Friday, May 02, 2014

Que Pobres Tan Ricos: 5/1/14: Talk To The Hand!

Hola, Amiguis! I have been under the weather since last weekend but I am feeling a bit better.This recap will be short and bulleted so to speak. If I miss something, please add/correct. I have an earworm for you and it's especially for MA and Lupe, What About Love? Shall we begin?

Agt Jen Gomez (Agent Jennifer Gomez) is wanting to talk to Ahole (Alejo) she has some questions for him as both Ahole and Vilma sweat. Ahole is blaming everything on MA of course. Oh, and he went to Italia have they contacted Interpol into his whereabouts? Agt Jen thinks that the familia is living in a hotel in Italia. She'll get right on that, takes candy from Ahole's desk and ends up spilling most of it on his desk.

Lupe (Guadalupe) is asking her Papa Chuy to be calm but he is very disillusioned with Nepo (Nepomucen "El Rey de las Plantains") because he thought he was such a great friend and supporter of his. He is also diillusioned with MA (Michael Angelo) when he offers to pay the debt. He ends up throwing both of them out of the Fonda.

Nepo and MA have a chat outside. Seems Nepo is pithed that MA didn't tell him that Lupe was in love with this Angel RP (RuizPalacios) who is this guy and why is MA wanting to pay this debt that Nepo wants the Menchaca, namely Lupe, to pay. MA is sweating it cause he thinks Nepo is on to him, but no worries, Nepo couldn't put two and two together if he tried, jus' sayin'. It's only right MA says and besides they have that side bidnez with the juice. I don't know if Nepo kind of fired MA again, but Nepo warns that if he doesn't get his payment he is going to let his lawyer handle it.

Lupe and Chuy have a chat once those guys leave, ya know, Nepo and MA. Why didn't Lupe tell him about this money problem with Nepo? Carmelita jumps in and says that Nepo is just pithed cause Lupe doesn't love him and this is his way of dealing with that. Emi (Emiliano) comes down cause he heard the discussion of money being bandied about and asks if they need some. Chuy tells him not to worry, it's grown ups stuff and Lupe tells Emi that money is not the most important thing in life. Emi goes and now Carm, Lupe and Chuy wonder where this money is going to come from.

Adolfo is outside of Ahole's house with Vilma, Ahole's assistant. She is worried that Mini (Minerva) and Isela will see him. He hasn't left the country due to not being able to get any papers to do so. Vilma makes Adolfo get in her "Smart Car", it reminds me of a pregnant roller skate! Just in time too, cause Mini and Isela are on their way out.

Chuy wants to know why Lupe is defending MA again. Lupe tells her Papa Chuy that MA is doing the honorable thing and paying because of the robbery of their money. Don Chuy says that the Menchaca work hard for their money and are very honest. Lupe also tells her Papa Chuy that she is going to allow Ahole to give Emi his last name. Papa Chuy tells Lupe that now Emi will have the RP last name. Lupe reminds Papa Chuy that Emi should know his Papa. Later, Lupe goes up to check on Emi and his homework.

Ahole is in his office when Mini and Isela come. Mini is wanting her position and her office and a secretary to boot as agreed with the lawyers. Mini wants this done like yesterday, and Ahole reminds her she is very late, work started hours ago. Isela, Mini's Mama, reminds Ahole the agreement was that Mini would be a Directora de Moda, in other words Director of Fashion/Style at El Editorial. Ahole rolls his eyes and calls them trantulas.

Meanwhile, the AGTS are all having a meeting and Agt Jen is pushing her agenda. She wants to know how these RP's are paying for a hotel, well, it's obvio, they are using money from the fraud to pay, that's what! AGT Jen is wanting to accuse MA or get a warrant on him for money laundering. The head AGT agrees and so it happens. Pobrecito de MA!

MA calls Lupe and wants five minutes of her time in person. She hems and haws and MA tells her he'll go with her when she buys bread and they can talk.

Mini is telling her soon to be ex hubby Ahole that she is just perfect for this job, she has style! Mini also wants Ahole to stop insulting her Mama and her too while he's at it. As for their divorce matter, the lawyers are handling it.

