Thursday, October 13, 2016

A Que No Me Dejas #23 - Daddy's Home!

After Odette announces that she is going to go get her masters in Spain as well, there is an awkward pause. Adrian tells her that the scholarship process was very extensive and time consuming but Odette tells him that she can pay of it out of pocket. Dario agrees. Odette tells Adrian all she needs is the plan of study and the university information. Adrian tells her it’s in Puerto Esperanza, he can bring it when he goes but Odette wants to go with him. Adrian tells he’s not trying to be rude but he’s on a scholarship and needs to focus on his studies, first and foremost. Odette explains that she wants to obtain her masters and this isn’t a game for her. Dario says that her decision surprised him but it’s an excellent opportunity for her. He and Gisela and Jaime can take care of the agency in their absence. Odette then says that when her and Adrian come back, their studies will help them make the agency one of the best in the country. Adrian is still not all too happy about these turn of events.

Karen gives Micaela the money Paulina gave her to start the business in Playa Linda. She explains since Paulina won’t be moving there anymore she would like to return it. Micaela tells her that she’ll give it to her when she says her because she has moved out of the house and into Camilo’s house. She asks Karen not to say anything because her parents think she’s still with her. Karen tells her that Paulina has lost all shame but Micaela defends Paulina and tells her not to talk about her like that. Karen decides to leave because Paulina hurt her and she doesn’t want to talk about her anymore.

Nuria tells Leonel that she will start working in the hotel. Leonel laughs it off and tells her that working in the hotel is not the cake walk she thinks it is; it’s a lot of hard work. Nuria agrees but tells him that she will learn a lot owkring alongside him. Leonel agrees and applauds the decision. Nutria tells him thank you and goes in for some love making when Leonel rejects her. He says her father can fire him if he catches them. Nuria calls him a coward and storms out.
Jaime tells Olga that she is responsible for Julieta. Per doctor’s orders she must rest for the next few days while he’s out. Julieta isn’t too happy about the decision, she tells him that regardless of what he says, he’s still forcing her to go. He pleads that she changes her attitude and adapt to the changes around them. Julieta doesn’t care.

Gonzalo tells Alfonso and Camilo that Nuria will begin working with them now and he would appreciate if they helped her. They are shocked at his decision. Alfonso tells him that Nuria has never been remotely interested in managing the hotel. Camilo agrees and states that if anything she just wants what her sister had. Gonzalo tells him that it doesn’t surprise him since he’s always on Paulina’s side. Alfonso stops them, mid spat, and tells Gonzalo that they know about the fraud. Gonzalo asks them to listen to his version of the story.

Julieta tells Olga that she is going to make some tea, alone. Olga lets her go into the kitchen first then follows her. She sees as Julieta rummages through the garbage for the masters program documents.

Gonzalo admits that he committed fraud and wasn’t happy that he had to do but it was necessary. Joaquin Oleo was actually the one who was going to commit fraud but he did it first to safe the money he had invested, along with Edgar’s. He begs Camilo and Alfonso believe him.

Outside, Monica is entering the hotel when the security guards prevent Monica from going in. They tell her Mr. Murat doesn’t authorize her entrance and they will inform him she came so he can reach out to her. Monica is pissed.

Alfonso asks if Joaquin invested no money. Gonzalo clarifies that he did but very little. He was going to be more of an operator because he had all the contacts to build the association. Gonzalo took the money and hid it so that he could pay back the creditors; it’s impossible he built he fortune with that money. Alfonso asks why he didn’t just say so if the story is true. Gonzalo tells him that they would’ve taken his actions to mean that he had committed fraud for self-gain and it would have damaged his reputation.

In the therapy session, Gaston asks Ines to tell Mauricio how much she loves him while also saying it out loud so he could learn to read lips. Ines does so and Mauricio responds in turn. Now it’s Paulina’s turn and Mauricio also responds. He’s picking up the sign language quickly. Gaston tells Paulina the session is over so she can give Mauricio his reward for his hard work. Paulina decides to take him to the beach.

Gonzalo keeps spinning a tale: He helped Edgar because he wasted all his money on alcohol and drugs instead of taking care of Mauricio, who has been the real victim. He then asks Alfonso to verify if he was rich when they started the hotel and Alfonso confirms he was not. Everything was paid back with the hotel’s earnings the few years. Camilo asks why he didn’t just tell Paulina that. Gonzalo tells them she wasn’t listening to him but he hopes his relationship with Camilo and Alfonso hasn’t been affected. Camilo agrees but he will be very vigilant so that nothing illegal is done in the hotel. Gonzalo is unfazed. He tells them what a good team him and Alfonso have been all these years and he wouldn’t betray that trust.

