Monday, February 24, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- Avenida Brasil, En Otra Piel, Camelia la Texana, et cetera, week of February 24, 2014

Camelia la Texana starts tomorrow and En Otra Piel is just finishing its first week. Avenida Brasil continues to impress although we are only getting 1 hour a day for last week and this week to allow for midday repeats of the new evening novelas. Over to you!

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En Otra Piel:

Thanks, Novelera, for getting us started on this one. I am in. I can do recaps for Thursday's episodes. Thanks Adriana Noel for doing Fridays. Anyone else want to help?

It will be interesting to see how this version is different from the original. Already the body transfer from Mónica to Adriana went much faster than in the original version where it took two weeks for the death and switch to take place. As I recall, it was also not clear until the the very end that the Lorena Rojas character represented in this version by Jorge Luis Pila did not, in fact, kill her/his husband/wife.

In the original version, Vanessa Villela, playing the role of the elder daughter, had the most hideous outfits and eye makeup like a raccoon.

The original version had an evil butler that we don't seem to have here.

As I mentioned in an earlier comment, I did recapettes of the original version with photos. If you want to see them follow the link on the sidebar for El Cuerpo del Deseo.

Haven't I've seen Maria Elisa Camargo before in a previous TN with Arriane Diaz and Valentino Lunas ?

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En Otro Piel:

Conservative Democrat- Yes. She was the spoiled fresa sister of Valentino's character, Kristel, in Llena de Amor.


En Otra Piel – Lunes

Glad to hear you’re in, Jean. It is interesting comparing this one with El Cuerpo del Deseo. I’ll do another brief one.

Elena, during Mónica’s death throes, say something about not letting Mónica again take away the man she loves. Interesting. The only other man we know about in Mónica’s life is her deceased husband Julián.

The actor portraying the Evil Carlos is quite good. He gave me chills touching her face in the hospital before “Adriana” died.

In Los Angeles we meet the father of Ricardo and Gabriel in a bar, although we don’t know that at first. He’s Rodrigo Cantú, and is quite affected by the announcement of Mónica Serrano’s death. So much so that he tosses back a drink after 47 days of sobriety.

The doctor says they’ll have to run some tests on Adriana before releasing her. Diego tells him that she didn’t seem like the same person when he looked in her eyes. Diego then goes to tell Jacinto the good news that his sister is alive and awake. He discovers him with his throat slit and, in good telenovela idiot style, picks up the bloody knife. A nurse sees him, of course, and we can guess what’s going to happen.

Diego gets to Adriana’s room. She tells him she’s never seen him before in her life and that her name is Mónica Serrano. She also says that she’s married and doesn’t have a brother.

Gerardo is feeling guilty. We see him remembering when Elena introduced him to Mónica, bringing her, coincidentally (Ha) her favorite flowers.

Elena calls the servants together and grills them about who played a disk of Mónica playing the piano at midnight.

Adriana tells the doctor that she has two daughters and that she lives here, in Los Angeles. The amazed doctor tells her that they are in the City of Mexico. Adriana tells the doctor that she knows her daughters need her, apparently remembering Elena’s veiled threat to get rid of them during the time she was dying.

Rodrigo stumbles drunk out of the bar and sees a short white guy with two bimbos attached to him. He rushes over screaming that the guy stole his screenplay.

Adriana/Mónica remembers her cell phone number and calls it from the doctor’s cell. It rings while Elena is gloating and telling Gerardo that she put some seals on documents and that the lawyer he’s worried about will think they were signed several days before. Adriana/Mónica tries to tell Elena that she’s in México and needs to get home. Totally freaked out, Elena snarls at her that Mónica is dead.

Carlos tells his thugs that there will be a fourth girl going in the shipment to San Diego, the one he’s bribed customs to let into the country.

Ricardo has apparently bailed his father out of jail and we hear the back story of the screenplay. The movie that was made was called Sin Compasión and won five Oscars, including Best Screenplay.

Elena and Gerardo snipe at each other. She reminds him the only way to get the money was by getting rid of Mónica. He says sarcastically that their reward was a piano played by no one and a phone call from the great beyond. Elena insists that one of the Cantú boys did it because they hate her.

We get a scene of Mónica’s funeral. Elena is making a speech about how much she loved Mónica when some rather worn looking woman arrives with flowers. This freaks Elena out.

A helpful nurse gives Modriana some clothes so she can leave the hospital and help her children. But we soon see that the nurse has been bribed by Carlos, and Modriana is thrown into the back of a vehicle.

"Lado a Lado" is coming soon to MundoFox.

Trailer -


I didn't get to see all of the episode today, but here is what I saw.

The family is having breakfast at Carmina's of course, Tifon is now gone. Agatha is heartbroken her Papa is gone, and Carmina could care less about Agatha. Nina ends up taking her off for a sandwich.

Next, Carmina, uses her I have this family in my hand plan, and pesters Muricy, who is working out. She begs, pleads, whines to Muricy about how bad she feels for what she had done to Jorgito and not being honest with the whole family. Please forgive her Carmina says, cause Muricy is like her Mama, she never had one, blah, blah, Muricy ends up forgiving her, more's the pity!

Nina goes to see Mama Lucinda who is in a real funk. She is depressed and doesn't want to live anymore. Nina tells her she is the strongest woman she knows, Mama to the whole world and not a namby pamby. Nina gets her to get up and Nina cooks for her and the kids.

Next Carmina goes to Leleco's place looking for Tifon. Mauricy warned her not to go, but she went anyways. Leleco has her number. I don't know if he told her that Tifon was going out with Mona Lisa or not, but Tessalia feels sorry for Carmina. Leleco could care less about her, Mona Lisa is a true woman, not like Carmina.

Alexia has met Carlitos at a bar and or restaurant. She is three sheets to the wind. She is still not buying his being faithful to just one woman. So she tells him she's done. He walks off, she calls him back, she can't go without her Carlitos. They end up doing the deed, he's moving in, and they are getting married he tells Paloma. He also told Alexia that it was nice to stay in bed with her instead of having to run off to one of his other homes.

Silas is sad without his Mona Lisa. He is having a hard time living without her.

Ivana went by the salon and found out about Mona Lisa going out with Tifon. She runs home and tells the assembled family, Carmina isn't there, and Max sure looks worried.

Nina is out with Agatha at a dance revue thingy and runs into Jorgito. He asks Nina how she is doing, what does she feel about him. She says he's got a girlfriend and she's got a boyfriend. He wants to know all about him, where does he live, what does he do, etc. Agatha interrupts, greets her brother, tells him she misses him and Nina and Agatha go.

Mona Lisa and Tifon are on their date and end up kissing passionately! Can't wait to see what happens next!

En otra piel

Glad to see that more people are interested in the tn. I like it very much and I can't wait for Monica to get back to her family - no spoiler, we know this is coming.

I don't remember that many details from El cuerpo del deseo, but it will be interesting to see what they change about this version.

So far we've seen Adriana as a big mouthed mujer del barrio; let's see how the actress handles playing the sophisticated Monica Serrano.
I wonder what will happen to Adriana's soul. The shaman said that it liked to wander, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's forever gone, right?



I'm going to be watching this one. I won't be recapping per se, but I will probably comment a little each day.


Part I

Oi, Oi, Oi, this was a great episode.

Tifon and Mona Lisa are having a great time. She gets to asking him about Carmina, he feels he is on auto pilot, she lied to him so much, he doesn't know what is going to happen. He feels they are separated. He asks after Silas, but she doesn't want to talk about Silas. They make another date.

I hadn't realized it until today, but Darson is Silas' son. Darson explains his job for Leleco and Silas tells him to quit. Well, he can't quit cause that bebe that Suelen is having is his. Silas hits the roof. He tells Darson that Suelen is living with Iran and Mona Lisa cause that bebe is Iran's. So they figure out that Suelen is scamming again, and maybe not preggers.

Carmina is at home, they are eating again, and Agatha asks after her Papa. He's not coming home, she is upset so Nina takes her off. Carmina is beside herself and Max motions her for a meet. He tells Carmina that Tifon is seeing Mona Lisa. She hits the roof when she finds out the entire family knows. She was the last to know. She is pithed. Max is trying to convince her to leave again. She won't go. She wants all or nothing. She is putting her "The Family is in My Hand" part B. She feels she can manipulate Tifon like she did Genesio.

Carmina takes to her bed all "depressed" and Muricy comes to look for her. She whines and cries about Tifon not being there, she is constantly sick, yadda, yadda, so Muricy tells her she'll go see Tifon and talk to him. Carmina thanks her.

Muricy goes to see Tifon and of course Leleco is there as is Tessalia. Leleco gives Muricy all kinds of grief, and Tifon has to tell them to shut it. Muricy wants to talk to Tifon, about Carmina of course. Leleco isn't liking that. He can't stand Carmina and says so. He loves Mona Lisa. Muricy can't stand Mona Lisa, and she tells Tifon that Carmina is physically ill and depressed. Tifon needs his space and will continue to see Mona Lisa. He is leaving soon to go to the beach with her. Muricy tells him to think about what she told him.

Carlitos has a new plan. He talks to Jimmy, the guy that works for him, I still think he is a lawyer and we don't get to hear the plan, but it involves Veronica and Noemia.

Later Jimmy has Veronica in his office three checks he gives to her from Carlitos. They are for various things, like medical and her incidentals. Veronica isn't having it. Jimmy informs her Carlitos and she are separated. She didn't agree to that and wants to know where Carlitos is. Jimmy isn't supposed to "tell" but he lets slip Carlitos has two tickets from Rio to Paris. That check for incidentals didn't even cover her nail, hair, etc thingys. She is pithed cause she assumes Carlitos and Noemia are going to Paris. She is going to take care of that, and goes.

Jimmy sees Noemia next. Same three checks, and the one for incidentals doesn't even cover her masseuse. Jimmy tells her that they are separated, and she doesn't agree either. She wants to keep the place she lives cause Carlitos is a bigamist. So Jimmy "tells" Noemia that Carlitos has two tickets from Rio to Miami to the Caribbean. Noemia thinks that Carlitos is with Veronica so off she goes to stop that. Carlitos has turned them against each other. Where is he?


