Monday, June 15, 2015

Amores con trampa #56 and #57 6/15/15 and 6/16/15

Right to the new! I tried to do this without any captions (Spanish), so y'all will need to help me out and fill in what I missed.)

Fac pulls the animal control guys over to talk, explaining that the family belongs to the order of Franciscans. The animal guys don’t know what that is. (Really?) Perpetua adds “of Assisi” and then frets about what is going to happen.

Maria gives a tour of the house and points out that the ducks share the pool with the family. Maria insists the animals are happy with the family. Perpetua worries about how long they’ve been looking at the animals.

An animal control guy asks about Margarito. Susana is almost impossible for me to understand. All I catch is that the pig is named Margarito. So I cheat and go back to the captions. They wanted to “examine” the pig and Susana says he does pretty well in school. Maybe a little behind in geography, but pretty good at the other subjects.

The animal guys are ready to give their decisions. Facundo reminds them that they family is know Francis of Assisi. Who talked to the animals. And the Carmonas talk to the animals, too. Abuelo wants to shoot the animal control officers. Beto goes to stand with the family while Fac gets the decision.The family worries. Beto tells them to stay calm. Perpetua prays to Saint Expedito (Patrono de las Causas Justas y Urgentes.)

The animal control officers leave and Isa walks up to ask about the rooster. Maria gets mad and tells her to go away. Fac asks Maria to calm down and let him talk to Isa (I’m giving him a pass because there is that complaint that was filed against Maria.) Fac proudly announces that it was determined that his animals are well cared for and he gets to keep his animals. Susana runs up and shoves Margarito in Isa’s face. Fac asks her to leave them alone. Isa swears she doesn’t want to harm them. Carmen runs up and says she’s going to drop Maria off at the gym on her way to the university. Isa explains that she called the animal welfare office and dropped the complaint. She says she did that for Fac. Only for him. So he wouldn’t suffer.Grrrr.

Feli excitedly explains the new plans for the condos(?) Green spaces and gardens and even an area for animals. The solar panels will help provide lighting. Fac is pleased. And there will be areas to collect rainwater. It will be self-sustaining. Beto is impressed too. Fac praises Feli. Feli thanks him, especially after what happened with Isa. They shake hands. Beto wants to get to work. Fac tells Beto not to worry. He is still his dad’s right hand man. Feli is still concerned about Isa. Fac agrees she is to be feared, but he doesn’t think she’ll try anything. Fac thinks better of that and asks Feli if he knows if Isa was up to something. Feli starts to say something but is interrupted by the arrival of the architect. The architect quits. He talked to Santi and was told everything that happened between Isa and Fac.

At the university, Nicolasa and Jessi “break up” with Carmen. Francis told them about Maria getting arrested. Carmen tells Francis not to talk about her mom. Francis dares her to hit her. She’ll send Carmen to jail too. Carmen walks away and Francis reminds her “friends” to take note of the class of people they were trying to hang out with . She sends them to get her smoothy. Her phone rings. It’s Isa. Francis explains that she took care of Carmen. Everything turned out great. Count on her for anything. Humiliating the rancherita is a sport for Francis.

Jacinto and Porfirio are on an excursion. They are at the Alameda Central park, built in 1592 (I looked that up.) Porfirio likes it and is proud of all that Jacinto knows. They are looking at the Fountain of the Americas. Porfirio says it’s pretty and he likes how the water jumps. He also likes the hemiciclo(semi-circle) a Juárez. Jactino has been studying arcs. Abuelo says he loves learning from Jacinto (awwwwwwwww! So sweet!) Jacinto says he loves Porfirio. They hug.

Isa leads the huddle cheer. She sits down and calls Francis. Chipmunk talk from Francis’ end. Isa agrees. She doesn’t know what Feli was thinking when he broke up with her. She gets off the phone with Francis and tells herself she will be back to normal if she can get Fac out of her heart. She has to do it. Meanwhile Maria arrives. All the other ladies start to walk out. They will not train with a delinquent. The trainer tries to make excuses. Isa tells her that she won’t stop until everyone goes back to the country. Everyone except Fac and Margarito (so now she likes Margarito?) Maria tells her that they are staying….including Fac. Isa asks how long Maria and her kids will be able to withstand rejection. Isa tells her she’s going to make their lives a living hell. Wherever Maria or the kids go, it will be torture. Maria tells Isa not to mess with her kids. Isa doesn’t know who she’s messing with. She’s going to end up bien trasquilada (more than she bargained for...I’m being very liberal with the meaning. I’m extrapolating from a saying ir por lana y volver trasquilado-to get more than you bargained for. Trasquilar means to shear or or scalp. Hmmmm. Maybe Maria means literally scalped! ) Isa says this is war and she won’t stop until she does everyone in...except for Fac and Margarito. As long as Maria refuses to believe that Fac has feelings for Isa it will get worse. Isa walks away singing Dos Mujeres Un Camino. Maria is left alone. Isa explains to the trainer that she doesn’t want Maria training at the gym. If he helps her, he’ll lose his job.

