Friday, May 16, 2014

De Que Te Quiero Te Quiero #54 and #55 5/16/14

De que hablan mucho, hablan mucho

I don't even know how to get all this in some sort of readable order. Lots of talking. Lots of action (but not necessarily plot moving action.)

After Diego politely excuses himself from Brigitte's (Brat) pedassault, he and Natalia (Nat) decide to leave the club.

Irma brings Rod a sandwich and the latest info on Caprico. Diego is the now the vice president. Rod grouses that Diego became VP a mere month after his accident. He is surprised that Caprico is launching a clothing line. He wonders how his grandfather could have approved that.

Irene visits Tad. He is able to go home. He shows her the logo he designed. Viewerville has to wait.

Chato comes to Carmen's house and tells her he's reserved the El Jorongo (poncho) restaurant. He gives her the time to meet. He wants to ask the children for her hand in marriage. He's got the ring!

At Bro Central, Alonso and Diego discuss the night before and I got the impression he was just about to tell Alonso about his slutty sis-in-law when Alberto (Albogado) arrives and wants to know why Diego and made such a hasty departure. Diego says he felt a little dizzy.

Carmen announces that she and Chato will be getting married and the kids voice their displeasure with this decision. Lupita is especially upset. Why Chato? Sure, they knew Carmen was letting Chato get close to his daughter...but marry him? They don't need a step-father and especially not if it's Chato.

Chato rides in Andres' cab. Andres asks if he's up for a wedding. Chato thinks Carmen is just as naive as she's always been and he can get what he needs before the wedding (if you know what I mean.) Then he can just skip out again. Pig.

Lupita calls Eleazar (El/Hottie/God of sunglasses/He of the well-fitted pants)and begs for his help. Chato is back and wants to marry mom. You have to do something so they don't get married. They are getting engaged. Please help. It's a heartbreaking scene. This girl can ACT.

Carmen goes to invite Luz and Luz notes that Carmen doesn't exactly look thrilled. Luz hopes Chato follows through this time.

Tad is home. Elena wants to make him something to eat. He complains that food makes him nauseous, but Irene wants him to eat. He agrees to a caldo de pollo (Chicken broth.) Irene tells him how the work is going with the clothing line. Tad asks if she's heard from Alonso. She hasn't. They are history.

Diego has come to take Nat to the engagement party. They are surprised Brat didn't invite Albogado. She doesn't think there is anything to celebrate, so why bother. Diego and Nat think it would hurt Albogado if he wasn't invited. Brat tells them they can call him then.

Carmen is getting Lupita ready for the party. Lupita is not happy. Carmen doesn't get it. She's marring Lupita's dad, she should be happy. The decision has been made. Basta. Carmen turns away for a second and Lupita spills chocolate milk all over herself. Carmen tells her to get into her room and change. Lupita tells her she doesn't have another clean dress. Then she can just put on some pants and a shirt. Lupita begs her not to marry Chato. Listen to her, Carmen!!

Abdul and Paolo also kvetch about mom marrying Chato. He's always acting like the big man of the house. Andres is in his cab on his way to get them. He's torn. Chato has been good to him, but he also knows Chato's dirty laundry and that Chato is not being honest with Carmen.

Luz and El discuss the party. If Carmen wants to give Chato a second chance, there's nothing El can do. He just hopes Chato doesn't repeat the last time. Luz thinks that would be a hard blow to Carmen. El is bringing Kimberly to the party.

Andres arrives. He'll take Carmen, Lupita, Abdul and Paolo. Nat and Brat will go with Diego and Albogado.

Alina talks with Vicente (Grumps.) She needs a few days off from Diana. She's exhausted. Could he take care of Diana? He refuses. Diana is not his responsibility.

Abdul makes small talk with Andres. So how's the taxi biz? You're here for Natalia? People end up with who you least expect sometimes. Carmen tells him to not start. She's his mother and he should show some respect.

Diego and Nat have some lines about Chato. Alina calls Diego and tells him she's exhausted and needs a few days away. Can he take care of Diana? He refuses. She's YOUR daughter. Alina erupts. No one wants to take care of her and I need a few days! I can't take it. Diana overhears it all. I think the tear streaming down her face is supposed to make me pity her and I do until she starts acting like a spoiled, arrogant, maniacal shrew later in the episode.

