Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Amores con trampa #8 4/8/15

I'll get right to it...

Facundo chokes on his wasabi and María and Isabel(Isa) jump to his aid. Isa even offers to do mouth to mouth (I would too!) María pushes her away. Facundo recovers. Isa asks if he's ok and María jealously guards her man. Conchita finally arrives with water.

Estefany talks to a mystery person on the phone. Santiago doesn't suspect a thing. Women have ways of making men believe anything. She hasn't called this mystery person in a while...but she has everything perfectly under control. She hopes to see this person very soon! (The plot thickens!)

Facundo can't believe Isa would be in love with him. Well, María thinks she is. Isa has even started using "tú" with him. Facundo still isn't convinced. Isa is a city gal-elegant and refined. She wouldn't go for a ranchero like him. María is just jealous. She wonders what Isa has that she doesn't and shows a little leg. Facundo assures her that she's a beautiful woman and they start to snog...but Facundo stops mid-snog and says he's going to take a bath. Duuuude. Not cool.

Santiago's phone rings. Isa grabs it and comments on the 80 calls he got. Seems she's a little jealous too. Santiago says they are calls about work and turns it around. She's been mighty friendly with the neighbor. And why didn't she tell him about the flowers. She's not that great an actress. She likes Facundo doesn't she? Santiago reminds her that SHE is supposed to make FACUNDO fall in love...not fall in love with Facundo. She denies anything like that is happening.

Beto sneaks across the Velasco lawn all Mission Impossible like. He steps on something and hurts his foot. (It looked unplanned, so I probably shouldn't have laughed...but I did.) He throws rocks at a window and Rocío comes out. She asks why he didn't call her. He did Beto declares that he's going to make a play for her and tries to come in the house. The alarm goes off. Rocío runs inside to her room. Beto just kind of stands on the lawn.

We interrupt this episode for the schtick...

Oooohh... now I get it! There will be some redonkulous situation that allows for some silliness. Last night it was "Jacinto might be an ax murderer" and tonight it's "Thieves are trying to break in and hurt my hijos."

Isa and Santiago stumble around in the dark on the grounds of their house-He with a gun, she with a baseball bat. She accidentally hits him. Rocío runs out. Santiago gesticulates wildly with the gun. Rocío has to yell to get their attention. She tries to explain it's just Beto.

At the Carmonas Facundo is clad in his boxers and a tank top (mmm. He looks yummy) and ready to come to the aid of his neighbors. His rifle is at the ready. María tells him to quit acting crazy and asks if the neighbor (I'm sure she means Isa) matters that much. Facundo tells Abeula and María to stay and watch the kids. The alarm suddenly stops. Facundo wonders about it. María steps in front of him...real close. She twitches a little and wonders if maybe it was a seismic alarm. Facundo nuzzles her hair. Bingo! She got his attention. There was now sound effect, but I think his "be careful with the shotgun" was a double entendre. The go out to investigate.

Now back to our regularly scheduled silliness...

Rocío tells Beto he can come out. Santiago gets a little threatening with the pistol. Beto explains he just wanted to see Rocío. Santiago offers to escort Beto back home and tells him to use the phone next time. Isa tells Rocío to get back in the house. Beto tries to apologize to Santiago. He didn't know there was an alarm.

Facundo runs out in his boots and skivvies. Isa gets an eyeful. Ay! She exclaims. It's like some Pornywood...digo Hollywood movie!

Unfortunately, Beto is now busted. María knows he went to see Rocío. María doesn't like it at all. They've had nothing but trouble ever since they crossed paths with the Velascos. Isa says it must be Rocio's fault (I'm dumping the accent. I saves me a keystroke) and María agrees (ditto the accent in Maria.) Of course it's Rocio's fault...but that doesn't excuse Beto for disobeying. Ha! And Uni missed a "negrita" Oh. Anyway...Facundo has to 'fess up that he gave Beto permission to see Rocio.

