Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Pasión y Poder Martes 1/05/16 #42

Chapter 42: Dead Woman Walking

Ah, what amusement: A masked ball! I've always loved those things. They're showy, easy to crash in most places, and full of pretentious fools whose primary need is to draw attention to themselves. Their choice of costume or mask often tells us more about them than it hides. Here is where the powerless can appear powerful, the weak can appear strong, or the evil can appear to be good and moral.
Or wishes can be expressed. And granted. Be careful what you wish for.
– D.D.

Erick Montenegro was showing his worst hubris at this party. He arrived in the black boots, clothes, cape, and hat of El Zorro, the Robin Hood of Mexico. His real persona would never think of helping the poor; if he robbed from the evil he would keep any spoils in his own coffers. Nor did he look at women as fair ladies with honor, integrity, or intelligence. He bought favors from Monserrat Moret and felt daring in doing so. He lacked the power of observation to realize that his money – or more likely his father's money – was of more interest to her than he was.
Also the power of more physical observation because he failed to notice that Callao, the trusted henchman of Eladio Gómez Luna, was standing at the curb just beyond the building's entrance.

David was at Francisco's apartment. He congratulated his friend on his promotion to Franco's position although he warned him that Eladio was not entirely above board in business. Francisco told him not to worry and that he would watch out for himself. Regina arrived to dine with David and Francisco left to dine with his parents.
The millennial Romeo and Juliet talked briefly about their upcoming project, designing hotels for a US client, but they were more interested in more personal matters. When David put her shoulder bag aside his eye was caught by a photo on the back cover of a magazine, but that was easily forgotten.

Erick put on his black plastic mask and entered the party, which was only beginning. Some of the guests were dancing, mostly in uninteresting costumes ranging from clowns to Star Wars to Wonder Woman. I observed from my customary place at the bar, well-armored with strong drink that should have been in a Roman drinking bowl.
The hostess and guest of honor (how declassée of her) watched him. She wore a quasi-Victorian black dress and a broad-brimmed black hat with a veil Blue roses decorated the outer part of its brim. More noticeable than that, however, was the black and white death mask painted on her face and her neck painted to show a spinal column against a black background.
May I ask who you are?”
You really don't recognize me?” He pulled his mask away for a second.
My love.” He kissed her hand. “The only thing missing is your sword. It's perfect.”
She led him onto the balcony where they kissed.

Regina and David kissed intensely and spoke little of their upcoming work. They decided to take advantage of Francisco's absence and took to the sofa.

Where is my gift?”
I don't have it with me.”
Why not?”
When it was delivered to the office I decided it wasn't worthy of you. I want to give you a gorgeous necklace worthy of you, my love.”
She pushed him away.
Right now I don't want you to come after me.”
He was having no coy behavior from her. He grabbed her around the waist and the music changed to something suitable for what was once called grinding. Neither of them noticed Callao enter the room. No costume, just a three-quarter mask reminiscent of The Phantom of the Opera.

Consuelo studied the necklace she had exclaimed over earlier that day. She thought about the call she made to the jeweler and became angry.

Aldo was more than a little drunk as he danced in between Monserrat and Erick. He was England's Richard III for the occasion. He reminded his foolish friend that she was fooling around with a married man.
I need to escape from you because you forgot my necklace,” she said, as she walked away. Aldo returned with two champagne flutes. He handed one to Erick.
Hey, now that we're alone, watch out. You could be run out of here faster than you imagine.”
Calm down, nobody knows me here.”
I talked to the jeweler and he said --”
Sh! I don't see you. I don't see you.” He patted Aldo's cheek and walked away.

Miguel and Clara were in his study for her computer lessons. But their minds were elsewhere.
Well, the truth is Erick will never change,” said Miguel.
What I don't understand – forgive me for meddling – how can Consuelo not realize this will blow up in her face?”
I don't know. I don't understand. Besides, she never had any good luck.”
Don't say that, Miguel. You're a great guy.”
Just a little more nerdy, that's all.”

David and Regina were enjoying some post-intimacy conversation when his cell rang. It was Gabriela with the news about Franco's injuries. He told her he would come right away. Regina agreed to accompany him.

Daniela sneaked out of the house with intent to party all night. She wore her customary city version of Daisy Dukes, thankfully no stiletto heels this time. She heard footsteps from inside and moved aside from the steps. Consuelo came out of the house in her white coat. Daniela watched her enter one of the family's cars. The chauffeur drove off. She wondered what she could make of this to further vilify her sister-in-law.

Marintia called the Gómez Luna house pretending to be a colleague of Franco's. She identified herself as “Monica” and told Julia that everyone was worried because he didn't come in to work and wasn't answering his cell phone. Julia answered that he had been badly beaten but was recovering. He would need rest and medication. Marintia was relieved and thanked her graciously as David and Regina arrived. Julia ended the call and filled the new arrivals in on what happened to Franco. Gabriela came in, still worried. “He's so brave. He could have been killed,” she said. She told them that Franco was still asleep. Regina suggested that he report the attack as soon as he felt better. Julia and Gabriela agreed.

Miguel escorted Clara to the door. He had loaned her one of his computers.
I'm sure Consuelo is asleep.”
You know what? I know more every time. Thanks for lending me the computer.”
It's a trifle. You're using it well so it'll work well for you.”
Arturo and Nina came home from dining out.
Good evening,” Clara said to them. To her surprise Nina responded in kind. “I was just leaving.”
I'll have the chauffeur bring you home,” Arturo offered.
That's alright; I'll bring her home,” said Miguel.
Perfect,” said Arturo. It was interesting that he smiled while Nina pursed her lips to avoid saying anything.
Clara excused herself and walked out with Miguel. Nina looked around quickly, then looked at Arturo.
You and I are going to take advantage of our near-empty house at this hour.”
You need to pack and I will have to send some e-mails because tomorrow we leave almost at dawn,” he said.
She laid a kiss on him without messing up her lipstick and went upstairs with a flirtatious look. Arturo smiled ironically and went into his study. He looked at a photo of himself and Julia taken during their engagement. Then he took a stiff drink and whispered her name. His attempt at fooling himself into being happy with Nina was doomed to failure.

The party at Monserrat's began to resemble something out of a Fellini film. The door had been left open and Consuelo had no trouble getting in. Most of the guests were not conversing because their interests were a little more prurient. Some fool in a bizarre combination of white rabbit and 18th-century butler made a drunken pass at her, but she was not only not in the mood, she was on a mission. She pushed him aside and looked around at the other guests.

Humberto never could get over that he was no longer master of the house despite a number of years in the assisted living facility. The mere presence of the two unloved females in his family was enough to make him want to crack whips again.
What is Franco doing back in this house?” he demanded.
We brought him back because he was attacked and badly beaten,” Gabriela said.
When Eladio finds out he will be very annoyed.”
He ordered that we bring him back, Father,” said Julia.
I told you your husband is a good man,” said Humberto. “I don't trust this young man because he's capable of hurting himself to get himself back into this house.”
Father, how could you think such a thing?”
Wow.  Even though I try to open your eyes you don't appreciate it.  You are such ingrates --”
Only you could think of such a thing because you think everyone behaves like you.  You'd be prepared to do anything to life The Good Life even at the expense of your own daughter's happiness.”
Humberto sputtered in his usual paterfamilias attitude and then in frustration he turned his chair around and left. Gabriela finally had enough.
Excuse me, Aunt, but I can't tolerate Grandfather.”
No, don't make a case. We have to do something to distance ourselves from Eladio and my father.”
What are you thinking, Aunt?”
I have to see that... I have to talk with Monserrat.”
What are we going to do?”
I'm going to have Efrain take me to Monserrat's apartment --”
No, Aunt!”
No, no, no, no, no! Don't worry. I'm only going to talk to her. I only want to hear the truth. I need her to admit she's Eladio's lover. Then I'll have what I need to divorce him.”
But that's so risky! He will be furious!” They argued.
You know me well. I'm not going to hurt her.”

