Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #78 Monday 12-14-15 (Mex 108) A Time for Us!

Ciao, Muchacha Patio Peeps!  Let's find out what has happened since Pedro and Fiorella escaped from the scene of the two bodas of doom!  Gianna bids Fiorella and Pedro a warm adieu while Vittorio stalks out of the church, his family and guests surrounding him.  Now it's his turn to shout Fiorella's name.  Gianna comes around the corner and feigns surprise as she asks Vitto what has happened and then exclaims that she saw Fiorella and Gianluca running "that a way" and she points in the opposite direction of their escape.  The guests head off in that direction while Vitto calls her name over and over while Diana grins in the background.

Eloisa, Sergio, Julieta and Freddie have arrived back at El Rancho.  Sergio helps her in, her steps are heavy and she regrets having left the church:  Pedro could come back there.  Sergio thinks Pedro wouldn't return to the church as the paparazi were arriving and they couldn't just hang around looking like fools.  Not them, quips Freddie, but Aitana sure could.  Freddie is clearly amusing herself.  Sergio, Julieta and Eloisa ask her to chill.  Dante announces that there is no trace of Pedro at the hospital or in the police station.  Julieta thinks he ran away with Fiorella, Sergio says it's impossible as she was marrying Vittorio at the time.

Aitana is a blur of agitation and frustration as she runs frantically around Pedro's room rifling through his bureau drawers, under his bed, everywhere looking for clues of what could have happened.  Her parents, Celeste and Benigno, are there.  Celeste rejects the running away with Italian girl theory and tries to keep Aitana grounded with the practical matter of changing out of the wedding gown.  Aitana thinks her dad's failed wedding dress shredding scheme has brought her this bad luck!  Benigno thinks something bad has happened to Pedro and sites his missing motorcycle as evidence:  those things are dangerous!

Sonia and Assvaldo are in the study tossing around their theories and trying to go through the desk. If he's not with Fiorella, is he alone?  Where is he?   Assvaldo is pissed that everything is always locked!  Sonia thinks he took off on impulse and is on a plane to somewhere.  Assvaldo thinks it was all planned and there must be a clue somewhere.  Freddie comes in and asks what they are doing.  They nastily tell her they're looking for answers.  Freddie advises that answers are hard to come by in this family and they're going to be hidden much deeper than in locked desk drawers.

Finally!  Here are those crazy kids!  I thought they were long gone but here they are talking to Gianluca who is filling Fiorella in on how he found out about Vitto's fake illness and how Pedro rescued him.  Gianluca also tells her that everyone thinks she ran off with him and Pedro reassures her that Gianna will help them pull it off.  Gianluca tells them to scram and be very happy together! Fiorella and Pedro hug him heartily and thank him profusely.  He makes them promise to invite him to their first baby's christening; they wave goodbye and then turn to each other.  Ahhhhh, they agree it's crazy what they're doing, but it's worth it.   "Adonde va nuestro amor. . . . . blooms in the background like an audio bouquet as Pedro and Fiorella swallow each other's breathing with hungry kisses which they break with a giggle and prepare to remount the bike.  Pedro helps Fiorella gather the lovely wedding dress and. . . .WHAT??  Gianluca has then been there watching the whole time transfixed and probably wishing he'd hung on to her back in Maratea!  They share another quick but deep kiss and then Vrooom!  Vroooom! Vroooooooom!  Off they go!

At LDV, no longer restrained by his need to fake frailty, Vitto throws chairs and stuff around in his office while Diana tries to calm him down.  It's a betrayal, he shouts!  They stabbed him in the back!  Diana thinks it's probably for the better since Fiorella never loved him.  Vitto is NOT in the mood for her kind of help and growls to himself that he always was afraid she would run off with Pedro but never his own nephew!  With menace and conviction in his voice he vows that when he finds them, he will kill them!

Ahhhhhhhhh!  I'm going to sigh while I can!  I tell you folks, it does my novela heart good to see these two tooling down the open road on a beautiful sunny morning.  I don't even mind that they're not wearing helmets:  Pedro in his shades, Fifi still lovely in the delicately laced wedding gown and both wearing smiles that match the brilliant sunshine!  It's a beautiful sight and it seems that Jose and Livia, themselves, are enjoying the moment!

