Wednesday, November 05, 2014

La Gata #48 - Wed 11/5 - La Injusticia

Esme reads Carlos the riot act for absconding with a minor.  She gives up when confronted with his big, stupid heart and says she'll do what she can to help.

Days later….

Lorenza, faking concern, is yelling at the cops, but since, as far as they're concerned Virginia ran off with her boyfriend....*shrug*...the cop thinks they have bigger fish to fry.  Lorenza seriously tells him if they just follow her orders, they'll find her daughter.

Carlos leaves Virginia in Ines' care while he goes out to sell chicle.  The cops pull up while he's out, two cars of them, with sirens blazing and everything, to arrest him.

Leti's going to be out of the hospital soon and Pablo tries to talk to Esme about moving out of Rita's and letting him, you know, actually be a responsible parent and provide her and the babies with a home.  He makes the mistake of invoking the Meatball and upsetting Esme.  She tells him there's never going to be anything between them and then changes the subject to Virginia.  Since he promises he won't do anything against the person she's with, she tells him where Virginia is.

Too late, though, Carlos is being shoved in a cell.  I can't find it in me to worry too much, though, 'cause Fernando and Damian will get him out soon enough.  I don't know how Lorenza still has the social or financial capital to have told the cops what to do and get access to the cell to taunt him.  And did any of them notice that her goal was to have her daughter's "kidnapper" arrested, but she doesn't seem to care where her daughter is?

Mariano is encouraging Augie to finish his treatment at Oceanica…aka, the rehab locale of choice for all wealthy telenovela-ites.

Virginia is cooking dinner when Pablo sneaks in.  She knows exactly who it is.  Pablo tells her he's not there to drag her back to the house of horrors.  He's all whiny that she didn't trust him.  Priorities, Pablo.  Virginia waxes rhapsodic about how they both fell in love with poor people who taught them the real meaning of life.  She's happy for once in her life and in luuuuuuuurve with Carlos.  She wants Esme and Pablo to get together and be happy already.

Augie tries to claim that he's aware of how much the drinking hurt him, but he's still anxious to get out of there and back to business as usual.

Meatball visits Esme and Leti (now in a cheerful regular hospital room) for an answer to his marriage proposal.  Are you kidding me?  Now he's talking about her using him when the kids needed a "real" father, but now she's going to kick him to the curb.  Esme looks as confused as I feel.

Mariano is still working on the case and wants to know more about Silencioso killing Augie's ex-partner so he can fight the charge that Sil was jailed unjustly.

Damian got permission from the judge to be part of the case against Augie.  I don't exactly know what that means.  Fer gloats that when Augie gets out of rehab he won't know what hit him.

Augie: I did it for my family.  Mariano: That's no excuse!  A doctor or orderly comes to take Augie to his group therapy session.  Augie delivers the classic addict line, "I don't belong in there!  I'm not like those people."

The "plan" is to prove that Fernando acted in self-defense and clear his name.  Ok, nothing new there.  Fernando brings up the falsified evidence, which Damian says they're going to expose to everyone.

Esme keeps the "huh?" look on her face as Meatball tells her that he's not like those rich boys and she doesn't really love Pablo, he's just brainwashed her.  Esme delivers her standard response to anyone suggesting the kids need a father, "They have me!"  More Confused!Gata as he talks about how he may be fat and ugly, but he's "always" been there for her, and she might as well go back to Pablo, and she'll have to explain to the kids later why they don't have a father.  She actually dignifies his pity party by plaintively telling him you can't tell your feelings what to do and she loves Pablo, even if they can "never" be together.

Virginia worries about Carlos because he's not home yet.  Ines reminds her that Carlos was going to go looking for work after his usual shift.  Garabato shows up with the news that Carlos was arrested.  Ines and Garabato grin at Virginia's reaction.

Carlos asks the cop on duty to let him go because he's innocent.  I love you Carlos, but you didn't really think that was going to work?  The cop says he can make his phone call in the morning, but he's not going to get out of going to jail.  Doesn't matter if she went with him wilingly, her family is loaded.

The next morning, Ines takes Virginia to the hospital so she can tell Esme what happened.  Esme, of course, thinks Pablo ratted Carlos out, because he's the "only" one who knew where Virginia was.  Here we go again.