Aldo was wasted. On champagne and substances unknown.
You made my friend very happy tonight.”
Why? Tell me,” Erick asked him. He was as drunk as Aldo or worse. “Because I love her. Besides, I'm grateful because she gave me important information about Gómez Luna. That will put me in good with my father. Don't worry!”
Aldo might or might not have recognized Callao, who was standing near them and watching their reflections in the mirror. He stepped away, pulled out his cell, and stepped into a less noisy room.
Sir? You have no idea what I just found out. I've discovered that Monserrat has given Erick information about all your businesses.”
What? Wait for me; I'll be right there.” Eladio got up from the desk and prepared himself.
Consuelo finally spotted her errant husband and pulled him out of a conversation with another woman.
You are a cad!”
Yes. It's my birthday.”
You said you were done with this slut.”
Consuelo, don't say such bad things –”
She slapped him hard enough to be heard over the music and to knock him over.
You have no business being here!” yelled Monserrat as she charged her. They ended up at the edge of the bar.
I came for my husband, slut!”
Get out of here, wretch!”
Don't you touch me, slut! How dare you pretend to be my friend and sleep with my husband!”
That is not true!”
By then all the guests stopped talking, dancing, and grinding because people always love a good show. Aldo ran in between the two women to prevent this getting any worse.
Erick and I are only friends,” lied Monserrat. She raised her wine glass. “Besides, today is my birthday. The party will go on because we're living it up!”
Other guests more drunk than she was raised their glasses. They sounded like spectators in the Colosseum.
One more thing,” Consuelo said. She ripped off the necklace. “This is yours.” She threw it to her. Monserrat caught it easily. Consuelo turned around to Erick. “You're leaving with me and we're going to talk. All this time you're saying you're not as before and this –” she took the necklace back and held it in her fist. “Wasn't for me. It was for your whore. To me this is a small thing. A very, very small thing,” She slammed it back into Monserrat's hand, breaking the wine glass.
Monserrat smashed the rest of the glass and went after Consuelo. Aldo grabbed her and held her arms back. Erick grabbed Consuelo and stepped back, closing his cape around her.
Consuelo got free of Erick and gave Monserrat a resounding slap. Aldo held Monserrat back, but Consuelo was through with her. She turned on Erick.
Let go of me and listen!” He was too shocked not to obey. “I'm going to talk to your father. I don't care if I also end up out on the street! I will move on and succeed for my child, but you aren't capable of that.”
Let's go!” He grabbed her and started shoving her out the door. She struggled and shouted all the way to the elevator. Darth Vadar and the waiter held back the screaming Monserrat. Aldo tried to get everyone to dance. Monserrat knew she had thoroughly humiliated herself. She put her head down on the table and started crying.

One of the interns at my magazine was at the latest hot club watching Daniela drink and dance the night away. She stood up on the bar and took a selfie, then came back down. A red-haired friend of hers tried to take away her glass telling her, “Daniela, you better not have any more. You should go home. Your father will be furious.”
I don't care what they think in my house,” she said. “Nobody cares about me and I don't care about anyone. Everyone is happy except me.”

Aldo tried to keep the party going but Monserrat looked as though it were over. He got her off the barstool and tried to put the necklace on her. Callao appeared at the door sans mask. He pointed in Monserrat's direction. “She's done up as Death,” he said. Eladio walked in.
My love, you're here,” she said.
Traitor,” he said. He began shoving her toward the bedroom. Aldo followed and Eladio knew. “Listen well. Send all these people home and don't say anything else. Hurry up!” He shoved Monserrat into the bedroom and closed the door. Aldo froze.
You are a traitor!” Eladio said to her. “Did you think I didn't know you were still involved with Erick?” He covered her mouth so she couldn't scream. “I took care of you in a variety of ways and you didn't appreciate it. What I will not forgive you for is revealing information about my business!”
He punched her hard enough to knock her to the floor.
Aldo called for the music to stop. He then announced that Monserrat was indisposed and that the party needed to end. The guests were disappointed, like children whose toys had been taken away by a tyrannical parent.
Who was at that moment abusing his errant mistress. She denied having sold secrets to the enemy. As he said repeatedly before in other contexts, he would not forgive treason.
Aldo made one more try but was interrupted by a neighbor entering in pyjamas.
Consuelo and Erick continued arguing outside the building. He was manhandling her and she broke away.
I will never permit this!”
You know what? I'm not interested in your forgiveness. You do not interest me!”
You are a cad!”
Don't you dare make a scandal here! You better explain yourself.”
You lied to my face. Don't you dare treat me like this!”
You know what's wrong with you? You're sick with jealousy.”
No. I'm fed up with your infidelities, your deceptions.”
She tried to hit him, but he stepped in before she could aim. He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her to the sidewalk.
I'm fed up with you.”
He walked away, stepping over her first. She got to her feet clutching her abdomen.

Eladio had Monserrat's hair in his right hand and was closing her jaw with his left as he pulled her to her feet.
Remember what I told you, liar?” he said. “You don't play games with me! You will pay for this treason. Treason is very expensive!”

Miguel, thanks for the computer, the classes, and also for being so patient!”
You don't have to thank me. I'm only going to ask you to take care of Consuelo for me.”
Of course. She suggested your classes and I love her like a sister.”
She feels the same.”
But I wish she could face the truth about Erick. How does she not see these things?”
I don't know. I don't understand, either.”
It's about her baby. Truthfully, I'd rather she be with you.”
Look, she'll think that way about Erick until he leaves her for good, you know?”

Aldo knocked on the bedroom door and shouted Monserrat's name. Eladio let go of her jaw and opened the door.
What do you want?” he shouted.
To see how she was,” Aldo said, removing his crown and wig.
Get out of here. Get out!”
Monserrat tried to escape but Eladio grabbed her back.
Where are you going?”
Forgive me, my love,” she started.
Get out! Get out!” he said to Aldo, who retreated from the battle.
Monserrat ran out onto the balcony of her apartment. She stared back at Eladio.
What did you think? That we're alright now?” He grabbed her head with both hands. “What did you think? Did you hear what I said? Nobody betrays Eladio Gómez Luna without consequences.”
Please, Eladio, forgive me.” She tried to kneel but he didn't let her.
Oh, no. There is no going back. Don't try. You're going to do something very simple. You're going to gather everything because you're going to pay --”
No, no, no, no,” she begged. “I don't have --”
Poor little thing,” he said with contempt. “But I don't care. You will do that because tomorrow you will leave this place. Listen to me well, Monserrat. You better not be here.” He stroked her hair. “Everything will be alright. Everything will be alright. You've never been without a contract before. Your career, thanks to your betrayal, is destroyed.”
She continued to beg forgiveness, crying. She had been afraid before but never like this.
Don't be mistaken. I didn't do anything to you. You did this all by yourself. Remember that. All by yourself.”
He released her jaw and started to leave.
No, no, no, don't go,” she begged.
Let go of me!” He shook her off and grabbed her wrists. “I never want to see you again. Don't you see that?”
He got away this time with her begging words in his ears until she backed off. She knew by then it was no use.

Franco was telling Marintia he didn't recognize his attackers.
But did you do anything?” she asked.
I don't know. But I have the feeling they were waiting for me. I think that imbecile Erick Montenegro was behind this.”
Why do you think so?”
It's too much coincidence, isn't it?”
Maybe, but you have no proof, Franco.”
Besides, my wallet is missing and my cell phone with the photo. The one I showed him when I tried to get money out of him. I can't say anything because my godfather would find out that I was trying to negotiate with a Montenegro.”
He'd be furious.”
Of course, I know. I can't say anything.”
No, no, Franco, no.”
Gabriela entered the room.
Thanks for calling me, Marintia. And say thanks to everyone. See you later.” He ended the call. “Marintia said everyone at the office is worried about me.”
There are a lots of us who love you,” Gabriela said.
Yes. But the only important one is you.” He took her hand.
My love.”
Gaby, my love. Promise you'll never leave me.”
I'm always afraid that something will happen to me and you won't be with me.”
No. Don't say that.”
Really, Gaby? I love you. And I want to marry you.”
Are you serious?”
I love you, too, Franco.”
She slid onto the bedcovers next to him and they kissed. She was careful because of his facial injuries.

