Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Amores con trampa #82 and #83 7/22/15 and 7/23/15

Our next recapper needs to introduction.

She's the Wednesday Wonder and the Thursday Thunder. She's..........


*muppet flail*

Look for her recap in the comments :-)


Sara, another hit! You come up with the most wonderful intros ever. What a pleasant way to start a recap! Thank you! Your kindness and creativity are always appreciated.

The recap will be up per usual.


I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

Looking forward to the recap. It was a doozy tonight.

Capítulo 82 7/22/15 Wedding Interrupted and Aftermath

Part 1

Facundo barges in on the wedding ceremony just after Rocío says "yes" and breaks up the wedding ceremony. Isabel is there, too. Beto tries to sign the registry but it is suddenly "hot potato" time with the pen as Facundo manages to get it away from him and keep it away. Comedy time! María wants Beto and Rocío to finish the ceremony. Facundo just wants Beto to go home with them. Facundo gets his way.

Facundo and María arrive home. Granpappy Porfirio wants to know where his cake is from the wedding while Granny Perpétua wastes no time in criticizing María. María tells her she does not want to talk to her. Facundo says he saved Beto from making a big mistake. María says Beto will never forgive him. Facundo starts to whine about how he is so sick and tired of this house where everybody just wants to do their own thing. María tells him she wants to talk to him alone.

At the Velasco's Ale is worried about Rocío Diego offers that she jumped in a cab but nobody knows where she went. She is not answering her phone. According to Isabel, Rocío is fine of that she is sure: bad news arrives alone. (?) Felipe says she sounds like she hates Rocío. No, she is just worries her. Isabel then takes this as an opportunity to stick it to Santiago. They argue about her motivation to stop the wedding: get to María. Santiago tells her that she is no longer capable of taking care of the children.

In the study María and Facundo are still at it. He starts out with saying that if she is planning on apologizing, he is not interested. She tells him HE is the one who should be apologizing. But she is the one who lied. How could he miss the wedding of his own son? How could he just let him get married? But they are in love and since Beto was going to marry anyway, María wanted him to have someone from his family there. She was not going to turn his back on him like Facundo. At this point Facundo tells her to lower the tone of her voice, she needs to talk to him with respect. María tells him: Respect is earned and with what he pulled with stopping the wedding he has lost it forever. Facundo is not a happy camper.

Back at the Velasco's, Santiago is comforting Ale. Santiago is going to rent a place and they(the kids) will come live with him. Isabel is all upset and as Santiago is leaving she tells Ale not to worry because nothing is going to happen. Santiago asks Felipe to call him if they find anything out about Rocío.Felipe just looks sad.

Facundo is back to blaming it all on María. He is hurt that she hid the wedding from him amd that he had to find out about it from that Isabel. Funny how whenever she tells him something about ut María it turns out to be the truth:1. Fashion show 2. Being an accomplice to Santiago 3. Beto's wedding. María says she first thought that Beto's wedding was nonsense but it wasn't. Je really loves,the girl. Facundo thinks that if they love each other so much, they should wait until Beto is better prepared. María reminds him it was the same when they got married and Porfirio his dad was the only one to support him. He doesn't think they can be compared at all. María does not know what to think after his "antics" today. He says he only cares abouth "their" marriage. He is sick of her hiding things from him. She asks if he has not ever asked himself why?????

Part 2

María no longer has any confidence in him. He gets angry over every little thing. Nobody can say anything. He wants to know why she is with him. She is with him because she loves him BUT with every temper tantrum he throws, the love she has for him is just going and one of these days it is going to just end for her. In his most condescending and arrogant way, Facundo tells her to calm down. He has no time for her tantrums or stupid ideas. He leaves María just stewing.

Beto finds Rocío at the shop where he hears what he didn't wnt to hear: She want to see nobody, not even him.

Estefany arrives and Carmen fills her in on the latest re. Wedding.

María's day from hell just keeps getting better when Granny Perpétua decides to give her a piece of her mind. María does not want to talk
to her (she wants to pick up the kids) but Granny grabs her arm and makes her listen. She is her mother and she is goomg to listen. María calls her a busybody, a bad mother. Just like Facundo, Granny rells María to lower her voice and not to disrespect her. María lets her have it: Granny disrespects her own family especially Beto. María is criticized for not having loyalty to her own husband. Granny will not betray Facundo. María asks her if it is okay for Granny to betray her own grandson and daughter who are blood of her blood??? Facundo is her son in law: she can stay with him!!!

