Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Tres Veces Ana - Episode 28

Discussion page while Sneaky writes a recap for us!

Sneaky's recap added below .

Party time at the beach house, that girl's Primo is an obnoxious drunk, Bad Seed is not amused by his drunken advances, and goes to bed to remember arguing w/Marcelo about his looking for her sis - 'why didn't you listent to me', she says in the present.

Evaristo tells shivering in fear Orlando to leave Sole and her daughter alone, he'll be watching and if he sees him again, he'll kill him. Orlando agrees to anything he wants just don't hurt him, but Evaristo says he hast to make sure he understands and remebers and the grandsons start beating. 

Primo tries to climb into bet w/BadSeed, she tries to convince him she wants nothing to do with him, but its hard b/c he remembers, and we get to see, when they slept together while Marcelo was off looking for Analu. Bad Seed even asked him to kill her husband for her to prove his "love" and then pretended it was a joke when he looked shocked. Back in the present, she tells him it was just a 2 night stand, but he says 'what about what I did for you? And you didn't keep any of the promises you made me.' She gets after him for saying that out loud, and warns him not to betray her, he just has to be patient. Now get up and get out as she sensously writhes on the bed, but when he begs for a full contact beso he gets one. 

FreeSpririt wants to go to Coyocan w/Santiago, can she? huh? please mom? Sole relents and the kids run off happily.

Abue is all sad b/c umpityumpteen yrs ago she was gonna get married on this day to her old flame. Leonore tries to convince her he may not have been guilty, maybe her mom set him up.

Viejo Rabo Verde is gonna sell his lands to Ramiro's boss, the old flame. Ramiro finds out the lands are in San Nicholas and asks if he knows Sole. Rabo Verde is mad at Sole and says he's gonna get her 

Evaristo reports job done to Sole and she bugs him about what he did to Orlando. Evaristo says Ramiro is the real enemy and they have to stop him. Sole tries to talk him out of going after Ramiro and asks if the name and the wife he gave Santiago are real, when she finds out they aren't she wants Evaristo to put Santiago in touch w/his real wife b/c she's the only one who can keep him away from her daughter. She's pretty upset when Evaristo tells her the real wife is one of Analu's sisters, but she understands the dream thing now, and why didn't you tell me before? Evaristo tells her he only just found out himself.

FreeSpirit and Santiago and Maribel and Javi have a nice day.

Bad Seed remembers when she and Marcelo were at the beach house celebrating just before their first anniversary. Marcelo asked her what she wanted for a gift and she asked for a divorce! Her girlfriend comes by and notices she's sad and asks why, BadSeed cries a little and tells her about asking for the divorce saying it was to make him do what she wanted and drop the investigation that was driving them apart, but she didn't know he was gonna die right after. She sighs a little and girlfriend hugs and comforts her and Badseed gloats ( I don't know what else to call it) 

Abue invited herself over to her doc's house to make up w/his wife and tell them she wants to meet up w/old flame. They're sooo happy and they're all besties again. 

TioM goes out to lunch and runs into Sue 

Remedios sees Sole crying and tells Evaristo she doesn't think its a good idea he comes by so often and upsets Sole. He changes the subject to Santiago and how she's in denial about him and how he doesn't understand why she's letting him  stay and about how her husband lied to her, she says she will respect her husband's last wishes no matter what, Ev thinks that's great. Also he was abroad on a veeerrry long investigation when her husband died and that's why she hasn't seen or heard from him since. (if she believes that, I've got a bridge she might be interested in.) 
He asks her to remember exactly what her husband said just before he died, so we go back in her memory. (the question marks are where it was nearly unintelligible and I guessed) For a while she's doing all the talking, but then he whispers ' the kid w/me in the car, if he lives?, save him, you have to protect him, listen, dont' talk, *cough* I gave my word I would protect him, but I'm not going to be able to. So you have to in my name? Take care of him for me, don't let my death leave him helpless? Help me to die in peace." She swears she will, he dies, she screams and cries, then tells him she'll see him soon and kisses him  In the present she cries and Evaristo hugs her.

Maribel and Javi talk, he thinks she's pretty and wants to giver a kiss but Orlando calls from the hospital and ruins everything.

