Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Que Pobres tan Ricos August 6: in which Perla plays a tree.

Ezra is in Canada so I'm subbing tonight, and skipping the retreads. There appeared to be missing chunks, did we lose an episode?

  • I don't think "Cherubs Hospital" is a good name for a place where abortions are performed. Frida is shown into a room and while waiting for the doctor and looking at all the sharp scary instruments on the stainless steel table she loses her nerve and leaves.

  • Emi invites Alejo to eat at the fonda. Chuy is furious to see him and, seemingly talking about mosquitos, says "We can't let these bloodsuckers in."
    Alejo leaves and Chuy fumes: "He can't just come in whenever he likes." "But you see how happy he makes Emi." Chuy throws her rose on the floor and crushes it, thinking it came from Alejo.

    Emi calls his dad, Alejo says: "All the Menchacas hate me, they're envious of anyone with money and power." "But they tell me envy is ugly!" "Everyone has a dark side, son, I'll teach you all about it."

  • I don't recall Minerva getting fired, but it's happened. Tonight Isela has arranged a date - she and Minerva fawn over one of the Editorial Old Dudes. He leaves for the bathroom and while he's gone Isela shakes her boobs very vigorously and advises Minerva to use hers to seduce the Old Dude. "But he's only a few steps from the tomb." Isela: "Let's us marry this guy." "When you say us, mom, you mean you, right?" "No indeed, I mean you. You are the goddess after all. This poor old sucker will fall, we've won the lottery!"

    He's still in the bathroom and Isela croons away: "He has lots of company shares and no kids. Even better, he has a weak heart, his days are numbered." "I won't marry a guy who could be my grandfather." "It's our last chance to get rich." "You marry him, Mom." "Horrors, I can't sacrifice my body!" Minerva: "But I should get Johnny Depp, not Methuselah." Don Lauro comes back, apologizing for the prostate problems that keep him so long at the urinal.

    After a few more bathroom interludes, the evening is over and the old dude is happy. He asks: "How can you live in this impersonal hotel?" "Alejo took our mansion away and our penthouse is being remodeled." "I'd like to help but I don't know how." "Do you have a guest room?" "Yes! You can stay as long as you want, I'll send my chauffeur for you tomorrow." Score.

  • Tizoc's pal in the band boasts of the huge house he'll buy when he gets famous, right on the beach, complete with gorgeous mermaids.

    Tizoc visits Fri's school. I thought these guys were what, college kids? But one owns an antro. ["A Mexican nightclub that usually plays techno, alternative rock, reggaeton, or hiphop. ... a sort of rave environment. ... you only see middle to high class people, dressed exceedingly fashionably, in Antros."]

    First the owner guy disses Tizoc but then he says he's had a cancellation... Tizoc and his buddy whistle happily and leave. The guy says Tay will be good for his business. His buddies all tweet up the event and there is a good turnout. There are posters of Tay everywhere. "Tay is dead" says Tizoc but the crowd is yelling for him.

    He's not dressed like Tay but his song, "Guerita mas fresa," is a big hit with the crowd. It's the song he wrote for Fri. The evening is a smash success - until Charly shows up and shuts it down. "You can't play until you pay the bills for being Tay. If you try performing again, you'll be singing in jail."

  • Fri tells Mati she couldn't go through with the abortion. Mati says it's time to tell the family, and Tizoc - after all, she'll be showing soon. Poor Frida.

  • At the fonda, Perla complains about doing dishes; she's a queen now and should not have the smell of food in her hair. Lupe and Carm complain that Perla complains all the time. Lupe says this model thing isn't going to happen. Perla insists "I was born to be a queen" and says she will reign over the street fair. She gets a phone call offering her an infomercial. "I need to check with my agent, I don't know if I'm free."

    Tomas wants to hear all about it. "There's this beauty product, a fat girl drinks it and then out comes gorgeous me." Perla preens, he pants like a happy dog.

    Perla shows up for her commercial which is advertising "Magic juice! Get thin in three days!" Sounds good to Perla, she wants some. Sadly, she finds out that instead of portraying the beautiful "after" customer, she is "Tree #3" out of which the juice pours!

    I love her tree suit. She has plastic ferns all the way up to her mouth so it's hard for her to talk. She's getting some of this "super magical" juice as part of her payment. The model who actually did get to play "After" jokes that the best diet is to only eat when there's a full moon.