Maria and Facundo have a fight and she accuses him of lying. Ever since they moved here he's been lying. Beto asks them not to fight because of him. Facundo says they aren't fighting and Maria tells Beto not to get into it. Facundo tell Maria she can't...ok, I'm crudely VERY crudely and VERY loosely translating here....she can't go around *ahem* blocking Beto. Maria just knows that Rocio is going to ruin Beto's life. The girl is trouble. Facundo asks her to forgive him and if she wants him to rescind his permission. She tells him that's understood (dar por sentado I didn't really quite get that.) She tells him not to do stuff behind her back any more.

The next morning, Isa dreams of Facundo's hugs and kisses. The rooster rudely awakens her. Santiago hides out in the bathroom and sends texts and besotes to Estefy. Isa yells some more about the rooster. Santiago wonders if she had a nightmare last night. She was moving around and breathing heavily. He asks why she doesn't take a pill to help her sleep. She takes pills for everything else.

Later that morning when Isa is trying to leave Facundo wants to talk to her for a moment. He apologizes for the night before. She drops her purse and during his attempt to help, the sound effect and their reaction would indicate he touched her boob (Not gonna lie...I giggled.) Ruh roh. María was watching. She didn't see the boob brush, but she's not happy about his talking to the neighbor. She's about to go shopping and no, Facundo does not need to take her. She can take a cab thank you very much.

Maria has a bad day in the city. She can't catch a cab and she drops all her bags. She cries and breaks my heart in the process. She calls Facundo. He's rushes to get her.

Rocio comes by to see Beto. He made a play for her. Now she'll make a play for him. He stops her. He can't do this to his family. His family had a big fight about them. Beto asks if they can talk later. She tries to kiss him, but he stops her. They can never be together. Stop pursuing him. Aw. That makes me sad. But I guess it *is* too early still.

Estefy comes to see Santiago at his office. He loudly greets Ms. Godinez and tells the secretary he is otherwise busy.

Rocio can't believe it. Beto thinks it's best for everyone. Rocio is confused. First he says she likes her and now this. Clearly there can be nothing between them.

Facundo finds María. She is very upset. She feels terrible. The city is not for them and she will never get used to it. Facundo wants to take her home and let her mother makes some te de tila (linden blossom tea.) Maria wants to go back home. And by that she means San Bartolo. This is not her place nor the place for her family. Facundo picks up the food she dropped. She tells him the bags broke and everything got squashed (apachurrado.) Facundo thinks she's just upset and has been jealous lately. He wants to go home and talk. He promises her they will ALL talk. It's a family decision.

Estefy wonders seductively if Santiago has forgotten the name of the woman he almost married. He assures her he remembers all her talents and that her real name is "De Real." She reminds him how he broke up with her to marry "Isadora." He corrects her. "Isabel. Mi puchis." He wants to talk about them. He remembers everything about her. She wants to meet some other time and somewhere else where they can "reminisce" (um. Yeah. We all know what that means.) Esteban interrupts. He's surprised to see Estefany. He notes her beauty. He asks how things have been. She brusquely tells him she'll tell him later. She leaves.

Alejandra(Ale) asks Rocio if she has her tablet. Alejandra notes she's depressed and asks if she Rocio and Diego broke up. Rocio tells her no and Ale figures out that Beto is the person that has upset her. She asks Rocio if she likes Beto. Rocio doesn't know! He's got her feeling so strange! She never felt this way about Diego. She just wants to stop thinking about Beto! Ale asks if she's in love.

Maria and Facundo seem to be arguing about Isa again. Facundo tells her that the city fleas don't jump on the country bedding (Los pulgos de las ciudades no brincan en las petates de los pueblos) Maria disagrees! Oh nooo! These city ladies are flirty and loose! How does she know? Maria can tell based on Rocio's behavior. He says she's just looking for excuses to leave. She just wants what's best for the family.

Ale wants Isa to take her to see a movie. Everyone is going. Isa tells her to go with Conchita. Ale is very sad about this. It's so clear she wants to have real quality time with her mother. Remember last week when Isa wanted to go shopping and Conchita made that comment about she only wanted Ale around to carry the bags? I haz a sad.

