Wednesday, April 02, 2014

De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #18- Wed 4/2

De que la odian, la odian!

Natalia, rather than just calling building security, decides to go check on Drunken Diego.  At least she took Abdul with her…but only out to the street to get a taxi.  Building security lets her in when she identifies herself…verbally! Diego's secretary.  You call that "security"?!  The same "security" guard lets himself get called away by a guy who says there's some dudes making graffitti on the side of the building so that Diana and Karina can sneak in and plant the coke.  Which I kinda hope turns out to be baby powder or artificial sweetener.

Apparently, Eleazar likes to grocery shop when he's drunk.  And take said groceries to Garcia Central Station.  He's like the Santa Claus of cereal.  Luz ends up coming over and gives him a hard time about being drunk in front of the kids.  He keeps talking about the grocery run as a "mission" his mom sent him on.  She makes him apologize for being drunk, but he accidentally lets out that Carmen's in solitary.

OK, Natalia, Diego's asleep on his couch.  You can go now.  Quit stroking his face…because here come Diana and Karina, conveniently caught on camera.  Aw, great…Diego wakes up and he and Natalia make with the smoochies.  But then she has a flashback to Rodrigo…and Diego, unfortunately, feeds her the same line…"What's the big deal?"  Her protests alert Diana and Karina, in mid drug-plant.  Karina has to talk Diana down and they end up hiding under the desk.  Natalia decides that Diego must have forgotten what happened, so she'll do the same…except she'll forget everything about having met him before.  She walks out, not seeing Diana and Karina under the desk.  Karina has to slap her hand over Diana's mouth to keep her from saying anything when Diego says he's in love with Natalia.  He ends up sitting in Natalia's chair, head on her desk.  Let's see how our intrepid twits get out of this one.

Alonso Googles Tad, not finding anything unexpected.  Though he can't figure out why Tad is there, when he's supposed to be living in New York.

Diego gets cosy with Natalia's mouse and declares his undying love for it…or her…and serenades it with "Amorcito Corazon" loud enough that he can't hear all of Diana and Karina's moving around under the tiny little desk.  I vote he keeps singing all night long.  One of those gals is going to end up with a cramp soon.  He's finally woken up by a movement Diana makes under the desk, but he's too woozy and he gets distracted by thinking his jacket smells like Diana's perfume instead of checking under the desk.  Tweedleditz and Tweedleditzier stash the drugs, finally, when Diego goes back into his office proper.  Karina finally gets Diana the hell out of there.  She's pissed that Diego never said any of that lovey stuff about her that he was saying about Natalia.

It would appear that somehow Diana and Karina have gotten locked in and since they don't want to wake the guard, they have to sneak out.  This entails taking off their shoes and pitching the shoes and their handbags over the fence and climbing a ladder to the roof.  And again, I say…you call that "Security"?!  Karina had better be rethinking her "friendship" as Diana demands she drop down the side of the building.  At least Diana goes first, and she makes it look easy, but Karina's too freaked out and she's nowhere near as graceful.

Drunk!Eleazar goes over to Luz's to babble and complain drunkenly and drunkenly confess his love for Camen to his mom…but she doesn't get it.

Alonso is looking through old pictures, including ones of Irene.

Back in the car, Diana tries to read something into the perfume thing.  Karina tells her he smelled her actual perfume, nothing more.

The Garcia kids are freaking out over their mom when Natalia gets home.  She hadn't heard about solitary either.

Eleazar's hung over.  He tells Morales not to let him do that again.  Alberto, having missed out on Bro's Night, is fresh as a daisy.  He lets Eleazar know that they got a delay, but that's it.  They need to find some proof that Carmen wasn't involved.  Eleazar offers not only to hand over the case files, but to go over them together.

Diego asks Lala for a hangover breakfast of super-spicy eggs the next morning, so of course, Grumps says he's turning out like his aunt and the family's "karma" (not karma so much as "curse" when he says it like this) is alcohol.

Diego and Diana run into each other when Diego's on his way out.  She realizes that Natalia didn't tell him about seeing her.  Diego lets  her know that he's claimed Alberto for lawyer duty, so she'll have to find someone else.

The next morning, Karina prints off the article about Carmen to take in to work.  She hands it off to Vicente, saying it's urgent…"Around here, I'm the one who decides what's urgent!" he screams at her.  Karina included an anonymous note…"Did you know drugs are being sold in your company?  The daughter of a drug dealer works for you."  Vicente checks Natalia's desk himself, finds the coke, gets his fingerprints all over it, and screams at Karina to call the cops.  Later, he has Karina call Natalia and insist on showing up…but Karina whiffs it and just passes on to Vicente that Natalia said she's not coming in to work.  When the cop shows up, Vicente tells him that he wants Natalia arrested for selling drugs in his company.  The cop is inclined to think the note is a bad joke, so Vicente shows him the baggies of coke and Karina hands over Natalia's address.  The cop says he still can't arrest her--he has to call the anti-drug squad.