    This situation reminds me of a famous joke which in my band we quote frequently when bad gigs happen (though we have never been asked to wear tree suits).

    There's a man in the circus whose job it is to follow behind the elephants, sweeping up their droppings. When asked why he doesn't find some other line of work, he replies, "What, and leave show business?"

  • At RP dinner we find out (another missing chunk) Leo can't go to New York for some reason. AS complains about the stroganov. "Rich as we are we can't find a cook, but in the Nopalera there's Carm..." Mike laughs, she misses Carmelita. She denies it. Mati later says "You're mad because you're bored." AS remembers with a shudder that in the Nopalera she even worked.

  • At Chuy's the family is glumly considering Tizoc's dilemma. No ideas come to them except Carm says they can pray to the virgin. Perla: "How about Tomas? He'll do it free because he likes me." Chuy doesn't her taking advantage that way.

    Later Lupita tells Carmelita the fonda is so busy, it's time to hire somebody to help, especially with her (Lupita's) situation being uncertain. Her rose of the day arrives. She sniffs it through the plastic.

  • MA is dreaming of Lupita while Mati is trying to talk about juice: the business is evidently going well. MA tells her yet again he doesn't depend on family money. Mati approves and advises him to learn to whistle. When Trofeo shows up with the new juice bottles (the label says Innocence juice or something) it gives MA an idea but we don't know what it is.

  • Perla chugs her magic juice, starts down the stairs, staggers, and faints.

Tomorrow: Again no hints. Last show is Sunday August 24. Anybody know what time or how long?


If we are missing an episode and anybody knows what was in it, tell!

Yesterday they combined 150&151 from Mexico

So, that is why there were hardly any commercials yesterday. Hmmmmm.


Thanks, Jane for the recap and the bonus joke.

Perla's tree suit was funny. Since she fainted again, makes one wonder what was in the magic drink.

More tap dancing around the younger folks' problems--Tizoc/Tai and Frida still trying to figure out the answers to motherhood and fame. Frida "I'm not ready to be a mother yet."

Mini, Iselda, and Prostrate Board Member had some of the funniest scenes. "Never stop scheming" is their motto.

Jane, great observation about the "Cherubs" hospital and great joke about show business. Thanks for the very entertaining recap. Too bad after all of this watching it seems that these episodes are being edited anew to fit some arbitrary schedule.

The writers have done a great job showing Frida's ambivalence about being pregnant and unmarried at her relatively young age: she doesn't want to end her pregnancy but doesn't want to be a mother yet either. I wonder when and how she will inform everyone of her pregnancy and what everyone's reaction will be. After the pregnancy test episode, don Chuy, Lupe, Perla and especially Tizoc should not be surprised.

Tizoc continues to be stupid with his music business. What about "lawsuit" does he not understand?

With Perla's misguided desire to lose weight at all cost, being a tree in that commercial was so fitting.

At least with don Lauro, Minerva and Isela are not out on the street. Listening to his naughty jokes and him constantly mentioning his prostate were evidently a small price for them to pay for a roof over their heads.

I loved doña Mati telling AS that she needed to "do something" to leave that "porca miseria" behind.

I wonder if we will ever see Rita again.



if anyone wonders how did Don Aureliano looked like when he played the lead, here is a good movie version of the very first telenovela I remember watching as a little kid... the lead couple was played by same actors in movie as in the telenovela.
(natacha, from circa 1970)


Thank you so much for this fantastic recap. I also liked your show biz joke.

I'm glad that Frida didn't go through with it, and I agree it shouldn't be called Cherub's Hospital, but I think they also do labor and delivery there, because there was a woman seated next to Frida that looked to be in her 8th month or so.

I can't believe that Ahole is still with his shenanigans with the Menchaca family. Now the lawsuit I can understand as far as him using Tay, but not with the band, he isn't there as Tay. Did anyone notice Tizoc's fan, the lady on the stage? She was one of our favorite characters from Amores Verdaderos named Polita.

I wish that Perla had stuck with doing the makeup instead of doing the infomercial and drinking that horrible juice. Now she's fainted again and I hope this time, they get her to a Doctor. So he can tell the whole family what it is.

When Emi was on the phone I was hoping one of the family would catch him on it. I want someone to find him on that phone. Ahole is just poisoning him slowly but surely and after awhile Emi will truly become a mini Ahole.

That juice bottle had a label for organic juice. I thought that was very cool and I think Trofeo came up with the idea. Trofeo has become a great asset.

