Friday, March 07, 2014

Que Pobres Tan Ricos #43- 3/6/14: Money, Money, Money!

Hola Amiguis! Shall we begin? Here's an earworm for y'all to listen to as you read the recap:For The Love of Money.

AS is pithed the maitre de hotel wants her to pay the bill like toute de suite, in other words, now! She argues with the guy that she is high society and things are just not done this way, by Jove! Leo is right there with her and is worried that bill is sky high! Leo utters "Help Me Jesus"!

Mini has Adolfo on the phone and is trying to convince him to suelte la sopa (spill the soup) give up the goods. Well, Ahole has heard enough and wants the phone. He shoos Isela and Mini off. Mini does stay lurking to hear what is being said, close enough and not too far away. Adolfo wants that lana like yesterday. Ahole tells him it will take some time to gather the lana together. Adolfo wants 35 thousand dollars and not a penny less. If he doesn't come up with it soon, I think Adolfo says he'll want more. Ahole is pithed!

AS and Leo finally get the bill and it's a whopper. AS thought the champagne and caviar were the bennies, as in free, for this deluxe hotel to give out. Nopis! The Maitre de Hotel tells them they take payments in Dollars, Pesos or Euros, take your pick. AS says she will pay.

MA goes to work a bit late. Nepo isn't that happy with him. He doesn't want MA to abuse his confidence. MA also tells him that he can't work tomorrow morning either. Nepo gives MA his apron and tells him to run the stand while he goes off.

Seems there is a lot to pay for the hotel bill. Maca comes just then and tells AS and Leo her parents are returning from Russia, going to Madrid and will be in time for the wedding. Happy, happy, joy, joy. Leo wants to talk to her parents. AS goes off to deal with that bill.

Nepo has freshened up to go on his dinner date with Lupe, when the phone rings. It's Deigo's soccer coach. Seems Deigo has been AWOL (Absent Without Leave) for three days of practice. Nepo is so not happy, but gives the Coach an excuse of how Deigo hasn't been feeling well and assures the Coach, Deigo will be there manana. After Nepo hangs up he is pithed!

MA is working the stall and a pitchman he isn't. Trefeo is pithed cause Nepo left him in charge and not Trefeo. MA goes into his spiel of having financial experience in Londres again. They guys have joined Trefeo and now MA is quitting. He's had enough already. He sneaks by the guys and leaves.

AS has gone to talk to the head hotel manager. She witches and gripes about that she is a RP how dare, kinda sorta, they treat her this way by demanding she pay the bill. This is such low class she will spread it far and wide that this hotel is money grubbing not fit for the hoi polloi to stay in. Seems she got the Manager's attention cause he will lower the bill somewhat. Also he needs a down payment, which she gives him from the Menchaca hoarde, lets say. At the end of the week, he wants the rest of the payment of the bill!

Saul and MA are together and Saul has drawn up those papers that MA wanted to fleece the Menchaca. Saul still isn't pleased with this method of nonethical treatment. Saul reminds MA there are legal consquences and there's MA's conscience too, how can he live with himself? MA really doesn't care, he wants those papers which he gets.

It's dinner time at Ahole's and he is preoccupied, what with Adolfo breathing down his neck in outing him, the Zombies (the board of directors) denying him his presidency, Vilma basically throwing herself at him all the time, well not that last bit, but anyhoo, Mini is trying to get hubby's attention. Mini kind of wants Isela to exit stage left, so to speak, go to her room, finish her dinner, watch some telly. Isela so doesn't want that. Mini brings up the fact that Isela's penthouse remodel is just about done and she could go home then. Isela gets the message and goes to her room.

MA tries to get Mati to sign those papers, you know the ones, to make him the legal owner of the Menchaca house. For a hot minute there she thinks MA is her son. She signs the papers, but quelle surprise is this???? It's signed with a face, good for Granny. Granny says it's too late for her, she's alone alot, has nothing to look forward to, and then she calls him Aureliano, Ruh, Roh!

