Friday, June 17, 2016

Tres Veces Ana - Episode 22 - Narrow encounter misses and an amusing twist at the end!

Sorry for the reshuffling of the episodes this week, everybody. We should be back to business in our usual order after this week!

I also apologize that I haven't had a chance to read the two previous recaps and comments and will do so tomorrow. So excuse any comments that have been discussed already.

And so we tune in for a Thursday fix of TVA as Soledad continues to stress over potentially losing Ana Lu as Santiago will separate g them. Ana Lu is very confused and explains about the photo. Soledad continues to worry that Santiago will bring them doom and gloom and world as they know it will implode.

Elsewhere at the Casa de Oscuridad, Ana Le needs to seriously talk to Mariano, who finally changed out of his skinny jeans (anybody else notice those? :p). Turns out she is probably trying to save herself the trouble of having to prevent the wedding, if only Mariano decided on his own that marriage is hard, and staying faithful to the one and only woman is near impossible for a playboy like him. He seems to feel pretty good about those odds.

Santi in the meantime is driving creepy Isidro around Mexico. They mutually confide their love troubles, without realizing that they are talking about the same woman - in love with a pretty girl,  but girl's mother doesn't agree and wants to separate them. Creesidro definitely continues to amuse with his gall.

Llora is running circles trying to avoid Valentin. For some reason openly telling him she is in love with someone else and is no longer his 'novia' does not occur to her. She almost cringes as she is forced to kiss him on his request. Two seconds later she meets up with Ramiro and expresses no aversion to kissing. Crazy Tin is hiding in the nearby cab watching them and asks the driver to follow the taxi, and judging by his facial expression also daydreaming of coming back to his tiny studio and angrily throwing some darts at Llora and Ramiro's photos.

Santi brought Creesidro to the hostel of his madrina. Well, at least we have to give this novela the credit for sparing us endless episodes of people searching for each other in the big city. Remedios's hostel is the Central Perk and Monica's apartment in one. The two come in and of course narrowly avoid bumping into Sole, who is off to meet Evaristo in secret. Sole is concerned Santiago might be remembering his past, and needs Ev's help to distance him from her and Ana Lu. Ev gloats and points out a couple of helpful "I told you so". Sole knows, though, that Marcelo is a ruthless man and will separate her from Ana Lu and she doesn't want to take the risk. It's in Ev's hands now, as long as he doesn't hurt him. Yes, Sole, I am sure Ev will be very gentle and give Santi a lollipop at the end of their visit.

Ana Lu sees Maribel and Javier leaving for a walk. She wants to join, they want to spend some time alone, so she lets it go. Sole walks in at that time and she and Ana Lu again escape Creesidro and Santi by a couple of seconds. As Santi and his creepy companion get ready to get in the car, Santi notices the note on the windshield from Evaristo saying that Ev discovered something very important about Santi's past. Santi takes Ana Lu to the meet. Ev shows up and produces a picture of Jenny that he swiped from her apartment in the last episode, and Jenny is - according to Ev - Santi's wife. Santi doesn't remember her and gets frustrated and wants to leave. Ana Lu asks him to stay and listen to what Ev has to say. Ev has a tale prepared that Santi and his wife Jenny lived in Costa Paraiso and Jenny thought Santi has left her all these years ago. She is suffering without him. Ana Lu is crushed.

Ramiro and Llora are conversing in the car. He is in the same camp as we are, thinking Llora should talk to crazy boy Valentin. As they get out of the car they do not notice the aforementioned crazy about two feet apart from them.

Meanwhile Ev produces Santiago's "real" passport - that of Juan Carlos Beltran. What will Santi do, wonders Ev - leave things as they are, or travel to Costa Paraiso to talk to his "wife"? He even bought Santi a ticket. Ana Lu is very upset. Santi can't decide. I have to admire Ev's handling of Sole's request - he did find a good way. I only wonder what his end game is here - is he perhaps thinking he'll kill Santi somewhere between Mexico and Costa Paraiso?