Daniela was thirsty and went to the bar for another drink. A young man in a grey suit came up behind her with no good intentions in mind. He was attractive and likely from some level of wealth, but she pretended she wasn't interested. A second later she kissed him without even knowing his name. Then she pushed him away, climbed on the bar, and announced she was buying a round for the entire place. They guy picked her up off the bar, carried her to the couch, and put her down. Once again the redhead tried to get her to see reason. She shouted to leave her alone and the redhead decided not to waste her time.

Consuelo arrived home, then stopped at the front door.
No. This is not going to end here.”
She turned around and got into the white car.

Eladio left Monserrat's building. Callao was waiting in the driver's seat of the black car. He looked around carefully before getting in.
Is everything alright, boss?”
Everything's alright,” was the answer. “Good thing you called about what was going on here. I confirmed her complicity. And I'll tell you this, Callao, Monserrat will regret this.”
As you say, boss. And you know I'm here if you need me. It's the least I can do for you saving my daughter's life. Know that I'll do anything for you.”
I might want to ask something of you. Let me think.”

Julia entered Monserrat's apartment. She saw the usual wreckage of the party from half-empty glasses and half-eaten food to broken glass on the floor. Finally she saw Monserrat sitting at the bar. She had put her hat back on although most of the makeup below her eyes had been rubbed off during the fight with Eladio.
I intended it to be the best night of my life. I only wanted to celebrate my birthday.”
But how didn't you expect things to turn out this way, Woman, after everything you've done?”
Shut up! I don't have the patience to listen.” She got up and tried to walk away.
Don't worry, I'm not here to reproach you. I'm going to make you an offer. One that will interest you.”
Madam, if this is about Eladio --”
Eladio doesn't interest me. You can have him! I want a divorce. Did you listen to me? I'm only here to listen to you. I want you to tell me the truth. That you are his lover. That you will testify before a judge that you were his lover.”

Regina got home late and ran into her father in the kitchen. He was brewing tea and made some for her. They talked about her hotel project and she was looking for some professional advice. He was happy to provide it. He did ask whether she had any further encounters with Eladio. The answer was No and she preferred not to deal with him because she didn't want any more problems. She was more interested in knowing whether it felt strange to encounter Julia because of what she had meant to him in the past.
Daughter, Julia was very important in my life, but that was many years ago.”
I know, but --”
Those kinds of feelings are put away in one place. Here, in the heart. Forever. They stay.”
If so, that's good because otherwise there's a lot of suffering.”
I want you to have a good relationship. I want you to come to a place where it's worth it.”
So do I, and I'm sure that's what I'm doing. Never before have I been in love where I'd want to do everything for someone. I swear I won't fight with David.”
I want to ask you something. It's not a question but more like advice. Whatever happens, don't forget yourself. Don't forget your dreams, your desires. Don't forget the sort of person you are.”
I promise. Well, this is more than I intended because this is getting intense, Dad.”
They laughed slightly and said their goodnights.
Good luck in New York,” she said.
Not luck; success!”
Success,” she said before going upstairs.

No, no, I can't do that,” said Monserrat. She picked up a champagne bottle and walked to the other end of the apartment. She tried to drink from it, but Julia took it and threw it aside.
Yes, you will. I need you to do that. Only to insure that I get my divorce. Please.”
I don't want any more problems with him,” Monserrat sobbed.
I should have thought of this before. But nothing will happen to you. You want Eladio for yourself? He'll be free! You can have him! You can have anything you want!”
No, no, I can't! We just had a fight.”
He was here? He was here at your party?”
Yes, but he only came to ruin it.”
That's not important to me. The only thing I want is for you to admit you were his lover. That will allow me to charge him with adultery and get my divorce. Then I promise you you will never have to see me again.”
No, no, no. I don't want anything to do with Eladio. Or anything. So leave, please! Leave me alone!”
Very well.” She started to leave, but stopped at the door. “No. Let me tell you something. Eladio is not the only person with connexions. If I wanted to I can end your career just like that. Did you hear that?” She grabbed her face. “I can end you.” She released her face and ended up rubbing off the greasepaint on her dress. She then left. Aldo came in, sans crown and wig but still in costume.
Was that Eladio's wife? What was she doing here? What did she say?”
Leave me alone, Aldo. I want to be alone.”
Monserrat, calm down. I don't like to see you like this.”
It was supposed to be my night. I wanted it to be perfect. Why did it have to end like this?”
Tomorrow is another day. Everything will be different. Your birthday? Your birthday was spectacular!”
Aldo, I'd prefer to be alone.”
Very well, but remember I love you.”
I love you too, friend.”
Aldo kissed her and left her alone to cry and drink whatever was left in all the glasses.

Clara stared at the computer screen trying to figure out a problem. Justino came running in with an emergency. Luisita had a fever. Gisela got up and complained about the noise.
What is going on here?”
Luisita is feeling sick,” Clara said.
Ach! Don't you dare bring her here.  She'll bawl all night and I'll be even less likely to sleep.”
You know what?” Clara said. “I've had it. Tomorrow you will leave my house. I don't want you here anymore. Let's go, Justino.”
They walked out, leaving Gisela in a state of shock she didn't deserve to feel.

Erick walked around in Monserrat's neighborhood, still in his costume. He paused in the entryway of the building, then descended the stairs toward the interior.

Clara held Luisita, who was in pain and saying she was afraid. Her fever would not go down. They knew she should be in a hospital, but neither of them had any money.
Luisita began calling for her mother. “Mother is returning for me,” she said.
Clara tried to get her attention to tell her everything was alright. She put another cool wet cloth on the child's head, but she kept saying she missed her mother. For a second she wondered what to do, then she picked up her cell and called Francisco. Justino returned with a bag of ice, but Clara told him that Francisco's father would meet them at the hospital. They headed out the door.

Monserrat looked up.
You? It is you. Go away, please, go away!” She backed up. “No, no, no!”

Two of the party guests were still necking outside the building near a light-colored car. A loud crash startled them and set off the alarm. Monserrat had crashed through the roof. Her eyes were open and blood trickled from the corner of her mouth. Her remaining makeup had not been disturbed.


Urban, what a great recap to an episode which, to me, finally makes PyP interesting.

I'm curious to find out what the PyP Gran Patio is thinking about this... I know speculation has been rampant recently about how Ratt's days may be numbered but, now that they ARE, I'm DYING to know what your respective thoughts are on the matter...

For ME... the practical, pragmatic part of me is thinking- and, I will admit, 'hoping' that it will be probably the person LEAST suspected here...


I say this because there have been blow-ups with all of the usual suspects- Eladio, Erick, Consuelo, Julia. They COULD, of course, pin it on some second-rate character (i.e.- Aldo, perhaps suddenly overcome with obsession over Ratt and doing something that will involve us for numerous capitulos before ultimately rendering everybody 'in the clear'...) but, to me, for it to be revealed as Nina- perhaps lashing out at this interloper who could both be considered as a 'pretender' to her own proverbial (slipping) Montenegro throne, as WELL as somebody intent on bringing social disgrace on her family's hard-earned named when they least need it- this makes sense.

As well, the cold, practical part of me acknowledges that- in making Nina the murderer, it also effectively gets her 'out of the picture' in the end (being led away to face justice in 'ultimos capitulos'), paves the way for an ultimate FPS ending for our 'hero' and 'heroine'.

What do you all think???


Here are the suspects:






Bonus: Nina

Bonus: Franco

Nina was upstairs waiting on nookie time with Arturo; I doubt it's her

I want to say Ratt said Tu? So it's someone who is familiar with her. I think that would knock Julia out of the running. And if Julia has all these connections, why doesn't she use some of them to leave Eladio?

I think Ratt would've Mi Amor'd Erick. Ratt was fearful of whoever tossed her. I don't think it was Erick although I think either Erick or Consuelo will be blamed.

I don't think tiny Consuelo tossed Ratt & Ratt wouldn't have been fearful of Consuelo. I don't think Connie did it but I can see her being cell mates with Maria Dolores and Nayeli in the near future.

Eladio wouldn't have done it himself, he would've had Callao do it.

Franco could've offed Ratt to get back in Eladio's good graces

The murderer is ever Eladio/Callao or Franco but Connie or Erick will be framed and blamed by the Gomez Luna Crew.