At El Rancho Eloisa continues in shock and morning over the shocking bodus interruptus.  Julieta and Sergio are truly sympathetic but Sonia and Freddie don't even try to fake concern and Assvaldo is suspicious--and angry, as usual.   Fidel enters the room with Dante who barks at Fidel to spill his guts.  Fidel denies knowing anything about Pedro's whereabouts.  After he dropped Fiorella at the church and returned to El Rancho, Pedro was gone.  Fidel says he tried to call Pedro from the house phone thinking one of them took him but he didn't answer.  He then went to the church and no one was there and he learned Pedro was a no show and so he came back to the house.  Dante ain't having it:  he called Fidel numerous times.  Fidel falls back on the dead cell phone battery story and, uh, once it charged he forgot to turn it on.  Fidel says he was excited for the day; after all, he's known Pedro since he was knee-high to a chicken.  Sergio calls off Dante and Assvaldo: Fidel is obviously as concerned and upset as they all are.  Sonia wonders since they are so close, didn't Pedro say anything?  Sonia doesn't wait for an answer but says that she can't believe Pedro stood Aitana up on her wedding day and launches into reliving of the expression on Aitana's face when they announced they were leaving the church to return home.  Sonia can't contain her mirth anymore and she and Freddie bust out laughing!  Freddie claims hers is nervous laughter.  Eloisa tells her to go with her nerves and laughter to her shrink, nothing's funny!  Freddie and Sonia ignore Eloisa and Julieta's clucking disapproval.  I would have loved to see Aitana's expression, myself!  Eloisa doesn't think he stood her up, something must have happened to him!  He's not like this and she just had a talk with him last night and he was decided and excited about marrying Aitana.  Assvaldo's attempt at comfort has more the feel of "Aw suck it up, Granny" as Eloisa almost cries that she thinks something dreadful has happened to Pedro!

Over at the Employee's Quarters, Simoneta, Quina, Benito, Fidel and Gianna arrive home and process the NOT nuptials.  Simoneta expresses concern for Vitto, Gianna defends Fiorella:  she must have found something out that made her escape with Gianluca.  Benito asks why she says that, does she know something?  Uh, no, but she always advised her not to marry someone she didn't love.  Then Quina wonders why not Pedro instead of Gianluca?  Well, Pedro was marrying someone else, Gianna answers.  Dante bounds in and announces that Pedro never showed up at the church and Simoneta wonders aloud where Pedro could be because they saw Fiorella run away with Gianluca.  Cara de feo and shock by Dante!  Quina confirms this story and I hope Dante's not looking at Gianna because she looks as guilty as sin!

Gael and Roxi are more thinking about the Handsome Stranger that knew Gael's name.  They wonder who he could be.  Gael doesn't think he's seen him before.  Roxi thinks it could have been a member of the press what with the wedding fiasco and all.  They also wonder where the heck Pedro could be.

Pedro and Fiorella maybe stopped on the side of the road for an al fresco potty break but anyway her hair is down now and Pedro is in a T shirt so white, it would make any box of Tide right proud.  The adrenaline buzz of the escape has faded and Fiorella has started to fret:  "What if they made a mistake, what if Vitto IS sick and Gianluca lied; Gianna is alone, what if they kick her out of El Rancho  because they think she's an accomplice; no one can know they escaped together, neither Vitto, nor Aitana nor his grandmother, no one will forgive us!" Yes, I know, I hated to hear her pronounce that old man's name but Pedro remains calm and tender:  "Fom now on I am in charge of making sure that you are never afraid again.  Your sister will be okay, we have not made a mistake, and besides, they lied to us.  At this moment, the only person I care about besides you is my Grandmother."  Fiorella begins to beg frantically that he not tell Eloisa that they ran away together.   "We have suffered so much from being apart, let's enjoy it.  We shouldn't care about anybody or anything accept ourselves, you and me and our love.  I love you."  "And I love you, Pedro Angeles."  Man, these two are beautiful in the sunlight and they allow us a close up as kisses are shared to seal the pledge of love they have made. 