Part II

Carlitos is with Alexia of course. He has prepared a sumptuous lunch. She is very happy with it, but still hesitant about him. He swears he is her one and only. No other women. Let's see how long this lasts.

Carmina has darkened the bedroom and is "crying" a bucket load of tears. Muricy opens the curtains and tells Carmina about the chat she had with Tifon, how he is going out with Mona Lisa, to the beach in fact. Carmina is so not pleased and wails and whines about being left alone. Muricy reminds her she has the whole family with her, but Carmina says she can't live without Jorgito and Tifon. Muricy thinks that eventually Jorgito will forgive her. Muricy hugs her and Carmina does the caterwauling again, and makes the same face she made yesterday when Muricy hugged her.

Tifon and Mona Lisa go to the beach. They have a bad mitten set, and Tifon goes in the water, they talk some, have a smooch and play bad mitten.

Olenka comes to see Silas, who is still pining away for Mona Lisa. She has brought him some food and assures him, he is the bestest guy eva! He isn't buying it. I think Olenka really likes Silas. Silas tells her about Suelen and Darson, and how Darson thinks that that bebe is his. He tells Olenka that Suelen threated to get an abortion. Olenka is gonna tell Iran and everyone what Suelen has done now and goes.

Jorgito goes to Nina's new place with Nilo. Nilo lets him in and Jorgito is like 20 questions again about Nina's new boyfriend. Nilo won't tell him squat, so Jorgito goes to her room and starts rifling through things looking for an identity for this guy. He finds an identity card for Nina, with his own pic attached. He smells something not right. Nina comes home and Jorgito grills her. He wants to know what she feels for him. She isn't saying and is being badgered by Jorgito. Nilo tries to put a stop to it, and Jorgito still can't believe that Nilo is living with Nina or that Nina got this place for him. Nina says her boyfriend is coming soon and to go. There was a reference to Romeo and Juliet. Finally Jorgito goes, cause Nina isn't going to answer. He goes to the elevator, Nina chases after and he stops the door from closing, goes in the corridor and they kiss passionately, right in the hallway! Oi, Oi, Oi!


Carmina really knows how to work it doesn't she? She can make herself look sick and wail and whine, and that face while she's hugging Muricy. I wonder if this "That Family is in the Palm of My Hand" is going to work. Muricy did warn Carmina that Tifon needs time. The more Carmina presses the more Tifon runs.

Why is Jorgito constantly badgering poor Nina? He has a girlfriend, but I'm thinking he really doesn't love Debora. Jorgito needs to make up his mind too. He can't dangle Debora around like that. She does know Nina's secret too.

Suelen is in big trouble. Once Olenka spreads the news, Leandro will find out he's been suckered too. I wonder what Suelen is gonna do next?

Avenida Brasil:

Thanks, Mads. Looking forward to watching this later when I get home. Darson is who I was talking about the other day when I asked if Silas' son is his bio child, or also adopted like Tifon and Monalisa's kids.

So, is Suelen pregnant or not? I haven't seen much of this storyline, except to know she's a skank and a scammer. But is she also faking her pregnancy.

Why doesn't Muricy like Monalisa? Is it because she supported Leleco's relationship with Tessa, or does it go further back than that? In any case, I can't wait to see Muricy's reaction when she realizes how Carmina played her for a fool. I hope she gets the chance to smack that smirk off Carmina's face.



Mona Lisa and Tifon were going to get married at the beginning of this TN. They have known each other all their lives. I think Muricy never liked Mona Lisa to begin with. Tifon ended up leaving Mona Lisa at the altar and instead married Carmina, who Muricy liked from the beginning. Leleco has always liked Mona Lisa.

I'm not sure if Silas is Darson's bio Dad or not. I like their relationship though. The same with Diogenes and Leandro, he is his bio dad, and Mona Lisa with Iran, who she adopted.

I also like the relationship between Agatha and Nina. Nina cares for Agatha as if she were her own sister. I think Nina thinks that maybe Agatha is her half sister. She always boosts Agatha up every time. I really like that. Carmina treats Agatha the way she treated Rita, but not quite as harsh. Still.

Tifon's family is loud and no holds barred, but I do like them. They always have a lot going on, it's chaos, but fun too.

I too can't wait for the day that Tifon's family and everyone else finds out just how bad Carmina and Max have scammed them all these years. I think Muricy may be the one to ferret that out. She was wondering exactly how long Max knew Carmina and what he knew.

So many good plot points in this TN.


Mun2 showed promos of EL CUERPO DEL DESEO 4 months back. But they never aired it. Shame, I wouldve loved to compare the original to the remake...

Avenida Brasil

Madelaine, I don't think Jorgito is in love with his girlfriend. When Tifon asks Jorgito about his feelings for her, he always responds that she loves him, is good to him, blah blah blah. But I have yet to hear him say that he "loves" her. However I do think he cares a lot for her and maybe thought he was in love with her prior to finding Nina again.

Vivi, I don't think Suelen is pregnant. It's too much of a coincidence that she slept with the doctor prior to him coming out and telling everybody that she's pregnant. You cant trust that girl.

I can't wait to see how far Monalisa and Tifon take things. They belong together.


Avenida Brasil

How many episodes of this story have they aired? It lookes like you are having a lot of fun watching it. I have no time for telenovelas, I should be relieved that some of what I've been watching are ending, but they are like a itch that I have to continually scratch.
So, how advanced is the story?


Adriana: According to the IMDB, there are 177 episodes. I don't think we're even halfway through yet. TM is showing it in two-hour blocks except when they have an new novela to promote. Right now it's an hour of AB and an hour of En Otra Piel. I imagine they'll do the same with Camilla la Tejana. I hated two-hour blocks of Marido en Alquiler but two hours of AB seem to fly by. There have been a lot of major revelations and there's still a lot more novela to watch.


So, it appears that Carlos never officially married Veronica or Noemia. Wait until they find this out. I don't like where this is going because I want all three of them to gang up on him.

Vivi: Muricy doesn't like Monalisa because she is not from Rio. Monalisa is from Paraíba, in the northeast of Brazil. I think she also didn't like her back then because she was just a hairdresser. I thought Monalisa came to Rio as an adult so she and Tifón couldn't have known each other all their lives. Unless, of course, they just mean they've known each other for a long time.

I also hope that Muricy discovers the truth and smacks the smirk off Carmina's face.



Oh, I agree with you about Jorgito and Debora. They actually seemed happy until Nina came back. Then he didn't have the time for Debora anymore. He is the one pursuing Nina too, not the other way round. Now though, Deborah knows she is Rita, so I don't know what he is going to do.

Sue 455:

Thanks for that info on Tifon and Mona Lisa. I thought I heard him say they had known each other all their lives. Maybe it was meant more that it felt like they had known each other all their lives. Oh, and thanks for the info on the not legally married part with Veronica and Noemia. I kind of like what Carlitos did to them though. They did ruin Alexia's life out of pure jealousy. I'm not saying that Carlitos is an angel, far from it, but I like what he did to them all the same. I am curious to see if Carlitos will keep his word to Alexia and adopt Paloma, I know she is his daughter, but give her his name. And actually marry Alexia for real.

Adriana Noel:

I think you would really like this one. It's a fast mover, there is always something going on, it doesn't drag at all. It is well worth the time for you to watch ; )

With the capture of "El Chapo" Guzmán, we get to see Teresa's Culíacan once again. They showed the Narco Jesus Malverde church on the news.


This show is, of course, far different from Santa Diabla. I doubt we'll have poisonings, amnesia, babies popping up all over the place, evil revenge schemes, etc. It's much less cartoonish, and that's why, when someone dies, you FEEL it.

I'm not going to be recapping, but I will probably be commenting.

The show is set in 1973. The Vietnam War is still going, and you should see Sara Maldonado (Camelia)'s clog shoes! She's a waitress in San Antonio, and lives with her poor family, trying to get ahead. She gets a job in Houston as a dental assistant, and this is her ticket to success. However, her friend/boyfriend (Rico) comes back from Vietnam, and wants to marry her. She's not too excited, as she saw him more like a brother, and also, her career.

Rico has PTSD from the war, guilty about his friend Miguel, who, in Nam, was going to kill himself, when Rico stopped him. But the gun went off anyway, destroying Miguel's leg. Rico was so hurt he became a heroin addict. When he finds out about Camelia's job in Houston (when she saw how messed up he was, she DID agree to marry him), he feels so guilty that he OD's and dies.

The other story is about some Mexican druglord, I didn't catch his name, he's played by the same guy who was Teresa's bodyguard in Reina. He sends two guys to do a big drug deal, Emilio, a handsome, reckless guy, and Alacran, a sensible tough guy. The druglord also wants Alacran to find Camelia, who has some connection to him. He gives her picture to Alacran, the sensible one.

Emilio screws up the drug deal by getting greedy, and guns start blazing. He leaves Alacran to die, has a fling with a waitress named Sylvia, but Alacran finds him, and guns start blazing again. Somehow Sylvia gets killed, Emilio just dumps her in a ditch. Emilio escapes, and in the confusion, HE ended up with Alacran's wallet, with the picture of Camelia, whom HE will now look for.

Sounds like fun!


it looked like to me that not only did Emilio dump the wounded Sylvia, but he also shot and killed her, I guess it saved him a trip to the hospital, (what is there to like about this guy), but I guess from the look on her face earlier, and the way she ditched her engagement ring, the sex was good.



Part I

We left Nina and Jorgito kissing yesterday. The reason he came to visit her was not only to find out who this boyfriend of hers was, but it's her birthday tomorrow and he wanted to celebrate with her. She insists that she has this boyfriend, forget about her. He ends up leaving, as she's kissing that elevator door and crying.

Tifon and Mona Lisa are at the beach, playing bad mitten, laughing, walking and talking. Mona Lisa wants to leave to go back to work, but Tifon convinces her to go somewhere else, forget work.

Mona Lisa finally goes home and so very happy with her day. Olenka not so much. She reminds Mona Lisa she has abandoned Silas to take a trip down memory lane. Mona Lisa couldn't care less about Silas.

