Monday, September 22, 2014

La Gata #16- Mon 9/22 - La Generosidad

Today's episode starts with a flustered Lorenza remembering the smack heard 'round Viewerville.  I ignore her ranting while I smile at how satisfying that was.

Mercedes chews out Jarocha for following Damian's violent example and says they're only hurting Esmeralda.  Mercedes is worried about what's going to happen to Esme now and Jarocha says she'll have to go back to begging so she can feed the kids.

Right now, though, she's still in the hospital, hanging out with her chamacos (kids) and the only two galanes on this show--Damian and Carlos.  Carlos and Esme are both similarly reluctant to ever love again.  Carlos is nervous about carrying the babies, but he, like Damian is determined to help her with the kids.

Pablo's painting of Esme is stunning.  Pablo's sad face--not so much.  But a delusional Augie thinks he looks way happier today.  What's he smoking?  Pablo says he's still getting used to the idea of Esme not being in his life.  Augie tells him that he saw Esme yesterday on the arm of her new man.  Unless you mean her SON Pablo Jr., you'd better shut it!  He says her pregnancy is even more obvious.  Even Pablo Sr.'s tears don't have any effect on him as he keeps spinning his lies.  Choke on that coffee, Augie!  He spouts some fake-sympathetic crap about how poor people just can't help being horrible in their effort to survive.  Pablo says she'll never rope him in again and he had it coming for trying to play Pygmalion in the first place.  (Ha!  Called it!)  He tried to turn clay into porcelain, but the clay was low-quality, just mud, really, mud from La Barranca.

Jarocha goes to Don Italiano's shop to try to get money from him for cribs for the babies.  We hear this in her thought bubble as she waits for him to finish a phone call.

Damian takes Fernando on a tour of La Barranca where they ALMOST run into Fela, but since the show is toying with us and Damian was apparently not close enough to Fela to want to introduce Fernando to her, they walk on by as Fela stoops to retrieve her baby doll.  She tells the doll that she misses the doll baby daddy, but he's dead.

Jarocha tells Meatball about the lack of a crib, but not only does he not care, he's reveling in her pain.  He'll give Gata the money if she comes there, he says.  In fact, he'll give her everything she needs…if she marries him.  Ew!  Sorry, Meatball…I think she's a vegetarian.

Damian and/or Mercedes have now apparently told Fernando about Esmeralda.  Fernando thinks it's unfair that if Esme were to try to get revenge on all men for what's happened to her, she's the one who would be treated as if she were evil.  He whips out his checkbook and says that in the name of the daughter he still hopes to find one day, he wants to start out his life as a free man with a gesture…"not of charity, but of justice."

The Meatball vows eternal love to Gata.  And if she won't love him, then she can die.  In the ensuing argument, Jarocha tells him that Gata will NEVER love him and that's his punishment for being such a meanie.

Fernando hands over the check and Mercedes tries not to accept it, but Damian tells her to think of the kids.  When he hears the kids don't have anywhere to sleep, he says the check is for food--he'll buy them cribs.  If this girl is important to Damian, then she's important to him.  He tells Damian it's time for them to get to work.  First, he needs some nice digs so he can move out of the hotel, and then…REVENGE!  Mercedes is alarmed, but he says Damian won't be in any danger.  This revenge gig is going to take some time, so he needs a secretary and he'll only accept Damian's help if he pays for it.  Only Damian and Mercedes can know his real name…to everyone else, he has to keep being El Silencioso, the man without a name.  He killed one guy in self defense, but the bastard who had him sentenced is the real thief.  Pobre de Mercedes!  She looks terrified at all this talk of revenge.

Gata and Jarocha get home with the babies and are greeted by an indifferent Rita and an ever-patient Principe.  Drink!  As Jarocha tells Esme to buck up and get back to the business of living, Rita ignores them in favor of consulting the cards.  She mentions registering the babies and giving them their father's name and Esme agrees.  Even if Pablo Pan has flown away, she's still his wife (about time somebody remembered that) and her children are legitimate.  Grumpy Rita grumps "Let's see if with their last name you can feed and maintain them."  Jarocha tells her to shut her grumpy trap, but Rita goes on to ask why Jarocha is being so protective of Gata and whether she plans to help her by teaching her to do *ahem* what Jarocha does for a living.  "No me busque porque me encuentra!" Jarocha counters , meaning "If you come to me looking for a fight, you'll find one!"  Literally, the phrase is "don't look for me because you'll find me" but the implication is always that the "looking for" is with the intention of starting something.  Also worth noting is that she used "busque" (look/search) and "encuentra"  (find)which are the conjugations that go with the formal "usted" (you) which Jarocha uses later.  So, even if she doesn't respect Rita as a person, she's still addressing her with the respect her age merits.  Anyway…Gata tells her to have a little compassion on her first day home and Rita shuts up.  Jarocha brings up that Damian needs a copy of Gata's marriage certificate so he can register the kids and Gata looks worried.