Trofeo is wanting to be Nepo's friend, but Nepo is being an A$$hat and reminds poor Trofeo he is only an employee, got that!

Ahole shoos Mini and Isela out of his office when he gets a call, it is Vilma, wanting to know what can she do with Adolfo Giron?

MA has gone to his new abode, ya know Guendy's (Guendolyn) and she is upset and depressed and has been crying. Guendy tells MA all guys are the same brutes! MA doesn't agree. She wants him to have a seat and talk to her. Guendy always calls MA, "Mi Mike". MA tells Guendy that he loves a woman that doesn't believe he loves her. He tells Guendy she is wonderful woman that deserves love and respect. Guendy asks him why he left the Menchacas (Lupe's home) and he hems and haws something about cold baths.

Vilma has brought Adolfo home to her house and this is where he will be staying. He will be able to sleep in a bed, which evidentially he hasn't been able to do lately, she shows him around and tells him where everything is. He likes her place. She reminds him not to open the door to anyone and as he is thanking her for letting him stay with her, she slams the door and goes.

Pobrecita! The girl who used to be the Directoria de Moda is being let go/fired so Mini can have her job! She feels it is unjust. Mini inherited her secretary and Isela and Mini want all these perks for the office.

Lupe is at the bakery when MA comes in and they chat about this debt who is paying Nepo off and he mentions the name Angel RP to Lupe, who is now worried that Nepo is on to them. No worries, Nepo hasn't a clue. She tells MA about Ahole giving Emi his last name and MA mentions something about the Grandfather Clause, I think the one about the Presidency. I didn't catch this convo, but I did catch MA begging Lupe for forgiveness, but she has zipped her lip, literally and won't speak.

Vilma has made it back to the office and tells Ahole she has stashed Adolfo at her place. He takes Vilma's hand and promises to support her thru this crisis. She is so over the moon with the hand massage, so to speak, she can't even focus very well. Vilma asks how it is going with Mini being at El Editorial and Ahole is not too happy with the situation. Vilma is still reeling from that hand massage. Vilma also tells Ahole that El Bambi is going to a Maximum Security Prison and that he still hasn't talked. Ahole tells Vilma that the AGTs think that MA and El Bambi were in cahoots in the money laundering and that soon MA will be extradited from Europa and will be in la carcel.

Emi calls Ahole, his Papa, and Ahole doesn't want Lupe to know about that talk they had at school, it's their little secret. Emi wants to know why Ahole wants him to keep lying to his Mama? But Emi caves and tells Ahole, whatever you want Senor.

Lupe won't forgive MA just yet. He asks her how she feels about him. He also tells her, he will wait as long as it takes till Lupe forgives him. He wants to see her smile, oh and he's very sorry! She doesn't want MA to tell Nepo about them, not without her that is.

Don Chuy is at home and Lupe comes in and he wants to know if she went to a new bakery cause he was looking to go with her. She says she was talking to MA. Her Papa Chuy gets all upset again, cause MA is not worthy! Lupe reminds her Papa, once again, that her private life is private, no butting in, she says this with total respect of course. Lupe also tells her Papa that Nepo thinks she is in love with this Angel RP and Nepo has no clue who that is.

Guendy is at home, covered in a binky, all depressed and she has been crying again. Nepo is still in love with Lupe she tells Carm and Guendy tells her Lupe is in love with Angel RP. Now Carm is fit to be tied, she just knew that Guendy couldn't keep her mouth shut, and this is going to cause all kinds of crap once two and two are put together. Guendy tells Carm she told Nepo that Lupe isn't in love with Ahole. What a chismosa (gossip) Guendy is!

Tomas called MA and MA meets him at a taco stand. He tells MA that the cops have a warrant out for his arrest for money laundering. MA thinks Ahole told the cops this. Tomas tells MA that El Bambi still hasn't squealed. Tomas tells MA to have taco, but MA wants a quesidilla.

The Secetary of Mini tells her about some meeting that is happening in the morning and Mini tells her to cancel it, she isn't prepared/could care less. Ahole comes in and gives Mini hell about cancelling. He wants Mini to quit if she doesn't like it and Isela tells him to get out of the office and stop provoking them.

