Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Qué Pobres, Wednesday 2/12/14 (#28): The Poo of Reckoning

Alt titles:
- DaVinci's Magic Poop
- Incident of the Blurred Turd

(I feel a little guilty about going for the crappy jokes, but I just can't stop. I could try to dance around the subject, but I'd end up getting it all over my shoes.)

Adolfo tells the board of directors, or whatever they are, that he had nooooo idea that MA was defrauding the company, but that explains why MA didn't listen to any of Adolfo's suggestions and wanted to do it alllllll by himself. Adolfo will cooperate with the law in every way possible.

After Adolfo leaves, Ahole tells the board that he's been doing his own investigation, and he's sure that Adolfo was in on the fraud with MA. He doesn't have enough evidence yet, though, so he wants to keep Adolfo around for now. "Like my grandfather used to say, keep your enemies close!"

Later, Vilma worries that Adolfo might find out what Ahole is saying behind his back. Ahole is sure he's a step ahead of Adolfo. "He'll never even know it was me," he brags. Vilma tries to make a move on him. Oblivious Ahole thinks she's making a weird face at him.

Frida goes back to her old school to see about getting a scholarship, but when she runs into her old friends, she brags about her time in Italy living in a "loft" with a "full staff" and a view of the "Colosseum" and eating lots of great food. However, it was a hassle to get her school records transferred to Rome, and she got tired of all the awesomeness after a week, so she's back to finish the year! Her friends seem to buy her story.

She runs into Jordi, a guy from her ex's band, and asks about borrowing some sound equipment for some poor friends to use for a fund-raising event. He says sure - for a price. Because she's rich. But it's for poor people, she protests. Jordi doesn't care. She's got money - so she shouldn't be such a cheapskate! She can pay a rental fee! She says if he brings the equipment, she'll pay him afterwards. (I'm not sure if he agreed to this or not.)

Then her ex, Tato, shows up and begs her to get back together with him. She pooh-poohs him. He insists that that thing with the other girl didn't mean anything, so what's the problem? (If that's his attitude, that IS the problem! Sheesh!) Frida refuses him. But Tato notices she was about to go into the financial aid office. "Oh, I'm helping out a friend who wants to go to school here," she says.

MA tells Mati there's still hope. The document they found in the bust might get them out of this. He doesn't give her the distasteful details, but she notices an ambitious twinkle in his eye and says it's the same twinkle Alejo gets. She doesn't approve.

To Lupe's surprise, MA serves his family's meals at the restaurant instead of letting Carmelita do it. Lupe is worried that business seems to be slowing down. Carmelita thinks people are only staying at home now because they're all going to be at the concert/wrestling expo.

Lupe notices that MA is walking around with those papers in his hand. He lies and says they're evidence that could prove his innocence.

At the family table, Mati is scolding Leo and AS for being slackers. DaVinci does some business on the floor. Carmelita asks AS to pick it up. AS expects Carmelita to do it. They have an extremely nasty exchange, and Carmelita reminds AS that the Menchacas are putting them up for free.

AS then tries to enlist Leo and then MA to pick it up, but they all refuse. It's her dog and her responsibility! (Actually, Chuy starts to do it, but no one lets him.) Finally, she gives in and takes care of it. (This is her second run-in with poop since this whole mess started. Subtle!) Univision considerately blurs the turd for us so that we can go on wondering what this exotic substance looks like.

In all the excitement, MA loses track of his precious secret document.

Perla goes to the RP offices in response to a model search ad in a magazine, and is treated like... you-know-what. Vilma says they're looking for white girls only. No "local" talent! (Later, Alejo gloats, and Vilma asks him: why do we need these models for a magazine about housepets, anyway?) Perla is escorted out by RP security - but not before she sees a lot of posters in the office featuring her fake cousins. Perla goes back to the beauty shop, puts on a happy face, and tells Guendy they said she was too young.

Guendy tries to get some RP chisme out of Perla. Perla thinks about the glamorous images she saw in the office. She tells Guendy the family was once very high-society, but she doesn't remember much about it because she was so young. That's good enough for Guendy, who thinks she's going to marry My-Name-Mike and live among the fancy people.

MA tells Chuy and Carmelita he didn't like that scene with his mother. Chuy offers to smooth things over with AS by saying that Carmelita is just jealous because Chuy is nice to her. Carmelita protests! MA agrees that AS was wrong, but they shouldn't have ganged up on her. She's not such an awful person. Lupita says it's one thing to house and feed them, but it's another thing to pick up after their dog!

AS checks up on her mother, who is drinking and despondent. "People take advantage of people of our class," she whines. She feels that no one was on her side. MA says, "You need to change your attitude." AS responds (this is the awesome part), "You keep saying we need to change our attitudes, but so do you. You haven't changed your attitude at all. You're still arrogant. I'm your mother, and I know - I can tell that when you're 'sincere' with that family, you have your own agenda. You're a hypocrite like your father."

AS goes on to say that MA's father cheated on her, but she pretended not to notice, because she loved him. MA asks, "Why'd you put up with his cheating?" AS won't discuss it any further: "I don't like to speak ill of the dead."