Mini is questioning Ahole in a round about sort of way. She wants the goods on Adolfo, but Ahole doesn't pay attention and thinks she is asking if he loves her? She reiterates what she asks and tells him to trust her baby! She'll never tell, eva! Ahole is so not happy.

Granny is in a state, she is crying and MA is trying to calm her down. She keeps calling him Aureliano and Frida comes in to see about the fuss. Granny says her head hurts. They are going to take Granny to a Doc.

Lupe is talking to Emilano and she tells him she misses him. He likes the new room though and also he is a man of the house along with Don Chuy and Tizoc. Lupe wants to talk to Emi about his Papa, but Emi tells her not to worry, MA stuck up for him in front of his friends, and so now there isn't a problem. Lupe reminds him that MA is not his Papa. He knows, there is a kiss goodnight, the blessing and Lupe looks disconcerted.

Mini wants to help Ahole, ya know like a godmother wanting to help, give advice, support, yadda, yadda. He's a good guy, she's a good woman, spill the soup about Adolfo. Vilma comes in and Mini is very pithed and calls her Mirna! Mini is sick of Vilma coming to her home, doesn't Ahole spend enough time with her at the office? Mini doesn't want her in the house. Ahole tells her it's important and Vilma and Ahole go off to his home office, and Vilma is gloating.

Poor Deigo, he can't catch a break. He comes home while his Papa is stewing and Nepo wants to know where the heck he's been for three days, instead of at soccer. Deigo wants to study, but what Nepo wants to know. Is it to be a Doctor, Lawyer, Vet, what for goodness sake? An artist he tells Nepo! Nepo blows a gasket and tells Deigo over his dead body, no way, no how. Deigo will concentrate on the soccer y punto. Deigo looks verklempt as Nepo slams his way out the door.

Lupe sees that Granny is in a bad way, and MA and Frida are helping her. Lupe wants to know what is wrong. MA tells her and Lupe says she knows just the place to take Granny. Lupe will go with them. They get to the hospital and the ER is crowded. MA asks how long it will be, cause Granny needs to be seen quickly. The nurse informs MA he has to wait his turn, everyone in that ER needs urgent care. MA is sad.

Vilma and Ahole are in the office and whispering in each others' ear. What a thrill for Vilma I must say, except Ahole keeps trying to clear out his ear and I think he is tickled by the air going into his ear. The whispering is because Ahole doesn't trust Mini or Isela not to be listening at the door. They talk about how they will get this 35 thousand dollars to Adolfo. Ahole is not touching his personal funds. It has to be gotten out of El Editorial. Vilma thinks this will be next to impossible. And how will this be done, cause they can't blame MA this time. Ahole tells her to find a way, and she gives him a stress ball to squeeze and goes.

Nepo comes for his date, only to find out about Granny being ill, and Lupe off with My Name is Mike and Frida at the hospital. He calls Lupe on her cell and she apologizes for running off that way, but she hadn't time to call him cause it was an emergency. She'll go on another date with him as compensation for missing this one. He tells her to say hi to her primos for him and hangs up. Don Chuy likes how Nepo treats Lupe until Nepo gets a dreamy look on his face and says that Lupe is like a ripened fruit, then Don Chuy looks at him with an askance look on his face.

Lupe tells Frida the wait could be hours and Frida just can't beleive it as she looks around her and seems to get the situation. Granny is coming to herself again and sees the looks between MA and Lupe and says they are like Romeo and Juliet so in luuuurrrvvve.

Mini has gone to Isela's room and Isela threatens Mini. Give up on this MA bidness or she rats Mini out to Ahole. Mini says fine if you want us to end up on the street then go ahead and spill the chisme! As Mini goes Isela says she has created a monster!

Frida is shocked about the circumstances of the ER's for a Red Cross hospital and how long the poor have to wait for care in this day and age. Frida says she had no idea and is very affected by what she is seeing around her. Lupe tells her this is the same hospital that treated her Mama. Lupe says her Mama has been dead now for fourteen years. Frida tells Lupe she really doesn't remember her Papa, she was little when he died.

