Thursday, March 23, 2017

La Piloto #12 3.22.17: In Which Yolanda Continues to Learn Harsh Life Lessons...

• The DEA helicopter lands in Mexico and the news spreads that the police have found 5 survivors of the plane crash after Zeki hijacked the plane. They hypothesize that he did this to escape the DEA because they found out that CAA was actually owned by John Lucio. In the helipad, Ortega helps Dave out of the helicopter as the paramedics come and ask if he’s okay. Ortega runs after Zulima and tells her that she’s not going anywhere because they know she also has ties to the Lucios. Zulima tells them that she’s hurt and wants to go home but hauls her off to jail.
• In the Lucio airstrip, Oscar finds out that that the survivors, including Zulima, have landed in Mexico. He warns her to not say anything or she’s dead and shoots the TV in anger.
• Amanda is handcuffed and taken to the jail cell where Lizbeth and Olivia are pacing. They wonder if Amanda talked when Amanda is brought in. They ask her who the man she was talking to was and she explains that it was a prosecutor and he tried to persuade her to say all she knew about the Lucios and Zeki in exchange for a lower sentence. They asks her if she took the deal but Amanda points out that she’s still in jail with them so obviously she didn’t. Just then, they bring in Zulima and all the girls go in for a hug. They ask her if she’s okay and Zulima confirms she is despite the fact that she almost died. They then ask about Yolanda and Zulima confirms that she heard she was okay and that John rescued her in the forest. A policeman comes in and tells the girls that Olivia has a visitor.