Ana Lu is beside herself. This is very difficult, Santi has a wife and needs to leave. He says he will come back, she thinks he can't promise that - he has another life waiting for him there. Five rinses and repeats later, he convinces her that he is Santiago now, born three years ago, neither knows or remembers Jenny or Juan Carlos Beltran. Ana Lu lets him convince her and asks him not to get on that plane. Doesn't matter if he does, he will come back - she is the woman of his dreams and needs to trust him. He needs to detach from previous life and ask his "wife" for divorce. Santi asks Ana Lu to go with him somewhere.

While this highly intriguing conversation is going on, we periodically cut to check in on Ramiro and Llora watching a piano recital, then getting into car, with Tin still watching. Then we see them getting to the hotel. Yup, still being watched. Clearly critical to the plot.

Sole is worrying that Ana Lu and Santi haven't returned yet.

Ramiro, in the meantime, has brought Llora to his hotel propose! Wow, surely there has to have been a better place for this, no? He puts the ring on her finger before he either asks or she answers. We end on the big question in the air. This scene is very amusing in several different ways.


The previous recaps are now posted in the main posts for those days as well!

Thank you, Ria. The recap is excellent.

Here I was thinking Evaristo was going to try to kill Santiago or get him jailed in some remote part of the country but he comes up with sending him on a wild goose chase to Costa Paraíso (of all places.) I wonder what he will have waiting for him If Santiago actually makes it there.

How is the creeper Valentín or Ana Leticia going to manage to spoil Ana Laura's engagement to Ramiro? I can't see her being "tearless" for long.

Should be fun.


Thanks Ria! I was very happy to see Ana Leticia so frustrated when Ramiro didn't show up for his date with Inaki (her). Ha! Her newest plot to make him miserable will just have to wait.

I didn't realize the Costa Paraiso was its own country (a fictitious one) with its own passport (what country in the world would have a white passport?). Ok then. I wonder what Ev has planned to keep Santi/Marcelo gone once he lands and figures out he has no wife there?

Val stalking just two feet away made me laugh. Surprised he didn't stick around to see if Llora spent the night in Ramiro's hotel room. How does he have enough money to pay these taxis to drive all around the city and wait around for hours? One additional detail is that he learned from Llora that Mariano is getting married and he was clearly not happy about it.

One more thing although it is an old thing but they keep hitting us over the head with it: At the very start, Ana Leticia was holding her uncle's hand again and kissing it. What uncle in his right mind allows that kind of behavior or is a willing partner to it? Guess they want us to have that "ew" response over and over again.

Always enjoy your recaps Ria. And this time, especially liked this line:

Yes, Sole, I am sure Ev will be very gentle and give Santi a lollipop at the end of their visit.

As well as "five rinses and repeats later".

Yes, this is definitely a Rinse and Repeat telenovela. I am so spoiled by Yago, el Hotel de los Secretos, and also Gran Hotel, which I'm watching on Hulu, that I can hardly bear this one. But needs's in Spanish. And I do enjoy the gymnastic events. Angelique is in seriously fine shape as a dancer and gymnast. Kudos to her.

And kudos to you for keeping this blog line going with your recaps and postings.

Ria, thank you for the terrific recap.

Like my friend Judy, I enjoyed "five rinses and repeats later" as well as "judging by his facial expression also daydreaming of coming back to his tiny studio and angrily throwing some darts at Llora and Ramiro's photos" and "Remedios's hostel is the Central Perk and Monica's apartment in one.."

Jarifa, I also had to laugh at the hand caressing and tio's being completely oblivious. Squemish and very uncomfortable.

Vivi, I don't understand Ev's plans. It sounds as though Santi will be wandering the countryside aimlessly but what then? Unless, he will be "stuck" there, unable to leave.

Val is cringe worthy. I thought at first he might be developing real feelings for Ana but his hateful stares beg to differ.

Ana Let's plan to crush her sister's happiness by setting Ramiro up (for something unpleasant) is also horrid. Vivi, I am also pleased that the plan was thwarted. For now. I'm sure she will manage something just as or after the happy couple announce the engagement. Sigh.