Everyone at the party saw Connie attack Ratt and everyone at the party saw Eladio Storm in and manhandle Ratt.

Aldo can put all of the suspects at the scene except Nina (highly unlikely) and Franco.


As nuts as this sounds, I am so thrilled to catch the first murder on this show.

I also consider Nina to be an unlikely suspect although those would definitely be her motives. Her other motive might be to frame Consuelo and get rid of her at the same time. I don't think she's clever enough yet to do anything like this. It is far more likely to be someone the Rat knew and feared. We are certainly being set up to think it's Eladio or Callao thanks to the conversation in the car. Besides, I can't remember any past interaction between them.

Franco is unlikely even to have known about the party and he was too busy romancing Gabriela. He's also in no condition to strangle Monserrat and throw her off the balcony. How would he even get there and back without being seen?

More later.

Great job, Urban. This was a fun episode, and now we have a murder mystery. Yay!

Anon207- Thanks for the list of suspects. I have two more to add:

Miguel- He was finished at Clara's and we didn't see him come home.
The ticked off neighbor in the pajamas. This party as the last straw.

Although, if it was Miguel, her first response would have been, quien es usted? Pajama man did it! :)

What we suspected would happen has happened. Both Regina and David have chosen to go after the same construction project as their first project for their fathers. The construction of the new Fiesta America chain hotels. David had just told Francisco about the opportunity, when he saw the Fiesta America brochure in Gina's bag, but she refused to tell him anything, and then they got busy doing other things. Then Art asked Gina if Gomez Luna was going after the same project and she said she hoped not. They weren't talking about Eladio specifically. That was a cute father-daughter scene in the kitchen.

UA. Always entertained, your alter ego's perspective. Thanks

"Some fool in a bizarre combination of white rabbit and 18th-century butler made a drunken pass at her"

If Julia wanted to convince Ratt with a carrot and stick she needed to know for sure if Ratt wanted carrot.

Victoria Camacho did a great job last night, perhaps she always has but I've been distracted by her posturing, disrobing and hairstyle.

Connie was the one that humiliated herself last night.

Ratt taking her own life is just as likely as a shove.

I agree with Daniela, no one cares for her. Well, maybe Petra, but certainly not her family. If she didn't act out she is invisible like Miguel.


Wow, UA. Splendid!!!

I so wanted to catch this episode, but had a late work call with a global market. But your recap gave me everything and more.

So as I thought, the violence is ramping up. I too think Connie would be blamed for this though how her itty bitty person could throw Ratt over is beyond me. I can see where maybe this wasn't a malicious intent murder. More confrontation leading to an accident. My first thought was Miguel actually. The mild manner nerd who might get it in himself to confront the cause of Connie's problems with Erick.

Ideally it is Erick who will be witnessed in the area who gets the jail time. He needs to hit rock bottom. Callao is too obvious to me, but then again this hasn't been the best written TN.

So what will happen to Dani...something not good?

Well, at least we'll have some fun for awhile solving a mystery.


The Rat had a couple of "suicide attempts" within our observation; makes me wonder if there were previous ones. However, I think this was murder and this episode set up the suspect list.

Miguel has an alibi and no motive. Her death would be contrary to Miguel's interests, as it takes away Erick's motive to leave Consuelo.

Julia's offer was a shot in the dark, but she also had no idea how off her timing was here. On any other occasion Monserrat might have taken her up on it. However, Monserrat had every reason to fear Eladio, none of which Julia knows.

Daniela's family does care about her, but not by her definition. Her definition of caring about her would mean a free rein to bully and gaslight Regina, spend money like it's water, and do nothing else. But that's because she's a narcissist just like Nina.

If it is Miguel he went after the wrong person and better served if he put tacks in Ericks seat at the dinner table. Connie's twisted logic blames Ratt for her pain because she taunts her when it is Erick that makes her a fool again and again.

I think Connie was fully aware that Erick is the source of her pain last night. It's him that she went after first. When Rat came after her is when she lashed back. But when she an Erick to the fight outside, everything she was saying was spot on about how HE has broken their marriage.

Absolutely, Vivi.

Also, with regard to the idea of it being Miguel, I really think that of Arturo's four children only Erick is truly expendable, at least right now. It would be unfair of the writers to leave Arturo with only one loyal and loving child (Regina) at the end of this tale. Daniela is stubborn but still young enough to change. Miguel is socially awkward which many of you are reading as creepy, but he isn't evil. He is doing his best to be understanding of his father's errors as a parent and a human being.

Consuelo has woken up to Erick being responsible for the death of their marriage. If he isn't the killer he will find another slut fairly soon. However, the necklace and the catfight will put Consuelo on the hot seat despite the fact that Monserrat provoked her first and Consuelo is both shorter, lighter, and pregnant. She doesn't have the physical strength nor would she find it necessary to kill the slut whose existence actually helped her find out who her husband really is.

Did MonZorrat have a shocking lack of self-preservation instinct and a tendency to tee off the wrong people? Yes. Was she practically walking around in PyP World with a bullseye target on her back? Absolutely. Did I expect they'd kill her off this soon in the story and on a Tuesday no less? No way, no how, I was totally taken off guard! Still, I'm glad this happened on your watch UA, because I know you'll have a field day with it and you'll delight us with a masterpiece of a recap. Haven't read it yet, I'm saving it up for later, but I thank you in advance because I'm positive I'm in for a treat!

Gotta dash! Thanks again and catch you guys later!

MonZorrat's (good one!) cajoling of Eladio about him not attending the party (Monday's episode) was some kind of death wish. Or she was dumber than a bag of rocks if she forgot that having him and Erick in the same room could be a bloodbath. I'm surprised Aldo wasn't more adamant about that.

Of course, he likes money just as much as she does and encouraged her to get what she could from Eladio. I'm sure he's hoping to get the car.

Thanks for the recap, UA.

Who did it? This will drive me crazy for the rest of the show! I am going to eliminate Franco because he was examined by a doctor and really is hurt. But, Marintina is not....does anyone ever remember seeing Marintina and the Ratt together? Mar could have done the job for Franco.

Next off my list is Connie. She was gripping her stomach, she's pregnant and Ratt would have taken her on and not coward in fear. I can't see Miguel doing it because the Ratt keeps Erick away from Connie. BUT....he could have done it because she was bothering Connie. BUT...that actress always plays the bad guy....hmmmm.

Eladio, Callao and Erick are too obvious.

It has to be Nina. She's always lying for her children and manipulating them. The Ratt would affect her relationship with her husband because he'll use any excuse. I'm going with Nina.

I will say this! Somebody saw something, so somebody's gotta get blackmailed soon. There were too many people at the apartment that night.

Why would Nina dirty her hands? Her plan to reign in her family was working (at least it was until the jewelry delivered to Connie but she doesn't know yet) and preparing to leave on her trip with Art.

Julia could have returned out of desperation for another attempt to persuade Ratt.

I also don't think it was Nina. As tofie pointed out she didn't yet know about the necklace and nobody who did was likely to tell her yet. Nina would be more likely to tell Erick off and insist he be more discreet. As far as she's concerned Consuelo should take a flying leap off a balcony she hates her that much.

I also think that the Rat was killed on the balcony or just inside and thrown off the balcony already dead. If she jumped she would have been screaming on the way down.

Urban- Thank you so much for an excellent retelling of this episode.

Wow, what an episode! Now The Ratt's been exterminated and we have ourselves a whodunit mystery. Things are getting a more interesting now on PyP land.

If it's someone we least expect then it probably is Aldo. Eladio and Callao would be too obvious- so I don't think it's either of them.

Of course The Ratt could have fallen to her own death by herself, whether it be a suicide or an accident. She had been drinking heavily so she could have fallen off. We also know that she is suicidal and the thought of losing it all might have sent her over the edge (literally).

Thanks for this most excellent informative and entertaining recap, UA. Well done and very useful for me since once again last night the CCs were woeful.

I have lots of thoughts about this episode but since I'm on my way out to do errands this morning, I'll just submit my prime suspect:

Julia... she all but confessed (by TN standards) before the crime with this:

“You know me well. I'm not going to hurt her.”

