Monday, January 20, 2014

Lo Que La Vida Me Robó Lunes 1/20/14 #50

Chapter 50: The Wages of Sin are Relative

In Review

Lord Alejandro stood in the shower his eyes closed against the falling water and soap as Maria entered, having stripped off her clothes just outside the door. Lady Monserrat entered the bedchamber and upon hearing the water in the shower, removed her shoes and followed the sound. She entered the bathing chamber and saw her husband kissing the maid.

Current Happenings

Bathing Chamber / Bedchamber: Lady Monserrat called out her husband's name and he opened his eyes to see a naked Maria before him. Lady Monserrat left the bathing chamber in indignation, with His Lordship pushing Maria aside to follow, draping a towel around himself to save his own dignity. Lady Monserrat picked up her shoes and pointed at the naked Maria, demanding that he dismiss her and order her to leave. By now Maria had already donned the master's robe and he told her to leave the room.

She had the temerity to tell him she would but he should not behave as though that were the first time they had been together and that it would be a matter of time before Her Ladyship caught them. He seized her forearms, telling her to stop lying. In her usual manner, Maria told him she would say whatever he demanded but he should not expect his wife to believe her. He turned to his wife who shouted with perfect clarity that if “that woman” did not depart immediately from the estate she would and would never be back in his life again. His Lordship shouted in the hall for Rosario while Maria, in a vainglorious attempt at appearing helpless, asked where she would go and added that she had no one in the world save him. He told her to wait, ignoring her false play of victimization. Rosario entered and he ordered her to enter Maria's room, pack all her belongings, and see her out. Rosario nodded her assent and exited with a “Yes, Sir.” Lady Monserrat then told him that as soon as Maria was gone they would talk, then followed Rosario out of the room, closing the door in his face as he tried to follow her. This could have proven to be an error. However, he slammed his fist on the dresser before turning to Maria in anger, demanding that she leave.

Parlour: Lady Carlota and Lady Josefina were seated on the sofa, but they had heard the shouting. Lady Carlota rose to investigate, only to meet Lady Monserrat partway when she entered the room in indignation. It was her misfortune to be sufficiently incensed to lose any sense of discretion when she blurted out the accusation before her worthless brother, who had no sense of loyalty in accusing her of being able to do unto her husband what she would not have done to herself. She delivered a resounding slap hard enough to shock the other ladies, then stared back at him with an expression of such pain that it caused him amusement.

Mendoza Manor: Captain Robleto was vising Admiral Lauro, who explained that while he was pleased that his daughter was married to a good man he missed her greatly. However, his greatest pain was his greatest shame and that was his unworthy son who had taken advantage of a trusting young woman. Countess Graceless entered at that moment, greeting Captain Robleto and insisting he accept an invitation to dine with them. He accepted with modesty appropriate to his rank and profession, and the Admiral excused himself to be able to take his medicines. The Captain then informed the Countess that he had a delicate matter to speak of and at her insistence they repaired to the study.

Almonte Manor, Master Bedchamber: Maria attempted to play the innocent, saying she had no intention of provoking trouble between Lord Alejandro and his wife. It was only that she knew she pleased him as a woman. She was shameless enough to move closer to him with each sentence, her hands poised to touch his bare chest and her mouth threatening to kiss his.

For a moment he appeared to weaken, but instead moved to the other side of the coffee table, saying he should not have allowed her to live in the main house. She knelt on her side of the table, imploring his forgiveness in the name of her father and because she had no one else. However, he would not relent. He knew in that moment that Lady Monserrat had told the truth, that Maria had been the one who had tried to aid Her Ladyship's first attempt at escape. Maria admitted so, saying she had wanted her gone. She admitted her intense jealousy when he had returned from his absence with a wife, saying that no other woman would love him as she did. He intoned that she, Maria, was therefore the only liar, shoving her back so she fell on the edge of the bed. She rose and he prevented her attempt at touching him again.

She implored him for yet another chance, but he told her that it was too late. She was to leave. He would instruct Macario to take her into town and install her in a hotel. He would give her adequate money to live there while she sought work. Wishing no further discussion on the matter, he returned to the bathing chamber, leaving Maria and her crocodile tears in the bedchamber for the moment.

Mendoza Manor, Study: Captain Robleto informed Countess Graceless that Corporal Alvarez was in fact alive and that for some time had been at the Almonte estate posing as their steward. She was incredulous at first, but then proved that Dimwit surely was the fruit of a poisonous tree by holding her disgraceful” daughter responsible for this situation. Further, she wondered out loud why her son and sister-in-law had not told her. Captain Robleto calmly and rhetorically asked what she could have done to prevent this and diverted her attention to how they would now prevent her husband from learning this in the wrong manner. Countess Graceless wished not for him to know at all, but Captain Robleto explained that the circumstances of the situation would prevent their ability to keep this disagreeable information from him indefinitely. He then recounted the subsequent events: the killing of Constable Loreto, the escape to the Arechiga estate... and elopement with the elder daughter. Countess Graceless at least at this news expressed sympathy for Lady Amelia.

Hotel Room: While looking out the window into the night José Luis remembered the last kiss he gave Lady Monserrat and told himself he would never stop loving her.

Almonte Manor, Parlour: Dressed in his usual blue daywear, Lord Alejandro angrily entered, shouting to Macario, who quickly reported for duty. He ordered him to take Maria into town and install her in a hotel; Rosario was packing her things. He nodded and went outside to prepare. Lord Alejandro then told his wife they needed to talk, but she insisted that it would be after Maria's departure. Rosario entered with a shoebox telling His Lordship he must see the contents, as she had found this in Maria's room among her things. Inside was more money than he ever would have paid her in salary for work she had not done. Dimwit became alert and Lord Alejandro did not miss his expression. Maria then entered, dressed more discreetly than usual, and Lady Monserrat stared also at the money.

Mendoza Manor, Study: A most disagreeable telephone conversation took place between Countess Graceless and Lady Amelia. The former called to appear sympathetic, but the latter was equally incensed at the former's failure to reveal to her that her son had deceived a woman and swindled her out of a considerable sum. Countess Graceless attempted to dismiss this as a rumor but Lady Amelia allowed no such insult to her intelligence, revealing that the matter had been explicitly and vitriolically discussed in her presence in her own drawing room. She accused Countess Graceless of attempting to disgrace her family because Dimwit had begun pursuing her daughters with the same dishonorable intentions. Finally, she informed her that their business was concluded and she ended the communication in a manner that could be interpreted as a Cut Direct. As she placed the phone back on the desk, Countess Graceless cursed Lady Amelia under her breath, telling her to go to the devil.

Almonte Manor, Parlour: Lord Alejandro confronted Maria, demanding to know where the money came from. She attempted to claim it was hers, but no one in the room believed her. Dimwit took advantage of the situation, claiming that he was falsely accused of having stolen the money from His Lordship's desk. He turned the accusation back to Maria and Adolfo [which we know to be only half the truth]. Maria denied this, saying she was only talking to his friend. However, proving that there is no honor whatsoever among thieves and whores, Dimwit slyly announced that Maria and Adolfo did more than talk. Lady Carlota said that Maria was a cheat. Maria continued to deny this.

In what any observer would hope was a tactical move, Lord Alejandro closed the box and handed it back to Maria, saying that he believed Dimwit and that she would need the money. She was to leave immediately. She begged for one opportunity to speak privately with Her Ladyship so as to apologise to her. Lord Alejandro turned to his wife saying “You decide.” She confidently and silently motioned for Maria to follow her to the study.

La Escondida: Esmeralda concluded a performance under the watchful eye of Refugio, who watched from under a red cap and behind dark glasses. At an enquiry from Zulema, she explained that he was her guard, there to protect her from a particularly violent patron. Zulema immediately realized that this patron was the one responsible for Esmeralda's absence of several days. She expressed some envy, desiring a man of his youth and strength. Esmeralda, in her usual good-natured manner, reminded her that she personally and exclusively held the deed to this piece of property.

Refugio followed her to her dressing room and managed to divert her from her initial annoyance by displays of his affection.

Almonte Manor, Parlour / Study: Maria came out of the study, telling Lord Alejandro she had clarified matters with Her Ladyship and saying that she hoped he would forgive her someday. She departed with Macario. Lady Carlota suggested to Lady Josefina that they retire to her suite.  Dimwit – who was still lying on a bench in a manner more appropriate to a Roman emperor – made an unintelligible request of Rosario that she agreed to.

