Friday, May 02, 2014

Que Pobres Tan Ricos #84, 02 May 2014... Ahole arrives unannounced at Fonda (yikes!). Salomon gets 'fresco' and receives a slapfest from AS. Emi 'meets' his dad.

Ahole gets call from Lupita. call ok will meet but we will see later about the surname, Ahole knows Isela and Mini are at table so he talks to Lupita with a lot of charm, as if she is his current girlfriend, and tells her his whole life are Emiliano and her. Ahole walks away after hanging up and Isela and Mini act offended, how dare he talk like that in front of US!. They start trying to remember the name of the boy’s mother… is it Mechaca, Muchaca, Isela even says Chewbacca, and Mini says no, that’s the hairy one!(these 2 really work well off each other in comedy)

Vilma comes out to living room, Adolfo has fixed her desayuno, she is shocked, no one cooked for her before. He notes every man should. When she sits down, she gets a call from Ahole summoning her to get there NOW!! She has to run out, won’t even take bread and butter on the go, poor Adolfo was stood up.

Lupe drops off Emiliano at school. Reminds him she will arrange the meeting to meet his dad. She tells him some things will change, like he will get his dad’s surname. He is glad now he will also have both his dad’s surname and his mom’s surname.

Carm and Lupe talk on phone, they realize Gwendy is again hearing from the other line, Carm comes in the bedroom and reprimands Gwendy. Lupe feels more pitiful for Gwendy, she is sad about Nepo not giving her even the time of day.

Lupe delivers chilaquiles at Mercado, apparently MA followed her to that stand from Nepo’s stand, Lupe and MA chat that Nepo already knows she is with an Angel RP. It was Gwendy who told him, she is incapable of holding a secret, so be very careful what you tell Gwendy. With this MA wants her to confirm she cares about him. He insists he can’t live without her and wants to tell everyone about their relationship. They are about to kiss but stop just short, realizing where they are. She leaves and again he is dancing for joy.

AS calls Maca and says have to advance wedding date, grandma ill, also can’t have it at beach house, there is a huge hurricane there. Maca is sorry for the news, and agrees, Leo wants to know the rest of AS plan. She says leave it to me.  (I have to note that the room where Maca was laying in bed is very simple like a low end hotel room rather than a palace or mansion).

Nepo/DA, how is university studying? Ok, glad to hear. Nepo still wants DA to put sport ahead of study. Still dream with DA becoming a star and newspaper headlines saying his name.

MA comes in, Nepo had asked him to come talk to him. Nepo puts a scary face, MA shocked.

AS calling Chabela and tells her can’t have the wedding at the coast house. Don’t tell me don’t tell me, no! tell me! AS tells Chabela that the house got flooded, the furniture got ruined, a total drama. AS asks Chabela if she can lend them her hacienda at Maninalco. Chabela excited about the European whos who bumping elbows at her hacienda, but don’t you have anyone else who can give you a location? AS and Chabela will meet at her hacienda to define the plan. AS hangs up. Leo points they don’t have even the money to go to the hacienda.

Nepo asks MA about Angel RP, MA tries to start talking about ARP but Nepo cuts him off, he is really jealous/ticked off, as soon as he sees him he will strangle him! MA jumps away scared… MA’s phone rings. MA says he has to step outside. Nepo thinks it is his ‘friend’ Saul. MA does not correct him, runs out.

Ahole is leaving the office, Vilma tries to go along but he leaves her behind.

Leo, AS and Frida are talking. Frida asks why they don’ t use the money Don Salomon paid for some of her stuff, AS is saving the money for a special occasion.

Said Don Salomon Ladino comes in honking the new truck (looks like a ford F150) he is showing off as his new acquisition. AS greets him from up in the balcony fence, Don Salomon invites her for a ride in his new truck. AS comments about the sacrifices one has to do to get what she wants. Chuy, Carm and JT watch as AS gets in the truck. Carm wonders who is worse between the two. Don Sal keeps honking the horn. They get annoyed and go in.

MA and Tomas meet, MA uses Tomas’ phone to make a call, he hopes it is still the same number.

Ahole arrives at the Fonda street. Mati is serving at the fonda. Lupe is in kitchen.Lupe is serving, asking Mati to take a break form working. Mati says this is what she needed, to be active. Lupe wonders if they are the ones abusing her. Mati insists this is medicine for her. When you do nothing you get overwhelmed by the depression that makes you want to die. At the home she felt like no one needed her, that no one cared for her, she felt like she was living empty. That was the worst, to make someone older feel useless! They are about to serve table #4 when Lupe hears noises at the house side. She realizes it is Ahole so she goes to hide Mati before she goes out to talk to Ahole.