Brat and Albogado argue. He is hurt she didn't invite him. She's been acting weird since last night.

Alina tries to make Diana understand she just needs some time away. Diana tells her to leave and head back to her archaeological dig. Diana tells her she doesn't need her. Alina was just wanting a few days at a spa. She says she'll just have to take Diana with her.

Chato instructs the restaurant employees as to what he wants. Seems they'll be serving trompa y buche (snout and stomach.)El shows up with Kimberly and Chato clearly appreciates her (in a slimy kind of way.) Carmen arrives soon after and is not pleased to see Kimberly. Chato makes more "appreciative" comments about Kimberly. Abdul and Paolo take note. Lupita is pithed (in a 7 year old kind of way...actually, how old is she?)

Karina shows up at Alonso's. She complains about feeling odd since the night before. Kind of anxious and maybe a little tachycardia. Alonso says Diego felt odd, too. He'll take her blood pressure. He turns around for half a second and Karina manages to position herself on the couch (I think she's going for "seductive.")

Nat, Brat, Diego and Albogado also arrive to the party. Everyone looks nice and miserable.

Karina busts moves. Alonso thinks her heart rate is maybe a little fast, but not out of the ordinary. Karina takes the moment to unbutton a few buttons, grab his hand and put it over her heart (in the boob area, of course.) Ew. Alonso looks a little ill. He explains he doesn't love Karina. Up to know she's been as dense as Nepo, but I think she finally gets it. She yells "it's because of her, isn't it!" Karina thinks the only thing Irene surpasses her in is age (guess again, Karina. She also surpasses you in looks, smarts, independence, class and sass.) Karina thinks she can help Alonso get over his obsession with Irene. He tells her Irene never came to him so ofrecida (throwing yourself at a man...I got a "woman in heat" vibe.) Karina slaps him and tells him to see a shrink for his Oedipus complex.

Chato wants Lupita to present the ring to Carmen and she doesn't want to. Chato is about to get things rolling, but Kimberly asks him to wait until El is back from his phone call from the precinct. El comes back. Andres is just about to speak up when the police arrive with a warrant for Chato's arrest. It seems he's been operating some pirate taxis. El examines the warrant and proclaims it is legit and legal. Carmen's purse gets stuck on a purse rack and she just takes the whole thing with her. I wonder if that was planned or if Cynthia Klitbo really had trouble and then just went with it. It made me laugh. Cynthia is da bomb.

At the police station, Chato swears he's innocent. The police promise they will be investigating. Chato talks about his cuñado being a police officer and his yerno being a lawyer. Presumptuous twerp!!

Carmen wants Albogado to help Chato. El leads him away and explains that Chato isn't even there. He got left at the agency (I don't understand the difference) and this was all a ruse to stop the engagement. El planned it all. Albogado will play along.

Ok. I think a reason I missed a big chunk of this storyline is that I don't understand how the taxi biz works in Mexico. Chato says something about cuotas and needing them to pay for his various hijos across he country. Chato starts naming all his girlfriends. Morales and the other cop observe from behind the glass. They mention how much Chato is talking, but they can't hold him for very long.

Meanwhile, Andres explains in a much bleeped conversation that Chato is just using Carmen to help him overcome his problem with his little Chato. Apparently she's the only woman that can make him feel "alive." Carmen goes off to get coffee. Nat doesn't believe that her mom is fine and is going to check on her. Kimberly can't believe Carmen would invite all these people and then have this happen. Lupita, Abdul and Paolo are quite fine with the turn of events. The brothers wonder how long a person gets for taxi pirating.

Chato can't believe anyone would do this. Just ask anyone, except so and so...oh and this other guy...or him either. Chato thinks someone set him up and wants to know who accused him.

Andres tells Nat about Chato using her mom and why. Abdul and Paolo overhear and they hope mom dumps Chato.

El tells Carmen not to worry. Things will get taken care of. About this time his radio goes off and Morales starts saying compromising things. In his haste to answer Morales, El drops the radio and we hear Morales tell El about all the children Chato has around the country. Carmen realizes El's part in Chato's arrest and goes off. She's offended that he's always meddling in her life. She asks why he did it. It was an abuse of his authority. She asks again why. El starts with TE QUIERO...until Nat and the boys arrive and he lamely goes on to not be with someone who isn't good for you. GAH!! The kids agree with El and tell Carmen what Andres said. Carmen is flattered that she is the only one that can get the little chato going. You better being planning something and keeping it to yourself for now. Otherwise you are dead to me. Don't be stupid girlfriend.