Tifon has gone to Leleco's and tells him he had a great time with Mona Lisa. It was relaxing and refreshing after the drama with Carmina. Leleco is very happy to hear it. Darson comes by to quit his job of trying to entice Tessalia to cheat. He tells Leleco that Tessalia is very faithful and would never cheat. Leleco talks him into staying on the job. Poor Darson.

Olenka tells Suelen she wants her out tomorrow or she will be telling Mona Lisa how Suelen is scamming all the guys in the barrio about who is the Daddy, even the Pizza Guy. Suelen tells Olenka, nah, not the Pizza Guy, she doesn't like pizza, lol. Suelen's mind is working though, how to fix this situation.

Noemia is pithed about Veronica and Carlitos being together, she and Tomas are having dinner, when Veronica comes to call. She thought Carlitos and Noemia were in Paris. They finally figure out that Carlitos lied to them and is probably with Alexia.

Speaking of Alexia, she and Carlitos have been getting busy, a lot! She still is wary of marrying him cause he just can't have just one woman. He gives her a ring and asks her to marry him again. She isn't sure, but he tells her when she is to put the ring on. He puts in it her bedside table and they get busy again.

Speaking of getting busy. Carmina is in her bedroom, not eating from her tray (to make it seem she isn't eating) and goes for her secret stash of banana cakes she has in a drawer. Max catches her and has brought her a sandwich, he knows her so well, and a bottle of old champagne from the cellar. Carmina wants him to put the champagne back, it is a very good vintage. They end up getting busy in Tifon and Carmina's bed. Later, Ivana comes looking for Max, she talks to Nina in the kitchen, and she tells Ivana he might be somewhere, and then Nina takes off and goes to the bedroom and listens. She hides herself as Max comes out and takes a cell phone pic of Carmina and Max, but the problem is, is that Max's back is turned. She didn't get his face.

Jorgito and Debora are talking and she wants kids or she might be preggers. He is not happy to hear this. He just found out about his past, ya know the Carmina thingy, Tiradero dumping off, and thinks he isn't ready. I think he just doesn't want to have a bebe with Debora. She is very disappointed. She agrees with him, but you can see in her eyes she doesn't.


I also thought Emilio shot Silvia again, I guess to put her out of her misery.

Don Antonio Trevína (Pote in Reina) is the drug lord & I get the feeling Camelia's papá.

This comment has been removed by the author.


Part II

Olenka pays a visit to Silas to see how he is doing. She has made him dinner. He says he isn't interested in eating anything. He just wants Mona Lisa. Olenka feels so bad for him. She tells him he's a good guy, a real sweetheart and she cups his face with her hands. He is afraid that Mona Lisa has found another guy. Olenka tries to tell him no, and then all of a sudden he is kissing her and she's kissing him back! Olenka breaks it off, Silas apologizes up and down, and guess who saw all that? Suelen! In her quest for money, she came to see Darson, and saw all of this. Now she has a safeguard. Olenka ends up leaving and doesn't see Suelen.

Jorgito is one determined dude. He goes to see Betania about Nina's boyfriend. Betania insists there is a guy, forget about Nina. Stay away from her. Betania's boyfriend hears and after Jorgito leaves he runs after him and tells him that Nina does not have a boyfriend, she has always been in love with Jorgito, and that Betania and Nina are lying to him. He tells Jorgito that Nina's birthday party will be at Mama Lucinda's with the kids and Betania. Jorgito is very grateful.

Suelen tells Olenka what she saw last night, that kiss of Olenka and Silas, and Olenka is pithed, but has to give in so Suelen doesn't tell Mona Lisa what she saw. Oh, and Darson wouldn't give Suelen any money, since he knows about the scam of the bebe daddy.

Carmina is pretending to be depressed again, when Muricy comes in and tells her to get up, get dressed in something smashing cause guess who's in the pool? Tifon! Carmina is sure rushing around trying to get ready. She hugs Muricy and kneels before the Virgincita, but Muricy rushes her.

It is Nina's birthday party. Mama Lucinda, the kids, and Betania are helping her celebrate when Jorgito shows up. He asks about her boyfriend again, and she finally says he couldn't leave Argentina. Jorgito isn't buying that. He has a gift for her and it's a ring. He places it on her left hand ring finger, and she remembers the day they "got married" at Tiradero when they were kids. She pulls the ring off, and gives it back to him and says she can't accept it. She tells him to forget about her, she has a boyfriend in Argentina, go to Debora. After he goes, Mama Lucinda tells Nina to forget about the venganza, and go be happy with Jorgito. They are so in love. Betania and Mama Lucinda hug Nina.


This episode today was light. I just knew that Olenka had some feelings for Silas. I think they are a way better couple than he and Mona Lisa.

Carlitos still continues his pursuit of Alexia. I wonder if it's cause she won't agree to marry him. Veronica and Noemia are on the revenge trail again though. I wish they'd get it against Carlitos and not Alexia. They have done enough to her already.

Jorgito really needs to make up his mind. He can't be living with Debora and pursuing Nina. I don't want to see him hurt Debora either. She has been there for him thru all this upheaval.

Carmina and Max now, I wish Muricy had walked in on them. It's way to early for them to be caught, but still!

I wonder why Tifon came home? Did he listen to Muricy the other day? And what about Mona Lisa? Can't wait to see what happens next.

In addition to the guy who did such a superb job as Pote in "La Reina del Sur," this telenovela also has--indeed, stars, Sara Maldonado, who was Verónica in "Reina."

I wish I had more to say. I watched last night and was neither enthralled nor turned off. I found the speakers at times considerably harder to understand than in "Santa Diabla," which for me is a negative. But I think I'll watch a bit longer before deciding whether to stick with "La Impostora" or add "Camelia." I was hoping I might find "Camelia" compelling enough to dump "La Impostora," but it doesn't look that way. Besides, my Spanish is bad enough that I need some positive reinforcement. :-)

Camelia la Texana

Thanks so much for the "not really a recap", Hombre.

I especially like the introduction to this one. The caricatures that represent the characters and the, I think, pretty good norteño music in the background make it very interesting to watch.

Talk about an anti-hero! This Emilio is a complete jerk but apparently dynamite in the sack. I've got a bad feeling about Camelia's future where he's concerned. Yes, he definitely shot Silvia. She was asking for the ambulance and he sweetly told her he wouldn't let her be in pain and then we hear the gunshot.

I'm curious to see if Alacrán gets him or if he gets Alacrán.

It's great to see Pote again, although we have yet to see that sweet smile he always gave Teresa.

I know this is mean on my part, but I'm glad they got rid of sad-sack Rico in the first episode. It bothered me she was prepared to submit to a lifetime married to a guy like that.


I did get a big kick out of the scene where Emilio schools Alacrán about how to succeed with women: 1. Be clean; clean car, clean clothes. 2. Smell good; he uses expensive soap. and 3. have a good looking tush. The funny part was when he got Alacrán asking for his opinion of his hindquarters. And then he laughed saying he'd gotten the most dangerous killer in the North of México (or was it in the State of Sinaloa?) to have him inspect his bottom for appeal to females.

Avenida Brasil:
Thanks, Mads! It does seem like a tame episode, but I look forward to watching Nina and Jorgito smooching when I get home. It’s so common for a galan to pursue the heroine while he’s involved with someone else, and to get jealous if she’s seeing someone else. It always makes them look like such hypocrites, and I never understand why these galans are incapable of breaking up with Girl #1, even if Girl #2 (the heroine) won’t immediately fall into their arms. Dude, if you are so drawn to another woman, you need to call it quits with your woman, no matter what. I feel sorry for Debora, because she is a good person.

I’m so glad that it looks like Silas and Olenka are going to become an item. I really don’t think Monalisa will mind (she even told Olenka to take him, if she wants him), so Olenka shouldn’t let Suelen blackmail her.


Sara M. is lovely, but the few times I’ve seen her in anything, her acting never drew me in. I won’t be watching, but I hope this tn is a success for her. Looks like they have a lot of familiar faces from other narconovelas.
We Love Soaps did a write up on the four new tns that started on the various channels the last week, including Camelia:


MundoFox: Infames-

I am staying up too late to watch this show. Although I can’t really understand all the Mexican government intricacies, I am enjoying that this is more of a cerebral venganza telenovela/series, than the normal flashy version. But what I particularly enjoyed last night, was the chemistry between the lead couple, as I’m not seeing a lot of that in our current crop of tns. You don’t even need to be following the show to appreciate this bit of office smooching from last night’s epi. Our heroine, out to avenge being wrongfully imprisoned, and with a new face, has gotten herself a high up position in the gov with her new identity. Our hero, is an undercover Spanish agent, out to root out corruption in the Mex gov. Neither knows the other’s secret, yet. But dammit, if they aren’t cute trying to maintain their secret identities, while also trying to fight their attraction to each other and stay focused on their missions. They aren’t succeeding:



Not only did Emilio shoot Sylvia to put her out of her misery, but he left her lying there with her dressed hiked up to her butt. He didn't even try to put her in a dignified position. So Camelia is going to fall for this charmer, ugh.


Avenida: Why haven't Nina recorded Max and Carmina until now. You would think a cell phone video of their rendez-vous would do the trick. As of now she has zilch as proof. This is one thing that bothers me about her "vengenza" What's her end game?
Nilo can blow her out the water but he won't. Jorgito needs to let Debora go for good.

Avenida:Nilo can blow Carmina out the water


I'm still bummed that Monica's soul entered Adriana's body and not the other way around only because I don't think it's fair. The necklace belonged to Adriana and she should have been the soul to occupy Monica's body. I know it doesn't work for the story, but it's like I said, it doesn't seem fair ;)

I am looking forward to seeing MEC playing Monica, though.

Has anyone else seen the actress that played Monica before? I really liked her and am sorry she won't be the TN any more.


Otra Piel

Nenette, the actress playing Monica, Laura Flores, is very famous in the tn world. She has been a protagonista for many years.
I'm sure she will be around, maybe in flashbacks and stuff like that.
And I'm not completely sure that Adriana's soul is completely gone, either. That shaman said that she had a wandering soul, but that means that it will want to get back at some point, right?

