Friday, January 15, 2016

Pasión y Poder, ep. 53, 54 & 55, Thursday, January 14, 2016. Oh god. Cain and Abel who?

Nobody cares about me.  Boo-effing-hoo-hoo.

Daniela takes absolutely no responsibility for her actions and yet somehow convinces both Agustín and Regina not to tell Daddy about her latest Grim Tale. 

Nina's charming homage to Marge Simpson, pearls and all, is wasted on Humberto.

Nina feigns confidence in her husband's love, but she is obviously shaken by Humberto's revelation that Arturo and Julia were once engaged; not only that, they were recently together in Puerto Vallarta.  Humberto and Nina agree on this much – it is to their mutual advantage to keep Arturo and Julia from mating.  Humberto drives home the point:  If Eladio finds out that Arturo is sniffing around Julia, he'll kill him.

When Humberto leaves, Nina searches frantically through Arturo's desk and bureau drawers, but apparently finds nothing.  She vows to confront Julia.

We're getting professional help.

David is glad his parents are going to see a therapist, he tells Eladio, but divorce may turn out to be the best solution.  Eladio, um, disagrees.  Strongly.

Eladio gets a call from Franco, who has located the Corrupt Union Guy responsible for substituting inferior construction materials on the Tabasco project.

Arturo meets with his therapist, Dr. A.

In the Montenegro executive suite, Arturo tells Dr. Agustín how he is trying get closer to Miguel – they even went to visit Miguel's mom's grave together.  Miguel asked him, he says, if the three of them – Arturo, Susana and Miguel – could have been happy as a family.  Art thinks it would have been just like his marriage to Nina: Julia would have always been a presence.  "I'll never be able to love anyone the way I love her."

Dr. A nods sagely and nonjudgmentally and then gently challenges the patient:  

"Do you unconsciously blame Susana for losing the love of your life?"

Arturo denies this.  He blames himself.  With Susana, he allowed himself to be carried away by his random randiness (calentura).  The same thing happened with Nina.  Their relationship is based on sex.

Dr. A is pleased with his patient for recognizing his failings.  As for his regrets as a parent, Dr. A reminds him that Erick is not the only wayward child – Daniela needs some guidance too.  And then Arturo remarks that Dani hasn't shown up for work today.

We may be very different, but I still love you to pieces (must not bust out laughing, must not bust out laughing, must not...).

Regina asks her mother to pay a little more attention to Daniela.  Nina responds by pumping Regina about Puerto Vallarta (just to show she is interested in her least favorite child too) and her future suegros.

Where's Gisela?

Franco comes knocking on Clara's door looking for Gisela.  He claims he wants to help the old crab claim her pension.  Clara is appropriately suspicious of his motives.  He finally admits he's only doing Eladio's bidding.  But Clara really can't help him.  She doesn't know where Gisela might be.  And no, she has no family that Clara knows of except for her daughter, who is in pris...  Oops.  Clara starts again.  Her daughter is far away and never visits, though she does writes letters.  

Franco leaves a message: Tell Gisela not to come to Eladio's office or home unless she's cruisin' for a bruisin'.

Are you getting soft or what?

Erick tells Arturo that everything is ready for his meeting with the New York restaurant owner, Ashmore.  And the appointment for the purchase of a the auto dealership is also set.  Erick wants to rub their accomplishments in Eladio's face.  Arturo warns his son not to do anything that would jeopardize Regina's relationship with David.  Erick wonders if his dad is turning into a wuss.  After all, it was Arturo himself who always taught him:

El que pega primero pega dos veces.
(Literally, "He who strikes first, strikes twice."  It is a sort of paean to the preemptive strike.)

Eladio explains that things have changed:

La familia no es lo más importante – es lo único.
(Family isn't the most important thing – it's the only thing.)

As if to underline the point, Consuelo now bounces in, all smiles, for her meeting with Arturo (and not, as she explains to the disconcerted Chimp Boy, for a visit with her hubby).  She is ready to work for the Montenegro Group.  Arturo grins and applauds.  Erick looks as if he's eaten a bad banana and it's repeating on him.

Eladio passes the Bar Exam

The Corrupt Union Guy smiles at Eladio – who is flanked by David and Callao – and says there's no need to involve the police.  They're friends.  They can clear things up.

"You and I are not friends," Eladio says darkly.  He stops the CUG from leaving.  The man is going to pay for what he did.  The CUG retorts that in that case, Eladio will have to answer for bribing him to organize a strike against Arturo Montenegro – that's why he lost the contract.  (We see that Santiago is watching and listening carefully to this exchange, as is David.)

"Do you have proof?" Eladio asks.  The answer, of course, is no.  David leaps to his father's defense: all the evidence points to the CUG and he's going to pay!

Cue the entrance of the policeman with an arrest warrant.   "You'll pay for this, Eladio!" cries the CUG as he is led away by the cops.

Santiago is satisfied.  David, not so much.  When Santiago leaves, he tells Eladio that he will support him in the project, but he can't believe what he is capable of doing to screw with Arturo Montenegro.

Marge Simpson visits the Foundation and pretends to apologize for an earlier grosería

Julia feels a hand on her shoulder.  She wheels around and finds herself face to face with Nina, who wants to talk about Arturo.  Julia, however, does not.

When Gaby enters, Nina is reminded of how rudely she treated both aunt and niece that day (many episodes ago) at the beauty salon. She fake-apologizes for being out of sorts ("You know how it is – you always wants to defend your husband, especially when you love him.")

Now Nina suggests that since their children are dating, she and Julia should become friends.  Julia demurs, saying she's a bit on the reclusive side (ermitaña).  Nina hopes she isn't holding a grudge about the beauty parlor snub.  After all, they are going to be family.  Why doesn't Julia tell the truth:

Que no me soportas porque yo me casé con Arturo.
(That you can't stand me because I married Arturo.)  

Julia denies this.  All that is in the past, she says.  Nina, however, keeps needling her.  Finally she suggests that they do what they can to protect Regina and David.  And maybe she can help with the Foundation.

When Nina finally leaves, Julia and Gaby are troubled and bewildered.  What was that all about?  Before they can figure it out, Nina is back to retrieve a forgotten cell phone.  She apologizes again for being rude.  