Case closed. Next!


I'm going to put my money on Erick being the killer.

The obvious suspects are Consuelo & Eladio.

Consuelo's motive is being angry that Ratt was Erick's mistress.

Eladio's motives are being cheated on with Erick & finding out Ratt was passing Gomez Luna secrets to Erick.

Party guests saw both people storm into the party and have a scene with Ratt.

The unlikely suspects are:

Nina, Julia, Franco, Miguel, Marintia, Gaby, Pajama Guy*, Aldo

Erick never went home after he/Connie left the party. He pushed Connie down & stormed off, but later we see him lurking around the building and going in.

I think Erick saw Eladio/Callao leaving the building and realized Montserrat was still sleeping with Eladio. He's betraying his dad, buying expensive gifts for her, trying to leave his wife for her and come to find out she is still sleeping with Eladio.

Thus, he goes back in Montserrat's apartment with an angry demeanor, she realizes he knows she's still sleeping with Eladio, they have a lover's quarrel and over the balcony she goes.

It sets the stage to get Erick out of Regina's way at the end of the story, because he will be found out and will either go to prison for Ratt's murder or kill himself. Either outcome ensures that REGINA becomes the heiress apparent to Grupo Montenegro (Miguel can be head of IT & if/when Dani shapes up, she can run the PR/Advertising/Marketing Department).

Erick knew that the Rat was still servicing Eladio (since all she got in return was her cushy lifestyle). She was going to continue to do so until someone else came along with a bigger bank account and better equipment. He was in no position to be jealous, especially if he had any expectation of getting important confidential information from her.

Which I doubt Eladio would have been stupid enough to tell her in the first place.

However, it could have dawned on him after leaving the party and insulting Consuelo that he would only have been a bank account to the Rat, which meant she was playing him for a fool. That would make him mad enough to kill her in his drunken state.

Julia is the tallest of the female suspects, but she had no motive. Her exit line when talking to Gabriela may be telling and obvious in most novelas, but it would be contrary to her nature. She had gone past the point where the Rat's existence meant anything to her. However, she didn't close the door behind her when she left, which allowed the killer to get in, although Eladio would have used his key or given it to Callao, who would be smart enough to wear gloves.

On that note, Julia's fingerprints are likely to be on the champagne bottle and the doorknob. Consuelo's might be on the necklace, if it's still in the apartment.

Since the necklace was such a big deal and very expensive, Erick could have retrieved it to sell back to the jeweler (typical dumb move on his part) or he might use it to frame Consuelo, who does not have the strength to kill the slut and heave her over the balcony. Any Law & Order crime scene unit would look at the building height, the angle of the fall, and the victim's weight and conclude that the killer is most likely to be a healthy male over a certain height and weight.

Marintia? She might have the strength, but her only motive would be to become the Rat's replacement, which would be foolish. She knows Franco wants to get back in, but wouldn't see a connexion here. He's back in the G-L mansion, which is his best route to getting back in the company.

You did this action-packed episode justice, UA! Many thanks for an exquisite recap written in your trademark literary style!

The pace of story-telling has picked up since Julia's accidental fall down the staircase of doom, but with this surprise murder and the ensuing investigation, we're gearing up for an even more dynamic pace! I am loving me some PyP now! :)

When I watched the episode I really did not sense a murder coming until Julia left Montse's flat. Only then I realized that something was amiss because there was a parade of characters coming and going, in and out of the ill-fated birthday bash. Right then a bunch of details that didn't register before hit me: Montse's choice of costume, Callao pointing Montse out to Eladio by saying "She's Death", Eladio threatening Montse in the balcony, Consuelo leaving the Montenegro mansion adamant that "things can't stay this way", Julia mirroring Eladio's aggressive grab of Montse's jaw and threatening her… The pieces of the puzzle fell into place and as Aldo entered the flat to console his best friend, I felt a tinge of sadness that PyP's Resident Ho, our infamous Ratt/ RatHo/ MonZorrat will be no more! She and her distracting bubble booty will no longer grace our screens, her garish makeup will no longer burn our retinas, her slobbering smooches and awkward horizontal monkey sex with Chimp Boy will no longer turn our stomachs… This was a sad day indeed! And now that I mourned her character for the appropriate 5 seconds she deserves, I'm excited and giddy with anticipation at what the new episodes will bring!

My two cents on the whodunnit:

1) Either it's the one we least expect to commit murder from the list of characters that paraded in Montse's flat, in this case Julia or Consuelo;

2) Or it's someone we didn't even see at the birthday bash (or the after-party pity fest). In this case, it could be just about anyone: Franco hiring someone to frame Erick as payback for his beating, Dani in her drunk stupor going there to look for her brother and fighting with Montse, Arturo or Nina threatening a little too forcefully their idiot son's gold-digging lover, Miguel going too far in his desire to defend Consuelo and/or punish Erick, Gabi looking for her aunt and getting a little overprotective… My money is more on this second option where a character that was not shown as visiting Montse's flat, goes there, gets into a heated argument with her, things get out of hands and Montse winds up flying over the balcony!

Eladio is too obvious a choice for the murderer. He couldn't possibly have killed Montse because they lingered too much on their fight yesterday. Still, one thing is for sure, he'll get into a world of trouble and will be the prime suspect because he's the employer with benefits, so many people can testify to him being at the party and Aldo saw him beat and threaten Montse. Erick is also too obvious, especially that they showed him go back into Montse's building just a scene or two before she died. Besides, he luuuurves her too much!

-- A quote from the capítulo --

“Qué creíste, eh? Que me estabas viendo la cara, eh? Qué creíste? Ya te lo había dicho, te acuerdas? A Eladio Gómez Luna nadie lo traiciona sin que haya consecuencias! (...) Ven para acá! Ven para acá! (...) No te hinques! Vas a hacer algo muy sencillo: vas a recoger todo porque ya te vas a largar de aquí!” *

* Eladio threatening MonZorrat, just as we held our collective breath thinking he was going to throw her over the balcony: “What were you thinking, eh? That you were going to take me for a fool, eh? What were you thinking? I’ve already told you, remember? Nobody betrays Eladio Gómez Luna without incurring consequences! (...) Come here! Come here! Don’t get down on your knees! You’re going to do something very simple: you’re going to collect everything because you’re getting the heck out of here!”

Verle la cara a alguien = to take someone for a fool, to take advantage of someone, to pull the wool over someone’s eyes, to trick or scam someone (a little bit of all the aforementioned rolled into one handy expression!). There are a lot of variations to this: you can simply say “verle la cara a alguien” or you can add an adjective that means “fool”, so you get “verle la cara de idiota / tonto(a) / estúpido(a) / imbécil / tarugo(a) a alguien”

Acordarse = to remember, to recall.

Traicionar = to betray, to dupe, to double-cross.

Hincarse = to kneel down.

Sencillo = simple, easy, basic.

Recoger = to gather up, to pick up, to collect.

Largarse = to leave, to beat it. Basically, this is the polite, television-friendly way of telling someone to bugger off.

Whoever killed her, it's someone she knows. We haven't seen her in any interaction with any of the Montenegros other than Erick and Consuelo. If she and Nina had ever had words, we would have seen that.

When Daniela is wasted she couldn't do anything like this; she can barely walk straight. Besides, she has no motive. She is out defying even Nina right now at this drunken orgy of a club so she would aid and abet her brother in his cuckolding of Consuelo. She's making a spectacle of herself at the club, so perfect alibi. Not even on the suspect list.

Nandicta: thanks for the good wishes. It's not that I find this TN dreary so much as that it just hasn't grabbed me (except for those few items I mentioned before). I don't care for Art or Julia. David and Regina are so vanilla. I can't believe I'm saying this because I'm not fond of the bad girls (like our Carlos), but the only interesting character for me is Daniela. She's so eviiiiiiil! I also like FC's portrayal of Eladio. Now that he's settled into the role, he's pretty interesting, too.

Says a lot that I find villains a reason to watch. Means the heroes aren't all that for me. Which means I don't really care what happens to them.


Montserrat and Nina did have words several weeks back, when Nina busted in on Ratt/Erick in bed when Erick was sent out of town to negotiate with the striking workers. Nina basically told her she was a ho on the come up and she would NEVER be a Montenegro so scram.