Pablo walks along the street, noticing a toy store and a little kid.  I'm distracted by his grey cabled scarf because the drape on it is just gorgeous and they're not showing me enough of it to be able to analyze the pattern.

Gata asks Rita if she's not going to come meet her grandkids.  Rita takes a peek.  And then tells Gata now she'll know what it's like to raise kids.  She makes dubious faces when Gata tells her she married the baby daddy.  Babies' daddy?

Fela is hanging out with Jarocha and once again, Damian and Fernando approach.  So, this time, the show has Fela get a look at Fernando and run away flapping her arms in front of her face like there's a bug.  Jarocha acts like this is perfectly normal and tells Damian they need to talk about registering the kids later.  Fernando wonders about Fela and Damian tells him she's a poor crazy lady that Esme has been taking care of.  But, whatever…we've got revenging to do.  They walk away and Fela re-emerges, clutching the baby doll and looking worried.

Jarocha brings Gata sanitized crate for the babies and Gata barely has time to be sad about her babies having to sleep in a crate before two delivery dudes come knocking on the door.  They've got two brand-new white cribs.  Gata wonders if Pablo sent them as a peace offering.  She decides to go to his house and…

This episode has been interrupted by DVR shenanigans.  Please fill in anything that happened in the next four minutes!  When the recording resumed, it was in the middle of a commercial break.

ETA:  Yay!  Gracias to La Paloma for the save:
When the cribs arrived at the multi-media shack, the ladies tried to solve the question of the donor. Gata thought Pablo may have sent them. Rita insisted that the Italian sent them, which enrages Gata. She says she'll refuse them. Fortunately for the babies, she sees a note and finds they are a gift from Silencio. She saw him with Damian on his earlier dump visit and heard his name, so realizes the donor is OK.

Mariano is ready to start actually working, even though he's in the middle of working on this thesis.  Lots of his classmates are doing it.  He wants his dad to give him a job.

Damian is looking for the original marriage certificate, but it's not on the books, according to the guy he's talking to.

Mariano wants to start earning his own money.  Augie tells him to wait.  "We'll see."  Mariano swears he wouldn't steal his dad's clients, but Augie doesn't take that joke well.  He scoffs that Mariano couldn't do that.  And also, he says it's stupid--Mariano doesn't need to work.  Mariano says it's time, and if Augie doesn't want to give him a job, he'll have to go work for someone else.  He tries buttering up his dad, saying he wants to be as good a lawyer as he is and have as much money as he does, but Augie just says "We'll see" again.  Mariano keeps up the flattery and talks about his father's prestige and honor and how proud he is to be Augie's son, and how Augie has never resorted to shenanigans, and his behavior is impeccable.  Mr 5ft wonders if Mariano knows the truth.  I'd respect him more if I thought he just guilted his dad on purpose.

Gata brings one of the babies over to Fela's to apologize for not being around to take care of her.  She introduces Fela to Leticia, but Fela is afraid to hold her.  Gata talks about how everyone has been so supportive…except for Rita.  Gata wishes Fela could be the grandmother to the babies, but in Fela's mind, her daughter is a baby, so that's not possible.  She finally holds the baby.

Henry is appalled that Esmeralda is all that Pablo has painted.  He thinks it's obsessive.  "Soon you'll have to leave this apartment so there will be room for more paintings!"  Pablo thinks it's time to go to a gallery and see if they'll show his work.  He remembers he's late for a meeting with a gallery and runs off without a coat.

Fela thinks the baby looks like Pablo.  She tells Esme she met him one day, but Esme doesn't know if Fela really saw him, because she's Fela.  Fela insists the baby looks just like him.  I think it's the hair.  Gata takes the baby back and says she'll bring Jr. around later.  She wants the kids to grow up knowing Fela.  Fela warns her to be careful and never let anyone steal them like they stole her daughter.  She was sick and she thinks maybe they thought she was dead.  When she recovered, the baby was gone.  Her daughter, Renata.  "After all this time, I saw her father."  Ay por--Felaaaaaaaaa!  Why didn't you go talk to him?!  She says he was right there, in the 'hood.  She could recognize him.  Esme thinks she's imagining it, but Fela is sure.  She illustrates this by saying that he's as alive as her doll baby.  And she thinks he'll come back and they'll be together again.