• In the interrogation room, Olivia is happy to see her father, a stoic, silent man, who found out that she was in jail from a friend on the force. She goes to thank him for his help but he confirms he isn’t there to help her and reiterates that he and her mother are disappointed in her actions and think jail is better than to keep being friends with the people she currently is in business with. Olivia explains that it wasn’t supposed to end like this for her but her father doesn’t care. He only came to tell her that they never want to see her again. He leaves and Olivia cries.
• Yolanda and John arrive at the airstrip. Yolanda is worried for Rosalba since she hasn’t been able to call her to tell her that she is safe and sound. John explains that the reception is sometimes bad at the airstrip and Yolanda thanks him again for all his help. He reminds her that she can count on him for whatever she needs but she believes that all men are not to be trusted; just look at Alberto, who turned out to be a rat. John asks that she not lump all men together; Alberto fooled them all and he probably was after her even though he said he wasn’t. Yolanda laments the fact that she is back where she started, may worse, since now she doesn’t have any money, a home she can go to and the police are looking for her. John offers his help again but warns her that he can’t take her back to the city and asks that she stay with him a few days until everything dies down. She shakes her head and tells him she will do things her way; her aunt came all the way to Tres Fuegos for her and she can’t leave her like that. He calls her stubborn but she reminds him he is too and asks if one of his men can drive her to the city to check on her aunt. He takes her to one of his taxis and asks the driver to take her to the city. Despite her protests, he gives her some money for food and clothes and reminds her to stay at the Lucio hotel where she’ll be safe. Yolanda reminds him to please help out her friends and he will. John then asks the driver to take the back streets and the tax drives away.
• The police take the girls to the interrogation room and Dave walks in with Ortega in tow. Olivia is shocked that he is a DEA agent with his dumb looking face. Dave tells them that they are being accused of working with drug traffickers but Zulima immediately jumps up and maintains her innocence. She tells them that she had no idea that CAA was linked to the Lucios or that they were helping out drug traffickers. Ortega reminds her that the girls were found with a bag of money, which was payment for the methamphetamines delivered in Miami. Becker asks if they have anything to say but Lizbeth reminds him that they won’t talk till their lawyer is present. Becker then asks Zulima about Zeki and she explains that she and the passengers tied him up but when the incoming helicopter distracted them, he escaped. Dave thinks it’s convenient that she got distracted; he thinks she let him go because she knows that if he goes down, he is taking her with him. Zulima doesn’t answer and he reminds them that they are low on the drug food chain and the real objective is the Lucios, who will them lead them to el Cartel de Las Sombras. Becker asks them to write down what they know and then they can talk about reducing their sentence. Dave reminds them that Lucio doesn’t care about them and offers his help in exchange for their cooperation. The girls are silent except for Zulima who asks him to take her handcuffs off.
• Moments later, on the way to their office, Becker asks Dave how he sees the case but Dave finds it hard. The girls are either loyal or scared but if being in a police station surrounded by cops isn’t enough to make them confess, anywhere else would be nearly impossible. Becker informs him that they will be released on bail but he imagines it will be high and Dave imagines if and when they reach out to the Lucios for help, that could be their in. Becker agrees and leaves as Ortega comes and tells him that they need his statement regarding the Miami deal so they can arrest Yolanda as well and link the Miami deal with the drugs they found at the Lucio warehouse. Dave hesitates for a second but goes.
• Yolanda is in the hotel trying to call Rosalba but she doesn’t answer. She then calls Estela, who’s happy to hear she’s alive and well. Yolanda doesn’t believe her and even thinks she would’ve wanted her to die but Estela reminds her she’s her mother, which Yolanda laments. Yolanda then asks her about Rosalba but Estela tells her Rosalba went to the pension to look for her and asks if Yolanda has seen Ernesto. Yolanda realizes Rosalba may be in danger and hangs up.
• In the airstrip, Arley asks if everything is good and John confirms they are; he is sure the DEA doesn’t know where the airstrip is located but still the laments the loss of CAA because it was leaving them with good, clean money. He then asks about the girls and Arley confirms that he sent the lawyer to help them. John then asks about Oscar and he reveals that his men saw him leave to the city.
• Oscar calls one of his men, who is setting up a car bomb, and they confirm everything is ready and on schedule.
• Yolanda arrives at the pension, dressed in dark clothes with a hat and sunglasses and goes to her apartment. Dolores is waiting inside and tells her she was worried because she hadn’t heard from her. She confesses that she gave Rosalba her address because she couldn’t locate Yolanda and when she came she found Ernesto and they fought outside and he threw her over the railing. Yolanda asks her where Rosalba is and Dolores tells her she’s in the general hospital. Yolanda runs off.
• Dave gives his statement to the commander about the Miami deal. Ortega comes and confirms Yolanda’s involvement. She tells the commander that they will put out an APB on her and look for family members she may have run to.
• Yolanda arrives at the hospital and asks about Rosalba. The front desk confirms she’s in the ICU and asks if she’s okay but the girl doesn’t know so she directs her to ICU. The front desk girl then asks for her name and Yolanda tells her she’s Beatriz Silva and she’s a friend.
• Becker asks the judge about the girls and he confirms they will be released on bail. Dave asks if Yolanda will reach bail but he confirms her case is more dire and serious.
• The doctor confirms Rosalba has a hematoma and that’s probably what’s causing the coma. Yolanda cries and asks if she will get better but the doctor tells her they need to monitor and control the hematoma and if she doesn’t wake up, then she will have too look into alternate, long-term care. She asks how long that can take and he confirms that she can die today or be in a coma for years, they just don’t know. He then asks if Rosalba has insurance and Yolanda confirms she doesn’t.
• As Ortega and Dave listen from outside the interrogation room, Olivia asks the girls what they think will happen and Amanda confirms that she thinks John will help them. Zulima thinks Yolanda should be there with them as Ortega comes in and confirms that they have been released on bail and gives them a folder with the amount. The girls all confirm that it’s too high but Ortega reminds them that’s not her problem and walks out. Lizbeth remembers the money she gave Mariana for their business transaction (pyramid scheme) and tells them she will call her to see if she can get her money back. Olivia wonders if she will but Lizbeth tells them Mariana has to because she’s their only option. Outside, Ortega wonders who Mariana is and Dave confirms that the need to let her make the call to find out.
