Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Tres Veces Ana - Episode 16 - Where it's all about Santi's memories and sad Ana Leticia

Hi everyone,

Sneaky is unable to watch/recap for us today, so I am putting up this short summary and we'll discuss away in the comments.

Since it worked so well last time, I will use the Game of Thrones character format (for those who read books), since that worked well last time. And - if anybody is watching current GOT season - it is moving just as slowly...


This pair has been standing in the dark forest, with only company of menacing headlight illumination, for about 3/4 of the episode. You are a killer and a danger - No, I am not - You must leave Rem, Sole and Ana Lucia alone - Rem is like my mother and I love Ana Lucia - OK, I will let you go and investigate who you were before the accident, because I am a detective - But I don't have any money to pay you - Well, we will see when the time comes how we will settle the debt - I feel as though I am dealing with the devil.

You are, Santi. You are.

Ana Lucia and Santi

Proportionally to the amount of time Santi and Ev were discussing their business, Ana Lucia spent that time muy angustiada together with Rem. They both know Santi is with Evaristo - let's hope nothing bad happens to him. Ana Lu spills the beans that Evaristo is a private investigator. Remedios is off to settle matters with Sole and sit her down for a long chat to see what she knows.

Suddenly the long lost BFF Maribel shows up at the hostel. She is here to see Anibal, but runs into Ana Lu and is happy to see her for whole two seconds. Afterwards she starts up again with her green mean jealous screeching and Ana Lu actually listens to her for longer than Maribel deserves. Then Ana Lu gets up and leaves saying she has other worries on her mind.

Santi, having been released by Ev, shows up. Hugs all around. He will explain things to Rem later, he needs to talk to Ana Lu. He drags her into the room and inquires what Ev told her about him. They discuss the whole murderer thing. Ana Lu does not believe that. Santi thinks the only right thing is to go to police and turn himself in. Rem, who was listening at the door, barges in and cries for him not to do that.

In the morning Santi is off to work. Ana Lu double checks he is not going to police. He is not, but he feels uneasy and the doubt is now hanging over him.


She had a relatively uneventful 45 minutes. While she was quietly staring at the newspaper cut-out about a lost girl Ana Lu, Remedios came to bust her chops about not telling her the truth about Evaristo. Well, Sole doesn't like talking about her mother's amante. Was he or was he not a salesman? Open your eyes, Remedios - says Soledad - your husband wasn't a salesman either. If he worked with Ev, he was a detective as well and things Ev did were terrible. They ruined people's lives.

I am confused - what exactly did those detectives do? They are starting to sound like Men In Black. 

Ana Le 

Ana Le was sad all episode. We will probably get this in one form or another for the next ten episodes to balance out Llora actually laughing last night. This is not the trade-off we signed up for. Ana Le is depressing to watch that way. She is remembering Marcelo coming home late and telling her he almost found Ana Lu. Ana Le throws a fit - Marcelo doesn't understand, she doesn't want her sister back, it took her years to gain love of her uncle and grandmother. Everyone loves Llora, because she is crippled, and now he is bringing the Lost sister, who was without her family all these years. Marcelo, surprisingly, is not even shocked, he is just sad he made her feel that way. Interesting couple these two.

She complains to Abue how hard it is to be at the house without Marcelo. He was the love of her life and she has no interest in loving again. She probably wanted to add, unless it's a certain blood relative...

Ana Le also remembers Ev told her Marcelo might be alive, and after spending the rest of the episode lying on random pool recliners looking sad, she shows up at some office to inquire what she needs to do to exhume Marcelo's body and do a DNA test. Smart one that one. I almost thought she is hiring another investigator when I saw her waiting in the office.


Abue's cardiologist discusses the guy Abue was in love with (what is his name again, did anyone remember?) with his wife, as well as spills the beans on Abue's heart condition.

Inaki is having dinner with his brother. Side note - isn't it curious how Inaki moved out just in time to avoid the unavoidable Ana Lu meeting?