Beto keeps hearing things he does not want to hear from Rocío. He just wants to leave and get someone else to marry them. Her answer is NO. She has had it. This was the best thing that could have happened to them. She was not sure about getting married. It was more for him than for her. She could not see herself married. Beto blames Ruperta the witch and an evil spell. No, Rocío says it was no bad spell. She is nineteen. She wants to be with him, make a life with him and marry him but not today. They have their whole lives ahead of them. Why does it have to be so quick? He tells her pick a time next month ? uear? She won't do that. Furthermore, does he wna to be on the outs with his dad? He saw now Facundo reacted. She says she loves him. He says she does, but less than he loves her.

María brings the kids back to school and sends them off to change their clothes when Granny comes by for another round of unpleasantness.,She advises María to be more concerned with her home and family. When María's dad was alive she never missed a day cooking for him and María. She fulfilled her duty as wife and mother. María tells her that that is how she was but she María is luckily different.

Beto decides to go to the University and confronts Hilda in the classroom grabbing her bynthe arm and calling her a gossip and bad person. The whole class sees rhe incident and everyone is on Hilda's side as she cries. The professor tells Beto to watch his language Nd not yell. Beto tells him he does not know Hilda. The professor believes Hilda: that Beto played with her affections. He also believes that Beto is responsible for the bruises up and down her arms she shows to Beto and to the class.

Part 3

María is going out again and leaves Conchita in charge. Granny is still is offering her own special brand of wisdom: rather than leave Conchita in charge, why not just leave Estefany in charge of everything including her husband. María just goes.

Back in the classroom, it is so clear that Hilda set him up and he knows it. The professor tells him in front of the whole class that if he ever puts a hand on Hilda again he will see to it that Beto is expelled and thay will ruin his life. Quietly Beto calls her a snake and tells her to remember you reap what you sow. She says he is paying now for leaving her by not being able to get married. The professor consoles Hilda. Wah!!!!

At work, Facundo is calling both Eateban and Felipe traitors (biting the hand that feeds them) for assisting Beto amd Rociío in their secret marriage plans. Felipe,says, hey, she is my sister. Esteban says Beto asked him for his help amd he gave it to him. Why is Facundo so upset? They are adults. Just then Beto comes in. Facundo says they have to talk. Not so fast: Beto tells Facundo he is going to listen to HIM. Beto asks if Facundo is happy. Yes, he is. He is relaxed because he knows he did what any father in their right mind would have done. He stopped his son from makimg a mistake. Beto is not ready to get married. Beto tells him he is in love and Facundo launches in to the you two are from two different social classes and she is just playing with you to anger her aunt and uncle. He does not believe she is ready to be a mother or cook him food. He asks Beto if he can tell him she is really in love with him.

Back at the boutique, Estefany pays Rocío a very unwelcome visit. Her message is that Rocío should not misjudge her aunt Isabel and the way she is. Isabel, as Estefany, has been a victim of both Santiago amd Esteban. Santiago likes to manipulate everybody, his specialty is lying and telling everybody what they want to hear. That is what has made Isabel like she is now. Rocío says no: she is just crazy. Estefany insists that Santiago just thinks of himself like Esteban.

Back at the office, Beto blames Facundo for killing the love Rocío (the one who he loved the most)had for him. Beto didn't know love was forbidden. Maybe he could not get married but Facundo just lost his son. The worst is Facundo does not know what he did. Facundo insists he did the right thing. When Facundo demands to know where he is going, Beto responds with "anywhere far away from you."

Boitique side, Estefany goes on that Santiago and Esteban have been friends their whole lives necause they are the same: 2 peas in a pod. Isabel and Estefany have been their victims. Rocío excuses herself. She has enough of her own problems to deal with. Estefany tells Rocío that she should have married Beto. She made a big mistake.

Esteban is at Mirey's complaining that everyday Isabel is better. He tells her now that she has slept worth Santiago, Isabel no longer respects her. Esteban still wants her to get Isabel into a mental hospital. Miireya says she cannot do anything because it would be viewed as revenge against Isabel after her trying to file charges against Mireya. Furthermore, Mireya no longer cares. She cares about her license to practice psychiatry and is not about to put it at risk. She calls him crazy. Esteban then reminds her of an incident where she fell in love with, pursued, and drove crazy a patient who ended up comitting suicide. Did she forget?

Part 4

Beto is wandering despondent through the streets of the city almost getting hit by cars hearing Rocío's voice in his head.

Esteban threatens to bring Mireya down. He leaves and she talks creepily to a wooden drawing model (is it the same one don Fernando had on his desk in LFMB?) saying that if only Esteban knew that the man he was talking anout was not the first. She always ends up falling in love with her patients or her patient's husbands, she can't help pursuing them, corraling them until they are sick of her. She only wants them to love her. Give her a little affection.