MA has come to the Menchaca home to meet with Frida, AS (Ana Sofia) and Leo (Leonardo) about this accusation of money laundering, which will probably hit the news, they are outside. All AS and Leo are thinking about is the scandal this will cause and about the wedding of Maca (Macarena) and Leo, they can't have this scandal. Frida is pithed at her Mama and Leo and calls them insensible and egoists. They are all wrapped in blankets outside, except for MA. Leo and AS go inside and Frida gives her brother a big hug!

While Ahole is in Mini's office, he gets a call and lays it on thick to the Princessa on the other end. Mini and Isela are not pleased and Mini thinks this must be the bebe Mama. It's Lupe and she tells Ahole she has decided to allow Ahole to give Emi, Ahole's last name, as in RP!


Ahole visits Lupe at home and says he wants her back and for he, Emi and Lupe to be a familia!

MA calls Ahole! Ruh, Roh! MUST SEE TV!


Good Morning Y'all!

Please enjoy the recap ; )

Thanks, Madelaine! I'm glad you're on the mend. That was pretty thorough for a "bullet points" recap!

Funny that Vilma gave Adolfo the same bathroom instructions that Carm gave MA. (I know I said Carm told MA to clean up after himself if he sprayed, but she also told him to lift the lid, as Vilma told Adolfo last night.)

I couldn't figure out whether MA told Lupe the whole story about the Grandfather Clause or not. I know he started to mention it, but then they cut to another scene and when they came back he was apologizing. So did he tell her the whole deal or not?? She seemed miffed, but I couldn't tell whether she was just still miffed from before, or if this was new vexation about hearing about the grandfather clause (you'd think she would have asked "is that why you wanted to be with me?" even if she didn't want to think so).

I wasn't thrilled when Emi called Ahole, but he was just trying to figure out how to deal with the secrecy. I DID like that he called him "Sir" rather than "Papa."

So is Gwendy also in the dark as to who "Angel RP" is? I thought at first that she knew it was MA, but she seems to only know him as "Mike" and was asking him who this woman was that didn't believe he loved her...

I really screwed up on the avances yesterday... I thought the head detective said he was charging Ahole with money laundering, but apparently he said "Miguel Angel." Sigh. And bummer. Though I suppose I should have realized it was too soon for Ahole to get caught! Drat!!

When Güendy heard Carmelita, she said "who is Angel RP?"
She doesn't know who it is.

MA told Lupe so she wondered if maybe that's why Alejo wants to get close to his son, though MA did propose that maybe Alejo is just feeling fatherly.
Lupe gets miffed about all the secrets, and he says he tried to tell her, but she told him she didn't want to hear anything else from him,


Thanks, Madelaine, for your commitment even when you don't feel that good. Get well soon!!

A few details I was ROFLOL'ing about last night..
Mini and Isela showed up at work and A-hole was complaining that they were late (as in they showed up mid afternoon for the workday) and they claim they can come in whenever they are good and ready.
Later about the meeting they cancelled and Ahole was mad about was because it was the final review of the next issue of the magazine. The Editorial manages several magazines and Mini and ISela have just become the Director (boss) of the fashion magazine. Ahole at the end of that scene said he felt more relieved leaving the decisions to the folks under Mini/Isela since they DO know what they are doing.

I loved the saying from Lupe: 'Los mas ricos no son los que tienen mas, sino los que necesitan menos' (the richest are not the ones that have the most but the ones that need the least).. I will probably keep that saying for life! love it!!

Trofeo was rolled over by Nepo when he came to offer help. Nepo kept ranting that he does not like people using him and taking what is HIS, so in the end as he was leaving Trofeo said he preferred the drunk NEpo to this one... and Nepo hessitated and realized he had gone overboard, was about to run after Trofeo, probably to appologize but i guess his ego got the best of him.

I believe MA did tell Lupe about the clause(he told her now because he realizes this is what Alejo's approaching her now is all about), since when we come back to them Lupe was whining to him about not having told her earlier about the clause, but I agree that she did not seem that mad at him or thinking that MA had approached her for the clause.

Loved Vilma's facial expressions after Ahole stood up from massagging her hand (did he kiss it too??). I bet if she could, she would never wash that hand again...