MA and Granny are with the Doc now and MA is giving the Doc, Granny's symptoms. MA also explains about the meds Granny was forced to take under Ahole's care. The Doc thinks that could be some of the reason. The Doc will do an analysis of her blood I think to find out. Also The Doc suggests that Granny get proper nutrition, and vitamins and most of all to have someone spend some time with her. He thinks that will be best for Granny. (Note to Carlos: There were some other things the Doc told MA that I didn't quite get, maybe you did?)

Lupe and Frida are bonding over each of their lost parent and Lupe tells Frida, no matter if you don't have money, all you really need is your health and your family and you'll be okay. Such wise words. Lupe and Frida have a big ole hug!

The Doc thinks that Granny will be just fine and asks MA if he has any money? MA tells him he doesn't really, so the Doc gives him those samples Docs get from pharmecuetical companies. He reiterates to MA not to leave Granny by herself and Granny flirts a bit with the Doc!

All of them make it back to the Fonda and MA gives Don Chuy, Granny's diagnosis. Don Chuy tells him not to worry, it will be okay and then MA thanks Lupe and Don Chuy for everything. Then MA tells them he quit his job with Nepo. Don Chuy can't beleive it, but MA tells him he really needs to start working on proving his innocence. Don Chuy gives him a bear hug, which MA returns.

Granny is feeling a bit better this morning. Frida comes in too to see how Granny is. Saul comes in and wants a word with MA. Seems Saul has gotten another set of those same papers for Granny to sign. Saul again tries to be the voice of reason, but MA is like talk to the hand cause the ears aren't listening. He gets Granny to sign the papers for realz this time.

Tizoc, Frida and Carmelita are in the kitchen. Tizoc and Hippy Nice (Frida) are razzing each other I think. Carmelita gives one or the other what for. Nepo comes in wanting to know where the heck MA is, he just can't quit and not contribute to the household. MA comes in and says he has alot of problems right now and goes off with Saul. Nepo wants an explanation!

Leo's celly is going off, but he is too chicken to answer cause it's MA. So AS takes the phone and MA wants to know what is going on with Leo. Seems Leo is at the monastary too, but in confession. So AS drops the bombshell that Leo and Maca are getting married! No puede creer from MA!


Ahole and Adolfo have a meet.
Mini says she will help MA. Tune in Este Viernes for Marta's take on things.


Good Morning Y'all:

As usual if I got something wrong, please let me know. Please enjoy the recap and the earworm ; )

Oh, and the earworm is especially for MA.

Madelaine, thanks for your fabulous recap. The earworm is perfect for the episode and as you mentioned, for MA.

So, no date again for Nepo. Lupe is lucking out!

Frida and Jose Tizoc were at it again with her criticizing him for being disgusting and picking his teeth with his fingers/hands. It was pretty bad watching him.

Poor doña Mati just sitting and staring at her doctor's appointment and being talked about but not to. Let us hope the meds bring her back.

Poor Diego. Nepo at some point will have to let him do his own thing.

Big eye opener for MA on what medical care is like for the majority of people.

I liked the conversation and moment of understanding between Lupita and Frida. Lupita has her values--health and family--in order.

Yikes! Minerva really hit Isela below the belt when she said that she (Minerva) would have an easier time than Isela if Isela spilled the beans and Alejo kicked them out into the street. Minerva could always get MA back but who would notice Isela???? Isela a "chancla vieja" just an old shoe?? Again this pair was hilarious as usual.

How is AS ever going to pay the hotel bill now that she has a deadline? Will she just grab DaVinci and make a run for it?

Another satisfying episode.


