Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Antes muerta que Lichita #31 Tuesday 11/3/15

Hey folks, today's episode of Lichita was brought to you by the letter "Roberto is a jerk" and the number "Luciana's past catches up to her..."

Roberto "accidentally" has a night of passion with Luciana at some fancy hotel's romantic suite. He wakes up and gasps "what have I done? The worst idiotez of my life!" He ditches her and runs out on a huge bill for the suite and champagne and stuff.

Luciana's mom is a huge and outrageous character. Augusto sends some of Luci's hair off for DNA analysis to see if she's actually his daughter.

A crew from Ikonika will go to Buenos Aires to shoot some photos for ads for Grimaldi's high heels. Everyone is excited about the shooting (shoe-ting?), but Luciana (obviously trying to stay out of Argentina because of the outstanding criminal charges against her) gets Lichita to go in her place.

It turns out to be a lot of fun. She gets close to Alex, he looks at the sexy shoe models and mentions that true beauty doesn't come from the physical, they go out to dinner, and of course he teaches her to tango (though the dance they wind up doing doesn't even appear remotely like tango). Also, while there, she happens to see a news article about the outstanding arrest warrant for Luciana (for the theft of the Duke's ring)!

Luci and her mom are cute and hilarious together... They're all dolled up at some publicity event, and Luci's deflecting questions about where her fiancé is (boy, the advertising business in novela-land sure is obsessed with magazines about publicity professionals), when she's approached by a reporter. Luci preens a bit, expecting flattering questions about her wonderful life, but is horrified to be asked about the jewelry theft! No one is supposed to know about that!!!

Roberto visits Mateo and tells the kid about his secret plan. They're gonna go run away and live on a beach somewhere. There's no way kidnapping your own kid can turn out wrong, right?

Magos overhears Luci preening and boasting about her night of "passion" with Roberto. According to her, her cuerpazo unleashed unknown passions in the poor man. Sure didn't look that way, but ok, whatever you say, Luci.

Now we come to the sniveling part of today's programming. Roberto begs and pleads for forgiveness from Lichita. For an agonizing half-second she looks like she might actually fall for it, but she's super strong and cool and reads him the riot act. The most ghastly part is when he tries to tell her he must still be important to her because he took her virginity! The nerve, the presumption, the awfulness!  He snivels and pleads some more and finally gets her to come to a restaurant with him so no one will overhear the "important" things he needs to tell her. But the idiot takes her to the restaurant of the hotel where he had his rendezvous with Luciana (and ran off without paying). His pathetic and already-failing pleas for forgiveness are further undermined when the hotel boss dumps the itemized bill for the romantic evening on the table (for Lichi to gawp at) as the bellboy holds up the magazine cover with Beto and Luciana on it!!!

Ok, that was rather satisfying...

Previous: Episode 30
Next: Episode 32


Thanks Ez. I can't remember any other novels when I was glad the galan got smacked down. Roberto is the skeeziest hero ever.

Fast and too the point, Ezra. Great job!

To be fair, Lichita chose the restaurant/hotel. And I don't think he was proposing kidnapping Mateo. The beach plans are for after he gets custody.

But I did enjoy seeing Lichita give him some good verbal smackdowns. I'm torn though between enjoying him squirm under the gaze of Lichita and the hotel manager, and being frustrated that this means he won't get to tell Lichita the whole truth as he intended. No way she'll let him exchange more than three words with her now.

Thanks Ezra! :)

Now, it's Roberto's turn to suffer, I reproach him couldn't find not even a second to split the truth, but well, it is novelaland. And loved the way Alicia turns to him on the "macho mexicano" who was th first to make her "su vieja", it was a very funny way to say things for Alicia, she's not anymore the shy girl afraid of calling things with his own name... remember "hay que perderle el miedo a las palabras" (you have to lose the fear of the words)? Roberto has been a good master on this ;-)

And yet I'm with Roberto, I hope he'll find the way to stay with his loved ones, Mateo and Alicia. I'm the romantic kind :D

Thank you, Ezra, for your very fine recap of another very fun "doubled up" episode..

Yay! Augusto had some of Luciana's hair and was going to have a DNA test. Seems like Valeria was a one night stand for Augusto.

Alicia did what Augusto asked: Alex will take the position of president. What will she get for her effort?

The tango scene was great and so entertaining. I never knew that the tango was a dance originally between two men (not sexual) so I had to look it up and Alex was right. You never know what you might learn in telenovelalandia.

Looks like this novela is also taking head on a social issue of the day with the board not being happy with Augusto's so-called "gay" car commercial. To Augusto's credit he did not back down.

Luciana had quite the surprise when she was interviewed for the magazine again. So nice that Alicia is helping out the reporter. Alicia is changing for the better and more so with each episode.

So neither Roberto or Luciana paid the bill for their little escapade and Roberto was stupid enough to take Alicia back to the same place?
I would love a new galán for Alicia. Someone we have not seen yet. Someone who does not get so drunk that he ends up in bed with a woman he is supposed to be distracting as a favor for his boss or does not get so hungover that he does not know or care if the bill has been paid. Roberto is looking like a loser right now. Here is hoping Venus can get him into shape with custody of Mateo as the carrot.

Did Roberto and Luciana actually have sex? I am presuming so. Did anyone use birth control? Just had to ask since an unwanted pregnancy usually appears somewhere sometime in these stories. Sure hope Alicia used birth control in her earlier "mattress testing" with Roberto.