Back at El Rancho, Dante trots Simoneta, Quina, Fidel, Gianna and Benito out to tell Elo, Sergio, Freddie (clinging to Eloisa like a poisonous leech), Sonia, Assvaldo, Celeste, Benigno and Aitana what he just learned, that Fiorella did not marry Vitto.  I DO NOT like the way Dante grabs and flings Gianna and they way NOBODY called him on it!  Grrrr!  Anyway, Gianna says Fiorella ran away with Gianluca, Benito verifies it as does Simoneta (adding that it was a vera vera romantic moment) but Eloisa looks to Quina for the final say.  Benigno pulls Assvaldo into another room and they discuss if Pedro could have found out about the stock swindle.  Benigno thinks not or surely his ass would be grass (jailed) now.  Despite what the servants say, Benigno thinks he ran away with Fiorella.

Diana is over the moon and sees nothing but blue skies ahead for her now with Fiorella out of the way.  Anibal calls and harshes her high:  he wants the money for his bail TOMORROW or her boyfriend is going to find out she's got a son!

There is a little comic relief as Adela and Ray express their sympathy and support to Vittorio in his office at LDV.  Adela, thankfully, has a different hairdo and looks lovely.  Suddenly Adela launches into a little speech on how she can understand what Fiorella did because Vitto's nephew is so young and handsome; she would have preferred the nephew as well and done the same thing.  Damn!  I don't like Vitto, but that was OUT COLD!!  Rey hustles Adela out of the office with apologies.  Vitto has heard none of it.  He is fuming and vowing, again,  Esto no se va quedar asi, or "This is not going to end this way."  Essentially, "they started this shit, I'm going to finish it!"

Later Freddie and Eloisa are in Eloisa's room.  Eloisa continues to be distraught over Pedro's disappearance and tries to work it out in her mind what could have happened.  Dante enters; it's time for her medicine drops but Eloisa wants him to look for her cell phone.  Eloisa gets up to look for her phone within the bedroom and Freddie puts a drop of poison in her water.  Eloisa comes back without the phone and Freddie gives her the glass of water which she scarfs down while Freddie watches.  Dante re-enters with the cell phone, Eloisa stands up, begins to dial and then collapses back in her chair.  Freddie kneels nearby, watching Eloisa's reaction.

Fiorella and Pedro arrive at a little boutique and she gets a chance to flirt and act silly before finally emerging in a cute little dress.  Pedro is delighted and amused.  Oh, yeah.  On the way out Fiorella gives the wedding dress to a pretty young girl about to enter the shop.  Awwww!  The two then have icecream, sitting at an open air table, laughing, playing and teasing each other in orange sherbert-flavored foreplay.  These two are so beautiful together!  Back on the bike and off into the countryside once more, serenaded by their theme song.

Dante tries to rouse Eloisa while Freddie pretends to be concerned.  Oh, what a viper she is!  Dante calls the Doctor.

Pedro and Fiorella arrive at a lovely villa.  It's beautiful, she loves it and gets more kisses and a spin for thinking so.  "Here, you will be the happiest woman in the world."  Pedro is greeted by a salt and pepper-haired man, his name is Heriberto and he hasn't seen Pedro in fifteen years!  Pedro introduces Fiorella as his future wife and tells him they will be there for a few days and he wants NO interruptions from the office or the family and if asked, Heriberto STILL ain't seen him in fifteen years.  Ok, those are my words, but you get my drift.  Heriberto goes to prepare their room.  Fiorella likes the sound of "future wife" and Pedro earns a kiss for that.  Pedro answers his cell phone.  It's Fidel asking him to call Eloisa as she is so worried.  The ever present Dante comes up to growl at Fidel, asking who he is talking to.  Later Dante tries to corner Fidel, asking why he's so nervous.  Fidel manages to fend him off but I hope there's a big bonus in this for Fidel besides the satisfaction of knowing Pedro and Fiorella are happy!

Diana takes several stacks of cash out of Vitto's safe.  She quickly puts her hands behind her back when Vitto comes in asking what she's doing there.