In the study, Lord Alejandro was eager to learn what had transpired. Lady Monserrat said that Maria had told her nothing. She wanted to hear his version of events. He explained that he had been in the shower, felt Maria enter and assumed that it was Her Ladyship, as she had done so before. He had soap in his eyes and could not see. She stopped him, saying she believed him. She believed his statements of his love for her. He smiled and embraced her. However, she told him that he had to promise her that now that she had no reason to doubt him, he was no longer to doubt the love she now felt for him. That the past no longer mattered. He promised her that he would never doubt her again. He apologised for having taken Maria's word over hers in the past. He was wrong to do so but she had been part of his life since childhood. He would never forgive Maria's betrayal or her lies. This statement brought Her Ladyship's attention to her own and she was momentarily frightened. She leaned against him for assurance.

Lady Carlota's Bedchamber: Over tea, Lady Carlota decried the accusations Dimwit had made against his own sister. Lady Josefina told of Adolfo's telling of the tale of the lady and the corporal's affair and her subsequent marriage for advantage. However, she was not now convinced, as she was then being led by into marriage with Dimwit. However, Lady Carlota stated that matters had ended for the best anyway, as Lady Monserrat was now happy with her splendid husband. She was not to believe anything Dimwit said earlier and fortunately, Lady Josefina did not.

Road into Town: Macario, who never allowed his opinion to go unheard, expressed discreet non-sympathy that Maria had not even grandparents to go to. He saw her actions as on the same level as or worse than that of her uncle, as they were a betrayal in view of how he had treated her. She did not wish to listen, ordering him to shut his mouth and drive. She demanded he leave her in the center of town, but he was determined to carry out His Lordship's orders. Knowing Macario's regard for Dominga, Maria lost no time in sullying her name with implications that she and Pervertino had engaged in intimate relations. He was determined not to listen to her lies, but her usual smug comments to follow that seemed to give him pause as he continued to drive into town.

Almonte Manor, Dining Room: Lady Carlota suggested that they forget the disagreeable events of the evening and Lady Monserrat agreed. She then said she would like to go into Agua Azul the next day to visit her father and tell him of their impending parenthood. His Lordship agreed this was an excellent idea and Lady Carlota asked to accompany them so she might fetch some more of her possessions. Dimwit indicated the same wish, but His Lordship firmly denied him this, saying he had much work to do. He would instruct Macario to fetch those things at another time.

Arguelles Manor: Adolfo, undeterred by his comparative poverty, was imbibing some wine in bed with a dark-haired wench of uncertain profession when there was a most sudden and rude pounding on the door. Reluctantly he rose to answer, not having the decency to don a robe over his undergarment. Maria entered, announcing she had changed her mind about coming to live with him; he at least had adequate manners to inform her that he had female company awaiting him. She enquired as to whether he preferred her to wait or to enter his bedchamber unannounced. It must be said in his favor that he did not wish to embarrass his other guest.

The Following Morning

Almonte Manor, Master Bedchamber: Lady Monserrat completed her toilette, then took out the bracelet given her by Pervertino. She remembered the cryptic conversation she had with him regarding her mother. His Lordship entered and she bade him place the bracelet on her wrist before they departed. They went outside to join Lady Carlota.

Mendoza Manor: They arrived three hours later to the delight of Admiral Lauro, who had been unaware of their intention to visit. As he embraced his daughter Countess Graceless looked for an embrace from her unwanted child and Lady Monserrat complied, carefully insuring that her mother saw the bracelet with which she had once bribed Pervertino. 

Lady Monserrat made comment on her parents' lack of a visit to them at her husband's estate and Admiral Lauro said this was due to his wife's distaste for the country. Lady Carlota, in the hope that a diversion would prevent any unpleasantness, said that there was good news to impart. Lady Monserrat then told her father that wasn't it time someone addressed him as “Grandfather,” and this pleased him as much as she knew it would. Countess Graceless appeared displeased until her daughter turned around at which she conveyed congratulations, noting that His Lordship must certainly be happy at this turn. She then asked her daughter to accompany her upstairs where she would present something she had prepared for that day. She stroked her hand, noting the bracelet. As they departed Admiral Lauro suggested that he, his sister, and son-in-law share a celebratory drink.

Mendoza Manor, Master Bedchamber: Upon arrival, Countess Graceless invited her daughter to sit and immediately noted the bracelet, enquiring as to its origin. Lady Monserrat was well-prepared for this moment. She had recognized it immediately. Countess Graceless attempted to convince her that she had lost it, but Lady Monserrat would not be put off by this lie. She confronted her over her denial at the question of her acquaintance with Pervertino. Removing the bracelet and putting it in her mother's hand, she revealed that she had spoken with him and was told that it was in payment for his silence regarding a major secret. Further, that he is now dead so there was no additional opportunity to interrogate him. Countess Graceless turned away from her daughter so she could not see the smile of satisfaction that the perverse steward could be depended upon for silence at last.

Lady Monserrat demanded to know the secret; her unworthy mother denied having secrets “Unlike you, Princesa. Disgusting. You are a disgrace, aren't you? Or are you going to deny that José Luis Alvarez was living in your husband's home?” Lady Monserrat, to her credit, gave her a cold stare.

Arguelles Manor, Master Bedchamber: Adolfo was still surprised at Maria's presence, asking whether she had a disagreement with His Lordship. She corrected him, saying that the conflict was with his wife, whom she swore would pay for her insults. She told him her version of the conversation in the study in which she not only refused to apologise to Lady Monserrat, she told her the secret behind the bracelet, displaying the family photo that she had taken from Lady Carlota's room. She revealed that Countess Graceless had been at Almonte Manor many times in the past for a purpose that she told her in a whisper. At her disbelief, she challenged her to enquire of Dominga, Macario, or Padre Anselmo.

Mendoza Manor, Master Bedchamber: Countess Graceless truly had no shame as she implied that Lady Monserrat enjoyed a game of musical beds with her husband and her former lover, so that “I'm afraid to ask who is the father of the child in your womb.” Lady Monserrat showed remarkable restraint at shoving her intrusive mother away from her as the next evil and very smug words fell from her lips “You don't have absolution from God.” “If I don't have absolution from God,” replied Lady Monserrat, “at least I don't have the Hell that touches you, That throughout all those years you deceived my father with another man. Although Pervertino never could tell me any more, I now know your secret. That all those years you were the mistress of the father of my husband.”

In a manner she must never have displayed even accidentally before her own husband, Countess Graceless unmistakeably showed her hatred of her own daughter. Touching her hair in a proprietary manner, she told Lady Monserrat, “Don't you dare show me disrespect, you stupid little girl. What stupidity is this, Monserrat? How can you say such a thing?” Lady Monserrat was no longer intimidated by this feminine monster, telling her that while she has thus far said nothing of this to her husband, she was certain she could persuade him to tell her the truth. She now understood why the Countess never visited her, because someone would recognize her. That all this was happening behind her father's back.

Countess Graceless attempted but failed to claim the right of authority over her daughter when Lady Monserrat called her out on her motives for the arranged marriage, compounding the accusation with arranging for His Lordship to also keep the secret. Countess Graceless answered with a most insolent slap and a repeat of an earlier dismissive gesture, also saying that she owed her no explanation. Lady Monserrat would not take this bait nor did she acquiesce; she demanded to know how long the affair had been going on.

Undaunted, Countess Graceless continued to insult both her daughter's intelligence and her virtue, saying she did not conduct herself in the manner of a lady by having the affair under her husband's own roof while he was present. She took much satisfaction in telling her daughter she considered her to be a vulgar slut, enjoying having her husband and lover under the same roof. Lady Monserrat stated with deadly calm that she had never deceived her husband. Predictably, her mother refused to believe her. With another intrusive gesture she threatened to tell this to His Lordship if she dared to tell her tale. 

Not even Livia Augusta could equal her venom when she told her while God may trust her to be intelligent she doubted it, but that they would preserve appearances and guard these secrets like any great, happy family. Lady Monserrat took her mother's hand from the side of her face and released herself from the disgustingly intrusive grasp, mock-washing her hands of it. Slowly she walked toward the door, finally turning around and saying “You have no decency, Mother.”

You neither,” said Countess Graceless in a mocking tone. However, that was merely a mask for the frustration she felt as Lady Monserrat exited, closing the door. Steaming, Countess Graceless picked something up and threw it at the wall in a childish fit of pique.