Facundo is feeling very alone and sorry for himself in his office. First María and now his son. Parents just try to do their best by their children, then they are ungrateful. . How could he let Rocío marry his son when she cannot even fry a darn egg! Beto will hate him for a while but will see he iwas right. Boo Hoo!

At the Carmona's, Granpappy is flirting with Conchita. He asks her out for a walk. She agrees saying she needs to tidy up/touch up her makeup "una manita de gato" (cat's little paw ). He offers to give her a "garrita de león" (lion's little claw). While she is gone, Estefany appears and Granpappy asks her to go for a walk. Conchita comes back and is aggravated and jealous that Granpappy suggests all three go for a walk together. Estefany wisely excuses herself.

Boutique side, Rocío explains it all to María who understands. She just feels sorry for Beto. Rocío is worried she lost Neto. María tells her when you truly love someone you have to solve problems. Rocío is worried about problems caused between María and Facundo. María does not want to talk about them. She just wants Beto to be okay.

Isabel is crying again this time in her bedroom. This time it is over how much she misses her sister Malena and wishes she were with her. She then remembers what a horrible secret she has. She turns on tv so she does not have to think about it.


Part 5

María is expressing her worry over Beto to Facundo because he is not home and her mother's intution is telling her that something is wrong. Facundo is not very concerned thinking he had a few drinks and he will be home.María feels he is in serious danger.

Rocío goes to see Isabel in her room. It scares her to see her quiet, pensive and crying. She feels like something is really bad is happening to Isabel to make her like that and wants to know what. Isabel turns it all on Rocío: she was getting married and didn't tell her and she wants an apology. It is the usual round and round with Isabel. Rocío tells her she is like a rock, is a rock amd leaves. Isabel says she loves her and just wanted a pretty wedding for her. She then starts wondering about herself.

Beto is drunk in a bar and has been refused service by the bartender and unfortunately has caught the attention (along with his wallet) of a group of thugs who follow him outside rob him and beat him up.

El fin


What really got to me tonight was BOTH Facundo and Perpétua telling María to lower the tone of her voice and to have respect for them when neither follow the same requisites when talking to her. They both clearly think that they are better than she is. I think I can hear their anvils (of proper size and intensity) being forged way out yonder . . .

So glad Granpapoy was there to give us some humor tonight.

That is all for tonight.


Thanks, Jarifa! You did a fabulous job covering all the events of this emotionally packed episode.

I raise my glass to Maria for saying all the things we have been thinking to Fac and Perpetua, and doing so in a calm, reasonable way. Unlike Fac, who calls Maria hysterical, while be the only one being hysterical, and gets indignant about Beto raising his voice and being disrespectful, when HE'S the only one doing so.

I was really glad that Maria was so understanding with Rocio and still supports her and Beto, even with Rocio's doubts about getting married right now.

Hilda is WAY past her expiration date. So sick of that heffa.

Thank you for the sensational recap, Jarifa. You handled all of the anger-inducing scenes objectively and with class. Hats off to you!

I'm still waiting for coffee to kick in and I'm still ruminating on last night's events. In what universe is Perpetua considered supportive of her child?

I love Rocío. She is so mature and she made some great points to Beto last night. She still loves him, but it is too early to get married. It concerns me that Beto grew up in a house where the definition of a good wife is based on cooking and cleaning. That is a far cry from Rocío's experience with wives. That's something they need to talk about. That's all Rocío wants- time to really talk and know each other.

Vivi - I totally agree that it's time for Hilda to be put out to pasture.

Jarifa – Terrific recap. Great reliving last night's episode through your panavision.

Squee! I’m giving Maria and Beto both A’s for their response to Facundo. I couldn’t help but laugh when Señor Shouty had the gall to tell Maria to lower her voice. Hah! Not funny at all when Perpetua did the same thing. I give Maria an A for her response to her mom too. Maria’s been holding back so as not to hurt Perpetua's feelings since her mom was such a fool waiting hand and foot on a habitual cheater, but no more.

Fac, you have squandered Maria’s unbridled devotion to you and now it looks like you will start paying the price.

Really, seven adults in the room and only one pen? Ay caramba! Anyhoo, Rocio has time to sort things out.

Porfirio wanting his wedding cake – too cute.

So Mireya is BSC and Hilda isn't far behind.

Poor Beto. You can get drunk in a small town and walk your self home in peace. But in a big city there are always vultures waiting to pounce. That was awful.

OMG "Señor Shouty"!

Well played, Niecie!

I got an important phone call so missed almost all of this.

