets JL up.
Maria has a headband (I couldn’t decide whether this was a high point for low point—it looked good on her, though).
Juvie combs Maria’s hair with his comb (I was gagging when I saw it, I’m gagging now).
Maria takes after her uncle and murders vegetables.
Ale invites Maria to stay in the big house and continue to run the household.
AGAIN with the comb!!!
Mons vs. Maria Round 2 to Maria—she’s moving in.
Rosario doesn’t want to reveal herself.
Ale tells Mons she hasn’t EARNED her right to be the patrona.
Maria tells Rosario not to steal anything.
Maria is a budding psychopath.
Josefina gets her feelings hurt.
Creepy Juvie singing.
Dim wants to fake marry Fina.
Ale believes Juvie’s lie.
Mons’ despair, Ale’s sadness.
Ale asks Juvie to keep an eye on Mons.
Esme and Ref breakup.

Nanette- She didn't marry her first fiance, but we saw her wearing her wedding dress in the very first scene in the bridal shop, with her mom and sister, for her final fitting, and then in her nightmare as she runs through the woods.

Vivi: Thanks. I had forgotten those scenes.

What blows my mind is Vivi NEVER forgets! I want that brain when she's through with it!

Actually, it is 4 dresses in Amore Bravio, because the bloody nightmare dress is actually a different dress. So does that count for the record? Nanette-- In the first 3 minutes of the 1st episode, you'll see both dresses:

Some of these galans walk down the aisle a lot. Maybe we should count how many wedding/groom suits the guys wear.

Pablo Montero had 2 in Abrazame Muy Fuerte, one brown, one white, and both were trajes de charro (of course). William Levy had two tuxes in TdA (grey for Ximena, white for Maria).

Nannette, in AB that might have been the bridal shop dress that I think Camila bought. She never got to wear it for a ceremoney. There was also the joke dress during the engagement party. If we count that, she had 5 dresses.

By all means, let's count the joke dress!! It looked quite fetching on her.

Vivi: Thanks. Just finished watching the beginning of the clip. Now I'm missing me some Amor Bravio!!! Definitely can't wait until SN's next.

Nanette- I know! And we should totally count the joke dress.

Urban- Didn't Dam have had three wedding outfits? One for Estercita, and two for Marina.


What a pleasure to see you here. Many of us are also in DamFab WWP recovery so you are in a sympathetic crowd.

As much as I adored and admired your latest Haiku, I do believe it has set me back a few steps in the process. That smile...

Oh well.
It was worth it.

Stop by anytime. Our Patio is your Patio.
¡Felices Fiestas!

Don't remember about LT's weddings; I wasn't fond of that series.

We do need to make note of multiple-couple weddings as well. Here are links to our earlier wedding articles:

Volume I

Volume II

Bodas Interumpi

Hi Vita! Thank you for the haiku. Reminds me of fun times, smoldering smiles, and our (almost) daily Vita haiku.

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