Just then Eladio arrives.  "What's this about being rude to Julia?"

Just women's stuff, says Nina coolly.  Women defending their men.   They had a little tiff.  But now everything is fine.

Julia agrees.  What's more, she adds, since the kids are together, Nina wants to help out at the Foundation and wants to be her friend.

Por lo que va a durar (For as long as it lasts) says Eladio.  Huh?  The women look at him quizzically.  He means one day, they will get together as a family in a more formal dinner than the previous one.  (Clumsy save, but the situation is already so awkward that it hardly matters.)

Nina leaves again. (Maybe she just likes exits because they highlight her best feature.) Eladio watches her retreating tush.  "Nina," he mouths.  And then the matrimonio Gómez Lunez heads off, hand in hand, for their first appointment with the therapist.

If I'm hearing what you're saying...

Julia tells the therapist that ever since their wedding night, she has been terrified of Eladio.  

"What happened that night wasn't my fault," says Eladio.

"What happened?" the doctor asks.

"That night, my husband raped me."

"If you say it like that, the doctor is going to think I'm a degenerate."

The doctor assures them that he is not there to judge.  Julia reminds Eladio that they have to tell the truth:

Yo te pedí que fueras paciente conmigo, y me diste la peor noche de mi vida, y a esa le han seguido otras –
(I asked you to be patient with me, and you gave me the worst night of my life, and then it was followed by others –)

"No, Julia, no!  I begged you, I even groveled, but you showed nothing but contempt..." 

Here Eladio addresses the doctor:

"And you know why? Because when she married me, she loved someone else."

Now Julia and Eladio argue heatedly about David until the therapist interrupts them.  It is obvious to him that these two have issues that go way back.  Before they can benefit from couples therapy, they need some individual work.  Eladio has to work on controlling his aggression; and because of the abuse that Julia has suffered, she needs another kind of therapy.

Eladio objects:

Caray.  Está hablando como si golpeara diariamente a mi mujer.
(Jeez.  You're talking as if I beat my wife daily.)

"There are other kinds of violence," the doctor says: "psychological, economic and sexual."  He will only treat them if they agree to individual therapy first.

Drunk as a Skunk

Justino finds Gisela passed out in a bar, one hand draped over an empty bottle.

I only have eyes for you, dear.

In the Montenegro mansion, Regina tells David that it really bothers her when Daniela wraps herself around him like a koala on a eucalyptus tree.  It reminds her of their previous fling. He reassures her that she is the one he loves.  He has no interest in Daniela.  From now on, he won't even answer her calls.

Regina is finally kind of gruntled.  Maybe half gruntled.  They smooch.  Up to three-quarters gruntled now.  Then David says he has good news: Gaby told him that Nina visited Julia at the Foundation because she wants them to be friends.

Enter Arturo, who has overheard this last exchange.  "What did you say?"

Eladio gets an A for Effort

Eladio thinks that after their therapy session, Julia won't even want to sit at the dinner table with him.  But he is wrong.  She is proud of him for going in the first place and for opening up, something that she knows is hard for him.  She's sorry she raised her voice, but she needed him to listen to her.  It's good for both of them, she says, and if they want their relationship to improve, they have to do it.

He agrees to continue.  Julia, moved by his willingness to do so, thanks him.  That they are making an effort means a lot to her.  He thanks her for recognizing his effort.  Then she asks for a moment alone – today was really tough.  He understands.

He has one question, though:  Is she going to accept Nina's help at the Foundation?  Julia isn't sure.  

Eladio doesn't like the idea of Nina being around Julia.  

Julia wonders: Does Eladio think Nina is going to try to get information about his business?  Because frankly, Julia doubts Nina is smart enough for that.

If she does help out, says Eladio, he wants them to talk only about the Foundation and meet there or in the Gómez Luna home.  

Julia wishes he would have more confidence in her.  In fact, she doesn't much care for Nina and has no desire to visit her home.  But if she wants to help the Foundation, Julia can't very well turn her away.

While back at the Montenegro Mansion...

Arturo wants to know what Nina and Julia talked about.  David repeats what Gaby told him. Regina is surprised that Nina volunteered to help.  That's not like her mother. 

Arturo knows that Nina is up to something, but he doesn't let on to the kids.  He walks away with a smile on his face.

David kisses Regina goodnight.  He tells her he's on his way to see Francisco.

Daniela wanders through the house and sees the lovers together.  Her eyes smolder with resentment.

Free at last

Clara answers the knock at her door, expecting Justino.  But it is Caridad Herrera who stands on her threshold, and she says she is looking for her mother.  Clara welcomes her warmly, admitting that she knows her story.  And then with some reluctance, she tells Caridad how she and Justino just brought a drunken Gisela home from the cantina.

Arturo bellows for Nina.

Why did she go to see Julia?  Nina repeats her story for him.  Her "altruism" surprises Arturo.  And he is irritated that she acted without consulting him.  

But didn't he do the same thing when he gave company shares to Miguel and Consuelo?  

"That's different!" he insists.  "Julia Gómez Luna is the wife of my enemy!"  

Nina doesn't understand.  Didn't he say that for Regina's sake, he didn't want problems with the Gómez Luna family?  Does it bother him that much for her to be near his ex? (Throughout this exchange, as his voice gets louder and angrier, hers gets softer, and her smile becomes increasingly smug.) 

Arturo says he's always been honest with Nina.  He doesn't want to get into an argument.  

Neither does she.  In fact, she's on her way to have dinner with her friend Fanny – she has just arrived from Paris.

A family reunion of sorts

Caridad asks Clara if she knows her son.  "What son?" asks Clara.  Caridad is taken aback: "In all this time, he hasn't visited my mom?"

Clara tells her that Gisela has never mentioned Caridad's son.

Now Gisela calls out Clara's name as she stumbles into the living room.  Her eyes fall on her daughter.  

"Caridad?  What are you doing here?"

"Aren't you happy to see me, mama?"

"Are you really here or am I hallucinating?''  Gisela's drunken laugh morphs into a moan.  Clara watches helplessly, then gives mother and daughter their privacy.  She's going to help Justino with the corn stand, she says.