MINI - RECAP of last night

They buried Monica's body. Her sister Lorena showed up, too. Elena hates her, but Elena hates everybody, so...
Gerardo and Elena find out that Monica had a will and both prepare back up plans, behind the other one's back. Elena went to a lawyer and accused Gerardo of killing Monica. And Gerardo asked his brother, who is also working for the wine company, to hurry up and sign some contracts in NY, because he needs the extra money as an escape.
Camila is now sorry that she didn't patch things up with her mother when she was still alive. I still don't like her, though.

Monica's friend, the journalist, is meeting the detective to find out information about Adriana.

And Monica/Adriana has arrived in LA with Carlos' goons and the other girls who are supposed to become prostitutes; when the show ends, Carlos has her tied up and is about to rape her.



Nina said last week her intentions for Carmina were to ruin her both publicly and privately, so that Carmina is totally devastated. You are right, Nina has no proof, but she was the catalyst, although unknownly, of outing Carmina as Jorgito's bio Moms. I think the reason Nina took that picture was because Tifon had already left Carmina and I'm sure she would have sent him the picture anonymously, if she had gotten a clear picture of Max. The way the picture looks, it only looks like they are talking and nothing else. Too bad Nina didn't put a little hidden camera in Carmina and Tifon's bedroom. She would have had enough then.


You are so right about Galan #1 and #2. They needlessly make the poor women they are with suffer, while they pine away. I know Jorgito is all broken up about Carmina, but he has a good support system, in Tifon and the whole family. I really think though that Nina won't accept him until all her venganza is out of her system, but will he still want her after it's over? Thanks for the Olenka info. I didn't know Mona Lisa had told her that. She lets Suelen blackmail her anyway. I don't know for sure if Suelen is preggers. She likes to scam money out of guys. I guess we will have to wait and see.


I admit I'm also having time understanding some of the dialog, but I want to watch to improve my understanding of it (and in case I decide to be a druglord myself, gotta know the lingo).

There were lots of things I didn't understand. What's the name of Don Antonio's wife? And their daughter's name? Is she blind? I did understand that the wife said to go into marijuana, he preferred heroin, but after his "factory" blew up, he decided marijuana is safer.

What is Emilio's cousin's name? It is his cousin, right?

The "cooperation" between the Mexican cop (what's his name), and the American cop (Carter?) was also revealing, as they seem to insult each other, but have to work together, since the crime of Sylvia's murder started in Mexico, ended in Texas. I noticed they found all those drugs in Emilio's car. I think he's now counting on getting Camelia back to Don Antonio, to make Antonio happy (and keep him from killing Emilio for the loss of the drugs).

And did Emilio really give those 30 hamburgers to the patients at the Veterans Hospital, or just pretend to, to make Camelia fall for him?



Having a hard time understanding is what I meant to say.

Hombre, you understood 95% more than I did. Emilio was pushing the guy in a wheelchair was a show also, I think.

Not sure about this one, did we get off to a better start in Reina?

La viuda negra starts soon, it is about Griselda Blanco, big narca in Miami during 70's, the cocaine cowboys. She was very brutal.
I see ads during Pasión, so maybe it replaces that.


whew Hombre, I think over half of this story goes right over my head, but I guess some of that is because they aren't telling us all, yet.

I found a good cast list, so I'll shake out the possible spoilers and,

Camelia Pineda alias La Texana (Sara Moldonado): A beautiful, young girl who lives in San Antonio. Disillusioned by love, she becomes a dangerous woman marked forever by...

Emilio Varela (Erik Hayser): An intelligent and seductive outlaw who knows how to get what he wants. Emilio's cleverness and charisma make him more than just a common criminal: He is gallant, vain and, above all, a master liar...

Facundo García (Andrés Palacios): An honest police officer surrounded by corrupt colleagues, who won't rest until he completes his mission. What begins as a manhunt turns into...

Don Antonio Treviño (Dagoberto Gama): The boss of the Treviño cartel, Don Antonio has a mission before he dies: to come to terms with his past. But tracking down Camelia la Texana won't be easy...

Lu (Tamara Mazarraza): A beautiful Chinese-Mexican woman who is 20 years younger than her husband...

Carson (Peter Theis): An American policeman who teams up with Facundo to investigate a murder on the border...

El Alacrán (Luis Ernesto Franco): Don Antonio's confidence man, "the Scorpion" is deadly to his enemies but loyal to his friends. Astute, cautious and a loner, when he shoots he never misses. Behind his tough exterior, however, El Alacrán conceals a good heart.

Alma Treviño (Ana Paula D'León): Adopted by Antonio Treviño after the death of her parents, little Alma has a special gift: Her dreams foretell the future...

(there was much more to this list, people and descriptions, so maybe I will post more of it later and the source, when it won't be a spoiler)

(official press release)
"Camelia la Texana," reached a cumulative audience of 2,224,000 total viewers"


Avenida: Google is the devil workshop, lol. I discovered Avenida episodes in Portuguese but all of them till the end. So now I am satisfying my curiosity and I am happy as a pig in a mud puddle, lol. I don't understand a word but who cares? the action says it all. Tighten your seat belt ladies and gentlemen, you're in for a ride. Wow


Part I

Tifon didn't go into the pool. He was in the sala with the whole family who are doting on him, especially Agatha who is so very happy to see her Papa. Carmina still hasn't come down yet. Tifon and Agatha go off to the library, in the house, to go on the internet to check out Chinese Culture. It is homework for Agatha. Carmina finds out where Tifon is and goes in there. Tifon and Agatha were having such a nice time too. She gets Agatha to go take her meds for sinusitis, and begs, pleads, whines for Tifon to come back home. She isn't anything without her Tifon. Well, Tifon needs time. He ends up going. Carmina follows him in her car to find out where he is going.

We have Suelen reminding Olenka of what she saw, the kiss between Silas and her. Iran comes out and is going somewhere. That somewhere is to play some soccer with Darson. He finds out Darson thinks that bebe is his, and he tells Iran that he was giving Suelen money too. Ruh, Roh.

Tifon stops by a flower stand and gets some flowers and goes to Leleco's. Carmina sees him go in and waits. Here comes Mona Lisa with a bottle of Portuguese wine and they are about to sit down to Sunday dinner when Carmina busts in and insults Mona Lisa and Leleco. She gives Tifon hell too and accuses him of having Mona Lisa as his amante. Mona Lisa and Carmina call each other hos, Mona Lisa takes the high road and goes, Tifon has to ask Carmina to leave several times, he still keeps telling her he needs time. She finally goes, and she is pithed.

Veronica and Noemia decide to have a united front now so they make peace and Noemia says "The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend" so they decide to get more venganza against poor Alexia. They barge into her home calling for Carlitos and DuDu. He isn't there of course. But his bottle of fizzy water is on Alexia's night stand by the bed. They start giving her hell, calling her all kinds of names. Well, Alexia has had enough. She tells them Carlitos is at work, and by the way she has decided to marry Carlitos, legally, as in the Church and civilly not like he did to them. That shuts them up. Alexia says who will be the ho now? They go. Paloma comes out and is happy that Alexia and Carlitos will be getting married.

Olenka sees Silas and talks to him again. She touches his face, their faces are very close, they are at the bar, and they agree that that kiss was just a passing thingy. Silas asks Olenka to go dancing with him, as friends, bestest buddies, etc. Olenka will let him know, or she'll see him later. They are so into each other.

Dolores is now working at Mona Lisa's salon. She cuts Leandro's hair (she is his bio Mama, but he doesn't know it) and have a nice convo. She mentions to Leandro that she cut or was going to cut Suelen's hair and that the girl had PMS. Leandro then figures out that Suelen isn't preggers.

The four or five bebe Daddies, that would be Leandro, Iran, Roni, Darson and Lucio have a meeting about how they will deal with Suelen.

Leandro goes to the hospital and talks to the Doc that treated Suelen. He wants the test, to see cause Suelen's bebe is in danger! The Doc says it's private, but after Leandro keeps at him, he tells Leandro there is no bebe. Suelen isn't preggers. I think the Doc also insinuated that he had sex with Suelen. Now Leandro has a plan.

The bebe daddies all confront Suelen, except Leandro, I think. She claims all of them are the bebe daddies. They give her heck, she gives it back and walks off, while they just stand there.


Part II

Tifon goes to look for Mona Lisa after the Carmina debacle. He goes to her house and finds out from Olenka that she's at the salon. Tifon goes there, she's in her office, and they start to argue. She doesn't want to deal with this Carmina crap anymore, so Tifon grabs her and starts kissing and undressing her. Did they get busy? Nopis! She senses something new and different in him. She senses he's in love, not with her or Carmina, but some new woman! Who is she, Mona Lisa asks. Tifon denies it. Mona Lisa knows though, cause she's known him for a very long time. He's so different now. He dresses better, he is more with it, as in organized. He isn't like he used to be at all. She tells Tifon that they will always be the very best of friends and that is it. She pulls the top of her dress up and he gives her a hug.

Carmina is back home and pithed and sends ZeZe to go spy on Tifon. Let her know where he is going and who he is with. ZeZe did that and saw Tifon go into the salon. She reports back to Carmina that Tifon went to the salon and is still there, all this time. Carmina goes.

Nina is in the kitchen cooking and she pulls that ring, Jorgito gave her, out of her pocket and puts it on. Agatha comes in and sees it and asks Nina if she has a novio, cause that ring is very nice. Nina says no. Agatha is afraid that Tifon has moved out for good. Nina tells her it isn't so and gets Agatha to help with dinner.

Carmina has come to the salon and hot foots it up to the office. She walks in on Tifon, who has his shirt unbuttoned, lots of chest hair, holding Mona Lisa in that hug, and she's way beyond pithed. She accuses them of being amantes. They kind of both look guilty. What happens now?


This one is definitely hooking me and fast.

Thanks so much, Deb, for the outlines of the cast.

I sort of like that they don't explain things very much. Sometimes they dumb down TNs so much by insisting on every bit of back story. I like that we're thrown in mid-stream and expected to swim.

So Antonio's wife IS part Chinese. I wasn't sure. At first she was wearing a cheongsam dress, but later just regular clothes. She doesn't look THAT Asian to me.

From what Deb posted, it appears that the clairvoyant child is adopted rather than Lu and Antonio's bio child. I think she is meant to be blind.