The Primo has a memory of himself in very large sunglasses taking a satchel 'o cash to Evaristo in some basement room somewhere. BadSeed was supposed to make the delivery but she sent him instead. Evaristo says tell your little friend/lover/whatever Marcelo Salvaterra will stop breathing soon. Then he tricks Primo into taking his shades off by playing the simple frank old man then tells him he's memorizing his face so if he ever thinks of telling on him he can find him and kill him. Now git. Primo looks freaked and leaves. In the present he gets pushed into the pool for making BadSeed remember things that make her sad, and basically just being there.\

Remedios asks Evaristo when the last time he saw her husband alive was. He has a flashback  to after the accident trying to shoot him while Remedios's husband asked 'but why, we were buds' but Marcelo tackled him and so he beat Marcelo while he explained the whole thing, Sole is his daughter, somebody paid a lot of $$ for Marcelo to die, lot o' punches, and just before the final blow w/a stray board he tells him 'it wasn't Sole who wanted you dead, its your loving wife' and Evaristo tosses Marcelo in the water. Of course Evaristo doesn't tell any of this to Remedios, instead he tells her the last thing her husband told him, was to investigate Santiago b/c he had threatened to kill him. 
Remedios doesn't look like she believes him, but its the end so we don't get to see her response.  



Well, we got a lot of memories this episode, so it would appear the metaphorical ice is starting to melt!

So Ana Le asked for a divorce in an attempt to manipulate Marcelo. Not surprising. The surprising part was that she was cheating on Marcelo with her friend's cousin (Daniel was he?). Showing us more on her never content or satisfied nature.

The scene of Ev punching Marcelo and telling him Ana Le paid him a lot of money was a strong one too. So which is it - did she or did she not order Marcelo's murder? Is she just a spoiled girl so far with self-destructive tendencies, or is she already a full-blown criminal?


Most plot development we've gotten for awhile. Normally, not big on flash backs, but these were good. First we find out AnaLe's relationship with the dude from the beach and opening credits.

I'm apt to vote on the side of "I wouldn't put anything past her" when it comes to AnaLe. The divorce scene had my ears up, but watching Ev beating the crap out of SanMar had me thinking, yeah she could have "encouraged" that. Much the same way that Soledad "encourages" Ev. He seems to like his enforcer role for these women, and knows far more about this strange tail than anyone.

Can we PLEASE stop having a weeping, who is me Soledad scene in every episode. I need to remove anything throwable now when watching her she's making me that disgusted.


And that would be WOE is me. Stupid spell check.


Daisy - did you mean "strange tail" or did you mean "strange tale"? (As typos go, a pretty funny one!)

Sneaky, I'm looking forward to your recap. I was too busy struggling with Hulu last night to watch this.

Great episode! Finally, a sense of coherence with all of the plots through Evaristo. He has had his fingers in everything. Loved it!


I think AnaLe "encouraged" Evaristo to ...make her single again and I think Marcelo's amnesia is because he doesn't want to remember that AnaLe a) wanted a divorce and b) AnaLe sicced Evaristo on him.

They weren't even married a year and probably married very quickly. Marcelo doesn't know who Ana Leticia is at all.

Also, they weren't even married a year yet and Ana Leticia was rolling around in the bed with Daniel and coming on to Ramiro.

And now Soledad knows more of the truth: Ana Lucia is carrying on with her sister's husband. Soledad needs to tell Ana Lucia the truth now, but it's probably too late because Ana Lucia will probably end up pregnant by her brother-in-law.

Looking forward to the recap, and to watching the episode this evening since I didn't watch last night. I'm glad it seems we're finally getting some answers.

Anon207- From what I remember, Marcelo and Ana Leticia were together three years before they married. They met when she was 18. They married when she was 21. He disappeared when she was 22. It's now three years later and she's 25. He had time to get to know her, but it doesn't seem that ANYONE in her family or circle really know her.

But it sounds like Marcelo was always gone. It's one thing to date a person for 3 years but quite another to live with them 24-7 and it sounds like Marcelo was always working and not around. While AnaLe's family & friends don't know who she really is (except Ramiro), Marcelo didn't know her at all.

I totally agree, Vivi. Nobody knew that wolverine dressed as lamb.

Ana Llorona is in denial for her own reasons and Ana Leticia is expert at hiding her true self from almost everyone. Like every other narcissist I've ever known or heard of she is a bottomless pit. The difference with her though, is that she has no limits. Based on last night's flashback, Marcello was starting to see her for what she really is and Evaristo's revelation was probably the capper on his trauma for the amnesia.

Of course, now Orlando will be too afraid to talk. We have to hope that CreepIsidro drops something Ramiro can pounce on. We also have to hope he doesn't take the creep's word for anything nasty he says about Ana Lucia.

So, is Soledad really Evaristo's daughter? I'm inclined to believe that now that he said it just before he dumped Marcelo into the river.

The only people who know what Ana Leticia is really about are Ramiro & Evaristo.

Another good point: realism at last! The beating that Orlando took should have landed him in the hospital and it did! Usually the "victims" of such beatings are up and wandering around in the next episode.

All I know about Evaristo/Soledad is that Evaristo was Soledad's mother's boyfriend & he's been "taking care" of things for Soledad since she was young.