"What's going on with you, mama?" Caridad asks Gisela.  "Why are you so drunk?"

Gisela offers her usual self-pitying excuses, now enhanced several-fold by the alcohol.  Everything has gone wrong!  She doesn't have a penny to her name!

Caridad doesn't want to hear that.  She wants to know where her son is.  ¿Dónde está Franco? 

"I haven't had your son with me for years!"

"At least show me some photos!"

"I have none!"

Caridad says Clara has never heard of her son.  "Why should I tell my business to that gossip?" says Gisela.  She wails about losing the little she had.  

Regina plays big sister

She tells her resentful sister not to call David again, or she will tell their parents what happened.  Dani accuses her of blackmail and says she never should have called her at all.  

"And you'd have let that guy in the hotel die? Don't say things like that.  You're not a child anymore.  Stop behaving as if you were ten years old.  I understand your thing with David is just you acting out because he picked me.  You can't stand having something taken from you – something that wasn't even yours."

Dani breaks her sullen silence:  "Of course David was mine – in Cancún.  And it wasn't just a kiss, Regina."

"You only want to hurt me," says Regina.

Dani contradicts her.  "I'm only saying that David and I..."

Before she can complete the sentence, Arturo enters the room and wants to know what is going on.  He hears Regina say this:

Te metiste con Joshua, pero te juro que no voy a permitir que te metas con David.
(You got involved with Joshua, but I swear I won't allow you to get involved with David.) 

Regina storms out.  Daniela tells her father that Regina has always envied her.  She complains that no one in the house loves her or understands her.  Arturo says they all love her, but it's true they've been so busy with their own lives that they haven't been paying attention to her.

So she's not an imaginary friend after all!

Nina tells Fanny how Arturo nearly married Julia – the wife of Gómez Luna!  Fanny thinks they need to verify the story by doing an internet search.  But why doesn't Nina divorce Arturo?

Nina isn't going to let anyone steal her husband.  If what Humberto told her is true, she won't rest until she destroys Julia.

Gabriela is no Julia

When Franco "forgets" that he has a sore shoulder, Gaby warns him not to get too cozy with mouth-breathing Marintia.  If she finds out he has been unfaithful, their relationship is over.

Eladio holds court in one part of the mansion...

Callao tells the boss how Gisela was found in the cantina, dead drunk.  Eladio worries that the alcohol may loosen her tongue.


Eladio orders Franco to continue to track the Crooked Union Guy because he is threatening to talk about the crooked deals they made with him.  Franco is on it.


David bursts in and pushes Franco down.  He knows that Franco and Marintia conspired to get Francisco fired.

While Julia holds court in another...

 Gaby is impressed that Eladio has agreed to individual therapy.  Julia is happy to be able to speak without fear.  She hopes she'll finally be able to forget about Arturo for good.

Whoops. Eladio's court is out of order

Franco denies David's accusations.  The two get into a shoving match, and Eladio has to pull them apart.  To David's contention that Eladio has always favored Franco, he answers that David and Julia are the most important people in his life.  Franco is clearly hurt by this declaration.  "Then let him be your right-hand man," he sniffs.

David cools down a bit and apologizes to Eladio.  Eladio says the rivalry between David and Franco should have ended long ago.  He promises to look into Francisco's situation in the morning.


New glasses can only do so much

Miguel continues to obsess about Consuelo.  Regina reminds him that Erick will always be the father of Consuelo's child.  Besides, even if she breaks with Erick, it doesn't mean she will end up with Miguel.

Fanny delivers

She brings Nina printouts of Julia and Arturo's wedding announcement as well as stories about their break-up.  Nina puts two and two together and realizes that Julia and Arturo must have canceled their wedding after he got Susana pregnant.  If it weren't for Miguel, Julia would be Mrs. Montenegro now.  And Arturo never even told her about Julia!  She is sure those two are up to something.  It won't be easy, but she's going to find out what happened between Arturo and Julia in Puerto Vallarta.

You look strangely familiar

Caridad is alone in Clara's apartment when Franco shows up looking for Gisela.  He doesn't believe Caridad when she tells him Gisela isn't there.  And who is he, anyway?  He doesn't answer.  He finally recognizes Caridad from her photo – she is Gisela's daughter!  And all she wants is to shake him down for money!  He storms out angrily.

Outside, he bumps into Clara.  He rants to her that he is sick of them all – of her, of Gisela, of Gisela's daughter.  He threatens to get Clara fired.

Selling out the kids.

Gisela jubilantly announces to Eladio that Caridad is out of jail.  That means they will have to tell the truth. How is Julia going to feel when she finds out she has raised the son he had with another woman?

Eladio scoffs at her as he flicks his lighter on and off.  Gisela can do what she wants.  She can't prove anything.

But Gisela isn't so sure.  She'll tell both Caridad and Julia and then sit back and watch the show. 

Eladio controls himself (See? The therapy is working already!), and he asks Gisela to sit down again.  He knows she is really after more money.  Well he's prepared to be generous.  He gives her a few bills in cash and arranges to meet her later to give her a check.  And that will be the last time they see each other!

Gisela scuttles out happily.  Eladio smiles to himself.  

Yeah, that guy is a real jerk

Caridad tells Clara about her recent visitor and how rude he was.  Clara says she just saw him outside.  She knows him from work and yes, he is a patán. 

Nina is working it, or trying to

Nina phones Julia and arranges to meet her at the Foundation in an hour.

She then asks Consuelo to be less efusiva around Miguel because it makes Erick jealous.  Consuelo handles her suegra ever so deftly, assuring her that if something bothers her husband, she herself will talk to him, though he has no reason to distrust her.  

Nina says Consuelo has no reason to talk to hear as if she were the enemy (though, of course, she is).  She thinks Consuelo and Erick can still work things out, just as she and Arturo are working things out in their own marriage.  Consuelo, however, is not so sure.

Hopeful Beginnings

Gaby welcomes Caridad to the Foundation and takes her on a tour of the place.  She will meet Julia a little later.

Eladio sets up Gisela 

Eladio squirts whatever-that-crap-is into his mouth and hands Callao the address at which he has instructed Gisela to meet him.  Callao is to give her a good scare – enough to make her understand she needs to get out of his life for good.

