Monday, January 13, 2014

Que Pobres Tan Ricos #6 -1/13/14: The Ruiz Palacios Are Moving to Italia, Que????

Hola, Pobres/Ricos Peeps. 

This recap will not be in any order some scenes have been combined for better flow of the recap. I didn't get everything, they talk so darn fast! So I leave it up to you commenters, to fill in the blanks I didn't get.

We start this epi the car smokin' and Saul and MA (Miguel Angel) hi-tailing it out of there, while the whole Mechanca clan looks on. Don Chuy has a mullet, oh dear.

Frida and her protest are next. The leader of the factory doesn't deal in vandalism or delinquincy and convinces the workers to go back to work. Frida is none to pleased, she vandalized her own car, and now her group has no way home. Her boy toy is a bit miffed too, forget his name, but just the thought of Frida wanting to be a revolutinary, turns him on and besos!

MA calls Mini (Minvera) to gauge if she's heard any chisme about his finances, she doesn't mention it so good night and sleep tight, catch you tomorrow.

Saul and MA have a chat about all this trouble. MA doesn't want the family or Mini finding out until it's resolved. Saul warns him that he could be arrested at any time.

Leo is at an Antro in the waiting line to get in. He calls some guy in the line feo and a loser cause the guy isn't dressed to impress. Come to find out later, the guy or his girl are famous and Leo even goes up to him to try and apologize, but the guy and girl snub Leo. Leo throws around Barcelona, Eurogenes and San Diego. Don't have a clue what that was about.

In Italian the Calle Italia is called the Via Italia, just so you know. Anyhoo, Lupe is getting Emiliano? ready for school and wants her Papa to get on finding that deed.

At the wedding dress shop, Mini seems to have found a dress she likes and hands the saleswoman the credit card that MA gave her to pay for all the wedding goodies, problem is the card is denied! Mini and her Mama seem to think there is some type of mistake, Mini even offers her own card, but Mama will not allow that. MA pays for everything y punto. Mama wonders if what Ahole (Alejo) said could possibly be true. Mama seems to think there is.

AS (Ana Sofia) is having a meeting of the Patron of the Arts, of which she is President. There is a whole group of women and they are looking at pictures of the Boloshoi Ballet ballerinas, and a picture of Elton John or something about Elton John, they are doing a benefit to benefit a new dog run somewhere. Leo interrupts with news he has a novia, named Macarena (like the dance) she is a model and a Dutchess of Castillo and lives in Spain. Leo calls her up and she talks to AS who is over the moon about his new Duchess novia. Meantime, Frida tries to interrupt, but is pushed aside, Mini comes in too and is raked over the coals, ever so smarmily by AS who says a Duchess is way better than some politicians' daughter, not of the same class as the Ruiz Palacios in other words. You see, Mini doesn't measure up. MA tries to interrupt with the financial thingy again, but is also kind of pushed aside. Noone is good enough for AS but her darling boy Leo. MA is tired of waiting for his turn to talk to AS and so he and Mini go off, and AS calls Mini a gold digger after she goes.

Meanwhile back on the Via Italia, Chuy is talking to a picture and lamenting the fact about the deed. Lupe interrupts and wants to know if he found that deed yet? He is looking mighty worried and Lupe wants him to think of where he could have put the deed. Chuy is trying to talk his way out of that deed and finally tells Lupe he never had the deed. There is a letter though and they will look for it. It has to do with the property. He explains about Don Aurelino (MA's Grandpapa) and the deal he made with him about paying, in installments, for the property, in other words rent, but Don Chuy paid some over the years but it was never paid off. It was just a sort of verbal agreement. No contract was ever signed.

MA and Mini have a bit of a chat. He doesn't want tensions between Mini and the family. She tells him about the his credit card being denied and he does tell her there is a possible economic downturn for him at the moment. She really thinks he's joking. MA tells Mini it isn't a joke and he's working on a solution to the problem, no worries. Mini is mighty worried she is verklempt!