Mads, Thanks for the great recap! I have to say my favorite moments last night were Mati flirting with the Doctor, Lupe telling MA and Frida that the 'show up, show credit card and get to see the doctor right away' is the exception [that the norm is this, people going to the 'cruz roja' and waiting hours, if not days, and everyone comes with an 'emergency'], and Lupe and Frida bonding about Lupe having lost her mom so early in life and inherited so much responsibility.
that is what I don't get about the whole Adolfo/A-hole and MA money bets/demands.
I believe Adolfo had asked A-hole for $30K (which is breadcrumbs as compared to A-hole's fortune and/or the corporativo). Then MA offers $35K to Adolfo and now Adolfo has raised the demand to A-hole for $35K... how long is that supposed to last him? 3 months?? i dont get it. Surely $35 Million sounds more reasonable even though it is a stretch the other way. But I believe they are talking about thousands, not millions.


LOL there is no way Vilma could 'fake' a ghost charge of $35 Million in the company books. she is having a hard time finding a way to slip out $35K .. LOL!

Good Morning Y'all and thanks for your kind words.


Thanks for the added info about Tizoc and Frida. They are just so cute together and the slang is rampant, I only get half of what they say. I too hope these meds bring Granny around. And didn't you just love when Granny signed those papers with the little face drawn in?


I heard dollars and not pesos. That's why I put 35 million dollars. Ahole sure was shocked! I too wonder how he thinks he can siphon that off without raising some major red flags!

I know Adolfo was talking dollars, but i thought he said thousand, not million. i will double check when I rewatch tonight.


Thanks I probably have got it wrong. I always mix up the thousands with the millions. I am better with Euros than pesos ; )

For a moment there I liked the idea that MA and Frieda finally got it and had some understanding and compassion for the less fortunate. Unfortunately for MA it was only a momentary thing as he continued with his plan to fleece the Menchaca's. Hate to say it but I am coming to loathe him and want a giant anvil to knock some sense into him. It is surprising to see a galan who is so unlikeable, usually I start to dislike them because they are so stupid. In some ways it make a nice change.

Poor Diego he needs to suck it up and move out. Nepo showed all the worst traits of a parent living their dream through their kids. Shades of Dance Moms, soccer dads , etc.

I thought Lupe said her mother died when she was 12 so if that was 14 years ago that would make her 26 and Emiliano is 8 meaning she was only 18 when Ahole took advantage of her. No wonder she doesn't want to have anything to do with Nepo or anyone else.

I agree that MA is a selfish jerk. One minute he thanks the Menchacas for the way they treated his Granny Mati and how Lupita dropped everything to help him take her to the hospital and the next he is making Mati sign over the property to him to take it from them, fully knowing she doesn't have the capacity to know what she's doing. He is an outright thief! Rather than empathy, the only thing being around the "pobres" has taught him is that he doesn't want to be one of them. His arrogant "I'm over-qualified to be a loader" speech at the fruit stand was really insulting to the other men. He's lucky he was able to sneak way in one piece. I can't stand him one little bit and his ignorant jerkiness will probably make me bail on this tn - he's horrible.

Thanks for this very thorough and entertaining recap. Well done.

Yes, I'm also certain that Adolfo was asking for 35 thousand dollars.

As far as the medication the Dr. prescribed for Mati, the current medications available for Alzheimer's disease are quite expensive and also rather disappointing. Worth a try but don't expect dramatic results.

What was funny was his prescribing familiar surroundings, familiar faces, and a calm environment for Mati. Good luck with that.

Poor Nepo, I hope that he hadn't already rented that room.


The fault with a lot of galáns is that they are too impressionable and gullible; they will believe anything and can be swayed by anyone. MA has the opposite problem. His mind is impenetrable. Nothing gets through, even blunt reprimands and solid legal advice from his best friend/lawyer, or even the obvious wrongness of trying to cheat the woman he loves and her very kind and accommodating family out of a lot of money. I wish Saul had just flatly refused to do the paperwork. My grandfather was a lawyer, and he said that a lawyer's responsibility to his/her clients is not just to execute their wishes, but to give them legal counsel, and sometimes the only ethical thing you can do for them is to tell them absolutely not to do what they want to do.

Nice chat with Frida and Lupita, though. At least one of the RPs has a little empathy.

Tizoc acting extra gross to bug Frida was so teenage boy. I wish they would make up so someone could be happy.