Franco sells out Marintia

When she is called to testify in the Court of Eladio, Marintia says she just passed along Eladio's orders to Francisco.  Francisco protests that what Marintia told him was, in fact, not what Eladio wanted.  "And that's why Francisco got fired," adds David.

"Why did you do that?" Eladio asks the mouth-breather.  She turns to Franco.  Does he help her?  Nah.  He just barks at her to answer the question.  

Now Marintia knows where she stands.  She apologizes to Eladio and says she must have misunderstood.  Eladio reminds her that because of her mistake, he lost out on an important deal and David's friend lost his job.  "I think you're the one who should be fired."

Marintia begs him to spare her.  Her family in Argentina depends on the money she sends them.

Eladio sends the boys out so he can talk to Marintia alone.  He tells her he can't afford her mistakes.  And he warns her to stay away from Franco.

Nina descends on the Foundation in a black sheer-bodice number that Beyoncé might wear at the Grammys.

Julia wonders if Nina really wants to do this – it's not easy, after all.  She cautions her about treating the children with affection and respect and talks about the constant need for fundraising.  (Nina does like the idea of throwing a party.)

Nina can't understand how Julia does all this work and still finds time to travel.  To Puerto Vallarta, for example. Where she saw Arturo.  Right?

Julia admits that she did see him – when she was with Regina and David.

And did Arturo take them out to dinner?

That's the last straw for Julia.  Did Nina come there to help her or to interrogate her?  Because if that's why she's there, she can leave right now!

Nina answers in her maddeningly soft, passive-aggressive voice:  "I'm sorry, I was just making conversation... but I'll leave right now, if you want."

Julia apologizes.  All she asks is that Nina stop asking her about Arturo.  It makes her very uncomfortable.  And their relationship is part of the past.

Nina smilingly agrees, (though since it's part of the past, she thought it was okay to talk about it).

More flies with honey

The mouth breather realizes that because of her stupid mistake, she is going to lose her job.  But she wants Eladio to know that meeting him was very important to her.  Not many people get to know such an important man.

She walks away nobly, head high.  Did it work?  It did!  Eladio calls out:  Wait!

He is going to give her one more chance because she had the guts to admit her error.

Francisco is vindicated

Eladio apologizes to him and gives him a raise.  He puts him in charge of the stores in Tabasco.  David is happy for his friend.

Franco gets called a patán for the second time today

Marintia the mouth breather is furious at Franco for not coming to her defense.  But he couldn't defend her, he says, without making their relationship evident...

Pretty soon, though, Marintia is feeding Franco information again in return for his promise to treat her nicely.  She tells him she heard Callao order Eladio's men to watch Gisela.

Franco realizes that Callao must know where Gisela is.

Franco riles up Eladio

He tells him that Arturo is buying the auto dealership that he lost because of Marintia's stupidity; and Arturo is up for the Presidency of the Businessmen's Association again. 

Poor Eladio.  How can he not retaliate now?  He's going to destroy Arturo Montenegro!

Franco is delighted to hear it.  Eladio warns him not to tell David about this change of heart.  He orders Franco to find out what Arturo is offering the auto dealership and then top that offer.  They'll do the same with the gringo Ashmore.  But who can supply that information?

Dashed hopes. (You're Julia who????)

Julia hasn't quite recovered from being Nina'ed when Gaby tells her Caridad is waiting to meet her.  "Have her come in," says Julia.  Caridad enters, and smiling shyly, she hands her folder to Julia, who returns her smile.  But when she introduces herself as Julia Gómez Luna, Caridad's smile vanishes.  She mutters that she's not sure she will be able to work there after all.

Julia is disconcerted by Caridad's sudden change of attitude.  But when her attempts at persuasion fail, she attributes Caridad's odd behavior to the effects of her time in prison.

Machinations 'R Us

Franco is determined to reach Callao so he can find Gisela today.

Eladio comes out to the reception desk and tells Franco that he knows who can help them – but they have to be very careful.

But Not Us.  We're the Good Guys.

David wishes Francisco well and says he'll stay in touch with him when he's in Tabasco.

Clara is thrilled to learn that Francisco has his job back.  He says that the only bad thing about it is that he has to be in Tabasco for four months.  Would she go with him?  He's not proposing marriage or asking her to live with him, but he feels they are starting a serious relationship and doesn't want to be apart from her.

She's not sure.  She'd have to find work, of course.  But beyond that, it would be hard to leave Luisita right now.

So Agustín actually does have a life – or at least an apartment – outside the office.

The police call Agustín at home to let him know that there have been some advances in the Ratt investigation: his client Erick Montenegro is not to leave the country.  Uh oh.

Nina is back on Montenegro territory

Nina talks to Fanny on the phone and tells her what a horrible experience it was to spend the day with Julia.  It was all she could do to keep from strangling her.

Then she stops in to see Erick in his office.  She wants him to go shopping for baby things this afternoon.  It's part of the campaign to win over Consuelo and protect their financial interests.  He grudgingly agrees to look for something online.

The Weakest Link 

Franco consults the photo on his phone and then makes a beeline for Daniela.  ¡Hola guapa!  (And now we know who is next in line to betray Arturo.)

Daniela treats him with her usual charm – that is to say, like crap – but he persists.  And his persistence is rewarded when she tells him how she seduced David and then dropped him, but is thinking about picking him up again.  Franco gathers that she doesn't care much for her sister. 

Nina drops in – and out – on Arturo

He tells her he's not happy about her working at Julio's Foundation.  She leaves in a huff.

A moment later, Arturo gets a call from Julia.  She needs to talk to him.  It's urgent.  They agree on a meeting place.

Within a barrage of lies, Gisela slips in one devastating truth

Caridad comes upon Gisela counting out her money.  Where does the money come from?  
-- Gisela won't say.

Why isn't there a single photo of Franco in the house?  
--Things got lost when she moved.

Who was that rude young man who came to the house and accused them of trying to deceive him?
-- Gisela doesn't know.

But Gisela yields at last to Caridad's insistent questioning: she tells her that her son has been living with his father all these years.  Caridad is appalled.  

"You gave my son to Eladio?  WHY???"