Damian finds out the marriage has been annulled.  He curses "them" for bastards, for not even going through with a divorce.  Now he has to tell Esme that the babies can't have their father's name.

Damian comes over to Rita's, where the cribs are taking up almost the whole front room.  Gata realizes she has Damian to thank for the cribs in some way.  He explains that they're from a guy he met in jail, Silencioso.  Gata asks "¿por qué nos disparo las cunitas?" (why did he send us the cribs; literally "Why did he shoot us the little cribs") and Damian explains that he and Mercedes told Silencioso about her and they accepted the gift on behalf of the babies.

To sum up Garabato's conversation with his crew: he's just using Ines so she'll join them in their capers and now that they've done the deed he thinks he can get her to do anything.  Pobre estúpida de Ines!

Gata would like to thank Silencioso, but Damian says he's a little weird about that, so Damian will thank him on her behalf.  He's got only one thought on his mind.  Gata doesn't even wait to hear what it is, she just tells Damian that he has to help Silencioso.  Jarocha shows up and asks about registering the babies and when Damian gets nervous, they both think that he just didn't have time to do it.  He has to tell them that the marriage was annulled.  "Your marriage to Pablo Martinez Negrete doesn't exist."  Gata is furious at herself for being stupid.  She thinks Pablo did this to her and that she shouldn't have agreed to marry him without all the proper paperwork.  Damian confesses that they used those grounds to annul the marriage.  "No wonder his mother was so confident that it was fake!"  Jarocha would like to smack her again.  Show of hands…who else would like to see that!  Gata says she can put up with anything, but the babies?  She rushes out of the shack and starts running.  Jarocha runs after her and says it's better this way.  "You won't owe them anything.  And your last name has more honor than theirs!  We won't give them the satisfaction!"

Garabato waits for Ines.  She's planning with her buddies how to cheat on a test and who to copy from.  She's flattered that Garabato came looking for her.  He tells her that from now on, whenever he comes for her, she has to drop everything and put him first, or else they can't be together.  She makes a weak show of trying to regain the upper hand, but gives in because, presumably, he has mad nookie skills.  Or she has such low self-esteem that she thinks being with this loser is better than being alone.  Damnit, Ines!

Over dinner at a nice restaurant, Damian thanks Fernando for the cribs and explains that Esme would like to thank him in person.  "All in good time."  Damian is sure Esme will win him over.  Fernando changes the subject and asks if Mercedes has accepted his proposal.  No word on what the proposal is.

The next day, Damian makes a fuss about how serious and important it is and that Silencioso has made her an offer.  She doesn't like him using Fernando's prison name and he makes her very nervous.  Damian tells her that Silencioso wants them to move in with him.  Mercedes says he should have said "no" right away.

Pablo is sick because walking around in the cold makes you sick, not viruses.  He wishes someone were there to make him some tea.

Mercedes continues to refuse.  She thinks at first that Fernando is looking for staff, but Damian says that's not it.  The house would be HERS and she would manage the staff and Silencioso would just live there.  She still refuses, saying it would mean giving up their independence and their privacy and depending on someone else.  If she leaves her house, she wants it to be for a house of their own.  Damian says he'd really hoped to see her in a nice house, but he doesn't want to go against her wishes.

Fernando and Damian tour a house that Damian says is so big, it could be a hotel.  Fernando says it's just what he wanted…a nice house, a garden, some solitude.  He tells Damian he'll get Mercedes to agree to his deal.  "When she says no, she means no," Damian warns.

Mariano points out to Lorenza that the house across the street isn't for sale anymore and maybe that will mean a new neighbor girl.  "At least they'll be rich, so you won't be able to torment them for being poor, right?"  Lorenza takes offense and says he's been unbearable lately.  Mariano points out Silencioso and Lorenza has cara de "that's the man we unfairly threw in jail."

Tomorrow: Lorenza freaks; Augie mopes; Fernando vows; Gata demands.

Previous: Episode 15
Next: Episode 17


Kat, thanks for another entertaining recap. I don't care how well Pablo paints, I'm not pleased with his wimpy, whiney persona. He doesn't deserve his new little family. The fetal position on the floor and the sickly flop on the couch do not a galan make!