Dr. Elizalde is with Eloisa; Benigno, Assvaldo and Freddie are also there.  Dr. E thinks Eloisa's fainting was brought on by stress.  Freddie instigates and shrilly announces in the background she just knew it and tries to dissuade the Dr. from returning in the morning to draw blood for further testing.  Benigno sternly tells her, with a look of surprised annoyance, that the Dr. checking Eloisa is what is indicated.  Again.  One cold-blooded b*tch!  Eloisa asks to be left alone; Benigno tells her goodbye and remarks that Aitana is doing badly, and that she's holed up in Pedro's room.

At La Villa di Amore Pedro has a roaring fire going in the fireplace; he takes a moment to call Eloisa.  She asks him where the devil he is, she's going crazy, and how dare he leave Aitana at the altar!   Pedro does not fall into his usual deference but rather tells her this was hard for him but he wasn't ready to be married, he felt pressured, it just didn't feel right.  Eloisa hisses that he had better not be with Fiorella or she swears that she. . . .why does she think he's with Fiorella when she just got married?  Eloisa tells him the concocted story of Fiorella and Gianluca.   Whatever, she wants him to come home immediately, she wants to talk to him face to face!  Pedro tells her he won't be home for a while, do not look for him, he wants to be ALONE, please!  And he hangs up and tosses the phone.  He should have thrown it into the fire.  Fiorella enters the room in a short, white terry cloth robe.  Is he okay?  He's worried about his Grandma.  Yes, she understands and asks if they shouldn't go back.  Realizing he's pricked her worry wart,  more kisses are in order.  He tells her she is the most beautiful woman in the world; he just wants to look at her and for them to be together.  Pedro has a surprise for Fiorella and leads her by the hand. . .

Benito, Gianna, Quina, Fidel and Simoneta discuss the crazy day over dinner.  Benito thought Fiorella might change her mind, but the Gianluca part surprises him.  Quina is shocked, Simoneta is not.  She thinks Gianluca is sooo handsome; Vitto is good looking but he was too old.  Gianna gives that an "amen."   Simoneta IS surprised about Pedro not marrying Aitana.  Gianna and Fidel keep exchanging glances as the theories are floated.  He offers that something must have pushed him to it.  There are always motivations for what people do.  Gianna agrees and says she understands why Fiorella ran away but Pedro. . .Fidel wisely shuts her up suggesting she put salsa, instead of her foot, in her mouth.  Quina hopes that Pedro is fine and that Fiorella made a good decision.  Gianna proposes and they all toast for Fiorella and Pedro's happiness, wherever they are!  Outside the dining room, Dante clings to the wall like a bad stain, listening.

. . .to a candle lit bedroom.  She giggles and walks with tentative steps, her eyes closed; he kisses her cheek and asks her to open her eyes.  For a fleeting nano second I thought I saw an expression of concern but this quickly melts into a smile and she declares she loves it.  And Pedro says he loves the look in her eyes and her smile and his own beautiful eyes sparkle, framed by silky, long lashes.  She tells him about how after they met for the first time she couldn't stop talking about him to Gianna, he was so handsome and she was sure she had met her Prince Charming.   Pedro confesses that from that very moment he was totally in love with her as well and that she has always been on his mind and in his life.  

Pedro:  From that very first moment, destiny marked both of us.

Fiorella:  Destiny has had us going around in circles, hasn't it?

Pedro:  Yes, it has.  I love you, Fiorella.

Fiorella:  And I love you.

Eyes close and smiles fade into the tranquil solemnity of passion as their lips meet for kiss after deep kiss as their hands clasp and then enfold one another and they begin a slow dance gently backwards toward the bed, lips never parting.  Fiorella lands softly on an overstuffed pillow as Pedro hovers lovingly over her and then draws back for a moment as if to take in the wonder of her beauty and her willingness to surrender to what they both feel.  He tenderly caresses her face and they kiss again and roll as Fiorella now commands the kiss. . . .


Previous: Episode 77
Next: Episode 79


The preceding recap is original and written exclusively for Caray, Caray!

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There ya go, Peeps! Will do clean up in the morning, gotta get some shut eye. Love me some love!

Lovely Lila. Looks like you had some fun with this recap. Pay off was fun finally.