I hope Val and Ana Let never team up. Together they could rule the world. Or destroy it.


Gracias, Ria.

Doesn't Evaristo know that Jenny and Marcelo know each other or did he blackmail her into participating in his little scheme? What would she gain from it if she did? Alternatively, is he just deciding to toss the dice and watch everyone scramble just for his own amusement? He knows the following:

-- Marcelo is married to Ana Leticia
-- Ana Leticia doesn't want Ana Lucia found
-- Ana Leticia is possibly homicidal
-- Ana Leticia is a greedy bitch
-- Soledad committed a crime by not contacting Ana Lucia's next of kin
-- When Marcelo/Santiago sees the difference between Ana Lucia and Ana Leticia there will be major fallout that will be none of his business

What I'm sure he doesn't know:

-- whether Marcelo would actually have turned Soledad in to the law for kidnapping rather than allowing Ernestina and Mariano to make that decision first

What do you guys think? Was Marcelo's threat real or just a bluff?

Urban- I think had Soledad's reaction been, "I know I made a horrid mistake. I love her with all my heart, BUT now I know she must be reunited with her family," then I think Marcelo would have been sympathetic. But her reaction was "She's MINE! You can't take her from me and I'll never give her up! Go away!" So yeah, had she kept that up I think he would have set the law on her. He probably would have later been persuaded to be softer on her if/when Ana Lucia begged for mercy for Soledad. But even then, it would be up to Ernestina and Mariano to decide if they want to press charges. The way we've seen both of them react when they think they've been wronged, I think they would have sent her to jail and thrown away the key. And I wouldn't blame them in this case.

Jenny is not in cahoots with Evaristo. Marcelo was her BFF and she wants him found. Did Evaristo give Santi Jenny's real last name? I don't get why he would give Santi such a big clue that could lead him to someone who would be able to tell him the truth about his real identity. Once Santi connects with anyone in his former life and tells them what Ev has been feeding him, they'll all know Ev is an evil conniver. I can't see Ev wanting that to come to light.

The picture was of both Jenny and Marcelo together. When Ana Lucia looked at it, she said they were smiling at each other in the picture and clearly looked happy-- which made her cry more.

I think Ana Lucia has similar characteristics to Soledad when it comes to being selfish. Just as Soledad doesn't want Ana Lucia to find out about her past and her family; Ana Lucia also doesn't want Santiago to find out about his past and his wife. I think she is being unfair...We all know that Ana Leticia isn't the most amiable person, but if this was reality and Ana Leticia was a wife who was deeply in love with her husband and would do anything to have him back, this would be painful... Not knowing that her husband is not only alive but has lost his memory and is also seeing another woman. Santiago has an obligation to find out his past, and Ana Lucia should have no say in it. Besides she knew that this would happen sooner or later

Thank you Ria you make the unbearable bearable.

Problem with this show is not one character or pairing has encouraged me to give a damn. I don't care. How in the world do you drive a story of triplets in a ditch? Oh, they did that already.

Thank you, Ria. Very funny from beginning to end.

And what I saw of this episode was pretty damned funny too. At least twice I saw AB making faces that said "comedy" rather than "drama." One of them was when Santi FINALLY asked Ev what his real name was, and AnaLu's face said "it's about time!" Another was when AnaLet was with Inaki, though I can't remember what prompted the reaction.

I also had to laugh when AnaLu was standing in the very same room as Isidro but they couldn't see one another because madrina was standing between them. COME ON.

So, okay. It's not a comedy. Not if the director and producer won't get in on the joke. But it's impossible not to laugh, and it would be more fun if they would laugh with us.

I get that they have all these filler plot lines because they want to delay the main plot line-- the revelation of Ana Lucia's and Santi's real identities to them and their loved ones. But the writers aren't moving the filler plots along either! We've gotten no payoffs with these random plots: Orlando and Maribel's love/hate relationship with Ana Lucia; Chana's card/palm reading skills; Don Isidro's obsession; Ernestina's old novio Rodrigo back in town; Leonor's secret that made her weepy one episode; Nerina's secret/tragedy that makes her so weepy; Viridiana suing Mariano; or Valentin's revenge plot. So many different opportunities to satisfy the audience with big reveal or plot movement. Yet at episode 22 (same episode Yago is at right now) we've had nada. The writers have great material to work with, but something is falling flat.