Lupe and Don Chuy have an old briefcase and are looking for that letter that Don Aurelino gave to Chuy about the property. It has the payment plan in there and there was a trust between Don Chuy and Don Aurelino, and receipts of what was paid over the years. When Don Aurelino died, Don Chuy didn't know where to send the payments to, or to whom so he stopped paying. Don Chuy and Lupe are hoping that MA takes their word, and allows them to pay the rest off (Thanks Vivi).    Now Lupe is really worried, cause they could all be out on their keesters, cause what MA said is true. Lupe is worried they can't pay back Soloman or Emiliano's school fees now. They have to pay on this property as soon as possible. Lupe tells Don Chuy they must face reality here. He doesn't want Lupe to worry she has worked so hard. She reminds him that help comes to those that help themselves. He is beating himself up over this, but he vows the family is not leaving this house.

Mini comes in again where the POA (Patron of the Arts) meeting is still in progress and AS invites her to stay for lunch. They are having lobster thermidor but Mini says she wouldn't eat that, too much colesterol and to watch what she spends money on.

Saul and MA have another chat about the fraud. They also talk about the Via Italia property and that to save the family, they will probably have to move there. Well AS is kinda, sorta listening at the door, only hears Italia, and assumes the family is moving there on MA's dime. She is over the moon, and half tanked from all the martinis she has been drinking so off she goes to tell her friends she is moving to Italia.

Lupe has a meeting with the family about all of them working extra hard in order to pay off the Ruiz Palacios in order to keep the house.

AS tells the staff they are going to have a huge partay as a send off to the family moving to Italia and to get a move on. Her friends are a bit shocked by this sudden move, but AS only cares about the partay part and inviting a whole bunch of the Who's Who.

Adolfo has a meeting with Ahole and doesn't want to be contected to the fraud that they cooked up against MA. Ahole assures him that this plan is perfect and no way will anyone be able to pin this on them, only MA. Adolfo is going to take a little trip until this whole fraud thing blows over.

Mini and her Moms are talking about the possible money problems that MA has right now and the upcoming wedding. Moms asks Mini if she is in love with MA? She doesn't answer but gets the door and it's Ahole with some flowers he brought for Mini. Moms has changed her tune about him all of a sudden and treats him quite well. Not like he's a loser. Ahole presents his case. Would Mini rather marry a millionare like Ahole, or to a loser like MA? Ahole tells Mini she is his dream girl. Ahole wants Mini to be with him and forget all about MA. After he goes, Mama tries to close the deal for Ahole. She tells Mini she wants the whole truth about Ahole (ya know that past thingy). Mini is a bit confused. Mama reasons if Ahole now has all the money, then Mini needs to get on that, and besides, he isn't ugly now is he?

MA and Saul have gone to see Adolfo and the maid at his house tells them Adolfo is away on a trip and she doesn't know when he is coming back. Later, MA and Saul go to Adolfo's offices which have been cleared out of everything, office furniture, computers, telephones, absolutely everything. MA and Saul smell a rat.

MA and Saul are resigned to the fact it is now the Via Italia property to sell I think, but they need to get Grandma to sign the paperwork and off they go to visit her in the home. They meet Grandma at the home and MA explains about the paperwork she needs to sign and the problems I think, but she says she may be crazy but she isn't dumb. Hand over the paperwork. She also happens to mention that the bruja of a nurse, keeps wanting her to take these pills that daze and confuse her and make her sleep an awful lot. She has some there and MA grabs them and tells Saul to go get them analyzed to see exactly what they are. Grandma signs that paperwork.

Don Chuy and his son are talking about a possible return to the ring of Don Chuy, I think. He's strong and fit, but they have to keep this secret from Lupe at all costs. Don Chuy and his son are about to leave but Lupe catches them. She thinks something is up but he says he's meeting some friend of his. Lupe doesn't want them to be late getting back.

Mini is really worried about MA's finances. She gets a call from MA for a little meeting. Mini agrees and doesn't want to give MA up. Moms wants her to follow the fella with the moola.

MA and Mini are meeting and he talks about London being his refuge from his family in Mexico, but he's exaggerating, I think, and he pulls out an engagement ring out of his pocket, shows it to Mini, who remarks, it must have cost a fortune, and then MA gets on bended knee and asks Mini to marry him. What does she answer you say? Si?

How about NO! That's what she answers and its cara de impactado de MA


Does MA have that deed?
Ahole is pithed cause MA hasn't been arrested yet! Tune in Este Martes for Marta's recap to find out. MUST SEE TV!


Good Morning Y'all.

I know I missed some stuff, so please feel free to let me know what it was. If only they didn't talk so darn fast ; )

Madelaine, thanks for the great recap.