Mendoza Manor, Drawing Room: Admiral Lauro, happy at the pending increase in the number of his descendants, enquired as to whether names had been discussed. Lord Alejandro told him that they had not yet done so, but expected to soon. Lady Monserrat returned closely followed by her hypocritical mother, who gushed over the conversation they had about maternal inauguration. Lady Monserrat brushed aside an insincere caress before taking her seat next to her husband. This did not go unnoticed by Lady Carlota, who discreetly said nothing of it but enquired of the items spoken of by her sister-in-law. Countess Graceless said that this would wait until they knew whether the baby would be boy or a girl so that the name could be embroidered on them. Admiral Lauro indicated that he would like a boy to be named for himself, but then realized that perhaps that would be rather selfish, suggesting that Lord Alejandro may want to name his son for himself or for his own father. Just as the doorbell heralded an unexpected visitor, Countess Graceless said she would love the name “Benjamin.” This comment did not please either Lord Alejandro or Lady Monserrat, whose deadly expression was directed at her mother.

A maid escorted Sir Tomas Valverde into the drawing room; he was much concerned about his sister. He also wished to know if there were any news of Master Dimwit's whereabouts.

Almonte Estate, Stables: Master Dimwit was mucking out the stables under the watchful eye of Macario, who attempted to engage him in conversation. Master Dimwit was clearly out of his element, as was intended by Lord Alejandro; he missed his footing and fell into a pile of manure, much to his distaste and Macario's amusement. At that moment Lady Josefina arrived with a tray of food and Dimwit – who was in his mind sufficiently humiliated by his lowly tasks – knelt before her and accepted her offer of marriage for a year by proposing to her. It was most curious that she had not changed her mind.

Mendoza Manor, Drawing Room / Library: Admiral Lauro spoke, telling the distraught man that he had no news of his son. Lord Alejandro asked to be able to speak privately with Sir Tomas, and they entered the library. He informed Sir Tomas that Dimwit was at his estate, performing lowly tasks for the sake of his betterment. Further, that Lady Josefina was also there and that she was safe. Sir Tomas was doubtful, but Lord Alejandro assured him that he was forcing Dimwit to work during all the daylight hours to pay back what he had stolen. At the statement that this would require three lifetimes, he firmly stated that he was bringing Dimwit in line and he would pay him back. Sir Tomas said that he could not comprehend why His Lordship was doing this and more, that it was not merely a matter of money, but the humiliation that Lady Josefina had suffered. He wanted to kill Dimwit over it. However, Lord Alejandro reminded him that in an age when duels were no longer fought he would end up in prison and this would solve nothing. He did convince him that forcing Dimwit to accept responsibility for his actions was the best course of action. He then opened the door and asked Admiral Lauro to join them.

This did not please Countess Graceless, who had earlier heard dire threats against her precious son. Lady Monserrat stated that these were exaggerations, and that nothing was going to happen to her beloved child. Lady Carlota went so far as to say that Dimwit deserved any blows threatened for what he had done. She would not back down at Countess Graceless' shameless defense of him, saying that he had been a cad and further, placing the blame on her as his mother for protecting him from his own peccadilloes. 

This provoked a counter-accusation of Lady Carlota's own imagined bad influence over Lady Monserrat. Countess Graceless continued her accusations of adultery against her own daughter, speaking as though she should face the guillotine for it. She further accused Lady Carlota of being an accomplice. Lady Monserrat took this bait, telling her mother that she was in no position to sit in judgment on her.

Fortunately, before this could become more deadly Lord Alejandro emerged from the library and announced that he and his lady wife would be departing for home. Countess Graceless was not pleased, but pretended merely to be shocked. He informed her that Sir Tomas would be coming with them.


Urban!!!! I have been sitting here waiting for what I just KNEW would be an incredible recap.

Of course, it was!!! Beautifully written, Urban. Simply beautifully written!

Every single scene is packed with info and new turns of events. I have never seen anything like it. Granted, I have not seen many TN, but this is mind boggling!!!

So many questions. So many thoughts on my mind, but my first question is this:

What makes a mother hate a daughter? Hate is a powerful word, but this is the only word that comes to mind when I see how Graceless treats Montserrat.

What in the world makes a mother hate and despise her own child?


I was waiting for your recap. I didn't even watch the episode. I just like reading your recaps. You're so talented.

I second Cynderella's comments. Every one of them.


I do not like the physical abuse Monse takes from her mother. I look forward to the day with Monse can do the slapping between the too. I know that's her mom but Graceless does not treat her daughter with respect and therefore doesn't deserve her daughter's respect.

Thanks, Urban A., for your graceful retelling of these outrageous incidents.
Maria and Graciela are a couple of evil sluts. Nimble Maria makes some lemonade from the bitterness of her banishment (and thankfully, Alejandro had the backbone to order it).

Graciela may cover her black heart with all manner of fluff and glitz, but it's a good thing for Monserrat to learn the truth.

Dimwit was finally pushed to a decision: hot stable, shoveling and falling in the manure, and suffering Macario's jibes and laughter --or-- Josefina, who loves him and brings him cold orange juice to soothe his trials. Easy decision for him--take the easy way out. Hope to see him snared and tormented by her love.


Thanks so much for a remarkable recap of a remarkable episode.

Do we think that María has burned her bridges with Alejandro, regardless of what happens with Montserrat? I hope so.

Oh Dim. How romantic. Proposing marriage while covered by the very same thing he is full of.

UA, thanks for the always enjoyable recap.

It was chilling to hear Ale say that he never forgives a traitor or a liar especially if they are someone he trusts/close to him. I think we all know where that could end up.

BM just kept showing up in places she wasn't expected. I am sure we haven't seen the last of her but at least she is off the hacienda.

Making sure he was really covered in manure, Dimitri asked Fina to marry him. Sort of like making sure he was dragging her down into the manure with him. Yuck! I did enjoy Carlota telling Graciela she was responsible for the creation of that "patan" Dimitri.

Slaps all around tonight! Montse got to be both the slapper and the slapped. I also couldn't stand her mother poking her in the head and covering her mouth. Graciela puts Montse in an untenable position marrying her off and then criticizes her for the problems that resulted with JL. What a beast she is! I am glad Montse knows the truth about her. That was the only good thing BM did do.

Another satisfying episode.


NovelaMaven, re Maria burning those bridges. Honestly, I don't know. She knows just how to "get" to Ale and that's what worries me.

What worries me even more is, as Jarifa pointed out, Alejo's comment re not forgiving traitors/liars that have been close to him.

Ale is speaking in absolutes. There are no absolutes. Everything is relative.


You are so right, Fatima. Alejandro's speaking in absolutes is worrisome -- because, damn it, there ARE no absolutes!

[NM slams fist down on table for emphasis. Ouch.]

I guess he has his emotional/philosophical path cut out for him over the next 100 episodes.


Thanks so much for this fantastic recap. I just love the way you tell this tale.

Yay! BM is gone for the time being. Novelamaven, I don't think she has burned her bridges. She is so besotted with Ale, I'm sure she'll think of something. Just speculation, not a spoiler.

I can't stand Gracie either, the nerve of that woman. She is a ho! No question. I so dislike the way she treats Monse, as some bargaining chip for sale to the highest bidder and the constant slapping, but Monse has class, something Gracie doesn't have. I hope Monse remembers her crassness for the next time she wants some dinero!

I was laughing so hard at Dimwit falling in the manure, too funny. And he is full of it, lol. He didn't even wipe his hands when he took Fina's and asked her to marry him. Maybe she'll turn him down, hmmmmm..........

I too thought Tomas was thinking more in the lines of a duel, I mentioned that weeks ago. I can't wait to see what Tomas thinks, when he gets to the hacienda and sees Dimwit.

It was good to see Esme again with Refugio. He was looking like a good bodyguard, lol. So Esme owns that club? Now that is interesting.

I don't like Gracie knowing that JL was at the hacienda, when she thought he was dead. She thinks so little of her daughter I wouldn't put it past her to spill. She's so evil!

It is Gracie's fault Dimwit turned out the way he did, and she's soooo insulted! She knows it's right, what Monse and Tia told her, so now she'll have to deal. Oh, and those shoes, really?????? Hideous!

I too didn't like Ale saying he won't forget or forgive "traitors". Fatima you are right there are no absolutes, but the man is so stubborn. I am not liking these hovering anvils.

Can't wait for manana to find out what happens next!


This was an excellent recap and I cannot believe you did screen shots! Congratulations on mastering what I take to be a complicated and difficult process. Your choice of images was just great.