Vivi, thank you for noting all the missing ingredients for this soufflé that as you noted is "falling flat".

I had very high hopes for this and while the acting has been great (Boyer is pitch perfect in all her parts), it's rarely holding my attention. The caliber of the cast and possibilities are intriguing but I feel we are being led in circles.

If they don't do something to garner more interest, I can's see many folks coming back if there is a break in the airing of the episodes. I'm hanging in without much enthusiasm.


thank you, RIa. I have missed the last few episodes due to a trip to Colonial WIlliamsburg, so I would be lost without the recaps. It seems that Ev is the puppet master, but....why? I am surprised that Carlos is not watching this one . He likes the actress playing Jenny.

I'm frustrated too. I'm so very tired of seeing good actors working so hard to spin straw into gold. Of course all you end up with is nicely twisted straw. Producers, please stop throwing straw at your talented performers. I really have to hand it to the actors for being able to sustain their energy through all this slowness.

It's particularly disappointing, after seeing Yago and Hotel, to know how much more Televisa is capable of. They've spent a fortune on clothing and sets and jewelry for 3xAna. They could have spent a little less on the bling and a little more on the script.

From experience, I know how exciting it is to work on a high-quality project that I can be proud to be part of, and how demotivating it is to give my all for something that everyone knows is mediocre. So it's not just for the sake of the viewers that Televisa should review its priorities. It's for the sake of its professionals, too!

Susanlynn, Jenny has been called to Carlos's attention. Hopefully he will drop in soon. ;-)

I do think this is a high quality production with a stellar cast. It's the writers, and perhaps the director, who are falling down on the job. Lots of potential here. They just need to tighten it up and pick up the pace.

Thanks for reading and commenting everybody! A reminder as well that it looks like TVA will air at 10 PM today due to football!

Vivi - how Val has the money to be riding around in taxis, yet lives in such a place was on my mind as well while I watched it!! And I agree with you that it's a great production and cast. I am hoping we'll pick up pace as soon as all the memory/triplets story lines start playing out.

Jarifa - isn't Ev's choice for distancing Santi surprising indeed? I expected something more dramatic from him.

JudyB - definitely kudos to Angelique. She is holding her own in all of these dance routines, very impressive!

Diana - Val and Ana Le - that's a scary thought!! Wonder if the writers have it in their back pocket for later...

Urban and Vivi - it definitely is unclear where Ev is going with the Jenny line. He did give Jenny's real last name, but because he must realize it's unlikely to play out in any other way than Santi's return as Marcelo to the family of crazies should he indeed meet up with Jenny, I project his plan is to do something to Santi during his trip. Maybe Ev will get lucky and Ana Le will help him by working the Jenny angle as a way to prevent the wedding. She can't be a huge fan judging by her facial expressions and was asking very curiously if Llora has told anybody about her (Ana Le's) desire to stop the wedding. Covering her future tracks?

Anon 10:59 - I found it strange too that Ana Lu was so easily convinced that Santi is hers now and begged him not to go see his "wife".

tofie - My pleasure! I watched three episodes in a row yesterday to catch up and at that quantity, some scenes were a real snooze :)

Julie - I think you are right and we must laugh and treat it as a joke. Who knows, they might be intending it that way with their running list of cliches. What number are we on, Urban? More laughs to come tonight as we delve into continuation of this terribly (un)romantic proposal in a hotel room. At least he had a ring!

Susanlynn - Ev is definitely one of my fav characters so far, puppet master indeed.


When Ev told Santiago that his 'wife' was in Costa P, Santiago said there is no way he could afford a ticket to go there. That's when Ev presented the ticket that he had bought for Santiago. He said the dates were flexible and it was one-way.

That's how his plan disposes of Santi. He flies to Costa P but doesn't have the money to return home. Now, for that to work, Santi would have to be even more stupid than he has appeared to be so far, so we will have to wait and see. The smart money is on Santi being stupid.