MA tells her again that the Menchacas are good people. "They're savage ingrates," she complains before taking another swig from her flask.

Downstairs, Chuy tries to convince Lupe and Carmelita that AS isn't so bad. The women disagree. Lupe says they're probably going to be around for a while longer because they just don't have the money to get them out of there.

At the office, Mini tells Ahole about the pregnancy. Didn't we already see this last night? Elated, Ahole gives an excited embrace to... the piece of paper with the test results. (Not Mini, to her annoyance. But after all the poop talk, I didn't need to see her retching.)

After Mini leaves, Ahole fixes himself a drink and hands Vilma a celebratory bottle of... water. What a guy! He's gonna be president. He wants Vilma to call a meeting with (I didn't catch who) on Monday so that he can count his chickens before they're hatched. Vilma starts to warn that it might be a little too early in the pregnancy to announce anything yet, but he cuts her off. He's gonna drink all night long; she can pick him up at his house tomorrow.

MA has as much trouble getting in and out of the wrestling ring as he does sitting in a chair. (I can't help thinking it's probably bad etiquette for him to be in the ring at all.) He sees the VIP section set up right next to the ring, and insists on giving Chuy more advice: you can't seat the VIPs here; what if a wrestler lands on top of someone? Chuy says, "That shows what you know about wrestling. People WANT a wrestler to fall on top of them!" I think it's also during this conversation that Chuy asks MA to please get his family out of here ASAP.

MA looks around for the papers he left behind. They're gone! He quickly finds them - alas, they are in Lupita's hands. Oh $#&%!

Next time: Ahole and Vilma find out about (or are reminded of) the Nopalera neighborhood.


Julia, you are quite the gifted punster! I sure enjoyed them this early a.m. Thanks for just going with the theme!

I loved AS in her overly dramatic delivery comparing their condition to suffering the 12 no 7 plagues of Egypt all at once "de sopeton."

The whole dog poo incident was just funny with AS finally picking it up but then soiling the bucket at the edge of the ring. I couldn't believe it was blurred when you could finally see it. As usual good don Chuy was trying to be the peacemaker. He has been unbelievably patient and understanding of AS.

Sort of interesting that AS compared MA to his father for being a hypocrite as Mati just finished telling MA he had that same look of ambition in his eyes as Alejo and not to get carried away by it.

It was poignant hearing AS talk about her dead husband cheating on her and how she just pretended she didn't know. That scene ended with her taking a good drink from the flask so now we know why she might drink as much as she does.

Vilma has it so bad for Alejo. She was so weird moving closer and closer to him on the couch. Sort of like a snake.

MA rolling and worming his way in and out of the ring was hilarious.




You really got everything and this is splendid, just splendid. I hope you don't get buried in the snow. We had flurries here today, but it's all gone now with the rain.

I didn't like the treatment Perla got at El Editorial. They were not kind in the least. I was so miffed when Ahole said they were looking for Nordic models, blonde, blue eyes. Perla is beautiful and I can't understand why a Mexican magazine isn't using a Mexican model. Perla said it so well when she said Latinas were taking over Hollywood, Selma Hayek for example. I think she was prettier and had a fresher look than all those models. End of rant.

MA just leaves his stuff laying around doesn't he? And he lied to Lupe and said it had to do with his innocence when we know what the paperwork really is. However, I don't blame him for getting angry with Lupe when he caught her snooping. That isn't right either.

Carmelita tells it like it is, doesn't she. AS does treat the Menchacas like servants and I don't blame Carmelita for calling her on the doggy poo. UNI cracks me up that they blur the doggy poo. I am glad she picked it up finally, it was a good lesson for her, but I did feel sorry for her when she told MA about his Papa. I too think that's why she drinks so much.

Ahole throwing Adolfo under the bus, I wonder if this was a plan that both of them came up with, so as to focus on MA being the real bad guy here. I thought I caught a wink from Adolfo before he left that board meeting to Ahole.

If it isn't something the both of them cooked up, then Ahole is a true idiot. Throw the guy that launders your money under the bus, que???? Ahole is really stupid about Vilma. Jarifa, you are so right about her slithering like a snake and that look in her eyes, he is being stupid. He should know already she is sooo into him.

I really like Granny Mati. She gives great advice, and I think those meds are wearing off now. She was so spot on about MA having that Ahole look in his eyes. I am glad she called MA on that. She is the one that makes the most sense, besides Don Chuy.

Can't wait for tomorrow cause La Nopalera was mentioned, hmmmmm....

Sorry this is taking so long - I'll have to get it on my lunch hour. Please don't let that delay the conversation...

Julie, thanks for the giggles! Loved all the "crappy" jokes.
Frida "pooh-poohs him". Too good.

Glad AS picked up the poop. She's one of those owners that give the rest of us problems when we walk our dogs. However, I do think we have seen another instance of the justice system where one is presumed guilty before proven innocent. Were there witnesses to DaVinci's presumed indiscretion?

The Mini pregnancy announcement at the end of the show?? Worse than than the soup continuity example!


Laughed over the blurred dog poop. Oh please it's a chihuahua not a Great Dane. How big a mess could it have been.