• Yolanda walks out of Rosalba’s room and almost runs into DEA agents at the entrance. She goes down to the parking garage to leave the hospital when Ernesto comes up behind her. She runs from him but he taunts her with her predictability and threatens her with a knife. She tries to leave but he pushes her against a van and shows her his knife scar. He tells her that he wakes up every morning and sees it and remembers what happened and she will pay for all the ridicule he has endured. He turns her around and presses himself on him but Yolanda pushes him and he stabs himself by mistake. She gasps and Ernesto looks up at her as he bleeds out. He makes her grab the knife and stabs himself, declaring that she is going to go to jail. He collapses and dies as Yolanda looks at the blood on her hands and runs away.
• On the street, Yolanda calls John and asks him for him.
• At the airstrip, John asks Arley to go pick up Yolanda in the city at this address and hands him a piece of paper.
• Lizbeth comes back to the interrogation room and confesses that she called the number Mariana gave them and it was a strip club and Mariana doesn’t exist. Ortega and Dave listen as Olivia freaks out about the fact that they have no money left. Zulima shakes her head at their naiveté.
• Oscar arrives at the airstrip and John asks him where he was. Oscar confesses that he was preparing a surprise for tonight and John asks him what it is. Oscar confesses that he sent a car bomb to the police station. John shakes his head and asks him if he’s gone crazy; all the flight attendants are there. Oscar explains that they get rid of all their problems at once but John is pissed.
• Outside the station, Dave and Ortega come out. He feels like a truck has passed on top of him and Ortega offers to take him to her house so they can eat something and shower. He agrees but she can’t seem to get her door open and Dave goes to help her. Under one of the cars, a bomb ticks off.
• John reminds Oscar that he can’t just do whatever he wants and take decisions without his authorization. Oscar tells him that Yolanda isn’t even there but John reminds him her friends are and Arley’s woman too. John reminds him that it’s more serious to be arrested for drug trafficking than it is for terrorism. John’s phone rings and a mysterious man asks him why they keep calling attention to themselves since they entered the organization. John tells him that the news is lying but the man reminds him they know all their movements before the news. He asks if they will be able to continue working for them without drawing so much attention. John agrees and then tells Oscar to think before he acts. He hangs up and gets a message that Yolanda arrives and leaves.
• Yolanda arrives at the airstrip and the Lucios ask if she’s okay. Yolanda is silent and John takes her to one of the hangers and asks if she wants tequila but she doesn’t. Instead, she announces that she wants to work with him as a pilot. She wants to be up in the sky, far from everyone and everything. He reminds her that she once told him she didn’t want to be in anyone’s shadow but she tells him that she will be his right hand man and his best pilot and his woman. They stand up and kiss.
• The girls are loaded into a police car, kicking and screaming, as Dave continues to try and open the car door. The bomb continues counting off.
• John goes into his office and tells Oscar that he sent Arley to try and retrieve the bomb before it exploded. Oscar tells them there are only minutes left and he problem won’t reach it in time. John asks him to call the station and force an evacuation but Oscar thinks he’s exaggerating. John asks him to please listen to him for once in his life.
• Yolanda looks at the planes and feels them. John comes and gives her a gun and tells her that it’s all hers. She asks him why she needs it and he tells her that someone very dear to him gave him that gun and it has gotten him out of a lot of jams and he wanted to give it to her so it can bring her luck. She reminds him that she doesn’t know how to use a gun but he offers to teach her.
• Dave is able to open the door and they get in. They drive by the front of the station and run into Becker, who asks them where they’re going. Ortega invites him to her apartment to celebrate and he offers to bring some wine and cheese. They agree to meet in a few minutes. They drive off as Becker walks toward his car and notices the red ticking dot of the car bomb behind the wheel of one of the cars. He tries to run away but the bomb counts to 0 and explodes, sending him flying backwards. He is rendered unconscious as alarms rings everywhere and the girls freak out in a nearby car, asking what happened. Agents run over to see if the girls are okay as Dave and Ortega see the explosion and run over to see if Becker’s okay.
• John teaches Yolanda how to shoot. She tells him that she wants to shoot the yellow bottle and aims, shooting it right in the middle. Oscar comes and ridicules them for their PDA and congratulates Yolanda on moving up the food chain from flight attendant/drug runner to sicario. Arley informs Oscar that they couldn’t reach the bomb in time and Oscar asks him to go back. Arley hangs up but asks the driver to continue toward the station because he needs to see if Amanda is okay.
• Dave tries to save Becker but Ortega tells him to let Becker go. Dave cries over his body and grabs Becker’s badge and puts it in his pocket.
• John chides Oscar for ruining his life and disobeying orders. He reminds him that they have to be discreet in this business and not call attention to themselves. Yolanda comes and asks if he’s okay. He confirms he is and then they leave.
• Arley arrives at the station and orders his men to attack by the back. A shootout ensues as the police take the girls out of the car and ask them to get down low. Ortega then takes the girls inside the station where Arley can’t see them and asks Dave for cover.
• John and Yolanda get into a taxi to go to the city and one his men tells him they have to go west to avoid being seen.
• Arley gets as far as the police station door but has to run when more paramedics come. Later, Dave tells Ortega that he saw Arley and Ortega wonders if they did all this to rescue the girls. Dave shakes his head, they could’ve paid the bail; this was revenge. He screams and tells her that Becker’s death won’t be in vain.
• The girls are back in jail crying their eyes out when Dave comes in and ask them to stand up. He shows them Becker’s badge and tells them that the Lucios put the bomb that killed his friend because he’s a murderer and they are never going to get out of jail. Zulima maintains her innocence but Dave screams for them to talk and then gets closes to Zulima and tells her to tell the Lucios that he’s coming for them and he’s going to kill them both. He leaves and Zulima asks them to calm down.
• In the Lucio hotel, Yolanda remembers what happened with Ernesto in the parking garage and cries.
• In the Costa Rican forest, Zeki continues to walk in the forest and the news confirms they have not been able to locate him after the plane crashed. . He doesn’t notice a snake slithering close by and it bites him. He falls down, doubled over in pain.
• Yolanda comes out of the bathroom in her room and hears about the car bomb at the police station. She is shocked to learn that they suspect the Lucios did it as a form of retaliation. She grabs her gun and goes out of her bedroom.
• In the kitchen of the Lucio hotel, Oscar informs the manager that they will be no more clients at the hotel and no one goes in or out without their authorization. She agrees and leaves. Just then, Yolanda comes and points her gun at Oscar and asks him why he put the car bomb at the police station. Oscar asks if she thinks she can put a gun to his head like that but she demands he talk. He takes out his gun and points it at Yolanda and asks her to give him one reason to blow her head off…