Alonso calls Irene from home.  To invite her out for coffee.  Unethical much, Alonso?  But at the same time, if he turfs her out to a different therapist, that's not exactly good either.  Irene talks to Alonso about her work…sounds like some consulting work in the art world.  But her thing is really fashion design, not that Vicente would have let her study something so frivolous.  Alonso jokes with her about wanting her to stick around so they can play 2-on-2 soccer again, with her as goalie.  The flirting continues, as he tells her how beautiful she is.  He heads her off from bringing up Tad and asks her about the year she dressed up all the boys for Halloween…"But why did you dress me as a penguin?"  Tad, unfortunately, was at the same café, and decides to come over to say hello and tell them that he's going to be exhibiting at Cristobal's gallery again.  He leaves before Irene can completely lose it.  Maybe this will turn out to be a good thing.  Irene tells Alonso that she can't seem to get away from Tad.  He's so selfish that he doesn't pay any attention to anyone.  Alonso encourages her to stick around and face her past, and promises he'll be there for her as she does it.  "Like Tad brings out the worst in me, you bring out the best.  Make me laugh again!"  Alonso obliges with a funny face and they both make googly eyes at each other.

Eleazar sends Morales to make the arrest and keep him informed.  The cop informs Vicente and takes his leave.  Diego shows up and Vicente calls him into his office as Karina gloats.  He explains to Vicente that Carmen is innocent and he knows all about the situation.  He tells Vicente that he's becoming obsessed with Natalia.  Diego now sees the anonymous note and says it's a lie.  "I found the drugs in her desk myself!"  Really, though, Natalia's hardly been around enough to have any personal effects at the desk, much less have made the contacts necessary to be selling drugs there.

Tomorrow: Natalia gets hauled in; fingerprints might give Karina and Diana away; Diego claims the drugs as his.


Fingerprints, ladies...fingerprints!

Hilarious recap, Eleazar really was a drunk Santa Claus of cereal. We all have our weird quirks when we're hammered, his is feeding people. I'm so glad we got more of the drunken antics of our galans. It was also kinda funny to see Alfredo totally normal in comparison to the hungover Eleazar. Oh my goodness Karina & Diana getting stuck listening to Amorcito Corazon was so funny. Though Diego once again proved himself an idiot by letting the Dream Team past him. Alfredo better be a damn good lawyer if he keeps having to get the Garcias out of jail.

Cassandra G.

Didn't a security camera capture their images in the hallway?

This was so fun to read!! I loved the Santa Claus of Cereal and Tweedleditz and Tweedleditzier was great. I like how the names just roll off the tongue.

Ok. Irene is into fashion design. Carmen mentioned to her prison work-duty "foreman" that her daughter was REALLY the seamstress of the family. Future business proposal? I hope so!!!

I hope all this drug stuff blows up in the Tweedles' faces (heh heh "blow"s)

Bratgitte is too lazy to work. Only with an attitude adjustment would Bratgitte successfully work with Irene.

It would seem as though a security camera SOMEWHERE at Caprico would've caught the Tweedles on film.

It looks like from the avances that somebody's on to Karina, because she looks like she's getting grilled by Eleazar & 'Em.

I doubt the idiotas were wearing gloves. Hope El sobers up & thinks about fingerprints & videos.

Gracias for the recap.

You are correct, Diana and Karina got caught by video camera sneaking down the hallway. Presumably there are other cameras that might have caught them doing the deed. I hope we'll find out! I could have sworn I put that in the recap, but apparently what I did was cackle "Idiots!" out loud rather than type it in :D

Although, it may not even take security footage or fingerprints, cause Karina looked like she was breaking out in hives just from being interrogated.

I watched the first 10ish minutes this morning and El drunkenly walking around the grocery store with that small basket was hilarious.

Thanks, 5ft.
Marcelo did a good job playing drunk. I like the collar pushed up and his shirt askew. He is a sweetie. I cannot not believe that he has not had more opportunities to play a galan. He is certainly good enough and handsome enough to a the galan.

Was Carmen referring to Bratgitte as the seamstress in her family or her other daughter ?

I assumed Natalia because Bratgitte kept asking Nat for help with her sewing project.

PS Marcelo did a much better job with drunk than Diego did (I can't remember the actor's name.)

Aww! I have to see this now to see my telenovio Marcelo drunk.

Susanlynn- I love when Marcelo plays a sweet role, I feel guilty for lusting after him when he plays evil, but I love him the most when he plays a bad boy (not evil, but not good either), like in LFDD. He's scrumptious then!

I don't see Diego's actor landing another lead role. However I would love to see Marcelo in a lead. I've never seen him before this novela but he's good (and guapo, hmmm). He was way better at the drunk scenes than the sniveling Diego. Maybe he and Marisol can lead something together. I would love to see those two headlining something.

Cassandra G.

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