I am so glad Malria is gone but I heard Ale say a couple of ominous things tonight that bode ill for he and Montserrat. Both os them were marked by the absolute statements that our rigid and humorless Alejandro is famous for and that Novela Maven and others have already mentioned. First:

"He intoned that she, Maria, was therefore the only liar, shoving her back so she fell on the edge of the bed. She rose and he prevented her attempt at touching him again."

Now Maria is all bad, right Ale? But Ale has the evidence of his own ears and eyes of Maria's perfidy—she tried to set him up with Montserrat IN THE MOMENT she was caught.

The second scene has already been mentioned—when Ale swears never to forgive Maria's betrayal. Then Montserrat does her manipulative thing—'Hey, Ale, you have to promise you will never doubt my love again, etc.'— and they seal it with a sexy kiss. Sometimes we know that Montse is Graciela's daughter. She is pretty skilled at manipulation and deception. Arguably these could have developed as survival skills in her dysfunctional family).

In Buddhist silent retreats very low-toned gongs are often used to call people to meditation and prayer, just as bells toll the offices in a Catholic monastery. I have often used a very old Japanese gong for this purpose. The sound is so low and so penetrating that—once we are out of retreat and can speak again—we jokingly call the gong of doom, especially when it is sounded at 5:15 AM.

I thought I heard a 'gong of doom' announcing Montserrat's upcoming fate and judgment by Alejandro. Bless his heart, he is going to have every right to be mad. NOBODY but she and Jose Luis know that she was faithful to Ale, and each of those two has lied about so many things that others will not believe them. Ale himself has been involved in multiple deceptions, including the cover up of a homicide, but somehow I do not think he will remember that in the critical moments.


Suffering ahead...

Thanks again, Urban. Great job.

Elna June

PS: I am absolutely loving this show. It has become one of my all-time favs—at least for these first 50 capitulos.

What a way you have with words. Thank you for such a well thought out and informative recap. And I love the fan!

"However, proving that there is no honor whatsoever among thieves and whores, Dimwit slyly announced that Maria and Adolfo did more than talk."

"Adolfo, undeterred by his comparative poverty, was imbibing some wine in bed with a dark-haired wench of uncertain profession..."

These were only two among the vast amount of memorable lines from your recap.

I am glad that Montse said something when she saw BM and Ale in the shower. She could have left the room, but she reacted like any jealous wife would. I just wish she had said "Get your paws off my man Bitch!" I was ecstatic when Ale told BM to leave. YES! He didn't believe anything she said, and stayed firm with her. He had a look in his eye of asco and anger. It was like he could not believe she was the same person he had grown up with. But the b**ch got busted, and she has no one to blame but herself. At last she got kicked to the curb, where she belongs. And after everything she said and did, BM had the avocadoes to tell Ale that if he "tried her" she had no doubt that Ale wouldn't want any other woman that wasn't her. WHAT! QUE! DIOS MIO! She really thinks that she's all that AND a bag of chips! NOT!

BM is just plain evil. Why did she lie and tell Macario that Dominga had been Juvie's lover? What did Mac and Dominga ever do to her to provoke such hatred? She is simply a Mean Vengeful Slut! NEXT!

Loved the scene of Dimi shoveling manure. It looked like he was really gonna puke when he fell in it! HA! And I loved the change in attitude towards Fina. Calling her Mi Amor, and with a little grin on his face when he asked her to marry him. It was comical and fun to watch.

Much more to say, but will check in later.

UA: On a side note, I debated whether or not to mention this, but here it goes. When I read your recap I noticed that you said Ale believed BM when she said she had not stolen the money Rosario found in her room and had nothing to do with Adolfo. But what I heard, after Dimi let everyone know that BM and Adolfo, had not only stolen the money, but would spend a lot of time locked in his room, was BM say "No le creas Alejandro, te juro que esta diciendo puras mentiras" (Don't believe him Alejandro, I swear he is saying pure lies, or nothing but lies) Ale said "No Maria, creo que dice la verdad." (No Maria, I think he's (Dimi) telling the truth) ['Creo que' meaning, 'yo creo que el'] So Ale was saying that he believed Dimi was telling the truth. He then gave BM the box and told her she was going to need it. The Spanish language can be confusing at times.

Off to bed...hasta pronto!

Went back to check the DVR, and to be exact Ale said "No Maria, yo creo que esta diciendo la verdad" (No Maria, I think he's[Dimi] telling the truth). Same translation.

Thanks for your recap and for showing us another beautiful fan.

As Anon 11:09 pm stated, how Gracie keeps physically abusing her daughter is just more than disturbing. I look forward to the day when Monse stops her from ANY physical and verbal abuse.

Fatima, good question about mothers hating daughters. TNs seem to enjoy have bad mothers as villains. Most are controlling or smothering but the ones who are abusive are the worst.

The writers have been dangling the JL anvil for quite a while. I think tomorrow it actually drops based on our preview scenes but I'm not holding my breath.


Gracias, amigos.

I was biting my lip when Monserrat entered the bathroom, hoping she would shout at someone. I would have preferred her to have shouted at Maria while simultaneously grabbing her by the hair and dragging her out but at least she got there before something irretrievable could have happened.

As to the answer to the ultimate question raised by this episode, I guess we will have to wait. My best guess right now is that Graceless hates her daughter because she is young, beautiful, and has opportunities open to her that she never had.

We know nothing about Graceless' parents; since they have never been mentioned it's a reasonable assumption that they're dead and unless there will be a flashback or a dream sequence we will never see them. Since Dimwit is 28 years old we can safely assume that Graceless must be at least 47 (older than the actress) so we can nix the idea that Monserrat had her menarche when Graceless was entering menopause (unless she had an abnormally early one). Trust me; that is more than enough to cause envious conflict.

Her intrusive touching is exactly like that of Rosario Pedraza of Mi Pecado, so perhaps the director thought it effective. All I can say is that Monserrat should not permit it and I'm hoping that the way that scene ended means that she will return the slap in a future episode.

Must see TV followed by Must See Recap.

Wow, Urban, your usual elegant rendering of the action, accompanied by wonderful photos--just fabulous. Having struggled with posting photos along with recap myself, I am truly blown away.

Favorite line, of course is "dark-haired wench of uncertain profession". But I also loved:

"Road into Town: Macario, who never allowed his opinion to go unheard,..."

That's our Macario. He's fast becoming my favorite character.

Looking forward to watching this later in the day, but couldn't resist reading your recap before heading off to work. Simply splendid.

Of course, we are all wondering exactly how Alejandro will find out about JL's impersonation of Antonio Olivares and here we are given a possible answer. For all that Graceless clearly hates Monserrat she would be a complete idiot to be the one to spill because that would mean no more dinero.

Unless, of course, Alejandro hadn't already cut that off when Monserrat told him to early in the story in which case Graceless would have nothing to lose and Monserrat's misery to gain.

People who are miserable like to drag others down into it.

Urban, elegant recap as usual, thank you for your excellent work.
The story is hitting the fan. OUCH!
Elna June-the gong is really going off, isn't it? The advances look grim.
Had to laugh at your comment La Paloma, Dimwit's choice, hot manure or Jose; pick one.
I was surprised there were no scenes with Angie and JL. It looks bad for JL!

Urban, beautifully crafted as always. This was mesmerizing. Between the marvelous screen shots and fascinating summary, I just didn't want this to end.

"and while Maria, in a vainglorious attempt at appearing helpless", "Lady Amelia allowed no such insult to her intelligence, revealing that the matter had been explicitly and vitriolically discussed" and " Not even Livia Augusta could equal her venom" were among my favorites.

Maria has been vanquished but we all suspect albeit temporarily. Enjoyed her being caught and expelled but she did have the last word as she was able to deliver the blow to Monse about her odious mother.

Dimwit finally had enough! Looking forward to seeing the journey of this reluctant bridegroom and his (already)long suffering bride to be.

Fatima, mothers hating their daughters (Gancho, Mi Pecado (also with D. Castro, FELS) occurs all too often. Sometimes the daughters were not their own, were the result of rape, the mother is jealous and/or just that the mother was a terrible person.

Karen, ITA, basta on Graciela's abuse. All of it. I'm glad Monse didn't cower at the fact Graciela now knows JL is alive and what transpired. Sure Graciela has far more skeletons in the closet. Who knows what will fall out next. Did enjoy Monse's sporting the bracelet and sticking it in Graciela's face.