Ana Sofia sure is going to Italia. She just doesn't know it is Calle Italia. So funny!

Minerva's mom didn't miss a beat in keeping her daughter focused on the $. It makes me laugh each time she calls Minerva "mamacita." I am enjoying Ingrid Martz's performance here much more than in CI.
Poor MA. He should sell the ring and get his $ back.

I felt sorry for Don Chuy speaking to his dead relatives at the family altar. Reviving "el hijo de Sumatra" at his age?

I liked granny saying she was crazy but not stupid. She knew to stop taking the pills. Maybe she will end up on Calle Italia with the whole clan.


I haven't watched yet, but this seems mighty detailed and I'm willing to bet you got it all. This one is a lot harder to understand.

I'm glad to hear that Granny is not taking her pills, but I hope she continues to act pleasantly confused whenever Ahole is around.

Great job Mads! I too love that Granny isn't taking those pills Alejo is paying the nurse to give her. Small victory for the good guys.

A bit of a correction about the house payments. Chuy paid MA's dad for years, and he showed Lupita's the receipts from those payments. He did have that much left to pay when the Don died, but when he did, Chuy didn't know where or who to send the remaining payments to, so he stopped paying. And of course this was all a gentleman's agreement with no signed contract/agreement. They are hoping that MA will accept Chuy's word, the receipts, and the final payments on the property, which they don't know how they'll raise.

Thanks, Madelaine, for a fun recap. A strong ensemble cast here, doing a good job playing off one another. It's not a bad thing to have a comedy to close out the night, instead of a drama.

Thanks for the great recap. I had some trouble following this episode, so it was much appreciated.
I really like the scenes with Leo and his mother. They're so obnoxious it makes me laugh. The actors are doing a great job.


Thanks Mads! Great recap and I appreciate your thoroughness. Oh my, all that fast talking sure is hard to follow, isn't it? Don't worry, you'll start to get used to it.

I agree that this is a great ensemble cast. It feels like they are having a terrific time with their parts.

thanks for the recap! a confession: I fell asleep last night when it started (i was THAT tired) but woke up at 2am and rewatched from my dvdr... what an ep!!
a couple of things i might have understood better (or supplement your outline):
Leo throws around Barcelona, Eurogenes and San Diego. Don't have a clue what that was about.
well, Leo had shown up with a couple of his own buddies and they cut through the line and got in before the other guy and his girl. As they were going in and leaving the other guy/girl at the line, he said to his buddies, that is what you get when you (have a royalty girlfriend in Barcelona) and have REAL European blood/genes in your veins (or stte) vs this other guy who doesn't even reach 'San Diego' level.
As far as the meeting of AS, that Patronato (club) of the Arts for the benefit of the poor (same word she used in first ep, can't remember it). And she was showing her 'friend/club members' the options for the next fund raiser guest artist/act between russian ballet or Elton John.(and another third option I can't remember). LOL! who's going to pay for all that??

Also Frida's boyfriend, when the other guy protestor and his group left, told her 'its time to change/upgrade the car' anyway. LOL little do they know!

Loved your summary wit here and there, i will try to be more succint with mine tonight as well.

the other funny piece was when she was on the phone with the 'marquesa' girlfriend of Leo's, she sort of agreed for them to come visit and she would have a big party for them. Then she hangs up and she talked herself maybe we can rent out the castle of (can't remember which one she mentioned, but it was funny)... little does she know what her life will be from here on.

The lady who spoke a lot during AS's meeting at her house is Lorena Velazquez (she has appeared in televisa novelas and movies since the 50's, including some of the versions they threw in 60's of Caridad Bravo Adams stories, one called Estafa de Amor). She was in Privilegio de Amar, not sure what role though. Also works in Mentir para vivir. I haven't caught her character's name in the novela. anyone know?

here is more pix of her.

a couple more things about AS' meeting. Patronato, literally translated, is patronage. But in this context it is more like a foundation (whether it is non-profit is still in the jury room, and lets not go talk about reasonable expenses to run it).
Also, the first one to try to interrupt her meeting of the patronage was MA, who needed to talk to her, but he got the 'talk to the hand, I am busy with my very important meeting' send-off. When he insisted, even asked if he could talk to her over lunch, she told him she was having lunch with the ladies and would continue the meeting, no time for him. Then Leo came in and she totally interrupted the meeting once he told her he had a marquesa girlfriend in Spain...