Jarifa, I no longer marvel at your carefully crafted words that convey everything perfectly. I simply delight in them. “In his most condescending and arrogant way, Facundo tells her to calm down. He has no time for her tantrums or stupid ideas. He leaves María just stewing” evoked such a crystal clear image in my mind that there was no doubt exactly how this played out.

The gaul: "At this point Facundo tells her to lower the tone of her voice, she needs to talk to him with respect". The great: "María tells him: Respect is earned and with what he pulled with stopping the wedding he has lost it forever".

Best advice of the night was to Perpetua: “Facundo is her son in law: she can stay with him!!!” Good riddance both. It’s rather sad that” When María's dad was alive she never missed a day cooking for him and María. She fulfilled her duty as wife and mother” What a shame that cooking was such a huge part of “fulfilling her duty”. Rather sad. Sara, “In what universe is Perpetua considered supportive of her child?” None, to my knowledge.

It appears that this played out as tragically as anticipated. Beto and Rocio's hearts broken and Facundo and Maria's marriage crashing even further.

We need some wisdom and maturation. And quickly. Especially for our fallen galan, Facundo.

Vivi, thank you for your excellent “Hilda is WAY past her expiration date. So sick of that heffa” – we needed that!


Part 2: maría brings the kids back FROM school.

Vivi, loved you Hilda comments. "heffa" indeed.

Sara, there were plenty of anger-inducing scenes. Facundo was just so nasty and arrogant. I hope María can keep her resolve and push through to a better place. Perpétua is so brainwashed she is useless and such a hindrance. Can't wait for tonight.

OT: anyone who is interested in different/comparative religions-the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is having an open house for the public at their new temple in Indianapolis. I went yesterday. Well worth the drive.


Niecie, loved the "Señor Shouty". Yes, another BSC candidate with Mireya. Can we add Francis to the BSC club, too?

Diana, I so agree we that need some "wisdom and maturation" in this one especially for Facundo. It will be interesting seeing how it all turns out and who or what will be the catalyst to bring Facundo to his senses.

I am glad you all enjoyed the recap.


"brainwashed, useless hindrance"

I know I should respect the elderly, but this is so true about Perpetua. It's so wrong of me, but last night after Maria told her she could stay with Facundo Perpetua took a weird breath and for a moment I thought she might be having a heart attack. And I wasn't all that upset.

Train to hell leaving from platform 666.

Love it: "train to hell leaving from platform 666". Now if we could just get the right passengers . . .


Niecie, "Fac, you have squandered Maria’s unbridled devotion to you" was powerful and perfectly phrased.


Sara and Jarifa, may I suggest Sev and Cande be the first to make reservations for the "train to hell leaving from platform 666"?

I love this show. I love the recappers and bloggers. Such fun.



We love you too, Diana ((hug))

Haha Love the recap and comments today!

Funnily enough I thought Fac took what happened and what Maria said to him pretty well. I mean considering his usual responses I thought he was downright calm. Funny that he doesn't realize that by banning Rocio and Beto from dating he forced Beto's hand to marriage. If he really thought they aren't suited then letting them date would eventually pull them apart as their differences became highlighted.

Yeah to Maria for saying all of the right things and being confident in herself.

I said yesterday or day before "when will Perp die already?" well after last night I feel even stronger about it. I wish she would grow as a person.

Oh Hilde I hope you go down hard!

Jarifa: thanks for the great recap, so detailed wouldn't have needed to watch the ep.

Tired of: Fac’s shouting and Perpetua’s finger wagging.

Jarifa: I don’t think that Frances is psycho. She’s just a high-strung, over-indulged teenager.

Mireya’s craziness. Out of left field and a little disappointing.


"finger wagging"

Yes! That's it exactly. Blergh.

Nanette, " finger wagging" is so true.

Carvivlie, If one of the grands has to go/die, I hope it is Perpétua and not Porfirio.

Mireya has turned out to be so much more twisted and kinky.
I like these linds of surprises in the plot. Makes it much more fun.


Gosh, I really don't want Stefi to prove Perpetua right and have that to rub in Maria's face.

Jarifa, "Mireya has turned out to be so much more twisted and kinky.
I like these kinds of surprises in the plot. Makes it much more fun".

I totally agree. I like peeling away the layers - even minor flaws are interesting and grey is a much more interesting dimension.

But the best are the villains where the repugnant layers reveal an even stronger ooze of wretchedness. We have not yet seen all the evil Sev embodies I fear.


I don't know why Perp's worried about Estefy. She doesn't clean or cook for Fac either. If that is what Perp thinks is good wife material well Estefy isn't it so Fac won't leave Maria for her. And since Perp thinks Maria should just lay down if Fac does cheat, then in the end, according to Perp, Maria won't lose her husband.