Ale talks to Susana on the phone and tells her she doesn't want to go to the movies anymore. But Andres is going! Ale thanks Susana for organizing it. If Andres pays attention to another girl, then Ale deserves it for being a silly girl (um. Sounds better in Spanish?)...and silly and lonely girl. I haz a sad again. C'mon Emilio. Don't sell me a comedy and put a sad show in my bag!

Oy. Big family argument. I'll cover what I can. I can neither confirm nor deny being distracted by Eduardo's half open shirt.

The vote is split 4-4.
Carmen: wants to stay. She likes it here and she wants to study humanistic humanities (or some silliness like that.) She's not going to forgive them if they leave. She runs out.

Susana: wants to stay. She just got chosen for the boys and girls soccer team(?) And where is she going to buy clothes for Margarito.

Jacinto: wants to stay. Does't want to lose the year of school(?)

Facundo: wants to stay. Just 'cause.

Maria: wants to leave. The neighbor is a flirt and they are not city folks.

Perpetua: wants to leave. There's no good masa or nixtamal (boiled corn.) There are no tlacuaches or zarigüeyas (Possums) She misses seeing trees and hearing birds. And she says "I don't belong here!" (aqui no me hayo)

Abuelo: wants to leave. He can't breathe. The eggs taste different here and all the doors are closed.

Beto: wants to leave. They fight too much here.

Jacinto proclaims that forgiveness is the only thing that can scientifically save the family.

Carmen runs into Felipe(Feli) and apologizes for causing problems with Francisca. He notices she's upset and she explains about the family wanting to leave. She wants to get her degree and be somebody! He tells her she can still stay and study at the university. Carmen tells him the family won't let her. He hugs her. She's not just sad about leaving. She's going to miss him! He's the nicest thing that's happened in her life. Carmen goes to hug him, Isa calls him to dinner.

At the dinner table, Feli informs his family that the Carmonas want to leave. Santiago grabs Isa and tells her they have to do something!


The Carmonas have wormed their way into my heart. Every one of them.

Especially Facundo. Hubba hubba.

I'm sure it's full of typos and grammatical errors. I may or may not fix them :-)

Sara, thank you for your most excellent detailed recap. I do not know how you competed it so quickly. Yes, Uni did miss a "negrita". They did leave in the "Pornywood" . Ha! Ha!


Facundo coughing up and spitting up his wasabi mouthful on Santiago.

María consistently referring to Rocío as a "cabra" sometimes "loca."

Santiago not liking Isabela being as friendly as she is with Facundo because it seems that she really likes the "rancherito."

Isabela's dream about Facundo.

Santiago sitting on top of the bathroom counter texting

Jacinto like a "child genius" defining words and making pronouncements .

Santiago choking on his food when he hears about the Carmonas wanting to go back to the country.



Those were a lot of my favorite scenes too! I especially liked Santiago texting on the bathroom counter with his feet in the sink.

Both Isa and Santiago are starting to stray. Isa at least is disturbed by her feelings and seems to have some guilt.

Sara, again, your high spirit and happy vibes echo how much you are enjoying this show! The recap was so wonderful - I always look forward to see what you have to say and your creativity keeps reaching new heights.

"Isa even offers to do mouth to mouth (I would too!)" (uh, me too); "here will be some redonkulous situation that allows for some silliness", "I haz a sad" and "I'll cover what I can. I can neither confirm nor deny being distracted by Eduardo's half open shirt" were among my favorites.The vocabulary was such a treat – thank you for providing these greatly appreciated phrases.

"Maria has a bad day in the city. She can't catch a cab and she drops all her bags. She cries and breaks my heart in the process". Africa can express a vast array of emotions that touch your heart without her uttering a word. You instantly feel what she does and cannot help but be drawn in. With (what I believe to be) less dialog than the other leads, I feel we know more about her and empathize with her the most. Her emotions are contagious.