Also back at the wedding gown shop, talk about splurging! Isela (Mini's mom) and Mini were saying they were buying two wedding gowns (no, not the usual one for ceremony and one for the reception), and they did state they would wait until the last second and pick one of the two (no plans to use the non-selected one at all but they were still buying two!!) [I don't think MA really wants to be related to these 'ladies', does he?, what a contrast it will be when he meets Lupita and she asks for nothing other than what they need to survive!]

good think Don CHuy mentioned that in each receipt there was the abuelo's signature and the amount still due... even if they don't really have a sales agreement, the signature will mean something to someone, hopefully MA.

couple other things i remember hearing last night.
Lorena Velazquez character knows Isela's background, they were relating Mini as a lower rank with her mother's origin in the lowly neighboorhoods of the city.

Also, when Alejo met Adolfo at the bar, the first thing out of Adolfo's mouth is that he had always hated Don Aurelino and the deal with Alejo was his way of revenge.
Now the whole deal with the fraud, and the 'framed' party is forced to flee or at least hide in a social circle totally opposite of his, with the guilty party being family or close to the family is totally transporting me back to La Hija del Mariachi, except this time Mark Tacher's character is not the 'framed' one but the guilty mastermind one.

Leo mentioning his European (white) genes in the disco at the beginning of this epi could have been groundbreaking. Unfortunately the 'pobres' are also mostly genetically European, so the meaning is lost.

One thing I am asking myself is how strong is Adolfo's 'loyalty' to Alejo, and how much pressure it would take for Adolfo to 'break' that deal.
That spoof of LV's character stating Isela was originally from the poor neighboorhoods and married to 'move up' was comical. They probably have similar stories to that... IMO.

I'm so waiting for the RP's to be taken down a peg. It will be worth the price of admission to see. I also thought I heard Leo call the other guy a naco and wait until he becomes one of the poor unwashed masses himself. I'm willing to bet that the Contessa ties a can to Leo even faster than mamacita did to MA.

I'm really loving this one at this point, there is a level of warmth and charm that I find appealing. And I've become involved with these people something that is a must if i'm going to stick around for the long haul in a TN.

Love Granny who had the sense to keep the pills and give them to MA who in turn had the sense to ask Saul to have them analyzed. I'd kind of like to see the old lady out in the barrio.

Why is it that character plotting and scheming always seem to do it in a strip joint?

Looks like AS may have a bit of a drinking problem, swilling martinis and pouring the unfinished ones into her own glass. You could almost feel sorry for the woman since she is clueless as to pretentious she is and wait until her amigas drop her like a hot potato when the money vaporizes.

Thanks, Mads! Isn't this fun??

Seriously, I laughed for the entire hour. Okay, most of it. (Especially when Min warned AS that lobster has too much cholesterol "for a woman your age." BURN!!) I think I laughed more last night than during the entire run of PEAM. And they haven't even moved to "Italy" yet!

Do we know for sure that Don Chuy is really going back to the ring as a luchador? I know it looks that way, but did he actually say that? I was thinking maybe he'd raise money by training or promoting other wrestlers... maybe even train his son as a wrestler?

Marta, you said "what a contrast it will be when he meets Lupita and she asks for nothing other than what they need to survive!" Not to mention that Lupita actually works and wants to make her own living. We know that MA admires that.

Good Afternoon Y'all and thanks for all your kind words.


So happy to have you here. I too laughed at Sofie thinking they were moving to Italia, lol. Little does she know! Thanks for Don Chuy talking at the altar. I had a feeling that was it, but wasn't sure.


I so agree with you about Granny. I too hope she acts confused around Ahole. I don't want her to be forced to take those pills.


Thanks so much for the added detail. I knew I missed something. I am glad that Don Chuy has those receipts or else MA might have made them vacate, but then again if Don Chuy shows those to him, they will find a way to work it out.

La Paloma:

I agree with you about the comedy at the end of the evening. This one is especially good, what with the Matriach and her Martini's, Leo and his Spanglish, Frida in rebellious mode wanting to be a revolutionary, MA and his money problems and his over the top novia with her calculating Mama what's not to like?


I haven't seen you comment before so Welcome to Caray Caray and I hope you come back often to as we go through this journey with the Ruiz Palacios and the Merchancas. I too agree about Leo and his Mama, they are so over the top, but so funny.