MA calls Ahole while Ahole is alone in Lupita’s house. MA tells Ahole that someone accused him of money laundering and he is sure it was Ahole. Ahole is washing his hands off, I had nothing to do. Mati and Lupe are hearing the Ahole side. MA asks Ahole not to be so cynical. Just called you to propose something that will interest you.

AS and Salomon are riding together, he tries to put his hand on her leg, and gets slapped all over for it. He keeps saying something about passion. AS says stop saying nonsense, they have to think what she will tell her friend so she will loan AS the hacienda.

JT goes upstairs to alert Frida and Leo that Ahole is downstairs. He already took care of hiding Mati, to calm Frida’s instant worry. JT gives Frida the look, and when he leaves Leo makes the ‘loser’ signal for Frida for her relationship with JT.

MA has asked Ahole for a house and a pension for his family. MA offers that he will give up the chance of the competition for the ownership of the editorial, and the ownership of the entire RP fortune. Ahole does not believe MA. MA insists he is serious. IF Ahole backs up on any and all accusations he has made to MA, he will give up all his inheritance. Ahole gets irritated, he won’t give in, shouts that the only criminal is MA and he is not about to pay for his crimes!

Chuy tells Mati that they appreciate her. They insist that she has to take her rest breaks. Mati goes with Carm to sit down to hae a coffee or something. Chuy and Lupe go to meet Ahole. Sorry I came in unannounced, but the door was open. Both Lupe and Chuy roll their eyes.

Tomas and MA chat whether they think Ahole bought MA’s story / offer. Tomas is confident they are just beginning to work on his case. If Ahole talks to Bambi, they are over. Because MA does not have any evidence to incriminate Ahole. Tomas keeps very cocky that they will win in the end.

Ahole ‘admires’ Lupita’s house, very ‘pintoresca’, Lupe claims it was not in the ‘agreement’ that Ahole would come in any time he wanted. This is Lupe’s house and she is not up to people coming in at their heart’s content. Chuy backs her statement, ‘how can people walk just like that into other people’s houses’. Ahole claims this is where ‘mi hijo’ lives. Wanted to know the ‘jail’ where my son lives. Ahole asks to see the room where Emiliano sleeps. Lupe will show him, after rolling her eyes.

Mini and Isela keep asking for all new top of the line furniture, equipment, artwork, etc for Mini’s office. The secretary wants to give Mini her agenda, but Mini does not want to hear that, she just wants to be able to sit at her desk to be on her phone and also wants a coffee… rapidito! Isela wants to go scan Ahole’s office to see what they find. MA calls Mini. He wants to meet her asap. Mini is checking her ‘agenda’ but she is just faking it to play hard to get’. MA is on the playground swing… swings himself trying to gain patience, he arranges they will meet at the café they always do.

Salomon still giving AS the ride… only say yes and I will fill you with kisses and caresses, like in the movies, besides wrapping you in jewelry. AS claims she knows she inspires unstoppable passion, but please control yourself. He keeps trying to get physical with her but only gets slapped over and over. She fakes that she will get sick, he pulls a napking out of his glove compartment, does not want her to dirty up his truck with her ‘snout’.

Ahole keeps touring the house ‘look! More plastic!’ ‘what good taste decorations!’ ‘that detail gives ‘movement’ to the space’… Lupe is fed up, are you going to keep critiquing the place or go to your son’s room?

AS about to have a stroke in the truck, she is in a hurry to get there. Salomon ‘ the more difficult, the more heated passion! Que mujeronas!!’ AS and Salomon arrive at the hacienda. AS is tired of Salomon saying nonsense. Salomon says he is not kidding, he likes decisive women who know what they want. He tries to get her to let him come in with her, but she wants him to wait for her outside. Salomon tells himself that AS is about to fall for him.