Gisela tells her to calm down.  She had nothing – no money, no job.  The kid cried all day.  She figured it was the best thing to do.  He was better off with his father.  Besides, Eladio paid her every month to stay away.

Caridad says Gisela should have told her how she felt about the child.  She could have raised him in jail herself.  Better that than leave him to Eladio. But Gisela SOLD him!  Does he still live in Eladio's house?  She has to see him!

Caridad walks out and Gisela follows her.  She begs her not to ruin her plans to get even more money from Eladio.  Besides, Franco doesn't live with Eladio anymore.  

(Neither woman notices that Callao is lurking in the background and listening to their conversation.) 

Caridad is undeterred.  She knows how to find Eladio's wife, so she'll start there.

Gisela is about to jump into a cab, but Callao steps out of shadows and offers to drive her to her appointment with Eladio.  When she hesitates, he shows her the special bottle of Cognac in the car.  She hops right in.


Consuelo comes home to a roomful of baby gifts, supposedly courtesy of Erick, though Petra can't find a card.  

Clara stops by to visit.  She gets a text from Francisco ("I'm sorry, don't feel pressured but I would really like to be there with you.") and tells Consuelo of her dilemma.

Keeping love alive.  For now.

David tells Regina how things turned out for Francisco.  They tease each other about their competing hotel projects and then get to some serious smooching.  They move onto a couch.  They talk about a trip to New York together (to check out the bridges, of course, and maybe do a little smooching under them).  They are so – perhaps too – happy together.

Just before the Foundation closes for the night...

Caridad arrives at the office in obvious distress.  She asks Gaby if she can see Julia.  But Julia is gone for the day.  Can Caridad have her address?  Gaby can't give out that information.  Caridad will come back the next day.

As she leaves, Franco enters.  "Who was that woman?" he asks Gaby.  She explains that she is in a rehabilitation program for women released from prison.

Franco lets his good boy mask slip a bit and treats Gaby dismissively.  She calls him on it.  He apologizes and blames it on stress.  She says he should ask Marintia for a massage.  He is amused by this.  She is not.  But he finally manages to coax a smile out of her.  She agrees to go to the movies with him.

When Gaby leaves to get her coat, Franco gets a text from Daniela inviting him to go out with her that night.  What to do?

Drunk, but not that drunk

Gisela may be shaky on her pins, but she recognizes that a remote warehouse is an inauspicious meeting place.  She makes a futile attempt to break away from Callao.  He grabs her and warns her to keep her mouth shut.  If she tries to blackmail Eladio again, it will cost her her life.

Just one question...

Daniela strolls into the sitting room where Regina and David are in full make-out mode.  

¿Con quién te gustó más hacer el amor – con mi hermana o conmigo?
(Who did you enjoy making love to more – my sister or me?)

David and Regina stare at her, their mouths agape.


Sorry this is so long, guys. I'm afraid it got away from me. :(

NovelaMaven- You did wonders with this two hour episode! Loved your headings. Not too long at all considering how much plot you had to get in. Things are really rolling along now.

How will Caridad be persuaded to work for Julia now that she knows who she is? Perhaps to be closer to Franco? Does Franco really not believe that Caridad can't be his mother? Her name is on his birth certificate. What more does he want/need?

So, Gina and David pull her ass out of a potential scandal, and Dani is immediately trying to torpedo their relationship. And now will likely betray her own father-- as Eladio and Franco are setting her up to do. Well, at least that will take the heat off Erick for a while as the worst Montenegro child.

Typo: Does Franco really believe that Caridad can't be his mother?

Nina is really coming into her own now. I have no doubt she'll dig up all the truth. She really already knows, even if Art won't admit it, that he still loves Julia and doesn't love her. I agree with Fanny's advice. Just divorce him. Why try to hang on to a man who doesn't love you? Shame him publicly, and take half his money and assets if you want. Leave with your head held high, and your shapely fanny sashaying.

That therapy session got really real. The therapist was making total sense, and I agree that the two of them have deep issues they need to work on before couple's therapy can do any good. But I worry that now that Julia won't be there, Eladio will easily get out of going to his sessions.

Awesome and well laid out NovelaMaven. Thank you

"random randiness (calentura)"

"(Maybe she just likes exits because they highlight her best feature.) Eladio watches her retreating tush. "Nina," he mouths"

"Regina is finally kind of gruntled. Maybe half gruntled. They smooch. Up to three-quarters gruntled now"

"Julia hasn't quite recovered from being Nina'ed"

Dammit Art can't you tell Miguel a little white lie? Throw the kid a bone.

I so love the scrapper Nina to weeper Nina, leaving in a huff to desperate pleas. Don't allow your man's affronts nor the shameless mouse to steal your cheese.

Points for Eladio going to therapy and more for telling the truth but had someone done, what he done to me, I'd be done, done or he'd be done.


Tofie- Yep. There's no amount of therapy that could make me stay with a man after he'd done that to me. But if Julia wants to keep him, then therapy is the only way to make it work.

Thanks, Vivi! I think we saw Eladio step into the light very briefly (he really made an effort with the therapist, as painful as it was), but it didn't take much to tempt him to step back into the shadows. Sigh. I'm afraid what we saw is probably as much as therapy is going to offer, at least for now.

I agree that Franco's attitude to Caridad is confusing. I attribute that to the willy-nilly removal of Plot Connectors, but maybe the writing was never that clear in the first place. We are surely being teased. Mother and son seem to react to one another at a gut level (or a blood level), but then they profess to be absolute strangers.

Hey tofie, glad you enjoyed the recap. While I kind of like scrapper Nina, I agree with Vivi (and Fanny) – she'd be better off leaving and taking half the kingdom with her.

No need for apologies, NovelaMaven. Gracias. These extended episodes are always difficult. My next one will be long, too.

This seems to miss a crucial scene where Daniela is playing Arturo. She went on about how nobody gives a crap about her because they're all into their own thing. We learned from this scene that there was a nanny in the house and Poor Little Rich Baby*itch was left with her while Mama*itch went shopping and brunching with frenemies. He was always working, etc. Alas, Arturo fell for it hook, line, and sinker and said he promised that things would be different from now on. He got her to agree to come to the office the next day. She was assigned to organize the office birthday party for Miguel (which must have stuck in her craw).