For once, I actually paid attention to the whole episode. Enjoyable to see all the fussing and tantrums and well, everyone still looked so nice. Actually interesting that for the most part, it does seem that they aren't connecting the dots on Pedro and Fi both going AWOL. Gianna needs to go hide for awhile so she doesn't spill.

LOVE when Aitanna took a tumble in that ridiculously tight mermaid gown. Not a fan of that style as it is, especially when the bride pours herself into it, but it was perfect watching her stumbling around in it. Kept wondering if that was not planned, but they left it in the scene. The hair flipping made me want to bring out the scissors. (Oh---just thought of the perfect anvil for her.)

Freddie is beyond the pail. I get a kick sometimes out of her snark around the family, but this poisoning of the Chief Wicked Witch and how she reacts are disturbing. I have no love for Eloisa, her "or else" to Pedro was stupid, but just watching Freddie...anvil grows larger each day.

Only because we have had so little of real happy moments with these two, I watched through the rather lame scenes of stopping on the side of a highway (have they no stations or rest areas?) to shed clothes and hair styles and smooch and whatever the heck they were doing with that pool toy in the clothes store. Interesting where Fi got that little teddy...beanie moment to just go with. Nice they are happy, truth be told Jose Ron is not one of my favorite romance leads, his kissing always reminds me of a guppy taking a deep breath and then moving in for the kill, but hey. We'll take it. We're happiness starved in this one.

Vitto - that's what the actor came up with on anger? That looked like a two year old having a temper tantrum. So lame. And Adela--lord woman, that was cold but I LOVED IT!

Poor Luca, we hardly knew you. Live well and prosper.

Sigh, I wanted Simonetta and Dom follow up.

Once we get over the lovebirds initial temporary bliss, I want Gael's Maybe Daddy back. Pronto!

Should we start taking bets on a possible little Pedro coming out of this vacation stay?


Lila- I love how this episode brought out your inner romance writer. I can tell how much you enjoyed the episode and retelling it to us.

Pedro and Fi are definitely very pretty together. It was so nice seeing them happy and (somewhat) carefree. Glad Pedro called Eloisa so at least we can stop hearing her whine about what could have happened to him.

Is there a reason why he hasn't told her about the scam and fraud by Aitana's family yet?

Lila, I was so happy you finally had a joyous episode to recap! And you did so superbly.

"Aitana is a blur of agitation and frustration", "and Pedro is in a T shirt so white, it would make any box of Tide right proud" and "Dante clings to the wall like a bad stain, listening: were among my favorites.

I savored every minute of this. Pedro and Fiorella's chemistry was totally believable. I mean, were they acting? There emotions seemed all too real.

I also enjoyed Dante's getting the wool pulled over his eyes. He loses some of his menacing attitude when he stands next to Fidel, doesn't he? Fidel towers over him and makes Dante seem insignificant.

daiy, was Aitana's trip in the dress scripted? I honestly couldn't tell. The dress was so tight, it seemed as though she couldn't breathe (let alone walk). Left at the church. How very fitting.

Vivi, I was also relieved Pedro called his not so loving grandmother and hopefully, this will keep her at bay for a time.

This is what I watch TNs for. Love, pure and simple. And joyous.

Thank you again Lila!


Woo hoo! Gracias, Lila! I'm still worried about the bubble bursting, but as long as you're happy, I'm happy :D

So much good stuff happening in this one, but I think the best part was this "it seems that Jose and Livia, themselves, are enjoying the moment!" YES! They have so much chemistry when they're together and happy, it makes up for a lot. Like the fact that nobody has talked about what's going to happen AFTER--I know, I know, get back in the bubble!

Fed being her usual mean and gleeful self was also fun. I don't mind her picking on Aitana at all. I'm with you, I also wish I'd seen her face!

I liked the way the whole jailbreak...uh, bodabreak...worked out. Everyone is convinced not only that Fi is with Luca, but that they actually SAW them run away together. And none of our baddies are smart enough to ask the right questions to poke holes in that! HA!

Daisynjay, I hear you on Aitana throwing her tantrum, flopping around in that dress, and ALL THE HAIR! It would have been bugging the crap out of me and I would have wanted to stick it in a ponytail at least, just to have one fewer annoyance.