The tacos scene with Tomas and MA... MA refused the first round of tacos because they were made of 'lengua' (beef tongue) and the last round (I forgot the word they used but it is sort of the lip/nose area) so MA pleaded to the cafeteria guy to get some quesadillas instead (LOL!!!)

btw, I don't think Gwendy knows that Lupe's love is indeed MA.

I think what Tomas said was they were tacos de trompa (which is what made me think of lip/nose area). anyone know what is 'trompa'? from MA's reaction it is not much better than lengua.

Madelaine, thanks for the memories--of last night's action.

MA was sweet when he was trying to make Guendy feel better. And funny when he was talking to Tomas over tacos. Also liked the sidewalk blanket conference with la familia.
Clever--going back to making the bread run with Lupe in order to steal a few minutes courting time.

The most hilarious scene for me was Vilma reporting back to Alejo, when he held her hand and kissed it (yes, Marta, he did lay his lips on it!). I loved how she went moment by moment, tenderly viewing her hand as a holy object, reliving each part of his caress, acting all dreamy and mushy, and yes, planning to never wash it again. And Ahole with never a clue of what he had just done to her.

yup, i was right, pork snout is the filling. yikes!

looking for the 'tacos de trompa' definition, i found this, hysterical!
"Deep End Dining"
Daring. Different. Delicious. There’s high end dining. There’s low end dining. And then there’s everything else in between. We’d like to introduce you to another level - Deep End Dining. We are diners dedicated to seeking and devouring the food uncommon, cuisine exotic and entrées less ordered. Have an open appetite and get ready to plunge into...the Deep End.
check this out...

Paloma, when i heard trompa that is the first think i thought of, elephant trunk... but then again i knew that in Mex there are no elephant tacos so it must have been a part of a pig... and MA's reaction confirmed my suspicions.

Anthony Burdain was having a show of his traveling and tasting foreign foods dedicated to mexican food... i wonder if he ran into the lengua or trompa tacos.

Good Morning Y'all

Thank you so much for your kind words. I didn't miss as I thought I did.


I was confused by that scene with MA and Lupe too about the Grandfather clause. They cut that scene, unless they will reshow it this evening with more detail. They have done that before.


Thank you so much for all the added detail. I'm glad you heard the Grandfather clause detail. Well, it's one Grandfather clause down, one more to go, ya know the million dollar one!

Anon 8:42:

Thanks for the detail of Guendy not knowing who Angel RP really is. So she is in the same boat as Nepo, she has no idea! If I were Guendy, I'd get off that sofa, ditch the binky and start working on seducing Nepo, as she did before. You can tell he likes it whenever he is close to her.

La Paloma:

I too liked MA's talk with Guendy. I really like what he said to her. Isn't it funny how much he has grown in such a short time? At the beginning of this TN I couldn't imagine him counseling anyone! I did see Ahole kiss Vilma's hand I just forgot to include it. Too funny! I too think she won't be washing that hand anytime soon.


Tongue, pig snout, I'm with you, yikes! I'd rather have a quesadilla too!

Mads- I'm so glad you are feeling better. Welcome back!

I only saw the last few minutes, so thank you for filling me in. So glad MA told Lupe about Abuelo Clause #1, and that she didn't make some crazy assumption about his intentions towards her. It wouldn't have made any sense anyhow, because MA doesn't need to marry Lupe specifically to fulfill that clause.

Mads- MA confessed to Lupe about Abuelo Clause #2 last week, so everything is now out in the open between them.


Thanks so much for letting me know about Grandfather Clause #2, it's good now that Lupe knows all about the clauses. At least now Lupe has a heads up with this clause for the Presidency and will be wary of Ahole and his mis planes. Isn't it funny that Ahole thinks he has the upper hand here, when in fact it's MA that does!

The good guys winning so far?

Conservative Democrat:

The good guys are working hard to, how shall I say this, right some wrongs. So far it's mainly even, but the bad guys or should I say the main villain, Ahole (Alejo) is holding all the cards as far as the fraud goes. One of the main villains, El Bambi is in jail and hasn't said a word. Adolfo, the other bad guy, is at Vilma's and now Ahole has to make sure they don't out him for this fraud he committed but blamed on MA (Michael Angelo).