There was a roomful of people, balloons, etc., when Miguel walked into the party room. Consuelo had the honor of presenting the cake, which looked delicious (as in 1000% chocolate). She hugged him, but Daniela only teased him by calling him "Four Eyes" which might not have had the same intent as anyone else doing so. Dani then sat with Erick and he said he would help her fastidiar Regina if she wanted help doing so.

This means either to annoy, to bother, to ruin, to spoil, to make fun of.

Nina's clothing was wildly inappropriate in this episode. She wore the long strapless number when meeting her "friend" Fanny in the daytime and wore the Beyonce number to meet with Julia at the foundation office.

Eladio won't go to individual therapy; he'll play the same stunt as Daniela did before.

Those who speculated on a Dani/Franco hookup might get their wish. Should be interesting to see their brand of mutual perversion.

Wow amazing recap!

I'm getting behind on my episode watching again so these are a life saver!!

Agree that Nina should just divorce Art but then maybe she does love him or more likely, she doesn't want to lose her place in society.

Off topic, oh how I wish I had Nina's hair! So thick and gorgeous.

Dani is a stupid child who will have to face death before growing up. Actually, now that I say that I can see her not making it to the end of the TN. Or Franco.

Julia keeps using David as an excuse not to leave her 360 abusive husband which has me asking, is it possible after all of these years together, even through the abuse, she has positive feeling for him? Once she decided to divorce him, I thought her mind had cleared but now she goes back on it. I know she is suffering from being abused as a child and now as an adult but I thought she had reached the point where she could see sunlight.

I wonder if this TN will turn into that show Wife Swap? I could see it happening.

Seems like it won't be long until Franco knows the truth and thus Julia. Maybe that will be the last straw for Julia. Again. Or probably not.


Another quintessential recap NovelaMaven. Perfect.

"Nobody cares about me. Boo-effing-hoo-hoo", "Nina's charming homage to Marge Simpson, pearls and all, is wasted on Humberto", "random randiness" and "Next! (I always think of Carlos)were among my favorites.

I only saw part so was sorry to have missed Caridad leaning that her beloved child was callously given to Eladio by Gisela. Gisela has no morals, no conscience and no shame.

Caridad has seen Franco in action but I suspect when she realizes who he is, she will see him with yearning eyes as her long lost son and that she will not realize/accept his villainous persona.

Glad Francisco got his job back but a bit dismayed Marintia managed to hold onto hers. The concept that Franco hung her out to dry was quickly forgotten and she slides back into her old bad habits immediately. Does she really think he cares for her? Fool.

I would like to think Gaby would break up with Franco if she learned he cheated on her but I'm not convinced. He's continued to worm his way back into her good graces so seems fairly persuasive.

I keep thinking of a comment you made recently regarding Nina's pale lips. Yes. To me she seems calmer, but colder with her nude lips. She is indeed a force to be reckoned with. She clearly bests Arturo and Julia. She is so smooth, I think she would be a more than even match for Arturo.

"Nina responds by pumping Regina about Puerto Vallarta (just to show she is interested in her least favorite child ". Vapid and selfish...

Vivi, this is one of the first times I've seen a doctor who appears to be handling counseling in a professional, realistic manner. Wonders never cease. But agree that the scene was gritty and well played. Not sure how they can repair so much damage.

Still having difficulty understanding why Julia is trying to work things out with Eladio. The first thing I would have insisted that he do the DNA test and accept (and mean) that David is his son.

NovelaMaven, thank you!


Nobody cares about me. Boo effing Hoo Hoo. Yup Dani, that includes yours truly. You are a pretty girl, you will be fetching with a syringe still stuck in your arm and an ID tag on your big toe.

Well, Diana, I guess we can think of "Next!" as a sort of homage to Carlos. :)

Muchas gracias, amiga. I think this comment of yours is particularly astute:

"Caridad has seen Franco in action but I suspect when she realizes who he is, she will see him with yearning eyes as her long lost son and that she will not realize/accept his villainous persona."

Thanks so much, Carvivlie.

"I wonder if this TN will turn into that show Wife Swap? I could see it happening."
That would be interesting. I wondered the same thing. OTOH, so much of this story focuses on two men in love with the same woman and one gorgeous woman scorned. Something to look for, huh?

Personally, I'd be surprised if Dani and/or Franco made it to the end of the story. They have been Anvil-Ready since Day One.

Urban, thanks for filling in some of the deleted scenes. I actually watched Miguel's birthday party and kind of enjoyed the way it was played. Oh well.

"Nina's clothing was wildly inappropriate in this episode."
hah. Yes, but still gorgeous. Julia, OTOH, looked positively dowdy, a thing I would not have thought SG capable of. :)

Wife Swap? God, no. That would be over pretty quickly because if Nina and Eladio ever got together for more than a one-night stand one would end up killing the other. Although I would so give Nina a pass if she did a Lorena Bobbitt on him after he gave her the same kind of action the Rat got:

"Arghhhhhh!" he screamed in pain and at the sight of his blood gushing from the wrong place.

"Now I know what your problem always was. It was not only much smaller than Arturo's, you didn't even know how to use it! And you can't even tie your ties correctly!"

She rinsed the blood off her hands in the bathroom and walked out without a stain.


NovelaMaven--Another masterpiece to savor. It will have to be later this afternoon, though. Delayed Gratification (not in Arturo's lexicon) will be its own sweet reward. Thank you.

Noooo, I don't want a Daniela and Franco hook up.

Diana, the self assured Nina without her clown makeup can kick Art' ass and leave him wondering who's muddy stiletto print is on his back.

Next time Julia see Nina coming I expect her to drop and play possum.

Come on David answer the question.

I hope Clara is not foolish enough to drop her life for that boy.

I think David's answer is pretty apparent. She turns Dani down at every offer, and can't keep his hands and lips off Regina. Sorry, Dani. Obviously, David prefers Gina's milksake, even though yours is the one that usually brings all the boys to the yard.

That's HE turns Dani down...

My dear Anita, I hope this lives up to your expectations. And yes, delayed gratification is a concept quite alien to our Arturo.