Alfonso and Camilo are unconvinced. Alfonso says that his present is as damning as his past, especially concerning Adrian’s arrest. If the fraud accusation wasn’t true, why then did he release Adrian from jail and adhere to Julieta’s blackmail. Gonzalo tells him that he did nothing to Adrian; he didn’t put him there nor release him. He is ashamed about what he did but he promises not to make the same mistakes.

At the beach, Mauricio is looking for Rene and Alan when Paulina explains that they might not come again but she has their number so she can give them a call. He then asks about Adrian but Paulina tells him he is definitely not coming back but decides to brighten his sad face by walking around the beach.

At the airport, Adrian can’t stop thinking about Paulina no matter how much he tries. Odette tries to get his attention by putting her head on his shoulder but Adrian is disturbed by her proximity.

Monica goes to buy something at the supermarket when the attendant tells her the credit card is declined. She takes out another one but same thing. She asks herself what she is going to do now.

Julieta is rummaging through the garbage outside her house when she finally finds the envelope. She smiles and takes it inside. In her room, she dials the number on the envelope and tells the person on the other end that Adrian Olmedo was arrested for drug trafficking and the university’s prestige may be affected if he attends. The attendant tells her that she needs to launch a formal complain and give her name but she hangs out. She asks her dad’s photo if there is another way to stop Adrian from going.

In his office, Camilo asks his dad if he believes Gonzalo’s story. Alfonso is unsure since Gonzalo has never failed him as a business partner and he did confess the fraud. Camila wants to know what he gave as collateral to start the business and Alfonso explains that they mortgaged their houses and since his was bigger he was able to get more money. Camilo then asks about the money he gave Edgar. Alfonso tells him that came from his personal account so they can’t do anything about that and they also don’t have proof of anything, just like with Adrian. Alfonso tells Camila that everything will remain the same in the mean time with regards to the business. He can’t completely trust Gonzalo but he has done him no personal harm while they’ve been partners.

Julieta walks out of her to find the house upside down. Suddenly, a man (Silvestre) grabs her from behind and asks where the papers are. He tells her that she knows which papers they are. Julieta isn’t budging so he punches her and pushes her against a wall, knocking her out. Olga is unconscious in the kitchen. He takes the time to go through every nook and cranny.

Paulina and Mauricio are snorkeling while remembering her snorkeling adventures with Adrian. She then tells Mauricio that he’s her reason for living and they hug.

In Puerto Esperanza, Adrian questions Odette. He wants to know since when does she want to study a masters. She tells him he doesn’t know everything about her. She then suggests they get an apartment together but Adrian declines, he prefers they each have their own space. Odette suddenly agrees and then tells him that maybe it’s for the best so Julieta doesn’t think there’s something else between them. Adrian confesses that he didn’t like the idea of her going. He wants to be alone with his thoughts to process everything that happened. Odette tells him that she thought having someone with him in a strange land would help him adjust. Adrian makes a deal with her: if and when she’s accepted, he will help her with whatever she needs and they will go together. Odette agrees.

They walk past Ines, who is lost in her own thoughts. She remembers when Gonzalo hit her and then when Gaston handed her a handkerchief. She then remembers the doctor’s orders to be calm and they will slowly monitor her blood pressure.

Chelo tells Paulina that the best thing about her not getting married is that Mauricio will be able to see her everyday. Micaela reprimands her but Paulina shakes it off and asks that Chelo give him a bath. When they’re alone, Micaela gives her the envelope with the money. Paulina laments that she didn’t see her and gives Michaela her money back. Micaela accepts it and then asks what happened with Karen. When Paulina starts to cry, Micaela comforts her with a hug.

Monica arrives home and can’t understand why Gonzalo is treating her this way. She remembers all of Gonzalo’s promises and then his screams and abuses. She wonders if he really loved her or if she was just a whim that got complicated with her pregnancy. She reprimands herself because she knows her and her children were never a priority but she can’t stop loving him.

Silvestre finds the documents behind Joaquin’s photo and jumps out the window as soon as Odette and Adrian arrive. They check Olga and Julieta’s pluses, both alive. Adrian grabs a knife and goes to check the house. He comes back and calls an ambulance since there’s no one in the house anymore.

Jaime is talking with Gisela about a new project. She asks when he’s coming because she misses him and his advice and he says this very weekend. They hang up because he’s getting another call and he’s worried about Julieta. Gisela hopes she’ll better and hangs up. Dario asks Gisela if she’s okay because she suddenly looks upset but she says it’s nothing.

In his office, Adrian tells Jaime what happened and he says that he’ll be right over.