It's true: MA did try to tell her about his grandfather's cláusulas several times before, and she wouldn't listen. I guess it really isn't bothering her too much. She already knew that Ahole was an a-hole, so it wouldn't have been a great surprise that he was trying to use her and Emiliano.

As for Bambi, I'm not sure he even knows who MA is. I believe he was actually at the board meeting at the editorial when they signed the contract for the new RP business in Europe (the one that MA supposedly used to defraud the company), we saw this in a flashback, but I don't know why he was there. He must have been the big investor that Adolfo was bringing in. But Bambi and MA didn't interact much if at all.

It took MA a long while to figure out where he'd seen the "Bambi" in Doña Queta's photo before; likewise Bambi barely knows who MA is. Bambi dealt mostly with Adolfo, and a little bit with Ahole, but he wasn't in on the plot against MA. I think he was still confused even in the car, just before the police chase, when MA asked him to help him prove his innocence. And they had no opportunity to chat after that.

But based on their extremely brief conversation in the car, Bambi may have an inkling that MA would be more useful as an ally than as an enemy if he can somehow serve as Bambi's arms and legs to take action on whatever evidence Bambi has against Adolfo and Ahole.

Mads glad to hear that you are better and thanks for the fun recap.

So happy Lupe knows about all the clauses so she can see through Alejo's "great acting." And if/when poor Em confesses (b/c this must be very heavy on him), she will know the rat she's dealing with.

CD, in comparison to PSMA, the good guys are definitely winning. Now, MA and his family have lost their money and houses but framing this loss is comedic terms and not tragic ones makes it a fun tn.

i tend to agree on your theory of Bambi seeing MA as an opportunity to gather proof against Alejo. At least Bambi is not a character who makes conclusions about people from the get go... it takes betrayal for him to turn against you, like he has considered turning on Alejo. I love Luis Gatica and like the Bambi we have seen so far. funny how he leaned toward the front seat and just went 'do I know you from somewhere?' and then when MA asked for help to prove his innocence, he went 'I knew it!'

Madelaine, so glad you are back and feeling better. Thanks for another excellent recap!


Isela telling Alejo that she and Minerva had so much class that they exuded it through their pores.

Isela telling Alejo that what Minerva didn't have in a father she more than made up for in a mother. That is really true!

Vilma having to remove the Alejo photos from view in her apartment.

Vilma savoring her "Alejo kissed hand" and protecting it from other touch (contamination) just like a teenage girl.

Lupita smiling as she is giving MA a hard time on the phone.

Carmelita calling Guendy the "chismografa numero uno de La Nopalera". Is that llke a telegraph for gossip? :)

MA asking for a quesadilla when given tongue and pig snout tacos. (I was raised on/with what is now called "variety meats" so this hit me as funny).

AS, Leonard, and Frida wrapped up in blankets to talk to MA on the street.

Not funny:

Lupita suspecting something is up when Emiliano starts talking about being poor.

Emiliano still not telling Lupita about Alejo.

The fact that don Chuy had to shame Nepo into ending his rage at the Menchaca household.

Marta, I agree that the saying about being rich is a keeper and thanks for the info on "deep end dining". I will have to give it a look.



totally agree, that if we placed PSMA and QPTR on teh fence of tragicomedias, we would have PSMA fall into the tragedia side and QPTR in the comedia side. i am so glad i chose the right one to watch. Love Guy but can't stand that kind of tragic plots...

Carmelita calling Guendy the "chismografa numero uno de La Nopalera". Is that llke a telegraph for gossip? :)

Jarifa, now you have me with a vision in my head of those old style telephone operators who got used to being the 'gossip central' of the community they worked for.

Marta you definitely made the right call on QPTR. I think this is the best comedic tn I've seen (I can't give it to LFMB b/c that extension ruined it for me). It's been fun from the beginning and I've gained new respect for MT (in his defense I've only seen him in the Passion Pit), IM (she should do more comedies period) and the actress who plays Isela. I can imagine a reel of bloppers with those three would be a hoot and then some.