Ahole gets to Emiliano’s room, ‘very masculine!’ wants to know what sports he likes, what does he want to do in life? Lupe replies that Emi is a boy, a bit early for him to know what career he wants. Ahole starts making fun of a framed picture of Sumatra. He is a bit jealous of CHuy who has been the father figure for Emiliano so far. Ahole can’t wait to meet Emiliano. Lupe gives in to arrange the meeting, but she wants to be present. He grabs the framed picture of Chuy, Emi and Jt and tells Lupe that he wants them three (Ahole, Lupe and Emi) to be a family, the family they always were meant to be… Lupe very confused. Ahole gets ‘charming’ trying to convince Lupe that this is what he wants, a family. Very recently he suffered an accident where he almost died. That changed his life. He does not care anymore about the material things. Right now he wants the love of his son, of a family. Ahole tries to caress her, she pulls back. Lupe warns him that if he touches her again she will break his arm, and then kill him. ‘The only thing you will have from me is the chance to meet Emiliano’. Ahole insists that they are Emi’s parents and as such they have to interact. Lets do it peacefully. Emiliano comes in, Lupe introduces Emiliano and Ahole. Tells Emi Ahole is his dad.

Previews: apparently Mini declares war on Alejo’s son, Lupe tells MA that Mini better not try anything against Emiliano because otherwise Mini will get to know her and her whole family.

Gwendy goes to the Editorial, probably looking for Angel RP, and Mini confronts her, since she thinks Gwendy might be Ahole’s baby mommy. They grab each other as if wrestling, hair treces against hair treces… this should be goooooood!!!


Marta, thanks for your speedy and detailed recap this evening.

My favorite scenes:

All of the scenes with don Salomon driving AS to her friend's hacienda. It didn't take long for her to be in the back seat so he seemed to be the chauffeur. Those two deserve each other. They'd make a very sylish couple: they matched today both dressed in grey. Too funny.

Poor Da Vinci being rescued by AS from being "opcion B" after Leonardo spun him around twice in his hand when demonstrating "opcion A".

The Subway commercial with Lupita and Carmelita that went on and on and on with them even eating the sandwiches.

The three-way conversation between Lupita, Guendy and Carmelita. Poor Guendy getting caught because of her sigh.

Don Chuy telling Alejo off for having the nerve to just barge into their house. Lupita telling Alejo that if he touched her she first would break his arm and then who knows what else she would break.

Marta, that was a very interesting comment you made about where Maca was staying. I cannot wait until we find out the truth about her.



Marta, thanks for keeping us current with the hijinks and happenings in La Nopalera.

Jarifa's list of favorite scenes covered most of mine as well.

Maybe AS can end up in partnership with Don Salamon, using her art and antiques expertise to build a megamart of great taste.

The Subway product placement was rather painful in its plodding presentation. Almost made me want to pick pig-snout tacos over a sub sandwich.

Has Alejo seen Lupita in action with her fighting moves? He may not know just how powerful she can be! He should fear the hija del hijo de Sumatra.

I just love seeing MA do his little happy dance. It makes me smile every time.

What a journey! Slowly working toward sorting out the guilty and the innocent, moving the rich and poor to the levels they deserve, and helping the anxious lovers find their best match.

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Thanks, Marta.

I'm in Panama so haven't seen the last week of episodes...this show is airing here but they are ahead of the U.S.

I'm really really looking forward to seeing how this wedding is pulled off...or not. Leo may be a snot but he always entertains me, and with Maca, even better.

Are Tizoc and Frida on better terms yet?

Marta thanks for this great recap. I look forward to seeing the rest of this as I only saw the first few minutes.

Once again Mini and Isela were just so silly...Chebacca indeed.

Tried of Nepo's jealousy over someone who never loved him and unsettled by his recent mean streak.

Julia, enjoy Panama. Are you using your Spanish? ITA this wedding ...I'm think debacle but we don't know...should be fun.

Excellent recap, Marta!

Julia and Karen- I too can't wait to see how AS pulls off this wedding. It should be very amusing. :)

Thank you Marta!! I pulled a little mini marathon and watched Wednesday's, Thursday's and Friday's episode this weekend.

Count me as another viewer who can't wait for the wedding!

I really liked the scene with Adolfo and Vilma. I don't watch as much as I should so maybe I'm missing something, but he really seems taken with Vilma. Although I guess they are both doomed to some sort of justice for being complicit in Ahole's plan.

Ahole certainly was an Ahole about the Menchaca's house.