I don't know if anyone here watched The Bridge with the excellent Demian Bechir about a Mexican cop and a US cop trying to solve a murder, but the relationship between Facundo and Carson reminds me of that. The shooting of Silvia happened exactly at the border, so both are involved.

So I get the impression that Antonio is a narco, but is meant to be a fairly kindly one since he wanted to hang with the workers he'd ordered to do 24-hour shifts. The guy they're alluding to, who "leases" them the drug routes, I suspect, will be the bad-to-the-bone one. This guy will be played by the guy who played Aníbal in La Patrona, the crooked Senator, who was the accomplice of Antonia Guerra.

I think Lu arranged the explosion at the drug lab to further her plans to get into the marijuana business instead. She seduced Antonio to keep him from going into the lab just before the explosion.

I don't think it will turn out that way, but for some reason I'm kind of rooting for El Alacrán to win out over Emilio. At least El A is a loyal hired killer!


Hombre, my guess would be that Emilio put the hamburguesas in a dumpster rather than taking them to the hospital for wounded Vietnam vets.

The scene of him pushing the guy in the wheelchair was gag inducing. And, because he lurked while Camelia had a conversation at Rico's grave, he figured out she'd be at the hospital? Did I miss something?

I don't have much patience for the sexy rogue type of character because they always show dumb women buying the act hook, line, and sinker. It annoys me. I suspect it will take a good long while for his act to be shown up. Maybe it's the muttonchops from the 70s that are turning me off!


In that convo with Mona Lisa and Tifon, when she told him she thought he was in love with a new woman, she did tell him to go for it. Mona Lisa feels that Tifon deserves to do it. Mona Lisa said that Tifon was her first love and will always be in her heart and memories, but she wasn't for him anymore. Or Carmina for that matter. Go pursue this new love he has! Now we all know who that is don't we? Of course it's Nina, but he won't say.


thanks so much novelera, interesting theory of Lu blowing up the lab, she definitely seems to be up to something, but Antonio sure felt bad for the foreman guy.

(hmm, marijuana is a little softer than heroin)

I'm even having a hard time following the dentist when he talks in English, and why does he have to keep switching back and forth.

Alma, the little girl, her eyes do looked scarred, so her nightmare was of things to come, she saw a burnt man?

I'm so glad Emilio doesn't just grab Camelia by the hair and stuff her into the trunk of his latest stolen car, but it looks as though he is going to charm her, is this guy confident or what.

on the hamburgers, it looked like he left most of that stuff in the parking lot when he took off, in his new car, only taking one bag with him.

the wanted poster of Emilio, is he wanted for killing Sylvia and the drugs, or for something else.

ah yes, the 70's, no cell phones, and easily hotwired cars.



Thanks Hombre, Deb, and Novelera, for your interesting and helpful comments. I'm going to need all the help I can get and then some, if I'm going to continue to watch this novela. The accents, the speed, and especially the slang make at least 50% of what's said go in one ear and out the other, completely bypassing my brain. Hombre, I'm grateful to you for offering a rationale for continuing to watch: who knows, I too may want to become a Drug Lord.

Deb, thanks for the helpful rundown on the characters.

Novelera, yes, I too was reminded a bit of The Bridge. And it does seem as if Don Antonio is going to be a "good" bad guy, somewhat along the lines of Don Cleto in El Señor de los Cielos (or, for that matter, Pote in La Reina del Sur, who of course was played by the same actor who is playing Don Antonio, Dagoberto Gama).

Aside from the difficulty I'm having in understanding what's being said, I'm also having a problem caring about any of the characters. Emilio doesn't appeal to me at all, and so far neither does Camelia. At this point, what's motivating me most to stay with the novela is Hombre's rationale: if I'm going to succeed as a Drug Lord, I need to understand the language. Right.


Too bad they couldn't find someone better to play Emilio, I don't see his appeal at all. Were Rafael Amaya & Gabriel Porras busy? In fact the only good looking guy so far is the cop.

I get the feeling that Don Antonio killed the kids parents or at least is responsible.


Adriana Noel: thanks for the info on Laura Flores.

I hope there's a little bit of Adriana's soul still left in her body. Monica is a fighter, but not a street fighter. She's going to need those street smarts.


Variopinta If I recall the actor playing the cop previously was in AMOR CAUTIVO. Not sure if you watched it...


How come no one here mentioned that Lorena is Elenas mom who burned her years back when she was an alcoholic? And Elena is bats### crazy. In an earlier capitulo she tells monica she hates her from seperating her from her mother and now it turns out Elena wants nothing to do with Lorena because of the accident years back.

Also Diego is sent to prison and not surprisingly the prison king has it out for him. A prison guard later gives him a shank...


Avenida Brasil:

Thanks so much, Mads!

Oh, no! Tifon is in love with Nina. This is going to cause a huge rift between Tifon and Jorgito eventually. I hope he finds his way back to Monalisa because they are so good together.

It's fun watching Carmina try and fail to guilt Tifon into coming back to her.

So glad that Suelen's game is being discovered.


Deb, thanks for the cast list and background.

As for Emilio, let me just say that I'm happy he's NOT a famous star like Rafael Amaya. In El Senor de Los Cielos, the fact that it was this famous actor made it less realistic to me. And I think the guy who plays Emilio is extremely handsome, in a sleazy 70's way. Those sideburns are off the charts!


more cast,

Rosaura Pineda (Claudette Maillé): A mysterious woman, haunted by her past, Rosaura has spent her entire life on the run, suspicious of everyone. She finds a temporary refuge in San Antonio, where she hopes to live a normal life alongside her daughter, Camelia, until...

Don Arnulfo Navarro (Joaquin Garrido): Timoteo Treviño's former right-hand man, now a temporary ally of his son, Don Antonio, after a fragile truce. Don Arnulfo's ambition is to become the boss of the drug trafficking business, and he is well on his way to realizing his dream when he comes face to face with...

Benigno Treviño (Julio Casado): Antonio's brother Benigno is the family's aspiring politician. His ambitions help the Treviños consolidate their power in Sinaloa, but...

Camelia La Texana is the story of a naïve and beautiful young woman who tries to escape her destiny. The story begins in the 1970s when young Camelia and her mother flee one of Mexico's most dangerous capos, Don Antonio. Camelia's beauty attracts a lot of attention and, as a result, jealousy from other women and infatuation on the part of many men.

Her mother tries to protect her from the fate that pursues her, but as she sets off in search of adventure, Camelia meets the man who will be the love of her life, and also...

wow, I'm impressed with Sara Maldonado doing the innocent girl, and Emilio sure knows all of the tricks.

loved El Alacrán, laughing at the American cop who was strangling him, but interesting how the two cops were working him, and so is our scorpion a junky.



NovelaMan, yeah, Elena is crazy, and it will be a long while before anyone starts to figure out she is behind everything bad that is going on the house. The servants suspect her, but that is not nearly enough.

Nanette, I actually believe that it was Adriana's soul that visited Diego in jail. She said something like "I'll come back to you", so I think that her souls is lost, floating somewhere in space for now.
Basically, I think we need a new body for Adriana's soul - and that is one of the sentences that I thought I'd never say.




I too like Mona Lisa and Tifon together. I think Tifon has been falling in love with Nina for a while now. They have the best conversations and talk about books a lot. He used to read when he was till with Carmina, and they would discuss the book.

Suelen has always been a scammer. A little while back there was a guy that was looking for money she owed him, he seemed a part of her past. I really want to know what started her on this path of scamming. The writers haven't really touched on her past. I'd really like to see her back story.

En Otra Piel – Thursday (and some earlier) Part 1

I’m going to organize this by the three locations of the story and try and also include as much as I can remember of what happened earlier in the week.

Hacienda Serrano – Earlier, Elena admitted to Gerardo that she killed Mónica. He admits to being a gigolo and a swindler but doesn’t want to be a killer.

We also saw Selma continue to investigate what happened to Mónica before she died. She goes to the Serrano house, is not received with much courtesy by Elena but she manages to find out the name of the private detective that Mónica hired. She convinces the detective to tell her what he found out and he gives her Adriana’s name, the fact that she was supposed to have died, but didn’t and left the hospital and disappeared.

Mónica’s daughters are suffering. In particular, Camila regrets that she was so hard on her mother. Gerardo tries to make nice with her but she doesn’t trust him. Later, she tells Ricardo that she couldn’t admit that her mother could attract a younger man and she was wrong. Her mother deserved whatever happiness she could get.

Lorena (Elena’s mother) is invited to stay at the house. We get her back story. On her 30th birthday, she got drunk, fell asleep and some candles she had lit set the curtains on fire. She was barely able to save Elena from the fire and her daughter got a burn on her leg that let a scar. (Don’t ask me why but I’m sure that will be significant later.)

Anyway, Lorena lost everything and Mónica took her and Elena in. Lorena went into rehab for her drinking problem but when she came out, Elena didn’t want anything to do with her and she just left her daughter with Mónica.

Lorena accidentally lets Pacho, the dog, escape from the grounds of the house. No one can find the dog and Emiliana is very upset. She sneaks out in the middle of the night to find the dog. The dog has gone to Mónica’s grave and Emiliana finds him there. Now everyone is looking for Emiliana, too.

Elena finds out that Mónica left a will. She goes to the lawyer’s office and pitches a yarn about how she thinks Gerardo killed Mónica and is planning to break into the lawyer’s office to get the will. She convinces the lawyer to take the will out of his safe for safekeeping.

Somehow, she gets the lawyer to meet her in a deserted place next to a lake. Elena shoots the lawyer but not fatally. Meanwhile she has gotten Gerardo to show up at the same place. When the wounded lawyer starts calling 911, Gerardo shoots and kills him. Gerardo is annoyed that Elena has now made him into a murderer. They put the lawyer in his car and roll it into the lake.


En Otra Piel - Part 2

Elena reads the will, which was made before Gerardo met Mónica. Mónica left her entire estate to her daughters, Camila and Emiliana, 30% of the business revenue goes to Elena and there are pensions for the staff and money to pay for Ricardo’s university. Lorena is made guardian of Emiliana until she is an adult. Later, Elena and Gerardo burn the will.