The other challenge w/PSMA is the playing field is not even. The bad guys win all the time AND the good guys are some of the dumbest people I've seen in a tn. It's a very annoying combination that I will definitely steer clear of in the future. If it weren't for the great recappers and bloggers, I would have dumped it for sure.

Dear Mads:

I'm not even watching this one, but I couldn't resist stopping by to say hi and welcome back. I'm so glad you're starting to feel like yourself again.

You guys make this all sound like so much fun. Wouldn't it be great if Uni decided to slip it into an earlier spot in the line-up to replace the gloomy melodrama that is ending soon?

Yeah NM. You may not be off the mark as we have not seen any adds for the new tn coming after PSMA. I've seen other bloggers speculate that the 7 pm tn may go for two hours until they decide what goes at 8 pm. And it would be fun to have this move earlier though as a night owl I'm good either way.


I too think that Bambi had no idea who MA was/is. MA saw him at the meeting years before, but wasn't in the fore front of that meeting so El Bambi may have no idea that this is the MA the cops are wanting so badly. I wish they would team up to nail Ahole.

Karen and Marta:

Speaking of PSMA, I have this channel called UTLNO and GE was being interviewed about his part in it. He said the part of Art was about a guy that was happily married with a marvelous daughter, is hit by tragedy, and marries again even though his daughter wasn't okay with a step mother. He said he loved this part cause Art was such a great guy! Que???? I had to laugh at the interview. Maybe they interviewed GE before some of the writing, who knows.


Thanks so much for the added bits. I loved your whole comment : )


It's so great to see you here! I love this TN, so much funny and without the tragedy. I wish they would move this into the 8:00pm time slot too! It would be nice to have this show before all the dramas, but maybe UNI is doing this as a calm down from all the drama ; ) I have heard rumors about DQTQTQ too maybe going to two hours, Karen. DQTQTQ has already ended in Mexico. There was a rumor that LA GATA, would replace PSMA but that was said to be only a rumor. It doesn't start filming until the 5th of May.

unfortunately GE has fallen in the same trap more than once. same thing happened to him in Salome, the beginning was great, very entertaining and his character had backbone, then they did the time jump to when the kids were teenagers and then it all fell on a downspiral since.
He was ok in Eva Luna but his character lost strength after a while there too.

Thanks, Mads! I really enjoyed "Nepo couldn't put two and two together if he tried, jus' sayin'"

Funny stuff!

Hopefully I'll get to watch at least Thursday's and Friday's episodes this weekend.

OT: I just read in this month's People en Espanol that La Gata won't be here until July, so it looks pretty likely that DQTQTQ will be airing for two hours for a while.

GE's best roles are from a while back, from La mentira and Cafe con aroma de Mujer. There Danna Garcia had an important role as his sister.

as far as MT, you have to watch him in La hija del Mariachi. LOVED LOVED him there.

Thank you for the recap Madelaine!

I just wanted to mention how much I love Tiaré Scanda in this. She is one versatile actress and I'm glad to see her back in Rosy Ocampo's telenovelas.

I hoped Mini would be better at work than how Alejo expected her to be.

I liked that Frida hugged MA at the end there. At least he has her. AS fails again as a mother.

Here's a question to the blog:

Who's a worse mother? Isela or Ana Sofía?

Beef tongue tacos are my dad's favorites. The trompa tastes pretty good, actually, but I don't like the way they feel while chewing, it feels like "cueritos" but it's slightly better because the trompa has a bit of meat from the cheek which is my favorite part of the pork.

PSMA is about to finish here and the ratings have gone up for the last episodes so it's going to leave a good number for La Gata which I'm expecting to be even worse than CI. That storyline makes no sense in this day and age, Rosa Salvaje updated the story for 1987 and Por Un Beso updated the story for 2000 but La Gata is going back to the 1970 version and it looks ridiculous.



I have only seen GE in PSMA, which I stopped watching when it got into the silliness. How could a galan be that dumb? As for MT, I watched a bit of Passion Pit and didn't like him in that. I find him to be very good here and I hope he sticks with comedy, he is so great at it!