Maria goes back home and wonders aloud to her mother how long they will all have to suffer. They are good people! What did they do to the neighbor to make her hate them so much. Susana walks in. She’s dirty and has probably been in a fight. She explains that she and Jacinto didn’t want to stay at school any more. They got home a little while ago. Jacinot went out with Abuelo. She says she fought with the other kids because they made fun of Maria for being in jail. Someone made sure the whole school knew she’d been arrested. Maria knows it has to be Isa. She worries about Abuelo land Jacinto wandering the streets.

Jacinto and Abuelo talk about the monument to Juarez. I might come back tomorrow and add more. I’m moving on. Oh wait. Was here where Jacinto asked Abuelo not to die? And Abuelo said he will always be with Jacinto watching over him. This makes me nervous.

Isa talks to Frederick. Part of her wants to do good (HA! Keep telling yourself that, sweetie.) It’s like there’s a good guy and a bad guy over her head arguing. She feels worse than the witch in Snow White that ate the apple. Frederick reminds her the witch didn’t eat the apple. Isa babbles about someone different living inside her and Frederick says “Don’t you realize you are falling into the love snare?” Isa reacts like he’s a genius. I don’t get it. Anyone want to explícamelo con manzanas? They talk about what great friends they are. Namaste.

Jacinto and Abeulo continue their tour of the city. They are now at the Palacio de Bellas Artes. Abuelo says Jacinto has a great school and Jacinto explains about the curtains on the stage. Jacinto wants a picture but a guard tells him he can’t get so close to the statue. The guard takes a picture of Abulo and Jacinto together.

Maria asks Beto to look for Abuelo and Jacinto. She’s so upset. It’s one thing for Isa to mess with her and something entirely different to mess with her kids. Perpetua reminds her that Susana is there and not to scare her. Maria apologizes. Susana tells her not to worry and suggests that maybe Isa is sick.

Abuelo and Jacinto eat at a restaurant. Abuelo is sure the enchiladas won’t be as good and Maria and Perpetua’s. Jacinto talks about how nice it is to be with Abuelo. They love each other.

Feli comes to talk to Santi about what he did to make the architect quit. Santi denies it. He tells Feli to shave. Santi admits that he used his friendship with Joaquine Iturbalde(?) the architect to convince him to quit. He doesn’t want Fac to use his contacts and his influence (Santi’s.) Feli is upset because he was looking forward to this project. Santi begs him not to go the the side of the Carmonas and become an enemy. Then Santi kind of gets on my bad side. He throws it in Feli’s face that he took him in and did everything for him. Feli starts to leave and Santi feels bad. And I’ve clearly missed something because I can’t figure out who is responsible for getting the architect to quit.

Carmen is upset about Nicolasa and Jessica. Diego asks about why she left the Uni. She had a test. She explains that Francis told everyone about Maria’s arrest. Diego worries they are going to fail (reprobar) her if she doesn’t come to school. He asks her not to be sad or he’ll have to do something drastic. He drops to one knee and asks if she wants to be his novia oficial. He gives her a simple ring. He wants anyone who sees the ring to know that Carmen is his chava. What does she say? ARGH!!!!!!!!!! She doesn’t say anything this episode and I can’t figure out her facial expression!!!!!!!!!! He kisses her.

Abuelo and Jacinto come home. Maria is relieved. Abuelo wonders why she’s so upset. Nothing happened. Abuelo and Jacinto salute each other. They learned a lot today and are proud to have been born in Mexico. Fac arrives too and is relieved to see his dad. They are going to have to ration his eggs (trumpet.) Wow. Lots of talking. Maybe I’ll fill in tomorrow.