Selma calls Marta, the housekeeper, to arrange a visit. When she finds out that the dog and Emiliana have disappeared, she suggests checking the cemetery. Elena has already figured that out is on her way there with a gun. Gerardo intercepts her and Elena tells him that killing Emiliana would get rid of 50% of their problems.

San Diego brothel

Carlos, Adriana’s evil boss, kidnapped Mondriana (which is what I will call Mónica in Adriana’s body) after she left the hospital and brought her to a brothel of kidnapped girls that he runs in San Diego. He rapes her and gives another girl, a virgin, to a sadistic guy.

Mondriana tells the other girls that she is 53 and has a daughter their age but they think that she is crazy.

That night the new girls are introduced to the clientele. In one of those amazing novela coincidences, Mondriana recognizes the sadistic guy as a respected judge who came to the party she had celebrating Camila’s return. Mondriana blurts out all she knows about the judge to his face. The judge asks how she knows all this. She replies that he told her himself but the judge concludes that the brothel has mircophones and cameras in the rooms. He leaves. The brothel madam is furious and has Mondriana beaten up.

Later, Mondriana gives a stirring speech to rally the girls to try and escape. She finds out what the girls already there know about keys, etc. The madam comes in and realizes that something is going on. Mondriana pretends to ask her forgiveness and promises to do what she is told.

Mondriana also has a dream that her daughters are in danger but she doesn’t know the woman who is threatening them. So evidently, Mondriana hasn’t remembered everything about her past as Mónica.


En Otra Piel Part 3

Mexico City prison

Diego was arrested for the murder of Adriana’s brother, Jacinto. The real murderers being Carlos’ goons. Diego is sent to prison where, naturally, he is caught up in gang activity there. One gang leader gives Diego a knife and tells him to kill the other gang leader, Don Mario.

Diego refuses to do the hit and manages to defeat the gang leader’s muscle, Hulk, both in a fair fight and with a knife. Later, Diego has a vision of Adriana saying that they are bound together and asking him to find her.

The next day, Don Mario, the other gang leader, asks Diego to be in his gang and if he does, he might be able to get Diego out of prison. Diego is scornful asking if Don Mario could get people out of prison, why doesn’t he get himself out.

Finally, Carlos gets a summons from the prosecutor to cooperate in an investigation of the murder of Jacinto and the disappearance of Adriana.


En Otra Piel

Thank you, Jean, I was looking forward to reading your recap, to get the talk going.
I really like this story, even if the brothel scenes make me cringe.

I think than when Mondriana manages to get away from that place and regains some of her power, she will give them Hell. As despicable as I find Carlos, I consider the Madame worse! She's a woman, for God's sake!

In the meantime, I hope she runs from that place fast. And I also hope that the young, virgin girl leaves with her and maybe also , the other girl who was in the truck - I recognize the actress from other roles, she might have a more consistent part in the rest of the story.

When she's free, I think that Mondriana's first idea will be to go to her house, but I hope she refrains from it, because nobody would believe her.
The better solution would be to go and ask Selma for help; they share a common past, we've seen them reminiscing, she can use some of those memories to convince Selma of who she is. Selma would be a good ally inside the house.
The endgame has to be Mondriana back in her house, but like a servant, or maybe Emiliana's teacher. This way she can see what is going on with everybody, and remember what happened right before she died.
The only thing that Monica didn't find out before dying was about Gerardo's betrayal - seeing Gerardo with Elena in a compromising situation might be what triggers Mondriana's memories.

I think that Diego will run away from jail, too and start searching for Adriana. He already knows that she's in the US, maybe he ends up in the brothel and one of the girls there gives him some clues about Adriana's whereabouts (provided that they know anything).


En Otra Piel:

Here are some observations on the differences so far between this version and El Cuerpo del Deseo (ECDD) besides the obvious switch in sex of the main characters.

None of this Mexico City business happened in ECDD. The Adriana character, Salvador, was a campesino and never met the Monica character, Pedro Jose. He gets to the US without much incident except being pursued by a bunch of middle-aged women because he is such a stud.

The counterpart of Selma was Gaetana, a fortune teller that Pedro Jose consulted. She is a fraud, however, and is terrified when Salvador finally convinces her that he is Pedro Jose and that a real supernatural event took place.

Quite different from the ECDD is the counterpart to Diego. Cantalicia is Salvador's wife. Everyone in the village runs away in terror when he comes back to life in his coffin as he is being carried to the cemetery. She stays in the village with her son and doesn't know anything about what happened to Salvador until much later.

In ECDD, Pedro Jose only had one daughter who, as we know, was played by Vanessa Villela, who now plays Elena, the counterpart of Andres in ECDD.

The housekeeper with her two sons, the elder of whom is in love with the daughter is the same as in ECDD.

Maite, one of the girls abducted with Mondriana, is played by Silvana Arias, who played Jimena Arismendi in Gata Salvaje, a 2002 Televisa production that was my first telenovela.


En Otra Piel

Jean - nice summary of the evening's disturbing events. For me Gerardo is one of the more annoying characters in this story. He's following TN script perfectly - instead of just taking the phone away from the injured attorney, he shot him! What a putz - he deserves everything he's going to get.

I get the feeling Pacho will have a pivotal role in the outcome of this story with his strong attachment to Monica.

Adriana Noel, I think Mondriana is going to be in Adriana's body for some time to come for the plot to continue to thicken. But for Monica to "get back" to her daughters, she'll need the new body, after all, the necklace was/is Adriana's, and is supposed to be the talisman to protect her. And I believe Adriana is meant to end up with Diego.

I'm looking forward to Mondriana arriving at Monica's casa and stiring things up even more.



Part I

We start today's episode right where we left off yesterday, with Carmina confronting Tifon and Mona Lisa in the Salon's office. She accuses them of being amantes. Carmina says she was always faithful, cough, cough, to Tifon, Mona Lisa starts to look a bit guilt ridden. Carmina then calls Mona Lisa a ramera, a prostitute, yadda, yadda. As Carmina is leaving the office, Mona Lisa calls her a ramera, a prostitute, and then it's major hair pulling and pushing and shoving. Tifon has to get into the middle of it to stop it. Meanwhile, down in the Salon, everyone can hear the screaming and arguing going on. Olenka is about to go up the stairs. The beauticians and the clients can hear all of this too. Carmina then goes down to the Salon, tells everyone there, that Mona Lisa is a ho, and starts turning over all the bins and dumps them on the floor. Mona Lisa has had enough and there is another shoving match, Mona Lisa puts her hands around Carmina's throat and more pushing and shoving and Carmina is on the floor with a cut on her head. Finally, Tifon tells Carmina to go already. While she goes she tells Tifon she won't forgive him this, she was always faithful, she goes.

The Barrio Boys along with Diogenes are having a meeting about Suelen. Roni was the one at the hospital yesterday, getting the info on Suelen. He comes back and tells them all about it. Suelen isn't preggers. They cook up a plan to get back at her, we don't hear.

Carmina goes home in her state, the whole family is there, and she tells them about Tifon cheating with Mona Lisa, in broad daylight, in front of everyone. Muricy feels really bad for her and Nina has a kind of smirk on her face to hear this.

The frenemies, that would be Veronica and Noemia, want a bit of things from Carlitos so they go visit him in his office. They tell him they know he is going to marry Alexia and they want some part of his pay. Veronica wants 25% and Noemia wants 20%. Veronica feels she's entitled to that much cause she was with Carlitos longer. Carlitos is making sure he heard them right about Alexia, not the lana. Yes, he heard them right. At first he hems and haws about the money, but gives in and wants their forgiveness or not. He goes.

Later, Veronica and Noemia get drunk together at Noemia's house and even think maybe they can share Carlitos and or Dudu like before. It wasn't so bad. They don't think he can be faithful. They argue a bit and then Veronica leaves.

Carlitos goes home to Alexia and is very happy to be marrying her. For realz! She wants something from him. He promises to be faithful so she wants a contract. If he cheats its 15 million dollars, She wants 30 million for something else and then if he texts a woman he's fooling around with it's 10 million per letter! He'll get that drawn up. She wants him to sign it before they get married, hmmmmmm........

It's the night of the dance at Club Divino. All the Barrio Boys are there, and Suelen is the leader of the dance. Diogenes even introduces her as such. Dolores has come there, as well as Muricy and Aduato. Dolores dances with Leandro. Aduato doesn't dance well and Muricy is teaching him some steps. Diogenes says something to Suelen and she goes back stage. The plan is now in motion.

Iran goes back stage and starts making out with Suelen, he wants to do the deed right there back stage. He takes her dress off, and the underslip and she's completely nude. One of the other boys is on the floor and takes her stuff. Iran says he'll be back, he has a surprise and Suelen is standing there like Lady Godivia, without the horse as the curtain raises and everyone in the Club can see her as she is.


Suelen is completely humiliated and even Muricy has a look of horror on her face when the Barrio Boys and everyone else starts jeering her and telling everyone she isn't preggers, just look at her body, and calling her a ramera, prostitute, etc. Even Leleco is there with Tessalia and jeers her. Tessalia and Muricy feel so bad for her. Suelen is begging the guys in the band to get something she can cover herself with, but they don't budge. Roni is looking riddled with guilt. Suelen walks down the steps in her heels, and breaks a heel and goes down. Roni finally moves and grabs a tablecloth and covers her with it. The jeering doesn't stop and Suelen vows they will pay for what they did to her.

Debora and Jorgito are at his place, she's cooking something for dinner, and she wants to start a family with him again. She wants his bebe, he isn't ready. She says most people don't prepare for babies, they just happen. Jorgito is so not into it, as Debora kisses him.

Carmina goes home and Max comes into the bedroom. She has her suitcase and is packing her things in her suitcase. She tells Max she is leaving the house, along with Agatha. She is not taking a single thing from the house. Just her clothes, no jewelry, no money, etc. Max thinks she is crazy. What is she up to now?????

Mona Lisa and Olenka have come home and what a day it was. Mona Lisa tells Olenka that Tifon will always be in her heart, but he isn't the guy for her. Besides, he's different now and he's in love with someone else. Not Mona Lisa and not Carmina. I forgot to add in the prior post that Carmina said the same thing to Tifon, that he isn't in love with her.