I think we're almost guaranteed a Pedro Jr. after this trip.

Vivi, I guess Pedro didn't want to tell Eloisa about Benigno's plans because he doesn't know enough yet? And/or he's thinking about the fact that when Fi tried to tell her, El just brushed it off, as did Os. Either they're in on it or too stupid--why let them get in the way of his own investigation?


Buongiorno a tutti!

Grazie, Daisynjay! I DID have fun! Aitana is being portrayed perfectly and it was perfect to leave in that fall if it was not intended. ITA about Freddie, her pretending to be so in Eloisa's corner. Has Eloisa forgotten her tirades, drunken and otherwise? Freddie takes advantage of her being distraught and distressed and the slow poisoning is just evil. Freddies Father WAS done wrong and was murdered; too bad Freddie's behavior doesn't make me root for her to unmask that deed. Others may differ but seems she could have been made more subtle and sympathetic. Oh well, she is what she is.

Gael's Hot Daddy will be back AND Fiorellas Hot Poppa as well.

There has GOT to be a little Pedro from this!

Grazie, Vivi! Yah, I think there's a reason why he hasn't told her about the scam and fraud by Aitana's family *nudge, nudge, wink, wink!* Hopefully he will get to it after they, um, get to know each other better!

Diana, amica mia! Mille grazie! Diana, I savored every moment as well. Pedro and Fiorella's chemistry is amazing! If they put our love scene through the vegematic I will have to look for it online. I don't like to look online because I never fail to find spoilers!

Diva! Sorellina mia! Grazie! Diva, I know the bubble has to burst but up until now that's all we've had but with Vitto feeling murderous. He said he'd kill his own nephew, wait until he finds out it was really Pedro and Granny will be fit to be tied as well. They had better wring all the yumminess out of this pre-wedding honeymoon cause they got some terrible music to face!

Great stuff, Lila. Loved the comment about the box of Tide.

Pedro and Fiorella should head for a magistrate immediately and get married so nobody can mess this up again. I hope she has some ID with her and Helloisa doesn't have the power to cancel his credit cards.

Pedro also needs to call somebody and get an investigation launched about the stock fraud. As to why he said nothing to Helloisa, it was a smart decision. This is news that needs to be delivered in person and in the presence of a lawyer.

The mermaid dress on Aitana is an interesting irony in view of some superstitions about mermaids. Another item for the Crimes of Fashion files.

The Aitana actress has an incredible amount of hair, and it looks to be all hers.

Grazie, tanto, Urban! You have good advice for those two crazy kids.

As to why he said nothing to Helloisa, it was a smart decision. This is news that needs to be delivered in person and in the presence of a lawyer.

Oooh, I probably misunderstood Vivi's comment. I thought she was asking why Pedro didn't tell Fiorella about discovering the fraud! HA! Apparently I am so taking with the kissy face stuff I'm thinking as fuzzily as Petey and Fifi!

Thanks for your mermaid link! So THAT's what Aitana is! Well, Pedro was almost hypnotized by that siren's song but thankfully our Little White Flower is saving him from being dragged under and drowned! He's not safe ashore yet, however.

And neither is ACorp. Pedro needs a hotshot lawyer. Maybe that's what Gael's biodad is?

Good one, Urban. Do we know what Santino does? You know. This thing has the potential to be really good going forward. I know I keep saying that. I hope it's more than wishful thinking.

OT. Urban, Monday being my MIVAC night and then work the next day I often don't get a chance to watch PyP until days later and miss your detailed recaps. I know I could read it instead of watching or read it first. . .maybe I should try that.

Anywho. Got my fingers crossed that MIVAC comes on strong with Pedro being proactive and the new characters -- the Hot Poppas being strong and effective allies for Pedro and Fiorella.

Anybody else get a quick flash of dread upon meeting Heriberto? Who's villa is that? If it belongs to Eloisa I doubt Heriberto is going to remain mum on Pedro and Fiorella being there. Does Sergio know about the villa? Does Dante, the devil? Like I said, Petey and Fifi better get it on, and quick. . .