When the cribs arrived at the multi-media shack, the ladies tried to solve the question of the donor. Gata thought Pablo may have sent them. Rita insisted that the Italian sent them, which enrages Gata. She says she'll refuse them. Fortunately for the babies, she sees a note and finds they are a gift from Silencio. She saw him with Damian on his earlier dump visit and heard his name, so realizes the donor is OK.

Part of my problem with this show is how many hateful characters are in it. Rita, the Italian, Augie, Lorenza, even Ines and especially her scumbag boyfriend. He's a total slimeball, with nothing to offer in terms of looks, intelligence, or personality.

My hope is for a breakthrough, led by Damian and Fernando aka Silencio. If they can add Mercedes and possibly Fela to the team, the road would be open for Esme to assume her rightful family. How many capitulos in this one?

I feel like we're still in a setup phase.

I actually feel sorry for Ines. Rita was a terrible influence, letting her get away with too much and setting the example that the best way to survive is by exploiting others, not by being independent. I think Ines is probably bright enough to do well in school, but why bother with paying attention in class, doing homework, or studying when you expect someone else to save you?

I feel sorry for Mariano, too. He may be just starting to realize that siding with his parents didn't gain him anything. They're going to control and manipulate him just as much as they do his siblings.

Gracias, La Paloma! I'm going to add that paragraph to the recap!

I agree with you about Pablo. I think they're banking on us being forgiving because he didn't know and he didn't do anything bad deliberately. That's still sad, though, when the nicest thing you can say about the alleged galan is that at least he didn't hurt the protagonista on purpose.

Thank you 5ft! It was a big big episode and your snark did it justice.

Poor Pablo was so weak when he came down sick that the couldn't even keep the thermometer in his mouth. 39.5....pretty bad, but that's what you get for going out without your coat

Okay, Fela told Esme that her daughter's name was Renata. Now that Fernando *El Silencioso* has Damian searching for his daughter, do we think perhaps Damian knows that daughter's name is Renata? C'mon people!

Lorenza was looking queasy when Mariano pointed out they will have new neighbors. Does she already recognize Fernando? Does Fernando realize who is is moving next door to?

J in Oregon


Gracias, J! I was in no mood to suffer foolish characters today :D

I keep waiting and waiting for Fernando to get into the specifics with Damian. I have a feeling he hasn't told him much of anything. I don't know what he's waiting office with a whiteboard?

I got the impression, both from the music and the previews, that Lorenza knows exactly who he is. I don't know how Fernando can NOT know that they're living in his old house. That is his old house isn't it? Or did they just use the same set for the flashbacks and think we wouldn't notice?

Thanks 5ft for the wonderful recap!

I loved how we got a flashback of the slap. Jarocha...I love you! I loved how later on she said she'd like to Lorenza again. I'd love to see that.

Pablo should have worn that jacket! Now he's sick in bed and wants someone to make him some tea.

Ummm ok Fela. So you recognized your hubby and you don't go up to speak to him? Why????

That was funny when Mariano was talking wonders about his dad when in reality his dad is no good. If only he knew.

I'm glad Silencioso gave Esme the cribs. I was worried that the babies wouldn't have a comfortable place to sleep.

Tomorrow should be good. What will Lorenza do now that she has seen who her new neighbor is? I hope Damian and Mercedes move in as well.

*I loved how later on she said she'd like to slap Lorenza again. I'd love to see that.

Thanks 5ft...I missed that Lorenza and Ughie had moved into Fernando's old house...that took some nerve! Didn't they think of the repercussions if Fernando ever got out of prison? They were both pretty nervous when they thought he had escaped from prison back in the first episode.

J in Oregon

Kat, your recap more entertaining than the show.

"I'm distracted by his grey cabled scarf because the drape on it is just gorgeous and they're not showing me enough of it to be able to analyze the pattern."

It's apparent either the writers just lazy with this Pablo Pan character because it is portrayed by Daniel or Pablo Pan has been portrayed as is because Daniel is Daniel and got lazy. Pablo Pan was banking on Esmeralda being his out of gratitude because he some god and she some beautiful gutter snipe he saved from a miserable life. Henry Higgins he ain't.

I hope Ines is not bound for a life of prostitution turned out by that slimeball she believes will marry her.


