Friday, May 02, 2014

De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #39- Thu 5/1

"Pues…de que prende, prende!"

Eleazar plays along, saying of course he's not in love with Carmen…as if!  He doesn't join in on Luz's hysterical laughter.  He's not thrilled to hear that Luz encouraged Chato to have Carmen make an honest man out of him.

Paolo, Abdul, and Lupita are ready to head out for the day.  Carmen has an exciting day of cleaning planned, so she doesn't go with them.

Natalia visits Angela at the Good Vibes kiosk. She fills her in about the baby being Diego's, then runs off to meet him elsewhere in the mall.  He brought her a stuffed bear. Which is cute.  But it would be cuter if he wasn't married with a kid on the way.

Carmen got stuck taking an unintentional cold shower.  As she shivers and shuffles out to the living room in a towel, someone knocks on the door.  She answers it, thinking it's the kids, but unfortunately, it's Chato.  She goes to get dressed and trips on the towel.  Chato's response: "Oh, please, hit me!  With both hands, so the towel falls again!"  When Carmen finally re-emerges, fully dressed, I ignore all his incoherent quasi-romantic babbling.  And then he asks her to marry him.

I likewise tune out what it is Diego's whining at Natalia to do today.  Whatever it is, she begs off, saying she has to go home for lunch.  Why he's in such a hurry to tell her mom about "them" is beyond me, but Natalia's certainly not.

Diana leaves the house, telling Hilda that she's going to see Diego.  Even Hilda doesn't believe that.

Carmen isn't convinced that Chato's proposal is sincere.  After all, last time he proposed, he left her at the altar.  He begs for a way to prove that he's serious…so Carmen tells him to fix the boiler.

Diego drops Natalia off at home, sans bear, and makes googly eyes at her.  He runs up to hand her the bear and tells her not to forget to tell her mom that her boyfriend gave it to her.  Oh, that's so not going to happen!

Chato fiddles around with the boiler, claiming that sure, he's got plumbing skills.  He claims to have found what needs tightening and tells her to hold something in place for him while he tightens it.  While she's leaning over with her hand in the boiler (hot water heater?) Chato gets comfy behind her and enjoys the feeling of Little Chato…Chatito, if you will…saluting.  They get busted by Natalia, who basically turns and runs.  Chato finally goes to re-light the pilot light (?) and ends up getting a very obviously CGI fireball in the face.

Natalia and the bear go over to Luz's.  She's upset at seeing Chato and Carmen together.  Luz says Chato was asking her for advice yesterday.  Natalia's shocked that Luz told him to marry Carmen.  She seems to be having a hard time with the idea.

Carmen puts some goop on Chato's face for his burns.  She wants time to think about his marriage proposal.  In the meantime, she recommends he go home and stay out of the sun.  Chato vows to return tomorrow for his answer.  After he leaves, Carmen says he seems serious this time.

Diego gets home and Hilda asks if he was with Diana.  They realize she lied to Hilda.  Diego calls, but Diana is in the back of a taxi, alone, and she ignores his call.

Natalia goes back home.  She tells Carmen she was just surprised and Carmen doesn't owe her any explanations.  Carmen confides that Chato proposed, but she hasn't given him an answer yet.  She says she's going to put him through his paces before she makes her decision.  "And what about the boiler…is it fixed?"  Carmen gives her a saucy grin and says "Pues…de que prende, prende!"  (Well…it TOTALLY turns on!) shocking Natalia.  No mention of where the bear came from.  Diana comes over to tell Carmen to tell Natalia to leave Diego alone.  She claims Natalia ruined her marriage and is the reason Diego wants a divorce.  Carmen doesn't buy what Diana's selling, but the news that Diana is pregnant throws her.  Natalia, in her bedroom, FINALLY takes her earbuds out of her ears and hears all the commotion.  She goes out to the living room just as Diana is accusing Carmen of pushing Natalia at Diego so she can rake in the cash.  Duuuuuuude…you do NOT mess with someone's mom!  Especially not Natalia's!  Carmen has to get between Natalia and Diana to keep them from ripping each other to pieces as Diana spews her usual delusional venom.  As Carmen's shoving her out the door and shutting it in her face, the last thing Diana says is that if Natalia doesn't leave Diego alone, she'll kill her.  Once Carmen has her breath back, she turns to Natalia, but she says she doesn't want to hear a word.