Thanks so much! It is hard and I'm trying to write to keep up. I swear I have recappers cramp, lol. I love this TN, so funny, if only they would slow down just a tad, but I'll get used to it. If I could recap UFCS with all the slang, I can recap this one : ) I too am loving all the characters. I find Mini's Mama so funny and AS with all her pretensions so funny. I can't wait for that move to Italia ; )


Thanks so very much for all the added detail. It really helps me understand better. I knew that AS has a foundation for indigent dogs. She sure loves her Da Vinci that's for sure. And thanks for further explanation about those receipts for the house on Italia Street. I never saw LHDM. I too wonder how strong Adolfo's loyalty to Ahole will be. I am hoping he caves and gives up Ahole at some point.

Anon 12:52:

I get what you are saying and you are right it could have been ground breaking, but it's rare when a comedy does this. They like to make fun of everything and sometimes not in a good way.

Mads, this novela reminds me of Yo Amo a Juan Querendon with all its rat-a-tat-tat talking. How well I remember the panic I felt the first time I recapped JQ; I thought I was really learning Spanish and I couldn't understand a word they said, LOL! Silvia Pasquel was in that one too and stole the show.


I so agree with you about the RP's especially Mama with all her pretensions and especially Leo too. I'm on the fence about Frida, she may think it's a hoot. They do need some humble pie don't they?


I don't know for sure if that is Don Chuy's plan, but it sure looked that way. I don't know we'll have to see. I can see him training some future "Hijos de Sumatras". But I wonder if he will train them in that gym that was his competition. Hmmmm.......


Now I feel better. If something stumps you it must be hard. I never saw that TN either. But I take heart, cause I'm a fast learner and will pick it up, eventually, and the action and expressions also help immensely ; )

I LOVE when Granny acts confused around Ahole - because every word out of her mouth is a diss to him and a compliment to MA.

I imagine the strength of Adolfo's loyalty to Ahole will be about as strong as Leo's musical aptitude. Ahole assisted in the fraud only because he hated Grandpa - not because he likes Ahole. I would expect their alliance to collapse pretty quickly.

Actually, if Adolfo set this thing up right, he might even be able to "prove" that Ahole was the only person involved, and that Adolfo himself had nothing to do with it. Then he can blackmail Ahole. OMG, that would be hysterical.

I only saw a few eps of John Q - I was burnt out from recapping LFMB and didn't have the ambition to keep up with all the vocabulary in JQ! But the amount of folksy talk and slang in FELS just about slew me - so there's another one if you want a challenge. (A really long, drawn-out, somewhat incoherent challenge.)

Add me to the table that loves how Grannie 'fakes' beint out of it around Alejo, but i think she is more alert and sane than they would want her to.
Phew!! for a moment i thought MA was going to put the pills in his pocket. If they were to arrest him with the pills in his pocket, that is one more thing he would be framed for, the poisoning of Granny as a means to his objective. So good thing he was savvy enough to not hold on to them and get them investigated. At least they are not dumb (he and Saul) and they can tell where the rat smell is coming from right away.

I just want to thank you again, Mads and also everyone who commented. I finally got to watch and I think reading the recap and comments BEFORE watching really helped my comprehension.

Maybe it's already been said, but was Macarena the same actress who played Solita in CI? (Gaby Somethingerother)

Thank you for the recap, Mads.

Sara, ITA. When I was just beginning to learn Spanish via TN's, it was a huge help to read the recap first, then watch the show and try to make what was said in Spanish match what the recap described in English.

Sara- Yes. Macarena is Gaby Mellado. She gets to go from being silent Solita is CI, to lispy, snobby Macarena in this. Must be so much fun after CI.

Ok. Thanks Vivi! I'm still wondering why they added the Solita character. It will be nice to hear her!

BTW Da Vinci is killin' it. When AS was listening to MA and Saul through the door and the little pooch yawned it was funny to me.

I love how the Mancheca family has both doilies AND plastic covers on their furniture.

I love the Menchaca's house, too! Somehow I doubt my husband will let me redecorate out living room. :-P

When I watch it on my computer (in HD) the color of the Menchaca's house always surprises me with its vividness. They have a great use of space too. There is a ton of stuff in their house but it's always neatly stored, even when on the wall.

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