Yeah, if staying home, cooking, cleaning, and obeying meant that your husband would be happy, content, and faithful, then it failed miserably for Perpetua.

Can't wait to see the episode. Recap will be up late tonight or tomorrow morning.


Looking forward to it, Jarifa. Maria continues to speak sense, and Facundo continues to be an idiot. No Santi tonight. I wonder what he was up to?

Can't wait, Jarifa! I'll read your recap first before I watch the episode. That will help my comprehension.

Bummed there was no Santi.

I'm hoping he was apartment hunting. Ooh! Maybe he and Florencio will end up in the same apartment building? Did Santi sell Stefi's apartment? He must have, since he gave Fac back the money.

Just returned from another great road trip, another state: Wisconsin. But this story needs telling . . .

Capítulo 83 7/23/15 Wedding Aftermath Part Deux

Part 1

Beto is where the thugs left him on the street trying to recover from the beating he suffered.

María can't sleep. Facundo is trying to calm her down. Beto is still not home. Granny Perpétua literally comes running with news. There was a call from the police station that they found Beto just thrown out in the street. María is sobbing shocked that this happened to their Beto.

Rocío and Felipe are having a conversation catching up because as of late they have not talked much. They both have been so dragged down by what has happened. Yesterday Rocío was engaged ready to be married and today she does not know if she even nas a boyfriend. Felipe lost Carmen for going out with Francis. He thinks he has lost her forever.

Diego ends up for emergency treatment at the hospital where María and Facundo rush to see him. He is in a hospital bed. Facundo is all smiley telling him that they will take him home and the love of his family will cure him. The nurse assures them that he suffered nothing serious and that he will be able to go home. María tells Facundo to leave the room. What happened to Beto was all his fault. Facundo calls him his little Beto, his puppy. Beto straightens himself up in his bed and tells Facundo to leave. He does not want to see him. Facindo leaves and breaks down in tears overcome by the rejection on his knees in the hall.

Carmen is in her room confused: first she thought she was in lovr with Felipe, then Diego. Estefany comes in to tell her Beto is home and the family needs to be more united than ever.

Mireya doesn't know how much more she can stand not seeing Santiago. She could give a flying monkey about Esteban and Isabel's threats. She is in love with Santiago just like she has fallen on love so many times. She brings out a scrapbook with photos of all of the men she as fallen for and seduced. Juan, Hector, etc.

The whole family is in the living room on their pj's to welcome Beto. Granpappy says they left him like Jesus Christ? Everyone wants to help him with tea and ice. Carmen says that is why she always tells Margarito not to go out at night. Granpappy is all ready to take on those no good guys that did that to him. Surprise, Rocío has arrived. Facundo does not miss a beat and asks why this "señorita" is here. María tells him she called Rocío and explains to Facundo that Rocío is here because she is worried about their Beto. She asks him if there is a problem.

Now some where off in Italy there is a shadow of a woman poetically talking to her beautiful Italy with its trattorias, unique food, always in movement, etc. She says "Ma io" (But I) am going to leave you for awhile. She has to do it because of ghe surprise she is going to give Isabel Velasco and her husband Santiago. They cannot even imagine! Very soon they will see her there face to face.


Part 2

Rocío is with Beto in the boys room. They are cuddling on his bed. She tells him that if something were to happen to him she would die. She apologizes. He says she has nothing to apologize for. They do not want to lose each other. He really believes in marriage. She will marry him but she says they have to do it the right way. They have to let things calm down and his mom has to convince his dad to be in favor of the wedding. Beto is not so sure. Rocío tells Beto to have confidence because María is the strongest and most decisive woman she has ever known in her life.

Estefany in a nice short sarin robe is getting some tea when she is surprised by Granny--La Llorona--in her long sleeved high necked full length flannel night gown. She almost killed her with fright. Granny tells her that if she keeps saying. Goofy things she will throw her out of the house. Estefany thought they were friends. Hardly. Granny knows why she is there. It is because María and Facundo are having problems. The only one lying is Estefany and the only one believing is poor María. Granny does not believe her. She knows all about easy women like her. She is a bad seed just like Hilda. She only wants to get Facundo into bed. But that is not going to happen on nee watch.Granny will be watching her all the time. Estefany needs to watch out and be afraid when Granny is protecting her own. She wishes her a bad night.