Diana writes "zorras" (whores) on the Garcias' front door.

Natalia calls Diego to rat out Diana.  He insists that he's coming over right now and this time he will talk to her mother.

Irene and Tad go for a walk…with ice cream cones.  Tad starts having both arm and headache pains and unfortunately commits coneicide.  Irene leads him back to his place.

Diego shows up as Natalia's getting ready to wash Diana's graffiti off the door.

Irene and Tad make it back to Tad's, where he says he's feeling ok now, it was nothing major.  He calls to his maid to bring him his pills because he had a "calambre" (cramp) in his arm.  He doesn't want Irene to call a doctor, so she says she'll go and let him rest.  As soon as she's gone, Tad stops trying so hard to control the shaking in his arm.

Diego knocks on Carmen's door and asks to speak to her.  Carmen comes out to the living room.

Tad's maid gives him his pill and, despite what he told Irene, he tells her he needs to get to the hospital because this seems pretty bad.

Diego wants to explain the "situation" to Carmen.  Carmen doesn't let him talk before saying it's his fault that she can't trust Natalia anymore.  She throws Diana's accusations and the baby in his face.  Diego tells her Natalia's innocent in all this and he made a mistake marrying Diana.  He tells her about Diana cheating on him and says he has nothing but respect for Natalia and once his divorce is final, he wants to give her everything she deserves.  He says that Diana is pregnant, but it happened before he reunited with Natalia, and he has every intention of supporting the child.  Natalia says she should have told Carmen everything.  Carmen demands a hug and tells Natalia to NEVER keep things from her again.  Diego apologizes to Carmen for Diana's behavior.  Carmen says to forget about it, but he'd better get his house in order before he makes a serious proposal to Natalia.  She warns him to keep Diana in check, because if she shows up again, "she's going to find out who Carmen Garcia is!"

Diana swans into the house, brushing off Hilda's concern.  Hilda tells her that Diego went out and was trying to call her on her cell.  Upstairs, Diana enters…Rodrigo's room?  Red walls, furniture draped in sheets.  Diana uncovers a desk or a dressing table that has (finally!) a picture of both twins standing next to each other (drink!).  She remembers going into the room once before and seeing Rodrigo with a gun.  He thinks it's funny to point it at her and gives her some quick tips on shooting.  He pulls the trigger and freaks her out, but it wasn't loaded.  Still not funny.  Diana roots around in some drawers and finds the gun.

Carmen asks Diego and Natalia to please be careful.  Diego leaves and settles for a handshake when he sees Carmen looking at them.  After he leaves, Carmen tells her she'd better be right about Diego really being in love with her.

Alberto and Brigitte are outside.  Alberto wants to formally announce their going-out-ship, but Brigitte refuses.  Diego comes out and tells them Diana was there causing a scene, but he resolved everything.  After Brigitte goes inside, Diego gives Alberto more of the details and refuses his offer to go to lunch together.  He feels the need to get home and deal with Diana.

Brigitte comes in and seems less than thrilled that her mom's not furious with Natalia after Diana showed up and caused a scene.  "Oh, how nice that you cleared everything up."  Lupita and her brothers get home from…wherever they were at.

Irene talks to Vicente about Rodrigo.  Vicente has been reading the books Alonso lent her, trying to come to some kind of decision, but for now mostly what he wants to do is visit Rodrigo.  He'd been avoiding it because it was too painful for him.  They agree to go together tomorrow.

Natalia is folding clothes in her room when Brigitte walks in to congratulate her on hoodwinking Carmen.  Natalia tries to convince Brigitte that Carmen has faith in ALL her children and trusts them ALL, but Brigitte thinks Natalia gets away with just a little bit more than the rest of them.  She blasts her for getting involved with "a married man," even though Natalia reminds her it's not quite the way she's making it sound and she and Diego are doing nothing wrong.  Natalia asks why Brigitte is so resentful, but instead of answering, Brigitte just pulls a jacket out of her closet and leaves the room.