Gisella comes to breakfast and Lorenza tries to shove Pablo into her lap.  While Gisella goes to take a call, Mariano reminds Pablo and Lorenza that they're supposed to be participating in Augie's recovery.  Pablo, being the good little boy he is, says he'll get right on that.  Lorenza, on the other hand, brags about how she solved the problem with Virginia all on her own.  Now that Carlos is in jail, he'll tell them where Virginia is.  She insists that Mariano have him thrown in jail forever.  Mariano refuses.  Lorenza is in fine form, even saying she doesn't care about Virginia, she just wants that kid to suffer.  Gisella has been trying to stay out of it, but as she comes back in Lorenza goes into full-on rant mode about how she's going to make sure he rots In jail.

At the hospital, Pablo shows up so Esme can yell at him.  She doesn't believe he had nothing to do with it because of all his previous "lies."  Mr. 5ft and I both ended up yelling at the TV for that one.  What lies?  Did we not cover this in a previous episode?  Pablo didn't lie about anything, it was his crappy no-good rotten family, including your new BFF Mariano!  Pablo's tired of her attitude and Virginia doesn't want to hear their squabbling, she just wants her Carlos back.  Esme warns Pablo not to make a move--good or bad--because all he does is screw things up.  Where the hell is that coming from?!  Can someone please order an MRI so we can make sure she's not having a hormonal imbalance or a brain tumor or something?  Pablo just gives her a "Seriously?  Are you kidding me" look.  Damnit, show, don't make me take Pablo's side!

Damian and Esme go to the jail.  "Of course you didn't do anything!  The only thing you kidnapped was Virginia's heart."  Oh, clever lines, but I believe she gave it away willingly.  Damian is already working on getting him out, but Virginia is underage.  Even if she testifies that he didn't kidnap her, it's up to the judge.  "Whose side are you on?!" Esme asks.  Seriously, honey, you are on my last nerve.  Damian doesn't control the courts!  Back off!  Damian (more calmly than I would have) says he's being realistic and he's not going to lie to Carlos just to calm him down.  Damian and Fernando are going to throw money at the problem, but Carlos will probably be transferred to prison.

Virgina goes to the House of Horrors to tell her mother that the family's downfall is all her fault.  She demands that Lorenza drop the charges against Carlos.  "No way!  Whether you come back or not, he's going to rot in jail."

Esme yells at Damian for not making everything all sunshine and rainbows in front of Carlos.

Lorenza is determined to punish Carlos for daring to set his sights so high.  Virginia tells Lorenza that she only loves her out of obligation, but she doesn't feel any real affection for her.  She refuses to come home and let Lorenza ruin her life the way she ruined Pablo's.  "You ruined Pablo's happiness.  And why?  Because you're not happy, so you can't let anyone else be happy either.  You've never been a good mother and now you're going to have to face the consequences."  "Well, you'll have to face the consequences of having fallen in love with a miserable lowlife.  Every time you think of him, you'll remember that it's your fault he's rotting in jail."  Virginia says Lorenza has ruined her life and Pablo's, and she'll probably ruin Mariano's as soon as he falls in love.  If Carlos ends up going to jail, she'll wait for him, no matter how long it takes, and she won't give her mother the pleasure of seeing her "desdichada" (unhappy, unlucky).  "Don't be ridiculous!" scoffs Lorenza.  "Maybe that's why you can't love.  Because having a noble sentiment is ridiculous to you.  May God forgive you, because I won't ever be able to.  And I pray He helps you to survive your loneliness, because you've lost your children."

As Damian drives Esme somewhere…home maybe…she sees a mime and wonders how she and Pablo got so lost.  For someone's viewing pleasure, we get a little bit of ImaginaryMime!Esme.  Esme calls the actual mime over and tells her not to worry, the creep who rolled up his window is heartless.  She hands over some cash.

Virginia is making her way down the stairs outside the house and I have to brace myself because I'm afraid something terrible is going to happen.  Lorenza comes out of the house.  No, I mean something more terrible than that.  Thankfully, she's just ranting from the top of the stairs and Pablo catches Virginia before she takes a wrong step.  Pablo congratulates his mother for her persistence in ruining his life.  All of Casa 5ft breathed an enormous sigh of relief.  Seriously, I thought that old bat would shove her daughter down the stairs…and then I thought she'd just distract her and make her lose her footing.  Lorenza seems to be considering saying something to Pablo, but she can't get past "I" before Pablo shuts the front gate.  It's best that way.  If she'd said "I'm sorry" I wouldn't have been in the mood to believe it.

Virginia visits Carlos in jail.  Pablo dropped her off while he went back to work.  Carlos wants her to go back home, but she refuses.  When he says he's going to get transferred to prison, she says she'll wait for him at their house.  He wants her to promise not to stay in the hut alone.  He'd rather she stay with Esme.

