Friday, November 27, 2015

Antes muerta que Lichita #48 Friday 11/27/15 Engagement party and Alicia tries to pull a 'i can do it all alone!' sprint... very successful with the Mi Can customers... but can she hold the pace?

Braulio tells Lichita (let me share something in your inbox… (LOL!)) that Sandra ordered everyone in the office to boycott her… so she is on her own with ALL the campaign work. Lichita tells us that she then realized that the engagement with Alex did not do anything for her, that she had to EARN her title with her work.

At the café, Nacho and Elsa comment it was good to leave LIchita out of the mess of the coffee cart at the office. Meanwhile Ximena’s dad (can’t remember his nick) is trying to make a tower of donuts and cinnamon rolls for display… too much touching and too little work if you ask me… Nacho and Elsa are glad the coffee shop is starting up… but Elsa wonders who she can get to handle the cart at Iconika… Ximena’s dad offers his services… Nacho says heck no! but Ximena’s dad says it is Elsa’s final word and puts his arm around her… LOL!

Valeria and Luciana are talking to her dad on the web… Luciana assures Rafael that her fiancée is a great guy… Rafael is more interested in showing them his new painting, which looks like a mix of Luciana and Valeria… Luciana is like ‘ah….. well….. hu….. ‘ ‘cute!’ Luciana leaves. Rafael tells Valeria that he feels he deserves that for treating Luciana like he has…

Elias is trying to encourage Lichita… but reminds her she has a LOT of work to do… and asks ‘why are you trying to show this front of ‘I can do it all, you will see!’? Luciana asks if he will watch her or help out… he responds ‘I’ll watch!’ LOL!!

Rafael continues with Valeria, says he feels abandoned over there in Buenos Aires alone… Valeria tells him she does miss a bit of BA, but here she has a much more fulfilling life… so forget it if you are sitting and waiting for her to return. Rafael tells her ‘don’t you feel like you are sitting as permanent guests there? Don’t you feel bad about it? ‘ Valeria says no way with this caseron! (huge mansion) they are staying at… Rafael then gets a bit hopeful ‘you think they are beginning to forgive me?’

Roberto asks Luciana if she does not think their engagement was a bit rushed and they should call it off. Luciana says no way Jose!

Fatima tells LIchita about the guy with the cart was selling pirate merchandise… Fatima also tells Lichita that she had caught Magos doing it when Magos was the one handling the cart… Lichita and her conclude it was Magos doing (or at least the one that started) the pirate selling, not the guy that got fired. Lichita is about to shoot fire out her mouth she is so mad with Magos...

Augusto tells his driver that now he has Sandra more surely eating out of his hand… Sandra would do ANYTHING to hold on to her status with him, so he does not trust anyone more than he does her.

Sandra and Valeria have a chat in the hallway… Valeria rubs it on her that Sandra has to work and she is just permanently touring… Sandra has bought Augusto’s story hook, line and sinker, and she tells Fatima that now Augusto and her are closer than ever.

Now Luciana is chatting about the wedding plans with Shushette… But SHushette was talking about the wedding plans for Alex and Licha! Luciana nags that she needs her help with HER wedding. Luciana wants a lot of publicity about her wedding, and also wants Shushette’s help in destroying Licha’s reputation. Nestor comes in… he has his own meeting agenda. He can’t wait to tell them that they caught the Jerry guy selling pirate merchandise… SHushette is sorry that she cannot use that secret anymore.

At the office, LIchita confronts Magos… Magos again denies denies denies. She rants that Lichita does not care anything about her or what happens to her… so why is it a big deal now? Lichita gets mad so she pushes her out of her office.

Braulio meets up with Shushette and tries to get her to go out with him. (Brisa is hearing the convo) SHushette turns him down… Braulio leaves frustrated… Brisas mocks his request and being turned down.

Roberto and Gumaro are eating… guess what? Tacos … and Roberto is fixing Gumaro’s plate… Roberto tells Gumaro he does not really want to get married… Gumaro suggests some excuses for Roberto to give Luciana… Also Dona Venus told him that it would be to his benefit to be married in his quest to get his son’s custody. But he really doesn’t want to get married. He would have given anything for his fiancée were Alicia, but it is evident all she cares about is her career. Gumaro says ‘sin Yolanda!’ Roberto does not get it, so he explains ‘No crying!’ which sounds very similar in spanish.