Facundo and María are discussing in her room. Facundo wants to know why she is inviting Rocío over. María cannot believe he is just going too keep on after what happened to Beto. Facundo says it is not his fault. María says of course it is. María says yes it is. He should have been married to Rocío. Neto is in love. Facundo think both Beto and María are wrong. He also asks her to please not attack him in front of the kids. She only did that because she felt threatened. He says he didn't threaten her. She wants him to realize that he is doing things badly. Yes he does but he is the one wearing th pants in the house so he is going to take the bull by the horns once and for all. He kisses her and leaves in a hurry as she tries to stop him with her "no, no" response.

Of course he heads to the boys room and Asks Rocío to leave because he makes the rules not Beto or his mother. Rocío says she gets the message. Marîa has now arrived. María tells Rocío none of this is her fault. Rocío tells María none pf this is her fault and looks at Facundo. Rocío leaves. Facindo launches onto the same old his word is law routine. María says she no longer knows him. Facundo says it is their fault he is like he is because they are undermining his authority. María asks of they are just supposed to do what he says. Of course. She tells him that will never happen. Beto tells them both to quit fighting in fromt of Macknto because he will be wetting his bed again. Poor Jacinto jumps up in his pj's afraid he is going to wet himself again. Facundo blames Beto for brainwashing his mother into agreeing to his marriage. María says that is not the case. SHE decided to support Beto because things were bad which is what he should have done as Beto's father. Facundo puts on his hat, tells Beto to look alive and leaves the room in a huff.


Part 3

At the Velasco's Isabel is giving Rocío the third degree about where she was which she seems to know before asking the question.Rocío tells her none of this is any of her business, Isabel forbids Rocío to see or marry Beto. Rocío had thought Isabel would have been happy with her marrying and getting rid of her. Isn't that what she always wanted? Isabel brings up that Facundo and parents have to agree does not support the marriage. Rocío says she is not being fooled by Isabel. She is just doing this to ingratiate herself with Facundo.

Facundo is still bellowing after María. He wants to talk. He wants her to respect him. She tells him again that respect is earned. She does not want to talk to him.

Estefany is hearing all of the commotion and smiling to herself. She repeats the proverb we are hearing for the third time: A río revuelto, ganancia de pescadores.

Isabel goes on telling Rocío that it is her(Rocío's) fault that María and Facundo are fighting, not Isabel's fault. Rocío says she miust be happy. Isabel remonds her that she was the one that was going to have a secret wedding. That is not Isabel's responsibility.

Beto with ice on his face is trying to calm Jacinto down. Jacinto is worried that their parents are going to get a divorce. María brings. beto some broth. Jacinto canto sleep for fear of wetting himself. Neto does mot want his parents fighting because of him. She says it is not his fault. The capital has changed Facundo for the worse she says. What does she plan on doing? asks Beto. María does not know. She is so tired. He reminds her that the capital has changed all of them. She doesn't give up easily bit she feels like she is losing the battle with Facundo. Time to wrap it up and get to bed.

The next morning, Granpappy is walking outside saying to himself: what bad nights one has when the ghosts of the past are so present. He traces a great big "M" in the mud. Facundo greets him and asks why he's up so early and if he has had his eggs. Granpappy says the eggs have not been the same since Georgina was eaten. When Granpappy leaves, Facundo notices a big "M" had sketched. Granpappy says it is nothing important.

Breakfast time at the Carmona's with the kids helping out Granny.

On Paradise Isaland in the Caribbean we have another mystery character. A Señora Martínez has called a man in a suit with a straw hat in an office to ask him to find Porfirio Carmona for her. The man kn the suit Promises Sra. martìnez that he will make the trip to México, find him and set him in front of her. Sounds like he is private detective.

Back at the breakfast tanle, Beto finally shows up saying he is going to go to his classes and then stop by to work at the company. Facundo tells him he doesn't care. If he doesn't come they will not miss him anyway. He doesn't do more than warm a seat.beto says it takes teo to have an argument and leaves. María gets on Facundo for his obnoxious comment. He goes on to say why should we all worry about Beto being beat up. If he had been home, none of it would have happened. María tries to excuse herself saying she just lost her appetite. Facundo then INSISTS in a very sarcastically sweet voice-that she stay at the table and give him some company while he is eating. She stays.

Isabel is in her twisted glory. She tells Rocío she is going to the boutique . Rocío reminds her it belongs tomMaría now. Isabel says if she were with Facundo, it would all be different. Also of she gets rid of María and Isabel gets Facundo it would be better for Rocîo's relationship with Beto and ther would ne a possibility for them to get together. A scowling Rocío leaves.



Part 4

María is working with Conchita in the kitchen. Granny comes in to ask María about her fixing up things with Facundo. María wants to know why she would ask since Granny is his "scullion" anyway. Granny just does not want María to thrown her marriage out.
Granny reminds her how much Facundo loves her. María has had it with his disloyalty. Thenfamily is important. She is Granny's child, Facundo is not. Granny is going to have to choose. Granny says it is so hard for her because after all he is the man of the house; a man! María tells Granny not to talk to her anymore.