Santi and the kids confront Isa. They ask her to have a little respect for them. The architect quit. Santi says that she’s affected Feli’s job. Ale worries about her friendship with Susana. Isa’s still messing with her bangs. (Leave the girl alone!) Rocio also talks to her and asks why she’s so selfish. She’s hurting people just to do it. Rocio asks her to leave the Carmonas alone. Isa plays the victim. Everyone criticizes her. Santi even calls her out on it. Isa says every since the Carmonas arrived their diets have been terrible(?) She fusses at Ale. Conchita interrupts to say she’s leaving.

Perpetua says Porfirio is a headache. She thinks they need to send him back to San Bartolo with a one way ticket.

Conchita cries and Santi wants to know why Isa didn’t tell him. Isa brushes it off. Conchita is a pet (mascota) a maid (chacha...and I assume this is at the very least a condescending term that denotes how little Conchita means to Isa. Witch.) Even Santi is disgusted by her calling Conchita a chacha. No one wants her to leave. Isa says just go. Isa starts eating popcorn and babbling. Conchita is leaving and Isa tells her not to come back. Santi says the doors will always be open for Conchita. She tells Feli to take care of his sisters. Seh says goodbye to Santi. He and the kids mean everything to her. She said something about Lic Godinez (trumpet.) Isa says she bought the socks for Conchita. Conchita says she picked them out and Santi says he paid for them. Conchita leaves and Isa starts this awful operatic singing. Santi plugs his ears.


Information we know
Isa stole Santi from Estefy a long time ago. Estefy wants revenge.
Esteban and Isa had a fling. Esteban wants Isa for his own.
Esteban and Estefy are working together to break up Santi and Isa and to take Santi's money.
Santi and Isa worked together to blackmail Facundo.
Santi is scamming Facundo to get his money.
From Carvivilie: I think what Santi meant was that Fac was given a % of the company so if/when it goes down, he'll lose his money. Santi took Fac's money and put it into his new business and gave Fac a % of the doomed one.
Santi was a champion boxer at the university...though he seems susceptible to getting punched.
Estefy was once a waitress at "La Cabra Loca" in Monterrey.
Estefy also has a past with and actor. I can't remember where he's from now.
Isa has been violent with Santi in the past.
Esteben is sleeping with Isa's psychiatrist. They are trying to drive Isa crazy.

Maria overheard Isa on the phone. I can't remember exactly what Isa said, something like she doesn't regret anything she's done.

Conchita has also overheard a conversation from Isa:
From a recap: The sobrinos have no idea what happened...most importantly, Rocio doesn't know. Rocio will keep going to the psychologist and with some luck, she will be declared officially crazy. And that awful thing? It happened so long ago that no one will remember it. Only Isa will know about it and she will take it to the grave.

What were the circumstances surrounding Feli and Rocio now living with Santi and Isa?

Rocio's mother is dead. Rocio feels guilty. Why? How did her mother die?
Update: BOTH of Rocio’s parents are dead. But the why and how are still mysteries.

Why did Isa need Rocio out of the house "before a certain date"? And why is it more important that Rocio was turning 19 and not Felipe?

Who is Rocio's dad? Why does Isa consider him a good-for-nothing reprobate?

Why did Santi and Isa stop sleeping together 5 months ago? Possible reason: She had an affair with Esteban.

Santi claims to have been the Golden Gloves champ of Houston. Did he spend time in the states?

From Nanette:
Are Feli and Rocio twins? I can see Isa giving one baby to her sister to raise or even twins, but it's hard for me to believe she gave two babies born at different times to be raised by her.

How old were they when their parents "died (?)"

From Jarifa:
Why did Isabel find it necessary to lie to Santiago about who the parents of Rocío and Felipe were? We do know they have been married for seventeen years. Were the kids there from the beginning? If not when did they come to live with them?

Was there ever a "sister?" If there was a sister, was she a twin? (That was meant to be funny) Did they go to a memorial mass for nobody?

Why would Isabel give her sister her children to raise?

Who was the father of Rocío and Felipe? Is it someone we already know?

Then back to: why did Isabel want Rocío out of the house by a certain date?

Sounds great, Sara! Between the tornado warnings and the Blackhawks in the Stanley Cup finals, I missed a little here and there, but that is okay because of what I kniw will be a great recap on your part. Thanks in advance!


Oh dear! I hope the weather settles down. Please stay safe!

All done!

Thanks, Sara! Perfect, even without using captions.