Ratt was naked in the bed while Nina chewed her out.

Urban- Nina and Montse have met, and had words. Remember the hotel room in Tabasco with Erick?

Anon207- Jinx!

I don't think Daniela is evil at all. I think she's a spoiled little rich girl who's been ignored by her father who held her studious, hardworking older sister in higher esteem. The only attention she gets is when she is acting up. She has no direction in life and the only thing she feels confident in doing is being pretty, being a man magnet and partying.

Daniela would be the perfect events coordinator/PR/Marketing executive at Grupo Montenegro but she's been ignored and left to her own devices. She is intelligent but her intelligence has been steered by Nina to silly, vapid things.

Dani is quite likeable when she's with Petra; she's actually the most charming of the 4 Montenegro children.

I hope at the end of this tale she learns to make something of herself instead of wasting her life away drinking, partying and having sex with whoever.

OK, I remember now. I also remember predicting that it was a precursor to something but I thought at the time that it would Arturo catching them and then throwing Chimp-Boy out to swing from the trees. However, I don't think Nina knew about the party.

In fact, I'm surprised she hasn't been checking his cell phone.

-- UA: Nina and the Ratt have met before, in a hotel room in Tabasco. Well, it wasn't so much a meeting as Nina barged in on her while she was doing the nasty with Chimp Boy. Also, I believe the Ratt knows the entire Montenegro family at least by sight, because she was introduced to Erick when he first started dating her frenemy Consuelo and it's very likely she was invited to their wedding; she also saw the Montenegros at Julia's charity event and must've read about them in PyP's People Magazine.

-- Nanette: You're not the only one here who faithfully tunes in just to watch what the PyP villanos are up to; I've been gushing over them for so long, I'm starting to sound like a broken record! I've even set up a Baddies Table that encompasses all of them except for MonZorrat QEPD and Mouth-Breather Marintia, whom I don't care for. Here I have a front row seat to the action where I can boo and hiss at Arturo and Julia at will, cheer unashamedly for Eladio and relish the humorous antics of Erick, Dani, Franco, Gisela and Humberto! :)

I personally believe that generally-speaking, the average actor will make you hate a villain. It's not that hard a feat to accomplish because it's written in the role that a villain does despicable things which inspire the viewers' loathing. On the other hand, an excellent actor will make you like a villain, enjoy seeing them when they appear on your screen, look forward to their shenanigans, find immense pleasure in their sense of humor, mannerisms, charisma, vitality and twisted determination. I find this particularly relevant in PyP, especially that we have a deeply flawed, if not right down detestable, protagonist, a pathetic, gullible and indecise protagonista and a vanilla young couple that fails to stir our passions!
(Speaking of passion, I was watching scenes from "Pasión" yesterday and maaaaaaan was the main couple sizzling! They melted my screen just talking to each other!)

-- Vivi and Anon207: Sorry, I posted before seeing you already pointed out that Nina and the Ratt have met before.

My favorite is Daniela and savor every second she's on screen. I have very high hopes for her.

I do like the idea of it eventually being Erick so we can take his sorry a** out of the picture by the end of this. We could go with the old adage is after your first murder, the next one is easier considering he set up Franco and that could have resulted in his death. And Erick thinks he seemingly got away with it.

But honestly, if it is him, I don't think it was planned. They were both very drunk and any kind of fussing between them and to the balcony could easily have sent her stumbling and over. Of course, I think his demeanor will say a lot when he's back at the mansion. He is a milquetoast and doesn't hide things well, so I would think he'll be a basket case if he was involved at all.

Aldo is a fascintating idea. He fed off Montse, enjoyed her spoils. If she was threatened and thrown off by both men, and Eladio states she has no job ability anywhere nearby, then there goes his freebies and maybe meal ticket for what she might have shared with him money wise. So he offs her and takes the last of her ill-gotten gains?

One thing too is he's an awful snoop. Seems every time she had visitors, he was right there when they left. If anyone saw the final comings and goings, I would think he did.


-- Tofie: I'm a big fan of Daniela as well. I felt sorry for her when she was drunk and lonely in that club. The actress is doing a great job and I would like to see more of her work in the future. Can you believe that the guy who plays Justino and the actress who played Maribel are credited BEFORE Irina Baeva (Daniela)? I noticed this yesterday and was perplexed (and a little panicked): Why is Maribel still showing up in the opening credits? Is she coming back from the dead?

Well, neither Justino or Maribel have pictures in the credits while Dani has 2 pictures.

Speaking of Credits, why is "Jorge Salinas --- Arturo" under Fernando Colunga and "Fernando Colunga --- Eladio" under Jorge Salinas?

Every other actor who is pictured has their name under their picture "Susana Gonzalez --- Julia", "Marlene Favela --- Nina" etc.

Erick, Regina & Dani have pictures in the credits but Miguel does not. Poor Miguel.

Anon207, they're doing the same thing as in movie posters lately where the actors' names are mixed up vis a vis the photo. I fail to understand this practice.

Position in credits may have to do with seniority at the network rather than who your character is in the story once we're past the primary leads and most important supporting characters.

I don't think Aldo mooched off the Rat. I think he's a trust fund baby 40 years later.

I agree with Daisy that if it's Erick he didn't plan it but he might be angry with her rejection because he didn't present payment (the necklace).

-- Anon 207: I guess having her picture twice in the opening credits is an acknowledgment of Irina Baeva's talent (and beauty). Miguel is indeed the only Montenegro child whose photo is missing from the credits, which reflects the way he's been ignored by his family for so many years.

There are two giant close-ups of FC and JS faces that show up first, briefly, and correspond to the right name order before both actors are shown in reverse order (FC inside JS's face and JS inside FC's face). I think this is the producer's way of giving FC first credit without ticking off JS (I'm just speculating, because from seeing a couple of interviews, including the infamous one where he mocked Alan Tacher, JS got exasperated by the attention that FC and his character were getting. In the first press conference that introduced the cast, JS was asked if he was "number 1" in the credits and he replied that he was number 2 because God is number 1).

UA--What a tour de force. Just finished the recap. Of course, I have my own suspicions as to the perp, but I will keep mum until I've read all the comments--who others think showed up at MontWASaRatt's door. The recap was truly spectacular. You provide us with ALL the dialog. It would take me days just to type it all up! Thank you, mucho.

Ok--I can't resist--it was Pajama Man who was pithed because his sleep was interrupted.

Oh, and we left out Humberto as a suspect. He could have rolled on over there, no? He probably knew Eladio was spending his Shady Rest rebate on her.

Ok, Vivi, you got to pajama man first. I swear I hadn't started reading yet!!!!

Just finished the recap! I might just have to start watching this one again!

Thanks UA for the awesome recap. I love your style for this TN. Fits perfectly.


Never really dawned on me before watching the credits, but the lack of photo of Miguel in the credits can also be with some shows an indication the character is not meant to be front and center through the whole show. He is a rather elusive character that seems to be a sidebar to everyone else's stories, but none really of his own, and that includes Connie who he is the most connected to plot wise. Little strange as he is one of Artie's kiddies. Every story has to have the good person tragic character...I wonder if this bodes badly for him he fits that bill?


Gracias Urban
I knew it would be a great party

There are multiple pictures of Eladio, Julia, Art and Nina.

There's one of David.

There's 2 of Regina.

There's 2 of Dani

There 1 of Erick

There's 1 of Franco

There's 1 of Consuelo

There's 2 of Gaby

There's 1 of Augie

There's 1 of RIP Ratt

And that's it, I think.

-- Daisynjay: To be fair, I only said what I said about the absence of a Miguel photo in the credits as a joke, he's the perpetually invisible child even there! However, it could be that the role was cast later when the opening credits were already finalized or maybe they didn't judge the Miguel actor photogenic enough (I personally think he's cute when he's not ogling Consuelo or staring blankly into space). Your interpretation is also accurate, sometimes less important characters don't figure as prominently in the credits, but I hope they don't plan on making Miguel "the good person tragic character". He's creepy but he hasn't hurt anybody and deserves his happily-ever-after, hopefully with a nice girl who loves him and who isn't his (ex)sister-in-law!