Facundo/Ed continues to charm. And while I am sure he will convince them to stay, he proves again that he loves and respects everyone's opinion.

I felt so badly for Ale. I don't think Isa is being intentionally cruel but she is so self centered, it's hard for her to see beyond herself. I hope she wakes up soon.

"Susana: wants to stay... And where is she going to buy clothes for Margarito". Loved the red ID tag. I hope the dear little pig has or gets a good home when this is over.

Loving this. Every minute.

Thanks Sara for bringing this to life once again so spectacularly.


Jarifa, again, I agree with everything on your list,
"Jacinto like a "child genius" defining words and making pronouncements" was great.


The Carmonas still being SCAMMED by Santiago & Isa-Buji!

On Isa-Buji ignoring her daughter: it's disturbing!

great recap, Sara! loved the recan even more than the show and loved the show too, even if the hunting for the 'burglar' was a bit off the wall.
my favs... this one made me LOL
I can neither confirm nor deny being distracted by Eduardo's half open shirt.

and Porfirio saying He can't breathe. The eggs taste different

I have to agree that Facundo and Maria are making this show watchable.

and i have a bad feeling that Andres will notice Susana and she and Alejandra will have confrontations about him.
more later, have a phone call to make.


Rocio is a bit inconsistent... at times she seems very self-confident about confronting her family with anything... then she takes Beto's 'no' so easily... i would have expected her to fight/argue with him a bit more... i want them to be together, even if she is right that they don't have a reason to 'hide' their relationship. And Beto needs to grow up.

Diana-Thank you! I'm glad you are loving every minute of it! It's nice to know I'm not alone in liking this.

I missed Margarito's ID tag!

I've always known Big Ed was attractive and charming, but I am getting more and more twitterpated by him as the show goes on. I've always had a weakness for country boys I guess.

Excellent comments on Maria! Despite saying less...she really seems to stand out.

Marta-Thank you! I have to agree that they are setting up for a triangle with Susana, Alejandra and Andres...but poor Susana is trying so hard right now to help her friend with Andres. I hope they survive the triangle and stay friends.

Rocio is being a little inconsistent, but I have to think she's dealing with a lot. Something happened with her parents and now she likes someone and he is being inconsistent, too. He *does* need to grow up.

I do like Maria, but I feel like she's being unfair to Rocio.

Like I said, every one of these characters have gotten into my heart and I want them to be OK in the end...even Santiago.

Estefany and Esteban are a different matter.

Sara, so agree about Estefany and Esteban. Still curious about the back story of Rocío and Felipe. What kernels of wisdom will "little genius" Jacinto be spouting tonight? Hope they continue to use him as the voice of reason. Happy to see Eduardo Derbez playing Felipe. He was great in QPTR.


Yes, I am also very curious about Rocio and Felipe. I wonder if it will be important or not.

Just as curious about the mystery person Estefy was talking to. Could it actually have been Esteban?

I'm just so happy to actually be getting into a comedy. I don't know why. Maybe because it does take the edge off of the melodrama.

I agree Jarifa, ED is not as eye candy as others but his characters always are so sweet and interesting at the same time... he is well matched to his role here. even if some might find it hard to figure the reason his gf would want to be with him, remember everyone thinks Santi/Isa are well off financially, or at least were.

i am pretty sure it was Esteban that Estefy was talking to since they shared a 'partner' look when Esteban came in Santi's office.
everyone ok if i nickname Porfirio as Papa Gallo, Facundo as EL GALLO and Beto as Gallito#1?

I love those nicknames, Marta!

And thanks for the reminder...I can NEVER remember Porfirio's name!

Sara, very interesting it were Esteban. The plot thickens . . .

Marta, the nicknames sure fit!


Sara, "Just as curious about the mystery person Estefy was talking to. Could it actually have been Esteban?" was my thought exactly as well. Hmmm.

ITA, excellent nicknames Marta.