Gracias, Mauricio! Oh, how did I know you meant the slap? My brain is apparently fixated on it! Fela's avoidance of Fernando was so frustrating (sounds like a tongue-twister). I wish they'd given us a little more...what was her reasoning? Did she think she was just seeing things too? Did she only realize it later? It doesn't make sense for her to tell the doll baby that she thinks he's going to come back for them--how's he going to come back for you when he doesn't know you're there?!

J, it's definitely the same house in the flashbacks we've seen where he's getting taken out in handcuffs. And yes, Augie's been glad that he moved offices, but what's the point of that when you moved into the guy's house?

Gracias, tofie. I never liked Eliza going back to Henry at the end. If they'd ended My Fair Lady where she tells him off at his mother's house, that would have worked for me. But I guess then we wouldn't get "I've Grown Accustomed To Her Face". I always felt like they were trying to sell me on the idea that once she'd stood up to him, he learned his lesson and things would be different. They keep doing the same thing with our "galanes" lately...the dude just waits for the last week or the final episode and says "Whoops! My bad!" and all is forgiven, a massive boda commences, and Fin!

tofie, your last sentence just really sunk in and I hope she's not either! Though him saying to the pool buds that "Ines will get us all out of poverty" doesn't bode well. Oh, please let them be planning some sort of heist that depends on using her as a distraction! (And how sad is it that I'm hoping their aim is theft!)

Wow, Kat!! Right out of the gate with "the only two galanes on this show--Damian and Carlos". Ain't that the truth??

Being a knitter can make it difficult to watch anything. I've often had to ask family members to fill me in on which Offspring usually replies "were you looking at the knitting again? Jezz, moooom."

And I'm so glad you mentioned the house. I always thought they took over Fernando's house as well, but then when Augie mentioned how glad he was that they moved offices, I assumed I was wrong. Why move offices if you're in the SAME house?

I also wish Pablo Pan would fight a little harder for Esme. He's so darn wimpy.

Oh! And thanks to Fall premieres and DVR conflicts, I didn't get to see the end. Thanks Univision! NOT! So glad I had the recap to fill in the blanks, but I am mad I didn't get to see Lorenza's face. I hope they replay it tonight!

Someone asked about the episode count. This started in early May and is ending in October. So I'm thinking 100ish episodes. It could still mean a lot of filler if the original only had 70ish episodes (pure conjecture on my part.)

BUT, BUT, if I get to enjoy Kat's snark, then I am on board all the way!!!

Special note for Golden Sunflowers: I really hope you comment more. I know you were disappointed in the show, but it's amazing how much better a show can be with snark and cocktails! (And we have T-shirts!)

OOOPS! Forgot: I would like to see Jarocha punch Lorenza again too.

Am I the only one who was frustrated by Meche's refusal to move. Fernando was offering honest work. WTH, woman? He really does need someone to take care of the house/staff. It's not like he was making up a job out of pity. Ok, I guess she's nervous with all his revenge talk and I guess I am more in the know than she is, but c'mon!

Good morning, 5ft.

Thank you for this gem of a recap, complete with your signature quips.

I liked Mariano telling Lorenza "At least they'll be rich, so you won't be able to torment them for being poor." I Hope Fernando moves the whole garbage dump neighborhood into his mansion (except Rita and Ines) and that they spend their days in that window waving at Lorenza.

They do belabor near misses in people meeting people, don't they?

I am wearing a T-shirt that shows Jarocha socking Lorenza on the jaw, and off to the side it says "THWACK."


Yes, frustrating that Damian's mom refuses to move to a life of luxury because she's afraid of losing her independence, and also Fela and Fernando passing withing feet of each other in the dump. Arggghhh!!!

Okay thanks for the correction on Lorenza and Augie taking over Fernando's house, I totally miss some details while obsessing over other meaningless ones (like the open paint cans on Art Boy's golden hardwood floor). :)

Oh--a side note for the "My Fair Lady" fans, in the original 1930s movie "Pygmalian" starring Leslie Howard and Dame Wendy Hiller, (which was not a musical), the professor let Eliza leave and they did not end up together.

J in Oregon

I'm more a Audry Hepburn fan than a "My Fair Lady" fan but the costuming was awesome and have watched that ending over and over and didn't like she stayed with the old coot. Now in the 1974 version (also a musical) Cher divorced Sonny and subsequently married Greg Allman.