Yes, who's villa is that. Almost made me think it's some family place the way Petey just walked right in. Didn't look like an inn at all. And honestly, I'd live there in a heart beat versus the Rancho. In this day and age, Petey could work remotely and only travel in for meetings. Lord knows he was hardly ever at the office anyway. Guess we'll see how long they get to stay there before heading back to the vipers.

I agree, do a magistrate wedding, use the dude at the house as your witness and THEN go back. Fi can have her fancy church wedding later.


Oh, definitely it's a family villa, I just wonder who's name is on the deed. Does Pedro own anything? Could it be something his Mother left him? Eloisa has her hooks into absolutely every aspect of the "kids" lives, I just don't see how he can have anything that she wouldn't have knowledge of or immediate access to!

Thank you Lila and what ever makes you happy makes me happy for you. Your enthusiasm is infectious but sorry I had the shot.

I agree Livia looked pretty, the prettiest I recall ever seeing her. To bad she cannot act but she look pretty, did I say she looked pretty? Her companion looked pretty too and I couldn't make a decision on who was the most fair so I resorted to which of the two characters was able to do more with less. Though Fifi has royal blood coursing her veins she hasn't had a rich grandma teat that provides holiday retreats, home sauna, massages, soaps, lotions and creams to make ya just glow. Fifi wins.

You always write well, Lila, but you were truly inspired on this one. Vivi was right, your inner romance novelist came out strong! especially in the final paragraph. But you were poetic and amazing all throughout....

Just a few examples:

Aitan ia a blur of agitation and frustration....

"Adonde va nuestro amor",...blooms in the background like an audio bouquet

knee-high to a chicken

Dante clings to the wall like a bad stain

Yes, all the little romantic scenes were cute, but I kept worrying about all that exposed flesh as they roared through the countryside on that motorcycle.

And alas, I'm with Daisynjay, in that José Ron's kissing style is lamentably more like Wide Bass Mouth Kisses. I kept wondering how Livia could stand it. But needs must. Hope the salary is commensurate with the engulfing swampland besos.

Just a treat to read, Lila. Thanks.

"And alas, I'm with Daisynjay, in that José Ron's kissing style is lamentably more like Wide Bass Mouth Kisses. I kept wondering how Livia could stand it. But needs must. Hope the salary is commensurate with the engulfing swampland besos."

Judy, my dear, you just cheered up this old soul who is having a tiresome work day. I was giggling and being disgusted with the visions at the same time. You are spot on, more than a guppy kiss, he's all in with the Large Mouth Bass technique. EWWW.

My fondest wish from now on forward, as a mature, almost new bride, I do NOT want to see a pig tail on Fifi. If she can now walk around in mini skirts and teddies, ditch the pig tails. She's not Vitto's innocent blank slate any more.



Thanks a lot Lila.

Pedro and Fiorella look so happy together, i'm happy we finally get some romantic moments after the unnecessary separations.
Freddie is a witch, and i am slightly annoyed that in telenovelas only the bad guy hear secrets through the wall. The protagonist only ever hear half of the truth and jump to wrongconclusions.
Vitto's anger was funny to me actually, i don't know if he expected his married life with Fiorella to be just peachy if he had the chance to marry her because he is a deluded old man.
I also agree that Gianna should not be shoved around by Dante like that, it like everyone forgot that she is supposed to be the sick kid.


The previews showing the villains bullying Gi were horrible. When Fi said she was worried about Gi facing the questions alone, she was RIGHT to worry. I know it took them out of their romantic moment, and Pedro tried to brush it aside that Gi will be just fine. But how can he know that? I don't remember hearing him tell Fidel to watch over Gi and keep her safe from his horrible family.

Elorej, I don't recall greeting you before, so Bienvenido!

The problem is that none of these other people give a flying damn about Gianna being sick because to them she is not a person. They see her as a burden, an inconvenience, and even a moocher. Remember all the times Helloisa told Fiorella to not aspire above her station in life? I don't think she thinks any more highly of Gianna.

Just wait until she finds out that Fiorella is the daughter of a duke.


Hey, Tofie! Grazie, hon! Yep, Petey and Fifi have that special glow of hormone-fueled youth all enhanced by the warm glow of sunshine. . .or candlelight!


Mille, mille grazie, JudyB!