There were really a lot of sweet moments among the bitter last night, although like you i started to worry that the sweet moments with Abuelo and the talk of death was foreshadowing. Let's hope not.

Had to laugh when Maria said she couldn't even go next door and beat up Isa (because of the pending charges) after finding out she spread the gossip in the kids' school. So frustrating, because Isa does deserve another whuppin'.

Happy the animals are safe and can stay. I don't believe Isa that she called the animal welfare folks off. And I can't believe how Fac's demeanor softened towards her when she said that. Really, Facundo?

Disappointed in Jesitonta and Nicoboba, but Diego did warn Carmen about their weak character. He was so sweet trying to cheer her up and encouraging her to focus on her academics. But he bleed me away with that sweet proposal to go steady. Why, oh why chants Carmen muster up the same enthusiasm for him as he does anytime wet rag Feli looks twice at her?!

He blew me away, nit bleed. Eww!

Can't not chants. Tablet and I are having issues this morning.

Sara, your wonderful recap along with your list is a great accompaniment to my café this a. m. Thank you very much! Also, I am all ready for Wed. and Thurs., so thank you for the header.

The part I enjoyed the most was Granpappy Porfirio and Jacinto with their sightseeing at Alameda Park and El Palacio de Bellas Artes. Sort of a "what everyone knows" in a capsule from the Benito Juárez memorial with Jacinto giving the Juárez quote " Entre individuos como entre naciones, el respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz״ (Between individuals as between nations, the respect of the rights of others is peace.) to the Palacio de Bellas Artes with the Popocatėpetl and Iztaccíhuatl curtain and works by the three Mexican mural masters: Orozco, Siqueiros and Rivera. Loved that Granpappy wanted hard boiled eggs even at the restaurant and was willing to wait with some enchiladas de mole (sure sounded better than what I was dining on last night). Sara, I, like you did not like to hear the "death" conversation again.

Vivi, I also was disappointed in Facundo's reaction when Isabel told him she had withdrawn the charges. Not looking good. You had me laughing with your Isabel deserving another "whuppin' " because she does.

I am enjoying Felipe coming more and more into his own and openly defying his uncle Santiago at work and telling Conchita in front of Isabel to forgive Isabel because she didn't know what she was doing. Guess I am just a Feli fan!

Also, I am happy Conchita is going full time with the Carmona's. Isabel was at her worst even wanting Conchita to leave her socks behind. Sort of in gratitude for Santiago's kindness to her, Conchita tells Santiago to give her regards to Licenciado Godínez.

My bets are on Carmen accepting.



Jarifa- I am also supportive of Felipe growing into his own and like that part of his story. I just don't want him to be Carmen's romantic interest, and hate that her feelings for Feli are what are keeping her from being 100% in with Diego.

Sara, your recap is terrific. Thanks for the vocab bonus.

Abuelo and Jacinto sightseeing was my favorite scene too. Ay, don't take abuelo away!

I am setting up a table on the patio for Florencio. For pete's sakes Facundo makes goo-goo eyes at Isa when she tells him she called off the animal police for him. No mention of her halting putting Maria in jail of course.

The drops don't make Isa mean, they just magnify what she already is. I wish Conchita had removed her socks and thrown them in Isa's face.

Like Carmen, I'm torn between Diego and Feli, but she might as well give Diego a chance. His be my novia was too cute.

Mornin' folks.

I've been mulling over the Abuelo/Jacinto death conversation. I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that nothing happens to Porfirio and that it was just meant as a sort of TN teachable moment. Loved ones may leave us, but they will always be watching over us. So hopefully it was meant more for Viewerville than as a foreshadowing. I really hope that's the case. I wouldn't be able to watch Jacinto go through that.

Jarifa, you pointed out the exact quote I wanted to go back and add "Entre individuos como entre naciones, el respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz״ (Between individuals as between nations, the respect of the rights of others is peace.) I really liked that part and I loved it coming from young Jacinto.

Ay, Niecie! You have NAILED it--the drops are just magnifying an already horrid personality. I wish Conchita had shoved the socks down her throat.

I like Feli as a character, but I feel like he and Carmen are in two different places. He is really focused on his career. He is excited about this project. Carmen and Diego on the other hand both seem to want to be in a relationship. Carmen just seems to think she wants Feli. Diego is fantastic boyfriend potential. He clearly pays attention to her and what's going on in her life (he knew she had a test.) He wants her to succeed and worries about her academics (I'm with you, Vivi, that's a good thing....he likes smart girls and I think that's a great quality.)