How long before Santiago pulls a Peralta ?

Have no idea what you're talking about Steve.

Thank you for the wonderful recap!

Busy day so can't comment but Estefany has brought some intrigue now with her phone call!

Thanks Carvivlie! I do love that there has been some added intrigue.

I'm almost hoping Esteban and Estefany end up being the "real" bad guys. I like Santiago, darnit. I just can't see Isa and Santiago as the bad guys.

Thanks, Sara. I won't be able to catch up until later, but I'm so looking forward to the recap.

Great episode last night. I'm still grinning at the sight of Facundo in T and shorts with his gun.

Thanks Niecie! I'm still grinning about his shorts too. But in kind of a hubba hubba come to mama kind of way. :)

I won't be able to watch tonight's episode because of DVR conflicts. I'll have to watch in Hulu in the morning and I'll try to put some bullets in the comments. I hope Hulu won't act up like it was for UA.

A few notes from Jarifa:

Part 1

Facundo and María get into it with Carmen. She does not want to go back to the country. She wants to stay and live on her own in the city. María is concerned she wil not be safe alone. Carmen reminds them that educational opportunity for the kids (so that they could become more than their parents) was the main reason they moved to D.F. anyway. Facundo doesn't want the family split up.

The conversation is interrupted by a very nervous. Isabel and Santiago who want to know about the Carmona's moving back to the country. It is clear María has decided and she wants to leave. Isabel tries to hook María by saying what a success her knitted items have been at the boutique. Santiago and Facundo talk. Facundo admits it is not his idea to go back to the country. Santiago tells Facundo to buy María something since that always works after a fight with Isabel. He usually gets her a new vehicle. All women are the same. Spend something on her.

Alberto is driving Carmen to the university. She tells him she is so disappointed in him being afraid to live in D.F. and that the only reason he wants to go back is to forget about Rocío.

Carmen runs into Felipe who tells her that he has a girlfriend (Francis) but they can be friends. Rocío is not interested in that.

Rocío runs into Alberto sitting in his truck and says she has heard that he is going back to the country. He says it Is best for him and the family. He asks where she is going (Diego is waiting for her). She tells him she is off to Diego's house to mess around since his mom is not at home. She leaves with Diego and Alberto just calls himself an idiot and cannot wait to get back to the country.

Santiago and Facundo talk about friendship. Santiago says he wants to help him in everything but is thinking that the more Facundo truts him the easier it will be to take all of his money. He offers to go with Facundo to get María's car. Facundo says it is not necessary. The new best friends shake hands and share a hug.

Facundo is at the car dealership. He remembers when María chose a burro over a horse to ride because she had wanted one her whole life. Facundo decides since she doesn't know how to drive, a vehicle would not be a good gift. He does know what would be a good gift and brings her some nice fresh off the tree "cacao". Unfortunately it just reminds her of her home back in the country. They end up kissing anyway.

Santiago is on his bed texting sweet nothings with Stefany when Isabel comes in. Isabel finds a flea on her hand and goes crazy. It is animated and she pops it. She blames it on the fact that they went to the Carmona's house. He insists the have to keep working at keeping the Carmona's around. Isabel starts itching and scratching all over. She wants to throw in the towel. He tells her how she is key in this negotiation. Isabel says just thinking about Facundo disgusts her but her facial expression says the opposite.


Part 2 A few more notes from Jarifa

Carmen is not hungry at the dinner table so Susana asks for her plate of chilaquiles for Margarito. Carmwn is still overwrought and just wants to go to sleep. Granny hope that she doesn't end up like those girls kn DF who eat nothing and are just bones. Grandpappy identifies the condition as "anorexia". Little professor Jacinto pipes up that he is using the words correctly just like he taught grandpappy. María says they have to go to school tomorrow to talk to the principal. Alberto says why bother since we are leaving anyway. Facundo says that their leaving has not been decided.

It is early morning and Isabel awakens from a dream where she was shooting the crowing rooster. She is screaming "Die!" "Die!" and ripping the feather pillows apart. Santiago tries to wake her up,and stop her screaming.