I too was wondering what happened to Rita. I was also wondering why we still haven't heard about Lupe's test results.


The finale is slated for August 24th, a Sunday, and the length is supposed to be 2 hours.

Madelaine,, I don't think Lupe has had the biopsy yet. They seem to be dragging it out I am sure for maximum dramatic effect. Anyway, I am happy about a two hour finale.


Frida is the youngest sister of MA correct ?


Yes, Frida is the youngest RP.

Oh, my mistake. Actually Emi is the youngest RP. What I should have said is, Frida is the younger sister of MA.

I really have to laugh at AS. Who would have thought she would miss La Nopalera? I think she really misses Carm the most. AS ought to go schlep herself down there and pay Carm a visit, can you see it now, it'd be a hoot!

Thanks AGAIN, Jane! I don't know who was the genius who decided which chunks to cut last night, but Mini's firing should not have been among them. Nor Leo's scene.

If they HAD to cut anything, why did they wait until ultimos capitulos?? Again Uni shows major disrespect to its viewers. What are they thinking?? *fume*

As for Johnny Depp, Mini will have to wait. I want him first.

Promoting Tizoc as Tay - that was an obvious and idiotic mistake. Dumb fresa entrepreneur boy!!

Maybe Perla can make some money suing the diet juice people. Perhaps the best possible career for her is "personal injury plaintiff."

The antro owner had no idea about Tizoc's contract and breach of contract. How could he when the idiot most affected by it (Tizoc) has absolutely no inkling of the mess he's in? He (owner) rightfully thought he was getting the uber popular "Tay" for his venue and promoted him as such.


Johnny Depp, too funny.

I too thought that the fresa music promoter was an idiot to advertise Tizoc as Tay. He wasn't even Tay on that stage. Charlie, that putz that Tizoc broke the contract with, I'm sure is being pressured by Ahole. I really think that Tizoc ought to have a chat with Tomas. I still don't see how Charlie can threaten him with jail. I'm sure what that lawyer gave Tizoc was a cease and desist order from performing as Tay in public. He really has no say in whether he plays in another band as long as he isn't Tay. Or maybe when Tizoc signed that contract he signed away performing in public whether he is Tay or not. They never were specific about what he signed. But still they can't send him to jail.

The antro owner would have to be extremely inexperienced (and lack a more sophisticated business partner) if he thinks he can get "Tay," or any recording star who has a current hit song, without working through his management or doing any paperwork.

I'm sure Charly didn't provide the antro owner with all of those posters, so the owner must have either stolen them from existing displays, or copied and printed them illegally.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Mads, I agree, unless they have debtors' prison in Mexico (joking, I know they don't) I don't see how Tizoc can go to jail. They've never paid him anything, so he can't even be accused of tax evasion.

I agree about the irritating tendency of Televisa to cut things just to fit a schedule. Play the whole damn thing and start the new series on whatever day of the week opens up. But no Televisa insists on shows always starting on Monday. Telemundo doesn't and they don't seem to have a problem drawing an audience. I also though the whole extend Robo because of the World Cup was utterly stupid. The dates for the WC were known years ago and they could have left well enough alone and if necessary began a new TN during the WC. All channels that showed the Cup had huge audiences which bled over into the following show. Televisa scheduling is inept.

Anyway I am also pithed that all the cutting obviously bit into the Rita family chat and what ever happened to Leo which is a shame. Now the next time we see Rita, Nepo and DA we will have no idea of what went down - bummer.

I can't figure out why al the jail threats to Tizoc. He may be in breach of his contract but that merely means he has to pay back their investment in him.

Loved the fact that AS while never admitting it misses the life she had in the barrio. She had something to do with herself so it will be fun to see what she does next. I think she is bored with her "fancy friends" and recognizes how phony they are.

Poor Chuy three dumb kids — the loud hopelessly stupid Perla, the big dreamer who doesn't have the sense to read a contract and of course our heroine who marries a man she detests to "save" her family, hides the fact that she has a serious health problem, never even thinks to go to anyone for help. There is a line between pluscky and branve and plain stupid.


That's why I want Tizoc to have a chat with Tomas. If they haven't paid Tizoc then they are in breach. As far as I know they haven't paid Tizoc a red cent and I know he complained about it already. I hope they have all that money Tizoc made for them from that Mi Cellular song. I hope Tomas nails them to wall with it, or Charlie points the finger directly at Ahole. Now that would be something.