I hope Mati, or someone, spills the beans to Chuy or Lupita about the million dollars soon. If MA gets his hands on that money, it will vanish in a week or two. Because he is so overqualified for everything.

Thanks, Madelaine!

Thanks, Mads. I missed the first half or so and tuned in just as Granny was at the clinic saying that MA and Lupe were like Romeo and Juliet. Let's hope they have a better outcome!

And then Mini telling her mother off - I loved it!! It wasn't very nice, but Isela isn't nice either. She ought to start thinking like a grownup.

I'm glad Diego has finally outed himself... as an artist. Nepo must be really unhappy with all the things that haven't been going his way lately.

I figure the 35K Adolfo is asking for is just a first installment. He's being "reasonable" about it because it will be easier for Ahole to get it in a hurry. And then Adolfo can demand more and more and more... keeping Ahole in constant anxiety while also collecting money from MA to get MA off the hook, at which time he can turn Ahole in and collect a big bonus from MA before fleeing the country. Should be fun. ;-)

The only other thing I heard the doctor say about Granny that she would tend to be worse in the morning and more lucid in the evening, or maybe it was the other way around.

And it was bad enough when MA was planning to rip off the Menchacas, but now he's trying to trick his grandmother too. He's assuming that she doesn't know the whole story behind the real estate paperwork... but she just might know more than she does.

I'll say more about that in a moment. I saw the rest of Wednesday's episode this morning, and caught a few more details about the clausula in the real estate contract.

Julie, the Dr. did say that she'd likely be better during the day and worse at night which is right. He also suggested keeping a light on in her bedroom.


You know, now that Granny has signed the papers over to MA (assuming she didn't sign them "La India Maria" or something), MA could easily forgive the debt, give Chuy the deed to the property, and split the million dollar trust with him, and then we'd all be home in time for dinner. But noooOOOOooo...

So here's the rest of what happened at the construction company the other night - I'll tack it onto Wednesday's recap, too:

Mr. Trejo's replacement says that there are two halves of the trust fund document. He's got one half, and the owner of the property will have to present the other half along with the property deed in order to claim it.

There is ALSO a "clause," but he can't tell them about that until they bring the deed AND the other half of the trust document (and maybe something more, not sure).

So, I take it that the deed is the thing that Granny signed last night, and the document in the busted bust is the thing for the trust?

My guess: Either Mati or Don Aurelio was supposed to give the trust papers to Chuy when he finished paying the debt. Heck, this is probably even explained in Mati's will; actually, I would have figured that the executor of Don A's will would have this info, but maybe he isn't allowed to divulge it.

And perhaps the secret clause is: if these documents are presented by anyone other than a Menchaca, the trust fund will have some really unpleasant obligations attached to it, like you have to spend all the money on bags of Bimbo bread to feed the ducks at the pond.

I changed the dollar amount to reflect the thousand instead of the million. Thanks so much Y'all!

I too wonder if there is more to this Grandfather clause than has been revealed. I don't like MA much at all, okay he is dead to me right now, but I do like how this Grandfather clause is effecting everything, and I too bet there is more to it than what MA thinks. Like he can just take the money and run. It specifically stated Menchaca not Ruiz Palacios, so I'm curious how MA will pull this off. I know he's got the paperwork in hand, but that guy at the office is going to have some questions for MA.

Anon 1:12:

Please don't bail on this one. There are so many more elements to this story than MA right now. All the mystery with this Grandfather Clause, Guendy, Deigo, Frida and Tizoc are a hoot. Isela and Mini too. There is more than just MA here ; )

Thanks for the recap:)

loved how the hotel guy told AS and Leo that they take payments
in Euros, dollars, pesos or whatever currency they want. And
they take all credit cards too! They just want PAYMENT.

Is anyone counting how many days Mati has been with the same
robe? Its been too many!

I love the the Isela and Minerva scenes - they have no problem calling each other out... And Minerva is smarterthan people think she is...

I loved when granny sign those papers with a smily face!