I would like for Ev to have to spit his gum out and put it on his nose. That's all I can think about during his scenes.

That was me above as Anonymous 4:27, too.

This is the kind of novela I hate myself for watching.

Thank you, Ria, for a fabulous recap.

Anon 4:27- But if Santi goes to Costa Paraiso with Jenny's REAL name, he can easily find/track her. That's where she lives. Once he finds her, the jig is up, and the two of them would be flying to Mexico in a hot minute to confront Ev and untangle the rest of the mess-- including reuniting Ana Lu with her family. That's why it makes no sense that Ev would give Santi such a huge clue (real name of Jenny, her location, plane ticket) that could lead Santi to someone who could reveal the whole truth about both Santi and Ana Lu to everyone. Unless he plans a way for Santi to NEVER find Jenny...

Vivi, you're right. It makes no sense.

Even if Ev meant for Santi to never find Jenny, wouldn't it make sense to give her a wrong name? Just to be on the safe side? Perhaps there is a reason that he wants Santi to find Jenny and be stuck there for a few days with no convenient way to return home.

He could be stuck there for more than a few days if his passport is identified as a fake. Longer if it's the passport of a dead or wanted man. Having Jenny vouch for his true identity might not help - or Santi might think she's lying.

I'm so confused. I hope this is cleared up tonight. It would be nice for the story to go somewhere for a change.

I do agree that the production values are high. However, with such a slow-moving, cliche-ridden story it just seems like a waste of effort. I really hope all that changes. This odd plot twist might be just the ticket.

I just thought of a way that Ev can keep Santi from finding Jenny without killing Santi. He can kill Jenny instead. Santi will be caught near the dead woman's apartment with a false passport, and a photo of the woman who's just been killed. And when they find out who he really is, maybe he looks guilty of killing Gina again too. Or maybe he gets traced back to his "widow," AnaLet, and then maybe she is accused of putting Santi/Marcelo up to whacking Jenny or something...

Yeah, no, my story falls apart if I look at it for too long. But a murder would certainly move the story along.

Julie, I like your theory of Ev killing Jenny and framing Santi. Why would he want Jenny dead though? Hmm... Well, regardless, and not that we are bloodthirsty, but murder certainly would move it along.

Carolina - ditto for spitting the gum out. Double ditto actually.

Ria great recap thanks
"Ev gloats and points out a couple of helpful "I told you so"" - that's why we love him :P

I'm hoping for some real humour when old creeper/rabo verde/his name is right up above if I'm not too lazy to scroll up and look for it. Oh yeah, Isidro! Anyway I'm hoping for a funny outcome when he finds out his lady love has no idea of his feelings for her and nooo interest in him and its not just her mom keeping him from her. I'm hoping they'll go funny instead of insane melodrama and vows of revenge.

There is a Costa Paraiso in Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Spain. Which one is Evaristo talking about?

We should expect him to come up with a plan like.... Let's see if any of his aliases comes up on a police blotter in any of these places and that's where I'll shanghai him. Of course, this is long after Santiago himself should have gone to an official unit like the DMV and asked for help in finding his identity.

Well, I don't think he would want Jenny dead. I'm not even sure if he's a killer. I'm not even convinced that he intended to kill Santi that time he had him drive out to the woods - he may have just wanted to give him a scare to get him to talk and find out how much Santi knew.

I was just trying to think of a valid reason he'd give Santi Jenny's real name. If he doesn't want Santi to be reunited with her and the rest of the crew, then he's taking a huge and unnecessary risk and that doesn't sound like Evaristo, does it?

Oh, I was trying to brainstorm myself to find a plausible reason, because I liked that theory a lot - but couldn't come up with one :) Definitely taking a huge risk, so he must have something else up his sleeve!

Ev originally told his grandsons to kill Santi if they saw him. I think he's only changed his mind because Soledad is begging him not to kill Santi, and also because he sees a way to squeeze money out of Jenny and Ana Leticia. Santi is worth more alive than dead.

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