Monica tells Elisa what happened. Elisa says it’s common that women blackmail their spouses with their children and men with money. Monica gives her a look but she’s worried about their situation: she stopped working when Rene was born because Gonzalez asked her. Elisa tells her that she has to maintain firm. Monica agrees and says she will sell everything of value she has to get by. Elisa suggests she sell the Chetumal house and reminds her about the power of attorney she promised. Monica says he’s going to the notary right now and promises Elisa that Gonzalo will never make her feel like dirt again.

In Paulina’s room, Michaela tells Paulina to look for Karen as many as times as necessary to save their friendship. Paulina agrees. Chelo then comes in with Mauricio and they all comment on how spiffy he looks. They then go down for dinner. Before they go, Chelo asks Micaela what they spoke about but Micaela tells her not to be so nosy.

Julieta is being wheeled off but she can’t stop screaming about the papers. She’s sure Gonzalo sent the man to steal them from her. No one knows what she’s speaking about and they ask her to calm down but she keeps kicking and screaming till they sedate her.

Silvestre gives Gonzalo the documents and tells him he had to get rough with Julieta but Gonzalo doesn’t care about what happens to her. He then thanks him and gives him the money. When Silvestre leaves, Gonzalo burns the documents and wonders who gave her the documents.

The police question Olga about what happened but she doesn’t remember a thing. They ask Jaime to walk through the house with them so he can see if there’s anything missing. Adrian will go with Julieta in the ambulance and Odette in a taxi. Jaime then tells Odette that, despite everything, he loves Julieta and what just happened showed him how much.

While Alan does his homework, Rene complains that he’s going to be bored at the neighbor’s house. Elisa explains that she needs to go do something with her mom and they’ll be back soon. When she’s gone, the phone rings and Alan answers. It’s Paulina! She wants to know if they can hang out. Alan tells her that she can come and ask his mom personally, they’re out now but they’ll be back soon. Paulina writes down their address.

Ines comes in and tells her that she is going to ask Nuria to go back to her old bedroom just in case Paulina decides to return one day. Paulina tells her that won’t be necessary and then invites her to go with Mauricio and her to Alan and Rene’s house.

The police tell Jaime that there are no other signs of violence. Jaime tells him that nothing is missing; maybe the burglar didn’t have time. The police conclude that the house is too messed up for them not to have had time to at least take the money. Jaime finds it strange that they broke into a house and didn’t take anything. The police suggest that maybe Julieta is right and they took the documents. Jaime isn’t sure they even exist. The police then suggest they make a formal complaint about the attack his wife suffered.

Paulina arrives with Mauricio and the kids welcome him with open arms. Paulina explains that she was going to bring her mom but she decided to go out with her friend. They ask if her mom is as pretty as her but Paulina says she’s prettier. While Mauricio and Alan play, Rene tells Paulina that now their mom will have to let them play together since they’ll meet each other.

At the hospital, Jaime tells Adrian they didn’t steal anything. When they hang up, Odette suggests that maybe Julieta set everything up to show Adrian how bad her condition is so he doesn’t leave.

The kids and Paulina are playing. They want to learn sign language too and Paulina promises to teach them. Suddenly, the doorbell rings and Rene goes to answer it. It’s their dad, Gonzalo! The kids go to hug and kiss him before Paulina’s incredulous eyes. Gonzalo then locks eyes with Paulina and they both stare at each other in stunned silence…


Thanks so much, Alfie. That was fabulous.

What an ending! Paulina is learning ALL the dirt on Gonzo. Wait till she finds out that Gonzo also hit Inez. Each time she thinks she can't think less of him, she learns something else.

I'm upset Gonzo managed the get the documents, and is now pinning the blame on a dead man who isn't around to defend himself. Al and Camilo don't really believe him, but they have no proof, and he's making sure it stays that way.

Go away, Odette! Ugh!

Great work, Alfie.

I love how Gonzalo's mask is falling. What I don't like is the possibility that this could lead to him and Nuria vs. Ines and Paulina. Let's hope the writers didn't go there. Although it will be interesting to see Nuria's reaction when she finds out that he's been cheating on Ines for more than a decade.

Today's confrontation should be interesting. I wish Ines had been there, too, but the wife is always the last to know anywhere in the world.

What bugged me most about the episode was Gonzalo burning the documents. Shouldn't he have a cross-cutting shredder in his office? Much safer and certainly more modern. Maybe there are no cell phone towers on that island but there certainly is electricity and why would he have a lighter if he doesn't smoke?

Julieta's attempt at getting Adrian rejected from the university in Spain is unforgivable. Coming on the heels of the discovery about the pills, she needs to be admitted to an asylum. It comes as no surprise that Jaime doesn't quite believe that the stolen documents existed due to Julieta's ongoing behavior. She cannot be trusted to not do worse than this if she is allowed to remain free.