The security guard comes to Alicia’s office checking out. Alicia tells us that this gave her the perfect idea for the dog food campaign…

Magos tells her parents at home that they should start trusting Ximena’s dad some… she even rants at Ximena for not supporting her dad… Nacho suggests they wait and find someone better. Magos keeps promoting el chancletas. Elsa says they have no time or other options. So she agrees to give El Chanclas a test… she will bring him to the office tomorrow and show him the ropes. (yikes, big mistake!) Magos says she will also be there to show him the ropes and help him out.

Next thing we have Magos and El CHanclas walking the hallways of the office. Magos tells him now is his test of fire… sends him on his way and gets back to reception. She says ‘if he comes back he is mine… and if not.. well, oh well… ‘. The reception ladies have their own comments about her ‘side business’. Magos says well, her first activity is to collect on what they owe her.

Lichita is running her meeting. She says first campaign to discuss is the Mi Can one. Luciana stands up and takes over… OF course she is making a fool of herself… we’ll see what Alicia’s plan is in a bit.

Bea takes a call from Daphne’s school. They need her to come to the school asap. She is ranting to herself about ‘what did she do now?’

Luciana continues with her campaign presentation to the Mi Can guy AND his wife, who is at this meeting. The woman does not care about what Luciana is saying about her own dog… she cares about the brand and what they will present to market it. The lady is beginning to doubt Luciana knows the brand. The lady asks Luciana if she ever tasted it. Luciana is quiet and hesitant. So Alicia happily gives her a package so Luciana can taste the dog food (is she going to?) Well, Luciana can’t get herself to do it. Even Sandra has to try to do damage control. Luciana takes over the presentation of the campaign, to the delight of the lady and Elias backs up Alicia on the ideas presented. The lady also recognizes Alicia as the girl that appeared on the magazine that is about to get married. So the lady wants Alicia to be the one to lead the campaign. The clients authorize the campaign under those terms. Sandra is not a happy camper.

At school, the guy tells Bea that Daphne is being bullied. Bea holds a marble crucifix she brought… she is more concerned about the other girls than she is about Daphne (did I hear right? ‘pobres ninas’??)

At Augusto’s office, he, Roberto and Alex are talking. Alex is going to use some of Alicia’s ideas to promote some of the brands with social context.

Sandra and Luciana enter Sandra’s office. Sandra recommends to Luciana to control her anger rants or she will show as dumb in front of Gutierrez. Sandra had given Luciana the Mi Can campaign to show her marketing chops… Luciana rants back and hints to Sandra that she knows some details about why Sandra and Augusto are so close… Sandra says you will also have to contribute so use ‘your creative vein’ that you brag about so much.

Elias and Alicia in her office, he congratulates her on showing off Luciana… even if basically forcing Luciana to eat dog treats in front of others was a bit rought. Alicia says ‘she has done many more to me’. She won’t allow others to step on her anymore.

At the coffee shop, Nacho is not happy with Elsa for going against his wishes and giving EL Chanclas a chance at the office. She forces him to smile as he has to bring something to client tables.

Still at Augusto’s office, Alex and Roberto… Augusto still not buying the adding social issues to the API. Roberto supports Augusto this time…

At school, the guy is putting all girls including Daphne in front of Bea… who holds a crucifix on top of Daphne’s shoulder. The guy is going to punish (correctivo) for all the girls. The girls say they started it, not Daphne… (Seems Bea is not so sold)… Outside we find out that Daphne had these girls acting on her behalf. LOL! Seems Daphne hacked their facebook accounts/pages and the girls ask if she is now going to return/release the accounts back to them. Daphne says not yet, she will think about it.

Nacho is at insurance agency… at first the guy makes him think he will finally have this issue settled, but the guy says he has to prove that it was the other driver’s fault, even if the money is assigned to the claim already… Nacho leaves flustered.

Another employee is giving Alicia his campaign… Elias is pacing … it is the campaign of the Grimaldi shoes… The guy says he won’t change a single letter on the campaign… Alicia is planning to change the campaign… slogan. Elias likes the update. Even though he tells her she is taking a risk. Just because it worked with Mi Can, it does not mean her updates will always work.

At the house, seems Bea is rubbing in the bullying to Daphne, Daphne has a ‘just shut up’ attitude. Bea will go change outfits for the engagement party (peticion de mano)… Daphne is blogging a new subject theme on her blog page…

At coffee shop, EL Chanclas is taking his shoes off at a table (YIKES!!) Ximena is there to help. She offers to help serve coffee.. and Chanclas asks her for one for him… (come on, man! ) Magos keeps trying to make things easy for El Chanclas… (I wonder if it will turn out he is NOT Ximena’s dad) He claims he wants to make up for lost time with his ‘escuinclita’ (daughter).