LaPaloma “Nimble Maria makes some lemonade from the bitterness of her banishment (and thankfully, Alejandro had the backbone to order it)” was wonderful!

Elna June, enjoyed your "gong of doom" comment and fear everything you said is true. When everything comes crashing down, Ale's rage and bitterness will be swift. Will he be able to forgive? I suspect it will be a long and difficult road.

UA, lovely fan and amazing recap. Thank you!


Once again, I'm only stopping by to thank you for the recap and to say how woonderfuulll it is. Such talent Urban!


Thanks Urban. Another exciting episode. Finally, Ale sees Maria's true face.

As for Ale not forgiving lies and betrayal, well he will have to put a lot of people on that non-forgiveness list. Monse, for the JL secret. Padre, for the JL secret and the Rosario secret. Rosario for her own secret. Macario for the Ro secret. JL for his own secret. I'm just saying, there won't be anyone left in his friends and family plan, except Victor, if he doesn't learn to forgive and understand that just because a person holds a secret doesn't mean they were trying to hurt you. Even if they were wrong to do so.

I like that Monse didn't get mad at Ale for keeping it a secret from her that her mother was Ben's lover, and didn't even bring it up with him. She seemed to get that he must have been trying to protect her. Loved how she flashed that bracelet at Gracie. Hate the way Gracie feels free to abuse and belittle Monde.

Although I was happy to see Maria get kicked out, I worry about the trouble she and Addie could cause. I'm sure it wouldn't take much for him to tell her all about JL.

I'm currently rewatching FELS and I'm scratching my head over Gabriela's hatred of her daughters. I don't think that was ever adequately explained, so I can only see her hatred as being generated from her being a control freak and her daughters resisting her control in a manner normal for human maturation.

I don't think she ever loved her husband, either. We have no evidence that he was ever anything but a good father to his daughters and a good husband to Gabriela until she cut off the nooky, which may have happened long before the beginning of that story.

BTW, as I watch the episodes (HD picture is so much better than what I saw back during the original broadcast) I am reading the recaps and comments and am pleased to see that others share my opinion of Gabriela as another Bernarda Alba.

Rosario Pedraza's backstory is told to us late in the series. She is a very conflicted woman in a way that Gabriela Elizondo is not. She might have benefitted from seeing a shrink, but probably wouldn't have considered it.

Thanks for this entertaining recap, UA, you certainly got an episode overflowing with good stuff and described it mot eloquently.

Odd that Alejandro didn't recognize María more immediately rather than returning her kiss for several seconds only to react with surprise when Montserrat shouted out. Maybe he had soap in his nose and mouth as well.

Well everything should be great between the happy couple now that María has been banished, as she most certainly the source of everyone's misery. I'll just meekly point out that María is gone but Deceit hasn't left the building.



I don't mind catching episodes where shit hits the fan because I think that confrontation scenes in novelas are just as important as the great love scenes. Which is why I am so peeved that they are frequently omitted from the abridged DVD sets.

Vivi, your list of the deceptions and who is responsible for them points to the need for Alejandro to be more understanding of why lies are told or truths are hidden. Padre Anselmo is the only one on that list who truly gets a pass because he is bound by the seal of the confessional, which Alejandro has the intelligence to understand. However, he will have to go through the forgiveness process with the others one at a time in order to grow into the great man he will be at the end of this tale.

Monserrat will be the toughest one of the lot for him to forgive. However, since we have a contemporary-period story he can always demand a DNA test for assurance that the baby is his.

Dear Urban Anthropologist,

Many thanks for a wonderful recap! As always, it's a pleasure to read and filled with many lovely details and smart observations.

"Dressed in his usual blue daywear, Lord Alejandro angrily entered, shouting to Macario, who quickly reported for duty."

And re Adolfo: "It must be said in his favor that he did not wish to embarrass his other guest."

These were just two of many favorites for me.

ITA with everyone who is upset about Gracie's physical abuse. Jeez, I want Montserrat to haul off and slap Gracie a good one or at least defend herself. I wonder if its just too much of a no, no in TN-Land for to a child to hit his/her abusive parent back? I'd be curious to know of any of you have seen this before? I don't think I have, but I've only been watching these a short time.

Ale's urge to implacable resentment over any hint of betrayal will come back to haunt them all, I suspect.

Urban Anthropologist, you are the best part of all my Monday mornings.

Even with DNA tests for the baby, at some point Ale is just going to have to choose to believe Monse and JL when they eventually tell him that they never had sex once she became Ale's novia and then wife. There won't be any other proof but their words.

True. He needs to learn to trust and considering his own backstory that will be difficult for him.

Has anyone wondered how, with old Ben being the way he was, and María looking way she does, that she apparently was able to avoid those lecherous talons?


That's an excellent question.

I started out thinking that Dominga was Maria's mother, but I was wrong. Nothing has been said about Maria's mother, either. Old Ben would not have been above cuckolding a male employee, so it is entirely possible that she is Alejandro's half-sister.

Her father wouldn't have known that, either, or he would have been firmer in discouraging her from her pursuit of Alejandro.

I think we all agree that Ale's Absolutes are going to be difficult to deal with in the very near future.

Graciela will enjoy every moment of this and I am not looking forward to it. I suspect (NO SPOILER) that she will even encourage Ale in his anger towards Montserrat. I agree that this could foil her own dinero plans, but Graciela is the Serpent Incarnate. The manipulation slips out of the double forked tongue with such ease.

I understand that many novelas have shown mothers hating their daughters, but my question was really directed at real life situations. Does any level of dislike-->hatred mean that a mother has a bona fide psychiatric diagnosis? I can understand the issues with a child born of rape or the other situations that Urban mentioned, but what really makes a mother truly hate a child?

I think I am going to have to read up on this as this TN has provoked some interesting questions.

Carlos, excellent question re Maria/Don Benjamin, but I think that Maria's father would have kept a close eye on her and would have stopped anything like this dead in its tracks.

We are a third of the way through. If the JL anvil falls now, would that be too soon?

Another thought just came to mind. I would be so sad to see Ale "hate" his own child because of his doubts re the child being his. To perpetuate the parent/child hatred theme beyond Graciela's would be too much for me to see.


Wow! Fabulous recap Urban!

I only saw one full scene last night and a few snippets when switching over from the Sleepy Hollow finale. But what I saw was my two non-favorite femme fatales, Maria and Gravel Gerty. Seeing Maria try to hang all over Ale, yish. Swear I could see the family slime coming over her fingers as she tried to paw his manly being.

As for Monse's "Mother". My God! I'm with Fatima, what could provoke such hatred to her daughter? I'm still of the mind that Dimwit is the spawn of her affair and it will be shown he is Ale's half-bro, but does Mumsy hate her hubby that much she takes it out on Monse? That whole scene was beyond disturbing--well done, but disturbing. There has to be a back story there somewhere.

So Dimwit proposed? Sorry, I missed the messy moment. Lord, how much I wish for Fina to make his life one living go girl!

Interesting point Carlos about Maria. Forgot they never mentioned Maria's mother. Holy smoker, she'll lose her lunch if she realizes Ale is her bro as well---just one big happy family. Again, there's another back story we need to hear.

So all this talk of trusting and forgetting the past--will it really work when Ale knows the truth? Wish Monse would just fess up herself. Frankly, I don't think even the idea of a DNA test will change the fact she lied all this time. Ale is still going to implode over that. Some of that manure is going to be hitting the fan soon I think.


Thanks in advance Urban for what I know is going to be splendid. Your recap and comments will be an after work treat.

Just want to say what a dark episode this was! Montse was really coming off assertive, yes, but exhibiting so much of Graceless' character--whoa! Dim was a butthole as usual. Later!


Fatima, if you want to learn more about this sort of thing, I recommend reading books about narcissistic parents and about Borderline Personality Disorder.

I had to read books on these subjects, as did almost all my female friends.

Most narcissistic mothers envy their daughters over anything that provokes envy: Youth, beauty, intelligence, better opportunities, success, and even men. A lot of the insults and criticism directed at their daughters is a smokescreen for their own insecurities. They often project their own worst traits on others so as not to own them themselves.

I could go on for hours about this, but I won't. Suffice to say that I feel for Monserrat as the daughter of a woman who hated me and doted on my worthless (now deceased) brother.

Wow..thanks, UA, for that excellent recap and photos of an exciting episode. I am sitting here looking out the sliding glass door and watching the snow falling on the trees in the backyard.....again. Local schools are closed...again. They are predicting 3 to 6 inches. I am very tired of the cold and snow , so your recap has been a pleasant diversion and an excuse to have another cup of coffee and not to tackle my many chores just yet.