To Ana Let's credit, she did try a bit to let Santi know what she was about. She told him she didn't want Ana Lu found because this would take away attention from her (Ana Let). She told him she was sad inside and didn't think anything could ever make her happy, including his love. She asked him for a divorce. So before amnesia, he knew she was a selfish egotist, depressed, and tired of him.

(I seem to get the action packed ones, this episode was full of gratuitous violence and memories, lets leap right in shall we.)

Part 1
Party time at the beach house, that girl's Primo is an obnoxious drunk, Bad Seed is not amused by his drunken advances, and goes to bed to remember arguing w/Marcelo about his looking for her sis - 'why didn't you listent to me', she says in the present.

Evaristo tells shivering in fear Orlando to leave Sole and her daughter alone, he'll be watching and if he sees him again, he'll kill him. Orlando agrees to anything he wants just don't hurt him, but Evaristo says he hast to make sure he understands and remebers and the grandsons start beating.

Primo tries to climb into bet w/BadSeed, she tries to convince him she wants nothing to do with him, but its hard b/c he remembers, and we get to see, when they slept together while Marcelo was off looking for Analu. Bad Seed even asked him to kill her husband for her to prove his "love" and then pretended it was a joke when he looked shocked. Back in the present, she tells him it was just a 2 night stand, but he says 'what about what I did for you? And you didn't keep any of the promises you made me.' She gets after him for saying that out loud, and warns him not to betray her, he just has to be patient. Now get up and get out as she sensously writhes on the bed, but when he begs for a full contact beso he gets one.

FreeSpririt wants to go to Coyocan w/Santiago, can she? huh? please mom? Sole relents and the kids run off happily.

Abue is all sad b/c umpityumpteen yrs ago she was gonna get married on this day to her old flame. Leonore tries to convince her he may not have been guilty, maybe her mom set him up.

Viejo Rabo Verde is gonna sell his lands to Ramiro's boss, the old flame. Ramiro finds out the lands are in San Nicholas and asks if he knows Sole. Rabo Verde is mad at Sole and says he's gonna get her

Evaristo reports job done to Sole and she bugs him about what he did to Orlando. Evaristo says Ramiro is the real enemy and they have to stop him. Sole tries to talk him out of going after Ramiro and asks if the name and the wife he gave Santiago are real, when she finds out they aren't she wants Evaristo to put Santiago in touch w/his real wife b/c she's the only one who can keep him away from her daughter. She's pretty upset when Evaristo tells her the real wife is one of Analu's sisters, but she understands the dream thing now, and why didn't you tell me before? Evaristo tells her he only just found out himself.

FreeSpirit and Santiago and Maribel and Javi have a nice day.

Bad Seed remembers when she and Marcelo were at the beach house celebrating just before their first anniversary. Marcelo asked her what she wanted for a gift and she asked for a divorce! Her girlfriend comes by and notices she's sad and asks why, BadSeed cries a little and tells her about asking for the divorce saying it was to make him do what she wanted and drop the investigation that was driving them apart, but she didn't know he was gonna die right after. She sighs a little and girlfriend hugs and comforts her and Badseed gloats ( I don't know what else to call it)


Part 2
Abue invited herself over to her doc's house to make up w/his wife and tell them she wants to meet up w/old flame. They're sooo happy and they're all besties again.

TioM goes out to lunch and runs into Sue

Remedios sees Sole crying and tells Evaristo she doesn't think its a good idea he comes by so often and upsets Sole. He changes the subject to Santiago and how she's in denial about him and how he doesn't understand why she's letting him stay and about how her husband lied to her, she says she will respect her husband's last wishes no matter what, Ev thinks that's great. Also he was abroad on a veeerrry long investigation when her husband died and that's why she hasn't seen or heard from him since. (if she believes that, I've got a bridge she might be interested in.)
He asks her to remember exactly what her husband said just before he died, so we go back in her memory. (the question marks are where it was nearly unintelligible and I guessed) For a while she's doing all the talking, but then he whispers ' the kid w/me in the car, if he lives?, save him, you have to protect him, listen, dont' talk, *cough* I gave my word I would protect him, but I'm not going to be able to. So you have to in my name? Take care of him for me, don't let my death leave him helpless? Help me to die in peace." She swears she will, he dies, she screams and cries, then tells him she'll see him soon and kisses him In the present she cries and Evaristo hugs her.

Maribel and Javi talk, he thinks she's pretty and wants to giver a kiss but Orlando calls from the hospital and ruins everything.