Pablito is brought to Fernando's to visit while Esme springs Leti from the hospital.  Fernando is upset that she won't come back to the house.

Why is Meatball still trying to get Esme to want him?  And why is she treating his asking her to call him honey-sweetie-baby, etc. like a joke?  He keeps bringing up how he paid the hospital bill, unlike Bad Daddy Pablo.  Tuning out the Meatball now.

Damian tells Mercedes that Carlos is being transferred to the prison today.

Omar and Virginia are standing outside the prison gates when the van pulls up.  I find it odd that they're letting them just stand there.  She cries and runs to Carlos while Omar begs one of the guards for a little leniency.  Carlos tells her not to cry and that he loves her before the guard can't stall any longer and drags Carlos inside.  Omar tells her it's all going to be ok and they'll be together again soon.  I love Omar.  I want Vero to date him already.  I also want him and Vero to go work for Fernando.

Augie is back and he's ready to get to work without even listening to Lorenza complain/brag about everything she had to deal with while he was away.

Pablo shows up at Rita's and Esme gives him attitude.   He swears he didn't betray Carlos.  "It would be like betraying my own sister."  "I know I got mad without thinking that you wouldn't be capable of doing that…" (1) You have to stop doing that!!! And (2) Then why are you still being all crabby with him like he did something? "…but yet again, your family keeps screwing with the poor people!"  That's not an excuse.  Pablo reminds her that they've had this argument before, years ago, when his mother chased her out of the house and she got mad at him for it.  "And then you understood that I'm not responsible for what my parents do."  Esme grudgingly says she was unfair to him.  "Your parents need to understand that the only thing Centavito has done wrong is love your sister."  Oh, Lorenza gets that.  Pablo says he loves Esme, too, and they need to make an effort and be together.  Smoochies.

Carlos' hearing/trial starts.  Lorenza's lawyer says that Carlos kidnapped a minor and held her for several days in terrible conditions, and therefore he wants Carlos held until trial.  Damian says he'll show that Carlos is innocent and he wants him released on bail.  Since the allegations are that he kidnapped a minor, the judge opts to hold him without bail.

The guys inside have already decided Carlos needs to learn his lesson about messing with minors.  This doesn't bode well.

Tomorrow: Pablo explodes; Lorenza gloats

Previous: Episode 47
Next: Episode 49


The best part of this episode, for me, was Virginia telling off Lorenza.

Was that Big Al in the big house? Please say it was.

Was it?! I was thinking it was Abdul. Either way, it's nice to see a familiar face.

Darn. I don't think it was.

I'll be back in the morning to read the recap. Thanks, Kat!

Carlos had a clean face finally.

Oh! Maybe you're right. It would be neat if he and Pierre were reunited like Peaches and Herb.

I could totally live with that!

Thank you 5ft! Thank you for crafting a big, big recap that was much more satisfying than the actual episode. I couldn't believe how many times Pablo and Esme almost made it back together...and then not. *Sigh*

And yes Sara I noticed that Carlos finally has a clean face. And a clean shirt. That might be about to change though, I didn't like the atmosphere when the cell door clanked shut on poor Centavito.

Mariano's redemption appears complete, he is a good son and brother, respectful, clean, nice wardrobe. So my two burning questions: who will he be paired up with at the end, and how long before somebody suggests a dangerous surgery to restore Virginia's sight? Oh wait...and one more: Where is Principe???

J in Oregon


thanks Kat.

"I love you Carlos, but you didn't really think that was going to work?"

Boy was I ever wrong yesterday when I said Augie faking it, it was I not paying attention.

It was Abdul and friggin hallelujah Carlos washed his face. That alone was worth the price of admission last night.

I don't get it, Pierre, young good looking guy gets the part of "pigpen", a half wit, and Carlos Bonavides as Meatball really has a shot with Esmeralda.

Does Meatball have such powers of persuasion and raw animal magnetism that he can have Esmeralda hang on every word (dumfounded I hope) and teeter on the edge of marrying the fool?


Great recap, Kat! I love your continuing "Priorities, Pablo" mantra.

I've been pretty pro Esme, but last night she really got on my nerves. Damn. Pablo wants to support his kids and put them somewhere safer than the dump and she gets pissy? Sheesh. Girl needs an attitude adjustment.

Oh PS: Damian in a suit= hubba hubba.