I have a really hard time liking MA too. He is whiny and arrogant
and just not the type of galan I like to see in a TN.

I thought I heard Vilma call Minerva 'Mireya" when Mini called
her Mirna - but Vilma quickly corrected herself.


I have faith (admittedly it's a shaky faith) that MA will pay dearly for what he's trying to do, and especially for using his grandmother to do it.

I know he thinks the world owes him something for all the inconvenience he's going through, and he doesn't seem to be a very quick learner, so it's going to have to be a very harsh lesson in order to be convincing. Much harsher than sleeping on the attic floor.


Thanks so much for the medical info. I thought the Doc was talking about Twilight Syndrome not Alzheimer's. Why is it that the last couple of comedies we are seeing a plethora of Alzheimer's in the older characters. Except for Chatita in PEAM, Doc Oc had it in UFCS and now Granny Mati. I wish they would just have memory lapses. I just love the older characters in these TNs.

I'm eager to find out what happens to Leo, AS, and Maca when they can't pay the hotel bill. Will they all end up at the Coliseo? Can Maca use her condesa influence to find something better? Would she take Leo with her if she did?


You could be right about the name calling. I'm surprised Mini actually did that to Vilma. She looks at Vilma like she is a gnat and wants her out, too funny. Vilma won this round though.

Decie Girl:

I so agree with you about Deigo. He should move out. I don't like the fact that Nepo is running his life and wanting his dreams for Deigo. Can you imagine what he would try to do to Emi if he married Lupe? That so wouldn't set right with her at all. But she hasn't seen Nepo at his worst yet. I wish she would call it quits with Nepo and just make payments on the debt. I hope ultimately that MA takes care of that bill, cause AS stole that money.

That is kind of a conundrum isn't it? AS stole the money that was intended for them anyways. It's probably mostly gone now. I'm just hoping that MA gets nothing with this falsified paperwork and has to think about getting another job to help out the Menchaca.


You are so very right about MA and he is dead to me, until and unless he grows some empathy and a conscience while he's at it. I can't stand the entitlement he feels after that visit to the ER with Granny. I have high hopes for Frida. She saw and learned. I like that about her.


Can you see Maca at the Fonda? It would be a hoot! I wonder when we will find out if she has money or not? It has got to be soon, what with that hotel bill due, as you said. I can see AS, Leo and Maca trying to sneak off without paying the bill, unless AS sends it to El Editorial again.


While I'm not familiar with the term Twilight Syndrome, I'm guessing that it is the same as the phenomenon that we refer to as sundowning which commonly occurs with older individuals in unfamiliar or less often familiar settings at... well... sundown, even while that person may be perfectly fine during the day. I'm certain that this is what the Dr. was referring to. This often occurs in hospital settings and it also can be an early manifestation of Alzheimer's disease. Medications can also trigger this. I was impressed with the way the Dr. treated Mati, and she clearly was impressed as well.



I don't think the hotel bill can be sent to the Editorial again. I thought I heard Alejo telling Vilma to tell the hotel they (Editorial) would not be responsible for the bill. The hotel bill is how Vilma and Alejo found out where AS was staying.

I'm starting to doubt that Macarena is a countess at all. It is probably much easier to work a Contessa scam in Mexico than in Spain, where people are more likely to know who all these families are.

The main thing is that she doesn't talk like a Countess. She talks like someone who wants to be taken for a Countess. She reminds me of Marisela in PEAM.

When she ordered the calimocho, she asked for their best wine. From what I've seen in my admittedly brief research on this drink, you don't waste good wine on a calimocho. The calimocho is a way to salvage an otherwise dubious wine.

Also, notice she never asks for anything by name, like a specific vintage, label, or even a variety. It's just "your best wine." (AS orders things that way too, but we already know she's full of it.)

They could probably give her the worst tequila in a fancy bottle and she wouldn't know the difference. A real countess, even a poor one, would probably know at least which brand to ask for.