The Primo has a memory of himself in very large sunglasses taking a satchel 'o cash to Evaristo in some basement room somewhere. BadSeed was supposed to make the delivery but she sent him instead. Evaristo says tell your little friend/lover/whatever Marcelo Salvaterra will stop breathing soon. Then he tricks Primo into taking his shades off by playing the simple frank old man then tells him he's memorizing his face so if he ever thinks of telling on him he can find him and kill him. Now git. Primo looks freaked and leaves. In the present he gets pushed into the pool for making BadSeed remember things that make her sad, and basically just being there.\

Remedios asks Evaristo when the last time he saw her husband alive was. He has a flashback to after the accident trying to shoot him while Remedios's husband asked 'but why, we were buds' but Marcelo tackled him and so he beat Marcelo while he explained the whole thing, Sole is his daughter, somebody paid a lot of $$ for Marcelo to die, lot o' punches, and just before the final blow w/a stray board he tells him 'it wasn't Sole who wanted you dead, its your loving wife' and Evaristo tosses Marcelo in the water. Of course Evaristo doesn't tell any of this to Remedios, instead he tells her the last thing her husband told him, was to investigate Santiago b/c he had threatened to kill him.
Remedios doesn't look like she believes him, but its the end so we don't get to see her response.


Re whether Marcelo knew the real BadAna - she said she and Marcelo had been fighting non-stop the last few weeks before his death so it sounds like just before the end he got to know her pretty well. Which makes his dreams of the smiling loving woman in the garden just a fantasy, and somewhere in there he knows it.

Hey, I have a crazy theory, what if Primo is Valentin's little bro. We don't know that Valentin has a little bro, but we don't know that he doesn't, and they seem similar enough to be siblings, Valentin could be all jealous of Primo b/c the fam hasn't rejected him, it could make for some very interesting storylines, whaddya think.

Great recap sneaky!!

So now we know AnaLet ordered the hit on Marcelo! But why? She could have gotten a divorce but it wouldn't have stopped his investigation to find AnaLu. Wow. To kill him just so that AnaLu wouldn't be found?! She really is a sociopath. All of her tears over Marcelo's death are just another form of her narcissism--feeling sorry for herself.

Thanks, Sneaky, the recap was great!

Thanks, Sneaky!

Thank you, Sneaky! Now I'm really looking forward to watching the episode.

We all knew Ana Leticia's marriage to Marcelo was doomed from the start, since we saw the flashback of her eyeing her uncle while kissing Marcelo on their wedding day. They never stood a chance. Even if she weren't a cheating, homicidal narcissist, her obsession with her uncle was bound to be a deal breaker eventually.

Gracias, Sneaky. Great job.

All of Ana Leticia's tears are fake except when she feels cheated of attention from whoever she wants it from at the moment. So it would seem that Marcelo/Santiago figured this out on that fateful anniversary. Of course when he remembers this he is likely to take it out on Ana Lucia for a while.

This is nothing in the world that would make Ana Leticia happy and now that we know she put a hit out on Marcelo I think we can safely assume she won't make it out alive at the end. I'm sure she will try to kill Ana Lucia eventually and possibly Ernestina.

Thanks, Sneaky, for a great recap. I saw part of this episode. I am fascinated by itty bitty Angie in her teeny tiny bikinis acting her little heart out as BAdAna, SadAna, and MIAAna. Sometimes , I fear Ang may hurt herself smirking as she portrays BAdAna.

I am getting a little tired of gumchewing Ev, and I had to turn off the beatdowns. Ouch. watching old Ev punching the young, strapping SanMarcelo down that dock was...wait? What? Rea!!y? How?

I did enjoy BadAna pushing Primo into the off, dude. Okay, let the narcissist games continue. P.s. I am getting really tired of tn narcissists...sigh...almost as much as real life ones.

Thanks, Sneaky. Fine job. Yay, things are starting to move.

Just watching the episode now. Someone above was incredulous about how Ev beat up Marcelo-- Marcelo was just in a near deadly car accident and already badly hurt and bleeding. It wasn't hard.

Thought it was interesting that Marcelo said to Ev that if Soledad was the exemplary mother they claimed, then she wouldn't be in trouble. That answers a question posed earlier about whether he would have shown her mercy. I think that shows he would have.

I just don't see how Ev thinks he can convince Rem that Santi was a danger to her husband, when her husband used up all five of his last breaths to beg her to care for and protect him. That just doesn't jive with the story Ev is trying to spin.

Thanks, Sneaky! I fast forwarded some through yesterday's episode, so it was great (not to mention very entertaining!) to catch up on moments I missed!

Thanks all
its nice to get more pieces of the picture

Vivi I don't think there is anything Evaristo can say at this point that will make Remedios doubt her Santiago, but he'll keep trying.

Thanks Ria for posting for me :)

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