Thanks, Alfredo. You are doing great work with these recaps.

I'm surprised that Rosalba survived, but now Yolanda has a noble reason for earning dirty money.

At last, someone higher up in the narco biz calls out the Lucios on the huge mess they are making that puts them in the news and attracts even more law enforcement. Oscar having the police bombed was insane. Arley should be wondering if Oscar is willing to blow up the police with the flight attendants there, what would he do to him (Arley) if things go sour?

I want Zeki to survive so he can take down Zulima.

I sympathize with Yolanda -- it's been one blow after another -- but I don't see how Dave can still having feelings for her after all of this.

Thanks, Alfredo! You are doing fantastic work with this. I love your fast-paced, interesting, significant-detail-filled recaps!

Also, Jardinera654, forgot to thank you for your excellent recap a few days ago!

There's enough fire power on this show to take down the governments of several countries, let alone a single group of narcos. I love Agent Dave, but if I were his boss, I'd be thinking of taking him off this case. He's let his bad guys/gals escape multiple times when he has had them cornered. And he can't even get three, scared flight attendants to start talking?

I am willing to suspend some belief, but I didn't like how they didn't bother to explain how everyone escaped the plane crash unscathed AND Dave, Yolanda, and pregnant woman somehow ended up in a completely different part of the rain forest. Did the plane break apart strategically somehow? Also, did the cops and Lucios fly in a helicopter all the way from Mexico to Costa Rica?

In spite of these annoyances, I am still really enjoying this show. Compared to that snore-fest Vino El Amor, this one has action and a lot of chemistry between the leads. That bad guys are amazing, too, and very believable. The guy playing Óscar (I forget his name but have seen him many times before) is terrific in this role.

Thanks again, Alfredo!

Alfredo, I'm shocked too. Ernesto deserved a much, much worse fate. The whole plane crash and folks scrambling in the jungle reminded me of "Lost" and I thought they'd be there for awhile, but nope. I love not knowing what will happen next.

Niecie: The Villains are going to continue wreaking havoc!

Thank you Alfredo great detailed recap as always. Niece, I too am surprised that Rosalba is still living. After the sight of the pool of blood I was sure Rosalba was gone. When Yoli’s drunken a$$ excuse of a mom told her that her tia went to the pension to see her the look of dread on Yoli’s face was priceless. I didn’t expect Yoli to have a hand in Ernesto’s death but that ba$tard made sure to get her prints on the knife. I screamed at the tv ‘get the knife get the knife!’ Completely agree Niece I wanted to savor Ernesto’s anvil. I’m like yet another problem to add to her growing list of problems. I swore that Lizbeth would have been the first to crack under the pressure since she was the last one to get on board. Nice to see that Arley cares about Amanda since Oscar gives no damns whatsoever for these women. Why is Zuli so strangely calm during all this? I was hoping that Zeki would somehow escape the jungle and show up week slater to ‘haunt’ Zuli but it looks like the snake got him. Then again this is a novella so anything is possible lol. On another note, does anyone remember who introduced the ladies to the Mariana? Yoli is getting deeper, albeit grudgingly, into the narco life. Her natural toughness and at times her stubbornness will do her well but when she pulled her gun on Oscar I was like she just stepped over the line. As much as John loves her and is infatuated with her he will not be pleased. Oscar just put an even bigger target on their backs as he acts first and thinks later. With Yolanda is involved with John I’m sure there will come a time where he asks his brother to choose. Monica is beside herself that Dave has the feels for Yoli while she has the feels for Dave. Put on your seatbelts amigos!