I am FIRMLY at the Diego table and I'm ready to be very disappointed because I still thing Feli and Carmen are end game. Sad face.

I have cheated and googled to find out when Florencio will come on the scene. I'm hesitant to say anything because I don't want to post spoilers...but it won't be this week.

PS: I will have that header ready on Wednesday, Jarifa.

Diana - Hope your computer troubles are over soon so you're back on Caray. Though I'm sure you have the computer for other uses too. :D

Sara - I like your teachable moment theory about abuelo. Sometimes I get so ticked I forget that this is a comedy, and abuelo is the only one that can cheer me up.

Thanks for the recap Sara. Awesome as usual.

I agree with Niecie. The crazy pills are just amplifying Isa’s selfish nature. I’m wondering what it’s going to take for her to turnaround?

Santi is upset and revenging himself on Fac because Fac has taken his business and now his nephew’s loyalty—yet this all happened because Santi cheated Fac in the first place. Isa is plotting against Maria and her children because she’s in love with another woman’s husband. Who ARE these people?


I'm thisclose to Fac being dead to me.

Amazing recap!

Is it too much to ask that Maria tell Fac that Isa threatened her and the children? Why do I think that fact won't come out?

Poor Maria getting kicked out of the gym, the kids suffering, Isa really needs a whupping. I'm now hoping Esteban's plan of driving her crazy works. She totally deserves it!!

I was disappointed in Maria giving in to Fac when he wanted to speak to Isa alone. She shouldn't EVER allow that again.

Comment Bomber!!!!!

Carvivlie: would he even believe her?

Nanette, I so agree about Maria . She never should've left Facundo alone to talk to Isabel no matter what he wanted. Maria seems to be reacting in the world of extremes: either she is passive and crying with her mother or she's over the top aggressively beating up Isabel. I hope she comes to terms with it all and tells Facundo to take a flying leap because from his latest reactions it is clear Facundo has still not learned his lesson.


The more I think about it , given the situation and the history, Facundo agreeing to talk to Isabel alone was really very disrespectful to Maria. Not liking that at all.


Nanette: True that Fac has a blind spot to Isa but Maria was banned from the gym so a little proof there. Though Fac will probably think that's a good thing, don't want a woman to be too strong.

But can Maria prove to Fac that it was Isa's doing? He's just going to think she's overreacting because of her dislike of Isa.

The thing with Fac is, I think he wants them both. He wants a fling with Isa and still be married to Maria (sort of like my first husband, the rat). I don't think he wants to marry Isa.

I just thought. If this TN ends in August, we'll be in ultimas semanas next month, won't we!? This one is flying by.

It ends in August in Mexico. We are four weeks behind, so it will end for us in September.

But it's still flying by :-)

Who came up with Facstupido yesterday? 'Cause it's perfect. He needs to talk to Diego and find out how to treat a lady.

Ah Sara, wasn't Diego great last night. Geesh I wish Carmen would get a clue and stop panting after Feli.

Sara: me.

Well Facstupido is right. I'm having a hard time believing he ever saw Maria as a partner and a loved one. In still pretty annoyed by the "we love our animals" and kiss scene.

Isa and Fac can both go take a flying leap.

And I just remembered, when Carmen said she was taking Maria to the gym, it was so Maria would look pretty for the anniversary fiesta. So I'm glad that's still on and yes, Maria... get nice and pretty for Florencio.

I've gotten riled up. Lol.

And yes, Diego is just dreamy. Despite his behavior at the beginning, he has just become the most charming thing ever. He and Beto are perfect galans.

Over in Sombra, there are a couple of us who aren't really buying the love at first sight story between the two leads. I have to say, I'm getting most of my romance from this show. I love seeing courtship. And Beto and Diego are doing it right.

Looks like I am all alone at my Feli table. I will be the one waving at you all across the way.


Feli deserves a table! I don't dislike him at all. He loves his family. He has goals and he is a kind person. I just don't think he wants a relationship right now. I admire his drive.

I like Feli, too. But if we're talking on the couple front, I prefer Diego for Carmen.

I like Felipe and Carmen as a couple and think they could teach each other a lot. They both also seem pretty immature in the romance department.


jarifa: they were really cute together. Now I'm torn. I do like Feli with Carmen and I like Diego with Carmen. Maybe I just don't want Diego hurt since he's made a complete turnaround from jerk to great guy.