Diva! Loved it!!! Love your voice in this recap. . .you and Mr. 5ft. were reading my mind! Tofie, you also said it, sister: "Pablo wants to support his kids and put them somewhere safer than the dump and she gets pissy? Sheesh. Girl needs an attitude adjustment." AMEN! What is her stance supposed to represent? Character? I don't get it! Warning:Gringo. . .don't continue reading this comment!! Esme and her Dad share a dominant misplaced nobility gene which is expressing as stupidity!

And yaaaay!!! I get the Meatball beat down tonight. . I hope I do it justice! Writers, y'all are killing sympathy for Esme with this maybe I want a meatball instead of the hunky baby daddy thing. Mad-de-ning!!

J in Oregon I want Gisele to see Mariano is the better choice for her and steal his heart from Esme. I agree after this episode he can do better.

Loved the lip lock though. . that's what's wrong with these kids, they need a good. . .


Oh, yeah. Been waiting for Damien in a suit and not disappointed. Where has this guy been?

Esmeralda - silly cat, the feather I wave in your face is not a bird

Damien - GQ

Pablo - shush, she's hormonal

Lorenza - now I'm drunk, drunk on power, power to imprison any poor illiterate

Augie - where's the single malt

Gisela - that made even me uncomfortable

Meatball - cajole for dummies

Carlos - ignorance of the law is not a defense


Thank you, J! I keep forgetting to count the number of make-ups/break-ups. I think last night we went from "on again" to "off again" back to "on again." That means tonight someone will do something stupid and either Esme will be needlessly mad at Pablo or Pablo will be needlessly mad at Esme. Meanwhile, I hope Principe is still sunning himself on a window ledge in Fernando's house and enjoying regular meals of tuna.

Gracias, tofie! The Meatball thing is baffling, annoying, ridiculous...basta ya con Meatball! I really hate that here's a guy who attempted to rape her, Fernando's only "crime" is that she felt smothered in his house, but she'd rather take money from Meatball? Because he'll "allow" her to pay him back? And somehow she doesn't realize what WITH?! I hope Fernando intervenes at some point and gets rid of Meatball.

Thanks, Sara! He makes it soooooo easy, the way it's all about him.

Gracias, Lila! Could you hear us screaming all the way at your house? One of these days, the neighbors are going to call the cops on me. These kids need to be locked in a room with the world's most patient therapist. And that's if the swift kick in the pants doesn't do anything.

tofie, Sara--Damian did look fine in that suit. I really wasn't seeing him as galan material before, but he's growing on me.

Sara and Lila--I feel like they've replaced the real Esme with an impostor. She's trusting in all the wrong people and then smacking Pablo down for things he didn't even do. I do NOT like it when I feel the need to defend Pablo. She's gone from this fiercely independent woman to someone who's just getting angry a lot for no good reason. Can we have the real Esme back, please?!

As for the re-appearance of the artist formerly known as Abdul...I would like to see him turn into a friend for Carlos and become a recurring character. Either he can date Maria OR he can steal Ines from Garabato with his "hey, baby, I've actually been to prison" mystique and then convince her to give up on the life of crime with his "hey, baby, I've actually been to prison" cautionary tale.

Gosh, if Esmeralda is gonna run off with some other man between the 5th grade breakups with Pablo why can't it be Mariano. They actually have serious conversations and light playful banter and betcha he'd bust his butt for her. Even she thought bubbled down that path so come on girl. He's clever, polite, dapper in a suit and not foolin, look cute together.

Instead, Pablos greatest rival is a fatheaded man that admits to everyone he has had his eye on her since she was a little girl. Let's see, skislope hair or fatheaded pervert, skislope hair or fathead pervert. Oh, how does a girl decide.


Well, Meatball IS less likely to steal her hair products and hog the bathroom mirror in the morning....

kidding, kidding! Dude needs to go already. I'm waiting for Fernando to roll him off a cliff.

I don't know perhaps Pablo & Meatball both use lard to get their look. Pablo the artist sculpts that daring hairdo & nets overnight and Meatball jumps out of the shower and rolls himself in it.

Thanks, 5ft. I figured the best way for me to deal with Esme right now is to ignore her, but I do appreciate your detail on what she said. I can't believe she even tried to dump on Damian, the tireless fighter for justice. My favorites:

Damnit, show, don't make me take Pablo's side!

For someone's viewing pleasure, we get a little bit of ImaginaryMime!Esme. --

Knowing how much all here can’t stand mimes, I couldn't stop laughing seeing Esme all mimed up.

Wow, it took prison for Carlos to have a smudge-free face. His and Damian's clean-up were my highlights.