Alonso pouts and remembers his "it's black and white with me" conversation he had with Irene. He realizes he was immature and wonders why he didn't just trust her.

Tad is grateful for Irene's support. He hopes she's happy. She says she is. She's never felt so fulfilled or independent. She gives him a friendly kiss before she leaves. He thinks about the kiss and tells himself he is going to fight to overcome his illness and recoup what he lost with Irene. Ruh roh.

Carmen continues to justify her staying with Chato. She's in love! Natalia tells her mom she isn't seeing things clearly. Carmen tells Nat she's one to talk. She's the living embodiment of excusing bad behavior in the name of love.

Alonso is waiting for Irene when she arrives in her newly acquired company car. He asks her to forgive him. They smooch. She throws the keys to him and tells him "take me wherever you want."

Albogado tells Diego about El's prank. They owe El one. He helped them get rid of one odd suegro, though he doesn't think he'll be in the family much longer. Brat is being a brat and he thinks there may be someone else. (I'd rather see Albogado with one of the Crabettes than Brat.)

In the car, El tells Carmen he can't believe she's defending Chato. She says she has her reasons. Carmen can't believe he was so low down. Why didn't he just TELL her straight out. El asks if his words would have changed anything. Carmen tells him the right words could change a lot, but she doubts he even knows what the right words are. He's maybe almost about to say the right words when his radio goes off again. Yes, Morales. We copy. Thanks for nothing.

Lupita is absolutely devastated and crying (normally I'm not a fan of berrinches, but I'll give her a pass.) Her siblings are surprised to hear she knew about the plan. She really doesn't want Chato for her dad.

Kimberly is still complaining about El. If everything is settled, why is he with Carmen? She gets dropped off and Luz invites Brat and Albogado over for coffee. He wants to accept, but Brat declines the invitation.

Chato is released and Carmen tells him they have a lot to talk about.

Al and Irene have made up. He felt so empty without her. He admits to immaturity. Irene says she had issues, too. Namely, using alcohol to problem solve. They decide to start over again.

Carmen asks if it's true that she's the only one that can get Chato's engine revving. She's flattered. I reiterate, there better be a diabolical plan brewing in her head.

Luz wants to know why El is in a sour mood. He doesn't like Chato and nothing he did seems to have stopped Carmen from marrying him. Luz is mortified El abused his power. Lupita comes to borrow some powdered chocolate. While Luz goes to get it, Lupita gives El a big hug and thanks him. Awww!!!

Chato tells Carmen that after her things were never the same. She asks if he saw a doctor. He said doctors, pills and even a shaman. Carmen asks "so...nada de nada since me?" Chato swears, nada de nada. Ok. I feel a little better. She's setting him up.

Lupita asks Luz not to be mad at El. She was the one that asked him to stop the engagement somehow. El rushes Lupita out. Luz asks if he feels something for Carmen. Yes. Anger, disappointment etc. Luz tells him he has no right to meddle in or judge Carmen's life.

Chato drops Carmen off at home. She gives him a chaste kiss on the forehead. When she enters the apartment the kids start in. Carmen asks Lupita for the ring Chato wanted her to hold. She tells the kids she knows what she's doing.

Crazy Crab and the Crabettes graffiti the doors of the 6 Garcias restaurant.

Carmen hasn't forgotten that Chato left her at the altar. They are going to be doing things her way.

Andres and Chato wait for Lupita and Carmen. I miss half the conversation...again, it's cuota taxi biz that I don't get. Chato tells Andres not to mess with him. Carmen brings Lupita out and avoids kissing Chato. Chato asks Lupita for a smile. Lupita makes a sound of disgust.

Grumps comments to Irene that she came home rather late. She reminds him she's an adult. Grumps thinks as long as she's living in his house she should respect his rules. Irene shows him the logo. Meh. I was underwhelmed. Grumps likes it. He doesn't like that Tad did it.

Carmen and Abdul arrive to see the graffiti. Cucarachas asadas. Cucarachas en su jugo. Cucarachas gratis. Carmen calls Morales and asks him not to tell El, but could he give her the name of the person to call for more patrols in the area?