I agree with those who noted Gracie's hatred for her daughter. The scene between the two was hard to watch. I counted three face shoves, one lip press, and a slap. Yikes. You can just see the frustration and hate in those actions. I almost had to wonder if the actresses have a little problem with each other in real life. I found it very hard to watch Monymony just stand there and accept her mother's abuse without even trying to move away. There was something awful about watching that tiny, perfect, doll like face pushed and slapped. You could sense the jealousy that the fading Gracie feels for her beautiful, young daughter. The juxtaposition of the two was telling. There's slim, lovely Monymony with her perfect , subtle makeup and elegant hairdo dressed in a lovely , tailored blouse and skirt next to Gracie who is draped in all kinds of fabric, heavily made up with a bed head Bardot do,...and CFM shoes. Just looking at Monymony must drive Gracie into despair for her own lost youth. I think seeing her bracelet on that slim wrist just lit the powder keg of Gracie's jealousy. I am starting to feel very sorry for Monymony. Having a parent who is supposed to always love and protect you treat you like that must be devastating. Oh, and I hated the way Gracie kept grabbing monymony's belly. It was almost as if she was trying to convey the idea that she would control her baby, too. This actress can really bring the nasty and make you despise her. She was a villain in Pasion, too.

And then, as if it is not bad enough having Gracie as a mother, Malria slithers into monymony's young life. Malria's conversation with Macario was very telling. There was absolutely no reason for her to lie to him about Dominga except that she got pleasure from hurting him. This novela has changed many aspects of Amor Real, so I do not know what will happen with the Malria storyline even though I know what happened to the housekeeper in the earlier version. Also, the mother was not evil in AR , and she never had an affair with the father of her soninlaw. . She was controlling and unlaffectionate and used her daughter to save the family from ruin , but she never hated or abused Matilde.


Urban, you have outdone yourself yet again. Thank you for a most excellent recap of a thrilling episode. You took us on a splendid roller coaster ride and I enjoyed every second of it. You have such a clever way with words. I loved your crack about "Macario, who never allowed his opinion to go unheard,...", but I absolutely howled at "Inside was more money than he ever would have paid her in salary for work she had not done." Now THAT is an Urban A classic that deserved (and got) a double-take. Well done amiga!

I also had a good laugh at Dimwit's manure-encrusted proposal. Of course Josefina will give her wrinkle-nosed (the aroma) assent, else how will she mete out the year of misery she has promised? I am going to enjoy Dim's year of anvils as he learns to cope with Team Josefina.

Maria...gone but not forgotten. I'm sure she will rise like pond scum; she obviously has an amazing instinct for survival.

This episode also pointed out a huge difference between Gracie and Amelia. Amelia loves her daughters and clearly puts Angie before all else.

By the way, I would have never gone into a room alone with Malria like Monymony did. it was very creepy when Malria came behind her and whispered in her ear. Bleccchhh


Urban: I couldn't believe how quickly you posted this great, detailed recap.

Novela: LOL your comments.

Montsy has certainly matured during these last few episodes. She has worked through her anger about being sold-out by her mother and has actually fallen in love with the right man and out of love with the wrong man.

And, she has also gotten Ale's back to the wall as to her love for him NOW. She knows that Maria and her mother as we later find out will use anything to destroy her. She's got a promise out of him, and he is a man of his word.

Graciela: What a horror! When she slaps, pokes, pinches and points to Montsy, I want to throw hard objects at the TV.

Well, I got my wish...Dim shoveling the......manure. Luckily, that wasn't real manure. I went to school with guys who lived on dairy farms and regularly had to manure out the barns. One of them never showered after milking the cows in the morning before school. Everyone tried not to sit next to him or have him as a partner in social dancing in gym class. They called him the Black Plague. As someone noted, Dim finally smelled like what he is full of. now isn't that just smelly poetic justice.

I think the whisper was very clever and served two purposes:

1. The space-bubble invasion factor between Monserrat and Maria
2. Possibly Maria withheld the details of the secret from Adolfo, preferring not to share that particular weapon.

We did not see his reaction to this disclosure, so we don't know whether #2 is speculation or not. Either way, this disclosure to Monserrat hasn't worked the way Maria seemed to have intended it to. It hasn't begun a fight between Monserrat and Alejandro, but it has opened the floodgates between Monserrat and Graceless' hatred of her.

The truly horrible thing about this is that cutting Graceless out of her life could mean that Monserrat may never see her father again.

Urban - Beautiful recap. Like a novel that I could read again and again. Thanks for the pics, especially the one showing Gracie's full crazy getup cause strangely I couldn't take my eyes off it.

Sweet of Montse to acknowledge Ale's hurt in losing his childhood friend. Montse needs to make a list of all the people who know about JL (everybody except Lauro?) and realize the gong of doom [thanks, Elna June!] is coming, so why not tell him now in her own words.

How about Tomas and Tia as a couple? They both get straight to the point and take no crap.

Montse needs to have the shower fumigated and remodeled.


Susanlynn, what are "CFM" shoes? My mind is drawing a blank.

Graciela doesn't have to look like she does; a cheap version of Bardot. She could dress so much more nicely and still look like a glam, attractive, and sexy woman, but she is hateful to her innermost core, so it will never happen.

Urban, thank you. I will look up "Borderline Personality disorder" and see what I find. I am sorry that what is happening to Montserrat in this story happened to you in real life. We can all see the immense talent you have. I hope you know how valued you are here. I mean that most sincerely.


Sylvia, great observation about the difference b/t Graceless and Amelia. I loved how she turned on evil Gracie.

UA, all we can hope for is that learning of his wife's infidelity doesn't kill Lauro but does open his eyes to her abuse of Monse and he'll divorce her. Then even if Graceless doesn't die, Monse can always visit her loving father unmolested. That's my desire for this plot line.

I'd like to see Lauro live with Monserrat and Alejandro. That would insure he would be well cared-for by Monse and Rosario. However, I don't see this coming.

Urban, I just read a brief run down on "Borderline Personality Disorder" at the NIMH page. With regard to Graciela, do you think this fits her?

Maybe she is just downright evil with no psychiatric diagnosis. Does such a thing exist?


Cap'n Sylvia and Karen - Amelia's reaction makes me hopeful that she might actually believe Angie if her daughter tells her the truth about JL.

Whew...finally saw this red-hot episode. I'll say one thing for Wretched Maria, SHE'S NO QUITTER!

Lord, I thought Alejandro was NEVER going to get her out of the bedroom, much less out of the house. She was hanging on like a pitbull. Ouf!

Graciela almost seems tame compared to her. Especially after Maria's gratuitous sullying of Dominga's reputation and knife into Macario's heart.

Lauro should NEVER be told of his wife's infidelity. It would hurt him too much. Regardless of whether his physical heart could take it, his emotional heart would be so damaged. There is no cure for that kind of deep betrayal and wounding. The rest of his days would be tainted by so much sorrow and pain. I'm hoping the story doesn't go that way.

Fatima..I first was introduced to the term CFM shoes while watching Destilando Amor. A commenter or recapper used it to refer to a villain's choice of footwear. CFM = come **** me. Malria does not own any of those shoes , but she conveys the same sentiment in her manner. Bleeccchhh seems to me that nobody escapes having bad stuff happen or someone in his/her life that makes life a challenge. My mother used to say , "That which does not kill us makes us strong." After reading your comments and recaps here at Caraycaray, I sense that you are a very strong person.....a survivor. Life is funny. A good , happy, fulfilling life is the very best revenge. When I think about the person who is making the lives of my family difficult, I say to will ruin this family over my cold, dead body, Buddy. I am raising my glass of Asti to you, Urban. Rock on. However...the snow IS starting to get me down !

Susanlynn, OK, I GET it ! I would have never thought of that, so glad you clued me in. :))

JudyB, amen sistah on your take of that DOG (no apologies here) Maria. The chick is delusional in her thinking. She actually believes that she BELONGS with Ale. Her gratuitous lie to Macario was uncalled for and speaks VOLUMES about the kind of person she is; volumes.


Judyb...I was frustrated when Monymony left Ale alone in his towel in their bedroom with Malria...QUE the hell ? I would have hustled that heiney out of that room speedy quick. LARGATE AHORRA , BRUJA. Why let her alone with hot, wet Ale to grovel and plead and whine and weep yet again. Monymony should have dragged her right along and out of that room. SHUTUPMARIA..Basta.