I am so very weary of Esme and Pablo, but I like that we are getting a little more face time with Carrrlos. And I think (if I searched google correctly) that it was indeed Abdul from DQTQTQ.

So I am perfectly happy ignoring Esme, Pablo and Meatball.

I already tune out any scene with Esmeralda & Pablo or Esmeralda & Meatball or Esmeralda & Fernando (or any other conversation with Fernando on one end). I've focused on the stellar delivery of Lorenza's verbal assaults, love it when she tangles with Jarocha, love the evil little grins of Ines, the true caring exhibited between Carlos & Virginia, the chop licking of Gisela, the drunkenness of Augie, the self conscious pride of Damien, the fluidity of the constant shift between Fela & Blanca but my favorite is anything with Mariano in it but love it more if it he and Esmeralda. I know it's chasing a dream but I want her to thought bubble about him romantically and see in her eyes him as a suitor.

Shame for me is I think Maite a living doll and a wonderful actress but it like she has to play dumb and down to interact with the Pablo, Meatball & Fernando characters (ah hem actors).


5FT. Diva---You really did it today. I wrote down a half page of your great lines but when I looked at them I said to myself, how can I put down so many of these? Please don't make it so hard on us next time. Ok, ok---just one. Dammit, show, don't make me take Pablo's side. LOL

Tofie---You did pretty good yourself today.
Augie---where's the single malt?
Now lets see, ski slope hair or fathead pervert. Oh, how does a girl decide?

Tofie---Thanks for the answer to my question yesterday.

Also yesterday---La Diva, I liked your Ines is a little Lorenza in training comment. I think you're right.

Back to today---WOW! 10 points to Virginia for her shootout with mommy dearest. You nailed it girl.

Question---Did Esme loose her daycare assistant job? I think that she only went to work for one day.
the gringo


I forgot to tell you guys. While recording the show last night, I looked up and noticed that my recorder had turned itself off or maybe I hit the off button, I don't know. I only missed the Meatball, Esme argument in the hospital room. Was my DVR trying to tell me something? No Meatballs tonight? It knew, it just knew.
the gringo

lol, that case, I nominate Pablo as the better qualified co-parent. Since he's not sleeping anyway, so as not to mess up the hair, he can get up with the babies for night feedings and Esme can sleep.

thank you, gringo! I think your DVR was indeed trying to spare you as much Meatball as possible. I don't see how Esme can keep her job, unless her boss is the nicest lady ever and/or they can't find a replacement. I would hope that by now she's called them to explain what happened. Gringuito will be heartbroken if she never comes back.

Yes---She leaves them longing for her everywhere she goes. Once you meet the raven haired goddess how can you resist? Even the little ones know what's good when they see it.
the gringo, gringo, I'm dying to know...thumbs up or down on Esme-as-Mime?

I loved Maite's mime, far more than Danny's. Danny's really scared the hell outta me.

Thanks for the recap loaded with fav lines such as "Damnit, show, don't make me take Pablo's side!" (I’ve also temporarily untied him from the “whipping post”).

I don't like meatball but I can kinda see Esme not wanting to take money from Fernando since she doesn’t really know who he is. In fact if I didn’t know he was her father I would be turned off by him wanting to be so close to her(like Damien’s mom was before she knew the truth).

Let’s see, moral issues aside, if Mariano and Esme married and had children, their children would be first cousins to Esme and Pablo’s children. Pablo’s kids would be Mariano’s step kids as well as his niece and nephew. Same with Mariano’s kids, Pablo would be both their Uncle and their step dad. Could get a little uncomfortable when Pablo came to visit his kids.

Question: who is Vero?

oops, correction to a potential Negrette family tree. Pablo would not be step dad to Mariano's kids, just their uncle.

Thanks, Sue! No matter what, the Martinez Negrete De La Santa Cruz family dinners are going to be awkward! "Well, see, your Grandpa Augie and Grandma Lorenza took all of your Grandpa Fernando's things and had him thrown in jail and gave your mom to Rita, and then your Grandma Blanca went crazy with grief and then...."

Vero is the Martinez Negretes' cook, with the colorful outfits, who always seemed to be the one who looked out for Virginia when she was still living at home.

Apologies for the late reply, Kat, thank you for this awesome recap, I'm going to go home and watch the episode so that I can see Virginia tell Lorenza off-how awesome would it be if she moved in with Fernando?!

I was thinking about how awkward Thanksgiving would be at the Negrete/De La Santa Cruz home and then I realized that Mexicans don't do Thanksgiving....

Thank you, Eli! Enjoy the episode!

I will try but Esme and Pablo bug!

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