Thanks 5ft. As always, I enjoyed each and every inch of your recap. Always so thoughtful of you to put “icing on the cake” with a Spanish interpretation or two. Regarding Jarocha referring to Rita as “Usted”, a Latina friend of mine once told me that besides formality, Usted is sometimes used as a way to “hold a person at arms length”. You fine tuned and connected many of the dots that went over my head. For ex, I didn’t catch why Pablo left his apartment in such a hurry. I thought he just got annoyed with Henry. Then, I didn’t connect that with how he got sick. If it weren’t for the recaps, I’d miss half of the happenings .

Sara@7:04 am said “Am I the only one who was frustrated by Meche's refusal to move”?
I’m straddling the fence on that one. I want it to happen for the same reasons you do. On the other hand, I can appreciate Meche’s hesitation considering Silencio is a murderer (albeit rightfully so). Also the fact that she doesn’t know if his plan for revenge includes more murder and if it will involve Damian murdering someone. She needs more time to build trust.


5FT Diva---Thank you so much for a great morning read. The first two lines of your recap set the tone---I loved those two lines, absolutely great.
Another good one was---Sorry Meatball, I think she's a vegetarian.

So Mariano wants to start earning his own money. He isn't going to live off of daddy anymore. Really!
At his age, isn't it about time?

I don't think for one minute that Garabato has mad nookie skills, it's Ines's low self esteem.
And Diva is right, Ines is turning
out bad because of Rita's lack of guidance.

I think that Damian's mom is afraid to get too close because Silencioso was in jail for murder.

Diva---I think that you are spot on. It won't be until the final week that we will hear Pablo say
"woops! my bad!" Isn't that a novela formula? But until then, I think that we will have Monica making tea for Pablo Pan.
Question---Does Monica know how to make tea or does the housekeeper always do it for her?

David---The garbage dump moves in next door. Well there goes the neighborhood. I'm laughing. Lorenza would go into cardiac arrest.

People have said that it's the same mansion that we saw earlier. I didn't pick up on that but I would like to know how Damian's house is nicer than the others in the dump. It's brick and set off by itself. How did Damian and his mom end up with the garbage dump suite?

One other question---I was wondering who is going to pay Esme's hospital bill? Has Obama Care been extended down to Mexico?
the gringo

5ft - Fab recap. Muchas gracias.

Right now Silencioso is my favorite, but if I were Meche I'd be scared to move in with him too. He needs to cool it on talking so openly about his venganza. Love that he is moving in right next door to Lorenza.

I’m liking Mariano. He seems to want to be more than a flunky. But if/when he finds out about his dad's dastardly deed, will he try to sink Silencioso too?

Pablo felled by the flu. Will he get up and make his own tea or call room service?

Gracias, Sara! If I've missed any galanes, let me know, but for me right now, those two guys are it. I hope they give Pierre Louis even bigger and meatier roles in the future. I think he has the charisma to carry a show. And I'd certainly watch! The actor playing Damian doesn't really have that spark for me, but I appreciate how the character isn't veering into obsessive territory with Esme. He doesn't sigh and roll his eyes every time she brings up Pablo or berate her, he's sympathetic and understanding. I hope it lasts.

Gracias, David! That house is SO big, Mr. 5ft is also thinking the entire 'hood will move in. They've got that nice courtyard...wouldn't that be just perfect for a party! Lorenza would choke on her pearls!

Gracias, Sue! Excellent detail about "usted"! I wasn't aware of that usage. It would make sense...who doesn't want Rita as far away as possible!

Gracias, gringo! I'm betting this was the free hospital. It was nice-but-not-too-nice with all the cinderblock construction and peeling paint. Or else, Damian will very quietly pay the bill, courtesy of SilenciosoCare.

Gracias, Niecie! Poor Meche, it must all seem so suspicious to her! Like her kind-hearted son has been taken in by a "real" criminal. Mariano...he's a wild card...he might try to help his dad in exchange for more independence. I think Mariano is definitely on Mariano's side and exposing his dad as a criminal doesn't get him anything.

Kat-I am right there with you about Pierre Louis! He could totally carry a show. He has tons of presence.

Sue NY- I do understand her pride/reluctance. Especially given how little she knows of El Silencioso. If I may quote Niecie: "He needs to cool it on talking so openly about his venganza." Sometimes it's hard being citizen of Viewerville...we know more than they do.

gringo-interesting question about hospital bills. I wish I knew more about healthcare in Mexico.

J--I may have to check out that version!

tofie...wait? Seriously? A Sonny and Cher version or the actual Sonny and Cher?

Sorry, the real deal. Everybody sat around the tube for The Sonny & Cher show.

lol, tofie...I shoulda known!

you know me

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