I'll accept Feli for Carmen if they find an awesome girl that Diego can fall for.

I've been obsessing over the Feli vs Diego dilemma too. Once again, Nanette has nailed it. I guess I'm really fine with whoever she ends up with, but I want Diego happy. Right now he's so focused in Carmen. But maybe they will introduce a new character that he can fall for.

Still, I'm afraid there's going to be some episodes where I will have to watch a hurting Diego. Sad face.

Hahaha! There you go again, Nanette! Reading my mind.

Tuesday #57 Parte 1 Stuff happens
I’m giving it the bare bones treatment. And that’s probably an overstatement.

Conchita goes to work with the Carmonas full-time. She doesn’t seem to mind Porfirio’s attentions as much as she used to.

With Conchita gone, the Valascos are reduced to eating pizza. Isa continues to berate everyone. She wants Feli to quit the pizza job. Hearing Ale say she likes pizza, Isa tells her she’ll get fat. Isa says something about all the damage she’s done to the CarmonasEsteban calls to interrupt this lovely family dinner. He wants to see Santi and Isa at his apartment. Isa tries to dissuade Santi from going. She makes suggestive suggestions in Santi’s ear (I assume they are suggestive.) Santi looks at her like she’s crazy and walks out. Isa acts crazy and calls for her Conchita and her drops. She goes to her bedroom to look for her pills.

Facundo has also been summoned to Esteban’s apartment.

Rocio comes to tal to Isa. Rocio saw her tears in front of the Virgen. Isa seemed sincere. Isa explains that losing her sister hurt. The was she lost her affects her and always will. It was something tragic. Isa says she doesn’t feel well. Rocio tucks her into bed. Isa tells Rocio she looks just like her mother. Rocio knows Isa is worried Esteban is going to rat her out about the accident. Isa throws her out of the bedroom. One more nice moment ruined by the Wicked Witch of the DF.

Fac and Santi face off in Esteban’s apartment. Fac tells Santi that Isa better drop the charges against Maria or he will file charges. Santi and Isa drugged him and he has proof! Esteban finally arrives with Estefany. He’s disheveled and barely lucid. He can’t remember what happened. They realize he has amnesia. Estefy reports that the doctors said mental lapses are to be expected. To Fac and Santi that means he’s also hard of hearing. Esteban asks about Isabel. She didn’t tell them anything. Esteban gets up like he’s going to tell them everything about the accident and Isa’s secret. He even thought bubbles it!

Back at the Velasco house, Isa prays that Esteban keeps his mouth shut. No. Literally praying. In front of a cross and everything. I see no evidence of smoke or imminent spontaneous combustion.

Esteban makes bizarre faces. He slaps himself. Santi slaps him. Estefy slaps him. Esteban chickens out and says nothing. He can’t remember. Fac complains that he was just about to sing Cucurucucu La Paloma with every can Esteban forget! There are some trumpets. I wonder if the joke was funny. Fac leaves. Santi also leaves. He gropes Estefany on his way out. They go and Estefany knows Esteban is faking. She wants to know what he’s hiding about Isa. She calls hims a coward for not being able to tell Isa’s secret. She’s going to find out what Isa’s secret. She leaves and Esteban thinks to himself that he’s not going to give away Isa’s secret because he wants Isa as his slave.

Santi and Fac posture and preen in the hallway. Hm. A trumpet. MIssed another joke. Santi is going to get his business back. And when he does, he’s going to throw Fac out in the street. Fac says the business is his and he’s going to pull it out of bankruptcy not just for the money, but for all the employees working for him.

Tuesday #57 Parte 2 Really Awesome stuff happens. And then not so awesome stuff happens

Beto and Rocio have come to talk to Fac and Maria. Fac thinks Rocio is pregnant. Nope. Rocio explains that everyone who comes to the boutique asks for one of Maria’s shawls. And the smile on Maria’s face is so wonderful to see. Fac is not surprised. Maria is really good and handiwork. Fac is starting to get the drift and can’t believe Rocio would suggest that Maria work with Isa. That’s not what Rocio is saying. She suggests that Maria open her own boutique. She’s got the customer base. And y’all….FAC LIKES THE IDEA!!!!! Beto encourages his mother and says Rocio could help sell them. Rocio wants to changes bosses anyway. FAC ENCOURAGES MARIA. HE OFFERS TO APOQUINAR (fork out) the money. Maria has the time now that Conchita is working for them.