Can't wait to see what happens next!


OK Ezra, this was marvelous.

"The worst idiotez of my life" and "Now we come to the sniveling part of today's programming" made me smile but "shooting (shoe-ting?)" made me laugh out loud.

Jarifa, I didn't think there was any doubt Roberto and Luciana had at it. The thought makes my stomach turn.

Vivi, even if he'd had the opportunity to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, I can't imagine what the point would be? He really made an unforgiveable error in judgement. Not to mention, his extremely poor taste in women. Although my heart went out to Alicia, her spunky spirit will not keep her down for long. I feel sorrier for Roberto as he has lost someone he really never deserved to have.

"I would love a new galán for Alicia". Yes. Me too Jarifa.

I am continuing to enjoy Luciana and Augusto's mannerisms immensely. I'm also starting to warm up to Sandra.

I would imagine that comedy is as difficult if not more so than drama. I wish Kat were watching this - I'd love to hear her opinion.

Ezra, this rocked. Thank you.


I think it was a rival company that did the gay couple ad for a car company, and it's generating buzz. Sandra was needling him about not thinking of it first. The API old dudes are not happy about it because it goes against traditional Mexican values, yadda, yadda, and Agusto said that if Alex became president of API, he would uphold those values. Which is totally different than what Alex told him when he said he's decided to run. He's going to run on a progressive/liberal platform- equality, and environment and such. In addition, Nestor started a rumor in the office that Alex is gay, like Ricky Martin. Although Uni made it hard to figure out what anyone was talking about, with all the bleeping.

Thanks, Vivi, I was in and out for much of this. Ricky Martin, eh? Hmmmmm . . .

Yes, Diana, the thought of the two of them together is one big Yuk!

I don't want the truth out so they can get back together. I want it out so that there won't be any more stupid misunderstandings between them and Alicia can move on being fully informed. I don't mind Rob having to suffer and beg for the rest of the tn, while Alicia keeps getting stronger and more confident.

The only thing I want to work out for Rob is Mateo. Because it means Mateo will be happy too.

Thanks for the recap!

What was with all of the bleeping? I thought they only bleeped bad words but this seemed like huge chunks of dialogue.

Rob is so stupid and continues to dig himself deeper and deeper. I really do understand now how he went to prison and lost his kid. He doesn't know how to help himself. Alicia won't let him get in a word edgewise now that she knows Rob slept with Luci.

Glad Luci's secret is out!

Before Nestor said anything about Alex being gay I was wondering if maybe he was. Just because he didn't give those Grimaldi models a second look. He is being all buddy buddy with Alicia, but not with a romantic vibe. Could stupid Nestor have actually made the mistake of telling the truth?

Thanks, Ezra. shoe-ting? - so cute.

I was thinking that Roberto would only fall asleep atop Luciana, but he was shirtless in the morning so I guess they really did do it. Then he keeps telling Alicia he has things he must tell her, instead of just telling her. He’s too annoying right now.

Nestor is a total fool starting gossip about the boss’s kid. I hope I get to see Augusto squash Nestor like a bug. Wow, I’ve seen bleeped words before, but the censor was bleeping whole sentences. I didn’t get it until I heard “Ricky Martin.”

I think Daphne had a hand in getting the word out about Luciana’s ring thievery. If I’m remembering correctly, she was on the phone with Alicia.

Nice to see Alicia's wardrobe slowly evolving.

Mexican tv seems to be fascinated by, but also extremely squeamish about, homosexuality. Maybe that accounts for some bleeping.

Excellent recap Ezra! Thank you

"Sure didn't look that way, but ok, whatever you say, Luci"

Urrrrgh, if Roberto wanted to come clean he could without spin. He could start with I have a son and why I've done what I've done. The only thing driving him is Alex as suitor. Roberto is better suited for Luciana and doesn't deserve Alicia. I feel bad for Mateo.

Thanks Ezra---It was a joy reading your recap this morning.

Jarifa---Thanks for the answer to my question as to why Luciana stole the money from her father. Wow, what nerve. I didn't have time to send thanks for your answer yesterday.

Love all of the comments. Roberto just can't seem to keep himself out of hot water.
Alex is making big inroads. A Alex vs. Roberto showdown in the future over Alicia?
I'm staying tuned.

One question that has been on my mind for awhile. I know that this is a novela and the writers are trying to put all of the characters together into a story but a food cart going from office to office? QUE? Iconika is a LARGE company with a lot of employees, wouldn't they have some kind of a cafeteria? A coffee cart/food cart rolling around? I have never heard of such a thing.

must see tv
the gringo


Gringo- There is a cafe/cafeteria that they all go to in the building called the People's Cafe. It's where Luci and Chuchette said they preferred their coffee, but now they seem to have taken a liking to Elsa's coffee. I think Elsa's cart is more of a convenience, so that people don't have to get up and go somewhere if they want a snack/coffee/fruit.

That makes sense Vivi. I have just never seen a rolling snack cart in an office before but maybe I'm behind the times. At least Magos is actually working with a real job. Unless Elsa comes back that is.

must see tv
the gringo

Gringo- Magos was very close this episode to making Elsa lose that cart, when Sandra nearly caught her selling bootleg purses in the bathroom. Had she been caught, Elsa would have had to kiss that cart goodbye.

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