I'm sticking to Nina as the murderer. Nina is the villain and has yet to impress me with her villainous (I don't think that's a word) ways. So far she's just a big b*tch. So, that's why I'm sticking with her.

P.S. Based on Art's behavior, whatever she does to him when she finds out is justified. His behavior is despicable and I don't like him. He's mentally abused her and he's tearing down her self-esteem. I don't like her either, but I would understand if she ran him over in the parking lot and backed over him a few times.

UA, you were at your best with "The mere presence of the two unloved females in his family was enough to make him want to crack whips again".

Fantastic recap to an explosive and intriguing episode.

Excellent comments. I vote Eladi did it.

Julia? Really Carlos? :)


I watched the opening credits a couple of times and I have a theory, it's silly and way out there, but I noticed that the very first frame is red with the body of a woman lying down, from her nose and blunt hair cut, it looks like it may be Montserrat. There are 2 other characters whose first (or only) photo we see in the credits is entirely red: Franco and (gasp!) Agustín. Either the producers slipped us a subliminal message that Frank and (gasp!) Auggie will get murdered / die in violent accidents or someone slipped a hallucinogenic substance in my dinner. My money is on the latter. :D

I haven't finished the comments yet (interruptions).

Do we know for SURE she's dead? Remember Javier, El Dragon, being thrown off from a balcony several floors down onto the top of a car in Reina de Corazones and he ended up just banged up a bit? Hmmmm. Maybe we haven't seen the last of ... all the things Nandicta called her.

Musings on these possible suspects:

Eladio: But we need to find out what Eladio asked Callao to do for him after Callao said he'd do anything for him, because Eladio saved his daughter. For me, that set up just *has* to be a red herring because it's too obvious--Callao going back to go through with *whatever* Eladio wanted him to do.

Eladio seemed content with getting rid of her by withdrawing his financial support, throwing her out of the apartment and ending her career.

Erick: We all saw him go back into the apartment. The Ratt's fearful, TU, could mean Erick--the fight, the humiliation, his leaving her high and dry--but that is also too obvious.

Franco: Agree, laid up in bed, but was he really that banged up? He had an underlying motive. He did want Erick exposed and tried to blackmail her. (Didn't he rough her up a bit when that took place?) But Gaby seemed to be glued to him in bed.

Nina: If it comes down to the unexpected being the suspected, Nina does fit the bill, although I still don't know what her motive would be. She was ok with Erick having a mistress, as disgusting as she was, because she dislikes Consuelo even more. She was supposed to be packing for their very early NY flight. I'm going to eliminate Petra and Dani. Dani was too drunk, regardless of motive.

I think I'm just going to sit on the sidelines and say it was Julia or Consuelo returning (she would have used the familiar tu with Connie), and there was a struggle. Either that or it was Erick or Eladio coming back for some reason she took a flying leap off the balcony on her own rather than take another beating at his hands.


UA--Fabulous screen shot. I actually thought the Ratt's disfraz was excellent--loved the spine at her neck.

Cynderella--I didn't have a chance to comment yesterday on your Naughty but Verrra Nice recap. You have a way of making unmentionables in polite society sound absolutely normal on the Patio. It certainly didn't interfere with our laughing and discussing (not to mention eating and drinking).

thank you, Urban! This was a fun episode and you more than did it justice.

I'm so excited to see two of my guilty pleasures combined – telenovelas and whodunnits. Oh boy, a ¿Quién lo hizo?

Regarding Dani-- If Dani wants to have a good relationship with her father, she too can finish college, or go hang out with him in the kitchen late at night, drinking some tea and shooting the breeze. I don't think Art would kick her out of the kitchen. I think he'd be delighted. But I think Dani would be bored to tears by such an encounter, so her boohoos about nobody loving/caring about her don't move me. You have to show you're interested in other people (their thoughts and feelings) for them to reciprocate.

Yes, Daisynjay--I think it happened your way, too--I was just late in reading. Could have saved you all some space.

I can see Dani as a little girl run up to Art for some attention, he's reading the Financial Times, and without looking at her reach in his pocket for a quarter and tell her to go by a Popsicle.

Nandicta, you crack me up! Here's a laugh out loud moment for me:

"And now that I mourned her character for the appropriate 5 seconds she deserves, I'm excited and giddy with anticipation at what the new episodes will bring!"

UA, very good recap.A Very good murder Mystery. And there are.....
Several suspects. But Something I noticed, the person that may have
Done this wasn't short. Connie is not
Tall. This person was eye level to rat
Lady she would have been lookin ↓ if
It were connie, cuz shes short. The
Way the camara was eyelevel with her, This person was tall like her, so that Leaves, erick, eladio, his suck up henchman, Miguel, julia, even someone we've never seen before. Just not connie. I just feel sorry for her, shes married to a jackass. I probably should not Insult that animal like that, they're even more intelligent in their stubborness than that stupid jerk is.

Danny is complaining that everyone
Is happier in her house than she is?
The girl obviously has no idea what happiness looks like. her mother is a lying sex manipulator, her father is somewhat whipped, and sister in law Is just sad, that family is a mess. There's nothing to be happy about in their house.

The ratt was signing her own death
Warrant. What was she thinkin with
That death mask? For her birthday
Costume? Really? She clearly was' t
Thinking at all. Ok that my take on it.

"I can see Dani as a little girl run up to Art for some attention, he's reading the Financial Times, and without looking at her reach in his pocket for a quarter and tell her to go by a Popsicle."

Tofie- Yep. I he would have done the same to Regina, Erick, and Miguel. Only difference is that then Dani (or Erick) could run to Nina and she'd take them out to get a Popsicle AND some new toys and clothes. Then she'd turn to Gina, ridicule her for what she was wearing and tell her to stay home until she became socially presentable, and then turned to "the bastard" and ask him what the hell he was looking at.

Cynderella, you can't tear down self-esteem where it doesn't exist.

Narcissists are bottomless pits. Nothing you say or do is enough and they take offense at everything that they don't agree with. It offends Nina that Regina is nothing like her which is completely abnormal. They never accept truths about themselves. They get away with this when people coddle them by putting up with their self-centeredness but that is not the way to deal with them.

No, Arturo is not mistreating Nina. She is a bottomless pit of need and should see a shrink herself. However, no narcissist I have ever heard of ever sees one because none of them believe there is anything wrong with them.

Vivi, I have to admit I yell at Miguel too asking him what he's looking at.


Yes... Julia. Hey, I don't make the TN rules. When she said, “You know me well. I'm not going to hurt her,” she all but announced that she was going over there to whack her. Did you notice how crazy and irrationally she was talking? Probably they argued a bit more, a little pushin' n shovin' and yikes! over the rail goes poor Montse.


"No, Arturo is not mistreating Nina."

Seriously? Then how would you define the way he is deceiving her and plotting against her while holding out hope of saving their marriage. Although I don't consider Nina a narcissist, even if she were, I think that it's quite possible to abuse a narcissist (but beware, I suspect that narcissists probably hold grudges).


Re: Julia. I keep remembering how she had gotten The Ratt's makeup on her fingers. She wiped them on her purse at one point. She was the only person that that tangled with The Ratt that worried about having the makeup on her. I think she may be set up as being falsely accused of murder. I think Eladio sent Callao back to kill her.

Not even going to hazard a guess at whodunit. I do believe she was either dead or unconsious when she went over the balcony. Otherwise, she would have screamed. Only other explanation is that she killed herself, which doesn't seem likely to me. It would be quite a twist, though.

Just started reading recaps and comments again after taking a few weeks off. Remembering how much I enjoy all you guys.


Thank you UA! Wow what an episode and you did it wonderful justice. Being here in the Great Nwest I am as usual.. late to the recap party.

I had posted a comment on that last eppy that I felt a murder was coming at that party and wow..here we go. Pretty sure we all saw the Rat's days as numbered. I have to say I am glad. I was tired of her and didn't really enjoy her trampy character. We never saw her do anything except answer the door in lingerie, coo all over her 'customers' and then beg them to stay the night. She was a filthy waste of time better spent on other characters I am far more interested in. Good riddance although she was lovely..what a shame.