Francis is a jerk to Carmen at the University. Jessica and Nicolasa at least look embarrassed. Carmen gets ready to get back in her car and leave. Feli runs up and stops her. He reminds her she has classes. She says she wants to change university. Feli tells her there are Francises everywhere. Carmen wonders why he cares and he says he’s falling more in love with her every day. He goes in for a kiss. Diego sees and says something. Oh, the pain in his eyes. He tells Feli that he and Carmen are novios. Carmen looks more mad than happy. Dagnabbit, Carmen! Please don’t hurt him. Dagnabbit writers, at least bring in someone to make Diego happy.

Isa goes to Esteban’s apartment. She thinks she’s safe because of the amnesia. Esteban bursts her bubble. He undresses her with his eyes and grabs her. He remembers everything and she’s going to pay for everything. Esteban asks if she is afraid. She should be because from now on she will have to do everything he says or he’ll talk. He’ll file charges and send her to jail for trying to kill him. He’s a lawyer and can work the law to his advantage. She refuses. He’s been trying to get back with her for years and she can’t . He wants a kiss. He starts to call Santi. Isa remembers the kids. But she just can’t do it.

Estefy goes to Fac’s office. She is sure Esteban is hiding something. Didn’t Fac think Esteban was acting oddly. She knows him well. She’s going to find out what he’s hiding. Fac will help her, right?

Isa says if Esteban really loves her, he wouldn’t be doing this. He asks again for a kiss...and he yells at her. She lets him kiss her, but she’s soooo not into it. Ew. It’s creepy.

Yay!!!!!!!!! Maria's back in the shawl business!

Sara, that recap was so fast and so good! I don't know how you do it. Thank you. Loved your "wicked witch of D.F." and "no evidence of smoke or spontaneous combustion."

Felipe was cute talking about wanting to hang on to his pizza delivery job because it was his first job. Of course Isabel had to make fun of him.

Facundo and Santiago were really funny talking chest to chest like two roosters. Santiago must have been on his tippie toes. I wonder what the flower in Santiago's lapel is made of. Sometimes it looks like hard plastic, like a rose pin.

Esteban is turning out to be quite the power player. This is the third time we have heard: "when one has a secret, one has a slave" and in Esteban's case, nothing will make him happier than Isabel being his slave. Looks like he has Isabel just where he wants her. Isabel sure doesn't like being blackmailed or having to pay the piper herself.

I can't wait until María opens a boutique of her own and Rocío is working for her instead of Isabel.



Esteban actually kind of scared me tonight.

This is going to sound weird, but I think I gave myself a headache from smiling so hard during the scene when Rocío said Maria should open her own boutique. And there may be hope for Fac yet.

Esteban was creepy, but it didn't bother me much because it was directed at Isabel. I hope the creepiness does not go into unsavory territory as it is threatening to. Just the threat is enough for me.

I, too, loved the fact that María is actually going to have something of her own. With Facundo's support and Conchita full time, she should be free to do what she needs to be a success. Let us hope he is not doing this just because he is feeling guilty.



I felt like he really was proud and it wasn't just guilt. Maybe he didn't like her earlier try at business because it was with Isa and THAT made him feel guilty.

Great job summarizing, Sara! Yes, it was a very happy moment when Rocio suggested Maria open her own boutique and Fac supported it. Maria looked so proud and so happy. Yay!

Didn't early on Maria say she actually gets glimpses into the future. She had seen that moving to the city was going to mean trouble for the family, and that came true. And we saw her dream a few episodes back about being a successful designer and Rocio working for her. Looks like that's about to come true too. But will the part of the dream where Isa has replaced her in Fac's heart also happen?

Esteban was kind of scary and creepy. But since it was Isa, I didn't feel that bad about it. As long as they continue to keep things G rated and all he demands are kisses.

Hmm, I hadn't thought of the dreams at all. Very interesting, Vivi.


Great recap!

I was surprised Fac was so enthusiastic abt Maria going into business and not being around to cook at the drop of the hat. I kinda feel the writers are doing a mini makeover on Fac bec they had made him so unlikable with his Isa antics.

I actually felt for Isa during that whole scene with Esteban. That was really creepy and I didn't like the forced physical part, even if just kissing. Agree I hope it stays G rated.