Yes, all the little romantic scenes were cute, but I kept worrying about all that exposed flesh as they roared through the countryside on that motorcycle.

Judy, I fought so hard not to be concerned about that--that's youth for ya, throwing caution literally to the wind!

Y'all killin' me about Jose's kissing. Okay, he's no Jaime Camil but Livia didn't seem to mind him eating off her lipstick! When it comes to "that area" of behavior, it's pretty hard to change!


Daisy, I hope Fiorella can graduate and get a better 'do as well!


OT. Please, if any of you, whether you comment or not, are praying people, please pray for my friend and work colleague's family. My friend's 16-year old daughter has been missing since this past Sunday night. Please pray that Cassie return home safe and sound to her family. Thank you.

Grazie, grazie, Elorej! Yes, indeed, I'm a sucker for romanticism. I look for fun and fantasy in television: real life has enough drama and trauma. Of course, tv won't be without this element but if it gets to heavy I don't like it. We've had not a lot of heavy but a whole heck of annoying and frustrating so if these are crumbs, I'm snatching them up!

Thanks, Elorej!


Oh, Lila. How awful. My heart breaks for them. Absolutely, sending all my positive thoughts to your friend. Hope they find her safe and sound very soon.


Thank you, Daisy. Just found out about two hours ago this was going on. Sickening.

Oh, no! Lila, I am praying for your friend's daughter.

Lila, I will certainly be praying. I can't think of anything more horrible than a missing child...of any age. May the angels watch over Cassie and may she be back home with her family as soon as possible. Unharmed and grateful for her loving family.

Thank you, Vivi.

Thank you, JudyB

OMG, Lila, I will so do that. Please update us when you know something.

I will, Urban. Thank you.

O my, Lila you know how to bring it on. So so
Beautiful the way you tell a story. Now this is the Way I like a love story to go. Yes, there will be war like scuffles when they return, but
For now It's just really nice just to see two
People in love finally be together with no one
Tryin to kill them, or seperated by jail bars or
Just all out crazy people being annoying. Now there has been interferance, annoyin
A$$ relatives, crazy a$$ exes, interfering well
Meaning people, old geezers tryin to get their
Groove back. Did I mention the crazy a$$ kinpeople? Well they are together, and they
Better make It last cuz they gotta come back
Home. And it ain't gonna be pertty.←I meant
To spell it that way. Freddy is a cruel skank.

I have concern for gianna, shes not healthy
And she can't defend herself against those
Hard a$$ heffas petey left hangin. Don't like the way dante handled her either. These folk
Can be heartless. Fiorella and pedro better
Have their fun and get back, even if its just
To protect gigi. When money is on the line
People will do anything to keep what they've
Swindled from someone else.

Lila - Thank you for the recap! So nice that you got yet another happy episode.

I just now finished watching this episode and it is so nice to still be riding the bodus interruptus wave of joy..

When Eloisa said goodbye to the doctor, it sounded like she called him "MataSanos". LOL!

I have nothing to add to the comments that has not already been said. Hopefully we'll get more happy smoochies tonight from Pedro & Fi, since they looked like they were going to make good use of that bed. :-)

Lila - how awful that your friend's daughter has gone missing! Hopefully she will show up safe and sound.

O yes I will pray for yor friends daughter safe
Return. I hate hearing about missing chlidren
I hope they find her alive and well.

Keep the faith baby!!!!!! ♡♡♡♡♡

Grazie, Nina You always get some good ones. I totally agree with you:

For now It's just really nice just to see two
People in love finally be together with no one
Tryin to kill them, or seperated by jail bars or
Just all out crazy people being annoying

Yes, she has been saved from an "old geezer trying to get his groove back"! Yeah. Let them get THEIR groove on and get back, Gianna IS in danger!

Doris! Grazie, amica! Yes, let's ride the wave of joy! You know what, Eloisa DID call him a "MataSanos"! I should have put that in! Thanks for mentioning it!

Nina and Doris, thank you for your prayers and well wishes. The family can use them more with each passing hour!

Lila - keep us posted on the teenager. They're on my prayers list m

Thank you, Doris. Thank you all. Cassie and her family really need it now.

I'll pray for her family. I hope she is found safe and okay.


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