Oh boy Alfredo...glad you're "in shape" for this one because evidently it's going to keep going at a frenetic pace. Little by little our little gal longing for a decent life has been backed into a corner where a life of crime is her only option.

Her good man Albert has turned out to be DEA agent Dave, her good aunt Rosalba, now lies between life and death and needs a lot of money to pay for care.

Being John Lucio's piloto and mujer is her only option. So she's still a sympathetic character, at least for me, as are the poor frazzled azafatas who have lost all their savings.

Find it a little hard to believe that Mena would be so devoted to Amanda, after just one interrupted coupling, that he would storm in to save her, but what the heck, I'm all for a little gallantry, even if it's the grungy kind.

Oscar and Zulima seems to have no redeeming qualities. He's stupid, impulsive and heartless. She's clever, calculated and sadistically heartless. Both are a danger to John Lucio who seems to have a mix of qualities. At least where Yolanda is concerned.

Happy that the repulsive Ernesto has been eliminated, but again, that's another crime stacked against our hapless Yoli. And of course every jam-packed episode ends on another cliffhanger. Whoosh. Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be an incredibly bumpy ride.

Thanks Alfredo. You're a champ.


Wow. What an epi...great recap Alfredo.

So much to digest...but the biggest concern is for our heroine Yoli. While I was surprised and glad for Ernesto's demised...the fact that he forced her prints on the knife are concerning. I hope there was an unknown witness to all this ....because while I question Yoli's judgement and actions...she does not deserve to go down for his death. It was a well deserved accident that were caused by his sadistic actions. With the pace of this show...I hope we know soon how this will impact Yoli's future.

Niecie ...I too chuckled at the similarities of the plane crash with that TV show Lost. Would have been better for Yoli to stay lost in the jungle that to have had the confrontation she had with Ernesto..but again, good riddance. Hopefully Zuli is next. I didn't want it to end so quick for Zeki...he deserves his revenge.

I was encouraged that Dave was able to get a few words in with his brief conversation with Yoli but she's not hearing it right now. I'm sure they will sink in at the appropriate time. However, I expected him to do more to defend Yoli at the police station. I mean he knows she came to support him so I thought he'd bring that up and try to deflect or defend her him some way. I hope there's a way for him to step up on this issue with the police. I know she did everything else on her own but she would not have been there ...this time...if not for him so he needs to figure out how to help out on this one.



Thank you Alfredo for the clarity - I was racking my brain trying to remember.

Thanks Alfredo for all the great recaps.

It's possible that sleazeball Ernesto survived, isn't it? We haven't seen the corpse or the funeral, so TN rules state that anything is still possible, and it does seem a bit early for him to go bye bye. Plus, with Rosalba's improbable survival and Yolanda spitting in death's eye more than once, they're a bunch of toughies from Tepic. Maybe there's something in the water.

I've noticed some inconsistencies, too, like how big was this international airline supposed to be when they seemed to only have one crew of flight attendants. But I will take this action and pace over a snoozefest any day. However, I don't really need to see a gigantic shootout every single episode.

Yolanda does seem to have jumped in with both feet at this point. I'm really not liking Zuli. And the actor playing Oscar is killing it. I remember him from Teresa; he was good in that role, too.

I saw Monday and Tuesday's episodes last night and will see this episode tonight. But WOW!!!
Thanks Alfredo and Jardinera for the amazing recaps!

First off, the fact that John went searching for Yolanda makes me know he truly cares about her--as much as he can care about someone other than Oscar. After Tuesday night's episode my thought was "She is making him a better man and he is making her a better criminal".

I'm not surprised Ernesto died so soon. When Zeki didn't immediately kill Zuli after finding his families' bodies I realized that everyone in the opening credits is safe for a long while.

I too hope Zeki lives and the Lucio's find out he didn't betray them. But he is not in the opening credits so will the snake bite kill him? I also want him to be the one to knock off Zuli but I realistically don't think that will happen.

I'm not sold on Dave. He has a long way to go for me to like him as a galan for Yoli. So far all we know is that he told Ortega he was following Yoli because he thought she was closer to the Lucio's, they get drunk on tequila one night, and then she goes to his place vulnerable and afraid because of Ernesto, where she confesses she was raped and he then proceeds to sleep with her. At least John risked not escaping the feds to find out if she was okay after the plane crash.

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