María and Facundo are talking with the principal about the tests that Jacinto took. He is very gifted. Their plan for him is to have him skip a few grades and he ends up in Susana's class.

Facundo and María arrive home. Facundo tells granny all about Jacinto . He is brilliant and pretty soon he will jump to the university. He will be a doctor, a "licenciado", a policeman. Granny tells María that Facundo does not want to leave. María does not want to hear that.

Estefany is exercising at the gym talking to her mystery partner in crime telling him that they are ready to move to the second step with Santiago and that all is going well and that he should trust her. She then asks herself "Who is going to eat whom? The sheep the wolf? Or the wolf the poor little sheep?"

Facundo is at Santiago's office with him and Esteban to sign the loan papers. Facundo doesn't see the need because they are friends. Santiago insists putting 40% of his company in Facundo's hands as collateral for the loan. Santiago tells him to just trust him and just sign. It is only a formality. Santiago thinks if only Facundo knew that he was going to end up with a bankrupt company and if there is a problem it will be Facundo going to jail. He, Santiago will end up with everything. Facundo signs. They are partners!

Rocío and Isabel get into it about Rocío's activities. Alberto's name comes up. Rocío is fed up with Isabel. Isabel tells her she is wasing her life and is still itching and scratching from the fleas. Conchita comes by Rocío's room and tries to calm her down. That was the end of this scene for me because we had an emergency tornado report.

Next scene I had was Estefany and Santiago together in his car and he was dropping her off at her place. He wants to have a whiskey with her but her excuse is that tomorrow she has to get up early. She plays him alomg in the car flirting all the time. They will talk tomorrow.

Estefany enters the wrong patio and a big barking dog forces her up a ladder on to the rop of a wall until its owner comes out to free her.

Isabel is trying to knit some sort of monstrosity saying that if that country woman can do it, she can, too. Conchita does not believe what she is seeing and her she has necer knitted anything. Isabel says there is always a first time. Conchita mutters something about the woman across the way and envy. Isabel does not like that comment. She is making gloves in a "scarf" style, a new idea.

Facundo has been on a super duper shopping spree for the whold family: everything from a truck for Alberto, a car for Carmen(frren that matches her eyes) microwave for the kitchen, 3D gigantor tv set,, furniture etc. María is not happy and asks Facundo why he is buying all of this stuff since he knows she wants to go back to the country. He says they are just gifts. María puts a stop to it all and says it is the gifts or her. Now is the time for Facundo to decide the stuff or her.

Part 3 The end of Jarifa's notes

The long and the short of the argument: María tells Facundo he knows what will make her happy: going back to their home in the country where their children wer born and where there family roots are. Facundo tells her that is not happening. They are staying in the city because it is the best for the family especially the children. María says someone has to give in and it will be her.

María talks with her mom granny Perpétua saying she is afraid that the city is taking Facundo away and her concern about Isabel being after Facundo. Granny tells her to be attentive to Fausto and to keep her eyes on the situation. She tries to,ally her fears.

The family is all enjoying the 3D tv with all of theirm 3D glasses on. Grandpappy is having a hoot. María wants everyone at the table for dinner so she turns off the tv but turns it back on long enough to give it a try and seems to like it.

For the first time ever, María is not eating with the family. She is going to Isabel's to talk avout her knitting.

María walks in on Isabel who is talking to a mysterious someone on the phone. Isabel says: "Do you think I would ever forget such an important date? Never. No, no, I have everything under control. I assure you nobody is going to discover anything. Nobody is going to discover what I did. Nobody. Nobody." María looks shocked overhearing this but Isabel looks more shocked. ¡Impactadas las dos!


Jarifa's notes are FANTASTIC!!

Thank you so much! You and Marta are a godsend.

I just finished watching and I enjoyed this episode as well. I have to admit I was a little annoyed with Maria, but by the end when she sort of told Facundo (El Gallo) that now that they were staying she had to find something to occupy her time I was a little happier for her. I didn't like her being whiny and unable to adjust. I'm kind of heartless though.