Irma brings Rod papaya and a laptop. He wanted eggs. He manages to get into the Caprico archives. He wants Irma to be at Caprico and be his eyes and ears. He calls the HR guy (Gámez? I always forget his name.) and acts like Diego. He tells the HR guy about someone starting their social service (does anyone know anything about this? It was mentioned as part of Brat's designer program, too) and gives Irma's name.

The Crazy Crab happens by the restaurant and Chato is his slimy self. He clearly likes crabs (take that as you will.) El shows up looking mighty fine in his pants and sunglasses. (oh my it's warm in here.)

Grumps' chofer is sick and Tiburcio will take him to Caprico.

The Crazy Crab is mad that El lied. El tells her to watch herself. Carmen tells her she's got people who watch out for her. The Crazy Crab, El and Morales leave. Carmen gives Chato's flirty behind a dressing down. Chato ruins his coat with wet paint.

Three new seamstresses have been hired and Nat is put in charge of the dressmaking. Brat is pithed. Irene mentions Brat's idea for the fashion show and Nat realizes they are HER ideas. Now Nat is pithed.

The Crazy Crab complains and says they have to do something about Carmen and her restaurant. One of the Crabettes mentions that no matter how much mud they sling, Carmen's restaurant still seems to always have customers.

Diana comes to Caprico. She tells Rosa she wants to see her husband. Rosa explains he's with Irene and maybe it's best if Diana waits in Diego's office. Diana gets angry and asks if Rosa is giving her orders? Just tell her where Irene's area is. Rosa complies.

Nat and Brat are arguing in the hallway. Diana sees them and sees the ring, too (A little far fetched at that distance, but whatever.) Nat is mad Brat stole her idea. Brat reminds her she had quit. Nat thinks Brat should have still given her credit. Brat said Nat was too busy quitting and coming back. Nat gives Brat a nice, solid THWAP! and tells her she's tired of her crap.

Diana calls Diego and tells him she saw his lover with his mother's ring. No one needs to take care of her. She can take care of herself. She's leaving the house and his life...forever. Don't even try to find her.

Grumps runs into a haggard looking Diego on his way in. He asks Diego what's wrong, but Diego says he'll explain later. Grumps asks Irene what's going on and Irene explains Diana plans to leave the house forever. Nat has followed Irene. When Grumps sees her he says horrible things to her. He thinks all this mess is her fault.

Diego calls Diana, but she ignores the call.

Grumps is still berating Nat. His bisnieto is in danger and again, it's Nat's fault. Tiburcio tells Grumps to calm down and not say things he'll regret. Irene and Nat leave. Tiburcio tells Grumps Nat is his granddaughter.

Irene tells Nat to ignore Grumps. He insults everyone. Nat tells her she remained silent out of respect, but she won't be able to keep quiet much longer.

Rosa notes that Grumps looks unwell. He needs his pills. Tiburcio tells Grumps about meeting the priest from Tuxpan and asking about the child that had been abandoned.

Diego calls Alina and asks if she's heard from Diana. Nope. He calls Karina and gets her voicemail. He calls Al and asks if he has another number for Karina.

Diana cashes a check. The cashier questions her about carrying around all that cash. Diana just tells her to shut it and do what she says. Diana is such a pretentious b!tch.

Carmen makes a call to Sra Maria, her landlady. She asks if she's still interested in selling the apartment. Carmen might be interested and would like to see the papers again. Sra Maria will bring them to Carmen at the fonda. Aha!!! This must be Carmen's plan with Chato!

Diego asks Karina if she's talked to Diana. She hasn't.

Diana is at Oliverio's. He thinks she's as sick as ever. Her only illness, she says, was the baby and now it's gone. Oliverio thinks she got an abortion. She tells him she lost the baby...that's different. She wants a favor and she'll pay him well for it. He eyeballs the stack of cash.

Grumps asks Tiburcio to explain the baloney about the priest and the baby again. Tiburcio says he saw the picture and the girl in the picture is the girl working with Irene. Grumps says that is NOT his grandchild. Tiburcio is mistaken. Forget it. There is no way that fulana (nobody) his grandchild. Irene steps in just in time to hear this.

The truth about Irene's daughter is closer to being revealed.


I got tired. I'll flesh things out a little more tomorrow.

I got two nicknames.

Paolo-Angel Moreno
Rodrigo-RodFace (as in DickFace)

I hope they're adequate LOL.