El Panzón is having a sendoff for Florencio at the bar. Florencio is going to the city to find out if the information from Ruperta and her Tarot cards was the truth . He thinks if a woman is having problems with her husband then it is a good time for her to have a shoulder to cry on.

Carmen brings Beto breakfast at one of the outside table at the university. Of course Hilda has to show up. Carmen warns her she is ready to take her on. She tries to feed Beto like a baby. He tells her to leave. She kisses him. He pushes her away and she falls on her butt. (Will she go around showing everybody the bruises on her butt?) Rocío comes to see Beto and saw the altercation. She says there is nothing to explain. It is all very clear. Hilda just smirks.

The kids have a water balloon fight, have to hear a lecture on water conservation from Jacinto " the boy genius,", and have a hose fight.(?)

Facundo is outside working on fence sections. Of course Isabel has to come out to see him. Facundo just goes ahead and talks to her. She asks about Beto. Facundo says he is okay. She says they stopped the kids from making a mistake and now they are the villains. Facundo puts a fence section in between them..She wants to know if he is going to thank her for telling him what was going on. He tells her he doesn't need her help. She should just go home because he does not need any more problems. She supposes he and María are having problems. Did he put her in her place! He tells her to just get going. She wants him to know he can count on her. She would never betray him. She touches his shoulder. María sees them. Facundo yells María's name. The fence section between Facundo and Isabel falls. María steps up and says she does not want to "interrupt " them. She tells Isabel that if she wants Facundo, she can have him. Facundo is shocked. This Facundo does not interest her one bit. He is not the man she married. And Isabel should know that she María does not fight over men.

El fin



Thanks so much, Jarifa! How wonderful of you to provide us with another great recap, after returning from your trip. I hope you had a great time.

What will it take for Facundo to wake up and realize he needs to change his attitude and behavior? I'm really starting to wonder.

I was so glad that Maria called Rocio and that she and Beto were able to make up. Their problems aren't solved, but they are working through them together (with Maria's help). I'm not quite sure if Beto really understood all her reasons for not wanting to get married right now, but at least he understood that it doesn't mean that she doesn't love him. I really could not believe that after all that had just happened, Fac had the nerve to go in there and be nasty to Rocio and send her home.

Loved Maria standing up to Fac in front of the whole family, and very calmly saying she called Rocio and asking if Fac had a problem with that. Go, Maria!

Jarifa - Fine recap. You are a doll to do this for us right after returning from your trip to Wisconsin. Hope you get some rest.

Yay, Maria's parting shot at Facundo and Isa at the end is pure gold. You go, girl! I thought Maria was wrong in the hospital to ask Fac to leave Beto's room. No matter how angry, she shouldn't block father and son from mending. But everything Fac did later in this episode was just mean or stupid. Basta! I'm glad Maria is taking her stance before Florencio shows again, so Fac can't say it's because of Florencio.

So the mysteries are about Isa and Porfirio (hopefully) are about to unfold. I like Porfirio, but maybe if he had told Fac the truth about what happened with his mother he wouldn't have become such a jerk now.

Thank you for the recap, Jarifa. I hope you had a wonderful trip and I'm glad you returned safely. I got a real chuckle out of your wondering if Hilda was going to show everyone the bruises on her butt. I say she's "shown her butt" plenty. :)

Jarifa, welcome back! Hope you had a wonderful time.

Have to go pick up hub so look forward to reading your recap shortly as well as the comments.

Ummm, did I dream reading your La Sombra recap late last night Sara? I commented but don't see the recap this morning (?) But, it's probably me - I just posted this comment on Wednesday's blog. Sigh.


Sara- Also wondering where your recap went. See you all tonight. Work calls.

Just another great episode!

Vivi, I also am wondering what it will take for Facundo to come around. He really was over the top.

Niecie, I, too, am excited about finding out about Isabel's and Porfirio's mysteries and with new characters from "exotic" places to boot.

Sara, you are too funny.



Jarifa, this was tightly and well written. Your comments and insights were marvelous – “Isabel is in her twisted glory” was but one example. Inspiring from start to finish. Gracias.

“Rocío tells Beto to have confidence because María is the strongest and most decisive woman she has ever known in her life” Now, if Maria only had such stalwart support from her husband! Grrrr.

The crux of Facundo’s biggest problems was phrased perfectly by “Facundo says it is their fault he is like he is because they are undermining his authority. María asks of they are just supposed to do what he says. Of course”. I was delighted that Maria retorted with “She tells him that will never happen”.