AS seems to really be headed for a breakdown of some sort. That conversation with MA about her cheating husband was painful.

Mati may be somewhat out of it but she is both observant and wise and she is trying to get through to her full of themselves family. They don't seem to be making any progress at all and most of them sit around feeling sorry for themselves, treating the Menchacas like well crap and pushing MA to do something to get them out of this mess.

I was wondering if Perla would blurt out after seeing the picture of Leo that he was staying at her place. Somehow she managed to keep silent.


Thanks, Julie. I think this pretty well covers it.

I didn't particularly enjoy the amount of time they devoted to arguing over the Da Vinci poop. Like Decie Girl says:

"'s a chihuahua not a Great Dane.

and Barbara makes me smile with:

"Were there witnesses to DaVinci's presumed indiscretion?"

That reminds me of an article I read some years ago about a community with such a dog poop problem that they were going to begin DNA testing of dog droppings to link the pooches and there owners to the crime.

The idea of a dog pooping in a restaurant was very unappealing as well. I would have liked to have seen some Lysol brought out and maybe some Febreze too. Next!

Isn't Perla a delight?


Carlos - later we saw Carmelita mopping the floor around the scene of the crime. Let's assume there was some disinfectant in that bucket.

AS really should have done the mopping too, but I suppose just picking the stuff up was enough trauma in her life for one day.

The rest of the recap is up.

Will it ever occur to Vilma that Ahole will throw her under the bus too if necessary? I think she's as oblivious to his rottenness as he is to her affection.


I too laughed at your presumption of guilt, lol. I'm still laughing. Yes, that pregnancy thingy again and towards the end of the show again, but this time Vilma knows all about the pregnancy. She was not enthused.


Laughed at your Great Dane comment too. Poor Da Vinci. Makes me wonder if AS actually walks her dog. I was surprised Perla didn't mention Leo either. That picture was cute and I was surprised by Perla too, not saying anything. I wonder if she'll ask Leo though?


You are so right. Perla is a delight. I like her joie de vivre so to speak.

Vilma did raise an eyebrow though when Ahole kept going on that Adolfo and MA were in cahoots. She looked like she was having a bit of a panic attack. Ahole just wants to make sure he never gets blamed for this fraud, but unless this was a plan cooked up by Adolfo, I think Adolfo must have put in something about Ahole, and that's something Ahole hasn't counted on. Just a guess.

Thanks for the recap Julie. Loved your theme-based puns and stinkers, but you missed one: They tell AS to clean it up, but she farts them off.

Julie, sorry I called you "Julia" in my post earlier. Thanks again for being so "punny". It sure fit this novella.


I felt badly for Perla that she couldn't tell Guendy what really happened at the RP office. I thought maybe she'd tell MA or Mati about it later, but it seems more likely she'd go to Frida or Leo since they are closer to her age.

Vilma did look quite startled at first when Ahole accused Adolfo, but then I thought I saw a little flash of admiration. Strange woman.

Paula, I've never heard the expression "farting someone off" before, but the sad truth is that when I got up this morning, all of my remaining poop-joke ideas were gone.

But if AS's luck continues, she'll probably have another run-in with the stuff soon.

I just realized, DaVinci was trying to be helpful!

As we tell a performer, "Break a leg" to wish them luck, in Mexico they say "Mucho mierda" (much poop). DaVinci must've heard someone wish Chuy "Mucho mierda" for the event and he contributed as much as he could!

DaVinci's indiscretion did serve to prompt a long-overdue conversation between MA and AS. I don't know if it made any impact on MA to hear that HIS attitude is as lousy as hers and that AS knows his "sincerity" is motivated, but I know that *I* needed to hear someone say it to him!

Who would ever have thought that Ana Sofia would be The Voice of Reason? I'm glad she called MA out on his attitude problems and manipulative behavior.

I'm also totally with AS on the utter grossitude of picking up after a dog. I wouldn't do it, either...but that is why I don't have a dog.

Major kudos to Perla for staying poised and positive in the face of blatant racism and total rudeness...and while wearing nothing but a bikini, no less. She really should be a model! And she kept quiet about knowing the people in the pics! I hope she talks to Leo about it.

They make all kinds of scoopers and scrapers and such to enable people to pick up after their dogs without stooping getting too close. Of course, AS doesn't have anything like that; and if not for this incident she would probably deny that DaVinci is capable of extruding anything less than 18-karat gold and pure happiness.

Gold and pure happiness, side bar worthy!!!!

Yes, "18-karat gold and pure happiness" LOL

Hey, when the windchill is 20 below and the dogs don't want to "do" anything because it's so cold, that's how I feel about it!

Julia, I agree Perla held her own quite amazingly at the RP business. She is delightful and would be even more so if I could understand more than about a third of what she's saying.


BTW, regarding dog poop and DNA testing, check out


I wonder if Perla will even tell Lupe about her trip to RP. I would guess no. Lupe hasn't been very supportive of Perla's "dreams" either.

Julie- Sorry to be so late chiming in. Loved the recap and the great puns. I'm only just watching the epi online now. The episode is half over, and they're still arguing about picking up the dog poo! Much ado about doo doo.

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