So funny, tofie:

"Next time Julia see Nina coming I expect her to drop and play possum."
And so on target!

I'm a little worried about Clara too. Francisco's offer was perilously close to an insult, I thought.

Ha ha like your milkshake quotes Vivi!!

I see Nina and Eladio a force to be reckoned with. Without their moral'ed spouses to keep them in line, nothing would be off limits. Nina is just happy with a no-limit expense account and Eladio just wants a wife who wants to have sex with him. They are both strong and I think could the challenge of each other could turn them both on.

Sorry if my comments are a grammar nightmare. I type too fast and hit submit without reading back what I wrote and doing the necessary editing.

No te preocupes, Carvivlie. We've all learned to make peace with the implacable, uncorrectable Blogger. :)

You know, I see Eladio as more aspirational. He wants to be with someone better than himself. That's why a Ratt (or a Nina) is nothing more than a human kleenex to him.

Wow..what a treat to savor a Novelamaven recap of two hour crazy. I am not finished yet, but I had to stop for a minute to applaud .."random randiness." It is my new favorite adjective\noun combination. I plan to try to fit it into every conversation that I have today. Now, back to the recap.

I can just imagine those conversations, Susanlynn. How is it that you always manage to crack me up? :-)

Thank you very much!

My thoughts on last night:
1.) Not surprised that Purple Lips & her BFF are digging dirt to destroy Julia (thanks to OLD GOAT HUMBERTO).

2.) I wouldn't be shocked if Gisela gets whacked if she keeps sticking her ugly nose where it doesn't belong.

3.) Franco slowly putting 2 & 2 together. He still needs an anvil though.

4.) Eladio can't control his violent aggression!

5.) Dani needs to be SLAPPED. I see a big anvil (overdose or death) hitting her sooner or later because she's on my nerves.

6.) I don't think Erick gave Counselo those gifts. Miguel most likely bought her the baby stuff since he's obsessed with her.

7.) Erick was right about his father, Arturo being a WUSS. Since he basically taught him the game of being cutthroat.

8.) Trouble in paradise brewing between Regina & David!


Thanks for a fabulous recap of such an eventful engrossing episode, NovelMaven. Hilarious. You always leave me awestruck.

Nina is much better than Julia at playing cat and mouse. Julia was clearly rattled. Also, Nina oozed charm, grace, and confidence. Somehow she managed to elevate victimhood to a position of strength. As much as I liked her plum painted lips, natural sure looks good on her and if it is true that she was not born to the manor, she certainly manages to assume the role quite comfortably. I say good for her, she definitely made both Julia and Arturo squirm in this episode. And by the way gringo, that little mole is medically referred to as a beauty mark.


My pleasure entirely, Carlos.

"And by the way gringo, that little mole is medically referred to as a beauty mark."
Oh, I just love it when you go all scientific and technical on us!

Such a treat this morning NovelaMaven---top flight as usual.

Nina answers her in her maddeningly soft, passive-aggressive voice.

Julia got Nina'ed. She sure did. Julia was blindsided--sucker punched. She looked like a dear caught in the headlights and I think that Nina enjoyed the pre-fight immensely. Bruja's enjoy a fight and Nina can't wait. My guess is that she plans to take Julia down and then take Arturo for all he's got. But then as someone mentioned, there is Nina's social stance to worry about. How will all of this hatred and jealousy play out? I don't know but I am sure that the dead count will be increasing.

Daniela and Franco together? OMG! How will that turn out? A three bagger for Franco?

Diana---You said that Nina is so smooth. I agree. She is as smooth as a slithering snake before a strike/kill.

Diana---You are right. DNA and acceptance with meaning of David and then counseling.

Wife swap? Don't know but Eladio did seem to like the Nina's exit view.

A room full of baby presents. Erick is too dumb to know but the bruja does. Consuelo
is weak---she wants a baby and a family sooooo bad that she will fall for anything.
Even when Erick is yet again unfaithful, all he has to do is cry a little and say the word sorry and she is right back onboard the singing ship.

Carlos---Beauty mark it is not. As a doctor you know that a dermatologist can take away that non beauty in less than a minute. After that, a trip to the Genomma Lab will take away any scaring. I know, I've done it---well everything but the Genomma Lab that is.

must see tv
the gringo


Been extra busy at work, but wanted to give a quick big THANK YOU! to AuntyAnn for her wonderful recap, along with UA for filling in the gaps and Nandicta for the vocab. And thanks to NovelaMaven for your wonderful recap, too. Your crack about Nina and the exits had me laughing out loud.

Last night was full of good stuff, going to have to watch the ep.


Thanks, NovelaMaven. Terrific recap of THREE episodes.

I'm wondering if Nina gets that Arturo never was in love with her. Surely, over the years he told her he loved her. Money, social status, and ownership are her top reasons for fighting. But I haven't seen her hankering for another man, so I think she's also fighting cause she likes her Art.

I get why Julia doesn't want Nina hanging around her, but still I'm annoyed at Julia and Gaby's arrogance (entitlement? snobbishness?) about Nina's inappropriateness -- as if Nina should just play dead and let Art and Julia do their thing.

For Caridad's sake, I'm hoping that Franco can be reformed. Eladio didn't nurture him -- he used him because he was ticked off about David. NovelaMaven, I agree about Eladio being "more aspirational. He wants to be with someone better than himself." I think that extends to David too. He sees David as high-born and of value like Julia, while Franco is a low commoner like himself.

Poor Gisela. I felt so bad for her being enticed by that cognac bottle. Callao, would you really off a drunk old grandmother?

Clara, say "no." How dare Francisco expect you to give up your job and apartment to be with him for four months, without even offering to put a ring on it.

Hmmmm..Is Eladio our first villain to seek counseling?

I saw Kloe Kardashian on TV today. She was wearing Nini's bum. What is up with that trend?

Yikes..Julia, NIni, and Caridad all converging on that foundation!

Carlos..thanks for the medical info concerning beauty marks #Ilovescience

I am quite tired of Julia and Art both trying so hard to appear innocent and offended when people question their relationship.