At the apartment, Roberto is getting ready for the engagement party (heading to the butcher house) He is a hair from pulling a ‘no show’. They start arguing about the ‘gauchita/guachita’ and ‘tu boda/tu vida’ (ur wedding/ur life)

At the house, everything is ready for the ‘ask for the hand’ Alex is first… Alicia agrees to marry him. To Roberto’s sorrow and Elsa and Nacho’s reluctancy. Augusto suggests a toast for the novios.

At the office, Elias visits Sandra at her office. Surprises her staring at some pictures of her and Elias’ wedding. Sandra says don’t get any ideas, I am leaving soon, to go far far away. But she won’t give Elias any more details. VERY Far away is all she will say.

El Chanclas reveals to Ximena that he did know Magos was pregnant with her when he disappeared. Magos walks in on the heavy silent moment.

Augusto prompts Roberto it is his turn. Just as Roberto is about to tell Luciana ‘I can’t...’ …Rafael shows up wearing stop-light red sunglasses ’ well well, my little princess is about to get married and I was not invited’.

Previews: Luciana allies with Sandra against Lichita… but LIchita can defend herself pretty well (those who bragged the rank turn out to be the dirtiest/worst‘)…

Previous: Episode 47
Next: Episode 49


Thanks, Marta. for a fantastic and fun recap.

Poor Ximena knows the truth that El Chanclas knew Magos was pregnant but never bothered to follow up on that fact. Better she know the truth of about her father: he never cared.

Elsa is useless when it comes to making good business decisions when it involves "family" or "might be be family". I fear they are all going to pay because she refuses to follow Nacho's logical lead.

So glad Fátima told Alicia the truth about Magos and the hot merchandise so that Alicia could tell Magos off.

Loved the "Mi can" presentation with Luciana almost eating the dog biscuit and Alicia having a triumph with the account.

Thanks, Marta for the excellent recap.

Daphne's learning to manipulate her mother. Just as well, since her brother's too busy with his own problems and her father barely knows she exists.

Ay, Alicia! She's in danger of burning out. She's good, though, in dealing with clients. Also learning to handle Lucia (Hubby says Lucia whines like a cat).

Can't believe that Lucia will be of any help to Roberto in the Mateo situation. Too selfish to be a useful stepmother.

Amazing job with the lightning fast recap, Marta.

Wow, good job turning the tables on the bullies, Dafne. Take control of their social media accounts and make them sweat. Bea gets a major fail for her response to the whole thing. Had Dafne not taken control of the situation herself, Dafne would have been in a really bad situation, with no parental support.

Alicia did a great job. But wish she could find another way to thwart her underlings instead of just doing all their work herself. That's not sustainable.

Each episode now, we learn something new and unflattering about Chanclas. Now we know he knew about Ximena all along. Hmmmm... Seems his popping up recently wasn't just serendapitous. Alicia and her relationship with RICH Alex has been in the news a lot. Bet that's what pulled Chanclas out of the woodwork.

Marta, thank you for such a thorough job. I didn't understand what was going on at the school scene with Beatriz and Daphne...until I read your narrative. So clear and complete, all of it.

Arath de La Torre continues to be the darling of this novela, as far as I'm concerned. His acting chops are in fine form throughout. But what mess they are all in! Now Sandra and Luciana ganging up on Alicia!!! On and on it goes. I'm hoping Alicia's new fiance Alex will step in and bail her out...again. Otherwise, she's being set up to fail and fail big. I used to work in corporate environments that were that bloody and know well how a person can be so overloaded with work that there's no way out but the exit door...and that was the plan all along. Sandra is getting more and more disgusting by the hour....and delusional.

I thought it was already hinted that "Chanclas" is not the real baby daddy of Ximena....the good looking guy new to the office is, but he's already engaged and has thoroughly rebuffed Marta's awkward overtures. Looking at Ximena and looking at Chanclas, pretty hard to believe his genes are in her. And was there some suggestion in this episode that he's also a con man? He made some call to an outside person that seemed to suggest that...or did I get that wrong?

At any rate, am very much enjoying this story and find the acting in general so good.


Dona Felipa- It turns out that rich blond dude an Magos never had sex. She thought they had, because she was so drunk. But it was precisely because she was drunk that he didn't have sex with her. So Chanclas is the only baby daddy candidate. Yes, Chanclas made some kind of shady call once he got the cart job at Iconika, definitely showing he's up to no good, if we hadn't already figured that out when he set up Gerry to be caught by Sandra.

It was funny when Chanclas, watching the grownups like a hawk, ate half of one of the donuts and then stuffed it under the other ones. What a wastrel!