UA, just wanted to reach out and send you a virtual hug. Always know that you are greatly treasured and appreciated here at Caray...


Thanks, guys.

I would also have planted my CFM shoe in her arse and kicked Maria out of the room toute suite.

Oh, wait; Monserrat had already taken them off.

My guess is that the writers were teasing the viewers with the possibility that Maria could talk her way out of this one more time and maybe do it with a little skin. As to why Alejandro didn't recognize her, it's probably because she's about the same height as Monserrat, same length of hair, and he must use some nice expensive soap with a great scent which he hadn't yet rinsed off.

No matter; we know we haven't seen the last of Maria.

Graciela didn’t look too happy about being a grandmother. I actually think it’s because she thought she’d consigned her daughter to a lifetime of misery and within a few months, Mons is over the moon happy.

What’s with the finger punches? Pedro did it to Nadia, too. I hate that. I know why Mons didn’t react with her own slap—it is her mother. I hope she gets over THAT pretty soon and smacks the s**t out of her.


FANtastic recap! I love reading these. They feel so deliciously dishy, yet full of arch propriety.

SO relieved Ale threw Malaria out! Now I can enjoy all those tasty snacks in the sunshine on the patio instead of hunkering down in the bunker with indigestion.

Wow, that proposal. So romantic. It's just what every lady dreams of: a mud- and manure- smeared grudging offer of a year of misery. I think Josie would be far better served to chuck Dim aside, get a self-confidence boost and her hair out of her face, and get to work on finding someone worthy of her before she's a year older. But I do look forward to seeing how she will make Dim miserable.

Gracie putting her hands on Mons stomach turned mine.

Niecie: Tomas and Tia. I like it. I really want her to find a decent guy.

I think Ale should have known it wasn’t Mons. Everyone kisses differently. The way the mouth fits, etc.

i do not necessarily want Monymony to slap her mother back, but I would like her to at least duck or move away to avoid Gracie touching her . Better yet, she should just stay away from her completely or at least not be alone with her. I don't think that Gracie has ever physically abused Mony in front of anyone . ..Laurie, Ale, Tia. That would ruin her image as Mother of the Year. Mony has to stop just standing still when Gracie starts pushing her in the head. What is up with that move ? it is very upsetting to watch her do that to Mony's delicate little skull. Mony has to stand up for herself and get out of harm's way.

Nanette..I also think that Gracie does not want to be called ABUELA...hahaha. It will mess with her effort to look like a material girl..the short skirts..the bows on her anklesstrapped heels. Grandma Gracie...She does not want that. HeyI do not want her to be redeemed. I do not want this show to end with Gracie the Grateful Grannie because she does not deserve that honor.


I too echo Diana's sentiment and sending you a virtual hug too. I am so glad you are part of our team : )

Gracie is just jealous of the thing she doesn't have any more that's for sure. She's lost her youth, her money (their financial situation still isn't good) and her amante. She resents Monse for being so very happy, when she thought she had consigned her to a life of unhappiness.

I don't think Gracie ever wanted a daughter. She would have been happy with just Dimwit. I wonder if Monse had been a boy instead of a girl, how she would have treated him. Would she have treated a second son the same way as she does Monse? That being said, I bet if push comes to shove Dimwit would push her under the bus to save himself.

Just how much did Dimwit and Addie swindle from Fina, if as Tomas said it would take him two lifetimes to pay it back? It must have been a heck of a lot.

Fatima ++:

It is always hard to know what psych diagnosis the writers might have in mind when they create a character. Who knows if the writer for the Graciela is working from personal experience or a technical diagnosis or just an idea, like the idea of 'pure evil'?

From the seat of armchair analysis, I would say that Graciela is a textbook Narcissist of the sociopathic variety. I do not read Borderline here, just pure self-aggrandizement and malevolent self-interest. Sociopathic narcissists are not just 'bad' mothers, they are toxic to all whose lives they touch closely.

Note the emphasis on sociopathology here. These folks are adaptive, slippery and as difficult to nail down in diagnosis as they are in real life.

The rage of a sociopathic narcissist knows no bounds when they feel thwarted. Some are consistently enraged and blaming with one person (a child or partner) or gender or race; some are equal opportunity haters.

But hating is really a side effect. The kind of person we are speaking of lacks empathy. EVERYTHING in their world is about them. This kind of person will do whatever is necessary to enhance and preserve their grandiose idea of 'self'.

Of course, armchair diagnosis is completely irresponsible. Better for Graciela to head to a good shrink in Aguazul to get her diagnosis and treatment protocol. Grin.

Not that she would ever do such a thing. Narcissists are perfect in their own minds.



Note: When in need of a bucket to pee,poo and throw up,use BM expandable face instead ,you are saving valuable buckets and contributing to a green eco future.

The proposal of Dimmy to Josefina must have been the most romantic of a century,i mean nobody proposes with hands of poo poo!

Mads,.hmmm..Well, the only work we have ever seen Dimmy do is shovel **** , and that type of work does not pay very well. Furthermore, he wasn't even successful at that task since he fell into the pile of manure. Wow , that was symbolic, no ?

EJ, I found your words very interesting. Food for thought. It sounds as though these folks are their own worst enemies who hurt themselves while hurting others with their bad decisions and behaviors. Now , the question is how would it be best for Monymony to deal with her narcissistic sociopath of a madre ?

EJ..Would being neglected as a child cause someone to become a sociopathic narcissist ? It would be interesting to know what kind of childhood Gracie herself had. There is always a story before the story. I suppose everyone is formed by his or her background and upbringing. Everyone has his or her own history that defines who he or she becomes. Hub and I just saw "saving Mr. Banks, which is the story of the struggle Walt Disney went through to get the rights to make a movie of P,L,Travers Mary Poppins book. She seems to have been a very difficult and negative person. The film depicted her difficult childhood.

Great questions. ¿Quien sabe?

There are so many theories of personality development and I am far from familiar with any of the more recent or trendy ideas on the subject.

Frankly, I have always been more interested in how folks who find themselves touched by such obscured human beings can heal from the download of toxicity, make healthy and kind choices that benefit themselves and their loved ones.

Most poisonous plants and animals are simply best avoided, ¿verdad? I remember the little ditty I learned about poison ivy, "Triplets three, let it be". Learn to recognize what is poisonous and DO NOT TOUCH IT.



Thank you UA, for your great recap of a roller coaster episode! And I always love your honest and candid remarks in the comments section.

Niecie in MD: I totally got a "potential couple alert" vibe with Tia and Tomas. They're about to ride for 3 hours in the back seat together headed to Aguazul. I'm guessing sparks will fly!

I could feel the patio's approval when Ale did the right thing and, without hesitation, called for Rosario to pack BMs things. We got that gift and the box of stolen cash gift but I fear the writers are "lathering us up before the shave". The avances of a drunk looking Ale contemplating a gun does not bode well!

Gracias, UA!

EJ..ah yes! that is the challenge, verdad ? I am reading an excellent book .. "Rapid Relief from Emotional Distress" which offers a lot of good no nonsense advice for dealing with negative troublesome people and situations. One of the concepts that I find especially interesting is the idea of being able to separate the physical world from the psychological world .

Do you think that Malria could also be classified as a narcissistic sociopath or is she just your run of the mill nastyass ?


"Lathering us up before the shave"—Beautifully said, Katy. I am over here hrummphing and predicting doom to try and prepare myself for the upcoming shave.



I see Malria as more of a male identified, man-stealing bitch archetype.

Have we seen her have a nice relationship with ANY woman? Have we seen her exhibit kindness toward a single female character in the show? I do not think so. Her character is certainly not very subtle or nuanced and the actress is not in the same class as Daniela Castro as Graciela. With Maria I think we are firmly in the realm of an archtype of Mexican Telenovela melodrama.

I like your comment that she is a "nastyass'. She is a hater and no mistake.

EJ, with fingers crossed behind her back to ward off scary Maria


Elna June, I totally agree. Maria is exactly that and no, she has not had any positive relationships with any other female. We don't even know how old she was when her mother died, but since she has never spoken of her I am guessing she was very young.

Narcissistic Parents are a special class of human monster. Very popular in opera, theatre, and telenovelas. Graceless is a textbook case.

BTW, I think Adolfo and Dimwit got 100K pesos out of Josefina and it went like this:

Dimwit needed 30K for a gambling debt but said 50 to Adolfo, who then got 100K out of Josefina.