Nepo really has no brain when it comes to women. He's great at his bidnez though. I find it so funny that Guendy is basically telling him and showing him to make "the move", like on "The Big Bang Theory", and he still doesn't get it! Seems he only "gets it" when he's ten sheets to the wind. I have to say I am liking AP in this role, he is also great at comedy! I feel for you about the two hours of DQTQTQ, it's a shame if they don't replace PSMA with something new. Those two hour recaps can be so tiring.


I am so glad you are here! Thanks for the info on "La Gata". CI was a hot mess wasn't it, but so was Mar de Amor! I vowed after "CI" I wouldn't watch another NL production.

As far as the worst Mother, I'd have to say AS. Isela isn't all that great either, but at least Isela hasn't gone to the lengths that AS has gone, like in say stealing money, so far at least. I think Isela truly has Mini's interests at heart, where AS has only her own interests at heart, as in money all the time. I can't wait to see if Maca is truly rich or a fake. I think that may be AS's wake up call, if Maca is fake. Otherwise, AS will find a way to tag along with Maca and Leo. Wouldn't it be funny if Maca's parents controlled her lana? Then what would AS do?

Oh, I know Isela is just as money hungry as AS, she was poor until she married, and maybe the loss of money would drive her to do something really bad, but so far she hasn't come close to what AS has done.

Jarocha, great to see you. I hope you are well.

ITA w/Mads, though Isela is money grubbing and pretentious, in her own warped way, I think, she loves Mini. But I'm probably rating her higher than AS because Isela leaves me laughing while AS makes me sick.

I agree with Madelaine: AS is the worse mother. Not by much, but she's worse.

At first, I thought this would be a tough call. AS and Isela both rely on their children to support them by marrying rich people, which is horrible enough.

But at least Isela is interested in what Mini does. AS couldn't care less what MA and Frida do. She wouldn't care about Leo either if he weren't such a suck-up.

Granted, Isela's main interest in Mini is that Mini keep a swanky roof over their heads. But AS is no better in that regard. In fact, she expects MA to keep a swanky roof over her head even though she DOESN'T offer him the slightest bit of support, moral or otherwise, to MA. (Remember at the beginning, when he came back from London, and was shocked that his family never ate meals together?)

AS has also stolen money, deliberately written bad checks, and even tried to scam money from her friends in the name of a fake charity - something Isela hasn't done yet.

Which isn't to say that Isela wouldn't do those things too under the right circumstances, but at least we can give her the benefit of the doubt. And I really cannot imagine her stealing money, ditching Mini and then later letting Mini take the blame for it! If Isela stole money, I think she'd share it with Mini.

(Sure AS shared the Menchacas' money with Leo, but only because they needed to impress the Countess.)

When Mini's been in trouble with Ahole, Isela always stepped up to defend her (even after threatening not to).

AS did turn down Ahole's offer for money to turn MA in, but that's because 1) she couldn't bear to humble herself to this hated nephew, 2) she was expecting to be wealthy soon, and 3) she's afraid MA's crimes would be on the news and Macarena would find out.

In short: if Isela were my mom I'd give her a Mother's Day card and we'd tell each other some passive-aggressive jokes about what a cheap card it is and what a lousy mom she is. But if AS were my mother, I'd let her steal a card on her own time instead.

I have to agree that Tiare Scanda is doing a great job here, and the pair with Ingrid Martz i want to see in more novelas!
as far as AS vs Isela, I ahve to agree with Karen on
Isela leaves me laughing while AS makes me sick


Thanks Madelaine, very well done.

I think my favorite last night was Vilma's reaction to Alejo caressing her hand. How sensual was that? She didn't say a word and didn't need to.

We know from earlier that Adolfo is smitten with Vilma and that she has been oblivious to his attentions. Maybe now that he has moved in with her he'll have an opportunity to win her over.


Thanks Madelaine, I couldn't tell you only posted bullet points. It seemed like a very thorough recap to me.

My understanding of Bambi and MA are this. Bambi wasn't sure he knew MA but he seemed familiar to him. When they were in the car and right before the car chase, MA told him who he was, and at first Bambi was feeling betrayed and that MA would turn him in. MA told him that he wouldn't because he was also a fugitive from the law and that he was also wrongly framed for money laundering. I think they agreed to try to work out how to get themselves off the hook, but they had to split up after that and they never were able to talk again.

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