It will be humiliating enough for AS and Leo to realize that they blew all that money on a woman who has no money... but if it turns out she has no title either, that will add insult to injury.

If it's bad enough, they might even smarten up before MA does.

Madelaine, thanks for the great recap. Very enjoyable and I appreciate all your time you give to us.

MA's arrogance and over-inflated opinion of himself just was without bounds last night as he went on and on about being overqualified for the job with Nepo. If you're so great MA, why do you suck at Nepo's job so much? And for him to quit in the middle of the day, not even talking to Nepo first, is first-rate rudeness and poor behavior. Why does Lupe like him? Why?

And though I do like Lupe, she's so intuitive, how can she not see how she's hurting Nepo? I do hope that something happens between Gwendy and Nepo and the story changes to Nepo being afraid to tell Lupe because he's afraid of hurting her. And then he's mightily relieved because she's just fine with Nepo "dumping" her.

I agree Nepo is not very observant and doesn't listen to Diego. However, unless Diego is just so, so miserable, being an artist and a soccer player is not mutually exclusive. As a parent Nepo voiced his concerns about Diego making a living. From what I gather, Diego is pretty good at soccer and possibly could make some good money. It's a lot easier to be an artist when you've got money in the bank.

Julie! "Mini telling her mother off - I loved it!! It wasn't very nice, but Isela isn't nice either." How true! I love almost every scene Mini is in.

The scene where Ahole thinks Mini's question is going to be "Do you love me?" was so funny in its universal reference as a question women frequently seem to ask their significant others too much. And of course Mini not caring a whit anyway was funny too.



"They could probably give her the worst tequila in a fancy bottle and she wouldn't know the difference."

Actually, the first bottle of Tequila they were given at the club was in a plastic bottle and she seemed to enjoy it.



You are right it is called Sundown Syndrome, but I heard someone call it Twilight Syndrome which has a nice ring ; )


Oh, I am so with you about Maca. She doesn't act like much of a Condesa does she? She is a lot like Mari from PEAM.

Anon 3:30:

You are probably right about the bill and Ahole cutting off AS. Which means that AS, Leo and Maca will have to do a runner, unless they stick Maca with the bill. Then they will find out, just a guess.


You are very right about Deigo. He would end up a poor starving artist unless he had a day job. I'm not completely sure if Deigo wants to be a painter or have something to do with music. It wasn't made clear. I think he thinks of Leo as his idol, someone on the same wavelength.


Mads thanks so much for this recap. I so admire and appreciate your dedication to this blog!

I do like this theory on MA getting busted by his abuelo with his continued dishonesty about the property.

I also felt for Diego. As Decie Girl said, there is nothing worse than parents trying to live their fantasies through their unwilling children.

Great recap Madelaine!

There were plenty of very sweet and funny moments in this episode. Except with Nepo. He hasn’t been having a good couple of days, and that tantrum he had with Diego scared me a little bit. He's usually such a teddy bear.

I have to admit, I laughed when MA handed the papers to Mati immediately after those heartwarming moments he shared with her and the Menchacas. The quick 180 took me by surprise. I probably should have been more outraged, but he’s so obtuse he reminds me of a cartoon character. Julia was right when she said his mind is impenetrable.

Another thing that made me laugh that shouldn’t have:
In the hospital, when Lupita said something like “welcome to reality” and then a guy with his head wrapped in a bloody bandage walked across the screen as the melodramatic music played. The universe is clearly sending MA messages and he is clearly not getting them.



I get why you laughed and don't be ashamed about it either ; ) MA is rather cartoonish isn't he? He needs to be boinked on the head with the whack-a-mole mallet to wake up already : )

I wonder how serious Diego is about art? Have we seen any evidence of artistic expression by him? Did he paint that big portrait of Nepo in their apt?

They seems to use the term artistic as a way to say not hetero - - When surprised by Leo and Maca's engagement, Ahole told Leo he always thought he was more artistic than romantic.
I wonder what Diego's interest in art really means.


I don't know about that either. I guess we will just have to see what artistic means for Leo and Deigo.

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