Marta, thanks again for your faithful reporting: you guys never let us down!
The high point of this episode for me was hearing MA tell Alejo on the phone that he would give up all rights to the business and all the family money. Don't you guys think he was doing that so that Alejo wouldn't need to satisfy the grandfather clause - and would therefore leave Lupe and Emiliano alone? Now that should prove his love for Lupe.
And someone had better warn Emiliano that he had better not mention the names "Mati" and "Miguel Angel" when he's chatting with Alejo. If Emi ever starts thinking that Alejo is a good guy MA and Saul can tell him about the way he treated Mati - now there's something that Alejo could be blackmailed for because, I think, Saul had Mati's medication analyzed and we know Alejo was giving the orders to the nurse at the place (asylum?) where Mati was stuck.

Good observation Ann. Alejo would have a lot of explaining to do regarding Mati's treatment. It would be great if her memory returned and she exposed his wickedness.

Marta, thanks so much for this nifty recap. One again, well done.

I cracked up at the three way phone conversation between Lupe, Carmelita, and Güendy.

Also I enjoyed AS's conversation with Maca as Leo held the twisted coat hanger aloft to facilitate reception.

AS fending of Ladino's maneuvers was hilarious. By the way, he was driving some sort of SUV.

Isn't it time for Mati to get a new outfit? Maybe some daytime clothing?

Yikes! Güendy and Minnie going at each other in the next episode? Could it get any better than that?


Marta, thanks for your thorough and enjoyable recap. I depend on the recaps so much.

Slapfest was quite accurate! Wasn't Saloman grabby?

Ann C. , I didn't think about the danger of Emiliano mentioning MA or Mati to Alejo. That's a lot of info for a kid Emi's age to have to keep under wraps. Yikes!

And when Lupita and Carmela were convincing Mati to take a rest why didn't they mention that she needed to hide because Ahole had showed up. When was this a secret from her?

I agree. Mati needs some clothes. Since Lupita bought Mati the new robe and pajamas, that's all we see her in. She doesn't change pajamas. I think she's been wearing these pajamas much longer than the first pair or MA's shirt.

Why doesn't Tomas tell the Menchacas since there was no written agreement between Nepo and them about the loan, there is no way Nepo can force them to pay back the loan immediately or charge whatever interest he wants or involve the police. The Menchacas could claim the loan never happened (not that they would do this) and Nepo has no proof otherwise. Unless Nepo plans to break Lupita's legs or kidnap Emi, how does he plan to force them to pay?

Guendy talking to Carmelita on the phone as if she wasn't three feet away from her was funny.

Julia, how neat to be in Panama. I hope you are enjoying it and reinforcing the value of telenovela viewing!



Thank so much for this fabulous recap. It was so funny!

I am enjoying the scenes with AS and Sharkey (Salomon). They are really a great couple, I must say.

I can't wait for the first interaction between Lupe and Mini. Mini doesn't know what she is in for!

Tomas is such a better lawyer than Ahole I think. He is moving this case forward. I liked the faces Tomas made as MA was on the phone with Ahole. I want to see where this goes.

Guendy and Carm on the phone were too funny. It was like a game of telephone, with a real phone.


Yes, Adolfo has a thing for Vilma. Towards the beginning of this TN he asked her if there was anyone special in her life and that all work and no play makes for a very dull girl! All while trying to cozy up to her. This is the first time I've seen a baddie be so nice to a girl he likes. He really went out of his way with this breakfast for Vilma : )

I meant Tomas is a better lawyer than Saul! I must have Ahole on the brain, bah!

Since we're discussing Mati's wardrobe - or the lack of it - have we ever talked about what in the heck she is carrying around in that big purse of hers?

good catch AnnC! for all we know those papers (about the clause for $1M) could be in that purse waltzing around the Fonda with her LOL!

I've had the same thought about the bag. Mati may have hidden the papers in her own purse as she never leaves it anywhere.

Mads, I totally agree about Tomas being a more proactive lawyer than Saul, but that also comes with the experienced generally being more cautious when any movement they make can land their client in jail, as in this case. this is why MA has been living on the edge since Tomas took over his case... almost every move Tomas tells him he is about to make makes MA skip a heart beat. LOL!

BTW, did anyone notice the stairway at Vilma's place? I think it may just be decorative and not lead anywhere. If it does actually go somewhere, it could be a stairway of death for just about anyone who uses it!


Barbara, I wondered about that stairway, too. That wouldn't pass building codes here with no railing.

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Catching up again, but I'm here and ready to do tonight's recap.

Thanks to Marta for Friday's recap.

That was a busy episode, but for me the most enduring image was Vilma turning down a hot breakfast just to hang out with Ahole. Sheer insanity!

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