Odette got far too pushy this time and Adrian needs to get firmer with her. She is just the type to drug him, get into the other side of the bed, and let him think they boinked the night before. This could be a set-up for pregnancy entrapment. That she conspired with Julieta will also come back to bite her on the arse.

Thank you Vivi and Urban!

Im loving the fact that Paulina has been the first or second to know everything thats going on. In fact, she probably knows more than anyone here except Camilo.

I like that she questions and investigates and doesnt believe a word out of her fathers mouth.

Hey, Superalfie! Thank you sooo much! Gosh! Can Odette get more annoying!? I could just slap her!

Can't believe Julietta had the one and only true copy of the document in her house but it must be the way she freaked out! Hopefully Paulina made a copy of the copy Julietta gave her and put it in a safe deposit box.

Love your title, Superalfie! It's been a long time since I couldn't wait to get home to watch a novela and this being in the afternoon is one of the up sides of it. Gonzo's face was priceless when he saw Paulina! I LOVE the pace of this and the not leaving dirty deeds to the last week to be discovered. That goes hand in hand with baddies not always catching all the breaks. Oh, this is going to be so good!

Thanks again, Alfredo!


Vivi: I want Gonzo to get the biggest ANVIL ever!


I just about died when Gonzalo walked into that house! I cannot wait to watch the next episode. I'm assuming that for some reason or another, Paulina won't tell Ines (probably because of her high blood pressure, blah blah blah...) but I am hoping that I am wrong. I am finally invested in this show! Good stuff!

I love that Adrian told Odette what's what. She needs to take the hint and stop with the desperation. I had to laugh because she was so disappointed that he does not want her company. Ha!

I am really glad that Julieta's plan to stop Adrian from being accepted didn't work!! She is just so crazy.

I think Jaime and Adrian also need shrinks for being unwilling to put Julieta into a treatment facility. It's obvious that she is a danger to self and others. That she was willing to endanger her brother's career just to keep him at home and under her thumb is beyond sick. She needs to be under constant supervision.

I keep meaning to mention this, but has anyone else been getting a creepy vibe about Elisa insisting that Monica give her power of attorney over the new house and the kids? I feel like she plans to sell the house, and take the money and the kids, and ditch Monica. She's already done a good job of turning the kids against their mother.

I get that vibe too, Vivi. The first time she mentioned it to Monica she had a really suspicious smirk on her face as she walked away. But I don't think she wants to take the kids away. I think she's looking out for number one. Monica threatened to "exile" her if she kept on being a metiche in her and her relationships with her kids and Gonzo, so she's making sure she has a backup plan.

Thank you, Alfredo! This was a very enjoyable read! I really appreciate the effort you put into capturing all the details of this eventful episode. Just a tiny rectification if I may. The father of Julieta and Adrián is Joaquín Olmedo, not Joaquín Oleo. It may have been just a typo. We are always talking about the Murat and the Fonseca families but we don't mention the Olmedo last name very much in our recaps or discussions.

So crazy little Ms. Olmedo was hiding the incriminating paperwork behind the portrait of the late and lamented Mr. Olmedo Sr., hoping he might help her take down the man who swindled him? :D The woman is cuckoo, violent and unpredictible but I felt sorry for her in spite of the call she made to Adrián's university. All she had to go through to get those papers and in the end, The Gonz snatches them away from her, just like that! Does that mean she'll have to crawl back to Paulina and ask for the copy she gave her before the botched wedding? That would be a pretty ironic turn of events! Love these writers!

Ugh, Odette! Is it bad that I want Julieta to strangle her? Cannot stand looking at her! The actress is doing a wonderful job at being devious, repulsive and odious.

The pièce de résistance was that ending! Did not expect that AT ALL! We spent weeks speculating on who will discover The Gonz then on how/when/who/what will expose him to his family and it happens in the most mundane way! There is no deniability in the situation Pau witnessed: -"Daddy's home!" -"How are you my little cubs?" How in the world is he going to weasel his way out of this one? There is no escape possible.

Vivi and Anon, I'm not sure about Elisa's motives. My guess is that she is trying to secure her financial future. However, I don't think she would ditch her daughter or rob her. She nags a lot (with good reason, most of the time!) and she tends to manipulate the boys (not good!) but she is trying to get her daughter to watch out for her financial interests and those of René and Alan. Well, that's how I personally interpreted Elisa's behavior of the past few episodes. I may be wrong and with these writers, we never know.

Gracias otra vez, Alfredo and everyone! Happy Friday! :)

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