The fact that Isa is so worried about Santi finding out the secret means it affects him too and not just the kids. And we haven't any proof that Santi ever met the sister, at least I don't remember him ever mentioning seeing her. Makes me think their relationship started with a lie from the beginning. Still not off the "no sister table" yet.

I agree with everyone. I wasn't creeped out for Isa. She probably deserves a little of being in the hot seat. I just don't want the show to turn to dark creepiness and Esteban was giving off that vibe last night.

I hope there is lots about the new boutique tonight.

Sara: great recap.

Re: your comment last night: we are sympatico amiga!

I think Fac was genuinely proud of Carmen and not supportive because of any guilt. Maybe, he was a little happy because Maria now has a stake in staying in the city?

Isa deserves to be scared out her wits. It's time there was someone who, not only didn't take her crap, but turned the tables on her. However I don't want the TN to go down the melodrama road. I know the dramas are becoming a bit perverse and PEAM took a dark turn. Am so hoping this one doesn't.


I had heard that about PEAM. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that since this is short there won't be time for this to get dark.

PESE, PEAM, QPTR and MCET all had dark parts. Since I only started watching with PESE I cannot go back any farther. I so agree with everyone that there are no really violent or nasty parts in this one. Also no PSA's please for the disease or social problem du jour. So far, so good.


I feel like there's been national pride PSAs, but they were disguised with cuteness from Jacinto and Abuelo. :) I can handle that.

Same here. Also, they have shown spousal abuse where the man is the victim. Since it was Isabel beating up on Sebastián, it might have been there just to raise awareness of the problem. Maybe it was just there because they thought it was funny. Who knows? It was only in one episode and it was gone.

All I know is that I will enjoy whatever they show me tonight. I am already looking forward to being on the patio amd watching it with our fun group. I think I will be having dinner on the patio!


I'm looking forward to it too!

And knowing that it will be short just makes me like it even more. Extensions never work for me.

I sure agree on that one. I think the only novela I have seen so far that did not have an extension on Univision was QPTR. I like the novela format with a set end but those extensions in the middle can be deadly. I will even go so far to say that I wish regular network programming/shows would have a plot with an end in mind and a set number of seasons even before they begin. It sure would help with the storytelling.


PESE did not have an extension either, it was quite short.

PESE is one o regret not watching. It's why I tried QPTR, but uy the speed Spanish and slang! I think I would like a Rosy Ocampo comedy if I could follow the Spanish better.

I not o.

Well, short for a comedy, I should say. :) They tend to be 200+ episodes long.

Just because, I decided to look up the length of the comedies from the last years, in order:

La Fea Mas..- 300
Juan Querendon- 260
Tontas no van al Cielo- 140
Un Gancho...- 220
Hasta...Dinero- 231
Llena de Amor- 206
Familia...Suerte- 266
PESE- 166
PEAM- 181
Libre Para Amar... (a flop in MX, never shown on Uni)- 106
Pobres tan Ricos- 166
MCET- 176

I see a trend of comedies getting shorter. Even MCET is short compared to LFMB!

Thanks for looking all those up!

I wonder if Libre's shortened run meant that they had to jump into filming Pobres earlier than expected to fill the time slot? I wonder just how bad it was? I guess we should be happy Uni spared us.

Vivi, thanks, for researching and posting those numbers. It explains a lot.

Sara, channel surfing and seeing the promos for PESE with Jaime Camil in drag is what got me started on these novelas. I was laughing at the promo and with the odd title, I just had to see more. You really should to try to find it somewhere. I think you would really enjoy it. Just saw an interview today with Camil and he was doing an "Eva" ( his character in PESE) imitation. Still made me laugh just hearing "her" voice.


I saw bits and pieces of it. I can't remember what I was watching at the time, but it came on after PESE and I often saw the last few minutes. I've even got some of the songs from it on my ipod.

Sara, thanks for my fun reading of the day.

Late to the party. In addition to supporting the shawls, I wish Facundo had apologized to Maria for shutting her shawl business down in the first place.

Esteban sure was creepy, but Isa is so damn cruel to Maria that I can't work up sympathy for her. Isa has a choice. Tell Santi the truth. Santi loves her crazy self and would probably come around to being okay with her sobrinos really being her hijos.

Vivi, I am glad we were spared, too.

Sara, yes, the music was very good in PESE.


I just found PESE on Netflix and watched the opening scene. Cynthia Klitbo was one of the mourners. It's a sign. I may have to watch it.

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