Paolo gets permission from Carmen to get a part-time job after school so he can help out with the household expenses.  She tells him it's not necessary, but gives him permission anyway.  Because Carmen has the bestest kids.  Except for Brigitte.

Over a game of foosball at Alonso's, Alberto makes some jokes about Diana needing a neuron alignment.  I'm guessing she didn't get one when she last went in for her oil change.  And here I thought rich people had access to all kinds of perks.  Alonso thinks Diana is exhibiting signs of schizophrenia and boy does he NOT want to be in Diego's shoes right now!

Diana takes the gun back to her room, remembering Rodrigo's words "You never know when it might come in handy."  She's interrupted in her gun adoration by Diego bursting in to ask her QTH she's up to.  Diana blames Diego for her own behavior and when Diego says being the mother of his child doesn't mean being his wife, Diana pulls the gun on him and delivers one of the classic lines…the most famous is "No puede ser!" but only slightly less well-known is this…"Si no vas a ser mio, no vas a ser de nadie!"  (If I can't have you no one can!)

Irene tries calling Tad, who is busy being in the hospital.  His maid is with him and Tad asks her to pretend he left his phone at home.  She lies to Irene, saying Tad's doing just fine and even left the house, forgetting his phone.

Diana keeps pointing the gun, saying she hasn't decided what to do yet…kill Diego, or kill herself and the baby, or all three of them.  "If you'd just leave that woman, this would all be so easy.  We could be so happy, the three of us."  Diego tries to grab the gun out of her hand, they struggle, and the gun goes off.

Tomorrow: We don't know who got shot, but someone's life is hanging by a thread.


Congratulations, Irene, on 17 episodes sober. Tomorrow's episode looks like it's going to be rough for her. Oh, and whoever's shot I guess, but mostly I'm worried about Irene.

Thank you so much, Kat! I really needed help with the foosball conversation because of the background noise.

I loved your lines about Carmen having the bestest kids...except Brigitte. It's so true!

A mini rant I've ranted before: Diego and Natalia have to cool it!!! I just about gagged when she said she and Diego weren't doing anything wrong. I know his marriage is in the crapper, but Diana's lawyer could have a field day if he were to find out about all the dates/presents/smooches.

OK. Was Grumps softening last night? He really tugged at my heartstrings.

Tad is another one that I am feeling a lot of pity for.

PS: Chato needs to go!!! (Yeah, I've said it before, but he really got on my nerves last night. He's an oily little perv.)

Thanks Diva. You're pretty saucy yourself with your "conecide" quips. And thanks for the translation of "pues de que prende, prende!"

I actually got quite a laugh out of that scene. Pretty basic, earthy humor but they gave it a light touch. And I love Carmen's laugh.

But dang! I was sooo hoping that was Eleazar at the door. Kids gone. Carmen in only a towel. Ready for some misunderstandings to be put to rest...or to bed...whatever.

Yes, the foosball conversation was pretty hard to understand and there was some lame joke about women's neurons being able to malfunction "solo".Or so I thought. Whatever.

Those scenes remind me a little bit of Joey and his roommate in Friends. At times like that, I think that Al is too much of a boy still for Irene. But if that were the criteria, I guess no couple would function!

Thanks for another great, inclusive recap, with humor, key translations and abundant affection for our crazy characters. Much obliged, sweet lady.

I've been wondering: why is Brigitte so against introducing Alberto to the family? I would think she would want to show him off to the whole world.

I think that's odd too, Sara. I was really offended when she sneered at her mother about "formalidades", throwing in her face about Carmen's own casualness with the menfolk.

But Sneering and Snits seem to be the only two stations the Brigette radio plays.

Lol "Sneering and the Snits"!

Thanks, Kat. You did a marvelous job retelling this episode. Judy- I also got a good laugh out of the boiler incident and loved Carmen's laugh.

The Brat has no problem bragging to her school friends about Al and the fancy places he takes her to. But if she announced to her family that they are novios, she would be forced to pretend that she actually likes him for more than his money and status.

I had tears in my eyes for Tad this episode. I felt so bad for him, and his ice cream cone. I really hope he'll be around long enough for him and Nat to learn the truth about their connection.

I don't know the name of the actor playing Tad, but I am really impressed with his performance.