Sure worse than double dipping . . .

A big thank you Marta for your Saturday morning recap. What an episode last night wasn't it? Well for me every episode is a wow! episode---the story is cute and the actors are hitting it out of the park. This cast clicks, it couldn't be better.

Yes Jane---I did see Chanclas take a bite out of a donut and then put it on the tray hidden underneath the other donuts. I also saw him lick his fingers when putting the donuts out on the display tray for sale. What a winner this guy is. NOT!
The health department could be called in for tricks like that.

It was said in the recap that the security guard gave Alicia an idea for the Mi Can Campaign. Does anyone know what that idea was or what Alicia said to turn the Mi Can presentation around? Also---What did Luciana say in the presentation that so turned off the owners of Mi Can? Judging by their reaction, it must have been pretty bad.

I found a question or maybe it was a statement from Thursday, to be very interesting. Company's are in business to make money, it's pure and simple. There is no doubt about it---So we see time and time again that Alicia is making the customers very happy, nearly overjoyed with her ideas and presentations. That translates into money on the company's bottom line. And yet they, the powers that be
both Sandra as well as Agusto are trying to ruin this sparkling company diamond. Did some brains get left behind at the train station? Sink the company to hurt Alicia. QUE??? Ok, it's a novela.

Brauilo trying to hit on Chuchette. I didn't see that coming.

The previews look great---I can't wait. Please hurry up Monday.

must see tv.
the gringo


Really good Marta thank you.

"SHushette" hehehehe

Boy, any idea or win by Alicia seems to rub Roberto the wrong way now. Roberto not liking Alex using Alicia's thesis as a strategy. Why because it is not a con game.

I hate that Luciana may be the first to know Roberto has a child as this moves toward a wedding, she already knows he doctored his resume and Alicia knows nothing. Well that's not true, she knows he stole her idea to help secure his position.

Thank goodness Alicia has Elias.

If Alicia marries Alex and she moves from her parents home I feel for Ximena. The look on the girls face watching Chanclas says it all and no one seems to care or paying any attention.


Gringo- It wasn't mentioned in the last episode, but after the party Braulio brought Chuchette home and they had very loud sex, much to Brisa's dismay. Brisa caught Chuchette as she was sneaking out, and Chuchette gave Braulio high marks in the bedroom. They both seemed to have a good time, so I'm guessing that's why Brau thinks this can turn into something more. But Chuchette seems like the love 'em and leave 'em type. The only male exec at Iconika she hasn't slept with, or tried to sleep with, is Nestor.

Thanks, Marta. Fun recap.

Poor Ximena. Will Magos grow up to put down Chanclas when she finds out he's a snake in the grass?

I too am worried about Alicia trying to be a super woman. But hopefully Elias will help, not just watch, in the end.

Thanks Vivi---Was all of that cut by Univision?

the gringo

No. It wasn't cut. It just wasn't mentioned in the recap.

I agree, everyone is leaving ALicia to work all the campaigns and that silly report for Sandra all on her own so she will burn out and/or quit from exhaustion... the problem with that strategy is that ALicia is really good at what she does (marketing campaigns and organization) so she might end up burning herself but also like was mentioned bringing a lot of revenue to the company... and if it is enough of a difference, even if she ends up backing out from marrying ALex, AUgusto won't be willing to fire her if she is the one bringing it on the bottom line. We'll see...
SOrry i missed that Chanclas actually ate half of a donut and hid the rest under the others. it was disgusting enough to watch him grab the donuts multiple times to stack them in the pyramid... and also the fact that he knew about XImena and instead of showing face and accepting his responsibility, somehow he disappeared for years.
I also agree that Arath is so cute and cuddly and doing a great job acting on this ROberto character. I also like the chemistry between him and the Gumaro character... Gumaro is the voice of reason and truth and also the friendly ear and even the comic relief for Roberto.

Thanks Marta for your amazing recap! I'm amazed on how you get it up so fast.

Whoever thought of "SHushette" +1...It suits the character.
Did anyone catch Chanclas on the phone with some mysterious buddy....looks like they were up to no good. I unfortunately choose a bad moment to not pay attention.

Luciana fake daddy arriving at the mansion too? Wondering if he will be a permanent guest as well as the rest of the family.

CeCe, that scene with El Chanclas was just a few sentences long. What I remember is that he was talking to someone he must be in cahoots with telling them that everything was all set and it would be just a matter of seeing it play out. He is definitely up to no good,

Thanks jarifa! I wonder what he has planned...all I know is that it will be no good for Gutierrez family more so Alicia and ximeneja

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