Orlando goes to Chana and shares the story about Sole and Ana Lu with her. Chana looks at her cards and those show death.

Valentin and Ramiro are having the same memory. Valentin was playing in the city square and Ramiro (!) of all people was there and gave him some money. Suddenly Gina runs up to him, who he was supposed to meet, hugs him and sees Valentin. The latter quietly stares at her. Gina asks Ramiro to leave. Ramiro wants to listen to music and laments that Llora always loves music. Of course any woman loves to be compared to another one by a significant other, so a short fight ensues.

No Llora all episode! Unless I blocked her out of course... Ana Le though gave us our share of moping about. 


Gracias, Ria.

I am far more inclined to think that Evaristo is a gangster based on his orders to his nietos to kill Santiago. He seems to get off on power and the suffering of others. May his Karmageddon be severe.

My read on the flashback to Marcelo and Ana Leticia was a little different. He was shocked at her hope that her sister would never be found but she managed to manipulate him. I've said before that he never really got to know her before marrying her and if he spent as little time at home with her as has been implied he never really knew her.

If he bought the idea that everyone loves Llorona because she is crippled he never observed much in Ernestina's household. He must have been blinded by hormones.

I am far from being a neat freak but did anyone else cringe at Inaki and his brother eating on a brand-new uncovered mattress? And eating pizza at that? I pity his future girlfriends, if he is destined to have any.

Thanks, Ria. I only saw the last ten minutes, and now I feel like I saw the whole.thing.

Interesting that Ev has decided to play this game with Santi, just as he did with Marcelo when he knew all along where Ana Laura was.

We saw in flashback earlier that Marcelo and Rem's husband had a falling out with Ev that resulted in guns being drawn, so I don't think they agreed with Ev's tactics, whatever they might be. Wish they would give us some clarity on that whole situation already. Why did Rem's husband lie about his (and Ev's) profession? Everyone in Marcelo's life knew he was a private investigator. Everyone in Ev's life seems to know the same about him. It's not like they're in the secret service.

Oh, interesting point Urban on Marcelo's and Ana Le's relationship and the fact that they didn't really know each other. He does seem pretty absent indeed. It was surprising though to me that she didn't even try to hide her real feelings about the lost sister, and with that part of her character.

Vivi, I missed the fact that the other man was Rem's husband in the flashback. Intriguing, and would be definitely good to get some clarity. Your comment about secret service made me laugh.

She is here to see Anibal, but runs into Ana Lu and is happy to see her for whole two seconds. Afterwards she starts up again with her green mean jealous screeching and Ana Lu actually listens to her for longer than Maribel deserves. Then Ana Lu gets up and leaves saying she has other worries on her mind.

I am confused - what exactly did those detectives do? They are starting to sound like Men In Black.

She complains to Abue how hard it is to be at the house without Marcelo. He was the love of her life and she has no interest in loving again. She probably wanted to add, unless it's a certain blood relative...

And no Ana LLorona...although mopey Ana Leticia made up for her absence.

Loved all those snarky comments Ria. Haven't watched this yet (I don't have the patience to watch this rigamarole at night) but certainly enjoyed the recap. Wish that Maribel was not such an "envidiosa" as Chana called her, but clearly we have to have a certain number of flies in the telenovela ointment for there to be sufficient drama.

Still puzzled about Ana Leticia's inappropriate lusting for Tio Mariano. Is it just her need to seduce any reasonably attractive male within touching distance? or is it a need to hang on to the full inheritance? Totally creepy but he seems to shrug it off, thank goodness.


Thanks, Ria!

Urban, yes the pizza scene was gross. The two guys were gross enough without the pizza. .

"Men in black" LOL! I am enjoying Evaristo and his manipulation of the situation; a nice little mystery in the middle of it all. Yes, Santiago/Marcelo did make a deal with the devil I am sure.