I wonder if the writers will bring in girlfriends for Paulo and Abdul? They are such sweethearts but it's not really fair that their sisters get to spend their weekends having fun with their boyfriends, while they get to entertain their baby sister. Not that they seemed to mind at all, it just doesn't seem fair.

Kat thanks so much for your recap. Your commentary on Nat and Diego left me in stitches: "He brought her a stuffed bear. Which is cute. But it would be cuter if he wasn't married with a kid on the way."

Sara, yes on Diego and Nat but I'm more leery about Grumps. His sadness seems real but its for the horrible twin, who if either Grumps or Diego was in a coma would have pulled the plug ages ago. While he has had some good moments, his continued lying to Irene about her baby/Nat always ends any fondness I have for him.

Chato has been in town for 2 weeks at best, pulled the injured scam, keeps trying to jump Carmen, yet both Carmen and Luz think he's serious this time. En Serio!!

Judy, Alberto was the one who made the completely stupid joke about women's neurons and he has picked the Brat. Unfortunately, these two things may not be unrelated.

Vivi, I too was saddened by Tad (loved the "coneicide," Kat). I would hope the writers don't have him die but use his illness to find Nat. And ITA about Abdul and Paulo; they are cuties and sweeties.

Whoops...I think I'm still confused on names. Who's the hottie therapist who's in love with Irene then?

Ah, got it...Alonso. When there are two "A" names, my brain gets confused.

Judy- Hottie Therapist is Alonso, and Cutie Lawyer is Alberto- the Als.

Of Nat's brothers, the names are a little bit what you wouldn't expect because the darker skinned/mixed-heritage looking younger brother is Paulo with the Italian father; and the older brother with the large eyes is Abdul whose father is Turkish.

Oh Vivi I would love to have some story lines with Paulo and Abdul!

So any guesses on who got shot? From the faces I'm thinking Diego though that could kill Irene and Grumps. And while horrible, they better put Diana in jail. If she got shot, she'll probably loose the baby. And unless the writers use the guilt from this on Diego, they are as good as divorced (attempted murder). But that seems too easy...again what do you all think?

Oh and here's my mini rant. I don't like this seeming trend of having evil people who do horrible things as being mentally ill. Diana has been a selfish, manipulative woman all this tn. Now that she wants Diego (and we know she does not) or no one can have him, that's standard issue villain crazy not schizophrenia. It's like making JL bi-polar on MPV.

Karen- ITA! I was thinking the same thing yesterday and they were trying to turn the Diana story into one of mental illness. She doesn't have schizophrenia. She's always been an evil beyotch!

Thanks, Vivi. I know they probably want to give Alonso, the hottie, more work to do but give false diagnosis to an manipulative character isn't the way to go.

Perhaps he could refer Alberto to some one so he won't get in a pattern of choosing bad women ;)

Karen- I really don't know what happened with the gunshot. In the previews they showed Irene crying, but that might just be because she finds out about Tad.

Out of curiosity, I just looked up the young actor who plays Paulo. His name is Pierre Louis- his dad is Haitian and his mom is Mexican. Two of my favorite countries and cultures! What a great mix.

He's in La Gata as well. He really is a cutie patootie!

Thanks for the info Vivi. I do hope they expand both his and Abdul's stories and include some gfs for them.

I thought Abdul and Natalia's former boss had a moment when she dropped by the house in an earlier episode so now I'm hoping they pair up.

Kat: I missed this so appreciate your wonderful details and fantastic humor including "Tad starts having both arm and headache pains and unfortunately commits coneicide". Still smiling away.

I also hink Diego and Natalia should keep some distance for the time being. Not only because they might get caught but because it is the right thing to do, especially as a child is now involved. I would not be happy if Natalia was my daughter so I share Carmen's cause for concern.

I was sorry to hear that someone was shot but I gues we will know soon enough.

I like Tad as well and if the writers are going to kill him off, I certainly hope they have him find out Nat is his daughter before that occurs.

Thanks again Kat!


Gracias, Sara, Judy B, Vivi, Karen, Anonymous at 1:42, and Diana!

It was so sad to see that last lingering shot of Tad's ice cream cone sitting on the ground all forlorn!