It appeared to me that the last person she saw before she went over the rail was not someone she was expecting to see. Therefore I'm going to rule out Eladio and Julia and even Consuelo. They seem to easy and it's usually never who you expect.

Nina is a good suspect and certainly, as pointed out by others has a great motive. I don't know..I guess I just don't see her as the murdering type. Although accidents do happen and a scuffle could certainly lead to her falling over the rail.

I really like the Aldo theory. He was a huge mooch and I think that's one reason he was so close to the Rat. Her wealth and perks were his perks. If she ruins it for herself, he suffers too. I think seeing all these people threatening her gives him easy motive to off her and not be the prime suspect. It also paves the way for him to blackmail anyone he saw and keep that money flowing in to maintain his lifestyle.

I also had a thought that perhaps it could be someone we haven't met yet or that we've seen in the Rat's company.

I really feel for Daniela and I think something is going to happen to the girl. I'm hoping she won't be assaulted by that skeezy guy. He had a very predatory look about him.


So....it's "Who shot JR?" ..."Murder , She Wrote." I guess that Mony's costume was a bit of irony.

I don't think that Julia pushed her because Mony was keeping Eladio busy which suited Julia as she panted after her onetruelove (as if) Artie. I suppose Connie will be charged because the chickfight had lots of witnesses.


I have to add, that now that we have a murder mystery...I'm all in with this one. There is no turning back for me.

Do we know anything more about Caridad? Could she have some times to the Rat? It occurs to me that we don't really know too much about her back story. Or if it was mentioned I missed it.

Does anyone have any info. All I recall is she is Franco's mother and Gisela's daughter.

I will check in later..thank you UA again for a wonderful recap.

Triple WOW!!! Both for your recap Urban and also for last nights show. I know that I'm late again but must put in my two cents.

Daniela wore her city version of Daisy Dukes

His attempt of fooling himself into being happy with Nina was doomed to failure.

Aldo was wasted on champagne and substances unknown.

They sounded like spectators in the Colosseum.

Urban---there were more examples of your superb writing but---well this is a good sampling.

Nandicta at 1:38PM---What a great paragraph about loathing and yet loving the villain. All of my life I had hated the bad guys or the evil villain if you will. When I discovered novelas I didn't understand what the or why the great interest in the villain be it male or female. There always seemed to be a buzz around the bad guy/girl that I just didn't get. And then---and then I was mesmerized by Albert Estrella as Danilo in La Malquerida and I finally got it. I loathed him but couldn't wait for the next scene that he would be in. That guys performance, to me was amazing. I wanted him to win the award for best villain, he didn't but I will never look at the villain as I had in the past ever again.

Cynderella---A BIG thank you for calling Nina a b*tch. I had wanted to for soooo long but was afraid of being tarred and feathered or of being boiled in oil out on the patio. Neither of which I wanted to experience and so I fell back on the old standby of witch/bruja. I'm glad that I'm not the only one that can see Nina for what she is.

Ok---Now who did it to Montse? I have read ALL of the patio's thoughts and comments and at this time do not have a definite opinion. But I did read one comment that stated, do we really know that the Rat is dead? She may not be. It me be that she is just badly injured. We don't as of yet know. However, if Montse really is dead,
how did it happen? Who did she encounter? There was no name given only a tu. At this point, I don't know any more than the rest of you but I would rule out Franco.
He is in bed recovering from his beating and Gaby was with him. Consuelo? I don't think so. She did get into the white car/jeep and drove off but Consuelo is a small
petite woman and pregnant as well. She would loose in a fight with the rat. It is possible that Montse was backing up to keep some distance from Tu, lost her balance and went over the balcony. And yet, there was no scream. It was suggested that she was killed and then thrown over the balcony which would explain the silence of the fall. If she was thrown over the balcony, it definitely wasn't Consuelo. Eladio? No way. he had already cut off her money stream and besides, he never would do something like that, he has a henchman for those things. The annoyed neighbor aka pajama man? Could be but I for one am staying tuned. I'm not going to miss one minute of PyP.

One last thing.
Carlos---Julia? For shame Carlos for shame. HOW COULD YOU? One more like that and you will be banned from the patio.

must see tv
the gringo


Trust me, Carlos, she is a narcissist. My mother was one so I am as much of an expert as any non-psych professional can be.

Tonight's episode will merit a serious investigation for details. Let's start with...

A pre-dawn departure for Arturo and Nina to the airport save's Chimp Boy's butt for the time being. Anything about this situation isn't something anyone would want to discuss over the phone so it will be a few days before they find out about this. Or about Daniela's drunken show at the club. This might give Chimp Boy the opportunity to invent something Nina will be willing to swallow but that will make Arturo suspicious.

Franco will need more than a few days to recover based on the amount of blood he lost during that beating. He already suspects Chimp Boy of having sent those thugs after him. Based on how TNs tend to mirror situations he will send someone after Chimp Boy sooner or later.

We have to hope to see Aldo to scrutinize his behavior tonight.

And I have to catch up on MIVAC, too....

I am loving all the guesses and speculations in the comment section! It looks like MonZorrat's saving grace as a character is that, by doing us the favor of getting whacked, she cranked up the pace of this TN another notch and lured (or lured back) more commenters to the Patio. Nanette, Nina, Joyce, Delilah63, a warm welcome back to all of you! Please grab a seat. Drinks and canapés are on the Baddies Table. ;)

-- Delilah63: You win a special prize for sensing that a murder was underway. You go Glen Coco! You and whoever guessed way back when Aldo was introduced to PyP that he was there as a conveniently-located, appropriately nosy witness in case RatHo gets herself exterminated. I can't remember who said that about Aldo, it was waaaaay back at the beginning, but whoever you are, please come forward because you deserve a resounding round of applause from all of us here! :)

Nandicta- I believe I was the one. That episode reminded me of mystery whodoneit with all the angry people going through her apartment (Eladio, Erick, Connie), and Aldo as witness. Now we have a repeat of that situation, but she ended up dead this time.

-- Gringo: I loved Alberto Estrella as FC's sidekick in "Pasión". He played a hardened pirate with a heart of gold and he stole the show and our hearts in one fell swoop. I just looked up La Malquerida based on your recommendation and discovered that it not only stars Alberto Estrella in an antagonist role that managed to impress you, abhorer of villains and their villainy, but also Guillermo García Cantú! Thanks for the suggestion :)

I must come to Carlos's defense though regarding Julia. Her desperation brought out an aggressive side to her that took me by surprise (and startled her herself). If you rewatch the scene where she threatens Montse, her body language mirrors that of Eladio in his menacing balcony scene. Her parting words to Montse were chilling; "I can end you!" is not exactly conducive to holding hands and singing kumbaya.

There are many possible culprits, some more plausible than others, only time (and the writers) will tell how this mess will unfold. Until then, please save me a seat in the front row with you, I won't be missing a minute of PyP from now on!


Whether Julia is guilty or not (for now she still gets my vote), I'd like to see her arrested. Maybe a few nights in a stinky Mexican jail will make her more appreciative of the golden cage she currently inhabits rent free thanks to Eladio.


Well done, Vivi! A standing ovation and a Mexican Wave!

Chiquitibum a la bim bom ba
Chiquitibum a la bim bom ba
A la bio, a la bao, a la bim bom ba
Vivi, Vivi, Ra Ra Raaaaaaaa! :)


Urban, thanks. Looking forward to reading your recap tonight.

75 comments - goodness!

Carlos: Please don't hold back. ;)

(You really don't like the "good" girls, do you?!)


I don't dislike the good girls, notice that I'm quite supportive of Nina who is a loyal faithful compliant wife. At best, Julia is a flake. Miffed that her intended was unfaithful, she apparently married his enemy out of spite and then refused him sex on their wedding night. She's suffered his tyranny for 25 or so years and is now sneaking around behind his back illicitly meeting her former lover and enlisting her young niece as her accomplice. As pets, she kept little birds caged up in crowded close confines and then whined when her husband set them free. And perhaps worst of all, she disrespects and is rude to her elderly crippled invalid father. This lady is in desperate need of professional help and probably supervision.


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