If anyone can confirm or correct that, please do.

UA..I want to say thank you for sharing the beautiful fans with us. They always make my smile and know that a great UA recap is waiting for me. My fan collection is small...only three from students from Japan, China, and Vietnam.

My fans are mostly purchased in dollar stores, so I have them to match anything. The ones with the matadors, bulls, and flamenco dancers were purchased in Spain.

I love fans and feel they should enjoy a fashion revival.

Speaking of fashion, the photos today are more additions to Graceless' rap sheet.

"She was hanging on like a pitbull. Ouf!" No S**t! BM was like a piece of gum stuck in Montse's hair. And Montse finally got rid of that sticky, dirty, smelly old gum. I don't see BM's redemption, I see her anvil. She has hurt too many people to be redeemed in the end. Of course I know that we have not seen the last of her, and I predict (no spoiler here) she will slime her way back to the hacienda before this story ends. BOO!

As someone mentioned, I too wondered why Montse left Ale alone with BM in the bedroom. But in the end I think it was a good move. Ale was able to see how different BM acts when Montse is in the room, compared to the childlike manipulative manner she has when they are alone. She sounded so whiny when she was begging Ale to stay. Another good thing that came out was that Ale finally realized that BM DID help Montse try to escape the first time. It was like a light bulb went on inside Ale's beautiful head. BTW, I had to watch the scene in the bedroom a few times; SR has got one HOT BODY!

You had me LOL with, "Do you think that Malria could also be classified as a narcissistic sociopath or is she just your run of the mill nastyass?" I would have to say she is a mix of both with a side of bitchiness.

I am so sorry, but I have not been able to find that ssene you asked about last week between Montse and Ale that involved BM and the mention of family. Please accept my apologies. If you ever find out the episode number let me know.

Sending you a virtual hug. Always appreciate your hard work and dedication here at Caray.

Back to work...hasta pronto!


You are so right re: your 'special class of human monster' comment. May all the children of such find healing and peace.


I hope that Ale means Maria when he says he won't forgive lies and betrayal. What she has done is far worse than the remaining thing Montse hasn't told him. Not that he will likely believe Montse when he does find out about JL, that she was never intimate with JL after she was engaged or married and that she kept quiet only to protect JL from the corrupt law enforcement people. She couldn't trust Ale to keep that secret, obvio, and she didn't want JL to be killed or thrown in prison forever even if she didn't want to run off with him anymore.

I think that little truth-not-spoken and betrayal is much, much more forgiveable that what Maria has done with no motivation other than her own craziness and selfishness.

So I can definitely see Ale getting really mad at Montse and saying he can't forgive, but if he gets over what Maria is done before forgiving Montse, he will be DEAD to me. At least mostly dead temporarily.

Trust me, that isn't easy.

Prediction; not spoiler: Graceless will be alive at the end, but will be alone. Shunned by Monserrat and all of society for her actions.

UA--Coming in late, but want to thank you for the SHTF terrific episode last night. My precious ally in this story, my TV, came close to being damaged on several occasions, through no fault of its own.

Just a quick comment on Graciela. The age difference between Lauro and Graciela is still head scratching, to me. He looks about 20-25 years older than Gracie. I wonder if this was also a case of a forced quickie marriage by her parents to cover up something. We may never know. Don't know if this is enough to hate her daughter so.

It's still possible that Dimwit was made in the image and likeness of Don Benny and not Don Lauro. It's a stretch, I know, but it's still possible. I do like the idea that Montse came along at the change of life when Gracie thought she'd closed the oven door (luckily only baking one to well done). Mothers are always harder on their daughters, so just add this to her disgust at having to have another child. It does happen.

My own grandmother is proof in point. She thought she was going to get to stop at two (my uncle and my mother), but then along comes a third. She took out all her anger and venom on my poor other aunt and made her life miserable (according to my mother--a very enlightened woman for her day).

Dimmy and the manure. Having been around horses in my younger days, horse manure isn't nearly as bad as doggie doo or chicken sh*t. Still, for someone unused to farm and animal smells, Dimmy got a nosefull. Serves him right.


Yipes, Daisynjay, you said it, I unknowingly repeated it (Dimwit's origins).

Gracie the Sociopath? The only problem with sociopaths is that anvils and karmageddons they suffer aren't enough to satify us.

Carlos--Wouldn't Ale have been able to tell by cup size that he wasn't embracing Montse?

On with the rest of the comments!

Anita....haha...about the various types of ****. As a country girl, I agree that there are different degrees of bad and that horse is not bad at all...even cow isn't that bad. However, pig and chicken..terrible. We also have lots of turkeys around here..awful. I feel sorry for the poor city slickers who bought homes in the suburbs around here that happen to be surrounded by enormous turkey pens cleverly hidden by evergreens,

So I guess Dim got off easy only having to shovel horse road apples.

Susanlynn--I bow to your finer tuned probiscus. I never had to sit next to someone who had mucked out a horse stable.

Anita, I'm going to guess that Graceless may have been a younger daughter herself and not much family money left by then; a younger, attractive bride would be a good match for a naval officer.

The age difference between Dimwit and Monserrat is a head-scratcher when there are no others in between.

If Dimwit turns out to be the half-brother of Alejandro, obviously the maternal genes had a lot to do with who they are as well as the evil influence of Graceless on Dimwit.

That would still not be a good thing because then Dimwit could claim half of the estate. The only way that could work would be for Alejandro to mortgage it to give him half its cash value to be rid of him because he is completely useless.

UA: I agree about the fans having a fashion revival. There's something kind of sexy about them--even when you aren't deliberately using them to flirt.

Besides. They're very very pretty.

I can't remember if anyone mentioned this. But it seems like Gracie really believes that Mons was having an affair under Ale's nose. Even though Mons lied to Ale--which is pretty bad--the fact that she didn't helped Mons to retain her dignity during those horrible scenes.

Nanette- Everyone, who has learned that Monse's ex was living at the hacienda, even the Padre, assumed they were getting it on under Ale's nose. Nadia is the only one who didn't make that assumption. And Gracie and Dim are the two who refuse to believe her when she says she did not have relations with JL behind Ale's back. They both enjoy flinging the accusation in her face.

Elna June, thank you SO very much for your explanations re borderline personality disorder, etc. This is important to know (at least, in my view, it is) as it helps to understand the subtle and the not so subtle in these relationships.

I know that there are mothers who do not like their children and mothers who especially do not like their daughters. That horrible scene with Graciela and Montserrat just really got me wondering: Why?

Now, I am going to read up some more about what you have written. Thank you!!!

It is really hard for me to understand how Maria can be attractive to men when she practically oozes hatred. I don't see her as that physically attractive (and I'm sure the typical male response would be: "you're jealous". WRONG!). She is lazy. She is rude. She enjoys to the fullest extent possible hurting other people. What, in heaven's name, is attractive about this woman.

Even the slime Adolfo wasn't so thrilled with his roll in the sack with her.

There had better be a good anvil for this hate filled, woman hating sorry excuse of a woman.


MALria is a legend in her own mind.

Many men shun decent women for such female vampires:

O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms,
Alone and palely loitering?
The sedge has withered from the lake,
And no birds sing.

O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms,
So haggard and so woe-begone?
The squirrel’s granary is full,
And the harvest’s done.

I see a lily on thy brow,
With anguish moist and fever-dew,
And on thy cheeks a fading rose
Fast withereth too.

I met a lady in the meads,
Full beautiful—a faery’s child,
Her hair was long, her foot was light,
And her eyes were wild.

I made a garland for her head,
And bracelets too, and fragrant zone;
She looked at me as she did love,
And made sweet moan

I set her on my pacing steed,
And nothing else saw all day long,
For sidelong would she bend, and sing
A faery’s song.

She found me roots of relish sweet,
And honey wild, and manna-dew,
And sure in language strange she said—
‘I love thee true’.

She took me to her Elfin grot,
And there she wept and sighed full sore,
And there I shut her wild wild eyes
With kisses four.

And there she lullèd me asleep,
And there I dreamed—Ah! woe betide!—
The latest dream I ever dreamt
On the cold hill side.

I saw pale kings and princes too,
Pale warriors, death-pale were they all;
They cried—‘La Belle Dame sans Merci
Hath thee in thrall!’


Urban A, way to state your case! That is a poem worth knowing. I did study it in school, but that was a LONG, long time ago.

Adolfo will probably figure that one out. He's at least that smart.

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