Surprise but not really: how upset Ana Leticia was that her long lost sister was on the verge of being found. Then Marcelo/Santiago not being shocked by her reaction. I cannot wait for "Marcelo's" exhumation and DNA test.

JudyB, I think it's both. She might even get off on the idea of beating a major taboo to prove how desirable she is.

If Marcelo's body isn't in the grave (and we know it isn't), then WHO is in the grave?

Ramiro / Ana Laura / Valentin / Gina / Mariano / Marcelo / Evaristo / Ana Leticia / Remedios' Husband... theory:

Ana Leticia got hired Gina (through Evaristo) to break up Ana Laura & Ramiro. Gina was with Valentin at the time and they were running disability scams. Valentin knew Gina was hired by Ana Leticia (although he may not have MET Ana Leticia) to break up Ramiro & Ana Laura, which is why he didn't run up on Ramiro for being with Gina when they stopped to listen to Valentin's music on the street.

Gina & Valentin were running a disability scam on Mariano's business. Mariano felt it was fishy and asked Marcelo to investigate. During the course of his investigation he discovered that Gina, his BFF Ramiro's fiancee, was involved with/married to Valentin and running scam. At the same time, Valentin was laid up in the hospital, disabled for real and upset because Gina left him to marry Ramiro.

Marcelo goes to Ramiro and gives him the proof that Gina is a scammer, with Evaristo backing Marcelo up (Evaristo would know that Marcelo was investigating Gina for the scam on Mariano). WHY Evaristo would out his granddaughter as a scammer remains to be seen. Ramiro dumps Gina. Ana Leticia is afraid Gina will expose HER involvement so she gives Gina pills that are a little too strong to kill her (but I don't think Gina is dead). Ramiro feels guilty that Gina killed herself because of him and goes away for 3 years.

Valentin was in love with Gina & blames Ramiro for her death. So now he's out for revenge by either hurting Ana Laura to hurt Ramiro (except he's falling for Ana Laura) or to get closer to Ana Laura to get at Ana Leticia, who hired Gina in the first place.

This is just a theory, but Valentin isn't playing his little oboe for nothing. He's trying to get at Ana Laura for a reason; whether it's to hurt her, Ramiro, Ana Leticia or all three remains to be seen.


Anon207- I like your theory. It's totally plausible and lines up with what we've seen so far.

Thanks, Ria. I missed the end of this, but I don't feel deprived.

The Evaristo/Santi deal had a kinda lame outcome. Lead him into the woods to kill him and then say "okay, I'll check into this again"? Come on.

Regarding the "detectives" - Soledad said that "detective" was the polite term for what they really were. In other words they worked for gangsters or did that kind of work freelance. (I can't even think of what we call this. What do we call a dirty detective? Surely there's a name for this. Like a hit man/enforcer who also does investigative work.)

Except, Soledad doesn't exactly have a sterling track record when it comes to telling the truth. She also tends to jump to conclusions. Even though what she says is true of Evaristo, she is only assuming that Mr. Remedios was the same way. For all we know he might have been getting blackmailed by Evaristo, or who knows what.

Anon207, you may be onto something with your theory. I mean, definitely Valentin has an agenda. And I like the disability scam idea. But I find it hard to believe that his love for Gina is the motivation behind his revenge. She would have dumped him brutally whether for Ramiro or some other guy, and doesn't deserve to be avenged.

Of course, senseless motivations never stopped a TN villain before. But I think it's something else.

Excellent theory.

Gina could be in a coma or severely brain-damaged, since we have seen no proof that she is actually dead. I'm betting on one or the other because that would present the usual delay to the truth.

Boy you guys are amazing...Great recap Ria and all the crack theories on our denizens. More fun to read what everyone thinks is going on then some of the screen antics.

Judy, I am apt to think that inherently there is something in AnaLe that requires that she is successful in having every man fawn at her feet and SHE be able to manipulate them. Sure, she wants to get her grubs on that inheritance, but there is a part of her that is plain furious her Tia would have the audacity to look at another woman. She always has to have her way and be the center of everyone's universe...bit cliched, but so are the other two sisters.