I was happy to see the baby goats again. Even if one is missing.

I felt so bad for Carmen confessing she liked Feli and then being told they were just friends...but at least Feli was being honest. Sad but refreshing.

Yet again, I find myself eager to see the next episode. What in the world was Isa talking about?

Sara, glad I had time to help out. Sorry for the typos.


Facundo got Carmen a green car. it matches her eyes.

Anyway, María was getting on my nerves, too. I sort of liked her resultant spunky self going over to Isabel's during dinner. It would be nice to see a more independent María.

I also like that we have a couple of mysterious phone calls. Who is calling who? Is the same person being talked to in each call? Is it Esteban as somebody suggested yesterday? Are Isabel and Estefany calling each other?

Loved the animated flea!

I wish I could have seen Margarito eating his chilaquiles. Heck, I wish I could see me eating chilaquiles this a.m. :)



I have a feeling Stefany is flat broke and just asked Santi to stop the car at a random high end neighborhood so he would not realize she is broke. that is my guess.

It was funny when Facundo and Santi were talking and Santi was talking about all the animals (ducks on the pool, goats leisurely walking by the pool and the sheep suntanning (soleandose)). I guess he expects to own the house with the pool eventually when Facundo looses everything so he was not happy to see all the animals enjoying the pool.
Yes, Carmen got a light green VW buggy, it looked cute, and Facundo got a big truck for himself so he was happy to hand over the keys to his former white truck to Beto who was jumping for joy as well.

does anyone believe it is possible that Isabel also is having an affair with Esteban and he is double crossing Santi and Isa at the same time while partnering with Stefany?

anyone else get a feeling that Facundo just became the top stockowner of the company, and THUS the FIRST IN LINE ACCOUNTABLE party if something happens? is that what Santi was thinking?

40% could be the biggest piece of the stock owners pie easily.

Like your idea about Santiago being the first in line to collect.


Now that I've digested the episode and notes a little better:

Big thanks for the business/40% explanation. I got Santi saying that Facundo getting a bankrupt company and going to jail...I did NOT catch the 40% part. Thank you.

"...Isabel also is having an affair with Esteban..."

I'm not convinced (YET) that Isa is having an affair. She definitely seems capable of it, though.

I do think it' s VERY possible that Estefy and Esteban are working together.

Thank you Jarifa!

I'm hoping Facundo uses his 40% to turn the company around, without Santiago.

I agree that Estefy just picked a place that looked good for Santi to drop her off at in order to keep up the ruse.

Carmen has been annoying me, with her yelling, but I did feel bad for her when Feli let her down. Still hard for me to believe that these two girls are fighting over this guy. So unattractive, even if sweet.

I feel bad for Beto. He is a rancher and has nothing to do now that they moved to the city. I think he should move back and work for another rancher. Also, what is Facundo, another rancher, doing all day? Except for the kids in school, everyone else is idle now.

"I feel bad for Beto. He is a rancher and has nothing to do now that they moved to the city. I think he should move back and work for another rancher. Also, what is Facundo, another rancher, doing all day? Except for the kids in school, everyone else is idle now."

Which would be a perfect reason for Facundo and Beto to get more involved with Santiago's company and turn it around. I liked that idea!

It also seems that Facundo and María are going to have to get used to the fact that their children are growing up and are going to have their own paths and interests to follow.


And I honestly feel like Facundo is going to have a harder time with his gallitos leaving the nest than Maria will.

Jarifa, you are a natural born recapper. Thank you for your detailed summary.

"a car for Carmen(frren that matches her eyes)". Sigh. What a man!!

Marta, I agree Estefy is broke and unfortunately for her, picked the wrong house.

I love the closeness of the Carmonas and the fact this close knit family loves and supports each other.

I also want to see a more independent Maria! She does have fire and verve and I'd like to see more of it.