The second, how he devalues his children by his conversation with Beto: “ Facundo tells him he doesn't care. If he doesn't come they will not miss him anyway. He doesn't do more than warm a seat”. Needless to say, I left Facundo’s table at the patio long ago. In fact, it is now so deserted not even the animals deign to frequent it.

Niecie, if Facundo's mother is still alive and Porfirio has hidden this from his son, Facundo will be beside himself. However, from Facundo's interactions with his father, I suspect he is more forgiving and understanding to him as opposed to his wife and children. I am interested to see who the mysterious woman is and eager for these plot lines to get going.

Vivi, I agree that Maria was a good catalyst in getting Rocio and Beto to talk. All things considered, putting their marriage on hold was the right thing. Neither are prepared, all family pressures aside.

I wasn’t happy with anyone last night. Certainly not Granny – “Granny is going to have to choose. Granny says it is so hard for her because after all he is the man of the house; a man!” Vomit. Certainly not Estefi who was lying in wait as the Carmonas’ marriage disintegrates further.

I’m so ticked off at Facundo, I barely enjoyed seeing a shirtless Eduardo in those overalls. I had to almost force myself to look! ;)
Favorite scene was the water balloon fight. Thank heavens for the younger kids and animals who are highly entertaining, great fun and honestly lovable.


It irked me that María caved to Facundo's sarcastic pressure at the breakfast table after he had just insulted Beto,when she wanted to leave. She should have just gotten up and taken Jacinto with her. He seemed very threatening at that point which was more the reason she should have defied him in front of them all. Otherwise, María dealt with good old Facundo perfectly as well as her own busybody mother.

It more than irked me hearing Granny being in a tizzy about who deserved her loyalty because Facundo was the MAN of the house. Her own daughter could not trump Facundo because he was a MAN.

I loved the hoaky presentation of the "woman in love with Italy" and the "Caribbean private investigator" as well as the pensive Granpappy.

Can Isabel just not cry and whine for one episode?

Yes, Santiago was missed.

That is all for now.


Diana, "I almost had to force myself to look." Too funny!!!


Y'all are too funny.

"I left Facundo’s table at the patio long ago. In fact, it is now so deserted not even the animals deign to frequent it."

"I’m so ticked off at Facundo, I barely enjoyed seeing a shirtless Eduardo in those overalls. I had to almost force myself to look!"

"Can Isabel just not cry and whine for one episode?" (I second the motion)


Thanks for the wonderful recap!!

Looking forward to the new characters.

I must say that Beto is 20/21 years old so why is he sharing a room with his little brother? We know of at least one room that was empty, Estefys. There is too large an age gap to be sharing when not necessary. Jacinto is hearing stuff he shouldn't be, even with all his smarts.

Thanks a million Jarifa, you had another wild episode !!

Agree Carvivlie, Jacinto should not be in the middle of all this stuff. It's obviously effecting him physically; what's it doing to him mentally over time? Beto, get a room.

I do hope that when Rocio found Hilda throwing herself at Beto that she figures it out. The silly "saw them kissing stuff" on tn's drives me nuts. I'm hoping we have a couple that trusts each other, grows together, and is above the pettiness. They seem so refreshing so far.

Diana: "after all he is the man of the house; a man!” Vomit Soooooooo funny.

I wonder if Facu's real mother is in Italy.


" I'm hoping we have a couple that trusts each other, grows together, and is above the pettiness. They seem so refreshing so far."

Beto and Rocio have been one of the more enjoyable aspects of this show.

Jarifa: Great recap. Thanks.

Lola: So far Rocio has not been fooled by Hilde. I hope they don't start making her stupid and she starts doubting Beto. Also, I believe the person in Italy is connected to Isa.

I think Maria might have stayed at the table because she didn't want to overtly defy Fac in front of the kids after he "asked nicely" for her to stay.

I'm so glad that Maria finally had it with him at the end. Why is it OK for him to change and "grow" in the city but everybody else has to stay the same? I'm sick to death of him.


Thanks for your insightful comments, everyone.

Before you know it, it will be Amores time!!!


I'm so excited to watch!

I've been working on school stuff today and still haven't seen the episode. Hubs just left to go get vegan pizza take-out, so I think I will soon be in front of the TV stuffing my face and yelling at Fac.

OT: I follow the Maite Perroni and Antes Muerta pages on FB. They share pics almost daily of the cast, crew and sets. It looks sooooo good.

Thanks, Sara, for the info. I will have to give the FB page a looksie. Sounds good.

Probably pizza here tonight, too.



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