I didn't entirely get Alberto's joke about women's neurons and I figured it was a stupid joke anyway, so I didn't bother trying to figure it out.

Brigitte's attitude about...well, pretty much everything...baffles me. Her mom has met Alberto already, she told her mom that they're officially going out, so what's the big deal with having him enter the house (which he's done before) and admit to Carmen's face that he's stupid enough to be pursuing her daughter? Sneering and Snits, indeed! I love that, Judy! Vivi, maybe you're right and Brigitte feels she can't keep all her options open if she officially announces it to the family. This way, if she happens upon some other rich, attractive man who wants to shower her with material goods and take her to a different fancy restaurant every night, she can say "Well, it's not like things were that serious with Alberto...I never brought him home and introduced him as my novio, did I?"

That's actually something I love about Paolo and Abdul...they never complain about having to keep an eye on Lupita. Such nice boys! I'd love to see them meet up with some nice girls. Maybe Angela has a sister :)

Karen, I think you're right...Rodrigo would have pulled the plug on Grumps or Diego long ago. Grumps prefers Rod, but I wonder if he really knew him. Between the attempted rape of Natalia (and I find it difficult to believe that was the first and only time he ever engaged in that kind of behavior) and last night's flashback scene with Diana and the gun, I'm inclined to think the world has been just a tiny bit safer with him in the coma for the last two years.

The trick to differentiating between The Als is that alBerto is the lawyer (aBogado) and alonSo is the pSychiatrist.

To some extent, the things that the evil people on these shows do are also symptoms of mental illness. It's a matter of degrees as to whether they're just garden-variety evil or meet criteria for a diagnosis. In Diana's case, her selfish streak and obsession with Diego has been part of her character from the beginning. She had Karina accompany her out to Tuxpan so she could yell at a guy who wasn't her boyfriend for not inviting her along on his vacation with his bros. She bribed Hilda to tell Diego she couldn't find Natalia. She bought cocaine so she could plant it in Natalia's desk drawer. If she'd done those things in more of a cold, calculating way, I might be more inclined to think she's just plain evil, but there is something that's driving her to do these things that isn't healthy. I don't even think it's a conscious decision that she's making, more like she's compelled to do it and couldn't just cut it out and be reasonable if she tried. Is it schizophrenia? No. I also never though JL was bipolar. I thought his symptoms were a much better fit for Narcissistic Personality Disorder or Antisocial Personality Disorder. With Diana, my best guess would be Borderline Personality Disorder. But, again, mental health/illness is a spectrum. There are degrees, it's not a "yes or no" proposition. Wo while we had JL and Samuel in MPV, who were closer to the "crazy" side of the spectrum, we also had guys like Joaquin and a lot of the henchmen who were just plain criminals. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that while it's annoying that they just throw out these diagnoses in a way that makes me think they're choosing them at random...can we look at any of the "bad guys" on these shows and say that they're psychologically healthy? Even Joaquin, who was motivated by profit and kept a cool head, didn't care that what he was doing was hurting people. He might not have been "crazy" but how sane is it to sell drugs and traffic women?

Great, as usual 5ft

I have the feeling it's Diego that got shot. We have to get rid of Diana somehow & what better way than charged with attempted murder. Also Diego will be in the hospital with the sympathy of all. In the meantime Rodrigo miraculously recovers & is mistaken for Diego. Why else would Diego not mention his twin?

This TN is full of NON cliches, so no telling what will happen. I can hear the director, "that is a TN cliche so we are not going to use it". I hope, yea, yea!

Hmmm...Borderline Personality Disorder. Sounds like a good fit, Diva. You seem pretty knowledgeable about this subject.

And thanks for the memory cue...AlBerto ABogado, AlonSo PSychiatrist. Neat!

Gracias, Variopinta! Mr. 5ft also suspects that with Diego in the hospital, Rodrigo will make his re-appearance and cause havoc.

JudyB, I was so proud of myself when I figured out how to remember those names! I'm no longer in practice, but my degrees are in psychology and counseling. And, of course, I'm a Loquera in good standing with the Instituto de Medicina Telenovelense.

Ah then, it all makes sense. And I think you're a terrific loquera. We all do it as well, but don't have a degree to back it up!

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