Tifon is sitting alone at Leleco's and thinks back to when he gave Nina that dress she didn't want to accept and also about the books he read that she mentioned. Leleco and Tessalia come home and Leleco tells him all about the Suelen humiliation, and Tifon isn't laughing. Tessalia goes off to have a bath, and Leleco and Tifon talk. Tifon tells him that he left out a part about wanting to leave Carmina and "find" himself. He's found he's in love but not with Carmina or Mona Lisa. What should he do? Leleco tells him to follow his heart. Well, Tifon tells him who he is in love with, that would be Nina, the chef Leleco asks????

Nina is shopping at the grocery and she is reaching for something high up and a guy grabs it for her. She thanks him and sees it is Jorgito. He wants to know if he has any hope with her. She thinks he's crazy, go home to Debora, he leans in for a kiss, and she stops him, she's working. I think she said she'd talk to him later, not sure.

If you didn't see this episode you really need to find it and watch it. The cat fight alone is worth it ; )

En Otra Piel:

Beth: I know what you mean about Gerardo shooting the lawyer but he had seen their faces so it was either kill him or let him live and get out of town.


Thanks for the additional names, Deb. The guy who plays Arnulfo is pretty scary in his cowboy outfit (a far cry from his Senator clothes in La Patrona). And we know Lu hates him, for something in the past. But for now, Antonio has to deal with him.

I liked how Antonio gave that politician, whom he called Presidente, but I think was just the mayor, that money to help with local "projects". I wasn't sure, but that guy's name may have been something like Graziano.

Is Emilio's cousin's name Jesus? I think Facundo and Carson were discussing that they hadn't located Emilio, but had a lead on Jesus. BTW, he'd better watch out, almost turning in his own cousin. And he's a little lazy, unlike the highly motivated Emilio, who spotted that guy from Don Antonio just in time to fill him with lead.

It was clever of Facundo and Carson to play good cop/bad cop with Alacrán, they Facundo letting him go, accepting some money, but they're tracking him, he took the bait.

Emilio sure is resourceful, having his cousin pretend to rob Camelia, and Emilio "saves her" by getting back the pocketbook, and having Jesus(?) hit him, so Camelia can care for him. Camelia's fellow waitress tells her not to fall for this, but how can Cammie resist?


Adriana Noel: I’m behind in watching. Since I’m also watching Robo, I’m scanning both TN’s right now (just don’t have the time to fully commit to more than one TN at a time). I was going to skip the Diego in prison scenes, but won’t now that I know Adriana "shows up"—so thanks for that info. And I hope you're right that Adriana's soul will find another body. Just doesn't seem fair for her not to.

Thanks Jean for the recap. Helps me a lot since because I'm not going to watch every scene--at least for now (still on the fence about Robo--if I decide to dump it, I can fully commit to Piel).



So is Diego gonna stay in prison till the end? Will they send in Maritza Rodriguez as a shrink and bail him out? Will he follow Don Marios advice and escape? Will he and Mario escape together?

But really ive had enough of the "Good guy going to prison" story. Same with the sex slave storyline.

And is Jancito really dead? Shame Oscar Priego was killed off so quick....

Otra Piel

NovelaMan, I think Diego will be out of jail in a few episodes and start mingling with the people from LA. When he realizes that his Adriana is in love with Gerardo, who knows what might happen.

Nanette, I'm watching Robo, too, sort of. I'm behind a few episodes and I don't have the same interest I had before. But I'm pretty set on watching Otra Piel, the plot is messy enough to keep me entertained.
The lawyer killing had too many plot holes to think about - that's the bad part about tns, they nail the drama, but they mostly fall flat with action scenes.


Otra Piel

Thanks so much for the fine recap and the capsule comparison with El Cuerpo del Deseo, Jean.

I had a DVR glitch and did not get the recording of Jueves. I watched it online. I'll put up a brief one of tonight's episode. I'm a bit too tired to do a full recap, and it's better to have something up the same night the episode airs.


more cast...

"Alison Varela (Erendira Ibarra): the self-proclaimed "owner" of Emilio Varela's life, the man himself is her biggest problem and her greatest weakness. Nevertheless, she and her son, Emilio Jr., have done well for themselves in the family business: smuggling undocumented immigrants ("pollos") over the border. Within this shadowy world, Alison has a reputation as an honest "pollera" whom people trust."

I had no captions tonight (or color, which actually works for Telemundo) on any of the novelas, but I did get to follow some of the english, the two cops, being the only two people around following El Alacrán, and in a fancy Mustang yet, were cracking me up, "so funny".

and primo, toying with turning Emilio in, did he have one of those pens where there is a pretty girl, and you flip it upside down and her clothes disappear.



San Diego Monica/Adriana does a fine acting job telling Chantal, the madam, that she doesn’t want any more beatings and that she’ll do her best to make the clients happy. She completely humbles herself. The ghastly madam even makes her kiss her feet.

L.A Elena, looking positively demonic, is closing on the gravesite of her tía where Emiliana is asleep. She has a gun in her hand. Gerardo intercepts her. Others in the household arrive. Pacho has sensed her intent and does a real Rin Tin Tin after the bad guy takedown of Elena. I loved it! Ricardo notices that Elena has dropped a gun.

México, D.F. Don Mario Castellanos tells Diego that he’s staying in prison because it suits him just now. He offers to help Diego get out, presumably because Diego refused to kill him when Rayado ordered it. Later we see a lawyer, Robles, serving Evil Carlos with a citation to testify. He says the case concerning the death of Jacinto and the disappearance of Adriana has been reopened.

San Diego Mondriana resolutely tells the other women that she’s leaving tonight one way or another. She offers to get them out as well. The one called Rita is fairly reluctant. One of the women tells her there’s a phone in the office of the brothel. Mondriana tells the other women she has to return to save her daughters.

L.A Gerardo tells Elena that if anything happens to the two girls, he’ll leave. He gets right in her face and tells her that none of her dreams would be coming true if it weren’t for him.

México, D.F. The lawyer Robles comes to see Diego and tells him Don Mario will pay for Diego to get out. Diego doesn’t want to owe this guy any favors and at first refuses. Then he realizes that he has to get out to be able to help Adriana.

L.A Elena has a crooked notary fake Monica’s will. She tells him something about adding a clause to the will. This makes no sense to me, as they burned the will to which they would be adding a clause. Ni modo, the guy is paid a chunk of cash.

San Diego Mondriana and the rest of the women come into the bar of the brothel. She’s dressed unusually tastefully for such a place. She makes straight for a piano and begins to play. Chantal tries to stop her, but she convinces her it will turn the guys on. Carlos enters, sees her playing, and is baffled. The whole bar is watching her play and this distraction enables one of the women to half seduce a guard, hit him over the head, and steal his keys. This woman then drops they keys behind Mondriana at the piano.


México, D.F. One of Carlos henchmen comes to the prison and offers Rayado, the top dog guy who needs to lay off the steroids for a while, big bucks to kill both Diego and Don Mario.

San Diego Carlos is still into Adriana. She coos at him a bit and actually tells him she enjoyed the rape. She excuses herself to go to the bathroom. She gets into the office, finds the passports of those who want to get away in a desk and is in the process of calling 911 when Carlos grabs her. While he’s ranting and threatening all the woman, Mondriana manages to palm a Bic lighter. [I know for a fact that the cops come anyway, even if you hang up. Someone in our office had programmed a button on a phone with 911, it got accidentally pushed, and they don’t listen when you say it’s a mistake. You could be forced to say that; so a large cop shows up in your office and checks things out.] She was discovered because Chantal gave Rita the death stare and she ratted out everyone else. Carlos punishes Mondriana by forcing Valeria to go off with the sadistic judge. [I’m about ready for the brothel part of the novela to be over!!!]

L.A In the stereotypical servants in the kitchen scene Ricardo is airing his suspicions of Elena to his mother, Marta, Vicki, and his brother. Gabriel is already won over and disagrees. The crooked notary arrives while the family is having dinner. He begins to read the will. It says that Mónica left her husband, Gerardo, the house and 90% of the shares in the winery! Gasps all around.

San Diego Some thug drags Mondriana to Carlos’ personal bordello bedroom while he goes to chew out Chantal for her poor management skills. Alone there, she douses a sofa with alcohol and lights it on fire.

Otra piel

Thank you for the fine recap, Novelera. I was just about to write one myself, I'm glad I saw yours first. Do you plan to do one every Friday? I was going to, but if you have the time, the day is all yours.

I'm ready for the brothel story to end, too. I hope the girls make a run for it Monday.
I noticed the 911 mistakes, too. First that lawyer calls and Gerardo says that the call was too short, no time for the police to get the address - this is not true, the address appears immediately, as far as I know, or within seconds. Then last night when Mondriana called it was the same thing.
Anyway, as long as the plot moves along, I don't mind.

I was under the impression that the Serrano family cemetery was near the property, because Emiliana arrived on foot, in her pajamas, in the middle of the night. But the next morning everybody else drove there.

What you forgot to mention was how Elena came onto Gabriel, the younger brother, after she and Gerardo realized that he saw the gun. And the poor shmuck totally fell for it, if we consider the way he defended her to the other servants. I guess I'm supposed to be disgusted by it, but that whole seduction scene made me laugh.
So Gerardo will go for Camila and Elena for one of the boys, so she can have someone in her corner in the servants rooms.

I didn't get the testament part, either. Elena might have made Monica sign a fake testament right before her death, because soon after she told Gerardo that she made sure that it would look like the papers were sent days before, and not the day of her death.
So I'm guessing that they wrote another testament and only gave Monica to sign the last page (since she would have to be blind not to see that huge headline on the first page.
We didn't hear the entire reading, but Gerardo getting 90% and the house doesn't make too much sense for Elena.
Maybe that clause that she asked the notary to add makes things more clear. Or maybe she wants the entire family to hate Gerardo. It's already clear that she's on her own and she's ready to ditch him when the time comes.
Maybe she plans to contest the will and "find" another one, more balanced, but which serves her better.

Avenida Brazil

I watched the first episode (or the first two, since I believe they used to air in pairs). The Spanish annoys me a bit, because I prefer to hear the real voices of the actors, but at least this way I won't need the English captions.