Carvivlie, maybe you are right. Maria kept harping on Facundo's business acumen. Maybe he could turn the company around but I can't see Santi stepping up to help him learn the workings of the company.

Sara, yes, heartening to see the little goats again. I never knew barnyard animals could be so soothing!


Diana: I'm thinking two possible scenarios, one that Santiago gets Facundo to invest more money, gives him more of the company, and then runs off leaving Facundo holding the bag. Then Fac turns company around. Or Fac asks Santiago for a job and Santiago just throws him to the workers where Fac finds out the truth and confronts Santiago. Geesh, I have a talent for run-on sentences.

I want to second Diana's comment, Jarifa: You are a natural born recapper!

And I love seeing the animals...even if they do distract me from dialog.

Carvivlie-I like run-on sentences. I have a talent for awkward run-on sentences.

I loved your ideas for Fac and the company.

As goofy as this show is-and I gather that even for a comedy it is goofy-they've really thrown a lot of plots out there and I am dying to know how they all work out.

Thanks for the compliment, Diana and Sara!


Seriously, Jarifa. Have you ever thought about the glory you could have as a regular recapper? :-)

Carvivlie, I am really enjoying your thought process - very intriguing.

Yes Sara, wouldn't Jarifa be a splendid recapper??

I so look forward to this each night - it's my little happy place, a mental refuge from worry and care.


Diana-I feel the same way about this show. I was actually sad I could not record it and watch it after my Sombra recap last night.

I especially appreciate the company on the patio!

I third the request for Jarifa to try recapping more regularly. you rock Jarifa!

you all are going to call me crazy but i can see Santi teaming up with Facundo eventually when he realizes Esteban turned on both of them. That is one thing about this show... both Santi and Isa have traces of good/redeamaable quality in them.

Not crazy at all! Santi and Isa do have very good redeemable qualities! That would be a nice twist if that happened.

Jarifa, thank you a million times over for the wonderful recap.

This comedy has been giving me indigestion with all the arguing these last few episodes. Carmen is a screamer. I agree that Facundo will be responsible for the debts but hopefully he and Beto will be natural born entrepreneurs and turn the company around while being honest and responsible businessmen. There is something fishy between Estefany and Esteban, yep.


Agree Marta, hope Santi turns redeemable and works with Fac.

Agree, GinCA. There *has* been a lot of arguing lately.

Enjoying all the comments.

Jarifa, thanks for the recap. Please let me join in to encourage you to do recaps. Your summaries are stellar.

I'm not seeing Santiago as an archvillain yet, but it does hurt to see him so two-faced in a man-hug with innocent, trusting Facundo.

Strange how that ladder just happened to be there, and that the homeowner didn't call the police. Estefany was a danger to that sweet dog.

ITA that Facundo and Beto will get involved in the business. It's the construction business, right? So I'm sure they'll be opportunities for them to roll up their sleeves and show their assets while they turn it around.

I think the funniest exchange this week was Isa accidentally hitting Santiago in the head with a bat. She said, "Are you okay?" He said, "Of course, I'm not okay. You hit me in the head with a bat!" Cracked me up.

This seems to be going well, so why not just have a wkly thread like Telemundo on the side bar. If it is busy,I have a hard time getting to
ACT. I will be able to add to RSS feed w/o searching all over CararCaray & if its busy, I can't get it anyway.
Did that make any sense?

Stand up !
Amor con trampas

Marta, yes, Santi and Isa aren't all bad. And hopefully we won't get to that point. I agree with Niecie in being uncomfortable Sani hugged Facundo with what would appear to be genuine affection yet he is planning to take him for all he's worth.

So far, Isa's biggest sin is her selfishness and being self centered. As for trying to seduce Facundo? Now, who am I to condemn when I would do the same thing if given half a chance?? ;)


Vario- we are on the side bar. This week we have a Monday, Wednesday and Friday post.

Next week will just be Monday and Friday posts... Unless of course someone wants to do a Wednesday recap. ;-)


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