Gosh, I don't think you need to add anything, Sara. Haven't seen this yet, but even so, there was plenty of plot info, plenty of detail, and lots of trademark Sara humor. Rest already! It's Saturday!

Loved "pedassault", "El Hottie/God of Sunglasses/He of the well-fitted pants" as well as the observation that Alberto would be better off even with one of the Crabettes. Yes, the latter, at least, would give value for money, romance-wise.

Happy to hear that Irene and Alonso have made up. So far, the blessing of this telenovela, is that breakups are short-lived. Although mysteries about twins and origins are not, alas.

Now if we could just get the Carmen/Eleazar romance off the ground!

"Yes, Morales. We copy. Thanks for nothing."

Dang, once more, El gets stuck with his "palabras en la boca". Spit it out, man, and then get to work on some more voracious kisses, please.

Looking forward to seeing Carmen's dust-up with the purse and the rack. I'm with was probably an unplanned glitch and she just went with it, experienced actress that she is.

Years ago, I took aerobics from a very experienced New York trained jazz dancer. We actually had "recitals" and she told us if we messed up, just smile and keep on going. I imagine that's what they tell actors and speechmakers as well.

Come to think of it, it's not bad advice, period.

Thanks Sara. Sleep in today and leave the recap alone. It's great just as it is.


You are very sweet JudyB, but I just reread the thing and it's filled with spelling and grammar errors and lots of typos. I think I fixed them all.

Corazon you are so right. Rod is a dick and a tool.

I'm going to watch the episode again today. I love recapping, but I hate that I don't get to actually "watch" on the days I recap. I'm to busy writing notes. :-)

Sara, I thought this was wonderful! You covered everything with wry humor and excellent observations.

Once again mi amiga Judy and I are on the same wavelength and have chosen the same favorites (which bear repeating): "pedassault", "El/Hottie/God of sunglasses/He of the well-fitted pants)" and "Everyone looks nice and miserable".

Carmen seems capable of making sound decisions except of course regarding her love life! I am fervenly hoping she is playing this out but has no actual intention of marrying Chato. She recalled how he left her the first time and it is evident he hasn't changed. Listen to your children Carmen!

Irene and Al break up and make up with increasing frequency. I have to say I am happy Tad is going to fight for Irene! He is my clear cut favorite. Al is just too immature to handle a complex woman like Irene.

I know Karina isn't going away but I really wish she would! I find nothing endearing about her, she is annoying.

Who can we get for Al? At least he is intelligent enough to realize his time with the brat is coming to an end. And Diego really should tell him about the brat's play for him if Al doesn't end it quickly.

Lupita and El are so sweet together. I can't wait for El and Carmen to get together but fear it will be later rather than sooner.

Sara, thank you! No need to do anything else - you gave us a wonderful gift with this recap.


Sara- I haven't watched this episode yet, but looking forward to it after your fun recap.

I have hope that Carmen plans to dump Chato at the altar, just like he jilted her at the altar. I just wish she'd at least let Lupita in on whatever her plan is, since she is the most distressed by this whole Chato situation. I wish Emi over on Pobres was as intuitive about his non-good sperm donor.

I find myself more and more annoyed by the Karina character. She's useless in my opinion.

Yes Vivi! Lupita is so upset and it's breaking my heart. If Carmen has no intention of marrying Chato she needs to stop torturing the children. Clearly they all disagree with her decision.

Thanks so much Sara for this great recap. I was so happy you had so much El and so little Rod.

You're so right about the actress playing Luptia, she is so good. Her distress is real and I love her with El. I'm really hoping Vivi is right and Carmen plans on dumping him. When you watch again for fun notice how El looks so devastated when Carmen says she's flattered she awakens little Chato. If Carmen had any sense she'd realize there is another other little friend she can awaken as well AND she likes El's kisses.

Chato lies a lot so I'm not understanding how he can have children all over Mexico and seem to have ED unless its recent.

I don't know what Carmen's plan is but she doesn't even like kissing Chato so again I'm really hoping Vivi is right.

Two fun reaction shots from JDC were when he returns the coat rack Carmen/Cynthia took and when he laughs (not in a mean way) at Lupita's reaction to Chato's release. I think he understands Lupita's frustration with her mom.

Corazon, RodFace is good.