I have to say I'm pretty hooked already. I'll try to stay away from the comments until I'm up to date - I have quite a few episodes to see.
But everybody keeps talking about this show and there is something about Brazilian tns that's hard to resist.



Hi Adriana. The Spanish dubbing annoys me as well. Because of the dubbing I'm watching with the Spanish captions on although I can understand what they are saying without them. Dubbing is so distracting and even though Spanish and Portuguese are similar it's still annoying. I saw Murilo Benicio, Débora Falabela, Eliane Giardini (Muircy) in the original "O Clone" on Telemundo and I have yet to hear their own voices. I know I can watch episodes on Globo's site but I don't want to see spoilers. I followed a link on Telenovela World to "Nina's Recipes" and I almost saw the ending.

I did a basic list of characters the week of 1/13/14.

Sexta-feira (Friday–Since it's a Brazilian novela Madelaine and I have been using the Portuguese days of the week)

OI! Yes that was a catfight for the ages! I think the fact that Carmina is leaving and taking Ágata with her will make Tifón reconsider his move out of the house. Besides, since he's admitted his love for Nina to himself and Leleco, I would think he would want to be near her. Poor Ágata. Carmina can be so nasty to her and now she's going to use her as a bargaining chip.

Tifón appears to be going through some kind of mid-life crisis. The guy needs something to do. If his sweet but airhead sister can manage Monalisa's salon and the family finances then I think Tifón is employable. I don't know about Brazil but in the US there are all kinds of college programs for older students.

I admit I wasn't a fan of Suelen's story but now it's getting more interesting...



I also enjoy Brazilian tns. They manage to weave large casts together, and include comedic elements, in a way that the US and Spanish-speaking LatAm tns often fail to do well. On NovelasLounge, they put up an interview that "Nina/Rita" and "Mama Lucinda" just did on Mexican tv since Avenida Brasil just started showing there on Azteca. Their voices are so much deeper and richer in Portuguese than the dubbed Spanish voices:

NovelasLounge also has a list of the main characters:



I much as I dislike Suelen, I even felt that the naked reveal, with everyone jeering at her, was too much. I thought the guys were just going to reveal to everyone what she had done while she was on stage, like Jorgito did to Carmina. But this stunt brought them down to her level. I wonder what she'll think up to get revenge.

The cat fight was EPIC! It went from upstairs in the office, to downstairs in the salon, to outside on the streets and onto the street vendor carts.

I still don't want Tifon to be in love with Nina. But his realization of that, plus Carmina taking Agatha, will lead him back to the house. What will Nina do then to shake Carmina's world?

Jorgito needs to stop stalking and kissing Nina, and man up and break up with Debora.

Avenida Brazil

O Clon is one of my favorite tns ever. The first time I watched it, I could hear the original voices and there is nothing like it, no matter the language. The story was so popular in Romania, they aired it again with Spanish dubbing, still during prime time - with great ratings the second time around, too. Maybe it was because I already knew the plots, but to me the different voices took away most of the charm.

I really need to stay away from this discussion, because it's spoiler filled (for me). I know the basis of the story (a revenge tale), but Tifon in love with Nina/ Rita? Eww, in O Clon, he played her father! And the actor playing Max was her boyfriend.
In real life MB is only 7 years older than she is and the actor playing Max is older than both of them.
Also, all this weight gain doesn't look good on MB. But I guess for me he will always be young Lucas, in love with his Jade.


Adriana, thanks for adding Elena's "work" to get Gabriel on her side. I had made a small note and missed typing it in. They are definitely going with Ricardo got all the brains in that family! Gabriel already haughtily refused Mónica's money for college. I got the impression he's less proud than unwilling to put in the time studying.

Actually, I would prefer Mondays to recap. I don't think we have a full week of volunteers. But, if Friday is a good day for you, I'd claim Mondays.

I just don't have the time to do those really long ones like they do on the Univision side of the website.


Hi Novelera: I said I would do Thursdays so that is 3 days. We need two more recappers. Maybe some others will volunteer.

I totally agree with you about calling 911. The police come regardless of whether the call is completed. Modriana has got to stop saying that she is Mónica Serrano because that is just going to cause problems. She probably hasn't really realized that her original body is dead and buried.

Concerning the will, if Modriana can play the piano like Mónica, she can re-create her signature and make a will that postdates the one that Elena's corrupt notary produced. The witnesses would have to be in on it because they couldn't witness the signature on a will of someone who had already died but with their general disregard for legal niceties, the writers may ignore the witness requirement.

En otra piel

Novelera, it's great if you can recap Mondays, I'm fine with Fridays. "Working" with you is always a lot of fun. And Jean makes three. Who else? Everyone is invited.... well, we actually only need two spots, but they are free :)

I'm not able to do longer recaps, either, now that Mentir para vivir is over, I'm taking a break from Uni.
But a few basic points should be enough to get the discussion started.

This Gabriel dude will be "fun" to watch, I predict a lot of stupidity coming from him. I was hoping he'd hook up with Mondriana's ex-virgin friend, but I guess Elena needs to "baptize" him first.

En otra piel

And also:

Jean, you're right! Mondriana has got to stop saying her real name, everybody already thinks she's cucko, even Carlos who has known her the longest is starting to have doubts.
I'm afraid that she WILL show up at her house , kicking and screaming that she is the dearly departed, freaking out everybody. But I hope someone will stop her before she does something reckless, because if she wants to stay in the house, she can't have people thinking she's crazy.

Side fact: I think the actress is doing a great job, playing a 50 years old woman in the body of someone half her age. I mean the way she talks, especially about her daughters - her tone is serious and very refined, as opposed to Adriana's barrio talk.

At first I was sure that Diego was going to run away from jail, but now it looks like he might get out for real. I wonder what rich dude this don Mario is and what is his deal. He has to be connected with the people from LA somehow. Telenovela 1.01 says so.

I agree that this actress is doing a great job with the personality switch. She picked up the Laura Flores tone or intonation, or whatever it is that makes us think she really is Monica.

And while I really hate the sex slave story, I hope they get a chance to find Chantal's daughters before bailing on San Diego. I know those girls aren't really relevant to the story, but I want them to know what their mother really is.


En Otra Piel

I'm wondering about the San Diego brothel. The madam makes a big announcement to a room full of people that this is going to be a memorable night and that she's got an incredible group of beauties to offer.

OK, we know better than to expect realism, but do brothels really exist any more? I thought everything was online and out-calls. Those big mass brothel scenes appear odd to me. OK, I guess there may still be the Nevada bunny-ranches, or whatever they call them.

But the type of brothel portrayed in the middle of San Diego strikes me as something that would last about a week until it was busted.

And, speaking of odd portrayals of legalities, how about a defense lawyer serving a subpoena on a "witness", actually a suspect, in a murder and kidnapping case? My memory tells me there was another guy with him, perhaps a real policeman. But, still...


Sue 455:

That's exactly what I thought about Tifon, when he was so unsure. Midlife crisis! He really is into Nina though. I wonder if she is aware of it? She seemed to be when he gave her that dress. We'll have to wait and see how he handles this and how she reacts. As far as jobs go, isn't he a partner with Diogenes too, in the Divinio soccer club? He always seemed to be lounging at home. You are right. He should go to school now that he really has nothing to do.

Adriana Noel:

I can't wait until you get caught up. I always like your comments on these TNs.


This is my first Brazilian TN. I am so enjoying it. I do like the comedy bits and the music on this TN is just superb! You know me and my music! I couldn't get the link to work that you put up, but I did find some interviews on Youtube and watched them. I do like their real voices. Dubbing is always hard to do. The Italians, I must say, have it down to a science. They are excellent with dubbing. When I watch this TN, I don't watch their lips and just listen and watch the action.

I too don't like what the Barrio Boys did to Suelen, it was way beyond the pale. It was downright cruel. They could have come up with a better way of dealing with her.

I really like how the love scenes are done in this TN, so different from UNI's scissors. You still don't see anything and it is so tastefully done. I too like Jorgito and Nina kissing, so much passion, and angst combined, sigh!

It is still just on hour on Seg.-feira (Monday).

Avenida: I caved and watched the whole shebang online. Now that I know how the story unfolds I am at peace and can watch with no angst. I am one of the rare breeds who like spoilers to the point of reading the last page of a mystery book, lol. So I am having fun seeing what you guys think will happen knowing the real tea so to speak.

Hatianmama: You must have had a lot of spare time to watch the whole thing online! But I am another one who does not like to be surprised. I checked out the recaps posted somewhere online when it was shown in Ecuador. They are very tiresome to read but I came away with the large plot developments and can enjoy the details as they happen.


So this one isn't really grabbing me, but I'm catching a couple episodes here and there, and pretty much just reading recaps the rest of the time. Not sure why I'm not so interested, I really like MEC. Maybe it's the tired sex trafficking plot, and I've never been much of a fan of David ChoqueDeCarro (I can NEVER get his last name right), so that love story is kind of dead in the water for me.

I am kind of looking forward to the return of Adriana's soul to see where the story goes from there though! I miss that boca de barrio!

So it was earlier in the week, but did anyone else have a mental picture of some poor guy standing just off-screen making (terrible) moaning-dog noises at Monica's after-funeral?? It actually made me laugh!

@Jean: Avenida: I have been home sick for about a month now[pneumonia]. I actually go back to work tomorrow so I am glad I had the time to do watch online.


Not too many of us have been commenting on this show, but I am watching it. I'm enjoying the 70's time setting, along with the flashbacks to 1941, where Arnulfo cruelly mistreated the Chinese workers.

I also like the irony that Emilio seems to have a twin, Aron, who lives with Alison, and I find her especially attractive. They are raising a boy whom I think is actually Emilio's son.

Rosaura, Camelia's Mom, is one tough cookie, although I wish she would reveal her past to Camelia (and to us!). We know it had something to do with Don Antonio. He's being portrayed as a more noble druglord, but of course Rosaura sees it quite differently.

And I can certainly see Camelia falling for Emilio. Which is more fun for a young girl, dental assistant, or see the world! Especially since she thinks Emilio has changed from whatever dark deeds were in his past. But can he really change? Or will he change HER?

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