Thanks Jane, I didn't realize they were cutting scenes. Who fired Minnie? MA? If they're going to cut scenes, why didn't they cut Tizoc's concert? No offense, but I ff'd through it anyway.

Why doesn't Isela be the one who comes on to the old man? She's more in his age group anyway. I actually kept thinking he was going to move in her direction after a while. Seeing her handle that would have made for some good comedy.

Telenovelas have been in existence for so long that it's hard to understand why TN writers and producers aren't required to take a course called "Tiresome TN Pitfalls, and How to Avoid Them." The textbook should have a chapter called "Smart Heroines Can't Suddenly Be Stupid During Ultimas Semanas."

"Tiresome TN Pitfalls, and How to Avoid Them." Julie, so funny. We should all get together and write that book. We're all experts on that subject.

Our Urban Anthropologist has probably collected enough data in her Weekend Discussions to write the TN Pitfalls textbook herself.

Anyway, another thought about Tizoc. IF Charly is Tizoc's agent (it's not clear to me if he's an actual agent or just a record company exec), then Tizoc may be able to sue Charly for knowingly negotiating a contract that clearly favors another party over his client.

I don't think Tizoc even has a copy of his own contract. This could work in his favor if HE takes CHARLY to court, because Charly's failure to provide a copy to Tizoc, failure to explain its terms to Tizoc before signing, and encouraging Tizoc to sign without reading, would all support Tizoc's claim that his agent willfully and maliciously misled him.

Anyway, I know Chuy and Lupe aren't lawyers, but they can read. Shouldn't they at least glance at the contract before they take Charly (the liar) at his word when he threatens Tizoc with big penalties and jail?

Thank you for the recap Jane.

Yeah, I just checked the episodes online and 150 and 151 are mixed. This is done by Univision, not Televisa, those episodes both aired in Mexico and Televisa never cuts an episode of any telenovela here. They do ask for the extentions though.

These are some of the important bits that were missed:

I remember it was MA who fired Minerva and it was because the cover of her mother only sold 8 copies because the magazine was for teens, so they didn't buy a magazine with an older woman on the cover. This happens before they have the talk about how she got nothing out of the divorce with Alejo.

There was also a scene between MA and Frida where he talks to her about Guadalupe and his feelings over her marriage with Alejo.

And there's a scene between Ana Sofía and her society friends where they question her about Leo's sexuality and she later talks to Leo about keeping quiet with their friends but he refuses but she later tells him makes him understand that his being gay is why his friends are canceling plans with him. At that I say: get better friends Leo! There's a big gay scene in Mexico City! And alot of them are rich and love the arts!


Okay, I just looked for the scene. MA did fire her but it was in a meeting with two zombies and Mati. He did the firing (it was a little harsh, I thought) but they all agreed with him, except for the zombie that Mini and Isela are trying to seduce in this episode, who thinks she should have another chance (Mini pointed out that her last pick had been a success) but MA disagrees.

And in the scene where Frida arrives to the fonda and sees Tizoc he is about to kiss with the female singer of his band, I did not remember that.


Got some strange feeling Ahole will start manipulating Lupe's son and turn him against her.

Wouldn't be surprised if he bribes the judge to grant him custody.

Jarocha, thanks for filling in the missing bits.


Argh! Thanks for those, Jarocha. EIGHT copies? That cover was for a mag for teens?? LOL.

I can't believe Uni cut out that stuff. (Well, yes I can, based on past experience, but SHEESH!!)

OTOH I don't mind missing yet another scene of Frida being unhappy with Tizoc.

A little late chiming in, but thanks for the recap!

I'm peeved at the way they are editing. If they HAVE to snip (which they don't; they just hate their viewers), why can't they cut out stuff that doesn't affect anything? Like when the family was cleaning up the wrecked fonda, we didn't really need to linger on that so long to get the idea, similarly, they should feel free to cut out 90% of the crap Nepo and AS say. We've heard it all a thousand times before. Leave in the stuff like Minerva getting fired and Leo's evolving problems!

I agree Leo needs to find better friends. I know where he can start...there's a guy over in La Nopalera who is crazy about him. And surely if the two of them hit up the right arts events, they can find more people who will like them and enjoy the same things they enjoy. Leave that mirrey crowd in your sparkly dust, Leo.

Frida is in such a pickle. I'm glad she has Mati. I think she should confide in MA, too. And of course tell Tizoc, too, if only so then she can talk to Lupita openly about it.

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