Could Ev be a corrupt cop and so was Rem's husband? Would explain why he seems to play both sides of the fence. Either that or private gum shoes and the type of "business" they took on would have been clueless to families.

But boy, this drags. My fear is it will keep going this way, lots of introspective scenes over and over, small plot developments only happening every third or fourth day until we get to that 70 episode mark and end of Part 1. Painful. El Hotel and currently Yago spoiled me...I want action and plot movement like...yesterday on this TN.


We saw in the flashback that Valentin was devastated when Gina was like "I can't be a crippled man's wife, bye." She left him high and dry in a hospital bed. Valentin spent a lot of time in that hospital bed with nothing to do except think. He definitely would've had an ax to grind with Ramiro. He knew Ramiro had money/access to money and he knew that Gina was with Ramiro. And he may know that Gina killed herself because Ramiro rejected her.

If Valentin was in love with Gina and Ramiro is the reason Gina left, he definitely would have an ax to grind with Ramiro. He may be trying to use Ana Laura to get at Ramiro; obviously Ramiro doesn't recognize Valentin but Valentin sure recognizes him...

Marcelo had a legit, respected private investigations business, with an office, and rich clients like Abuela Ernestina, and was friends with Jenny and Mariano. There doesn't seem to be anything shady or hidden about what he was doing. Why should Remedios' husband be any different? Can't figure out why he would hide that from her. Evaristo is shady just because he's shady. That seems to be the kind of guy he's always been. It's not his profession (private detective) that made him that way.

Thanks, Ria. I stopped watching GOT because every episode involved killing someone or lots of someones. Now, I am ha!fbeartedly watching now and then because The Houbd is alive! Wait ! What?

This novela is not grabbing me. That whole deal of EV holding the gun on SAnticelo in the lumberjack jacket in the woods . What? Why? Can you talk someone to death? yakety yak.

Anon...Thanks for the cliff notes for this novela . I am very confused about who, what, where, why, and when at this point.

The manly pajama party was..odd.

Julie - good point on dirty detectives! I forgot that quote of Sole's. Agreed also - she is not the one to lecture on honesty.

Susanlynn - I knoooww, the Hound! What excitement! Maybe some of Anon 207's predictions will come true to create excitement here as well.

Vivi - can't figure out either why Alfredo was hiding his occupation from Rem. Is she that impressionable? Must be more to the story, as she looks quite sensible.

Judy B - Maribel is definitely getting tiring. And it really is weird Mariano either doesn't notice or shrugs off Ana Le's creepy attentions.

Off topic but can someone tell me if Yago was on last night? My dv didn't record it. Thanks!

Look forward to reading recap and comments on this show once I watch it. Thanks in advance Ria!

Carvivlie - Yago wasn't on last night, and it won't be on Thursday night either. But we have episodes tonight and Friday. (Someday, we'll get five nights in a row again like in the good old days.)

Thanks, Ria. Fun recap. You sure know how to make lemonade out of lemons. Such a snoozy episode. Yep, Santi and Ev were yapping in the forest way too long.

Thanks Julie!

Just watched the episode and thanks Ria so much for filling in cracks with your snark! Couldn't agree more.

It is possible that Alfredo was a normal detective but thought keeping it from Rem would keep her safe since he would be coming in contact with unsavory people. Less she knew less that could be used against. Also, maybe he knew Ev wasn't on the up and up on his own time. I think Ev double crossed Alf and Mar and is the one that tried to kill them.

AnaLet does seem to love her husband, as much as her narcissism will allow. How she reacts when she finds out he isn't in the grave will be telling.

I'm having a hard time believing that Marcelos memory hasn't come back after seeing AnaLet face and Ev now. Something should be triggering a flashback. He'll knows everyone else seems to be living in a half present half flashback.

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