Diana and Sara, I think we all must give the actress playing Karina credit b/c she is the most annoying, silly woman I've seen in a while (she makes Perla on Pobres seem like Einstein and very helpful). Whenever she comes on screen, the first thing I think of is FF.

Judy, I think the Carmen/El romance will be the one that sadly won't get off the ground anytime soon. I'll be suffering with you. How the writers can be so cruel and not give El more action is just criminal.

Is this the first time a tn galan literally jump and run when hit on by a bad woman? Perhaps its because she's his future SIL but Diego moves so quickly its hilarious. Sadly my guess is its a set up for when icky Rod comes back and impersonates Diego.

Tks so much Sara, don't worry, no problem understanding the typos.

gilipollas = dickhead, love that word

Do you think Irene understood what was being said about Nat being Grumps nieta?

Good child actors would be a good weekend discussion. Seems to me, most of the good ones are girls.

Ok. I did rewatch with the Spanish subtitles and went back and added some things. I put the new stuff in bold to make it easier to find.

Does anyone know anything about the taxi biz in Mexico? I missed a lot of the Chato story because I didn't get what he was saying about Cuotas.

I also feel a lot better about Carmen. Since she's asking about buying the apartment, I think she definitely has something up her sleeve with Chato.

Karen--JDC's laugh at Lupita was cute. Thanks for giving me a heads up about it.

Vario--Thanks for the new word! I think child actors would be a good weekend discussion, too.

Sara, you are a perfectionist, it was perfect before but it is now even mas perfecto. Gracias otra vez.

Thanks, Vario. I really felt like that bit about the apartment was super important.

I might go back tonight and watch the Eleazar scenes. ;-)

I think Carmen has sth in mind but she is not a mean & vindictive person, even though Chato deserves every bit of vindictiveness that Carmen can give him. I don't know how she could get him to buy an apt since he has no money, that might just be a way to show him up as a worthless piece of mierda.

Thanks, Sara, for that detailed recap.

I am late to the party.

I need more Marcelo of the shoulder holster and sunglasses.

Diana is infuriating.

How did Brat get so bratty when everyone in her family is so nice. It seems impossible that a good, close knit family could produce someone like Bratty McBraterson.

Thanks everyone.

From what I understand, there were two promos for La Gata on Sunday. It's premiering on June 23rd at 8PM/7CST. So while that's still a lot of two hour episodes, at least we know it's not forever.

Sara- Thanks for the additions to the recap. I'm more convinced that Carmen is planning something.

Sara thanks for the additional material as well as the end date of the 2 hour recap. Will the World Cup impact any evening shows in its initial stages? If so, that could give us relief as well.

I wish I knew what impact the world cup will have. It starts June 12th,right?

Gracias, Sara! There was a lot going on in this one and you captured it hilariously.

I *think* the thing about the taxis is that drivers, like Andres, pay a "cuota" in order to call the cab company their home base. The cab company, in exchange, handles dispatch duties so the drivers aren't just aimlessly roaming around the city looking for people to pick up. What I don't get is where "pirated" comes in...are they saying the taxis themselves were previously stolen (and how would that be his problem, since he doesn't own them)? That Chato stole drivers from another company? That he's making the drivers pay too much in fees?

Lupita and her berrinche were precious! She said she was upset that the plot failed when it was all her idea. She probably just meant telling El to do something to stop the engagement, but I like the idea that She's such an evil mastermind that she told him exactly what to do to Chato!

OK, actually, I just looked it up and it sound like they were accusing Chato of using drivers that aren't licensed to operate taxis and don't have their other legal obligations in order. So in a way, yes, that would be Chato's problem, because it means he's not checking out that his drivers and/or their cars are legal to operate as taxis before granting them the legitimacy of belonging to his company. Which is what he said, that he's not operating any pirate taxis "Well, unless they didn't tell me." It's easier for them to go after him for perpetuating the problem than to go after all the individual drivers. And then his excuse for not caring is that he needs all the fees to support his why cut into his income by checking out the drivers/cabs and only accepting ones that are legit?

I am now at a point where I'm ready to FF through scenes. When Karina, Chato and the Crabs show up, I'm ready to hit that button. The only thing that kept me watching Karina last night was that Alonso FINALLY got it through her thick skull he didn't want her. But I'm up to here with Chato and especially the Crabs. Like fingernails on a blackboard when the Crabs are talking. I do not find characters like K, Ch, or the C's funny.

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