Homage to Marge Simpson..oh my, have to admit I didn't think of that either. But Lordy, give me grace, who can think of Marge when there is that trasero taking up half the screen. And since you note [Nina] likes exits because they highlight her best feature." clearly you are as gob-smacked as the rest of us. Amazing and a wee bit unbelievable. Can silicon really DO that? Guess you would never need a seat cushion.

I loved "random randiness" as much as everybody else but what the phrase that really struck me was "Erick looks as if he's eaten a bad banana and it's repeating on him." Amen! That's EXACTLY how his face looked. The actor is great at the Simian Stupid expression. And your depiction of therapist Augustin counseling Arturo was wickedly funny.

You're always so clever with your headings. Especially enjoyed Holds court....Hold court elsewhere....court is out of order. Elegant and witty.

You certainly identified one of Nina's strong points--"soft, passive-aggressive voice". Julia dismissed her as stupid but she's a lot shrewder and more adept at the game than our shakily noble Señora Gomez-Luna.

Don't see much good in any of this, but actually enjoyed the Daniela/Franco flirtation. I LIKE them together. Tal para cual. Almas gemelas. Meant for each other.Destiny. Lust at first sight. Daniela could hold her own with Marininta and certainly surpass little Vanilla Gabriela.

Thanks NovelaMaven...always great. And doubly so this time.

Wow, more great comments!

Hey Gringo, thanks! I agree that Nina plans to take Julia down. At this point, she's got a good head start on things because Julia doesn't even know the war has started.

You are so welcome, Nanette. This is a very full episode and, if you're a fan, it's probably worth watching. But man oh man, these doubles, especially late in the evening, are hard to take. (Not to mention the three-for-two factor). A pox on your houses, Univisión!

Niecie, so glad you enjoyed the recap.
"I'm wondering if Nina gets that Arturo never was in love with her."
Maybe not before now. But there was one point last night when the scales seemed to fall from her eyes. She was telling Fanny about Arturo's history with Julia and how he had kept it a secret. She said the only reason for his silence was that Julia was so important to him. I don't remember her exact words, but it was clear that she knew that Julia was the "love of his life," and that she was not.

"How dare Francisco expect you to give up your job and apartment to be with him for four months, without even offering to put a ring on it."
Yes, it seemed out of character for him too. Maybe it's a way of paving the way for a Justino/Clara romance.

Dear JudyB,
Thank you for stopping by and reading this silly thing. Your trasero comment reminds me of something I heard the actor Gabriel Porras say on the old Cristina show one time. He talked about girls who were taller sitting down than standing up.

Yes, "little Vanilla Gabriela." Sigh. Maybe Franco and Dani are tal para cual, but I sure don't want to see them reproducing themselves. Of course, genetic endowment is such a crapshoot. They might well end up with a houseful of prissy Regina-esque kids or Davidians with powerful superegos. (How lucky we are to have a bunch of characters worth the spit of speculating about.)

You are, as always, incredibly generous. And I am, as always, very grateful.

M'dear, the generous ones are you valiant recappers who consistently turn out great recaps of double and triple episodes. I have already managed to half-forget those miserable days of recapping doubles (a bit like getting hazy about labor pains) but I still remember enough of it to know it's a Labor of Hercules and you all make it look effortless. BUT IT'S NOT!!!!!

And just wondering...I could NEVER get to sleep after doing a recap. Even an early one. The adrenaline in my brain (can I say that Carlos) anyway...I was just so wired it would take hours and hours to wind down. And then I'd have to get up and fake being Sparkle Plenty for the aerobics class. Sure hope you all have the trick of getting a good night's sleep after churning out these masterpieces.

I get pretty wired too, Judy, and I also have trouble falling asleep. Fortunately, no one has EVER expected me to be Sparkle Plenty (or at least not first thing in the morning), though sometimes I am expected to have the brain-mouth connection working reasonably well.

Recapping ahead avoids the problem to some extent, but I end up spending too much time on it and polishing obsessively.

Telemundo mini-caps are different. You can churn out one of those suckers in an hour, more or less, and then sleep like a baby.

Judy B---I really agree with you that Daniela against Marintia would be a huge battle. Although I would have turned it around and said that Marintia could hold her own against Daniela but Gabriela? she wouldn't have a chance.

Niecie---Would Callao really kill a drunk old grandmother? Yes he would and he wouldn't loose any sleep over it either.

Clara---Don't fall for it. Francisco seems like a nice guy but he is asking for too much. If he can't bare to be away from you for four months, he should be putting a ring on your finger.

No complaints about the WTF family last night.

the gringo

Gringo- The WTF Family is getting cut, along with Miguel, with Uni's 2 for 2 edits. No need for complaint when we don't see them. Caridad and Gisela are not part of the WTF Family, and their story is finally heating up with Caridad out of jail, and Franco digging for info on his roots.

These 3 for 2's are exhausting. Because of this I've fallen so behind on MIVAC I might never catch up. Anyone know how far that's along?

NM--Your recap certainly did live up to our Most High Patio Expectations--with every little morsel of words and good grammar (and clever witticisms) you feed us. I'm feeling very full.

Aw shucks, Anita – that is very kind of you. [Burp. Disculpe.]

NovelaMaven - You are guilty of terrfic writing ,giving us all so much satisfaction and delight. Thank you!

I haven't been commenting because in the beginning of this TN I was flatly bored. But I am glad I stayed with it now as it has become more scintillating....haha! I am so glad for the comments on Nina's bottom. I have thought all along that she had Coachella Valley Grapefruits strapped to her behind! She should move them up a bit as they hang a little low on the tree. She needs something more subtle, more natural looking to go with her slimness.

Poor Franco is so constantly frustrated I hope that he gets to the bottom of things soon. Eladio is just callous to not tell him that he's his father. Wow!when he finds out there will be hell to pay.


Hi Gale!

Thanks for stopping by. I'm so glad you enjoyed the recap. I agree that the story is getting more and more interesting these days. I wasn't so sure in the beginning either.

And yes, Nina isn't exactly going for the natural look. :)

From last night's previews, it looks as if things are going to be popping tonight.

I'm super late to the party but I had to show my appreciation for the masterful recap, NovelaMaven! Enjoyed it thoroughly! Many thanks indeed :)

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